Econ 211 Final Exam Review

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T/F- market supply curve is negatively sloped at higher wages meaning it attracts more workers

false - positively slopes

T/F- income distribution is more unequal than wealth distribution in the US

false, wealth distribution is more unequal

example of common property resource

fisheries, highways

political left on poverty

focus on equity- make income and wealth more equitable through expanding public education, house, subsidies and health care

political right on poverty

focus on growth, incentives to work reduce government welfare increase growth overall, make the "pie" bigger, not more equal

the poverty threshold is the US are largely based on an adjusted measure of prices of which category or categories of goods?


role of asymmetric information

when one party to a transaction knows more than another party, you know your health better than your insurance company does

What is FU money?

"goodbye" to your boss

premium insurance

how much you pay every month/ year

which policy would rawls not support?

a reduction in capital gains taxes benefiting high income earners

according to gary beck's theory on economic discrimination, employers who successfully discriminate in their hiring practices will

earn less profits because they must pay more for labor

carbon trading

effects are not local (if coal plant reduces sulfur dioxide, surrounding areas benefit- if a state reduces CO2 levels, the state does not benefit anymore than the rest of the world)

Lorenz Curve

the graphical measure of income inequality

T/F - US poverty rates are correlated with race, through black and hispanic poverty rates


T/F - climate change has reached a sense of urgency as scientists predict catastrophic consequences if greenhouse gases are not contained


T/F - for competitive firms the profits are maximized when labor is hired to the point where VMPL= the wage rate


T/F- discriminating firms earn a lower profit than non discriminating firms because they are paying higher wages. in the long run, it does not pay to discriminate


T/F- income effect dominates substitution effect at higher wages


T/F- substitution effect dominates income effect at lower wages


Where is the substitution effect on an individual supply for labor graph?

it is the lower portion before the turning point, increases

What are the four factors of production?

land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship

is rawls the political left or right


generational equity

little immediate impact on our lives, benefits future generations

what is "poor" defined as

living on $2 a day

global equity

rich countries biggest sacrifice, poorer countries will receive the biggest benefit from effects to reduce the impact of global warming

is nozick the political left or right


non wage aspects in supply of labor

safety, flexible schedules (for child care reasons), ability to work from home

positive consumption externality

shift demand to the right

negative production externality

shift supply to the left

if immigration into the US increases, the labor supple in the US will shift________ and the wage rate will_____.

shift to the right, and decrease

market based policies

taxes, subsidies, tradable permits

sustainable definition

the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future. generations to meet their own needs

why isn't "zero emissions" generally an economically efficient level of pollution?

the marginal abatement cost would greatly exceed the marginal damage from emissions

what percentage of people in US are affected by poverty?


example of a public good with exclusion

cable tv

command and control

central agency sets the rules for emissions levels allowed, technologies, and enforcement procedures abatement costs become compliance costs

Jeff owns a small business installing home security systems prices at $1,000 each. By himself, he can install four systems per month. If he hires an assistant, a total of ten systems can be installed. If he hires two assistants, a total of fifteen systems can be installed. Assuming that the prices stays the same, what is the marginal revenue product of the first assistant and the marginal revenue product of the second assistant?

$6,000; $5,000

what is gary beckers theory?

(1930-2014) explained demographic changes and criminal behaviors by focusing on the economic incentives. He argues that discrimination is economically detrimental to all parties

how did knoxville no longer become a non-attainment region

- buses run on natural gases - interstates signs encourages averting behavior

characteristics of a lorenz curve

- cumulates households of various income levels on the horizontal axis - cumulates the share of total income on the vertical axis - the more bowed the lorenz curve the greater the income of inequality

what are causes for income inequality?

