EGEE 101 Final Hard Q's

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Methane turns into liquid at

-164 degree C

21 million Joules of chemical energy are supplied to a boiler in a power plant. 5,000,000 Joules of energy are lost up the smokestack. The boiler radiates 1.5 million Joules of heat to the atmosphere. What is the efficiency of the boiler? (2 points)


The useful output from a heat engine is 962 joules. The energy that is wasted is 4428 J? What is the efficiency of the engine?


How many hydrogen atoms are present in coal for one carbon atom?


How often does a fuel rod need to be replaced in the nuclear power plant?

1-3 years

What fraction of home energy is used for lighting in the US?


Approximately what percentage of US energy is hydroelectric?


If a cycloparaffin compound has six carbon atoms, how many hydrogen atoms are present in the molecule?

12 hydrogen atoms

Presently, the amount of ethanol produced from biomass amounts to

14 billion gallons

Presently, solar cells have efficiency of about


What is the power output of the largest geothermal power plant located in North California?

1700 MW

If a paraffin compound has 8 carbon atoms, how many hydrogen atoms are present in the molecule?

18 hydrogen atoms

What percent of the nation's electricity can wind potentially supply according to Pacific Northwest Laboratory?


What is the practical efficiency of wind energy ?


Approximately, what percentage of world coal reserves does United States possess?


What is the approximate current U.S. geothermal power plants total generating capacity?

2700 MW

The concentration of nuclear fuel in a nuclear power plant is


What is the approximate cost of electricity from wind energy ?

3-5 Cents / KWH

What does the Betz limit state the maximum efficiency of a wind turbine is?


The amount of power generated from biomass power plants in the United States is

7000 MW

Energy per gallon produced by biodiesel is less than petroleum based diesel by


What is the approximate carbon content in petroleum crude?


The performance of gasoline with octane number 87 is similar to the performance of a fuel containing

87% octane 13% heptane

Which among the following is a secondary pollutant?

Acid rain

What is the best way to cut home heating or cooling bills?

Add Insulation

Which coal has the highest fixed carbon content?


Which hydrocarbons have benzene and rings of benzene?


In a DAF basis analysis, which of the following properties are excluded

Ash and Moisture

Which energy conversion device typically has the lowest energy efficiency?

Automobile engine

Which of the following is an example of biomass derived from agricultural residue?


Which geothermal power plant system has zero emissions?


What is the major difference between the Flash system and Binary system?

Binary uses secondary fluid

Most of the coal found in United States is

Bituminous coal

What do industries use to generate steam and hot water?

Boiler fuel

Which of the following is not true about solar trough (distributed collector)?

Boiler is used to generate steam

How does CO affect human health?

By impairing visibility, Affecting Central Nervous system, & Heart attack

The formula for paraffin cyclohexane is


What is the unit used to measure the amount of cooling needed in summer time?


Which is the main ingredient in natural gas?


Which of these is the major constituent of natural gas?


Which among the following is not a primary pollutant?


Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?


Which one of the following is an example of clean coal technology?

Carbon dioxide sequestration

What is the problem with aromatics in the petroleum industry?


In the process of mining coal, the useful energy output is in the form of __________ energy.


Which industry uses the most energy?


Which United States industry is a heavy energy user?

Chemical products, Oil refining, Paper making, Metal refining

Which of the following energy transformations is not possible?

Chemical to Nuclear

Where is Three Gorges dam located?


Which fossil fuel contributes the most to SO2 emissions?


Which fossil fuel contributes the most to particulate matter emission?


Which among the fossil fuel reserves are abundantly available in United States?

Coal and Natural Gas

Which component in the refrigerator raises the temperature of the refrigerant?


Which of the following is the only direct use of electrical energy without converting it to another form?


Which of the following properties is not measured during Proximate analysis of coal?


What is the separation of materials based on differences in the volatility called?


A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unit of

Electrical Energy

What is the energy of electrons in motion called?


Which is the most common energy source used in commercial buildings?


A pound of chicken contains 306 Calories of chemical energy. 3,439 Calories were used to produce and deliver that chicken to you. This 3,439 Calories is an example of

Embedded Energy

"My backyard solar collectors produce 350 kWh of electricity." Am I talking about energy or power?


When analyzing how much energy is required to produce an energy product, e.g. ethanol from corn, we are talking about

Energy Return on Energy Invested - EROI

Embedded energy is

Energy of whatever form that was required to produce an object

Which component of a refrigerator lowers the temperature of the refrigerant?

