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QUESTION: Steam Autoclave: min, C & psi

20 minutes at 1210C & 15 psi.

QUESTION: 88 lbs. (40kg) child patient is given 2 cartridges 1.8 ml each of 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 epinephrine. Approximate what % of maximum dosage allowed for this patient was administered? a. 10% b. 20% c. 40% d. 60%

20% - 88lbs*2.2 kg/lb. = 40 kg. 40kg*4.4mg/kg (max dose for lido) = 176mg = max dose for this patient; 36 mg x 2 cartilages = 72 mg injected -> 72mg injected/176mg = 40%

QUESTION: Effectiveness of Water fluoridation in the U.S. is #% - #%


QUESTION: Fluoridation for water: effectiveness: early studies showed that it prevents 50%-70% of caries in permanent teeth, however currently the effectiveness is #% - #%


Rotary high speed, how many round per min?

200,000 RPM - slowspeed goes 20-30k average, endo = usually 800

QUESTION: How long after vital tooth bleaching can you bond resin to it? 24 hours, 3 days, 1 week

24 hours,

What bur use for amalagam retention in class II? 245 or 330


Which is best for occlusal convergence in a prep?

245 (169 is better for occlusal)

Example of pear shape bur: 329, 330, 245 (330L)

245 (330L) 245 = 330L = pear and elongated bur (tip is a cone)

Pano distortion is:

25% but could range 10-30%.

Placing pin in amalgam restoration, Amt in tooth/restoration/angulation = #mm


QUESTION: Posterior extension of post palatal seal is:

2mm past vibrating line (fovea palatini)

Esthetic analysis, # of horizontal proprotions in the face?


QUESTION: Patient who has a complex medical history that is not debilitating but will require medical management and dental modifications - ASA #

3 ASA2- mild systemic disease, ASA3-severe systemic disease

QUESTION: Numb the kid, how many hours is the soft tissue numb? .

3 hrs

Piaget proposed 4 stages of cognitive development: = ages of 7-11 (preadolescence) years, characterized by the appropriate use of logic 1. Sensorimotor stage 2. Pre-operational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operational stage

3. Concrete operational stage

QUESTION: Fluoridation: daily use of tablet cause #% reduction in new carious lesions


QUESTION: How many people in the US get oral cancer:

30,000 SSC new cases annually

Lidocaine calculation: a cartridge that contains 1.8 ml of solution at a 2% (20mg/ml) lidocaine concentration, how much drug?

36 mg/ml of drug (20 mg/ml X 1.8 ml/cart. = 36 mg/ml)

QUESTION: All ceramic FPD should cover how much of abutment?

360 degrees

QUESTION: Lidocaine calculation: 2% lidocaine or 1:100,000. how much anesthetic is in a cartridge?


Palatal tori, when should it be removed? • If undercut-so can't be cleaned • If posterior to vibrating line • 3mm anterior to vibrating line • When denture is created around tori and functions properly

3mm anterior to vibrating line - interferes with posterior palatal seal

Proper pulpal floor depth using Bur 245?

3mm, so half of it is 1.5 mm which is proper pulpal floor depth

DMFS is for surfaces includes what teeth?

3rd molars

How many canals do you expect in primary M2?


QUESTION: What age does fluoride get incorporate into primary dentition? ....... months in utero


QUESTION: You increase the distance of the tube by 2x the length, how much does the x-ray exposure decrease? intensity is decreased by


What is the hardest (most rigid) gold? Gold Type #


QUESTION: If change from 8 mm cone to 16 mm, how much exposure time do you need to increase by? 2, 4, 6, 8

4 - Remember that going from an 8 mm to 16 mm cone means the cone/target is LONGER. This is the PID (target to film distance). If the PID is increased there is LESS magnification. If the PID is shorter there is MORE magnification. Also density (darker x-ray) increases when kA, mA and exposure are increased.

ADA recommends to apply in-office fluoride foam for how long?

4 minutes

QUESTION: How many minutes do you place neutral sodium fluoride tray on teeth?

4 minutes

QUESTION: At what age does fluorosis of anterior permanent teeth occur? 0-4mo, 4-6mo, 1year, 2years 6 years)


QUESTION: A study failed to report 5 cases of caries. What is this called? 1. True Positive, 2. True Negative, 3. False Positive, 4. False Negative

4. False Negative

Piaget proposed 4 stages of cognitive development: = adolescence and into adulthood, roughly ages 11-20, intelligence through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. 1. Sensorimotor stage 2. Pre-operational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operational stage

4. Formal operational stage

QUESTION: Maximum allowed fluoride in the water by EPA (Environmental protection agency)?

4.0 mg/liter (4 ppm)

QUESTION: Max dosage of 2% lidocaine for a kid in mg/kg:

4.4 mg/kg

QUESTION: The drinking water supply of a community has a natural F level of 0.6 ppm. The F level is raised by 0.4ppm. Tooth decay is expected to decrease by what % after 7 years?


Maximum dose of mepivicaine?

400mg (i have 300 mg in notes from CTP) - Maximum dosage: prilocaine (600 mg) > articaine + lidocaine (500 mg) > Bupivacaine (90 mg)

Esthetic analysis, # of vertical proprotions in the face?


Source/object distance for lateral ceph: 5 feet, 6 feet, 15 cm, 60 cm

5 feet,

QUESTION: Pt has a white discoloration with no sensitivity near cervical region of #29, what do you do? fill, 5% fluoride, do nothing

5% fluoride,

Digital X-rays have _____ less exposure from d-films to digital films:


QUESTION: Maximum recommended dosage of lidocaine HCl injected subcutaneously (not IV) when combined with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine is? a. 100 mg b. 300 mg c. 500 mg d. 1 gram

500 mg

QUESTION: What is the max radiation dosage for a dental professional per year?

50msv/year or 5 rem/year - per month = 4 msv, per week = 1 msv

QUESTION: who pays most of dental Tx: patients, third parties private insurance

56% patients, 33% third parties private insurance

When there is no barrier, how far does the dentist need to be for protection?

6 feet, 90-135 degrees

QUESTION: At what age should supplemental fluoride be started?

6 months

QUESTION: Minimum fluoride age?

6 months

Percentage of fluoride water in US -


QUESTION: What percentage of Americans have public fluoride in water: 66%, 85%, other lower numbers


What is percentage of community water fluoridation- 67, 85, 35


QUESTION: Kid is 16kg, How many mg max amount of lidocaine?

70mg (16 x 4.4)

- MAXIMUM allowable dose of 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 EPI - adult


MAXIMUM allowable dose of 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 EPI - for adult for pediatrics

7mg/kg 4.4mg/kg

By what % do you decrease radiation when you use a square collimator vs. rectangular?


QUESTION: #% of people have herpes

85% - 65-90% worldwide; 80-85% USA

QUESTION: 20 kg child how many mgs of lidocaine can you give:

88mg (20x4.4) - Max lidocaine w/ epi for kids = 4.4 mg/kg X 20 kg = 88 mg

Study says 95 out of 100 people had the disease what is lab value:

95% sensitivity

QUESTION: Mode of action of Lidocaine Block ............... channels

: Block sodium channels

QUESTION counteracts the effects of direct retainer, stabilizes the tooth, indirect retainer which arm?

: Reciprocating arm

Purpose of a cool glass slab when mixing cement is

: to incorporate the most powder into liquid as possible.

Abfraction (flexure of tooth) -> If it's not too deep, don't touch it. If deeper, fill with glass ionomer cement? Compomers


QUESTION: #30 hyperoccluded, deviated - incline most effected is max/mand balancing cusp?


QUESTION: Digital x-ray vs D speed film, numbers: 10, 30, 60, I put 60. I forget what it was asking.


QUESTION: When you numb IA nerve, which roots of primary teeth are numb?


Reason for using porcelain for posterior onlay (bond to dentin, to correct occlusion, etc)


PA distortion 3-5%, 11-15%


What does it look like on a pano when your patient moves during the pano?

A vertical blur line vs horizontal defect.

QUESTION: Pt with manic depression disorder that he/she is not willing to get treated for, is now getting dental treatment from you. What do you see in this patient A) bipolar b) depression c) excitement

A) bipolar

QUESTION: On a prepayment basis, dental patients receive care at specified facilities from a limited number of dentists. This practice plan is classified as which of the following? A. Closed panel B. Open panel C. Group practice D. Solo practice

A. Closed panel

Which bur do you use for peds? A.245 B.18 C.51


QUESTION: Pt is in rehab for cocaine, what you prescribe for pain?


QUESTION: When should patient sign informed consent forms for surgery?

AFTER there has been a discussion w/ the dentist about the surgery

QUESTION: Most common type of leukemia in children?

ALL (lymphoblastic)

QUESTION: Which of these are used in lab test for sjogren?

ANA - Typical Sjogren's syndrome ANA patterns are SSA/Ro and SSB/La

angle represents the relative A/P position of the maxilla to the mandible & is used to find skeletal class


QUESTION: Mixed density lesion in a young child:


QUESTION: No posterior teeth & incisal wear on the anterior why?

Absence of posterior teeth

conserves tooth structure, reduces microleakage, improves esthetics and provides micromechanical retention. Etch does improve marginal seal, helps in wetting enamel, cleans surface debris, created microspores (roughness of surface).

Acid etch technique:

QUESTION: What fluoride toothpaste should not be used in a patient with multiple porcelain crowns?


QUESTION: Which type of fluoride is not in toothpaste?

Acidulated fluoride

QUESTION: Which of the following is the endocrine involvement that is related to jaw deformity:


QUESTION: Which of the following lesions has the greatest malignant potential? A. Leukoedema B. Lichen planus C. Actinic cheilitis D. White sponge nevus

Actinic cheilitis - Actinic chelitis can lead to SCC

QUESTION: Immunofluorescence of antibodies: Pemphigus - intraepithelial, demosomes. Pemphigoid and pemphigus: which one comes apart from connective tissue?

Actinolysys is present in pemphigus If antibody is linear... pemphigoid If antibody is fishnet... pemphigus

= infectious subacute-to-chronic bacterial disease caused by filamentous, gram- (+) anaerobic bacteria (Actinomyces species). It is characterized by contiguous spread, suppurative and granulomatous inflammation, and formation of multiple abscesses and sinus tracts that may discharge sulfur granules. - Most common clinical forms of ................... are cervicofacial (lumpy jaw), thoracic, and abdominal.


QUESTION: Which disease is most likely to cause suppuration?


What is the reason to burnish gold to the margin?

Acute angle of gold margin

QUESTION: What don't you treat aphthous ulcers with?

Acyclovir - Acyclovir: Anti-viral used to tx herpes

Herpetic gingivostomatitis - within 3 days of onset: treat with

Acyclovir 15mg/kg 5 times per day for 7 days - More than 3 days, just do palliative care (plaque removal, systemic NSAIDS, and topical anesthetics). 3 days = borderline. - Contagious when vesicles are present

DRUG OF CHOICE: Acyclovir or (valancyclovir - oral): Ganciclovir (IV): Primary HSV:

Acyclovir or (valancyclovir - oral): herpes I, II, VZV, EBV Ganciclovir (IV): CMV Primary HSV: PALLATIVE

QUESTION: Class IV composite, you notice it is too light two weeks later, how do you treat?

Add composite tint or do direct facial composite in new color

How to change hue?

Add orange to it (some sources says it changes chroma)

Which impression material is least distorted by water?

Additional silicone (Condensation silicone better ans if available).

Most common malignant minor:

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

QUESTION: Which has swish cheese appearance?

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

QUESTION: - best prognosis of malignancy

Adenoid cystic carcinoma (MC malignant minor salivary gland tumor)

QUESTION: Which of the salivary tumor glands has the best prognosis: Mixed Tumor (plemomorphic adenoma), Adenoid cystic carcinoma (perineural spread), Mucoepidormoid Carcinoma (most common)

Adenoid cystic carcinoma (perineural spread), - Malig Mixed tumor & adenomatoid = worst

QUESTION: 16 y/o boy: x-ray showed maxillary anterior tooth with a radiolucency with "SPECKS" in it (yes that's the word that was used) -

Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor

..................................... tumor arises from the enamel organ or dental lamina. It's mostly young females, maxillary, & usually associated w/ unerupted permanent tooth.

Adenomatoid odontogenic - 2/3 tumor: adenomatoid odontogenic tumor: 2/3 in maxilla, 2/3 in female, 2/3 in anterior jaw

A 6x3 mm asymptomatic white lesion seen under old man wearing a denture for 19 years, what is first thing done at initial treatment? Adjust and check in one week Incision Excision Cytologic

Adjust and check in one week - Relieve any trauma, watch for 2 weeks, then biopsy, when your biopsy, you can do incisional

Material to use for best interproximal contact of a CLASS II is

Admix Amalgam (others Spherical amalg., Composite w/ and w/o filler) - Admix materials = better for proximals contcts b/c of higher condensation forces

QUESTION: Most successful teeth for bleaching?

Aged yellow staining

Drugs that are used for Herpes: Acyclovir, valtrex (valacyclovir), docosanol (abreva), PENCICLOVIR

Al of the above

QUESTION: Etiology of Squamous Cell Carcinoma, external factors and stress: Alcohol, tobacco, UV radiation, certain HPV types, vitamin deficiency, immunocompromised, iron deficiency anemia - plummer Vinson syndrome - Xerostomia increases risk of SCC.

Al of the above

Overtriturating amalgam? sets too fast, decreases setting expansion, increase compressive strength

All of the above

Penumbra - how to prevent this in x-rays: decrease size of focal spot, increase source-object distance, reducing object-film distance (should be parallel), central ray must be perpendicular to tooth, object and film, no movement.

All of the above

QUESTION: Denture outline in border molding affected on the lingual of mandible by what? Superior constrictor, palatoglossis, genioglossis, mylohyoid

All of the above

QUESTION: Ectodermal dysplasia expressed as? anodontia or hypodontia, with or without a cleft lip and palate.

All of the above

QUESTION: Most likely to cause desquamative gingivitis: Lichen planus, Pemphigus vulgaris, Pemphigoid

All of the above

QUESTION: Non vital bleaching is with? 35% hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, sodium perborate.

All of the above

QUESTION: OSHA sets bloodborne pathogen standard for dentistry, HIV HBV

All of the above

QUESTION: Secondary herpes? lip, gingival, palate

All of the above

QUESTION: What muscles help in retention of lower complete denture: palatoglossus, superior pharyngeal constrictor, mylohyoid genioglossus.

All of the above

What causes erosion? Chemical, gastric reflux, Bulimia

All of the above

What the collimator does: reduce the: 1) volume of tissue being irradiated and 2) reduce the amount of scatter radiation by 60%

All of the above

QUESTION: Causes of Hairy tongue? antibiotic, corticosteroid, hydrogen peroxide

All of the above - Mostly in heavy smokers, poor oral hygiene, general debilitation, hyposalivation, radiotherapy, fungal/bacterial overgrowth, certain meds.

QUESTION: Reason for splint in palatal torus removal: prevent infxn, flap necrosis, hematoma formation

All of the above Mainly: hematoma formation

QUESTION: Lab & clinical remount, why are they done? Establish and maintain VDO, correct errors in capturing VDO

All of the above - remounts are done if CO needs to be corrected or if VDO is incorrect

Differences between 245 and 330 burs:

All other dimensions the same except for length. Other options were shape, what angle they form. - 245 bur is 3mm in length while 330 is 1.5mm.

What type of caries detection is the Difoti used for? Class I Class II, Class III

All the above

QUESTION: When does enamel hypoplasia occur? Altered .............. formation

Altered matrix formation (BELL STAGE)

QUESTION: A kid is on recall appointment and is not cooperative. You should do voice control followed by?

Alternating appraisal

: compared to ameloblastoma - younger age, slower growth, does not infiltrate - Usually associated w/ impacted teeth

Ameloblastic Fibroma

QUESTION: X-ray: A painless, well-circumscribed radiolucency and radioopacity in the posterior mandible of 11 yrs old boy. What is the differential diagnosis?

Ameloblastic fibro - Odontoma

is a most aggressive & the most common epithelial odontogenic tumor. Mostly in mandibular molar area. Solid, well-defined, multicystic or polycystic ("soap bubble") lesion - most aggressive kind and requires surgical excision


QUESTION: Know the ....................... : Hypoplastic pitting enamel

Amelogenesis Imperfecta

= malfunction of the proteins in the enamel: ameloblastin, enamelin, tuftelin and amelogenin. People afflicted with amelogenesis imperfecta have teeth with abnormal color (yellow, brown or grey) and have rapid attrition, excessive calculus deposition, and gingival hyperplasia.

Amelogenesis imperfecta

QUESTION: Pictures of teeth, premolars just erupted. Thick dentin, thin enamel, pulps not obliterated, and no teeth contact -

Amelogenesis imperfecta - in X-ray shows open contacts

QUESTION: Radiographic picture with large decay and radiolucency. In addition to periapical radiolucency, what another thing do you see?

Amelogenesis imperfecta (tooth lacks enamel)

Know where L.A. metabolized? Amides made in Esters in

Amides made in P450 enzyme of liver. Esters in pseudocholinesterase of plasma.

Metabolized in liver cytochrome P450 enzyme

Amino Amides

- Lidocaine - Mepivacaine - Prilocaine - Ethidocaine - Bupivacaine - Ropivacaine - Articaine

Amino Amides ("i" before -caine)

- Cocaine - Procaine - Chloroprocaine - Tetracaine - Benzocaine

Amino Esters

Metabolized by plasma/liver esterase, releases PABA

Amino Esters

Which is least likely to predict future caries? -Amount of sugar intake -Frequency of sugar intake -Amount of caries and restorations

Amount of sugar intake

What does not have an effect on clasp flexibility?

Amount of undercut o Metal, width, and length all have an effect on clasp flexibility

chronic endodontic lesion has what type of bacteria


What happens when you take an impression & lip immediately swells?

Angioedema (allergy reaction)

tongue tied - congenital oral anomaly that may decrease mobility of the tongue tip & is caused by an unusually short, thick lingual frenulum from tongue to FOM.


QUESTION: Bilateral swelling of parotid cannot be caused by:

Anorexia - Bilateral usually caused by infections. Unilateral - sialoliths or obstruction. **I think this is wrong but not sure about the "Bilateral" Parotid Gland Enlargement: - MC: Pleomorphic Adneoma -Mikulicz Disease -Sjogren Syndrom -DIabetes -Cystic fibrosis -Dehydration -Starvation/Malnutrition -Sarcoidosis

........... Law: Root surface of abutment teeth have to be greater than root surface of pontic.

Ante's Law

QUESTION: Reason for Incisive guide table?

Anterior guidance - When making a guide table.... Lift the pin up about 2 mm

QUESTION: Site of infection most likely to enter cavernous sinus? Anterior triangle of face, naso-labial cyst

Anterior triangle of face,

Which way is the articular most displaced?


QUESTION: : can be safely applied to tissues, but will kill most living organisms


- indifferent Apathy Empathy Sympathy


Pt is 13 years old and has a non-vital maxillary central. The apex is still open what do you do? A. Apexogenesis B. Apexification C. Pulpectomy D. Nothing


tx of a non vital tooth with incomplete apex formation and pulp exposure using calcium hydroxide to achieve apical closure


Tx for traumatic pulp exposure on max incisor that root has not completed formation?


QUESTION: Patient has ulcer at mucolabial fold, it goes away and comes back, what could it be?


= recurrent ulceration that are almost always painful. It occurs on freely movable mucosa that does not overlay bone.

Aphthous stomatitis

A class II caries is:

Apical to contact

Where does caries start?

Apical to proximal contact.

Root-end resection/excision of the apicla portion of the root


A chancre due to Syphilis mostly resembles: 1) Cancer 2) Herpes 3) Herpangina 4) Apthous Ulcer

Apthous Ulcer

QUESTION: Bechets syndrome produces what type of mouth lesion? Apthous Ulcers Apthous stomatitis Recurrent, herpes

Apthous Ulcers - Behçet disease/syndrome is a rare immune-mediated small-vessel systemic vasculitis that often presents with mucous membrane ulceration & ocular problems. Triple-symptom complex of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis.

QUESTION: Ulcer on tongue that repeats every 4 months?

Apthous ulcer

What is best way to determine value: -Open eye as wide as you can -Half close eyes (squint) to increase sensitivity to better select value. -Arrange the shade guide in increasing value (from light to dark)

Arrange the shade guide in increasing value (from light to dark)

QUESTION: If a dentist seals a caries lesion on the tooth, what would be the most likely result? 1. Arrest caries 2. Extension caries 3. Discoloration of tooth 4. Micro-leakage

Arrest caries

QUESTION: Know how to determine if a patient is a high caries risk?


At what point do you check the proper placement of teeth?

At the tooth try in appt

QUESTION: Pt goes home from elective orthognathic sx and in 24hrs, without sign of inflam or edema, but a fever of 102oF-

Atelectasia (or pneumotosis - depending on answers) - Atelectasia and pneumotosis = most common cause of fever within 24 hour of GA

................. is wearing away from natural dentition.


QUESTION: ......................... Syndrome - symptom where you sweat near cheek area when eating. Often after parotid surgery.

Auriculotemporal syndrome (Frey syndrome)

QUESTION: What principle has to do with a patient's self-governance & privacy?


QUESTION: Voice control method used with children's -

Aversive conditioning (punishment to deter unwanted behavior, ex. hand over mouth)

What causes the most retention of crown? Axial taper, surface area, surface roughness, retention grooves

Axial taper,

Which is a characteristic of a gold inlay?

Axial walls converge toward the pulpal floor (axial pulpal walls = divergent prep) - From facial to lingual, the axiopulpal line angle of an onlay preparation is longer than the axiogingival line angle (if it were not, the preparation would be undercut and the onlay would not seat). For an MOD onlay prep, the axial walls must converge from the gingival walls to the pulpal wall (for the same reason, the onlay would not seat if they diverged).

Which of the following represents a dental program in which eligible patients receive services at specified facilities from a limited number of dentists? A. An open-panel B. A closed-panel C. A capitation group D. A prepaid group

B. A closed-panel

Pt has veneers from 6-11, which fluoride do you use to not stain the veneer? A. Stannous Fluoride B. Sodium Fluoride C. Acid Fluoride

B. Sodium Fluoride

QUESTION: Which of the following represents the variability about the mean-value of a group of observations? A. Sensitivity B. Standard deviation C. t-Statistic D. Specificity

B. Standard deviation

= abnormal, uncontrolled growths or lesions that arise in the skin's basal cells, which line the deepest layer of the epidermis.


Crosslinking factor of P-MMA? BIS-GMA, benzoyl peroxide

BIS-GMA, - Bis-GMMA- provides the CROSS LINK

QUESTION: Dentinogenesis imperfect type I is a part of osteogenesis imperfect. Has ...................... or it can be a separate inherited dominant trait without OI (DI type II)


QUESTION: What determines lingual border of Mandibular impression? and Buccal?

BOTH Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor/ mylohyoid muscle and buccal is masseter.

QUESTION: Kids have higher pulse, basal metabolic activity & higher respiratory rate but lower


QUESTION: What is the best predictor for pulpal anesthesia? Concentration of anesthetic Volume of anesthetic Back pressure Type of anesthetic

Back pressure - back pressure anesthesia stops hemorrhage, anesthesia after 30 sec, patient doesn't feel it

Guy has treatment plan that is going to be combination syndrome so what is the ultimate goal when you make his cd upper and rpd lower: Balanced occlusion on both anterior and posterior teeth of mouth during centric relation OR wanting balancedocclusion (didn't mention ant vs post teeth, during excursive movement)

Balanced occlusion on both anterior and posterior teeth of mouth during centric relation

QUESTION: The modified pontic how should it touch the gum?

Barely touch it

The most radiopaque in composite is:

Barium (it is a metal)

QUESTION: Oral path picture of .........................: round bluish lesion on side of lip

Basal Cell carcinoma

QUESTION: Painless ulcer, upper lip, it grew bigger after 2 weeks -

Basal cell carcinoma

QUESTION: If you don't obtain informed consent, what kind of offense is this?


QUESTION: What happen when patient doesn't sign the consent?

Battery - health care provider commits a battery if the provider performs a procedure for which the patient has not given consent.

You have a patient who wants an all porcelain on number 8 - the incisal edge keeps breaking off and u have to come in to repair, why does it keep breaking off? -Because the anterior guidance and the protrusive movements/ -clearance space was not properly calculated/maintained

Because the anterior guidance and the protrusive movements/

You have a patient who wants an all porcelain on # 8 - the incisal edge keeps breaking off and you have to come in to repair, why does it keep breaking off?

Because the anterior guidance and the protrusive movements/clearance space was not properly calculated/maintained

QUESTION: Why are you afraid of having infection in anterior triangle (i.e. upper lip)?

Because there are valve-less veins that can send infection back to the brain. (Cavernous sinus infection)

When will you bleach teeth in anterior veneer prep? After prepping veneer and then bleach Before veneer prep, wait for 2-3 weeks After cementing veneer and bleach

Before veneer prep, wait for 2-3 weeks

QUESTION: when the kid is afraid and you use a sibling or someone older to show how they should behave

Behavior Modeling:

QUESTION: providing positive reinforcement for approximation of behavior you are desiring

Behavior shaping:

QUESTION: Photo of a black person w/ unilateral eye & lip, unable to close. ID the condition?

Bell's Palsy

= unilateral facial paralysis with no known cause, except that there is a loss of excitability of the involved facial nerve. The paralysis onset is abrupt & most symptoms reach their peak in 2 days. One theory of its cause is that the facial nerve becomes inflamed within the temporal bone, possibly with a viral etiology.

Bell's palsy

QUESTION: Herpes simplex is most common cause for

Bell's palsy

QUESTION: Giant cell lesion found in bone, what test would you run to help with diagnosis? calcium levels, Complete blood count Bence Jones

Bence Jones (from multiple myeloma),

QUESTION: Cross-linking in polymers leads to what?

Better Strength

When opening a dental practice, what makes it more successful?

Better communication

What is wrong about retention pin? Better retention with bigger pin. follows axial, 0.5mm in DEJ.

Better retention with bigger pin.

#5 cervical lesion Class V onto root:

Bevel enamel, 90 butt margin on cementum

QUESTION: Cherubim: ............... jaw ...................

Bilateral jaw expansion

Component of composite:

Bis-GMA + dimethacrylate monomer (TEGMA, UDMA, HDDMA) + filler (silica) + photoinhibitor (camphorquinone) - Filler = wear resistance, translucency - Photoinhibitor: begins polymerization when external energy (light) applied

QUESTION: What population has the worst survival rate for SCC?


Which population has the most number of UNRESTORED caries?


You are about to prep a tooth for PFM crown, patient also needs teeth bleached, how do you go about it? - A. Bleach and prep 1st, then wait 2 weeks B. Bleach last after prep and crown C. Bleach first, wait 2 weeks, prep tooth, then restoration.

Bleach first, wait 2 weeks, prep tooth, then restoration.

QUESTION: Where do you inject if infiltration in the area will not be able to avoid the infection?


QUESTION: What is the mechanism of local anesthetics?

Blocks Na channels intracellularly

QUESTION: Which one is associated with dentinogenesis imperfecta? • Blue sclera • hypodontia

Blue sclera - Other characteristics of this condition: opalescent teeth, affects both primary and permanent, teeth are bluish-brown and translucent, enamel is lost early.

QUESTION: When looking at a radiograph, what zone of caries are you looking at?

Body zone Demineralization

Radiographic decay most closely resemble which zone of carious enamel? Body zone, dark zone, translucent zone, surface zone

Body zone,

QUESTION: Neonate with numerous nodules on alveolar ridge. What is it? • Eruption cyst • Bohn's nodule • Congenital cyst of newborn

Bohn's nodule - Bohn's nodule , keratin-filled cysts of salivary gland origin, on junction of hard/soft palate + buccal/lingual of dental ridges, away from midline.

QUESTION: Patient comes to your office, complains about how other dentists did really bad job, and tells you how you are the best dentist in the world. What mental condition is she suffering from?

