Econ exam 3
a tariff is a
A tax on imported goods
what is the difference between command-and-control policies and market-based policies towards externalities
Command-and-control policies regulate behavior directly, whereas market-based policies provide incentives for private decisionmakers to change their behavior.
is it legal for a biochemical manufacturer to release its waste into a nearby stream, then this is an example of
a command-and-control policy
Good that are rival in consumption but not excludable would be considered
a common resource
the sign on a church in your neighborhood reads "all are welcome at Sunday Service." because the church has limited seating and is usually full, the sunday service is
a common resource
which of the following goods
a congested toll read
the difference between a corrective tax and a tradable pollution permit is that
a corrective tax sets the price of pollution and a permit sets the quantity of pollution
When a country moves away from a free trade position and imposes a tariff on imports, it causes
a decrease in total surplus in the market.
an example of a private good would be
a pair of pants
Because elephants roam freely in many countries in Africa, each individual African elephant poacher has
a strong incentive to kill as many elephants as he can find
the price corresponding to the horizontal dotted line on the graph represents the price of cars
before trade is allowed
which of the following represents a way that a government can help the private market to internalize an
both _ and _ are correct
Why do elephants face the threat of extinction while cows do not?
cattle are owned by ranchers, while elephants are owned by no one
Private markets fail to account for externalities because
decision makers in the market fail to include the costs of their behavior to third parties.
When a country allows trade and becomes an importer of a good,
domestic producers become worse off, and domestic consumers become better off.
a tariff on a product makes
domestic sellers better off and domestic buyers worse off
If an aluminum manufacturer does not bear the entire cost of the smoke it emits, it will
emit a higher level of smoke than is socially efficient.
For any country, if the world price of zinc is higher than the domestic price of zinc without trade, that country should
export zinc, since that country has a comparative advantage in zinc
a command-and-control policy is another term for a
government regulation
negative externalities lead markets to produce
greater than efficient output levels and positive externalities lead markets to produce smaller than efficient output levels.
if the world price of textiles is higher Vietnams domestic price ...
has a comparative advantage in textiles
the country for which the figure is drawn
has a comparative advantage relative to other countries in the production of crude oil and it will export crude oil
which of the following statements is correct
"Owners of firms in young industries should be will to inquire temporary losses if they believe that those firms will be profitable in the long run." this observation helps to explain why many economics are skeptical about the.
infant-industry argument
When an externality is present, the market equilibrium is
insufficient, and the and the equilibrium does not maximize the total benefit to society as a whole
the infant-industry argument
is based on the belief that protecting industries when they are young will pay off later
Mary and Cathy are roommates. Mary assigns a $30 value to smoking cigarettes. Cathy values smoke-free air at $15. Which of the following scenarios is a successful example of the Coase theorem?
mary pays cathy $16 so that mary can smoke
which of the following policies is an example of a command-and-control policy ?
maximum levels of pollution that factories will emit
corrective taxes are unlike most other taxes because they
move the allocation of resources closer to the social optimum.
An AM radio transmission of a baseball game is
not excludable and not rival in consumption
at the local park there is a playground that anyone can use. there is rarely anyone using the playground, so the children that use the playground receive full enjoyment from its use. the playground is.
not rival in consumption nor is it excludable
Most lighthouses are operated by the government because
of the free rider problem
An externality is the impact of
one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander
the course theorem asserts that, in presence of externalities
private economic actors sometimes can reach a bargain that produces an efficient outcome
suppose new zealand goes from being an isolated...
producer surplus increases for producers off wool in new zealand
a free rider is a person who?
receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it
which of the following is not a negative externality associated with driving cars?
When the nation of Duxembourg allows trade and becomes an importer of software,
residents who produce software become worse off. residents who buy the soft wear become better off. and the economic well-being of Duxembourg rises.
internalizing a positive externality will cause the demand curve to
shift to the right
the preposition that if private parties can bargain without cost over the allocation of resources, they can solve the problem of externalities on their own, it's called
the course theorem
to achieve the optimal provisions of public goods, the
the government must either provide the goods or subsidize their production
47-50 idk
this will get you a get you a 90
Which parable describes the problem of wild animals that are hunted to the point of extinction?
tragedy of the commons
in many cases the course theorem does not work well because
transaction counts are too high
Without government intervention, public goods tend to be
underproduced and common resources tent to be over produced
under which of the following scenarios would a park be considered a common resource?
violators can enter the park free of charge, but frequently all of the picnic tables are in use
in a market economy, government intervention
will always improve market outcomes