Expansion valve

Energy demand is a/an

Exponential function - the longer it goes, the more rapidly it grows

A geothermal power plant has a low initial cost.


Africa has the world's largest reserves of natural gas.


Amount of NOx emission from Biodiesel is negligible


An anemometer is used to predict weather.


Anthracite has higher volatile matter content than Bituminous coal.


Beta decay increases the mass number by 1.


Biomass has gross calorific value higher than coal.


CO emissions are due to complete combustion of carbon in fossil fuels.


Central distribution is more efficient than distributed generation for transmitting electricity.


Coal ash used to be a big pollutant but now it is captured and stored safely.


Coal can be used directly to produce "pig iron" by mixing it with iron ore in a blast furnace.


Coke is produced by combustion of coal in a furnace.


Control rods control the nuclear reaction in a reactor by absorbing protons.


Ethanol has a higher heating value than gasoline.


Geothermal energy generates a lot of nitrogen and sulfur.


H2S is desirable in natural gas.


House facing south is a good passive solar design in southern hemisphere


In all nuclear reactions, the sum of the mass numbers on the left hand side of the equation equals the sum of the atomic numbers on the right hand side of the equation.


In the US, we have adequate amount of land to cultivate biomass to meet all our energy demands.


It's easily possible to have a modern society without using any energy beyond heat from the sun and food and fuel from the fields and forests.


Kerogen derived from higher plants gets converted to crude oil and natural gas when buried inside the earth for millions of years.


Kerogen produced from higher plants gets converted into natural gas.


Lifetime predictions for a fossil fuel are done based on available resources.


Lignite has higher heating value than Bituminous coal.


Lignite is the highest ranked coal.


Low and medium rank coals are ranked on the basis of volatile matter content.


Low temperature geothermal resources can be used for power generation.


Maintenance costs are a large factor of why geothermal is not widely used.


Most wind energy is produced in the southeast region of the US.


N-type semiconductors have positively charged holes as majority carriers


Natural gas has high CO2 emissions compared to coal.


Natural gas has low combustion efficiency.


Natural gas has the lowest calorific value among all the fossil fuels.


Northwestern US is the region most affected region by acid rain.


P-type semiconductor have negatively charged electrons as majority carriers


Particulates in an electrostatic precipitator get an electric charge and move towards the discharging electrode.


Producing energy from wind will become more expensive in the future.


Production of bioethanol from corn is more efficient than from sugarcane.


Proximate analysis exactly measures the elemental composition of coal.


Pumped Storage is non-renewable.


Reservoir rock is a rock that produces crude oil.


Resources are the quantity of an energy source that is economically recoverable.


Steam is a good moderator.


The US is the largest producer of hydroelectric energy


The United States is the largest exporter of coal.


The United States produces most of its bioethanol from sugarcane.


The amount of nitrogen in petroleum is more than in coal.


The dehydrator removes H2S.


Tidal power can be easily harnessed anywhere there is a tide.


Transcontinental transportation is done through pipelines.


U-238 and Th-232 are fissionable material.


United States has large crude oil reserves.


United States is the largest producer of energy from biomass consumption


Ventilation utilizes radiative heat transfer to promote passive cooling


Electric power is measured in terms of voltage.

False, it should be Watts

Natural gas is the most versatile fossil fuel.

False. Petroleum is the most versatile

Kerogen formed from algae or plankton is derived from

Fats, Oils, Waxes

A Nuclear reactor is said to be operating in "subcritical" condition, if

Fission occurs at a decreasing rate

A Nuclear reactor is said to be operating in "supercritical" condition, if

Fission occurs at an increasing rate

A nuclear reactor is said to be operating in "critical" condition, if

Fission occurs at constant rate

Which one of the following combustion process uses limestone?

Fluidized bed combustion

Which light bulb uses mercury vapor?


In what direction does thermal energy flow?

From high temperature to low temperature

SO2 emissions are primarily due to

Fuel combustion

Which of these have a rotor and stator ?


Sour natural gas contains


What type of bulbs are mainly used for security lighting, car headlights and sports events ?

Halogen light bulbs

Which of the following is not used for passive heating and cooling of homes?

Heat exchanger

Refrigerators also known as?

Heat movers

Which is/are major challenges that needs to be overcome to start a nuclear fusion reaction?

Heating the mixture to a very high temperature, Compressing the mixture to a very high density, & Keeping the reaction mixtures together for a considerable amount of time

Which of the following properties is a disadvantage of use of ethanol over gasoline for transportation fuel?