Borderline Personality Disorder

QUESTION: Patient says, "I've been brushing like you showed me but I still have cavities." What do you do? a. Go over OHI b. Tell him you understand that it is frustrating


What's the difference between an enamel hatchet & gingival marginal trimmer?

Both chisels but GMT has curved blade and angled cutting edge while Enamel HA has cutting edge in plane of handle

QUESTION: Medicare is a federal program that provide health care for elderly. It does not cover dental. T or F

Both statements are true

QUESTION: Dentists have to have proper accommodations for disable people. Dentists have to treat HIV people the same as others.

Bothstatements are true

QUESTION: What is the primary retention for mandibular denture?

Buccal shelf

QUESTION: Which muscle will not interfere with the denture base? • Buccinator • Lateral pterygoid • Masseter


What muscle covers dentures flanges & doesn't affect stability?

Buccinator - the buccinators does not affect stability!!

QUESTION: The denture base completely covers what muscle a. Medial pterygoid b. Lateral pterygoid c. Masseter d. Buccinator

Buccinator (Fibers of buccinator and buccal shelf)

QUESTION: Which muscle separates 2 potential infection spaces from a maxillary 2nd molar?

Buccinator or Masseter

After caries removal, sound tissue is in cementum. How do you restore?

Build up with GI and place composite

QUESTION: Dentist can diagnose which of the following?

Bulimia (reflected in oral condition)

QUESTION: The dentist charges separately for core build up and the crown but the insurance company says that the core builds up is part of crown. What is this called?


can occur on the insurance carrier end. It's the systematic combining of distinct dental procedures by third-party payers that results in a reduced benefit for the patient/beneficiary. Downcoding Upcoding or overcoding Bundling Unbundling


QUESTION: How to determine the angle of the incisal table?

By the horizontal plane (occlusal plane) of occlusion and a line in the sagittal plane between incisal edges between maxillary and mandibular central incisors.

QUESTION: A study is designed to determine the relationship between emotional stress and ulcers. To do this, the researchers used hospital records of pt's diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and pt. diagnosed with other disorders over the period of time from july 1988 to july 1998 . The amount of emotional stress each pt. is exposed to was determined from these records. This study is: A) Cohort B)Cross-sectional C) Case-study D)Historical Cohort4 E)Clinical Trial

C) Case-study I think its A) Cohort (retrospective )

You did a prep with high speed + diamond bur and tooth is sensitive, what is it about bur and handpiece that it caused sensitivity? A) Desiccation B) Traumatized dentin C) Heat

C) Heat

QUESTION: Proper order for treatment planning - A. maintenance care B. reevaluation, C. emergency care, D. definitive treatment, E. disease control,

C, E, B, D, A

Which of the following systems is thought to malfunction in the hereditary form of angioneurotic edema?

C-1 esterase.

Change in vertical angulation when taking a PA will cause what? A. Distortion B. Magnification C. Elongation or foreshortening

C. Elongation or foreshortening

QUESTION: While the dentist is preparing a large carious lesion in Tooth #30 for a restoration, a pulp exposure occurs. The patient angrily shouts at the dentist, "Your incompetent 'creep'- -you're responsible for this problem!"- Of the following possible responses the dentist could make, which one is the most emphatic? A. Calm down, I can still restore your tooth adequately. B. Not when I'm preparing a tooth with caries like you had. C. I can see that you're very upset. You thought the tooth could be restored and now this problem has occurred. D. If you took care of your mouth the way you should, I wouldn't have been close to the pulp. E. I'm sorry this happened, but we must get on with the procedure.

C. I can see that you're very upset. You thought the tooth could be restored and now this problem has occurred

What is the material in reinforced IRM that give it strength? A. amalgam powder B. Zinc phosphate C. Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) D. Titanium powder

C. Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)

During the child's first visit, the dentist requested that the parents wait in the reception room. The child cries moderately, but tearfully, throughout the dental examination and prophylaxis. The dentist "gave her permission" to cry while he/she worked and then took no notice of her crying. Her crying diminished in intensity over time and then stopped. With respect ONLY to the crying behavior, the dentist has A. used positive reinforcement. B. used negative reinforcement. C. extinguished the behavior. D. ignored the problem.

C. extinguished the behavior.

QUESTION: Efficacy, what study would you do?


- TISSUE overgrowth in wrong location


- Philadelphia chromosome 22 (chromosomal translocation)

CML (Chronic myelogenous leukemia)

QUESTION: = limited SCLERODERMA (usually only in lower arms & legs, sometimes face & throat)

CREST Syndrome

Best imaging for sinusitis or sinus infection: CT, cclusal radiograph, PA radiograph, Panoramic.

CT - Know that sinuses are best viewed with Waters technique, but this was not in answer choice neither was none of the above as a choice. Answer will either be Waters or CT!

Six months ago you did a RCT on central with an open apex (young pt). You place calcium hydroxide in canal and waited the 6 months. You open the canal but can still pass #70 file through the apex. What would you do? -Calcium hydroxide -Zinc oxide eugenol -Gutta percha

Calcium hydroxide

__________ is contraindicated in pulpotomy in child (primary teeth) bc it causes irritation, leading to resorption in primary teeth

Calcium hydroxide

Fox plane is parallel to

Camper's line (alar of nose - mid tragus line) - for anterior-posterior plane - Fox plane is parallel to interpuppillary line - for anterior plane

Photo initiator of resin composite?


QUESTION: Ectodermal dysplasia: partial or complete anodontia

Can be both

QUESTION: Which is associated w/ burning mouth?


QUESTION: If pt undergoes radiotherapy for cancer, the most common oral infection that necessitates drug tx in this stage is?

Candida albicans

QUESTION: What oral manifestation is often seen in children with HIV?


Bur used for polishing -

Carbide have more threads, STEEL FOR POLISH

- indicate quantity, tells how many Nominal Categorical (nominal) Ordinal Interval Cardinal


QUESTION: The problem with this study is that you don't know if the disease came from drinking or not. What study is it? By: drinking/nondrinking Followed a group for 6 years -> Gave patients survey about their treatment ->

Case Control Followed a group for 6 years -> cohort Gave patients survey about their treatment -> cross sectional

Myestena Gravis patients are involved in a study. The doctor is conducting a study and is trying to find out how many of these patients has periodontitis. What study is he conducting?

Case control study I thinks its Cross-sectional bc no comparing the ones that have perio to the ones that dont

People with a condition (case) are compared to people without a condition (control) but who are similar in other characteristics study that compares people that have the disease to people that do not have the disease. Also, looks back to see how the risk for the disease is compared to actually getting that disease. - start with disease and look backwards for exposure - ex. How did people react to the new mouthwash vs nonusers - only studies a certain group with a specific characteristic. Case control study Cohort study Cross sectional study Longitudinal Study Clinical Trial

Case control study Analytical epidemiology

QUESTION: Most important factor when placing a composite in posterior teeth?

Case selection and technique

- is like black hair, blonde hair Nominal Categorical (nominal) Ordinal Interval Cardinal

Categorical (nominal)

Thermionic emission where?

Cathode - Thermionic emission = electron emission from a heated metal (cathode). The cathode has its filament circuit that supplies it with necessary filament current to heat it up.

- Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus are often the associated. - Symptoms include: decrease/loss of vision, chemosis (edema of eye conjunctiva), exophthalmos (bulging eyes), ptosis, headaches (1st sign) and paralysis of the cranial nerves that course through the cavernous sinus.

Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST)

- This infection is life-threatening and requires immediate TX. Infections in upper front teeth are within the area of the face known as the "dangerous triangle". The dangerous triangle is visualized by imagining a triangle with the top point about at the bridge of the nose and the two lower points on either corner of the mouth.

Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST)

= blood clot formation w/in the CS at the base of the brain, which drains deoxygenated blood from the brain back to the heart. Usually from an infection from nose, sinuses, ears, teeth or Forunculo.

Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST)

When prepping the amalgam, which is incorrect? Cavo surfaces is _______ than 90 degrees

Cavo surfaces is greater than 90 degrees - Ideal cavo margin (margin between tooth and your prep) is 90 degree

• Usually 30-50 years old, African-American Female • Mandibular anterior VITAL teeth • Asymptomatic periapical radiolucencies, which transform to radiopacities • No treatment required

Cemento-osseous dysplasia aka CEMENTOMA:

- usually occurs in the anterior region of the mandible, starting as a radiolucent lesion that eventually calcifies. -DOES NOT affect pulp vitality. Asymptomatic = no bone expansion. Periapical cemental dysplasia; periapical osseous dysplasia

Cementoma (periapical cemental dysplasia)

QUESTION: Early childhood caries affects?

Centrals and molars

Centric Relation: Centric Occlusion:

Centric Relation: Man to Max Centric Occlusion: teeth

QUESTION: Which of the following is the earliest clinical sign of a carious lesion? A. Radiolucency B. Patient sensitivity C. Change in enamel opacity D. Rough surface texture E.Cavitation of enamel

Change in enamel opacity

Digital image: which is digital detector?

Charge coupled device.

QUESTION: Your office is fee schedule and pt needs new crown but pt used up all of her allowance (or something like that)? what do you do?

Charge the same fee

QUESTION: Purpose of addition of tin and iron to metal ceramic allows: Chemical bond, ovalent bond with porcelain

Chemical bond,

- Autosomal dominant condition characterized by abnormal bone tissue in the lower part of the face. In early childhood, both the mandible & maxilla become enlarged as bone is replaced with painless, cyst-like growths.


QUESTION: Want to compare 2 groups of people, male and female for something, what test do you look at? Multiple regression, Chi square Test, T-test

Chi square Test,

: tests correlation b/w two independent variables T test Z test Chi-square test

Chi-square test

QUESTION: What test measures 2 nonparametric data? Chi-square, normal distrubition, spearman, wilcoxin, kruskal wallis


QUESTION: Two common VARIABLE..what statistical test would you use? Chi-test, T-test, correlation analysis, standard deviance


Chisel vs spoon application:

Chisels are intended primarily to cut enamels, but spoons remove caries & carve amalgams

= saturation Metamerism Hue Chroma Value


QUESTION: When you add a different color to a resin, you increase what?


QUESTION: What prevents corrosion on a noble metal? Chromium nickel


Another name for chronic desquamative gingivitis?

Cicatricial pemphigoid

Allergic stomatitis of the mouth is commonly seen because of what flavors in a toothpaste?


Which has the highest C factor or stress on it? \ class # and #

Class 1 & class 5

SNA 82 AND SNB 80, what's the facial profile? 82-80 = ANB = 2 degrees so pt is

Class I

QUESTION: Female w/ ANB angle = 6 degrees, what skeletal classification?

Class II (protrusive maxilla or retrognathic mandible)

QUESTION: SNA 76 AND SNB 78, what's the facial profile? 76-78 = ANB = -2 so pt is

Class III

SNA AND SNB 78, what's the facial profile? 78-78 = ANB = 0 so pt is

Class III

— Use randomization and blinding to compare effects of treatment with non-treatment. This is the Gold Standard for establishing cause and effect. - Trials to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications or medical devices by monitoring their effects on large groups of people. - may be conducted by government health agencies such as NIH, researchers affiliated with a hospital or university medical program, independent researchers, or private industry.

Clinical Trial Experimental epidemiology

QUESTION: Which one is related to a dental insurance, that only allows you to go to a group of dentists at a specific location? - Closed Panel open panel

Closed Panel

QUESTION: Company offers dental insurance to its employees that can go to selected dentist, what is this example of?

Closed panel

QUESTION: Insurance allows pt to only see certain set of providers.... PPO, HMO, Closed panel

Closed panel

QUESTION: Which LA causes vasoconstriction?

Cocaine - Cocaine has intrinsic vasoconstrictive activity

QUESTION: What parameter study lets you have a risk quotient?


QUESTION: Which type of study determines relative risk ratio:


General population is followed through time to see how it developes a disease, and then the various exposure factors that affect the group are evaluated — PROSPECTIVE study where there is more than one sample/cohort and evaluations are done to see how certain risk factors the groups have are related to developing a certain disease. - ex. how will/does people react to using new mouthwash vs nonusers -RETROSPECTIVE evaluate the effect a specific exposure has had on a population Case control study Cohort study Cross sectional study Longitudinal Study Clinical Trial

Cohort study Analytical epidemiology

QUESTION: Study among smokers & nonsmokers in a period of 6 years (2000-2006) to develop disease? Cohort, cross sectional


QUESTION: studying for the next 10 years


QUESTION: Pt with maxillary complete denture - retained mandibular anteriors and not lower RPD. Pt shows: denture anteriors teeth doesn't show, flabby anterior ridge, tuberosities flabby and enlarged, lower anterior teeth extruded above plane of occlusion and atrophy of lower posterior ridge.

Combination syndrome = Kelly syndrome:

QUESTION: How do you lower value in a restoration? STAIN w/ .

Complement color or orange - when you add a complement color, the colors mix & turn grey, thus changing value

GI and composite modified with polyacid groups, used in low-stress-bearing areas (less wear resistant than composite but releases fluoride) Root caries and Class V. RMGI is better. - RMGI = GI with added resin | Compomer = Composite resin with added GI components.


Pt had a bunch of little pits in #8 central incisor, how would you fix it? Composite over pits only, or over entire tooth, or veneer w/ porcelain,

Composite over pits only

QUESTION: X-ray of compound Odontoma ............... odontoma - looks like a tooth more defined; .............. odontoma - giant mass that is radiopaque but doesn't look like a tooth.

Compound Complex

Post-op sensitivity on MOD so removed a portion of the occlusal & placed more composite. What was cause: Fracture Microleakage Inadequate margins and water coming out of the tubules Acid etch Compression pulling on cusps

Compression pulling on cusps

= periapical inflammatory disease that results from a reaction to a dental infection. It causes more bone production rather than bone destruction in the area (most common site is near the root apices of premolars and molars). - appears as a radiopacity in the periapical area due to the sclerotic reaction.

Condensing osteitis

QUESTION: All are lesion are radiolucent except?

Condensing osteitis (radiopaque)

QUESTION: A patient presents with malocclusion and a unilateral, slowly progressing elongation of her face. This elongation has caused her chin to deviate away from the affected side. The MOST probable diagnosis is which of the following? A. Ankylosis B. Osteoarthritis C. Myofascial pain D. Condylar hyperplasia

Condylar hyperplasia

Rotation involves what structures?


Which anatomical components are responsible for rotation of the mandible?

Condyle & articulating disk

= epidermal manifestation attributed to the epidermotropic human papillomavirus (HPV).

Condyloma acuminatum

Indents on incisal edge with narrowing at mesial and distal?

Congenital syphilis (Hutchinson's incisors and mullberry molars)

Which of the following is a factor for smooth caries & sugar in-take? -Consistency -volume


QUESTION: What is the best way to treat a developmentally disabled patient?

Consistency - Disabled pt, should be treated by flatterness, permissible, consistency

QUESTION: Systematic desensitization- 3 steps:

Construct a hierarchy, relaxation exercises, associate components of hierarchy with relaxation state

Dentist who work with HEMA (methacrylate, acrylic) can have what kind of complication? Contact dermatitis Anaphylaxis Immune mediation reaction Arthus phenomena

Contact dermatitis - Think acrylic allergy due to monomer

QUESTION: patient goes to the dentist and needs to pay something before seen:


QUESTION: ................. - when open mouth can dislodge maxillary denture (mand denture = .............. )

Coronoid process masseter

QUESTION: Treatment of sarcoidosis? Corticosteroids, antibiotics


QUESTION: Child with granulomatous gingival hypertrophy and bleeding rectal-anus has what?

Crohn's - Crohn's = chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the GI tract.

QUESTION: Oral granulomas, apthous ulcer, rectal bleeding is seen in: a. Wegener's granulomatosis b. ulcerative colitis c. Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease

— study in which the health conditions in a group of people which are assumed to be, a sample of a particular population (a cross section) is assessed at ONE time. - all variables measures simultaneously at one point in time - Example: It was observed that there was less caries in certain geographic areas. Higher fluoride in water supplies was suspected as the probable cause Case control study Cohort study Cross sectional study Longitudinal Study Clinical Trial

Cross sectional study Analytical epidemiology

QUESTION: Research done to determine caries rate at a nursing home. What kind of study is this?


QUESTION: Researcher wants to find incidence of oral cancer in nursing home what study?


QUESTION: : influence of confounding covariates is reduced because each crossover patient serves as his or her own control and are statistically efficient and so require fewer subjects than do non-crossover designs (even other repeated measures designs).

Crossover study advantages

If you have a bubble in an impression for a crown that is not visible, what is going to happen with the crown when comes from the lab and you try to seated in the mouth?

Crown does not seat

Small void in die, crown was processed, what will happen?

Crown will seat in die, but not on tooth

Zinc phosphate cement is used as luting agent. The initial acidity may elicit a traumatic response if: a. Only a thin layer of dentin is left btwn cement and pulp b. very thin mix of cement is used c. tooth has already a previous traumatic injury d. No cavity varnish is used D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following acronyms is only used for kids? PI, DEFT, DMF, OHI-S,

DEFT DEFT = for primary dentition (e=extraction)

QUESTION: What is best to sterlize carbide burs?

DRY HEAT or unsaturated chemical vapor -> no corrode or dull - Ethylene oxide is for heat-sensitive instruments

.......... films (overexposed/image too dense): due to incorrect mA (too high), exposure (too long), incorrect kVp (too high).


What's the characteristic of a remineralized tooth/arrested caries? color... strength... more resistant to...

Darker, harder, more resistant to acid or further decay/caries

QUESTION: By reducing film speed from D to E & still keeping film density the same. What would you need to change?

Decrease Exposure time

How does penumbra affect the contrast of an x-ray?

Decrease in contrast

You are correcting the VDO of a patient, your articulator emminentia is set at 20 degrees, you later correct it to 45 degrees. What do you do next? Adjust bennet angle, new centric relation record, increase the VDO, Decrease incisal guidance, or increase compensating curve.

Decrease incisal guidance, or increase compensating curve.

- increase spatulation time, increase water temperature, use of slurry water, decreases water: powder ratio --->

Decrease setting time

What decreases setting time of Gypsum:

Decrease water: powder ratio.

QUESTION: Why doesn't anesthesia work when you have an infection?

Decreased pH (acidic environment) leads to more ionized form (less nonionized)

Alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid) Setting time: -Increased water: ................. expansion


Zinc in amalgam, what is used for?

Decreases oxidation of other elements (deoxidizer) Zinc acts as a deoxidizer, which is an O2 scavenger that minimizes the oxides formation of other elements in the amalgam alloys during melting.

What does staining do for ceramics? Decreases ............ Alters ..........

Decreases value. Alters chroma

Which artery supplies the TMJ?

Deep auricular, maxillary, superficial temporal...MADS - MADS: Middle meningeal from maxillary, ascending pharyngeal, deep auricular, superficial temporal.

The process of induced root development or apical closure of the root by hard tissue deposition (NONVITAL)

Definition of apexification:

If there is water while you are condensing amalgam, what happens? severe expansion, corrosion delayed expansion decreased compressive strength

Delayed expansion

What happen to amalgam with moisture contamination? delayed .....

Delayed expansion

: Clinically, the dental crowns appear normal while radiographically, the teeth are characterized by pulpal obliteration, short blunted roots, & sometimes, PARL. The teeth are generally mobile, frequently abscess and can be lost prematurely.

Dential Dysplasia

QUESTION: Which one can lead to ameloblastoma?

Dentigerous Cyst

QUESTION: What cyst is ameloblastoma most likely to stem from?

Dentigerous cyst

a periradicular radiolucent lesion of endo origin on the radiograph may be any of these histological dx except one -cyst -granuloma -abscess -dentigerous cyst

Dentigerous cyst

QUESTION: Radiographic picture: upside down molar with lucency around crown, what is it?

Dentigerous cyst STARTS AT CEJ

QUESTION: Some teeth appear to be clinically normal, but exhibit (1) globular dentin, (2) very early pulpal obliteration, (3) defective root formation, (4) periapical granulomas and cysts, and (5) premature exfoliation. The condition is known as which of the following? A. Shell teeth B. Dentin dysplasia C. Regional odontodysplasia D. Amelogenesis imperfect E. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Dentin dysplasia

QUESTION: 12 y/o boy's X-ray shows roots are short & open apex. Sister also has same condition. What condition is this? DI - autosomal dominant AI - autosomal recessive Dentin dysplasia - autosomal dominant

Dentin dysplasia - autosomal dominant

QUESTION: ....................Imperfecta = poorly mineralized dentin, enamel frequently fractures from the teeth leading to rapid wear and attrition of the teeth.


QUESTION: Osteogenesis imperfecta is usually associated with/seen with? a. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI) b. Amelogenesis imperfecta c. hypercementosis d. cleidocranial dysplasia

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

What is seen with Osteogenesis Imperfecta?

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

= band of red atrophic or eroded mucosa affecting the attached gingiva. Unlike plaque-induced inflammation, it is a dusky red color & extends beyond the marginal gingiva, often to the full width of the attached gingiva and sometimes onto the alveolar mucosa.

Dequamative gingivitis

QUESTION: Which would be located in the floor of the mouth and be "doughy"? A Ranula B. Dermoid cyst C Lymphoepithelial cyst

Dermoid cyst - dermoid cyst is a firm, dough-like, sac-like growth on or in the skin that is present at birth & range in size.

............................. effects: has threshold, severity of effect is dose-related


QUESTION: Hand-Schuller-Christian triad:

Diabetes insipidus, exophthalmos, & lytic bone lesions (Langerhans dis).

QUESTION: How do you treat lidocaine overdose?


Retruded tongue habit with full denture means what? Difficulty ...........

Difficulty swallowing

QUESTION: Which oral medication would you give to tx vaginal candidiasis? Nystatin, griseofulvin, Monistat, Diflucan (fluconazole)

Diflucan (fluconazole)

QUESTION: self-funded group dental plan in which the employee is reimbursed based on a percentage of dollars spent for dental care provided, and which allows employees to seek treatment from the dentist of their choice.

Direct Reimbursement:

QUESTION: Fluoride does all the following, except?

Direct action on plaque

Advantage of a direct composite vs. a veneer? (# of appointments)

Direct composite is only 1 appointment vs. veneer is at least 2

Which procedure is most unsuccessful in primary tooth with deep caries? Direct pulp cap, indirect pulp cap, pulpectomy, partial pulpectomy, pulpotomy

Direct pulp cap,

Which anatomical components are responsible for rotation of the mandible?

Disc and condyle (lower)

QUESTION: Destroy majority of microorganisms but not bacterial spores. - Bacterial spores = benchmark organism for sterilization


QUESTION: Insufficient indirect retention on RPD when what happens?

Distal extensions lift away from mucosa

Max molar on mesial slope of mesial lingual cusp, where do you have wear on lower teeth? Mesial or distal incline of either mesial facial or mid facial cusp?

Distal incline of midfacial cusp

Where do you attach a non-rigid retainer from a FPD?

Distal of mesial abutment & mesial of the distal abutment - Keyway = lock & key for non-ridge retainers, is located on the mesial of the distal abutment to prevent stress on the distal tooth (most likely to fail)

Main function of the occlusal guard:

Distribute occlusal forces more evenly.

What do you not do if your crown doesn't fit?

Don't change the cement ratio mixture

cord build up + post in one that is cast, for retention of core & to prove support to crown - Dowel = post, dowel core = vertical stop (ferrule)

Dowel post =

QUESTION: Dentist does the treatment for 2 crowns but the insurance company paid for one crown, what is it?


QUESTION: You performed a two surface restoration and coded it that way. Insurance came back with coding it as only one surface restoration. What is this called? Downcoding or upcoding


is defined by the ADA as "a practice of third-party payers in which the benefit code has been changed to a less complex and/or lower cost procedure than was reported except where delineated in contract agreements." Downcoding Upcoding or overcoding Bundling Unbundling


QUESTION: Which method of sterilization does not corrode instruments/burs? Dry Heat, Ethylene oxide

Dry Heat,

QUESTION: Which method of sterilization does not dull carbide instruments?

Dry heat

deform (without fracture) under tensile strength; ability to stretch into wire - greatest ductility to least: gold, silver, platinum, iron, nickel, copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, and lead.

Ductility -

Gold casting wrong? Due to hygroscopic expansion or setting expansion

Due to hygroscopic expansion - Plaster expands during casting so gold casting will be smaller than expected

QUESTION: HTN pt. you just gave 4 carpules of 2% xylocaine with 1:100k epi. BP went up to 200/100. what's possible mechanism/cause?

Due to vasoconstrictor injected into venous system.

...................... of action: - diffusion away from site of action - MAJOR FACTOR, depends on vascularity of tissue surrounding the nerve. - protein binding: high protein bound à prolong duration (ex. bupivacaine, etidocaine, tetracaine)


QUESTION: Dentin dysplasia looks like dentinogenesis imperfect WITH ONE DIFFERENCE? radiographically..... Dysplasia has....

Dysplasia has radiolucency.

QUESTION: When the dentist enters the operatory, the patient, who is new to the office, stands close to the wall, has his arms folded, and is looking at the floor. The dentist should initiate communication by saying which of the following? A. Let's get going; I've got a lot to do. B. What are you angry about? C. Didn't my assistant get you seated? D. You seem uncomfortable; did you have a bad dental experience? E. Hi, I'm Doctor Wilson, what brings you here today?

E. Hi, I'm Doctor Wilson, what brings you here today?

How do you differentiate bw and endo/perio lesion? what test?


which should you NOT do to a traumatic tooth


Tx of root surface caries, what kind of dentin should not be restored?

Eburnated dentin (Sclerotic dentin)

QUESTION: What goes away from mouth by itself?

Ecchymosis - Ecchymosis - a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath, typically caused by bruising.

= X-linked conditions in which there are abnormalities of 2 or more ectodermal structures (ex. hair, teeth, nails, sweat glands, salivary glands, cranial-facial structure, digits). During tooth bud development, it frequently results in congenitally absent teeth (in many cases, a lack of a permanent set) and/or in the growth of teeth that are peg-shaped or pointed. - Teeth develop abnormally causing anodontia or oligodontia (partial). Retained primary teeth. CONICAL shaped anterior teeth.

Ectodermal dysplasia

QUESTION: Congenitally missing teeth often seen in?

Ectodermal dysplasia

QUESTION: Which is not associated with dentogenesis imperfecta?

Ectodermal dysplasia because the enamel is the ectoderm, dentin is mesoderm I think

Fordyce granules is what?

Ectopic sebaceous gland

QUESTION: Pt is under oral sedation. You should monitor everything except? • Respiration • Oxygen saturation level • Electo cardiogram • Skin and oral mucosa color

Electo cardiogram

Least reliable test on primary teeth

Electric pulp test (also not good after trauma of perm teeth)

- to walk in their shoes, share the emotional state they are feeling Apathy Empathy Sympathy


What instrument would not be used to bevel the gingival margin of an MOD prep?

Enamel Hatchet

bw endo ad perio which tx do first

Endo, then perio may be combineed with periapical surgery

QUESTION: Nasopalatine cyst treatment?


QUESTION: Most malignant cancer in oral cavity?

Epidermoid carcinoma (SCC)

QUESTION: Child formed blisters/ulcerations with minor lip irritation?

Epidermolysis bullosa

QUESTION: Which pemphigoid like-lesion most often in infants? Pemphigus vulgarius Pemphigoid Erythema multiform Epidermolysis bullosa

Epidermolysis bullosa - small blisters that develop from mild provocation over areas of stress—ie elbows and knees

= group of inherited connective tissue diseases that cause blisters in the skin & mucosal membranes. It's due to a defect in anchoring between the epidermis and dermis, resulting in friction and skin fragility. Its severity ranges from mild to lethal., usually affects infants/children.

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB)

= benign hyperplasia of fibrous CT, which develops as reactive lesion to chronic mechanical irrigation produced by flange of poor fitting dentures.

Epilus Fissuratum

Patient has bilateral white lines @ occlusal plane, what is primary microscopic finding?

Epithelial hyperkeratosis, frictional keratosis, linea alba.