- differences in human capital, as hgih-paying jobs require much more education and skills than before - discrimination that keeps wages low for certain groups of workers - rise of 2- earner households, which has increased overall household income

causes for market failure

- externalities - existence of public goods - common property resources

causes of poverty and income inequality

- human capital (education and ability - discrimination - stagnant wages - poor are financially punished for being poor (buying in bulk, not given loans) - health problems - bad luck

changing the world of work

- increased labor forced participation by women - 2 earner families have increased - telecommuting, flexible work days - family benefits (paid family leave=0) - low skilled jobs are filled by temporary work visas in the US - 185 types of visas

traditional causes of poverty

- lack of human capital - mental or physical disability - drug addition - what comes first the addition or the poverty? - unwillingness to work of apathy toward work - refusal to relocate for work

Characteristics of a competitive labor market

- many buyers and sellers - homogeneous product - easy entry and exit - all workers are equally productive - information is available and accurate

civil rights act of 1964

- no discrimination on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin

what are the four shifts in supply of labor

- non wage income - demographics - non wage aspects - wages in competing labor markets

privileges along the way from living comfortably, above poverty line

- parents can work less and spend more time with child or pay for quality child care - child lives in wealthier environment - more likely to attend better schools= better prepared for college - can focus on school only in college

New factors causing poverty

- wages have not kept up with rising costs - technological changes and globalization have changed employment opportunities - health costs are rising - rise in single parent families

life cycle effects

- young people typically earn modest incomes - income peaks between 45- 55 - income declines with retirement (as do costs)

if the distribution of income in an economy is perfectly equal, what would its gini coefficient be?


the gini coefficient for the US


Which Gini coefficient corresponds to a Lorenz curve that is bowed furthest away from the 45-degree line?


what percent of students that attend ivy leagues are from the top 1%


percentage breakdown of distribution of income

67.8% - wages 9.8% - proprieties income 4.6%- rent 14.3% - corporate profits 3.5% - net income

marketable or tradable permits

A regulatory body sets a maximum allowable quantity allowed, typically called the cap, and issues permits granting the right to pollute a certain amount. These permits can be bought and sold; hence the common term cap and trade.

command-and-control policy

A security control that is inherited by one or more organizational information systems. (vehicle emissions standards)

market based policies

Charges, taxes, subsidies, deposit-refund systems, or tradable emission permits achieve the same ends. Examples include effluent charges, user charges, and bottle deposits.

what does FIRE stand for?

Financial Independence Retire Early

examples of private goods

Food, Homes, Clothing, airline ticket


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

what is the formula for marginal revenue product?


What is the formula for the value of marginal product of labor


personal or family distribution of income

The distribution of income to individuals or family groups (typically quintiles, or fifths, of the population).

T/F - higher the gini coefficient, the more unequal


income definition

a flow measure reflecting the funds received by individuals or businesses over a specific period


a free rider problem

emission taxes

a tax on every unit of pollution produced to achieve the socially efficient outcome

if you spend 15% of your income on food, where are you on the poverty line?

above the poverty line

law of large numbers

allows for everyone to have insurances


an action or transaction that affects a third party who is not a party to it - can be a positive externality (benefits other outside the market) - can be a negative externality (costs of others outside the market) - can be caused by production of consumption

Ronald Coase (1910-2013)

argued that private markets are the most efficient way to solve externality problems

is knoxville a non-attainment region?

as of 2017, knoxville is no longer a non-attainment region

what are unions?

associations that bargain with employers over the terms and conditions of work. jobs in the future focus more on services, such as health care, transportation, and information technology

what shape is the graph for an individual supple for labor

backward bending

beckers theory on non discriminating firms-

can hire from a larger supply of workers are lower wages, resulting in lower costs and greater profits

Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012)

challenged the conventional solutions to the tragedy of the commons

what type of good are highways

common property resource

non rivalry

consumption by one does not reduce that good's or service's utility of others

American with Disabilities Act

discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities is prohibited

environmental policy

deals with the incentives faced by policy makers who wish to align public interests wirh business interests

Where is a firm's demand for labor derived from?

demand for its product (price) and the productivity of labor

What determines how much you get paid?

depends on the marginal productivity

poverty definition

developed in the 1960s based on the USDA's foodplan (spend 1/3 on food)

why is health care so expensive?

doctors are paid for doing more high-tech interventions especially more intensive and expensive interventions, insured customers demand more than they would if they were paying full price

equal pay act of 1963

equal pay for equal work

paying $5 on amazon to stream a movie is an example of a service that is ______ in consumption

excludable and nonrival


forgo paper financial statements and printed newspaper and books, use LED or compact fluorescent bulbs

nonattainment in knoxville

from "state of the air 2013" knox county received a grade "D" in ozone and a "fail" in annual particle pollution, knoxville was a non-attainment region for both in 2013

social costs/ benefits

full resource costs/benefits of an economic activity, including externalities

when ronald's hourly wage increased from $12 to $15, this allowed him to reduce the number of hours worked so that he can spend more time studying, what is TRUE. about ronald's individual labor supply at this point?