Heating value

Which of the following compound has an octane rating of 0?


Which of the following is the reason the fluid "flashes"?

High pressure to low pressure

Nationwide, the biggest energy use in our homes is for

Home heating and cooling

With increase in the rank of coals, which one of the following element's composition decreases?


Which type of hydroelectric facility is a conventional dam?


Most of the bioethanol produced in United States comes from


Which of the following is not true about the Trombe wall?

It is a transparent glass pane

Which of the following is not true about a solar cell

It is cheap

Which of the following is not an advantage of a solar power plant?

It is highly efficient

Which of the following is a unit of energy?


Which of the following is an energy recovery methodology adopted to process municipal solid waste?

Landfill gas recovery, Combustion and cogeneration, & Pyrolysis

What does a higher octane number signify?

Lesser likelihood of knocking

Which of the following is not true about biodiesel?

Low NOx emissions

Crude oil recovered from deep oil reservoirs tend to have

Low sulfur content

Radioactive decay due to alpha particle emission reduces

Mass number by 4, atomic number by 2

How do you define density?

Mass per unit volume

Methane hydrates are crystallized mounds of

Methane and Water

Coal reserves are measured in

Metric Tons

Which of the following cannot be converted into alcohol or biogas by biological conversion.


Which of the following is true?

Much of the electricity in the US is generated by burning natural gas.

Ground level ozone is formed because of the reaction of hydrocarbon in the presence of sunlight with


Which pollutant is responsible for the formation of Photochemical smog?


Which one of the following has the highest heating value per pound?

Natural Gas

In a gas turbine power plant, which fuel is burned to run the turbine?

Natural gas

Which primary energy source contributes the most to home heating requirements?

Natural gas

90% of home heating in this country uses _______ or _______ as the energy sources

Natural gas and electricity

Which of the following is not an advantage of biomass energy?

No NOx emissions

Worldwide, we expect the use of which energy resource to decrease over the next 20 years?

None of the above

Which of these states has the highest wind energy potential?

North Dakota

Where do you think would the heating degree days would be the highest?

North Pole

Which of the following sources of energy is non-renewable?

Nuclear fission

Which among the following reservoirs produce the best crude oil?

Old deep

Which of the following contributes the most towards Municipal solid waste?

Paper and paper board

Which hydrocarbons have straight or branched chains of carbon atoms?


A naturally occuring liquid fossil fuel resource containing a complex mixture of hydrocarbons is called


Which fossil fuel contributes primarily to CO emission?


Which of the following properties are not used in ranking of coal?


"My backyard solar collectors produce 350 kWh of electricity in one hour." Am I talking about energy or power?


What happens during compression in a refrigerator?

Pressure increases and Temperature increases

Which of the following is a fissionable isotope made in a breeder reactor?


Which form of hydro power accesses previously used energy?

Pumped storage

How can passive energy be utilized?

Put more windows on the sunny side of the house (south).

Which contributes the most towards human radiation exposure?


What is the liquid that evaporates inside the refrigerator to "create" the cold temperature?


Which one of the following regions will have a high CDD or cooling degree days?

Regions with high annual average temperatures.

The quantity of an energy source that is known to exist and that can be economically recovered is called?


What does R-Value indicate?

Resistance to heat transfer

Which of the following are examples of baghouse filters?

Reverse-gas, Pulse-jet, & Shake-deflate

Which of the following is not an energy crop?

Rice straw

How is light produced?

Rotation of electrons around the nucleus

Which area of the world has the greatest natural gas reserves?

Russia and Middle East

Which of the following is not an advantage of using Natural Gas for space heating?

Safe to use

Which unconventional gas resource is currently being rapidly exploited in the US?


The function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor is to

Slow down the neutrons

Which of these cannot increase the efficiency of a wind mill ?

Smaller rotors

What is the hydrologic cycle driven by?

Solar energy

What are the disadvantages of wind?

Storage of energy

In northern hemisphere, house facing south get more solar radiation in winter because

Sun rises in southeast and sets in southwest

Which of the following is a product of thermal conversion of biomass?


What recovery method uses steam, chemicals or bugs?


NOx emission from combustion of natural gas is primarily due to

Thermal NOx

What is the energy conversion that takes place in a turbine in a power plant?

Thermal energy to mechanical energy

Which sector of the US economy uses energy the least efficiently?


A Cogeneration power plant generates both electric power and useful thermal energy from the same fuel source.