Baby with nodules on the palatal, what is it? • bone nodulus • Epstein pearls • congenital epulus • bohn nodule (hard/soft palate)

Epstein pearls - Epstein pearls are whitish-yellow cysts that form on the gums and roof of the mouth in a newborn baby.

Which one is a chemical cause of tooth destruction?

Erosion - Type of wear from gastric acids: erosion.

QUESTION: Target lesions?

Erythema Multiforme (also has positive nikolsky sign)

QUESTION: Guy with lesions on his tongue that seem to move locations? other name for it

Erythema migrans

QUESTION: Migratory glossitis picture: red-white borders - other name for it

Erythema migrans

= skin condition of unknown cause, possibly mediated by deposition of immune complexes (mostly IgM) in the superficial microvasculature of the skin & oral mucous membrane that usually follows an infection or drug exposure.

Erythema multiforme

In smoker's soft palate, there are red points. What could it be? Erythroplakia, initial stages of SCC, nicotinic stomatitis (hard palate),


QUESTION: Lesion commonly with dysplasia and carcinoma in situ --


QUESTION: What presents with severe dysplasia? Erythroplakia, white sponge nevus


QUESTION: What is the main benefit of immediate complete denture?


Advantage of inlay over amalgam?

Esthetics, less tooth reduction

QUESTION: Replacing words like LA with sleepy juice is called as

Euphemism (relabeling)

QUESTION: Most likely dx indicator of pit and fissure caries is what? -Explorer catch -xray, -adjacent tooth decalcify, -contralateral tooth thingy

Explorer catch

QUESTION: What determines composite class 2 prep?

Extent of caries, Access

What does Medicaid cover?

Extractions, one-time denture, children until 18.

QUESTION: Finding out whether a pt is listening:

Eye contact

QUESTION: PSA numb palatal tissue T / F


QUESTION: What can't the patient say if upper anterior are too superior and forward for denture teeth?

F and V

QUESTION: Temperatures for autoclaves is governed by:


QUESTION: if you find problems with a medical conditions occurring with a certain drug, who do you contact? OSHA, FDA, EPA


QUESTION: Hinge axis:


QUESTION: Which cranial nerve affected bell's palsy?

Facial nerve (7th)

Alesion of non-endo origin remains at the apex of the suspected tooth regardless of xray cone angulations -T or F


QUESTION: American disabilities act does not include HIV:


What is true about EPT? -it is more reliable than cold testing for necrotic teeth -it gives relative health satus of pulp -tells if there are vital nerve fibers

False true true

Pt complains of high fees of dentist, how should the dentist answer? Fee is fine according to the geographic area, it is fair and reasonable, I have to make a living too

Fee is fine according to the geographic area,

What is the weakest porcelain?


QUESTION: How does a dowel post & core help prevent vertical fracture? Ferrule, Ventilating groove, bevel, vertical stop


QUESTION: What is the advantage of a fiber post over a cast post?

Fiber post has the same modulus of elasticity as dentin

= benign tumors composed of fibrous/CT tissue.


QUESTION: Which one resembles Epilus Fissuratum -

Fibroma (both share trauma as etiology)

QUESTION: - ground glass appearance, diffuse expansion of the mandible ("orange peel")

Fibrous Dysplasia

= bone disorder where scar-like (fibrous) tissue develops in place of normal bone. This can weaken the affected bone & cause it to deform or fracture.

Fibrous dysplasia

QUESTION: What is the isthmus of Y (where nasal floor (straight radiopaque line) and maxillary sinus (curved radiopaque line) start and meet). What are the two anatomical factors that border this?

Floor of nasal cavity & maxillary sinus

less filler content


QUESTION: Focal White females vital edentulous one lesion:

Focal Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia • 30-50 white female • Posterior mand / asymptomatic solitary lesion

QUESTION: There was a picture of fibroma but the term fibroma was not used instead they used another name:

Focal Fibrous Hyperplasia

= small, raised, pale red, yellow-white or skin-colored bumps/spots that appear on the penis shaft, labia, scrotum, or the vermilion border of the lips. No pathology.

Fordyce granules (Sebaceous Prominence)

Most common medication for pulpectomy / pulpotomy


If the palate is very deep, what happens to the vibrating line? More pronounced Forward Backward

Forward - In the palate class III variation, there is a high vault in the hard palate. Soft palate has an acute drop and a wide range of movement. The vibrating line is much more anterior and closer to the hard palate. This gives a narrow posterior palatal seal area.

QUESTION: A pontic in the bridge shows the metal, why? Under-reduction Framework was not done well

Framework was not done well

The patient retires & loses health benefits. The treatment is done on the next day. The pt requests that the dentist enter the previous day's date and the dentist does so. What is this called?


Pt has problems on one side of their face when they eat, he/she recently had parotid surgery, also had to do with something with their nerve A. Papillon Leferve B. Frey's Syndrome

Frey's Syndrome (strong salivation)

QUESTION: Too labially placed upper anterior teeth. What sounds are hard to say:

Fricative (F-V)

..................... sounds ("f/th" sounds) are made by allowing the maxillary incisors to nearly touch the slightly inverted lower lip. - check .....................

Fricative sounds -Check labial incline of anterior teeth

QUESTION: What do Gardners and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome have in common? -and what other diease also has this in common?

GI polyps - GI polps in Gardner's, Peutz-Jegher, Crohn's

Class II prep into cementum, how should you restore? Hybrid, GI, non-restorable


Recently placed gold inlay on upper tooth is opposing lower amalgam, what is the most common reason for pain afterwards? __________ shock

Galvanic shock - Galvanic shock Sensitivity - choose this if only question says opposing dissimilar metal.

, a variant of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by GI polyps, multiple osteomas, and skin/soft tissue tumors. Cutaneous findings of Gardner syndrome include epidermoid cysts, desmoid tumors, and other benign tumors.

Gardner syndrome

QUESTION: Which syndrome includes multiple osteomas?

Gardner's (Multiple facial osteomas & skin nodules)

QUESTION: Syndrome associated with multiple odontoma-

Gardner's syndrome

QUESTION: Girl with caries into the pulp on tooth #3 - radiograph shows alternating RL/path at inferior border of mandible (a.k.a "onion skin", bacterial) ->

Garre's Osteomyelitis aka chronic osteomyelitis

QUESTION: A 26-month old child w/ 12 carious teeth. How to treat? a. General Anesthesia b. Oral sedation c. Nitrous oxide d. local anesthesia

General Anesthesia

QUESTION: A patient is going to the dentist and has never had local anesthetic. He recently got a flu vaccine and is now afraid of needles. The fear is due to what? Location Generalization Translation


Pano, what is the round opacity under #24 and #25: Genial tubercles, nutrient canal, zygomatic process of maxilla, normal anatomy

Genial tubercles,

QUESTION: Lesion hurts after eating spicy food, has white lesions with red borders that move:

Geographic tongue

= inflammation of mucous membrane of tongue, usually on dorsal surface. - Characterized by areas of smooth, red depapillation (loss of lingual papillae) which migrate over time. Cause is unknown but condition is benign.

Geographic tongue (benign migratory glossitis, erythema migrans)

- multilocular radiolucent benign jaw condition, most common in anterior max/man, & in younger people, especially women. They are characterized by large lesion that expand the cortical plate & can resorb root + move teeth.

Giant Cell Granuloma

: Initial presentation during the 1st (primary) herpes simplex infection is of greater severity than herpes labialis(cold sores), which is often the subsequent presentation. It's the most common viral infection of the mouth, affects both the free & attached mucosa.

Gingivostomatitis Herpetica

QUESTION: 4 yrs old patient lives in community w/ 0.25 ppm fluoride intake, what do you give? Give her systemic fluoride (0.5 mg/day) Apply fluoride Change diet to more fluoride intake Prescription fluoride rinse

Give her systemic fluoride (0.5 mg/day)

Which indicated for high caries risk or multiple class Vs?

Glass Ionomer

divergent walls (2-50 per wall), 300 bevel margins for better fit, skirt - extend beyond line angle - resistance/retention: 2-50 of taper per wall as tall as possible. - Primary retention is from wall height & taper. - Secondary retention is from retention grooves, skirts, and groove extensions.

Gold inlay/onlay Prep:

QUESTION: Reduction dimension for functional/non-functional cusps in gold and PFM Gold: functional = non-function = PFM =

Gold: functional = 1.5, non-function = 1. PFM = 1.5-2mm

QUESTION: A successful practice is built on - friendship Cpmmunication Good clinician-patient relationship

Good clinician-patient relationship

QUESTION: Pt has calcified falx cerebri, multiple OKCs, bifid ribs. What syndrome does the patient have?

Gorlin Goltz syndrome aka Basal cell bifid rib syndrome.

QUESTION: What does multiple OKC tell you?

Gorlin-gotz syndrome (also called basal cell nevus syndrome)

QUESTION: Patient has congenital epulis. What is the histology most similar to?

Granular cell tumor

= tumor that can develop on any skin or mucosal surface, but occurs on the tongue 40% of the time. It's pseudoepitheliomatus hyperplasia: resembles SCC & congenital epulis. It is seen in inflammatory papillary hyperplasia, chronic hyperplastic candida, & blastomycosis.

Granular cell tumor (Granular cell nerve sheath tumor, Granular cell schwannoma)

Periapical lesion biopsied after apicoectomy of RCT treated tooth, tooth still sensitive tooth, with neutrophils, plasma cells, nonkeratanized stratified epithelium (islands of), and fibrous connective tissue -abscess, -granuloma, -cyst

Granuloma (granuloma: a mass of granulation tissue, typically produced in response to infection, inflammation, or the presence of a foreign substance)

Silver turns porcelain (PFM) what color?


What is the most practical way to seat a casting at the time of cementation?

Grind the inside away since the other answer

QUESTION: Patient is ready to hear your treatment plan, all of the following are true except?

Guarantee the success of treatment!

Addition silicones (PVS) releases?

H2 (as secondary reaction).

QUESTION: ............... used in in-office bleaching

H2O2 - 35%

Normal tissue overgrowth. It grows at the same rate as surrounding tissues.


QUESTION: Once a year, you have to check for one of the following: HIV HEP B HEP C


YOU WANT TO HAVE .......... KVP AND ........... mA for MOST penetration


QUESTION: Know about capitation: Dentist is paid a fixed fee to see patients enrolled in program; ............. = capitation dental plan


QUESTION: Condyloma acuminatum (genital/venereal wart) is caused by which virus?


QUESTION: Mix MAOI and epi to get?


QUESTION: What is usually seen with affected hypertrophic filiform papillae?

Hairy tongue

What is true of Strep. mutans? • Can live in plaque • Can live on gingival • Can live in a child with no teeth • Has to live on a non-shedding surface

Has to live on a non-shedding surface

QUESTION: created by OSHA to make sure employees know about hazardous/toxic materials

Hazard Communication Standard:

QUESTION: Precontemplation/contemplation/action definition Precontemplation stage of change are not even thinking about changing their drinking behavior. They may not see it as a problem, or they think that others who point out the problem are exaggerating. Contenplation: Individuals in this stage of change are willing to consider the possibility that they have a problem, and the possibility offers hope for change. However, people who are contemplating change are often highly ambivalent. They are on the fence. Contemplation is not a commitment, not a decision to change.

Health behavior:

When treating elderly patients what should be your concern?

Health of patient

Most of the x-ray is converted to?


CASE: Lower natural anterior teeth, upper PFM anterior teeth. Lowers had incisal wear facts, what do you think this is due to? - Same patient: a picture of him doing incisal guidance, what is this patient doing? - Same patient: when he does anterior guidance, what is happening to the TMJ? Translation or Rotation

Heavy incisal guidance (this was the most logical answer, as PFM vs natural teeth, natural teeth wear off) Incisal guidance (lower teeth and upper teeth were at edge to edge position) Translation

When soldering, what is the most important factor?


QUESTION: What test for every year?

Hep B

QUESTION: Sjogren's Synd associated with all EXCEPT Herpes Keratoconjunctivitis SLE


QUESTION: Which disease is caused by the virus that causes acute herpetic gingivostomatitis?

Herpes simplex 1

The main reason of breaking of RPD clasp?

High Module of Elasticity (less likely to change shape - less deformation = VERY RIGID)

Lipid solubility afects anethetic potency higher values = ............... potency (higher or lower)


Which ethiticity has most caries in kid population (highest caries incident)?


QUESTION: Which are the two most imp. steps for diagnosis:

History and clinical examination

Highest chance of leakage under rubber dam? Holes too wide, Holes too far apart, Holes too close

Holes too close

QUESTION: Which plane is most important on anterior guidance:


Guy has no upper teeth and palatal tori that extends to soft palate. What type of major connector to use? Horseshoe, AP, Palatal strap


What's not found on the OSHA poster?

How many days each employee is allowed to work with that chemicals

= color Metamerism Hue Chroma Value


QUESTION: Which color characteristic is dependent on spectral wavelength?


QUESTION: Which represents position on the spectral wavelength?


QUESTION: The causes of Verrucous xanthoma?

Human papilloma virus - Xanthoma = fatty deposits under skin

Syphilis: ............... triad

Hutchinson triad interstitial keratitis, Hutchinson incisors, and 8th nerve deafness.

Most commonly accepted theory of dentin sensitivity? ..... theory

Hydrodynamic theory

QUESTION: What ion gets replaced in hydroxyapatite by fluoride?


Post-operative MOD composite pain, most likely due to?


QUESTION: Soreness all along the ridges?


QUESTION: Where do you find giant cells? Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Hyperparathyroidism, Hypoparathyroid


What causes varices on the tongue?


QUESTION: #1 cause for problems during IV sedation?


DaignoDent is Class #


Which of these is NOT an important reason for a clinician to be able to distinguish remineralization?

I put color. I have no idea what this was asking.

QUESTION: Patient complains of pain in relation to a particular tooth. The best answer/reply of the dentist would be: If you came here earlier things would not be bad If you took more care this would not have happened I will take care of everything

I will take care of everything

ANB = -4 degrees : Class ?


ANB is -6 degrees, what's the facial profile? Class ?


QUESTION: What section states the purpose of the research?


which is the process of absorbing water leads to alginate expansion.


What won't affect metal casting seated on master cast?

Impression inaccuracies - It won't fit the tooth but will fit the cast.

QUESTION: What is the most effective way of bleaching teeth?

In-home vital bleaching

QUESTION: What do Freud and Erikson say about anxiety?

Inability to overcome a conflict in a particular stage that will lead to anxiety. Inadequate resolution becomes anxiety - An inadequate resolution would indicate a child's insecurity and anxiety. - An Adequate Resolution would mean that a child was able to overcome the conflict in each stage and develop properly. This applies similarly to the other 8 stages.

Most common reason for Amalgam fracture occuring in a primary tooth: Inadequate ......

Inadequate cavity prep (especially the isthmus area)

What could the reason be if you see opaque white porcelain in the incisal 1/3 facial of the PFM crown:

Inadequate reduction of the inciso facial part of the tooth

QUESTION: Definition of disinfectants -

Inanimate objects (non-living)

- new cases


QUESTION: is when number of people like to get disease in given time


QUESTION: If you have leukoplakia for biopsy, do you incise or excise for biopsy?

Incision - incise multiple areas w incisional biopsy

QUESTION: Pt has composite restoration with severe pain with localized swelling, Tx is?

Incision & Drainage

QUESTION: SCC on tongue, what you do?


#10 PFM on a patient looks longer than #7. All of the following may be the reason why the crown looks like this except? Incorrect shade insufficient tooth prep too thick metal too thick porcelain

Incorrect shade

If denture teeth were set to a 20-degree condylar setting when the teeth need to be at 45 degrees, what will need to be changed? • Incisal guidance increased • Posterior cusps decreased • Increase compensating curve

Increase compensating curve - Or DECREASE INCISAL GUIDANCE (to compensate for increase in condylar guidance). Steep condylar path requires steep compensating curve, and decreased incisal guidance)

Protrusion denture causes dislodging.

Increase compensating curve!!

QUESTION: Radiographic Picture looks washed out/too light, no contrast, what was adjusted? • Decrease kvp • Increase kvp • Increase time • Less developing solution

Increase kvp

Why do we lute all ceramic crowns with composite/resin? Increase strength, color stability, sealing of margins, enhance retention

Increase strength, (i thought it was sealing of margins from DD) - Composite Resin - the luting material of choice to cement a ceramic crown and can provide the strongest bond.

QUESTION: Beveling in acid etching composite:

Increase surface area

The condylar guidance is increased from 20 to 45 degrees, what do you do?

Increase the compensatory curve

What can't occur with the addition of stain? Increase value, decrease value, increase chroma, increase hue, decrease chroma

Increase value

Which is not a symptom of combination (Kelly) syndrome?

Increased VDO

Pt complains "it feels loose" from a new bilateral distal extension RPD. Why? retainers are passive on the abutments Thin flanges bases Deflective Occlusal contacts Indirect retainer

Indirect retainer(lack of)

: consists of one or more rests, their minor connectors, and proximal plates adjacent to edentulous areas. o Located on the opposite side of fulcrum line, assist direct retainer to prevent denture displacement o Should be placed far from distal extension base

Indirect retainers

QUESTION: Infection around a tooth & can't numb patient, why?

Infection reduces the free base amount of anesthetic (lowers pH)

Filtration is a mechanism where the low quality, long wavelength x-rays are absorbed from the exiting beam. Aluminum disks absorb lower penetrating x-rays. Inherent filtration = Total filtration =

Inherent filtration = glass, oil Total filtration = aluminum

QUESTION: Fluorosis does what?

Inhibits remineralization Fluoride induces enamel hypoplasia (hypocalification), which is a characteristic of fluorosis that is caries resistant.

QUESTION: Patient always had internal derangement with clicking. All of a sudden, no noise and open max 30 mm. What happened? Myofascial pain, Lockjaw, Internal derangement w/o reduction

Internal derangement w/o reduction

Where is the MOD inlay hitting when it contacts early during seating?


QUESTION: FPD seats during framework try-in but when come back for final cementation, the FPD holds up/doesn't seat. Why?

Interproximal (porcelain over contoured) - Check proximal contacts first when cast that fits on die cannot be seated on the teeth in the mouth.

- is like ordinal but the values are EQUALLY SPACED - 10, 15, 20, Nominal Categorical (nominal) Ordinal Interval Cardinal


QUESTION: RMGI: What is the advantage beside fluoride release?

Ionic bond btwn enamel and dentin - GI forms ionic bonds

Most inaccurate impression material?

Irreversible hydrocolloid

Which material cannot be used to get cast impression? o Reversible hydrocolloid o Irreversible hydrocolloid o Polysulfide o PVS

Irreversible hydrocolloid

If you have pain, what would be the hardest to anesthetize? a. Irreversible pulpitis and maxillary b. Irreversible pulpitis and mandibular c. Necrotic pulp and maxillary d. Necrotic pulp and mandibular

Irreversible pulpitis and mandibular - When irreversible pulpitis, the teeth that are hard to anesthetize are the mandibular molars > mandibular premolars > maxillary molars & premolars > mandibular anterior teeth. - fewest problems w/ the maxillary anterior teeth

CASE: pt with tooth that has sensiitivity that lingers with thermal test, sinus tract, and positive to percussion, what does the pt have?

Irriversible pulpitis Acute periapical abscess

QUESTION: What happens when a kid with primary teeth ingests fluoride?

It affects their permanent teeth.

Impressions, what's wrong with polyether?

It's hard & engages undercuts.

Why don't you use GI resin cement in cementation of all ceramic restoration?

Its expansion could cause cracking of porcelain.

How far do you extend the pulpal floor in class I amalgam cavity on primary dentition? - 1mm into dentin - Just into dentin

Just into dentin (total prep should 1.5 mm so 1 mm for enamel & ~ 0.5 mm for dentin

QUESTION: Most interproximal caries lesion happens where?

Just under/below the contact

QUESTION: Which electron level has the highest binding energy? N K L O R M

K - K is located closest to the nucleus -> highest energy

In pt with completely edentulous maxilla & partially edentulous mandible with preserved anterior teeth, they have severe anterior maxillary resorption combined with hypertrophic and atrophic changes in different quadrants of maxilla and mandible. What syndrome?

KELLY Syndrome (Combination syndrome) -

QUESTION: Which type of Kennedy classification doesn't have a modification?

Kennedy Class IV

In which classification is a direct retainer very important?

Kennedy class 2

QUESTION: Describes a denture with bilateral edentulous space anterior to natural teeth:

Kennedy class 4

QUESTION: Lesion looks like SCC?


= relatively common low-grade tumor that originates in the pilosebaceous glands & closely resembles squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

Keratoacanthoma (KA)

QUESTION: A picture of basal cell or on the face crater like with a crust in the middle

Keratoancathoma ...... keratoacanthoma has a bump with a crusty crater in the middle, but BCC can be pink, waxy/pearly, or skin colored or brownish. BCC is more reddish/can be flat while keratoacanthoma has a crust and looks really gross

= rare benign but locally aggressive developmental cystic neoplasm. It often affects the posterior mandible but can extend to maxillary. Usually, a lucent uniloclar lesions extending along mandible, presents with swelling & pain, & has a high reoccurrence rate. - Originates from epithelial cell rests (stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium). - basal cell nevus syndrome (a.k.a. Gorlin's syndrome, multiple OKC's seen)

Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (OKC)

QUESTION: 4-year-old kid, best position? Knee to knee with head on dentist lap Knee to knee with head on parent's lap

Knee to knee with head on dentist lap

: ability for the beam to penetrate tissues, energy mA or Kvp


QUESTION: Abscess, give LA, decreased in effect, why?

LA is unstable in low pH or LA is in ionized form, needs to be in free base form or unionized form to cross membranes

QUESTION: 3⁄4 gold crown advantageous except for?

LESS retention than full crown

- Usually an enlargement of the parotid or lacrimal gland


All of the following are an indication for putting a temporary on a deep caries and restoring at a later time except? Lack of time due to it being an emergency appt, weakened dentin under cusps, to assess pulp condition

Lack of time due to it being an emergency appt, ???

What helps in carious progression but it is not the primary inititator for caries?


= rare disease w/ clonal proliferation of ....................... cells, abnormal cells deriving from bone marrow and capable of migrating from skin to lymph nodes. - ...................... disease is associated - Oral signs: bad breath, sore mouth, loose teeth. Lesion are sharply punched out radiolucency & teeth appear as FLOATING IN AIR

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) Hand-Schüller-Christian

QUESTION: What does tuberculosis lesion in the oral cavity look like?

Large ulcer - Painful nonhealing indurated often multiple ulcers - Most frequently affected sites were the tongue base & gingiva. The oral lesions look like irregular ulceration or a discrete granular mass.

Which of the following is not ideal abutment-pontic connection? Lateral Incisor-Central Incisor Central Incisor-Lateral Incisor, Canine-Lateral Incisor

Lateral Incisor-Central Incisor - worst cantilever -> lateral abutment with central pontic

QUESTION: What is the rarest cyst?

Lateral Periodontal Cyst

Which muscle mainly responsible for positioning and translating condyles?

Lateral pterygoids

QUESTION: What happens if you increase water in gypsum stone?

Less expansion and strength (b/c particles are farther apart) increase setting expansion...?

QUESTION: Picture: young person that is fatigued and has a jacked-up mouth, looks like multi pyrogenic granuloma, very inflamed and red gums.


QUESTION: o Says bleeding gums o 20 yr. old patient o Been bruising easily

Leukemia picture

QUESTION: - blue/grey/white mucosa that blanches. It disappears when stretching. Mostly bilateral. No treatment.


QUESTION: A patient presents with a bilateral, grayish-white lesion of the buccal mucosa. This lesion disappears when the mucosa is stretched. Which of the following is the MOST likely condition? A. Leukoedema B. Leukoplakia C. Lichen planus D. White sponge nevus


QUESTION: Pemphigus: which was a vesicular disease & which layer it effects? Lichen Planus and pemphigoid = pemphigus =

Lichen Planus and pemphigoid = sub epithelial pemphigus= suprabasilar vesicular disease.

QUESTION: Desquamative gingivitis is associated with which 2 conditions?

Lichen planus & pemphigoid

Desquamative gingivitis is associated with which two conditions:

Lichen planus and pemphigoid

QUESTION: What anesthesia do you give IV for ventricular arrhythmia? a. Quinidine b. Lidocaine


QUESTION: Which pair of anesthetics is most likely to cause cross allergy?

Lidocaine and mepivocaine

............ films (underexposed/image not dense enough): due to incorrect mA (too low) or exposure (too short), incorrect focal-film distance, or cone too far from the patient's face, or film is placed backwards.


QUESTION: Non-working movement, which one is true?

Lingual cusps of upper molars hit lingual inclines of facial cusps of mandibular molars.

QUESTION: Pt bites down after cementing down and deviates to the right #30:

Lingual incline of the buccal cusp

Which of the following is seen with hyperplastic (or was it associated with) foliate papilla: hairy tongue, Lingual tonsil hyperplasia, median rhomboid glossitis, lymphadenopathy

Lingual tonsil hyperplasia

Resistance to lingual displacement of 3⁄4 crown? facial wall of groove, lingual wall (of groove), facial aspect of prep

Lingual wall (of groove),

QUESTION: How to deal with angry patient? Listen and validate emotion, agree with patient, ignore anger then investigate after

Listen and validate emotion,

QUESTION: When do use base metal opposed to gold?

Long span bridges (FPD) - need it be more rigid = more base metal

filter absorbs:............... wavelength.

Long wavelength.

—TIMED study that looks at a certain set of people (same people) over a long period of time. Hypothesis Generating Observational Studies Descriptive studies - time, place, person Ecologic studies - use groups rather than individuals Correlation studies - measure linear relationship between two factors within defined groups, no cause and effect established Case control study Cohort study Cross sectional study Longitudinal Study Clinical Trial

Longitudinal Study

External oblique ridge & hyoid bone, tongue

Look at file

Identify the following on x-ray: External oblique ridge, genial tubercle, Stylo hyoid ligament on x-ray

Look at file

Nose vs lip line in radiograph

Look at file

They liked to ask intermaxillary suture a lot which comes up clear on radiograph and it looks like a fracture (which is an answer choice), but it's not.

Look at file

QUESTION: How do you determine the severity of fluorosis?

Look at the two worst teeth? - Higher the fluoride level, greater degree of enamel change

When you want to cement crown, what is the sequence?

Look inside the crown (internal fit), contacts, then margin

Mercury poisoning effects?

Loss of hair was a choice (I looked it up, and I think that is the answer)

Symptoms of actinic cheilitis?

Loss of vermillion border

QUESTION: What problem causes bilateral angular cheliits? high vertical dimension low interocclusal space high occlusal distance Low VDO


QUESTION: What problem causes bilateral angular cheliits? high vertical dimension, low interocclusal space, high occlusal distance, Low VDO


Property of interocclusal recording material?

Low resistance to jaw closure

Fox plane landmarks:

Lower alla upper tragus and interpupillary distance

QUESTION: Most common place for periapical cemental dysplasia:

Lower anteriors

Which one of the following is usually an issue for denture patients? Upper denture or Lower denture

Lower denture

QUESTION: Most common location for mucocele?

Lower lip

QUESTION: Patient has bilateral submandibular infection; tongue is elevated due infection -

Ludwig's Angina - Ludwig angina = bilateral cellulitis of submandibular & sublingual spaces.

= serious bilateral cellulitis (CT infection) of the floor of the mouth, usually occurring in adults with concomitant dental infections & if left untreated, may obstruct the airways, necessitating tracheotomy. - Symptoms: swelling, pain and raising of the tongue, swelling of the neck and the tissues of the submandibular & sublingual spaces, malaise, fever, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and, in severe cases, stridor or difficulty breathing.

Ludwig's angina

QUESTION: Actinomycosis of jaw presents how?

Lumpy Jaw

............ is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and lungs.


QUESTION: Patient (young child) w/ nodules on right side of tongue that are fluid filled the rest of the mouth is WNL, no other systemic signs a. Neurofibromatosis b. Lymphangioma c. Granular cell tumor


- involves Lymphocytes. Chronic............................ runs a variable course (older patients may survive years even without treatment). Lymph node enlargement is the main pathologic finding. May be complicated by autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Lymphocytic leukemia

QUESTION: What is most common with Sjogren's syndrome? Lymphoma pleomorphic adenoma, increased sweating and osteoarthritis.