his income effect is stronger than his substitution effect

what is the value of the marginal product of labor?

in competitive labor markets, the firm is a price taker, which means MR=P

the coase -

in the presence of an externality, if transaction costs are small, the resulting allocation of resources will be efficient regardless of the initial allocation of property rights

which factor is LEAST likely to shift the labor supply curve for the web designers

increase in productivity of web designers as a result of improved software

wages in competing labor markets

industry with higher wages will attract more workers

which is TRUE regarding the coase theorem?

it doesn't matter which party to the transaction is assigned the property right

do you think MLB player salary is equal to marginal revenue product?

they are paid more than the MRP

the clean air act of 1970

mandated fewer auto emissions and the processes to recude those emissions

what is the economically efficient level of pollution?

marginal benefits= marginal costs

what does MPPL stand for?

marginal physical product of labor

policy options- command and control

market incentives can often be bypassed through direct regulation - govt specifies the required outcome and the process by which it is to be achieved

what is rawls maximum principle

maximize the minimum, redistribution

wealth definition

measure of an individual's or family's assets, net of liabilities, at a given time

what is a result of economic discrimination?

members of different groups are segregated into different occupations

command and control makes very harmful substances such as

mercury and raditation

Beckers theory of discriminating firms-

must pay higher wages for "preferred" workers, resulting in higher costs and lower profits

example of a public good

national defense, clean air, free riding

is pollution a negative or positive externality?


is emissions standard a market based policy?


public beaches

non excludable by rival

market failure

occurs when a market outcome does not provide the socially optimal level of output


once a good or service is provided it is not possible to exclude others from enjoying it

depth of poverty

one measure of poverty depth is the income deficit, the difference between the poverty threshold and a family's income

non wage income characteristics

passive income, examples include rental properties, stocks, interest earned, inheritance. this decreases the supply curve because of greater income(less work)

deductible insurance

payment each visit

another name for the emission tax

pigouvian tax

Demographics in supply of labor characteristics

population, immigration, labor force, participation rates

is getting the flu shot a negative or positive externality?


what was beckers conclusion?

pressures of market competition should drive discrimination to zero in the long run

private costs/ benefits

private costs are costs incurred solely by an individual or firm as a result of their own activities; private benefits are benefits enjoyed solely by an individual or firm as a result of their own activities

technology to deal with global climate change is a public good:

private firms find it difficult to fund it when others free ride on their inventions

what type of a good is an Amtrak train ticket

private good

what type of good is dollywood?

private good

age discrimination in employment act of 1967

protects workers over 40 from age discrimination

which of these is the best example of common property resource

public recreational park

nozick's theory

redistribution of wealth is not good, there will be no incentives and people will not work hard

health care

related to public goods, not excluded, not taken away from other people - the emergency room care when it is not busy

"herd immunity"

requires a large portion of the population to be immunized

executive order 11246

requires affirmative action in hiring women and minorities

functional distribution of income

splits income among the factors of production

share of income by quintile

the US distribution of income has grown more unequal over the past 3 decades. every income quintile except the highest has declined in percentage of income

marginal physical product of labor

the additional output from adding one more worker

Marginal revenue product

the amount of addition revenue one workers earns for the firm

how do progressive taxation and redistribution policies affect the lorenz curve and gini coefficient?

the lornz curve becomes less curved and the gini coefficient decreases

supple of labor

the time an individual is willing to work at various wage rates

public good

type of market failure

individual social

ways to prove

if the marginal damage curve is above the marginal abatement cost curve at the current quantity of emissions, the socially optimal amount of emissions

will be less than the current amoutn

what is income effect?

workers choose fewer hours when wages rise and more hours when wages fall. extra income means less desire/need for work

what is substitution effect?

workers choose more hours as wages rise opportunity cost of leisure

economic discrimination

workers of equal ability and productivity are paid different wages or are otherwise discriminated against- this is illegal

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