EEB 4129 Lab 5+6 Primates+Rodents 1

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Scandentia, Tupaiidae (tree shrews)

MARSUPIAL-LIKE fenestrated palate, postorbital bar, complete zygomatic arch, cheek teeth dilambdodont, incisors canine-like and separated, canines molar-like

Dermoptera, Cynocephalidae (flying lemus/colugos)

broad flat palate (heart shaped intersection with vomer); pointed well-developed lophs on cheek teeth, first incisors reduced and separated, second incisors canine-like, lower incisors tooth comb

Atelidae & Hylobatidae




Haplorrhini, Hylobatidae (gibbons and siamangs)

frontals and parietals form jagged "wishbone", large globular braincase, post-orbital plate, prominent canines, bunodont molars

Haplorrhini, Atelidae (howler monkeys and prehensile-tailed monkeys)

frontals and parietals form non-jagged "wishbone", post-orbital plate, very globular braincase, human-like lower incisors, canines only slightly prominent

Haplorrhini, Cercopithecidae (old world monkeys)

heavily-ridged skull, post-orbital plate, LONG rostrum, large upper incisors separated from broad incisors

Haplorrhini, Hominidae, Gorilla gorilla

huge temporal and saggital crest, square orbits,

Haplorrhini, Hominidae (great apes and humans)

large braincase, shortish rostrum, broad incisors, bunodont quadrate molars

Strepsirrhini, Galagidae (bushbabies and galagos)

no strongly-developed temporal ridges, post-orbital bars, slender zygomatic arch, braincase smaller than orbit, significant gapped upper incisors, lower tooth comb

Strepsirrhini, Indriidae (indris, sifakas, and relatives)

postorbital bars (not plate), broad zygomatic arches, enlarged angular, procumbent lower insicors and canines make a toothcomb, first upper incisors enlarged and seprated (gap), first lower pre-molar canine-like

Haplorrhini, Hominidae, Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)

skull not very "long" anterioposteriorly, temporal ridge dips down

Haplorrhini, Hominidae, Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan)

slight temporal ridge goes back on cranium, no nasal ridge, orbits very round and close together

Hystricomorpha, Bathyergidae (blesmols and mole rats)

small infraorbital foramina without accessory groove, large but flattened bullae, no yellow incisors, short paroccipital processes,

Strepsirrhini, Lorisidae (lorises)

well-defined temporal ridges, broad post-orbital bars, gapped upper incisors, lower tooth comb

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