Patient receives a blow to the chin. He has a MOD inlay placed on the maxillary molar 3 months earlier. Now the patient has a vague pain on biting, there are no other symptoms. Why? maxillary sinusitis, M-D fracture

M-D fracture

QUESTION: Pulpal anatomy dictates a triangular access cavity preparation in the


QUESTION: Local anesthesia: PSA does not numb (what root) of Maxillary M1


QUESTION: Pontic length on a bridge, what's most important? AP dimension, MD dimension

MD dimension

QUESTION: Cement onlay & you see black lines few months later:


X-ray with cone cut. What's wrong? horizontal, vertical, misaligned xray tube head incorrect beam centering

MISALIGNED XRAY TUBE HEAD, incorrect beam centering.

MOD amalgam that exceeds 1/3 distance of cusp height, what would you do? MOD amalgam, MOD composite, MOD onlay, MOD inlay

MOD onlay,

Best diagnostic eval for TMJ disc?


Best imaging for TMJ (soft tissue, disc & condyle of TMJ):


Edentulous space is wider than adjacent anterior tooth, how to match them?

Make pontic line angles closer and deeper interproximal embrasures

QUESTION: Reline for Kennedy class one:

Make sure rpd is seated

deform (without fracture) under compressive strength; ability to form a thin sheet - Greatest malleability to least: gold, silver, lead, copper, aluminum, tin, platinum, zinc, iron, and nickel

Malleability -

QUESTION: A patient has acromegaly and needs dentures. Which denture will not fit? Maxillary or Mandibular


QUESTION: Which teeth roots are retained under an overdenture? PICK roots from dense bone areas such as

Mandibular Canine - Pref = canine -> premolars -> incisors -> molars - Bilateral, symmetrical, with healthy attached gingiva, adequate perio support (>1/2 root in bone), limited/no mobility

= unknown etiology characterized by persistent or accelerated growth of the condyle when growth should be slowing or ended. - Slowly progressive unilateral enlargement of the head & neck of the condyle causes crossbite malocclusion, facial asymmetry, and shifting of the midpoint of the chin toward the unaffected side. The patient may appear prognathic.

Mandibular condylar hyperplasia

Nutrient canals seen radiographically are most common where?

Mandibular incisors

QUESTION: What tooth is most likely to have occlusal caries?

Mandibular molar

QUESTION: Who is in control of writing the material safety data sheet (MSDS):


What is true of amalgam within a year after placement Marginal leakage increases as restoration ages Marginal leakage decreases as restoration ages No marginal leakage

Marginal leakage decreases as restoration ages - b/c it gets filled with corrosion products

Mandibular denture border sitting on what muscle due to its orientation of its fiber?


QUESTION: What muscle can you impinge on with denture? Masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid


Posterior buccal extention of a mandibular complete denture is limited by:

Masseter muscle

Premolar most likely to have 3 canals?

Max 1st

ECC (early childhood caries) is usually in what location? a. Max incisors and molars b. Man incisor and molars c. Max canine d. Man canine and molar

Max incisors and molars - Primary max incisors (B&L), then primary molars, mandibular unaffected bc tongue blocks

What does a bigger SNA means?

Maxilla is more protrusive

QUESTION: What is the inverted Y made up of?

Maxillary sinus & floor of nasal cavity

QUESTION: Which of the following is most likely to be interpreted as toothache by the patient?

Maxillary sinusitis - can cause pain or pressure in the maxillary (cheek) area (e.g., toothache, headache)

Primary stress bearing area/retention: - ridges in RPD, hard palate


Radiographically, the acute apical abscess -is generally of large size than other lesions -may not be evident -has more diffuse margins than another lesion

May not be evident

QUESTION: .................... syndrom - Café au lait spots (coast of Maine)—bone and skin disorder—brown spots!

McCune Albright's Syndrome

.................. Syndrome — polyostotic fibrous dysplasia—areas of radiolucent/radiopaque---potential for malignant transformation

Mccune-Albright Syndrome

QUESTION: What do you use for average Q? Mean, median, mode


QUESTION: If you have an infection in the lateral pharyngeal space, what muscle is involved?

Medial pterygoid

Trismus includes what muscle?

Medial pterygoid.

QUESTION: Healthy 36-year-old, red patch on palate, redness in middle of tongue: - Kaposi sarcoma - Syphilis - Median rhomboid glossitis -> Candidiasis - Gonorrhea

Median rhomboid glossitis

QUESTION: — smooth red area of tongue that lacks the lingual papillae

Median rhomboid glossitis

= area of redness & loss of lingual papillae, situated on the dorsum of the tongue in the midline immediately in front of the circumvallate papillae. MRG created by a chronic fungal infection, and usually is a type of oral candidiasis.

Median rhomboid glossitis (MRG)

QUESTION: What sector of government provides funding for dental care? Medicaid, Medicare, grant, HMO


QUESTION: If you need a medical record from your patient's physician, your patient needs to give you a permission to do that. Based on which principal/policy? Medicaid/Medicare CDC, OSHA, blood borne, There wasn't HIPAA


QUESTION: Government spends most of the money in Medicare, Medicaid, HMO.


QUESTION: Most aid for finance: Medicaid, Medicare, hmo


visual effect in which a color appears differently under different light sources Metamerism Hue Chroma Value


QUESTION: Administer 600 mg of prilocaine. What possible result? Can be treated with.....

Methemoglobinemia - can be treated with methylene blue

The strength of Zinc Oxide Eugenol (IRM) can be increased by adding what?

Methylmethacrylate (MMA) Zinc oxide eugenol is IRM but there's an extra component that makes it IRM which is the methylmethacrylate, which is an inactive ingredient.

Most attrition of enamel is against what? (porcelain not an option in the answer) a) Enamel b) Amalgam c) Hybrid resin d) Microfill resin

Microfill resin.

QUESTION: Veneer after a month time has some brown stain: not enough cement at margin, Microleakage


QUESTION: Pt had veneers cemented with light cured resin. Now, comes back few weeks later with brown staining at gingival margins. Why? Microleakage, not enough cement, etc


QUESTION: Modified ridge lap pontic has what kind of contact?

Minimal contact w/ residual ridge

QUESTION: Pt has occasional sores on mucolabial fold on mandibular arch that healed without scarring after a week or so?

Minor Aphthous ulcer. Ulcer healing with scar tissue: major

QUESTION: What connects major connector with occlusal rest seats?

Minor connector

MOST esthetic pontic: Saddle, steins, sanitary, conical ridge lap, Modified ridge lap

Modified ridge lap

Vertical BWX are better than horizontal BWX because?

More alveolar bone

Burs for smoothing out preps? More flutes and shallow more flutes and deeper less flutes and shallow less flutes and deeper

More flutes and shallow (this is what red burs are)

Why do you use a cool glass slab? More powder incorporated , less powder incorporated, decrease working time

More powder incorporated

QUESTION: Why do you bevel when placing anterior composite?

More surface area

C factor in class 1 composites, which one is correct?

More walls, higher C Factor

QUESTION: Patient comes with recurrent herpetic stomatitis on the lips and history shows no signs of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. Why?

Most primary infections are subclinical.

When tx planning an RPD for a pt what's the first thing you do? find undercuts, find abutments, mount casts, extract hopeless and perio teeth.

Mount casts.

How do you treat bruxism?

Mouthguard - Stress causes immune weakness which leads to disease and bruxism.

How do you make a crown narrower?

Move line angles more facially (closer together)

= caused by ruptured salivary duct, commonly seen on the lower lip, & usually due to trauma. - NEVER ON THE ...................

Mucocele GINGIVA

Most common malignant major:

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

= plasma cell cancer, a type of WBC normally responsible for producing antibodies. Initially, there are often no symptoms. When advanced bone pain, bleeding, frequent infections, and anemia may occur. Complications may include amyloidosis (buildup of amyloid proteins).

Multiple myeloma (plasma cell myeloma)

o monoclonal neoplastic expansion of immunoglobulin secreting B cells o multiple punched out bone lucencies o high M protein in serum o bence jones protein in urine (light chains) o tx: chemo -> poor prognosis

Multiple myeloma/plasma cell myeloma:

QUESTION: Asked which statement was correct for HIPPA?

Must give privacy form to pt but you don't need confirmation of receipt, fax and email standard, etc.

QUESTION: ............................ is the benchmark for disinfection


Which muscle helps border hold in the posterior lingual flange?

Mylohyoid - Other muscles that help are: palatoglossus, superior pharyngeal constrictor, genioglossus (lingual border of mandibular impression)

QUESTION: Mand CD interfere with what muscle in lingual side?


Most immediate sign after high occlusion on a bridge?

Myofacial pain

Man comes in after years of TMD with reduction and is now only able to open 25mm w/ with muscle pain. What's his disorder?

Myofacial pain syndrome - myofacial pain syndrome , can cause clicking, limited opening, pain, internal derangement without reduction has no noises or clicking but limited opening to < 30mm

High school football player wears a mouthguard. He has crepitation of left TMJ & trigger zone tenderness to palpation of left temporalis area, stiffness upon wakening: Myofacial pain syndrome, TMJ dislodgement

Myofacial pain syndrome,

QUESTION: Pic of ....................... pt. Usually in post. mandible, no symptoms, moves teeth, cortical expansion and root displacement, always radiolucent and honeycombed pattern


Is the isthmus the same for inlay and amalgam ->

NO - isthmus is convergent for amalgam & divergent for inlay.

QUESTION: Giant cell lesion is most like histology of congenital epulis of the newborn. T or F

NO! —Granular cell Myeloma

Periapical abscess what do you do? what do you NOT do>

NOT do rct first incise and drain first prescribe antibiotics and wait to do rct

QUESTION: Carbamazepine is used for Trigeminal Neuralgia, do not use to treat constant, fascial pain. Use


QUESTION: Which one is soft tissue involvement, not bone?

Nasolabial Cyst

QUESTION: A patient has a swelling under the upper lip that is by her lateral incisor and raises the ala of the nose from the outside. What is it?

Nasolabial cyst

QUESTION: Radiolucency radiating from root of central incisor toward midline, could be all of the below except: lateral periodontal cyst, nasopalatine cyst, some sort of fibrous dysplasia, nasolabial cyst

Nasolabial cyst

Not a bone cyst?

Nasolabial cyst b/c it occurs outside of bone & is a soft-tissue cyst

QUESTION: Which one not seen radiographically?

Nasolabial cyst - Because this cyst is extra osseous, it is not likely to be seen on a radiograph.

= rare non-odontogenic, soft-tissue, developmental cyst occurring inferior to the nasal alar region. Derived from epithelial cells retained in the mesenchyme after fusion of the medial & lateral nasal processes + maxillary prominence or due to the persistence of epithelial remnants from the nasolacrimal duct extending between the lateral nasal process and the maxillary prominence. - Patient usually presents with a slowly enlarging asymptomatic swelling.

Nasolabial cyst (nasoalveolar cyst, Klestadt`s cyst)

QUESTION: X-ray- heart shaped near central incisors


Prolonged, unstimulated night pain suggests which of the following conditions of the pulp? --mild hyperemia -pulp necrosis -reversible pulpitis -no specific conditioon


Tooth did not respond to thermal & EPT but response to palaption and percussion DX


Chronic periradicular abcess indicates

Necrotic pulp

what does radiolucency at furcation of primary M1 in 5 year old usually indicate? -erupting permanent 1PM -necrotic pulp -normal anatomy

Necrotic pulp

CASE 5 year old pt, fell down 2 months ago and hit his #E (central) when he fell, the tooth is now discolored, what do you suspect? there is a red swollen lesion on the gingiva of tooth #E, what is it most likely -periapical cyst -periapical granuloma -sinus tract What do you recommend to do with this tooth?

Necrotic pulp Sinus tract XB

- minor salivary gland disease presents on the palate which is most commonly confused with carcinomas due to the ulcerated presentation. Heals without scarring.

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

QUESTION: = painless ulcer on hard palate, goes away on its own w/ no scarring

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

QUESTION: The mucosa of the hard palate is the usual intraoral site for which of the following conditions? - Mucocele - Sialolithiasis - Minor aphthous ulcer - Major aphthous ulcer - Necrotizing sialometaplasia

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

QUESTION: How should prep an RCT for cast post?

Need at least 4 mm of GP to preserve apical seal

---fibrous bone replaces normal bone...Liche nodules, café aulet Spots-


QUESTION: .................................. clinical presentations: Café au lait, lisch nodules of the iris


= autosomal dominant disorder that causes tumors to grow in supporting cells that make up the nerve & myelin sheath - Patients usually present with an uninflamed, slowly enlarging, asymptomatic lesion that varies greatly in size from tiny nodules to large pendulous masses. The lesion is rarely painful. café au lait spots & lisch nodules!

Neurofibromatosis (benign tumor of peripheral nerves)

QUESTION: Café-Au-Lait - —neural tumors. all these bumps all over it's disgusting. Also called ........................... Disease

Neurofibromatosis **Von Recklinh. Disease McCune Albright Syndrome - Polyostoic FIBROUS DYSPLASIA also has café au lait spots

= commonly see multiple OKCs and palmar pitting, plantar keratosis (odontogenic keratin cyst, KCOT)

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin syndrome)

QUESTION: What to do if you increase VDO after mounting?

New CR and remount

o ..................'s sign is when the epithelium can just be rubbed off of an unaffected area HISTO: vesicles are suprabasilar and there is presence of acanthylosis Asoc with.......

Nikolsky Pephigus

QUESTION: A kid presents for bilateral enlargement, painless, etc. (they are implying Cherubim), what is the Tx?

No Tx required

After RCT in maxillary molar, what tx would you do for sinus track

No tx

QUESTION: 8-year-old boy, when will he behave better? Mom inside the dental office Dad inside the dental office Nobody inside

Nobody inside

- names or ID something Nominal Categorical (nominal) Ordinal Interval Cardinal


QUESTION: Dentist refers a difficult case to a specialist, what ethic principle is this?

Non maleficence - Having non-maleficence is knowing your limitations and referring patients out to specialist

QUESTION: Dentist keeps on current dental medicine to provide current standard of care. What part of the ethical code does this relate to?


QUESTION: Something about dentist needs to keep up to date with new technology and learn and practice new procedures:


QUESTION: Contact on buccal portion of lingual cusp of maxillary molar, what kind of interference? Non-working lateral, working, protrusive

Non-working lateral,

QUESTION: Young patient with traumatic bone cyst, what tx? None, spontaneous healing Surgical exploration curettage of the osseous socket and bony walls intralesional steroid injections

None, spontaneous healing

Lab overbulks porcelain, why?

Not enough reduction on tooth, compensate for 20% shrinkage

QUESTION: Nevoid BCC and palmar melatonin indicative of:


- Bone infection = "onion skin" appearance


Where is it acceptable to leave unsupported enamel?

Occlusal wall of class V amalgam - It's not a bearing surface so you can leave unsupported enamel in class V

Large MOD composite, what's disadvantage?

Occlusal wear

Best to see siaolilith in Wharton's? Occlusal Water's PAN PA


QUESTION: Soap bubble lesion in x-ray, what is it? Giant cell, Odontogenic Myxoma

Odontogenic Myxoma, often seen with impacted tooth - Soap bubble lesion= odontogenic myxoma

QUESTION: What else most often seen with nevoid basal cell carcinoma?

Odontogenic keratocyst

QUESTION: Which highest incidence of recurrence? • Odontogenic keratocyst • Dentigerous cyst

Odontogenic keratocyst - High recurrence, Intrabony, posterior mandible but anywhere; BCNS association

= uncommon benign odontogenic tumor arising from embryonic CT associated with tooth formation. As a myxoma, this tumor consists mainly of spindle shaped cells and scattered collagen fibers distributed through a loose, mucoid material (soap bubble appearance)

Odontogenic myxoma

= benign tumor of odontogenic origin, commonly in mandible. It starts off lucent but develops small calcification to be radiodense lesion, can give rise to dentigerous cyst, divided into 2 categories: - ............. Odontoma - irregular calcified lesions w/ no distinct tooth components - .................Odontoma - identifiable tooth components

Odontoma Complex Compound

QUESTION: Characteristic of Ectodermal Dysplasia is?

Oligodontia (some missing teeth, > 6 teeth, not all teeth) hypohidrotic (reduced sweating) or anhidrosis (lack of sweating)

From pt images, which amalgam filling has the lowest Copper content?

One that looks corroded.

QUESTION: You are doing a composite slot on mesial and distal of 1st molar, you decide to connect the composites by crossing the oblique ridge, why?

Only answer that made sense was that when oblique ridge is less than 1.5mm so you involve it

What indicates the design of composite class I preparation Only incorporates pits of lesion 2mm pulpal floor depth 45-degree bevel cavosurface

Only incorporates pits of lesion

.....................of action depends on: - Injection site - Nerve morphology/sensitivity o A-δ & C fibers (conduct pain sensation) are blocked w/ lower [LA] than Aα motor fibers. - Tissue pH: more acidic/ionization -> slower - pKa of drug: pKa - pH = log [ionized/unionized] o High PKa -> slow onset. MORE RAPID ONSET -> AGENT w/ LOW PKA VALUES.


QUESTION: Round yellow-white bump underneath tongue? Lymphoepithilial cyst? Yellowish cyst on floor of mouth?

Oral lymphoepithelial cyst

QUESTION: You would relieve a mandibular denture in the area of the buccal frenum to allow which muscle to function properly?

Orbicularis oris

- : order or rank o Ex. Low, medium, high or highschool, college, graduate school Nominal Categorical (nominal) Ordinal Interval Cardinal


QUESTION: GI mild, moderate severe -


- Blue sclera seen in? .......................... .imperfecta


QUESTION: Radiographs of a patient's teeth reveal that the crowns are bulbous; the pulps, obliterated; and the roots, shortened. These findings are associated with which of the following? Porphyria Pierre Robin syndrome Amelogenesis imperfecta Osteogenesis imperfecta Erythroblastosis fetalis

Osteogenesis imperfecta

= aggressive malignant neoplasm that arises from primitive transformed cells of mesenchymal origin (and thus a sarcoma), that exhibits osteoblastic differentiation, & produces malignant osteoid. - most prevalent in children & young adults. - Paget's disease of the bone -> THIS - in x ray:SYMMETRICALLY WIDENED PDL SPACE, SUN-RAYAPPEARANCE


QUESTION: Most common primary malignant tumor of young people?


QUESTION: Uniform widening of PDL and there is resorption in the bone: osteosarcoma, fibrous dysplasia


QUESTION: Widening of PDL is early sign of what?


QUESTION: Enlarge PDL and radiolucency at mandibular angle?

Osteosarcoma sunburst

Where does fluoride localize/accumulates?

Outer enamel

Most likely for amalgam to fail? Outline cavity design, poor condensation

Outline cavity design,

QUESTION: Anterior teeth, which pontic is best?

Ovate or modified ridge

Dentist did not accept a copayment and did not report it to the 3rd party (insurance)?


QUESTION: 50 lb. patient given 5 carps of 2% lido with 1:100k epi. During procedure 20 min later, he started twitching his arms and legs & went unconscious (convulses), why? Overdose of lidocaine, overdose of the epi (causes HTN), allergy

Overdose of lidocaine,

QUESTION: Patient feels fullness of upper lip after delivery of complete denture:

Overextended labial flange

QUESTION: What system is best for soldering adjusted FPD framework?

Oxygen something, use a torch

QUESTION: Most common gland in Pleomorphic adenoma: MOST COMMON SITE major Minor...


= localized collection of pus in gingival soft tissue. Pus is produced as a result of necrosis of non-vital pulp tissue or occlusion of a deep periodontal pocket.


whatt is intial tx of a combination perio and endo lesion?

PErform Endo with RCT first and then perio SRPs

A fixed partial denture keeps breaking, why?


QUESTION: Patient is given oral habit reducing appliance to prevent an oral habit, what is this considered?


A behavior modification device (ie thumb sucking deterrent) is an example of:

POSITIVE PUNISHMENT (negative consequence that decreases negative behavior)

QUESTION: Which one is related to employee insurance, where you get a discount from the insurance and also you can go to a dentist of your preference? PPO, HMO


QUESTION: Young person w/ fever & oral vesicles: Fever =

PRIMARY herpes stomatitis

QUESTION: - cotton wool appearance of skull

Paget's Disease

= chronic bone disorder where bones become enlarged & deformed - dense but fragile. Seen in pts OLDER pts. Dentures stop fitting. Develops slowly. COTTON WOOL appearance, hypercementosis, and loss of lamina dura. - Labs - INCREASE serum ALKALINE phosphatase but normal serum phosphate and calcium. Risk of osteosarcomas.

Paget's Disease (Osteitis Deformans)

QUESTION: Which one most likely has potential (high incidence) for malignant transformation? osteomas, Paget's disease

Paget's disease

QUESTION: Denture does not fit anymore as a result of?

Paget's disease Dentrures become too small

Which of the following has the potential for undergoing spontaneous malignant transformation? A. Osteomalacia B. Albright's syndrome C. Paget's disease of bone D. Osteogenesis imperfecta E. von Recklinghausen disease of bone

Paget's disease of bone

Adenoid cystic carcinoma: high grade salivary malignancy, most common malignancy o ........... most common o .............. microscopic pattern o spreads through ................. space

Palate MC "Swiss cheese" perinueral spaces**

Patient gets recurrent herpetic lesions very often with gingivostomatitis. What should be done? (herpetic gingivostomatitis) Acyclovir Palliative tx Systemic antibiotics Steroids

Palliative tx - Treatment includes fluid intake, good oral hygiene and gentle debridement of the mouth. In healthy individuals, the lesions heal spontaneously in 7-14 days without scarring.

Best view for zygomatic arches:

Panoramic (fracture would be submentovertex projection)

QUESTION: Lesion in lip with cauliflower shape:


QUESTION: The most common between five choices? 1- Papilloma 2- Rhabdomyoma 3- Leiomyoma 4- Lymphangioma 5- Neurofibromatosis


QUESTION: The restraining of uncooperative 2 yr. child should be done by. Dentist, Assistant, Parent


QUESTION: .................... gland - Chronic sialodochitosis


QUESTION: Warthin tumor is most common in what gland?

Parotid (don't get mixed up with Wharton's duct)

QUESTION: Photo ID: gum boil


QUESTION: How should distal extension RPD fit in comparison to other RPDs?

Passive clasp fit

QUESTION What can tell best thing to tell you about caries?

Past caries history

QUESTION: When is the best case to use an inlay? Patient with

Patient with low caries index

Pano, with short upper roots?

Patient's didn't put tongue on the top of their mouth. ??????

= autoimmune disorder where antibodies attack hemidesmosomes. Blisters and vesicles develop—

Pemphigoid o DIFFERENT than Pemphigus vulgaris because—less severe and HISTO: vesicles are SUBepidermal and NO acanthylosis.

= autoimmune type II hypersensitivity reaction, has acanthylosis, & Tzanck cells. Antibodies are directed against the epithelium, target the desmosomal Dsg3 and cause sloughing.


A patient has painful lesions on her buccal mucosa. A biopsy reveals acantholysis and a suprabasilar vesicle. Which of the following represents the MOST likely diagnosis? A. Pemphigus B. Psoriasis C. Erythema multiforme D. Bullous lichen planus E. Systemic lupus erythematosus


QUESTION: Pic that looked like herpangia in back of palate. Question stated there are Nikoski signs, what is it?

Pemphigus - Erythema multiform & pemphigus vulgaris both show Nikolsky sign

= blurring at edge of structure on radiograph -


What is teh test to dx chronic periradicular periodontitis


Test performed to differentiate endo vs perio lesion

Percussion perio lession are sensitive to lateral percussion

Perio lesion spreads through.... evaluate ....

Periapical region pulp vitality

differance bw perio and endo periapicla lession, which one has teh best prognosis -perio started from endo -endo started from perio

Perio started from endo

sensitive to percussion

Periodontal abscess

= gingival nodule composed of cellular fibroblastic connective tissue stroma, which is associated with the formation of randomly dispersed mineralized products (bone, cementum-like tissue, or dystrophic calcification).

Peripheral ossifying fibroma

QUESTION: Which of the following reactive lesions of the gingival tissue reveals bone formation microscopically?

Peripheral ossifying fibroma

QUESTION: Disable patient comes in and not cooperative, how should you act?

Permissiveness (give patient freedom & treat in the way patient feel comfortable)

QUESTION: : intraoral melanin pigmentation & multiple intestinal polyps

Peut-jeghers syndrome

= autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the GI tract & hyp agonists for the insulin receptor, pigmented macules on the lips and oral mucosa (melanosis)

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

QUESTION: - multiple melanotic macules and gastrointestinal polyposis

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

QUESTION: AOT (Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor) radiograph picture (Exact picture used)

Phone pictures

QUESTION: : When mandible and all of supporting muscles are in their resting posture, Muscle guided position Definition of.......

Physiologic rest position

How do you improve the success of calcium hydroxide on a direct pulp cap?

Place GI liner over calcium hydroxide

When you have a short crown for PFM, what do you do to increase retention of the crown?

Place proximal boxes & vertical grooves to increase retention.

You place a CaOH on the tooth for a direct pulp cap, what else is needed?

Placement of a liner

Which high speed bur gives a smoother surface?

Plain cut fissure bur = best cross cut fissure have a higher cutting efficiency

Smooth surface caries most likely due to?


Most common salivary gland tumor:

Pleomorphic adenoma

Most common salivary gland benign major or minor:

Pleomorphic adenoma (benign mixed tumor)

QUESTION: Pt complains of a marginal stain on #8, what do you do?

Polish it

What is the acid in glass ionomer? Phosphoric acid, Polyacrylic acid

Polyacrylic acid

What component of cement contributes to adhesion? Polycarboxylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, others,

Polycarboxylic acid, - Polyacrylic side group -> chelation between carboxyl groups and calcium in tooth.

Most rigid impression material:


Which is hardest one to remove from the oral cavity (STIFFEST)?


Which one most likely to get stuck in mouth?


You have a pt. with a composite filling that complains of pain to cold during chewing, you ditch it out with a bur, no more pain. What was the cause of the pain?

Polymerization Shrinkage

What causes most post-op sensitivity in direct inlay:

Polymerization shrinkage

QUESTION: Which of the following is frequently accompanied by melanin pigmentation (cafe-au- lait spots)? A. Osteomalacia B. Hyperparathyroidism C. Osteogenesis imperfecta D. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia

Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (Mccune-Albright Syndrome)

gets affected by latex, sulfur in latex gloves retards the setting of PVS.

Polyvinyl siloxanes (PVS).

Best material to oppose a porcelain crown?


QUESTION: Greatest wear on enamel of the opposing tooth: amalgam, porcelain, microfill, hybrid composite, Porcelain (zirconia)

Porcelain (zirconia)

Which of the following will be not be good against enamel? - enamel, amalgam porcelain, hybrid resins unfilled resins

Porcelain, Hybrid resins - Hybrids have silica filler, which increase hardness wear resistance & is the most abrasive.

Which radiograph would you use to view a fracture of the mandibular symphisis?

Posterio-Anterior also Mand occlusal works too. Lateral oblique for fractures in angle, body and ramus.

QUESTION: IF you are making a crown but before you begin, when you do equilibration, what are you trying to achieve to get rid of the non- working interference?

Posterior dissocculusion??

QUESTION: If you both condyle break, what you get? open bite where?

Posterior open bite

Which denture base is not light cured? a. Pressure formed b. Injectable molding c. Some other type of molding d. Pour or fluid resin technique

Pour or fluid resin technique

QUESTION: Pt. says, "I do not have time to quit smoking." What stage is s/he in? Precontemplation, contemplation, action, denial


Two class III lesions adjacent to each other (kissing lesion). Which one do you prep first & which will be filled first?