A penstock carries water to a turbine.


A pressurized water reactor (PWR) uses water under high pressure as the coolant to remove heat generated by a nuclear chain reaction.


Active solar heating involves the use of auxiliary power device to take advantage of sun's heat.


Addition of ethanol to gasoline reduces the amount of emissions from the fuel.


Air or water is pumped to collect and deliver the sun's heat inside the house during the process of active solar heating


Amount of CO and particulate matter emissions from biodiesel is less compared to petroleum diesel.


Bagasse is an agricultural waste product obtained from sugarcane.


Beta decay results in increase of the atomic number by 1.


Beta decay results in the conversion of a neutron to proton in the nucleus.


Binary Geothermal Power Plants and Flash Steam Power Plants differ in the amounts of emissions they produce.


Carbonization is the process of heating coal in the absence of air to produce coke.


Central distribution uses coal, nuclear, hydropower or gas powered plants to generate and transmit electricity over long distances.


Distributed generation reduces the amount of energy lost in transmitting electricity, as electricity is produced very near to the place where it is used.


Economic feasibility and geological assurances are two important variables that differentiate resources and reserves.


Electricity produced from a solar power plant can be used to meet peak load power requirements


Elements with shorter half-live times are more dangerous because they emit a lot of radiation in a very short period of time.


Ethanol has a higher octane number than gasoline.


Fossil fuels are formed due to the interruption of the decay process in the carbon cycle.


Gamma ray emissions results in no change in mass number and atomic number.


Heating value of coal increases with increase in the rank of coal


High heating value or gross calorific value is the amount of energy released by complete combustion of 1 lb of fuel.


Hydrogen content in petroleum is far greater than in coal.


In a pressurized water reactor, the water used in the steam generator never comes in contact with the nuclear reactor.


Kerogens are produced from algae, planktons and higher plants with the help of decomposition by bacteria.


Large sized coal pieces can be used during the Stoker combustion process.


Larger molecules tend to have a higher boiling point.


Lignite is the youngest ranked coal.


NOx emission is the most difficult primary pollutant to control.


Nuclear fusion requires an enormous amount of energy input to bring two positively charged nuclei together.


One barrel of oil (42 gallons) produces more than a barrel of products.


Particles about the size of wavelength of visible light (0.1 - 1 micron) are responsible for reduced visibility due to significant scattering of light.


Particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers are more dangerous for human health as they penetrate deeper into the lungs.


Petroleum contains lesser amount of oxygen atoms than coal does.


Pour point is the temperature at which the oil starts to flow.


Pyrolysis is the process of heating biomass in the absence of air.


Recreation is the main purpose of US dams


SO2 contributes significantly to particulate emissions.


SO2 contributes significantly to the formation of acid rain.


Smaller molecules tend to have lower viscosity


Solar cells directly converts solar energy into electricity


Solar power plant collects and concentrates energy from the sun to generate steam


Syngas can be produced from biomass by reaction with steam.


The Middle Eastern countries are sitting on major natural gas reserves in addition to all their petroleum.


The amount of ash content is an important parameter in determining the quality of biomass fuel


The sweetening process removes H2S.


There are perhaps 500-1,000 times as much natural gas on Earth as is currently listed as proven reserves.


Transesterification is the process used to convert vegetable oil to biodiesel.


Viscosity, density and odor are properties that are all related to the geological history of crude oil.


Wet natural gas contains other hydrocarbons.


When sunlight strikes a solar cell, light of certain wavelength will knock out electrons from semiconductor, thereby producing electric current


Which of the following is not radioactive?


Which country produced the most wind energy in the world in 2008?


Which of the following is not a passive solar design for residential heating

Use of fans or pumps to deliver heat

Which of the following radiant energy can be seen by the human eye?


Electric power is measured as

Voltage multiplied by current

Which of the following media is used in secondary recovery method?


Which of the following is used as moderator in a nuclear power plant?

Water, Deurated water, Graphite

Which of the following is a unit of power?


Which of the following is the biggest factor in home heating and cooling?


When is natural gas called 'dry'?

after removal of liquid HCs, after removal of water, or after Sweetening

Which of the following are basic needs of a human being?

air, food, water, shelter

Which of the following is a major disadvantage of using solar energy

backup heating is necessary

Which power plant uses both gas and steam turbine to produce electricity?

combined cycle power plant

What happens to the r-value of the insulation if the thickness increases?


Radioactive decay due to alpha particle emission results in

loss of two protons and two neutrons

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