Prep larger 1st Restore smaller 1st

QUESTION: Most technique sensitive part of placing veneers? Preparation, color match, impressing


QUESTION: Primary purpose of plaster index of occlusal surface of max denture before removing the denture from the articulator and cast:

Preserve face-bow transfer

QUESTION: When do you remove palatine torus?

Prevents seating of denture & formation of posterior seal

QUESTION: What slows the metabolism of lidocaine?

Propranolol - stays in system longer because propranolol slows down heart -> slower blood delivery to liver -> metabolism of lidocaine is slower -> stays in system longer

QUESTION: Oral cytology smears are MOST appropriately used for the diagnosis of which of the following?

Pseudomembranous candidiasis

QUESTION: Inferior Alveolar Nerve tract infection involves what space?

Pterygomandibular space

Which is the only surface not beveled for an onlay?


Why are traumatized primary incisors discolored?

Pulpal Necrosis & Pulpal Bleeding

What to do it its a primary 2nd M with furcation but restoreable?


7 year old pt fractured the right central incisor 3 hors ago. a clincal exam reveals 2 mm exposure of a bleeding pulp TX? -pulpectomy and apexification -pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide -direct pulp cap with calcium hydroxide -one-apt root canal tx

Pulpectomy and apexification

7 year old boy has a vital pulp exposure of 1st perm maxillary molar what to do?


child had caries exposure on primary 1st molar what to do


what to do if its any other primary tooth with no furcation involvement


QUESTION: Multiple Myeloma radiographic appearance?

Punched out lesions

................... is a relatively common, tumor like, exuberant tissue response to localized irritation or trauma. It can occur anywhere in the oral cavity & develops rapidly. - 2 lesions, peripheral ossifying fibroma & peripheral giant cell granuloma, are clinically identical it when they occur on the gingiva. Peripheral ossifying fibroma & peripheral giant cell granuloma only occur on the gingiva or alveolar mucosa.

Pyogenic granuloma

MRI uses what electromagnetic wave?


A molar is superaerupeted, but has irreversible puppitis, waht do you do?

RCT & crown Other options were EXT, just do crown)

How do you protect roots under an overdenture -

RCT with cast copings

QUESTION: Cement for porcelain onlay HAS TO BE .............




muscle, nerves Radiosensitive OR RadioRESISTANT:


Bone marrow, reproductive cells, lymphoid cells, immature cells, intestine. Radiosensitive OR RadioRESISTANT:


= noncancerous cyst-like swelling of CT consisting of collected mucus from a ruptured salivary gland caused by local trauma.


QUESTION: -> blue mass under tongue, blue nodule on the floor of mouth, fluctuant


QUESTION: Trauma to floor of mouth • Mucocele • Submandibular hemangioma • Ranula


QUESTION: temperature - kelvins is Celsius is

Ratio Interval (32 is freezing) is interval

QUESTION: If contamination occurs after etch,


: Why elastomer is not a good interocclusal record?

Rebound when mounting

passively touches above the height of contour, middle 1/3 of the crown - Functions: o Provide stability & reciprocation against retentive arm o Denture is stabilized against horizontal movements o Acts as indirect retainer (prevent minor rocking)

Reciprocal clasp:

QUESTION: When do you replace class 2 composite?

Recurrent decay

QUESTION: What does histoplasmosis oral lesion look like?

Recurrent herpes - Painful, ulcer with irregular borders, similar to cancer

X-rays filters are used for?

Reduced intensity of electron beam, selectively absorbs low energy photons.

QUESTION: Disadvantage of reduced saliva?

Reduced retention

Penumbra is affected by all except: • Moving x-ray tube • Moving film • X-ray dimensions/field/scatter • Film-object distance (decrease) •

Reduction of film target distance

You have a tooth, no pulp, but periapical radiolucency, you do access and fina no canal, what do you do?

Refer to specialist

What is the most important etiologic factor in getting caries? Saliva pH Refined sugar Fluoride tx saliva flow

Refined sugar

QUESTION: What is the basis for classification of different FPD pontics:

Relation of the pontic to the supporting tissue

QUESTION: Saliva and denture, which one is correct? Relationship that leads to denture and tissue adhesion, no relationship

Relationship that leads to denture and tissue adhesion,

Distal extention lower RPD, when you push on that area & the indirect retainer rest comes up, how do you tx? Reline Tell them to use denture adhesive Tighten clasps

Reline (if its excessive -> altered cast)

Most critical for pulpal protection is?

Remaining dentin thickness (2mm)

QUESTION: If teeth on the wax try- in don't occlude like they did on the articulator what do you do?

Remount, redo teeth and retry

Class III that extends to facial. The restoration is stained but margins are perfectly sealed. However, they have bad color & pt wants it fixed. What should you do?

Remove 1 mm prep and add more composite

QUESTION: Setting condylar inclination on articular using protrusive, what do with the pin?

Remove the pin (lift up)

QUESTION: Immediate denture and has undercuts and tuberosity, what do you do? Remove tuberosity, remove both don't remove any

Remove tuberosity,

QUESTION: Autistic kids have what characteristic?

Repetitive behavior

QUESTION: Recently placed a class III comp, pt isn't happy with it and has a huge staining on margins what to do? Replace, remove on margins and place composite, extract/implant, etc


What do you use to cement a veneer? • Resin cement • Polyacrylic acid (etchant for GI)

Resin cement

Sensitivity of pulp in regards to cement, which is correct?

Resin ionomer and glass ionomer cause highest pulp sensitivity.

QUESTION: Pt comes in w/ interim partial denture. If you fabricate it in cast partial, how is it gonna be different? Aesthetics of teeth Retention Resistance to occlusal loading

Resistance to occlusal loading - cuz interim doesn't have rest seats)

If a Class III prep is subgingival?

Restore with GI, followed by composite

What is the point of putting a dowel post on an RCT tooth?

Retain core, metal set into root canal to provide support to crown

engages undercut below height of contour, gingival 1/3 of the crown (suprabulge) - engage in undercut to prevent movement

Retentive clasp:

QUESTION: What's the best way to prevent proximal dislodgement/fracture of class II amalgam filling? • Retentive grooves (for proximal resistance) • converging axial walls (B&L walls) • depth of prep

Retentive grooves (for proximal resistance) • converging axial walls (B&L walls)

Proximal retention in class II box for amalgam?

Retentive grooves, convergence of facial lingual walls, bevel on axiopulpal line angle, all of the above, none of the above

Which space is NOT involved/associated with Ludwig's angina? Sublingual Submandibular Retropharyngeal Submental


Fracture of the condylar neck & Ramus what xray

Reverse towne projection

QUESTION: Syneresis & imbibition applies to which impression material?

Reversible hydrocolloid. Irreversible is not an option

QUESTION: Which articular disease most often accompanies Sjogren's syndrome? A. Suppurative arthritis. B. Rheumatoid arthritis. C. Degenerative arthrosis. D. Psoriatic arthritis. E. Lupus arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

: In PFM, porcelain fractures because the junction should be?

Right angle, not round - Junction between tooth & metal = right angle - Junction between metal & porcelain should be rounded

QUESTION: Requirement of a major connector?


QUESTION: What one of the following increasing in the US?

Root caries

QUESTION: You get mucocele due to?

Rupture of salivary ducts (trauma related)

QUESTION: What sound do you use to check if VDO and anterior teeth are set correctly for denture teeth?

S sound

QUESTION: Asked about what sound will determine VDO?

S sound. This will bring teeth slightly together with 1-1.5 mm separation. This is the "closest speaking space"

QUESTION: Pt has been a smoker (60 pack yr. history) & has ulcer in lower lip. Ulcer is non-indurated; what's the most probable diagnosis?


QUESTION: Chewing Betel nut can lead to -> SCC, xerostomia, gingival recession


QUESTION: What happened in 1997:

SCHIP (state children insurance health program) - SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) provides matching funds to states for health insurance to families with children. It covers uninsured children in families with incomes that are modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid.

....................... sounds (hissing, "s/sh" sounds) allow maxillary incisors to nearly touch the mandibular incisors. - Check ..............

SIBILANT sounds -Check VDO

More # of blades on carbide burs:


ANB = .... + ........... , normal ANB is

SNA - SNB 2 degrees

QUESTION: Sjogren syndrome laboratory test:

SS-A / SS-B (also ANA or Rheumatoid factor)

(rocking, horizontal forces): minor connector (lingual plates, guide planes, etc) RETENTION STABILITY SUPPORT


(rigidity, vertical forces): Denture base, major connector, and rests RETENTION STABILITY SUPPORT


.................... tumors: most are benign but the parotid glands still are where most malignant (cancerous) salivary gland tumors start. Classified as:

Salivary gland Major and Minor

QUESTION: TB is similar to?


abnormal collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) that can form as nodules


= bacterial infection caused by group A Streptococcus. It begins with a fever & sore throat. Sometimes, chills, vomiting, & abdominal pain. The tongue may have a whitish coating, appears swollen, and have "strawberry"-like (red & bumpy) appearance. The throat and tonsils may be very red and sore, and swallowing may be painful.

Scarlet fever

QUESTION: Widening of PDL and loss of mandibular ramus:


= chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by hardening (sclero) of the skin (derma) & CT. Blue fingers, hair loss, skin hardness & skin that is abnormally dark/light. - symmetrical widening of PDL and deposition of collagen in organs leads to organ failure.

Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)

QUESTION: A child with no decay but deep pits and fissures, what is the Tx plan?


QUESTION: Patient has deep grooves but no decay on permanent molars, what do you suggest?


mechanical microretention binding to tooth

Sealants -

In performing normal dental diagnostic procedures, the operator receives the greatest hazard from which type of radiation? A. Direct primary-beam B. Secondary and scatter C. Gamma

Secondary and scatter

How to remove a gold inlay?

Section isthmus and remove in 2 pieces

QUESTION: The most unreliable etch system?

Self-etch (all in 1 system - etch, prime, bond)

- percent of persons with the disease who are correctly classified as having the disease - True Positive (TP) - Those that actually have it - False negative (FN) - Those that are misdiagnosed as not having it


..................... tests identifying diseased persons.


QUESTION: What is the purpose of the voice control technique?

Sets boundaries -> Aversive conditioning

QUESTION: Least chance of needle injury? Setting up, Cleaning up, Recap

Setting up,

When you receive a crown back and want to seat it what is the first thing you check for? a. Shade (Aesthetics) or internal b. Proximal contacts c. Margins

Shade (Aesthetics) or internal

QUESTION: Patient's chief complaint is #8 and #9 don't look right. Picture shows nothing is wrong with #9. #8 has extra enamel at the incisal-distal aspect. What do you do? put composite on both teeth, put a crown shave the inciso-distal aspect of #8.

Shave the inciso-distal aspect of #8.

QUESTION: Some histology question about the paratoid gland. Mentions "SAUSAGE LINKS": Answer is


= inflammation of the duct system of a salivary gland. On sialography, it may appear as segments of duct dilation & stenosis. This is sometimes termed the 'sausage link appearance'.

Sialodochitis (ductal sialadenitis)

QUESTION: Transillumination of soft tissues is useful in detecting which of the following problems in a child? Sialolithiasis, Koplik's spots, aortic stenosis, sickle cell disease


What turns a PFM green?

Silver - Silver (Ag) is not considered noble; it is reactive & improves castability but can cause porcelain "greening."

................ syndrome - autoimmune destroy glands


QUESTION: ..................... syndrome: destruction of salivary and tear ducts -> dry mouth


QUESTION: Complications of ................... syndrome - keratoconjunctivitis,


debris that consist of hydroxyapatite + altered denature collagen that fills the dentinal tubules. Removed by etchant.

Smear layer:

Where does fluoride work the best? A. interproximal B. Pit and fissure C. Smooth surfaces

Smooth surfaces

Where does fluoride work the best? A. interproximal B. Pit and fissure (I saw this somewhere and it said smooth surfaces, pit and fissure is prr/sealant) C. Smooth surfaces

Smooth surfaces

QUESTION: You suspect child abuse. Who do you call?

Social services

What mouthwash is good for children with caries to rinse with?

Sodium Fluoride (NaF)

QUESTION: Intraoral picture of nasopalatine cyst by incisive papilla on backside of #7 & 8. The foramen and nasopalatine canal is where the incisive papilla is and if there's a cyst there then what does it look like clinically?

Soft tissue is swelling and discolored.

QUESTION: Picture of Odontogenic Myxoma:

Soups bubbles.

- percent of persons without the disease who are correctly classified as not having it - True Negative (TN)-Those who are ACTUALLY disease free - False positive (FP)- Those that are misdiagnosed as not as being disease free


QUESTION: : Proportion of truly nondiseased persons who are so identified by a screening test (measures "how good a test is at correctly identifying nondiseased persons).


QUESTION:, true negative !!!


QUESTION: You were looking for a disease in a study, disease was not present, what's this called? -


QUESTION: Going from a D speed film to digital film, What's the speed difference?

Speed increases

Amalgam large condenser with lateral condensation is used in:


What type of amalgam needs to be condensed more?


Hyperplastic lingual tonsils may resemble which of the following? a. Epulis fissuratum. b. Lingual varicosities. c. Squamous cell carcinoma d. Median rhomboid glossitis. e. Prominent fungiform papillae.

Squamous cell carcinoma (foliate papillae, not fungiform papillae)

= caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). When the papilloma's are found on the skin, they are more commonly referred to as warts or verrucas. - most common benign neoplasm of EPITHELIAL TISSUE ORIGIN. - It appears as apedunculated (foot-shaped), or sessile whitish cauliflower-like mass on the tongue (posterior border), lips, gingiva, or soft palate.

Squamous cell papilloma

QUESTION: Function of minor connector?


QUESTION: Main purpose of buccal flange of Mx denture?


QUESTION: Purpose of Major Connector Stability and Rigidity Stability and Retention Retention and Rigidity Rigidity and Esthetics

Stability and Rigidity

QUESTION: Purpose of the reciprocating arm of clasp:


(lingual mandibular salivary gland depression, static bone cyst, stafne bone cyst) = depression of the mandible on the lingual surface. - normal anatomical variant, as the depression is created by ectopic salivary gland tissue associated with the submandibular gland & does not represent a pathologic lesion.

Stafne defect

Pano Radiograph of mandibular gland depression:

Stafne defect (also called salivary bone cyst (another name for stafne bone cyst) on PAN)

QUESTION: An outlier has the biggest effect on which of the following?

Standard deviation

QUESTION: 1997 law passed that state must look after children that cannot afford healthcare -

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) AKA Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

QUESTION: Sterilization most destructive to burs & causes rusts: Steam heat, dry heat, unsaturated vapor, chemical, ethylene oxide

Steam heat,

QUESTION: Maxillary sinusitis bacteria: Tx of choice:

Strep pneumonia - Drug for max sinusitis: Amox with clavulanic acid (for b-lactamase strep)

QUESTION: Which of the following causes cavernous sinus thrombosis: A) Subcutaneous abscess of upper lip B) Subcutaneous abscess of lower anterior region

Subcutaneous abscess of upper lip - Infections in upper anterior teeth are within the "dangerous triangle" area, which is visualized by imagining a triangle with the top point about at the bridge of the nose and the two lower points on either corner of the mouth.

Where will you place the margins in an anterior PFM prep:


QUESTION: Sialolithiasis (calcified salivary stone) is found where?

Submandibular Duct (Wharton's)

QUESTION: Sialoliths are most common in what gland?

Submandibular gland & duct

QUESTION: Infection on the mandibular buccal side of premolars is most likely to go where?

Submandibular space

QUESTION: Mandibular 2nd molar infection spreads to what space?

Submandibular space

QUESTION: You are extracting a mandibular 3rd molar and the distal root disappears into which space?

Submandibular space

Fracture of the zygomatic arch what xray

Submentovertex projection

Where to the condyles go in CR?


QUESTION: What is function of rest?

Support (To resist the horizontal tissue force)

What is the most important thing for retention?

Surface area

QUESTION: When making a denture base, the hamulus is too close to the retromolar pad? don't put base on hamulus don't put base on retromolar pad surgery increase vd


QUESTION: How do you treat painful sialolith in Wharton's duct initially? Moist heat Dilation of duct Surgically remove sublingual gland Surgically remove submand gland

Surgically remove submand gland (cannulate the duct and remove stone) (massage or lemon drops not an option) - If it is a smaller stone, moist heat is the first option

- to be concerned about someone, do not have to share the same emotional state as them. Apathy Empathy Sympathy


QUESTION: You gave local anesthetic, BP went down to 100/50 and HR went down too, what could it be due to?


, which is the exudation of the liquid component of a gel leads to alginate shrinkage.


- Collagen/CT multi-system disease. Unknown cause. Women 10x more frequently. Avg age = 31yo. - Presents: Malar rash, kidney problems 50% of time & lead to organ failure. Pericarditis is a frequent complication - Warty vegetation's on valves = Libman-Sacks endocarditis. Oral lesions if evident- palate, B mucosa, gingiva.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

D to E will reduce radiation by 30-40% D to F will reduce radiation by 60% F to digital reduce radiation by 40%


QUESTION: Most dental procedures for the elderly are paid for by out of pocket cash.


QUESTION: Hazardous communication regulation a. train worker right after you hire (T/F) b. train worker when new hazardous product in office (T/F)


QUESTION: Lichen planus: Targets what cells

T lymphocyte

: used to compare whether the means of 2 groups are statistically different—assume that standard deviation is unknown. Small sample size T test Z test Chi-square test

T test

QUESTION: Analyze statistical difference between two means?


Patient can't speak English well, she doesn't work, she has TMJ problems, she is on meds. Which one will not affect her oral hygiene prognosis?

TMJ problems - Rationale here is; she may not be able to afford hygiene procedure, she might not understand doctor's recommendations, and her meds can contribute to hygiene issues. TMJ problem was not serious enough, as in she can open her mouth to clean her teeth.

Pemphigoid = D = DEEPER (sub epithelial separation) than pemphigus S = SURFACE (epithelial separation)


How do you decrease the width of an artificial tooth?

Take the facial line angle labially (closer together) and increase the interproximal embrasure

What do u not use when beveling gingival margins?

Tapered diamond - Causes enamel fracture

QUESTION: Why take plaster index?

Teeth are then put back exactly in their original position aided by plaster key

QUESTION: If worker didn't get Hep B vaccine because he is more concerned about HIV?

Tell him it's easier to get hep B -> must sign that they legally don't want

How to reduce stress & dental anxiety?


QUESTION: Dental anxiety can be caused by patient's helplessness. What would reduce it?

Telling the patient to raise her/his hand when feels pain

What branch off facial nerve gets damaged the most during TMJ surgery?


QUESTION: Which of the following explains why mandibular molars should NOT be placed over the ascending area of the mandible? A. The denture base ends where the ramus ascends. B. The molars would interfere with the retromolar pad. C. The teeth in this area would encroach on the tongue space. D. The teeth in this area would interfere with the action of the masseter muscle. E. The occlusal forces over the inclined ramus would dislodge the mandibular denture.

The occlusal forces over the inclined ramus would dislodge the mandibular denture.

QUESTION: Patient has all clinical signs of herpes (w/ lesion on corner of mouth that comes and goes) which medication do you recommend? -

The one that ended with a vir. (no acyclovir in the answer choices) Valcyclovir (Valtrex)

Patient had occlusal amalgam on tooth #30 few weeks ago, one day the dude went to Chinatown and was having lunch with his hommies. He bit down on something and the amalgam broke off. He came back to your office demanding how could this happen with a new filling. What should be crossing your mind?

The prep was not deep enough.

What would cause displacement of odontoblastic processes? Thermal Dessication Mechanical Chemical


What is the most accurate pulpal test to determine vitality of a tooth with a full-gold crown? Electric testing Percussion test Palpation test Thermal test

Thermal test

What causes displacement of odontoblastic nuclei in the dental tubules? Thermal, mechanical, chemical, caries, dessication

Thermal, - related to hydrodynamic theory I think so I put thermal

Zinc phosphate pH is 3.5, what is the significance of that?

This might also cause pulp sensitivity

QUESTION: Main disadvantage to desensitization?


why would you do a pulpotomy in a mandibular first molar of a 7 year old?

To continue physiological root development

Patient is going to get dentures and he has palatine tori, why should it be removed? To increase peripheral seal, Because the mucosa is too small and it will hurt him

To increase peripheral seal

Why do a functional cusp bevel on a crown prep?

To prevent cusp fracture & for proper casting/fabrication of the crown - Bevel on functional cusp for extra room for porcelain. Ideal is 2 mm reduction.

How far do we extend a maxillary complete denture?

To the Hamular notch

QUESTION: What is the #1 risk factor for oral cancer?


Coefficient of thermal expansion is most for which material?

Tooth <gold (most) < amalgam< filled resin < unfilled resin (8x. highest)

QUESTION: At what visit do you test phonetics in complete denture?

Tooth try-in

QUESTION: Lichen planus, what do you treat with?

Topical corticosteroids or anti-histamines

What can you see on a radiograph? Lingual ridge height Root dehiscence Trabeculation pattern PDL

Trabeculation pattern - others are either B-L view and technically you can only see the space of the PDL not actual PDL?

QUESTION: Patient is bothering the dentist, dentist got upset. The assistant drops instruments in the floor & the dentist was so piss that he had it out with the assistant. What you you call that reaction ?

Transference - Transference is a unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another

QUESTION: What is the best way to preserve the anterior guidance?

Translating the horizontal & vertical relationship onto the incisal table

TMJ Upper compartment - Lower compartment - Rotation or Translation

Translation Rotation

What is the shape of the access of mandibular 1st molar? A. Square B. Trapezoid


QUESTION: Most probable reason for Turner Tooth? Syphilis, Trauma at birth, Trauma when young

Trauma when young

QUESTION: What gives you Turners incisors: Syphilis Trauma during delivery Trauma during pregnancy Trauma when young

Trauma when young

What causes TMJ ankyloses?


= nothing inside, not a true cyst b/c not epithelial lined so pseudocyst that heals by itself. It scallops around the roots of the tooth.

Traumatic bone cyst (simple bone cyst)

A patient has a RPD and a firm, swelling under the buccal flange midway between incisors and molars. What is it?

Traumatic neuroma

QUESTION: Mandibular Denture. Lump hurts & is anterior to posterior areas. What caused it?

Traumatic neuroma

For occlusal caries, where is base & cone?

Triangle point is at enamel and base to dentin, dentin base to tip at pulp. (apex to the pulp)

Acute (primary) herpetic gingivostomatitis arise between 6 months and 5 years, with peak prevalence btwn 2-3 years of age. Development before 6 months is rare due to protection of maternal anti-HSV antibodies.


QUESTION: Hazard Communication Standard states - every chemical hazard has to be evaluated then reported to employer & employees


QUESTION: Informed consent - figure out if patient is able to understand and sign


Remineralized teeth are stronger than regular enamel. True or False


White ppl have least oral carcinoma. Black men have the worst rate of SCC.


= abnormality found in teeth & presents as a portion of missing or diminished enamel on permanent teeth. Most likely occurs when developing permanent tooth is damaged by periapical infection in overlying deciduous tooth, leading to enamel defect.

Turner's hypoplasia

QUESTION: Herpes lesion intraorally, how do you treat? Palliative, acyclovir?

Tx is supportive—topical before eating, analgesics, maintain fluid/electrolyte balance, anti-viral agents. DO NOT GIVE CORTICOSTEROIDS.

Type # - false rejection of null hypothesis (false negative/incorrect regection) = less dangerous in terms of research

Type I

Type # -false acceptance of null hypothesis (false positive/failure to regect) - less problematic bc no conclusion is made from a rejected null. But type 2 is more dangerous medically bc a patient is diagnosised as HEALTHY when they actually have the HIV.

Type II

Two things that account for a successful posterior composite restoration?

Type of resin and type of prep

- separating of a dental procedure into component parts with each part having a charge so that the cumulative charge of the components is greater than the total charge to patients who are not beneficiaries of a dental benefit plan for the same procedure. Downcoding Upcoding or overcoding Bundling Unbundling


QUESTION: Doctor billed insurance couple of procedures, when actually there is a global procedure that combines them all, what did he commit?


QUESTION: What best characterizes rapport?

Understanding patient's feeling and talking with patient

QUESTION: 4-5-year boy is scared of?


is defined by the ADA as "reporting a more complex and/or higher cost procedure than was actually performed." Downcoding Upcoding or overcoding Bundling Unbundling

Upcoding or overcoding

QUESTION: Which one applies to OSHA guideline?

Update it once a year!

Pulp capping:

Use CaOH & in order to protect the pulp, put 2mm thickness of liner/base above CaOH

QUESTION: MS (multiple sclerosis) more or less anesthetic?

Use Mepivicaine (no epi)

QUESTION: One patient left, and before getting another patient, how would you clean your operatory?

Use disinfecting spray -> let it sit for 10 minutes and then wipe off

QUESTION: What is the best way to treat a tooth supported lower denture? (over denture)

Use metal copings to cover teeth

QUESTION: Which one is not useful in managing caries in elderly?

Use of 1.1% fluoride as a standard of care

QUESTION: Patient is in your office for a treatment plan, all of the following should be done when you explain the proposed treatment to the patient, except? Use professional terminology the risk of not getting a procedure done, the fee of the procedure,

Use professional terminology

QUESTION: Which position depends on patient's posture (sitting up vs laying down)? VDO VDR centric relation

VDR R = rest

QUESTION: Herpes zoster (VZV) - treatment?

Valacyclovir treats herpes labialis

QUESTION: ): Tx for herpes simplex/herpes zoster

Valcyclovir (Valtrex)

= black & white, brightness Metamerism Hue Chroma Value


QUESTION: Crown #9 and #10. One of the crowns looks very light (white). What did the dentist pick wrong? Hue Chroma Value


When you have color index of 100, which of the following is effected?

Value - Color value is 0 = black while 100 = white

- ........... is the most critical of the 3 parameters when attempting to match an adjacent natural tooth; .................. is the least important. Metamerism Hue Chroma Value

Value most hue least

Most important when selecting shade? Value, translucency, chroma, hue, color


Opaque coming through on veneer, what's the problem?

Veneer under prepped

QUESTION: If a dentist notices that a large but acceptable composite is too light a few weeks after placing it, what should he do?

Veneer with composite

QUESTION: Most likely site for SCC? Lateral tongue Ventral tongue Palate Ventrolateral tongue

Ventrolateral tongue

QUESTION: Pt presents with amalgam restorations in good shape and the dentist suggest to change them for composites due to systemic toxicity of the amalgam. What ethic principle is the dentist is violating?


= is an uncommon variant of SCC. Usually seen in those who chew tobacco or use snuff orally. Most patients with verrucous carcinoma have a good prognosis due to rarity of metastasis. - large broad based exophytic papillary leukoplakic lesion

Verrucous carcinoma (VC, "Snuff dipper's cancer")

Which one has the best prognosis? Verrucous carcinoma in vestibule verrucous carcinoma floor of mouth SCC floor of mouth SCC in other areas

Verrucous carcinoma in vestibule

If you take a PA and the tooth is foreshortened, why did it happen?

Vertical angulation was too large

Diketones activate by?

Visible light

QUESTION: Xerostomia is present in all of the following except? Options were: Sjogren's syndrome, Vit C. Deficiency (Other parotid problems)

Vit C. Deficiency - Xerostomia is rarely due to a vitamin deficiency

= benign cystic tumor of the salivary glands containing abundant lymphocytes and germinal centers

Warthin tumor (adenolymphoma)

QUESTION: 40 y pt w/ all 32 teeth. No cavities. Has stain & catch in pit of molar. what do you do? a. Watch & observe b. sealant c. composite

Watch & observe ?????

What is least likely to cause baby bottle caries? a. Breast milk at night b. Formula made with fluoridated water c. Water with no fluoride d. juice

Water with no fluoride

If you have lesion of maxillary sinus, what kind of radiograph do you take?


Which is most important x-ray for diagnosis of maxillary sinus? occlusal, panoramic, MRI, Waters


QUESTION: When do you check phonetics for a CD/CD? (what appointment)

Wax try-in

QUESTION: What determines max. dose for anesthetic for a child?


Best way to decrease gingival irritation w/ home bleaching?

Well-fitting custom trays

Border molding of lingual mandibular portion done by what movement?

Wetting of lips with tongue

QUESTION: When do you know that is it a non-odontogenic pain?

When pain is not relieved with LA

QUESTION: When do you restore a lesion? -When there is cavitation -When it's half through enamel -When it passes CEJ -When you see it on x-ray

When there is cavitation

Why you perform apexification (non-vital)?

When you have necrosis on an open apex tooth

QUESTION: Patient has bilateral white lines @ occlusal plane, what is primary microscopic finding?

White Sponge Nevus

= autosomal dominant, usually presents bilaterally/symmetrically. It usually appears before puberty. Often mistaken for Leukoplakia but leukoplakia differs in that it presents later on in life. - Shows up as thick bilateral white plaque w/ spongy texture, usually on buccal mucosa but sometimes on labial mucosa, alveolar ridge or FOM. Very rarely, gingival margin + dorsum of tongue.

White sponge nevus

Which race has a higher F in DMFT index?


QUESTION: "W" on the rubber dam clamp means it is?


When will the BULL rule be utilized with selective grinding?

Working side

QUESTION: Ectodermal dysplasia: which of the following is correct? autosomal dominan atosomal recesssive X-linked


How do you prevent penumbra? o Should be produced from a point source to blurring of the edges of the image o Strong beam to penetrate o X-ray should be parallel

X-ray should be parallel (reduce object-film distance)

With furcation involvement, Tx when primary 1M, non restorable or root resorption


what to do If its a primary 1st M with furcation involvement


QUESTION: Mandibular tori in first premolar and canine. If you were to remove the tori, would you have the patient sign an informed consent of lingual nerve injury?


What mechanical property effects permanent composition for RPD clasps? Stiffness Yield strength Ductility Hardness

Yield strength

What property of RPD framework will limit adjustments of clasps? a. Yield strength b. Ductility c. Stiffness

Yield strength

QUESTION: 82 y/o pt comes w/ younger person who hands the dentist paper saying the pt has a legal guardian. Now what?

You must have consent of this guardian before treating the 82 y/o pt.

QUESTION: All are the qualities of a double blind study except?

You need 2 control groups.

QUESTION: What's true about child abuse cases?

You'll see at least 2 a year.

used to compare the means of 2 groups are statistically different if the variances like standard deviation are known. Large sample size. T test Z test Chi-square test

Z test:

What do you use to fill a root canal on the primary tooth?

ZOE w/out catalyst - Lack of catalyst gives it adequate working time to fill canals

What do you fill a root canal with on a primary tooth? • Gutta percha • Sealer alone • ZOE with accelerator • ZOE without accelerator

ZOE without accelerator

Which cement is the easiest to remove after procedure?

Zinc Phosphate cement

The main component of any root sealers is?

Zinc oxide

QUESTION: Panic attacks usually produce a sense of unreality, a fear of impending doom, a fear of losing control.

a fear of impending doom,

QUESTION: If there is an adverse reaction to a medication in the office, who do you notify? a) FDA b) CDC c) HIPPA d) OSHA e) EPA.

a) FDA

QUESTION: HAZARD COMMUNICATION LAW: a) created by OSHA b) What does it control: amalgam, sharps, blood

a) created by OSHA b) amalgam

QUESTION: Who is at least risk for HEP B infection? a) food servers b) Down syndrome c) drugs addicts

a) food servers

QUESTION: Conditioned stimulus? a. Dental chair b. High blood pressure c. Fear d. Anxiety

a. Dental chair

QUESTION: Dentist potential for abuse not likely due to a. Vulnerability b. Pressure of being perfect c. Knowledge and access to drugs d. Stress

a. Vulnerability

QUESTION: Dentist is doing research on 5 unrelated patient with different background. He record data ......etc. Dentist is doing what kind of research? a. clinical trial b. cohort c. sectional

a. clinical trial

The prognosis for bleaching is favorable when the discoloration is caused by a. necrotic pulp tissue b. amalgam restoration c. precipitation of metallic salts d. silver-containing root canal sealers

a. necrotic pulp tissue

QUESTION: You work at a HMO office and the patient has used up all his yearly benefits, what can you do? a. still accept the same fee under the HMO b. Charge your regular fee like you would for cash pt

a. still accept the same fee under the HMO

Dentist places sodium fluoride on patient with GI fillings rather than acidulated fluoride because -

acid of fluoride will wear away at GI. TRUE

QUESTION: Which of the following is the endocrine involvement that is related to the jaw deformity? a. acromegaly b. cherubism c. Albrights d. pagets


QUESTION: Pt had erythematous and gingival enlargement over past 5 weeks. And increased report of bruising on body - cause is

acute leukemia: Specifically, AML

QUESTION: best med for herpes, CMV =


The most stable elastic impression in moisture environment? a. polyether b. additional silicone c. condensation silicone d. polysulfide

additional silicone.

Most stable impression material or provides best dimensional quality:

additional silicones (aka PVS)

QUESTION: Which of the following has the best survival rate? a. squamous cell carcinoma b. adenocarcinoma c. osteosarcoma


QUESTION: Peri-neural invasion is seen in: adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), Pleomorphic adenoma, low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma, OKC

adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), - ACC tumor has a marked tendency to invade nerves. Perineural invasion is seen in about 80% of all specimens.

QUESTION: Radiolucent lesion Between maxillary canine-lateral with radiopacity inside:

adenomatoid tumor (AOT) - REMEMBER lesion goes to apex

QUESTION: Pt has general soreness along ridges from complete denture, what should you do? reline, adjust occlusion

adjust occlusion

Put wedge in (before or after) matrix


QUESTION: Denaturation of the proteins - what type pf serialization?

alcohol and autoclave;

QUESTION: What are the hep B vaccine rules by OSHA?

all must always be offered and able to get the vaccine

QUESTION: Adding a vasoconstrictor to local anesthesia does all the following EXCEPT: a. Decreases rate of absorption b. Increases duration of action c. Minimizes toxicity and helps homeostasis d. all of above

all of above

Which material is used as a filter in X-ray machines?


QUESTION: Hypodontia- FEWER number of teeth 1. max deficiency 2. man deficiency 3. mid-face deficiency 4. cortical bone deficiency 5. alveolar bone deficiency

alveolar bone deficiency - Less teeth -> reduced alveolar ridge development so the vertical dimension of the lower face is reduced

QUESTION: Having hypodontia will prevent/undermine formation of what? alveolus maxillary arch mandibular arch


Huge MOD in posterior -> restore with ......


Restoration of class 2 for posterior with heavy occlusion amalgam, composite, microfill


QUESTION: Multiluncency in bone and ramus:


Caries in children depend most on

amount, consistency, & time.

QUESTION: Systemic medication for Candida:

amphotericin B

Reasons of reduction of tooth for MOD inlay except:

amt of enamel on teeth

QUESTION: What type of studylets you find causation- analytical, cross-sectional, case-control, cohort


QUESTION: Main difference and advantage of using GMT instead of Enamel hatchet? a. bi-angled cutting surface b. angle of the blade c. push/pull action instead of

angle of the blade

Maxillary plane (MxPl):

anterior nasal spines (ANS) - posterior nasal spines (PNS)

QUESTION: Ways to treat kid w/ herpetic gingivostomatitis EXCEPT: a. antibiotics b. gives numbing anesthetic before eating c. has pt rest and drink lots of water


Difference between fear and anxiety - ........... has no specific cause (generalized), ........... has a localized cause, ........... decreases pain ........... increases pain, ........... is painful, ........... is a disease

anxiety fear fear anxiety fear anxiety

QUESTION: Floride supplementation is effective in: everybody, only kids, anyone but most beneficial to children.

anyone but most beneficial to children.

Irreversible pulpitis with open apex -


indication of perio lesion vs endo lesion

apical radiolucency and pain upon lateral pain pressure

Taurodontism has enlarged pulp chamber in which direction? apical, occlusal or apical AND occlusal


If a tooth with previous endodontic treatment becomes reinfected, it is best to retreat it conventionally by removing the filling material, debride the canals, and refill. However, if the tooth has been restored with a post, core, and crown, then apical curettage, then an _____ should be performed

apicoectomy and retrofill should be performed.

QUESTION: Patient has mobile upper anterior maxillary tissue that is inflamed. Before making new denture, what do you do? A) gingivectomy B) apply conditioner to existing denture C) make new denture that will immobile the existing tissue D) something else

apply conditioner to existing denture

QUESTION: How many carps of 4% [X] anesthetic should be given if maximum amount that you want to give is 600mg of drug? -

approximately 8 carps (go over calculation) - 4% = 40 mg/mL = 600/40 = 15 mL/1.8ml (in 1 carp) = 8 carps

tx of VITAL toh wiht an open apex & pulp exposure using calcium hydroxide to preserve vitality and encourages the continues develpoement of the root.


QUESTION: Leathery brown-white lesion? -acute, -chronic, -arrested


- has ester group, conjugated in plasma - Lidocaine - Mepivacaine - Prilocaine - Ethidocaine - Bupivacaine - Ropivacaine - Articaine


QUESTION: Patient 2 yrs old and scared, who do you ask to help position the patient? ask parent to position patient for you get assistant to do it you do it yourself

ask parent to position patient for you

if an apical radiolucency is present for a long time with no symptoms and no siinus tract with necrotic pulp -asymptomatic apical periodontitis -asymptomatical chronic periodontits

asymptomatical chronic periodontitis

QUESTION: When do you check for silabount sounds:

at the try-in appt.

Patient feels pain on biting and feeling of fullness in maxillary posterior teeth. No decay noted, why? sinusitis, atypical trigeminal neuralgia

atypical trigeminal neuralgia

QUESTION: Dentist lets the patient sign informed consent -


QUESTION: Informed consent -> (which ethics word)


QUESTION: Amelogenesis imperfecta is Autosomal Recessive Autosomal Dominant Sex-linked

autosomal dominant.

QUESTION: Define anxiety according to Freud and K:

aversive inner state that people seek to avoid or escape.

The mesial angle of the ML of max 2nd molar occludes with what on the man 2nd molar a. Mesial MB cusp b. Distal MB cusp c. Mesial DB cusp d. Distal DB cusp

b. Distal MB cusp

QUESTION: What is the name of the federal funded medical care for the elderly and its coverage? a. Medicare wI dental coverage b. Medicare w/o dental coverage c. Medicaid wI dental coverage d. Medicaid w/o dental coverage

b. Medicare w/o dental coverage

QUESTION: Dentist charge for $500 for a crown. insurance only covers $400. Dentist waves copayment ($100) but still let insurance knows that he charges $500 for crown, what's this action called? a. Down coding b. Overbilling c.Price fixing d.Unbundling

b. Overbilling

QUESTION: 8-year-old patient, 1st dental visit ever, scared of dentist? What's the most likely answer? a. Television b. Parents c. Peers

b. Parents

QUESTION: Adding more monomer increases: a. Expansion b. Shrinkage c. Brittleness d. Harness

b. Shrinkage

QUESTION: What cannot be advertised by a general dentist? a. Cost b. Specialty c. License agreement

b. Specialty

Which of the following safety techniques provides the GREATEST DECREASE in overall radiation-risk to patients? A. Changing from Group D to Group E film B. Switching from round to rectangular collimation C. Using an automatic rather than manual processing switch D. Adding a cervical collar to a leaded apron.

b. Switching from round to rectangular collimation.

QUESTION: A dentist has an ethical obligation to report a colleague in all these situations except? a. working under substance abuse b. advertising on electronic media c. abusing patients

b. advertising on electronic media

The office bleaching changes the shade through all except: a. dehydration b. etching tooth c. oxidation of colorant d. surface demineralization

b. etching tooth

QUESTION: Patients with autism will usually show? a. decreased rate of caries b. heightened sense of lights and sounds c. the compassion to interact with people

b. heightened sense of lights and sounds - Children with autism are easily overwhelmed by sensory overload, which can cause "stimming" (flapping of arms, rocking, screaming, etc). - Autistic children are hypersensitive to loud noises, sudden movement, and things that are felt.

QUESTION: Best scale for gingival index? a. ratio b. nominal c. interval

b. nominal

QUESTION: Which do you not need to show empathy to the patient? a. open-mindedness b. sharing personal experiences c. reflection and showing understanding

b. sharing personal experiences

QUESTION: Benchmark for sterilization:

bacillus spores

Most radiopaque in porcelain: a. barium and zirconium glass b. silica c. quartz

barium and zirconium glass

QUESTION: Pit and Fissure caries is described as two cones: a. Two bases are pointing toward the pulp b. Two apexes are pointing toward pulp>>>> in smooth surface (proximal caries) c. One apex toward the pulp and one base toward DEJ d. base of both triangles facing the DEJ

base of both triangles facing the DEJ

QUESTION: Why don't you set denture teeth on the incline up towards the retromolar pad?

because it dislodges the denture

QUESTION: Discrete, non-tender, soft tissue swelling, what is it - malignancy, benign tumor, bone cancer

benign tumor

QUESTION: Main advantage of doing direct composite over composite onlay? a. less Shrinkage b. better marginal adaptation, seal c. greater hardness and wear resistance

better marginal adaptation, seal ????

Resistance form for amalgam prep: bevel in the...

bevel in the axiopulpal line angle to reduce stress and increase RESISTANCE form. - resistance = keeping the restoration from fracturing, "ways to resist stress" - smooth floor & line angles. Flat walls are right angles of tooth's long axis.

QUESTION: Brush tongue to reduce odor. It removes

biofilm, which can be associated with overgrowth of bacteria due to meds.

QUESTION: Local anesthetics broken down by what:


QUESTION: What race most likely to get oropharyngeal cancer?


QUESTION: Lowest 5-year oral cancer survival rate? what race?

black people

Characteristic of a lesion that is remineralized: black, dark, bright black, dark, opaque black, dark, cavitated

black, dark, opaque

Order of bleaching and veneering process:

bleach, wait 2 weeks, prep tooth, cement

Collimation =

block (lead)

QUESTION: Articaine - conjugated at ......................... by esterase

blood Stream (unlike other amides, it metabolized in blood stream).

QUESTION: Articaine(septocaine): metabolized in

blood first. - unique bc it is an Amide, but has an ester group that is metabolized in the bloodstream

QUESTION: Patient got LA injection & started breathing fast, hands and finger are moving, heart rate is up - You injected into a

blood vessel

What is false about LED vs halogen curing lights? a. blue light is 340-370 b. battery powered/cordless LED is acceptable c. LED lasts longer than halogen d. something about a photoinitiator

blue light is 340-370 Blue light is not 340-370, actually 450-750 - We use LED curing light b/c has more narrow spectrum, less heat generated, light bulb last longer & generally smaller.

QUESTION: 1st sign of multiple myeloma:

bone pain (in limbs & thoracic region)

QUESTION: Function of clasp arm?

both stability (reciprocal arm) and retention

There usually is no lesion apparent radiographically in acute periodontitis. However, histologically bone destruction has been noted. -both statements are true -both statements are false -first statement is true, second is false -fist statement is false, second is true

both statements are true

QUESTION: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) are cause by all at night except? - bottle feeding with formula with fluoridated water - breast feeding - sippy cup with OJ - bottle feeding with processed water with no fluoride

bottle feeding with processed water with no fluoride

Crown on number 30, pt tries to close, contact interference deviates to left, lingual incline of buccal cusp needs to be altered buccal incline of the lingual cusp

buccal incline of the lingual cusp

QUESTION: Lichen planus most commonly found on

buccal mucosa

QUESTION: Primary stress bearing area in mandible

buccal shelf

QUESTION: What is main area of support for distal extension RPD? Ridge buccal shelf external oblique ridge

buccal shelf

QUESTION: Primary support for mand:

buccal shelf, 2nd- ridges

QUESTION: Most common most pathogenic location for verrucous carcinoma:

buccal vestibule

QUESTION: Denture will not be displaced by which muscle due to direction of fibers? Masseter, buccinators, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid


QUESTION: Means of caries risk assessment for 3 groups: white, black, Hispanic what test do u use to compare? A) chi square b) variance c) t-test

c) t-test

Angular chelitis is caused by all of the following except: a. Fungal infection b. Decreased VDO (causes it, b/c increase interocclusal distance; also cheek biting!!) c. Increased VDO (causes clicking of teeth) d. Other options

c. Increased VDO

A 65 yr. old lady living on 40k pension per year, wants to get dental treatment. She does not have any other physical abnormality besides tooth pain in her molars. From where does the money covered for her treatment come from? a. Medicaid b. Medicare c. Private Insurance d. Others insurance.

c. Private Insurance

Pt has bilateral maxillary tori that extends to the posterior palatal seal. You need to make an upper and lower complete. What should you do? a. Make a post palatal strap b. Make CD around tori, remove tori and allow to heal, reline denture c. Remove tori, then make CD

c. Remove tori, then make CD

QUESTION: Who pay for most of dental care? a. government b. insurance c. cash

c. cash

Experiment was done and error = 0.05 was the goal but when completed it was 0.01. The question asks what type of error was it? a. Type I b. TYPE 2 c. no error:

c. no error Error of less or equal of 0.5 no statistical significance..

QUESTION: For a population, the research divides the number of disease cases by the number of people. By so doing, this investigator will have calculated which of the following rates? a. incidence b. odds ratio c. prevalence d. specificity

c. prevalence

QUESTION: What is it called when a dentist charges several procedures instead of one? a. upcoding b. downcoding c. unbundling d. bundling

c. unbundling

QUESTION: When should the dentist NOT use para-phrasing? a. When trying to speak to a patient in his second language b. When the dentist is upset with what patient says c. when giving factual values

c. when giving factual values

QUESTION: Peutz Jeger syndrome? Not...................., but................... on lips.

cafe au lait freckles

Pulp is vital, pt's a 8 year old. Apex is open. What do you do? A. Apexification B. Apicoectomy C. Pulpectomy D. calcium hydroxide pulpotomy.

calcium hydroxide pulpotomy

Primary tooth got necrosis and the inflammation went down through furcation and affects permanent tooth. What is going to cause to perm tooth? Disturb what layer? or spread what?

can disturb ameloblastic layer of perm successor or spread infection

QUESTION: Pt has multiple white patches that can be scraped off ->


QUESTION: Lesion in the middle of tongue also pt had it on palate before and pt is healthy? Kaposi, candidiasis, Syphilis


What kind of occlusion if in right lateral movement all posterior teeth are not in occlusion:

canine guidance

Based solely on the sharp transient response of pulp to hot stimuli, what is the periradicular dx -acute apical periodontitis -cannot dx based on information provided -acute apical abscess -irreversible pulpitits

cannot dx based on information provided

QUESTION: Patients with sialadenitis (actini enlarge) caused by sialith in the duct. It is a large, painful sialoth near the orifice of Wharton's duct. What procedure do you do for removal? a. transoral to unblock duct b. extraoral to remove gland c. cannulation & dilation

cannulation & dilation (Cannulate the duct (sialotomy) to remove stone)

QUESTION: Patient get LA injection, he started to breathe a lot, HR goes up, due to what?

cardiovascular response to vasoconstrictor

QUESTION: At the DEJ, diff btw smooth caries ..... occlusal ..... interprox ......

caries (conical), occlusal (apex at occlusal), interprox (apex at DEJ)

QUESTION: Definition of a combination clasp:

cast reciprocal arm and a wrought wire retentive clasp

QUESTION: Weakest part of the gold mod inlay is?

cement layer (cement = weakest part of cast gold restoration)

Pt w/ onlay, 3yrs later sensitivity-

cement wash out?

QUESTION: Most common complication of internal bleaching:

cervical root resorption

Few days after placement of composite restoration complains of pain especially with biting but relieved by cold:

check occlusion

Use of indium (tin & iron) with alloy is mainly to provide ............ with porcelain

chemical bond

QUESTION: Candidiasis in cancer patients due to- chemotherapy, radionecrosis


QUESTION: Two groups of 100 ppl, gave them different foods & asked how they felt afterwards. which test to compare the 2 groups answers ->

chi squared test

Reversed occlusal plane on pano -

chin raised too high, patient head/chin tilted too far upward • Chin up = frown • Chin down = steeper smile

QUESTION: Kid under general anesthesia: give

chloral hydrate and midazolam

What rinse is used at home for developmental disabled child to reduce of plaque? NaF, stannous fluoride, chlorohexidine


QUESTION: Patient has red gums and is told she has "plasma cell gingivitis". Common cause is?

cinnamon flavoring in the dentrifice

Trans illumination is useful in the diagnosis of Class 1, class 2, class 5, Class 3

class 3

What is the most common? Dentinal dysplasia, amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, cleft lip (Cleft Lip/palate)

cleft lip (Cleft Lip/palate)

QUESTION: What is not important for an overdenture?

clinical crown size

QUESTION: A study is done to determine the affectiveness of a new antihistamine .To do this, 25 allergic pt‟s are assigned to one of the two groups ,the new drug (13 pt's) , placebo (12 pt's) . The pts are followed for 6 months . This study is called: Cohort, Cross-sectional, Case controlled, historical cohort, clinical trial

clinical trial

S, z, and ch sounds the teeth must be: close together or far apart

close together

QUESTION: What is the main danger in Ludwig's angina?

closing of the airway

QUESTION: You help a child help recognize what they are afraid of and make outward positive connection:

cognitive restructuring (psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts)

HOw does a tooth covered witha crown react to pulp testing? what is the best test

cold is better test (thermal)

Best way to dx irreversible pulpitis

cold/ thermal test

Fluoride works in all these ways except: Increases the strength of

collage - Fluoride BREAKSDOWN collagen, is bacteriocidal, fluoroapetite is more resistant to acid attack, decreases solubility of enamel, excreted by kidneys, helps remineralize

The greatest decrease in radiation to the patient/gonads can be achieved by: a. change from D to F speed b. thyroid collar c. filtration d. collimation e. high doses low frequency


QUESTION: An anterior composite placed 10 years ago without caries, what is the most common reason to make a new one?

color change/staining

Microfill composites are more ....... stable than hybrid

color stable

QUESTION: Pt has flabby anterior tissue:• Caused by what syndrome

combination syndrome • Causes decreased VDO

: What characterizes secondary radiation?

coming off the matter

QUESTION: Reason to not have parent in room with dentist and kid? communication barrier between dentist and child, OSHA violation, HIPAA violation,

communication barrier between dentist and child,

QUESTION: Purpose of placing posterior palatal seal:

compensates for shrinkage

C1 inhibitors are used in angioedema to inhibit the

complement system.

Small occlusal fillings need to be done on posterior, what do you use - amalgam, composite GI


Linear thermal coefficient is most for tooth- gold- amalgam- composite

composite (most)

Class III composite w/ radiolucency under it, this could result from all the following except? liner, recurrent caries, contraction from shrinkage of curing, composite contraction

composite contraction

For a class 3 on a canine, all are appropriate except: gold inlay, composite, amalgam, glass ionomer


Worse restorative material for canine restoration? gold, glass ionomer, composite, amalgam

composite, - Worst will be Composite > GIC> Amalgam> Gold (according to dental decks composite not given for class 3 DL in canines)

QUESTION: Picture of multiple small teeth within a radiolucency around the canine: compound odontoma, pindborg tumor, calcifying odontogenic

compound odontoma - Tumor of mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal) origin is the odontoma. These calcified lesions take 1-2 general configurations. They may appear as multiple miniature or rudimentary teeth (compound odontoma).

Porcelain is stronger under

compression forces

QUESTION: X-ray, what is the cause of radioopacity on the apex of the infected tooth -

condensing osteitis

QUESTION: Which of the following does not have cauliflower-like, pebbly appearance? Verrucous carcinoma, fibroma, condyloma accuminata, papilloma.

condyloma accuminata,

QUESTION: HPV know the subtypes, 6 & 11 for

condyloma acumintam - HPV types 6 & 11 are most frequently the cause of genital warts

QUESTION: - a third variable or a mediator variable, can adversely affect the relation between the independent variable and dependent variable. This may cause the researcher to analyze the results incorrectly. The results may show a false correlation between the dependent and independent variables, leading to an incorrect rejectionof the null hypothesis.

confounding variants

QUESTION: Steven-Johnson syndrome? (affects 2 places)

conjunctiva and genital problems- Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a form of toxic epidermal necrolysis, is a life-threatening skin condition, in which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis

Why is there oil in x-ray tube?

cools off the anode.

What component makes a PFM green in the cervical 1/3?

copper - at the margin its copper, other places its silver

QUESTION: Open mouth while maxillary border molding -

coronoid process will block buccal extension

QUESTION: What is expected from a high noble metal? No tarnish or corrosion


QUESTION: Inform consent most contain all except:

cost of Tx

QUESTION: I had one about a teacher and doing a survey on kids =

cross sectional

Cut onlay & find out margin of crown w/in 1 mm of interseptal bone a. pack cord, take imp b. crown length surgery----impinges biologic width c. use amalgam

crown length surgery

QUESTION: Which one is not reason for post-op sensitivity Class I comp?

cusp deformation due to shrinkage force

How to account for mesial concavity on maxillary 1st premolar when restoring with amalgam: custom wedge acrylic within matrix normal matrix create overhang and recontour

custom wedge

QUESTION: Nevoid basal cell carcinoma causes -

cyst in the jaws

QUESTION: A recently-introduced local anesthetic agent is claimed by the manufacturer to be several times as potent as procaine. The product is available in 0.05% buffered aqueous solution in 1.8 ml. cartridge. The maximum amount recommended for dental anesthesia over a 4-hour period is 30 mg. This amount is contained in approximately how many cartridges? a. 1-9 b. 10-18 c. 19-27 d. 28-36 e. Greater than 36

d. 28-36 - 0.05% = 0.5 mg/mL = 30m mg/ (0.5 mg/mL) = 60 mL/ (1.8 mL/carp) = 33.3 carp

QUESTION: Heat-cured indirect composite vs direct composite. Which is incorrect? a. Heat composite is harder b. Heat composite is more resistant to abrasion c. Heat composite is done indirectly so Less irritation to tooth due to less shrinkage d. Heat indirect composite has better bonding to the dentin and enamel

d. Heat indirect composite has better bonding to the dentin and enamel

Outliers control: a. mean b. median c. mode d. standard deviation

d. standard deviation

Know what DMFS stands for

decay missing fillied surface

QUESTION: If you feed a person through a tube, then you increase or decrease risk of caries.


- older investment =

decrease expansion

- Increasing water: powder ratio -

decrease expansion, longer setting time

Gypsum: If you increase water to powder ratio, you have

decrease expansion.

QUESTION: What does acid etching NOT do? Increase surface area, remove debris, increase wettability of enamel, decrease irregularities at cavosurface margin.

decrease irregularities at cavosurface margin.

How to reduce penumbra? moving object, decrease object/source distance, decrease object/film distance

decrease object/film distance

If you add a complementary color yellow, what happens to the hue?

decrease red content of yellow red shade - Side note: adding yellow stain = Inc chroma of basic yellow shade - Pink purple makes yellow à yellow red

Increased trituration time will increase compressive strength/ decrease setting expansion.

decrease setting expansion.

QUESTION: What happens when you increase water/powder ratio of an investment: increase thermal expansion, decrease thermal expansion,

decrease thermal expansion,

QUESTION: Pt with class III will have the mandibular incisal angle? Increased, decreased


A dentist adjusts the shade of a restoration using a complementary color. This procedure will result in A. increased value. B. decreased value. C. intensified color. D. increased translucency.

decreased value.

Alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid) - mixing faster

decreases setting time

Alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid) -increase water temperature .

decreases setting time.

QUESTION: Mech of action of local anes on nerve axon -

decreases sodium uptake through Na+ axon channels

High caries risk patient, when is he indicated for sealants? Obvious clinical cavitation on the occlusal, deep fissures without caries

deep fissures without caries

QUESTION: Main Disadvantage of gold inlay a. deforms under load b. wear opposing c. cement is soluble (not soluble) d. possible attrition

deforms under load since it is high noble gold and softer, it may have higher creep

QUESTION: Placement of rubber dam affect the color selection by ->

dehydration of tooth gives inaccurate tooth shade

QUESTION: Mechanism of caries indicator: enters the dentin & binds to the .....

denatured collagen.

QUESTION: Talon cusp is for? dent invagenalis dent evagenatus

dent evagenatus

All of the following cause xerostomia except? a. caries b. candidiasis c. dental attrition

dental attrition

QUESTION: What is an example of conditioned stimuli with pt that have had previous bad experiences?

dental chair (all others were responses)

QUESTION: Which cyst is most likely to become neoplastic? a. dentigerous b. residual c. radicular

dentigerous -> Ameloblastoma

QUESTION: Which lesion can become ameloblastomic? dentigerous cyst, lymphedema, epidermoid

dentigerous cyst,

QUESTION: A picture of .................... - Short rooted teeth with periapical lucencies

dentin dysplasia

What will not regenerate after RCT: dentin formation, cementum, PDL, alveolar bone

dentin formation,

What is an example of stimuli in classical conditioning:


QUESTION: Most eye injury in practice happens to who: dentist, dental assistant, hygienist, custodian


- Texture/consistency of dermoid cyst vs ranula: ................... is doughy/rubbery consistency while .................... is more fluctuant, bluish

dermoid ranula

QUESTION: Constantly exposing the pt to get from the fear factor is


QUESTION: incisal guide pin position while checking protrusive, why?

determine condyle guidance

If x-ray is too dark, it was too long in

developer solution. - Dark films (overexposed/image too dense): due to incorrect milliamperage (too high), exposure (too long), incorrect kVp (too high)

Symptoms of pain & tenderness upon palpation of the TMJ are usually associated with which of the following?

deviation of the jaw to the painful side upon opening the mouth.

QUESTION: How do cells first attach- dextran or lextran?


QUESTION: If you are an employer and you provide your employee with reimbursements for dental care they received from a dentist of their choice it is called: ,

direct reimbursement

After placing a crown with composite resin 6 month ago, there is discoloration around the porcelain gingiva (brown color). What is the cause?

discoloration of resin

What is the oil in the x ray tube for?

dissipate the heat (cooling) - purpose of oil in x-ray tube housing à prevent rust, reduce radiation, dissipate heat to the target, lubricate

What happens when no indirect retainer on distal extension:

distal extension pop up off of tissue

X-ray taken from mesial of max 1st premolar, buccal root will be where? mesial, distal, occlusal


QUESTION: Secondary Sjogren Syndrome: 3 clinical symptoms

dry eye, dry mouth, rheumatoid arthritis

Coagulation of proteins - what type pf serialization?

dry heat

Which method of sterilization needs higher temperature: steam dry heat oxide pressure

dry heat 160 C or 3200 F

QUESTION: All of the following are differential diagnosis for Dentinogensis imperfecta except? ectodermal dysplasia amelogenesis imperfecta enamel dysplasia dentinal dysplasia enamel hypoplasia (AI)

ectodermal dysplasia

QUESTION: Hypohidrotic child ->

ectodermal dysplasia - Sweating dysfunction, abnormal reduced of sweating due to heat

QUESTION: What do you need to worry about the most with Ludwig's Angina?

edema of glottis

QUESTION: Which is not true of elder abuse: Most of the elder abuse is at victims home Mostly it is by the victim's relative elder's abuse is often over reported and exaggerated

elder's abuse is often over reported and exaggerated

Varicosities in ventral tongue commonly seen in?


What type of Mercury is in the dental office? Inorganic elemental


If the head/chin position is too low, the images of maxillary anterior teeth will appear .................. & the mandibular anterior teeth will appear .................... Pano xray

elongated foreshortened.

o Perpendicular to object but not film:


What happens when you don't have proper vertical angulation when taking x-rays - elongation of the object fuzzy pic

elongation of the object

QUESTION: What is the best to communicate with patient- apathy, empathy, or some other stuff


QUESTION: A 4 yr. old child management?

empathy and respect

QUESTION: Rapport best with: empathy, sympathy, compassion


QUESTION: What do you not use to bevel an inlay prep? a. enamel hatchel b. ging marg trimmer c. flame diamond bur d. carbide bur

enamel hatchel

Most common malignancy in the oral cavity? a. metastatic ca (most common malignancy found in bone) b. basal cell ca (most common type of skin cancer) c. epidermoid ca (aka SCC) d. mucoepidermoid ca (most common salivary gland carcinoma) e. adenoid cystic ca (second most common salivary gland carcinoma)

epidermoid carcinoma

QUESTION: A child is most likely to have which of these pemphigus, pemphigoid, erythema multiform, epidermolysis bullosa

epidermolysis bullosa

Young child/infant exhibits ulcerations of mouth -

epidermolysis bullosa

QUESTION: For a patient with multiple sclerosis A. epinephrine is contraindicated in local anesthetic. B. the amount of anesthetic needed for a given procedure is less than for a normal patient. C. the amount of anesthetic needed for a given procedure is more than for a normal patient. D. a single cartridge of anesthetic will most likely not last as long as it would for a normal patient.

epinephrine is contraindicated in local anesthetic.

QUESTION: Pt taking MAO inhibitors what you CAN NOT give him:

epinephrine, opioids (Meperidine) - Local anesthetics containing EPI are contraindicated in patients taking MAO inhibitors.

Reciprocal anchorage in ortho - bodily movement, tipping, rotation, equal and opposite force

equal and opposite force

QUESTION: Blow cold air on mucosa causing a positive Nikosky sign a) erythema multiform b) herpes c) pemphigoid d) epidermolysis bullosa NO PEMPHIGUS AS ANS CHOICE.

erythema multiform

QUESTION: Only advantage of porcelain over gold:


Which of the following do you not do in cementation of a porcelain crown:

etch enamel with hydrofluoric acid

Condensation silicone release -

ethyl alcohol as by product.

Foreshortening of roots caused by

excess vertical angulation.

QUESTION: Anesthesia of facial nerve will cause all except: • instant muscular dysfunction in half the face • excessive salivation • inability to smile • inability to close eye • corner of mouth will droop

excessive salivation

QUESTION: When the denture wearer says "S" sounds & the posterior teeth are touching, why?

excessive vertical TX: so decrease VDO

QUESTION: How do you treat a ranula? excise (all of it)/excisional, incisional, aspiration

excise (all of it)/excisional,

QUESTION: 6 years old patient has acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL). Her deciduous molar has a large carious lesion and furcation lucency. How will you treat this person? a. pulpotomy b. pulpectomy c. extraction d. nothing


What is not an advantage of rubber dam when compared to not using it? Improved properties of materials, shortens operative time, facilitates the use of water spray

facilitates the use of water spray

indications fro apicoectomy -rct cant be done by convention means -failed existing RT that cant be re-treated

failed existing RT that cant be re-treated

If patient has: - Decay, microleakage ->

failure of composite

QUESTION: Desensitization works if the base of the behavior problem is


QUESTION: What do general dentists report as being their biggest issue? fearful patients, business/financial issues, staff training

fearful patients,

QUESTION: If a child is afraid, allow the child to express


QUESTION: Who pays for Medicare:

federal program that pays for covered health services for most people 65 years old and older and for most permanently disabled individuals under the age of 65.

What is the best indicator for success of intra-pulpal anesthesia?

feel the back pressure during injection

QUESTION: Panoramic with big radiopacity? - fibrous dysplasia - osseous fibroma - Cementous dysplasia

fibrous dysplasia

35 yo female, picture of a couple of radiolucency lateral to lateral incisors, asymptomatic:

fibrous dysplasia - Monostotic fibrous dysplasia may be completely asymptomatic and is often an incidental finding on x-ray

QUESTION: A patient comes in with rampant decay. What is the primary responsibility of the dentist?

figure out etiology of decay FIRST

Central X-ray needs to be perpendicular to .......... & ...............

film and object

QUESTION: Herpetic whitlow - Herpes on

finger - Herpetic whitlow is an intensely painful infection of the hand involving 1 or more fingers that typically affects the terminal phalanx

QUESTION: Why do we bevel the edge of gold-

finish margins better, marginal stability & better adaptation

QUESTION: Causes of allergic gingivitis include: a. flavoring in toothpaste b. food coloring in foods c. Fluoride in toothpaste

flavoring in toothpaste

HIV patient with oropharyngeal candidiasis, what would you prescribe?


QUESTION: least soluble -


QUESTION: Glass ionomer, what is the liquid made of? Powder = Liquid =

fluoroaluminosilicate glass; polyacrylic acid

What is NOT the reason why you use resin cement on all porcelain restorations?

for added retention, to fill small openings at margin - All porcelain crowns use resin cement for increased retention (bonded)

o Perpendicular to film but not object:


X-ray beam is perpendicular to the film, not to the tooth, =


Each of the following can occur as a result of successful RCT tx except what?

formation of reparative dentin

QUESTION: During try-in of mandibular denture, you want to check for

full movement of the tongue & do all working movements

QUESTION: Description of.........................: burning sensation on the tongue, moves around

geographic tongue

QUESTION: Dentist mounted maxillary cast without using facebow, but now wants to increase vertical dimension 4mm: open articulator 4mm, get new CR(most anterior superior), take new facebow, lateral movements

get new CR(most anterior superior),

QUESTION: Purpose of bleaching teeth except?

getting past foramen to treat bone

QUESTION: Regional odontodysplasia: .......... teeth

ghost teeth. (enamel, dentin and pulp are all affected. Non hereditary, eruption is delayed or doesn't occur)

Secondary caries is most likely at ............ margin


What is not a class I cavity preparation? gingival 1/3 of #19, Lingual pit of #7, Lingual pit of #18

gingival 1/3 of #19,

Which part of composite stains the most facial proxima lingual proximal gingival proximal occlusal

gingival proximal

Zinc eugenol is a good temp filling: gives a good bacterial seal, high compressive strength, high tensile strength, good biologicalseal.

gives a good bacterial seal

65 y/o pt shows several new caries in molars and premolars class V, what material would you use: a) amalgam b) composites c) glass ionomer

glass ionomer

QUESTION: What do you place on a 75 y/o patient with ~ 8 class V carious lesions?

glass ionomer

Zinc phosphate can be used for

gold. - Zinc phosphate is used as a cement for gold & PFM (basically metals). Zirconia can't bond to it so we use GI.

Mandibular plane (MnPl):

gonion - menton

QUESTION: Congenital epulis histological similar to: hemangioma, lymphangioma, granular cell myoblastoma

granular cell myoblastoma

QUESTION: Sarcoidosis? Know that it is (cell type)


longer spatulation, increase water temperature, use of slurry water, less water: powder ratio =

greater expansion, shorter setting time

QUESTION: You fit new completed denture and the patient complains of cheek bite, what will you do? a. grinding buccal of lower teeth b. grinding buccal of upper teeth c. grinding lingual of lower teeth d. grindinging lingual of upper teeth

grinding buccal of lower teeth

QUESTION: Auriculotemporal nerve is severed, what are the symptoms? ............................ sweating

gustatory sweating - Ligation of auriotemporal nerve - disrupt gustory sweating

QUESTION: 4 yr. old kid has hemangioma on his tongue from birth. It grew at the same rate he did. What is it? chroistoma, hamartoma, teratoma


Hemangioma excised from tongue. Which is it? Choristoma, hamartoma, teratoma

hamartoma, - Hemangiomas - positive test for blanching

QUESTION: Kaposi sarcoma by herpes 8 & most likely on

hard palate

QUESTION: Patient with bipolar disease comes in for dental care, choses not to take his medication and states he is in the "manic phase," what do you expect from treating this patient?: he will have unpredictable reactions during the treatment, he is will be obsessed about is esthetics

he will have unpredictable reactions during the treatment,

Danger zone of Cavernous Sinus thrombosis: What is the first signs/symptoms? a. pre-orbital swelling (bulging eye) b. loss vision c. headache

headache - most common initial symptom of CST is a headache, which develops as a sharp pain located behind or around the eyes that steadily gets worse over time. - Symptoms often start w/ in 5- 10 days of developing an infection in the face or skull, such as sinusitis or a boil.

Most common pulpal damage from cavity prep -

heat, dentin dessication

Filament produces ......... in the X-ray.


QUESTION: Why do you do triangular access on incisors (ex. max central incisor?) a. to help with straight line access b. help expose pulp horn c. to follow the shape of the crown

help expose pulp horn

EPT does NOT indicate

helth of pulp

QUESTION: Pic with half the tongue (left side) that looks like herpes lesion and other nothing on it-

herpes zoster

QUESTION: Which most closely mimics dental pain: herpes zoster, CMV, herpangina

herpes zoster

All of the following you can use inlay except

high caries risk

QUESTION: If a dentist was able to correctly ID disease free patients w/ the diagnostic study, it has?

high specificity.

Overlap on bitewings due to.

horizontal angulation.

Least important in selecting shade? fluorescence, hue

hue - due to lack of variation in mouth

Tolerates moisture the most - hydrocolloid, polyether, addition silicone, polysulfide


Sensitivity theory - ..... theory

hydrodynamic theory

QUESTION: Fibromas are a result of what dysfunction? Neoplasia, dysplasia, hyperplasia


QUESTION: In most of the cases, localized fibromas are often: Dysplasia, metaplasia, anaplasia, hyperplasia


Little girl has AL , radiolucency in furcation of primary 2nd molar what is the tx? -xb -pulpectomy -pulpotomy

i think XB but answer was pulpectomy

QUESTION: What causes bell's palsy?


QUESTION: The 16 yr. old can take the decisions for the elder pts if: If the elders are deaf and dumb, if the boy makes the payment, if the elders are over 60yrs, if the kid has the power of an attorney

if the kid has the power of an attorney

After a couple of months of delivery of upper and lower complete, patient complains of burning of lower lip? Candida or impinges of mental nerve.

impinges of mental nerve.

Most common reason for failed amalgam moisture contamination improper prep design - not enough depth improper titrutration

improper prep design - most likely depth (first), than outline form

QUESTION: If incisal edge of anterior PFM is opaque, it is because they had

improper second plane of reduction

In primary tooth , apical infection on the radio is usally where?

in the furcation

Porosity in PFM - because of .....

inadequate condensation

QUESTION: Most common reason for PFM bridge breakage? Firing schedule, high contact, inadequate design

inadequate design

QUESTION: Reason for cheek biting with dentures? inadequate horizontal overjet, lack of vertical overlap, Increased VDO

inadequate horizontal overjet, - not enough horizontal overlap of posterior teeth, insufficient VDO

Pt complains "it feels loose" from a new bilateral distal extension RPD. Edentulous bilateral and rocking of denture- inadequate seating of denture or inadequate indirect retainers.

inadequate indirect retainer

QUESTION: RPD rocks when you apply pressure on either side of fulcrum line, why?

inadequate indirect retainer

QUESTION: Patient has clicking with dentures -

inadequate resting space, insufficient interocclusal distance

QUESTION: Dentist in his clinic notices a new diseases this is?


QUESTION: Actinomycosis has abscess, draining fistula, & contains yellow sulfur granules. Tx is

incision & drainage + antibiotics

QUESTION: Reason for parulis -

incomplete root canal

QUESTION: Patient has short lower face and sagging lips. What should you do?

increase VDO (freeway sapce)

Gypsum: If you have decrease spatula/mixing, you decrease expansion. If you have increase spatula/mixing, you ..............

increase expansion

QUESTION: New data regarding caries shows: a. increase in smooth surf caries b. increase in pit/fissure caries c. smooth surf caries and pit/fissure caries is same d. increase in root caries

increase in root caries

QUESTION: Angular chelitis for dentures, you need to

increase interocclusal space. It's associated with overclosure.

Collimator function is all but:

increase penetrability.

QUESTION: Pagets disease -> LAB results

increase serum alkaline phosphatase

Addition of long cross-linking chains in PMMA is for what reason? allow doughy consistency before set, allow for addition of more powder without crazing, increase strength, prevent shrinkage

increase strength,

QUESTION: What can't you change? hue, increase value, decrease value, change chroma

increase value,

QUESTION: Levonordefrin is added to certain cartridges containing mepivacaine to:

increase vasoconstriction.

What does acid etching NOT cause? Acid-etching does not cause. Reduced leakage, better esthetics, increased strength of composites

increased strength of composites

Protein binding affects duration of LA Higher values = ................. duration of action (increases or decreases)


Alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid) - Increased water

increases setting time

If you add BIS-GMA to PMMA (acrylic) ->

increases strength or results in the doughy texture to have more working time

A patient presents for try-in evaluation of balanced occlusion of complete maxillary and mandibular dentures. A dentist notes that protrusive excursion results in separation of posterior teeth. This dentist can best correct this problem by A. changing the condylar inclination. B. increasing the incisal guidance. C. increasing the compensating curve. D. using a flat plane cusp for the posterior teeth.

increasing the compensating curve.

QUESTION: Given a case - what is the dependent variable?

independent variable influences a dependent variable, or variables. Ie: effect of Temperature on plant growth, temp = independent and growth; height, weight, # of fruits = dependent

What does caries indicator do - only stains.....

infected dentin

Clicking in TMJ:

internal derangement with reduction

QUESTION: What is worse outcome of nonvital bleaching (internal bleach for endo)?

internal root resorption /CERVICAL RESORPTION.

QUESTION: Hybrid layer - primer within

intertubular dentin

QUESTION: Antral Y (they also called it an "..........................")

inverted Y - A radiographic anatomical landmark: The Y line of Ennis (Inverted Y). It is created by the superimposition of the floor of the nasal cavity (straight radiopaque line) and the border of the maxillary sinus (curved radiopaque line).

If you have pain, waht would be the hardest to anestisize -irreversible pulpitits and Maxillary -irreversible and mand -necrosis and maxillary -necrosis and mand

irreversible and mand molars then premolars then anteriors

Which is not recommended for final FPD cast impression? • irreversible hydrocolloid • reversible hydrocolloid • PVS • Polyether

irreversible hydrocolloid

Positive to percussion

irreversible pulpitis

Whene heat is applied to the tooth, lingering pain for several minutes indicates

irreversible pulpitis

What is DX for lingering pain to cold and sensitivity to percussion?

irreversible pulpitis & acute periapical abscess

When compared to other materials, which of the following is the main disadvantage of using polyether elastomeric impression materials:

is much stiffer

What is Bennett angle? a. it is the angle that is formed by the non-working condyle and the sagittal plane during lateral movement b. it is the angle that is formed by the condyle and the horizontal plane during protrusive movements. c. It is a difference in condylar inclination between protrusive and lateral movements d. It is the difference between in the condylar and incisal inclinations.

it is the angle that is formed by the non-working condyle and the sagittal plane during lateral movement

QUESTION: Best way to prevent speech problems in complete dentures

keep teeth in same position

QUESTION: "Ghost cells" - k............................ cyst

keratinized calcifying odontogenic cyst

QUESTION: Lesion that resembles SCC. 16 weeks and then disappears. a. papilloma b. keratoacanthoma c. papillary hyperplasia

keratoacanthoma - skin tumor that can occur on sun-exposed areas

Complications of Sjogren's syndrome -


QUESTION: Verrucous carcinoma presents with: • warty lesion • white ulcerated patch • smooth pedunculated lesion • large warty mass- variant of SCC

large warty mass- variant of SCC

Which cantilever bridge would be most destructive of the abutment tooth:

lateral incisor as abutment with central incisor as pontic (larger root surface of pontic than abutment, Ante's Law)

QUESTION: Bennett shift mainly on:

lateral movement or working side

Catalyst of POLYSULFIDE impression material-

lead dioxide.

Wear facets on lingual incline of maxillary lingual cusp & facial incline of mandibular facial cusp on left side? pt has: left nonworking interference, protrusive interference, right nonworking interference, left working interference

left working interference

Differences between 245 and 330 burs: All other dimensions the same except for length shape what angle they form.

length 245 bur is 3mm in length 330 is 1.5mm.

Beveling on upper occlusan rim due to?

length is adequate for esthetics but inadequate interarch space

QUESTION: In Max CD vs opposing Mand bilateral distal extension (Kennedy class 1), why is the anterior of the wax rim beveled?

length is good esthetically but there is not enough interocclusal space @ that length.

Which of the following explains why a properly designed rest on the lingual surface of a canine is preferred to a properly designed rest on the incisal surface? A. The enamel is thicker on the lingual surface. B. Less leverage is exerted against the tooth by the lingual rest. C. The visibility of, as well as access to, the lingual surface is better. D. The cingulum of the canine provides a natural surface for the recess.

less leverage is exerted against the tooth by the lingual rest.

What is importance of light cured vs self-cured in terms of shade balance?

less number of nitrates when you light cure

C factor in class 1 composites, which one is correct?

less walls is lower C factor - for ex, class I composite: 5 bonded/1 unbonded: 5

QUESTION: How do you treat a fearful child? use sedation, let him watch another patient,

let him watch another patient,

QUESTION: Patient shows up with kid that has bleeding gums, problems healing & has discomfort


QUESTION: White lesion on movable mucosa that you can't wipe/stretch off?

leukoplakia or white sponge nevus

Histologically, the loss of the rete peg often is a sign of? a. pemphigus b. lichen planus c. pemphigoid d. syphilis

lichen planus - Rete pegs are the epithelial extensions that project into the underlying connective tissue in both skin and mucous membranes. Development of a "saw-tooth" appearance of the rete pegs, which is much more common in non-oral forms of lichen planus.

QUESTION: Pic of 55 yo woman with erosion:

lichen planus (Erosive lichen planus - gingival is magenta to bright red)

QUESTION: Which drug is LEAST likely to result in an allergy reaction? a. epinephrine b. procaine c. bisulfite d. lidocaine


QUESTION: Which of the following anesthetic can be used as topical? butamben, dibucaine, lidocaine, oxybuprocaine, pramoxine, proparacaine, proxymetacaine, tetracaine


QUESTION: Which composites have more color stability?

light cure due to TEGDMA ( Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate) - HEAT CURED (light cured) RESINS HAVE SUPERIOR COLOR STABILITY


light cure to maintain proper shade

TMJ ligaments purpose is to - limit the movement of mandible, helps open mandible, helps closes mandible

limit the movement of mandible,

QUESTION: Pt presents with a restricted floor of the mouth, only 6 mandibular anterior teeth and diastema b/w several teeth, which of the following major connector is appropriate for this pt:

lingual plate with interruptions in the palate at the diastemas

QUESTION: Which describes ameloblastoma best? (what type of invasion)

local invasion

Wen do you puncture an abscess -localized chronic fluctuation in palpation -localized chronic hard in palpation

localized chronic fluctuant in palpation (hard indicates no pus)

How to prevent metamerism -

look at shade under multiple light sources - Porcelain, look at it with different light sources (metamerism)

QUESTION: Which of these is the most likely to become malignant?

low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma

QUESTION: What was the problem with x-ray that appears too white? incorrect distance from target to film distance, low mA, low density.

low mA,

When TMJ is in rotational movement, rotation is in the:

lower compartment.

QUESTION: Actinic Chelitis:

lower lip shows epithelial atrophy and focal keratosis -> same as Actinic Keratosis

Fluoride helps prevent caries in all ways except?

lower pH of the oral cavity

QUESTION: Sarcoidosis commonly involved organ:


QUESTION: Which skin condition has endocarditis and glom-?


Which syndrome has rash on cheeks, ulcers, kidney, etc?


: # of x-ray in a beam -> radiation quantity (not quality!), density & patient dose mA or Kvp


QUESTION: What you do first before getting informed consent? make sure patient can sign or has guardian, consult physician, discuss options with relatives, etc

make sure patient can sign or has guardian,

QUESTION: First step before/in treatment planning: make sure patient doesn't need translator, consult with physician about pre-existing medical conditions

make sure patient doesn't need translator,

Mobile mass initially but is now sessile (fixed): indicative of


QUESTION: Non-working contacts:

mand buccal cusp lingual incline

QUESTION: Sensitivity after placing composite restoration in posterior is mostly likely caused by? due to resin polymerization shrinkage in: margin or floor.


Muscles elevating the jaw:

masseter, temporal, medial pterygoid and SUPERIOR belly of lateral pterygoid

QUESTION: OSHA does all except:

material safety data sheet MSDS, which is made by manufacturer

QUESTION: Primary support for max denture -

max: ridge, 2nd-palate

QUESTION: Dens in dente are most commonly seen in

maxillary lateral incisor.

QUESTION: Radiolucency at the end of a tooth that looks like there might be an AOT but the patient is having symptoms

maybe periapical cyst

What type of bond is composite on tooth structure? a. chemical bond b. mechanical bond (micromechanical) c. organic coupling d. adhesion

mechanical bond (micromechanical)

QUESTION: New patient comes into office, what do you do 1st visit? Full exam, record probing, med history, impressions.

med history,

Which does not describe the spread of data? median. Range. Variance, stand deviation, standard error


QUESTION: best LA to use w/o vasoconstrictor: a. pro b. benzo c. lido d. articaine e. mepivicane

mepivicane (carbo)

which of the following is the least important factor in referring an endo case to specialist -dilacerations -calcifications -inability to obtain adequet anesthesia -mesial incliniaction of molar

mesial inclination of molar

Which tooth will the matrix band be a problem with when placing a two surface amalgam? to give an idea of the anatomy of the region:

mesial on maxillary first molar b/c of the cusp of carabelli also - mesial Of max 1st premolar (MOST DIFFICULT due to mesialdevelopmental grove, contact is harder) > Distal of max molar

The phenomenon whereby various light sources produce different perceptions of color is called A. fluorescence. B. incandescence. C. opalescence. D. translucency. E. metamerism.


QUESTION: Prilocaine causes ................. when given over 500mg

methemoglobinemia - Symptoms of methemoglobinemia: cyanosis, headache, confusion, weakness, chest pain

QUESTION: If a dentist is reading an article, where should he look for the definition of dependent and independent variables? introduction, summary method, results, discussion,

method ,

For amalgam, the most toxic mercury is: Elemental mercery, ethyl mercury, methyl mercury (organic mercury)

methyl mercury (organic mercury)

Type of mercury most hazardous to dentist health: methyl mercury, ethylmercury, inorganic mercury, elemental mercury

methyl mercury,

You place a conservative composite on a posterior tooth and the patient returns due to sensitivity. What is he most likely reason?

microleakage, trauma to dentin during preparation,

QUESTION: Etchant cleans the tooth & creates

micropores for micromechanical retention.

QUESTION: Filler composites: Larger fillers have

more strength, but do not polish as well

If you decrease water temp (colder), you have .................. for an irreversible hydrocolloid

more working time.

Best way to eval available space for rests-

mounted casts

QUESTION: Patient had SSC removed and now has a lesion on the lower lip, what is it? mucocele, fibroma, SSC


QUESTION: Recurrent intraoral herpes occurs almost exclusively on

mucosa overlying bone. The hard palate is the most common site.

QUESTION: Photo of maxillary sinus with radiopacity in one of the sinus and you have to identify the condition:

mucous retention cyst -> antral cyst

QUESTION: Radiograph of earlobe and turbinate: inferior nasal turbinate, (what type of cyst)

mucous retention cyst or antral pseudocyst in maxillary sinus

QUESTION: Herpes can be diagnosed by exfoliative cytology b/c a characteristic .................... cell appears in the smear of herpes infections.


How do you make sure your all-ceramic restoration does not fracture?

must have NOT LESS than 1.5mm porcelain @ occlusal

QUESTION: 90-year-old patient comes in with son, who has a document mentioning the guardian of the patient -

must have consent from them to treat the patient

QUESTION: Definition of rapport?

mutual openness / harmonious relationship - Rapport = mutual sense of trust and openness between individuals that, if neglected, compromises communication.

Cocaine overdose symptoms? pinpoint pupils or mydriasis

mydriasis (pupil dilation)

QUESTION: Lower denture impression lingual area muscle -


QUESTION: First sign of increased (we think in reference to VD) occlusion? TMJ, myofascial, attrition, abfraction


The most common non-odontogenic cyst: a. dermoid b. thyroglossal c. lymphoepithelial d. nasopalatine duct cyst

nasopalatine duct cyst

QUESTION: Cocaine is a ................... drug


QUESTION: A 2 y/o child has injested 20mg fluoride pill. What will likely happen? coma, nausea, renal failure, c ardiac arrest


Acute mercury toxicity for dentists or subacute mercury poisoning symptoms, the first signs is: , other are

nausea, other are muscle weakness (hypotonia) and hair loss.

pH of ZOE (3), zinc phosphate: pH of

near 7 3.5—acidic irritates pulp

Radiolucency is seen in PA under the furcation of primary molar, what could this be due to> -necrotic pulp -roots are reabsorbing -perm tooth caused it

necrotic pulp

An adult patient presents with multiple, soft nodules and with macular pigmentation of the skin.


QUESTION: Clinical picture with nodules & café au lait spots:


Which of these conditions have supernumerary teeth & lisch nodule on iris?


QUESTION: Allergy to ................. is most common


QUESTION: RPD denture frame or PFM, what metal is responsible for allergic reaction? nickel, chromium, cobalt copper


Wat tx is required with a tooth that has a draining sinus tract that has been treated via RCT

no further tx

QUESTION: With mandibular bilateral distal extension RPD, when you place pressure on one sides the opposite side lifts and vice versa, what is the problem? a. no indirect retention used b. rests do not fit c. acrylic resin base support d. occlusion

no indirect retention used

Aphthous ulcers in ...................... tissue herpes in .............................. tissue keratinized or non-keratinized

non-keratinized keratinized

Aphthous ulcers in ........................ tissue herpes in ....................... tissue

non-keratinized keratinized

QUESTION: Something about nonverbal vs verbal communication: which is less reliable?


PA xray of #R/L looks like

normal bc perm tooth is erupting underneath

QUESTION: Retentive clasp is

not base metal alloy.

QUESTION: The dentist cements the porcelain veneer with light cured resin and the patient returns with brownish discoloration at the margins, why?

not enough cement or microleakage (depends on duration of pt return) Few weeks to 1 month = microleakage

QUESTION: P-significant value is equal to 0.01, your theory should be right, so you you will reject

null hypothesis

QUESTION: What's not the reason for rising dental costs?

number of dental students in dental schools

There was an x-ray pointing with arrow to the lower lingual anterior.

nutritional canal.

QUESTION: X-ray: Dentiogenesis Imperfecta - ....................... pulp chamber

obliterated pulp chamber (looks like all white teeth) PHONE PICTURE

You have an amalgam that is deficient at the margin by 0.5mm (concavity) and no signs of recurrent decay. What do you do: remove and replace, observe/monitor, repair with amalgam


QUESTION: Most important dimension that ensures the metal connector between abutment and pontic is sufficient (in 3-unit fpd bridge)?


pt has - Sensitivity ->

occlusion, debonding

QUESTION: Strength of abutment connection to pontic which is more important?

occlusogingival width

QUESTION: Reciprocal clasp is placed

on or above the height of contour.

QUESTION: Garre's (proliferative periostitis) and Ewing sarcoma are both

onion skin

Isthmus of MOD prep extends over 1/3 of intercuspal dimension, how to treat? amalgam, crown, onlay, inlay crown

onlay, - Inlays when less than 1/3 intercuspal dimension is prepped

a pt with a non vital tooth & fistula that is draining around the gingival sulcus. what kind of abscess? -endo and perio at the same time -perio then endo -only endo -only perio

only endo

QUESTION: How is Acyclovir selective toxicity mechanism of action?

only phosphorylated in infected cells and inhibits viral mRNA - Acyclovir is selective and low in cytotoxicity as the cellular thymidine kinase of normal, uninfected cells does not use acyclovir effectively as a substrate.

In restoring a canine protected occlusion, with anterior overbite of about 2mm. The buccal cusps of posterior teeth should be flat, BECAUSE they will guide the protrusion. a. both are true b. only the second statement is true c. both are false d. only the first statement is true

only the first statement is true

QUESTION: The pKA of an anesthetic will affect what. Metabolism, potency, peak effect, onset


QUESTION: What complementary color to darken porcelain & decrease value? gray, orange, ochre, violet


Frankfort Plane:

orbitale - porion

Your office uses perio scale 1= gingivitis 2= mild perio 3= moderate/severe etc, what type of scale is this? Nominal, ordinal, ratio, cardinal


QUESTION: Gardner's syndrome has multiple

osteoma, odontoma and intestinal polyps

QUESTION: An 18-year-old male complains of tingling in his lower lip. An examination discloses a painless, hard swelling of his mandibular premolar region. The patient first noticed this swelling 3 weeks ago. Radiograph indicate a loss of cortex and a diffuse radiating pattern of trabeculae in the mass. Which of the following is the MOST likely diagnosis? a. leukemia b. dentigerous cyst c. ossifying fibroma d. osteosarcoma e. hyperparathyroidism


QUESTION: Patient has paresthesia and growth in mandible: is going to be (young patient)


QUESTION: Paget's disease can lead to

osteosarcoma (malignancy)

Which electron shell has highest power?

outermost shell

Picture of a deep amalgam w/ overhang: What is wrong with marginal ridge of DO amalgam of #29? All of the following except ? Occlusal wear, over carving, wedge not placed right, overcarved


QUESTION: Classic condition, which is an example? -

pain (as in, you see dentist, you assume pain is coming)

QUESTION: Working side interferences are seen on what surfaces?

palatal inclines of buccal cusp of upper and buccal incline of lingual cusp of lower; (the nonworking cusps on the final side are interfering) - In MIP or CO, the buccal incline of palatal cusp of upper and lingual incline of buccal cusp of lower. - Balanced side interferences are buccal incline of palatal cusp of upper and lingual incline of buccal cusp of lower (it's the working cusps interfering)

What parts of tooth prep can be managed by operator/dentist: parallelism, surface area, length, circumference


QUESTION: Patient comes in with 1-year-old child, how do you do exam?

parent and dentist are knee to knee, baby's head is in dentist's lap

- major salivary glands consist of the

parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands.

QUESTION: picture of #30 RCT tooth -> gum boil


QUESTION: Where does the retentive clasp engage on abutment:

passively on the suprabulge - Retentive clasp-- gingival third of the crown w/I the undercut (suprabulge), Reciprocal Clasp-- middle third of the crown

QUESTION: Immunofluorescence used for dx of: pemphigus LP


QUESTION: Sloughing of gingiva epithelium in maxillary and mandibular arches: pemphigus or pemphigoid


White film w/ positive Nikolsky -

pemphigus, tx w/ incisional biopsy

- The area around the umbra is called the ........................... It's the zone of unsharpness along the edge of the image; the larger it is, the (more or less) sharp the image will be.

penumbra or partial shadow Less Larger Penumbra—DECREASE contrast, less sharpness

Best way to dx a acute periradicular periodontitis sensitive to... -cold -percussion


How do you test a tooth to differentiate bw chronic perio and supperative perio -cold test -percussion -EPT


the best method to test newly erupted primary teeth


QUESTION: X-Ray: Black women, middle aged, anterior radiolucency (can be radio opaque), vital teeth: cemento osseous dysplasia, periapical cemental dysplasia

periapical cemental dysplasia

QUESTION: #25 has radiopaque lesion at apex. It has normal PDL, vital, tissues normal, no caries or existing restoration?

periapical cemento- osseous dysplasia

prognosis is poorest with endo or perio lesions


End lesions is drained throgugh.... and complet .....

periodontal ligament space, complet RCT and wait several months to eval healing

DMFT is for

permanent teeth (no 3rd molars or primary teeth)

DMF index -> measures how

permenant dentition is affected by caries

Why would you do apical surgery -When the apical portion of canal cannot be cleaned -persistent apical pathology after RCT -apical fracture -over extension of material interference with healing

persistent apical pathology after RCT

QUESTION: What is the most common site of enamel caries? • pit and fissure • at the contact point • slightly incisor to contact • slightly cervical to contact

pit and fissure

QUESTION: Lidocaine is not metabolized in ........... but in ...............

plasma (but in liver)

QUESTION: What acid is in GI cement? silicate glass powder & polyacrylic acid

polyacrylic acid

explains why the dentist should provide a postpalatal seal in a complete maxillary denture? The seal will compensate for:

polymerization and cooling shrinkage.

QUESTION: In Gardner's Syndrome, there may be cancerous transform of what?

polyps in intestine

Most stability: hydrocolloid reversible hydrocolloid irreversible polysulfide (polyvinyl sulfide, the smelly one) *PVS and polyether were not option


What material would you not use for a single crown: a) polyether b) polysulfide c) PVS etc


Which of the following is the best for tear strength - polysulfide / polyether


BWX, Tooth #18 has mesial amalgam restoration with overhang and very light contact. What lead to this? A wedge was not placed right poor adaptation of matrix band

poor adaptation of matrix band

QUESTION: MOD amalgam with hole why?

poor condensation - condensation removes mercury (gamma mercury removed)

Ante's law: 3 abutments, one being lateral, with 2 pontics, prognosis is good, poor, excellent


Wear of enamel due to ................ on opposing


QUESTION: 6-year-old int. disabled child. Treatment is a recall. Would you give sedation, antianxiolytic, voice control positive reinforcement

positive reinforcement

QUESTION: Providing reward for desired behavior:

positive reinforcement

QUESTION: When do you most likely get a puncture wound: pre procedure, during, post-proceduring cleanup, needle recapping

post-proceduring cleanup,

QUESTION: Metastasis is most common to

posterior mandible.

Pt wearing a complete dentures & is cheek biting:

posterior teeth set up with no horizontal overlap.

QUESTION: Sarcoidosis is mainly related to which organ?

predominately a pulmonary disease

QUESTION: What is the statistical measure for the total number of cases per population, regardless of time of onset?


QUESTION: The purpose of the rest seat is:

prevent displacement

QUESTION: Anti-retraction valves - used to prevent aspiration of patient materials into some dental handpieces and waterlines - prevent patient to patient cross-contamination.

prevent patient to patient cross-contamination.

Keyhole for post /core is to

prevent rotation - post = key, hole = keyhole

QUESTION: Cast post and core - you put extra slit - what is that for?

prevent rotation (keyway)

Collimating device on the x ray does all except:

prevents fogging.

QUESTION: Patient has dental fear, what is most likely due to?

previous traumatic dental procedure

except ................- plasma + kidney - Lidocaine - Mepivacaine - Prilocaine - Ethidocaine - Bupivacaine - Ropivacaine - Articaine


QUESTION: Stages of syphilis that is most infectious: primary and secondary, primary, secondary, tertiary, primary secondary and tertiary

primary and secondary, - In secondary syphilis, the bacteria have spread in the bloodstream and have reached their highest numbers.

QUESTION: Majority of health service in USA:

private insurance

QUESTION: If acromegaly is not controlled, lower jaw


Upper molar crown has a wear facet in porcelain on the MB inclination of MB cusp. Most likely associated with? Interference in .

protrusion & working interference

QUESTION: #30 gold crown has wear located on the MB cusp of the MB incline, cause -

protrusive and working side movement

QUESTION: Etchant does all except

provide chemical bond

What is the main reason for removing complete dentures at night?

providing rest to tissues

QUESTION: Lining of nasolabial cyst -

pseudostratified squamous

Pano: arrow pointing b/w posterior wall of maxilla and posterior wall of zygomatic process of maxilla:

pterygomaxillary fissure - Tear drop shaped in max sinus - pterygomaxillary fissure Look at file

QUESTION: The dentist is performing a block of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve into which anatomical area must the local anesthetic solution be deposited or diffused? a. pterygomandibular space b. pterygopalatine space c. retropharyngeal space d. retrobulbar space e. canine space

pterygopalatine space

Lateral periodontla abcess is best diferentiated from the acute apical abscess by? -pulp testing -radio appearance -probing patterns -percussioin -palpation

pulp testing (vitality test)

Pulpal pain that only occur at nighht with no stimulation

pulpal necrosis

What complex endo dx could be completely asymptomatic but should require endo therapy -pulpal necrosis and acute periradicuar periodontitis -normal pulp and acute periradicular periodontitis -pulpal necrosis and chronic periradicular periodontitis -normal pulp and normal periapex

pulpal necrosis and chronic periradicular periodontitis

Fastest growing tumor? a. oncocytoma b. pyogenic granuloma c. pleomorphic adenoma

pyogenic granuloma

QUESTION: Fast growing Lesion on gingiva that blanches and bleeds easily when pressed?

pyogenic granuloma

QUESTION: Picture said: "erythematous, bleeding swelling" mandibular swelling right next to premolars on right side?

pyogenic granuloma

QUESTION: Which lesion shows the most rapid change in size? • fibroma • pyogenic granuloma

pyogenic granuloma

QUESTION: Patient is female and pregnant and is said to have this enlargement and picture has it on the corner of her mouth (vermillion border) and she said it just developed; the picture had it shown as a boil and very red. It bleeds and is not painful

pyogenic granuloma (other option that could have made sense bc I didn't know what it was a varix (dilated vein) - Common in pregnancy & in normal condition

QUESTION: Pink growth on palatal between canine and 1st PM? Papilloma, pyogenic granuloma, peripheral ossifying, irritation fibroma

pyogenic granuloma,

QUESTION: You take an x-ray at a certain mA, KvP and exposure time is 8 seconds when the beam is 10 inches away. What if everything were the same except the beam was 20 inches away?

quadruple the exposure time

QUESTION: In radiobiology, the "latent period" represents the period of time between A. cell rest and cell mitosis. B. the first and last dose in radiation therapy. C. film exposure and image development. D. radiation exposure and onset of symptoms

radiation exposure and onset of symptoms

QUESTION: If you have a study of confounding variable - minimize confounding variables by ...............

randomizing - minimize confounding variables by randomizing groups, utilizing strict controls, and sound operationalization practice all contribute to eliminating potential third variables.

QUESTION: Lady presents w/ blue swelling under tongue?


Both onset of action & duration of action depend on: dose & lipid solubility (potency) - Lipid solubility (potency): Increased lipid solubility, .............. penetration + duration


QUESTION: Based on Frank behavioral rating scale, what is the rate that indicates positive rapport with dentist? #

rating 4

QUESTION: Pulse + BP + Kelvins, what kind of measurement? nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio


QUESTION: It is required mandatory to report all except: child abuse, reaction to drug, etc

reaction to drug,

QUESTION: What is the most definite way to distinguish ameloblastoma from OKC? a. smear cytology b. reactive light microscopy c. reflective microscopy

reactive light microscopy

QUESTION: Most injury/percutaneous cuts happen when

recapping needles

QUESTION: History of lesions that go away after 1 week -

recurrent aphthous ulcers

QUESTION: Most common reason for replacing posterior composites: inadequate margins, fracture of composite, recurrent caries

recurrent caries, - Two main causes of posterior composite restoration failure: secondary caries and fracture (restoration or tooth)

QUESTION: Primary herpetic stomatitis? Reactivation of the primary can cause

recurrent herpes infection

Collimation does everything except: reduce pt exposure, reduce operator exposure, film fog, reduce average energy of x-rays

reduce average energy of x-rays (energy is unchanged) - Scatter radiation decreases with change to rectangular collimator, film fog , scattered radiation that reaches the film, unwanted darkness à decreased by collimation decreases and image quality increases.

the use of intensifying screens -> ................ the radiaiton increase or reduce

reduce the radiation

All of the following reasons to restore erosion lesion except one, which one? a. prevents future erosion b. reduced sensitivity c. esthetic

reduced sensitivity

QUESTION: An examination of a complete denture patient reveals that the retromolar pad contacts the maxillary tuberosity at the occlusal vertical dimension. To remedy this situation, which of the following should be performed a. reduced the maxillary tuberosity by surgery b. covers the tuberosity with a metal base c. increases the occlusal vertical dimension d. reduces the retromolar pad by surgery e. omit coverage of the retromolar pad by the mandibular denture.

reduced the maxillary tuberosity by surgery

Collimation in x-rays -.

reduces low energy radiation.

What does collimation do? reduces x-ray beam size/diameter & volume of irradiated tissue, OR. reduces area of exposure.

reduces x-ray beam size/diameter & volume of irradiated tissue, - usually with circle diameter of 2.75 in.

After surveying and designing which is the first step you do?

reduction the axial for proximal plate

QUESTION: All of the following are congenital except... a. dentinal dysplasia b. amelogenesis imperfecta c. regional odontodysplasia d. ectodermal dysplasia

regional odontodysplasia (or odontogenesis imperfecta)

QUESTION: How do you compare between 2 constant variables? Chi squared regression analysis

regression analysis

QUESTION: The power of a statistical analysis is ultimately to:

reject the null

QUESTION: Pt has worn denture for 19 years, now he has a sore on buccal with swelling, what do you do? Refer out, biopsy, cytology, relieve denture in area and re-evaluate in 2 weeks

relieve denture in area and re-evaluate in 2 weeks

QUESTION: Definition of Operant extinction?

removal of reinforcements that decrease a behavior - disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the behavior is not reinforced.

Primary stability for an edentulous CD on maxillary?

residual ridges Palate #2

Increasing intercuspal space affects ...... form


Marginal ridges help with....... form


Loss of marginal ridge affects ........

resistance and retention

Fluoride spot makes enamel more

resistant to future caries.

EPT test for pulpal:

responsiveness (not health) - testst whether the tooth is responisive or not that is

QUESTION: Pontic of 3-unit FPD should

rest gently on the soft tissue & should not blanch tissues.

QUESTION: A flabby, maxillary anterior ridge under a complete denture is frequently associated with A. V shaped ridges. B. Class II patients. C. osteoporosis. D. retained natural mandibular anteriors.

retained natural mandibular anteriors.

Removing cusp affects ........ form


Removing cusp affects......... form


QUESTION: Dentist has to reduce a weak cusp during onlay preparation is to: a) outline form b) resistance form c) retention form

retention form - Cuspal coverage - retention form

Imbibition and syneresis affect which one the most a. reversible hydrocolloid b. impression compound c. polysulfide d. silicone

reversible hydrocolloid.

Conical shaped caries w/ broad base with apex towards pulp is commonly seen in? a. root caries b. smooth caries c. pit/fissure caries

root caries

Common feature between porcelain veneer and all-ceramic crown preparation -

rounded internal

QUESTION: Retention of denture is impacted by

saliva flow (THIN & watery saliva is better and aids in adhesion)

QUESTION: Picture of an ulcerated tumor on palate? SCC, salivary gland tumor, tori

salivary gland tumor,

: X-ray of Stafne defect, only option was

salivary inclusion defect.

QUESTION: Strawberry tongue is seen in

scarlet fever (Also, Kawasaki disease & toxic shock syndrome)

QUESTION: What is primary source of radiation to the operator when taking x-rays? radiation left in the air scatter from the patient scatter from the walls leakage from the x-ray head

scatter from the patient

QUESTION: Ortho pt: has never had a restoration? What would you do? sealants, do nothing,


Pictures of molars in 16 y/o - does it need sealants, no treatment, Class I.

sealants, ??? bc age?

Fordyce granule is what? • salivary gland • sebaceous gland • sweat gland

sebaceous gland

QUESTION: Which of the following is the leading payer for dental treatment? Insurance self-pay


QUESTION: Home bleaching causes what?


What is not an indication for restoring class V abrafaction? a. sensitivity b. esthetics c. prevention of decay d. prevention of further structure loss e. restoring physiological contour


QUESTION: Uncooperative 2-year-old, what are they scared of?

separation anxiety

What didn't cause the unaesthetic opacity of crown? under-prepared tooth, too thick metal, shade selection, too thick base porcelain

shade selection

QUESTION: Empathy is not: shared personal experiences, Imagination, understanding

shared personal experiences

QUESTION: Something about what is the best x-ray: Short ................... high ...............

short wavelength, high energy

QUESTION: The closest a dentist should get to their patient is? Tap their .............


By having excess amount of monomer in acrylic, it can create excessive amounts of what: shrinkage, expansion, thermal conduction


QUESTION: Patients with sialadenitis (actini enlarge) caused by

sialith in the duct.

QUESTION: You give patient a maxillary denture and they come back with generalized soreness under the denture. no sore spots or anything visible clinically, what's causing this? allergy, significant malocclusion

significant malocclusion (gross occlusal misalignment)

QUESTION: Repairing porcelain veneer with composite microetch, etch, silanate, resin


When pouring gypsum material into an impression, which material will cause the least amount of bubbles? Polysulfide, polyether, silicone, irreversible hydrocolloid


QUESTION: Turners tooth - # of teeth affected

single tooth affected

what is the clinical "hallmark" of chronic periradicular abscess -Large periradicular lesion -sinus tract drainage -granulation tissue in the periapex -cyst formation

sinus tract drainage

Collimation control of ........... & .......... xray beam

size & shape.

QUESTION: Where is the biggest storage of fluoride in tissues?

skeletal tissue

The usual metabolic path of ingested fluoride primarily involves urinary excretion with remaining portion in?

skeletal tissue

pKa affects onset of LA higher values = ........... onset of action (faster or slower)


- minor glands include

small mucus-secreting glands located throughout the palate, nasal and oral cavity.

QUESTION: Etch removes the ........... layer & exposes ...................

smear layer & exposed collagen fibers to form hybrid layer with resin

Microfill have the .......... finish compared to hybrid composite resin . hybrid has: ............. which are ......... will pick up stain

smoothest (smaller particle) (has microfill + bigger ones for better fill), which are rougher Rougher will pick up stain easier.

QUESTION: You delivered a set of complete dentures. Why do you take impression of max denture and mount it to articulator? (clinical remount):

so you don't have to take facebow registration again (preserve facebow)

QUESTION: Eye contact, smiling, and telling pt doing good job (praising) is what type?

social reinforcement

Child patient - you smile, tell him good job, and pat him on the shoulder. These are examples of negative reinforcement, social reinforcement, token reinforcement.

social reinforcement,

Types of Fluoride used in toothpaste: sodium fluoride, Stannous fluoride sodium monofluorophosphate

sodium fluoride,

QUESTION: Bleach most often used in internal bleaching:

sodium perborate

Best clinical determinant of root caries? sensitivity to cold sensitivity to sweets soft spot on tooth

soft spot on tooth - visual & tactile methods are used for detect caries

QUESTION: Most likely to cause cavernous sinus thrombosis: valve infected by endocarditis, soft tissue abscess in upper lip

soft tissue abscess in upper lip (veins of face don't have valves)

You have pano, what can't you do without intraoral photos?

space analysis

QUESTION: Ectodermal dysplasia - ........... hair

sparse hair

QUESTION: Dentist finds a group of individuals are free of (do not have the) dental disease:

specificity - Specificity (without disease) and sensitivity (with disease)

QUESTION: "if test determines those who do not have the disease is... specificity, sensitivity, validity.


QUESTION: Lateral boarder of the tongue picture looked like

squamous cell carcinoma.

Very well-defined round radiolucency posterior mandible below inferior alveolar canal on a panoramic

static bone cyst (stafne defect).

Ameloblastoma histology: stellate reticulum in bell stage, epithelium in net flex pattern

stellate reticulum in bell stage, - stellate reticulum is a group of cells located in the center of the enamel organ of a developing tooth.

Polyether, disadvantage compared to other elastomeric?

sticks to teeth/hard to remove from teeth,

QUESTION: Effects burnishability in gold - yield .....


What happens to amalgam if it is contaminated with water/moisture? Decrease in .....


QUESTION: Function of filler in resin—

strength (reduces polymerized shrinkage & increases hardness)

QUESTION: Difference b/t dentist and home bleaching -

strength of peroxide

Functional cusp bevel:

structural durability

QUESTION: Lichen Planus and pemphigoid = which one is subepithelial and which one is suprabasilar vesicle??

sub epithelial, and pemphigus is suprabasilar vesicle.

QUESTION: Infxn of mnd 2nd pm goes into

submandibular space

3 factors that affect caries initiation:

substrate, bacteria, host susceptibity

QUESTION: Osteosarcoma in x ray:

sun burst and symmetrical widening of PDL.

What is reason for the altered cast technique when doing a distal extension RPD? support retention, esthetics,


QUESTION: Child came with a history of aggressive behavior and is crying, then should the dentist show empathy sympathy control


Alginate impression in 100% humidity, why will shrinkage occur?


QUESTION: If you want to increase patient's VDO by 4mm, what do you do? take new CR take new facebow adjust articulator change condylar angulation increase VDR

take new CR

QUESTION: Making F sound -

teeth touches lip

QUESTION: Young patient is scared b/c he has no control what to do?

tell him to raise his hand if he needs a break/ you to stop

QUESTION: If there is an elderly woman in your chair & you think there might be abuse. What do you have to do? Tell family tell human health services

tell human health services

What determines fluoride supplementation for a city -


Pt with an RCT in a molar tooth, after one year a cyst form, the tooth was extracted, after another year the cyst was bigger what happened? Bad endo, the dentist did not curettage well when the extraction was done

the dentist did not curettage well when the extraction was done

QUESTION: A denture tooth falls off the denture after processing, why?

there was some wax that was not removed

Most reliable way to test bitality of a tooth

thermal test

QUESTION: If doing a denture try-in, where would the teeth touch compared to vermilion border when saying "F" sound?

they would just touch (wet/dry lip line)

You have a test that is not accurate but gives consistent result:

this means test is reliable

QUESTION: Which 3 things determine the posterior palatal seal?

throat form, tissue type and fovea location - dentist look at before placing palatal seal - vibrating line, throat configuration, tension of tissue throat form, tissue type and fovea location.

More corrosion of amalgam is in which phase?

tin-mercury phase (gamma 2 phase) -Noble metals (gold, pd, platinum) are CORROSION RESISTANT while silver & tin erode - most common corrosion products found with conventional amalgam alloys are oxides and chlorides of tin - silver tarnish but copper & tin corrode

you did a pulpotomy on a 7 year old pt pulp exposed decayed tooth #30, why?

to allow completion of root formation (apexogenesis)

What is function of opaque porcelain EXCEPT: -mask metal framework -to help come up with a base/stump shade -for initial bond to metal -to decrease contamination of additional porcelain with metal in ensuing firing and baking procedures

to decrease contamination of additional porcelain with metal in ensuing firing and baking procedures

QUESTION: Dislocation of condyle- mandible deviates

to opposite side

QUESTION: What's the purpose of an indirect retainer?

to prevent distal extension from lifting up

Which statement is NOT correct about "Paraphrasing"?

to put in your own words (i think this is wrong) - Paraphrasing: repeating, in one's own words, what someone has said. This serves to confirm one's understanding, validate a patient's feelings, convey interest in the patient's experience (thereby building rapport), and highlight important points.

QUESTION: What is the primary reason for putting epi in LA?

to slow its removal from the site. PROLONG DURATION OF ACTION

In an edentulous patient, the coronoid process can A. limit the distal extension of the mandibular denture. B. affect the position and arrangement of the posterior teeth. C. limit the thickness of the denture flange in the maxillary buccal space. D. determine the location of the posterior palatal seal of the maxillary denture.

too bulky at max distobuccal

QUESTION: Coronoid process displace upper denture if:

too bulky at max distobuccal

Pano - max centrals look abnormally wide -position of pt head is

too far back - If pt is positioned too far backward, the anterior teeth image will be so wide that the outline of the crowns cannot be discerned.

Which of the following would result in inaccurate terminal hinge record? acutely apprehensive patient, severe skeletal cl III, tooth contact, muscle pain,

tooth contact,

QUESTION: DMFT - measures the amount of

tooth decay

which is NOT endodontic in origin

tooth with wide sulcular pocket nnot extending to apex

Which teeth do you perform pulp evaluation on? -only tooth -tooth and neighboring tooth -tooth, neighboring tooth, and contralateral tooth

tooth, neighboring tooth, and contralateral tooth

QUESTION: What does the facebow do?

translates the relationship of the maxilla to the terminal hinge axis using a 3rd point of reference

QUESTION: Ranula are due to? sialolith mucus plug trauma fibrous plug


QUESTION: Turner's tooth is caused by:

trauma or local infection

QUESTION: Picture said: "scalloped border, tooth is vital, patient is asymptomatic"

traumatic bone cyst

QUESTION: What would most cause a man to have anxiety? traumatic past experience, finances, peers, unpleasant staff

traumatic past experience,

QUESTION: First step in tx planning is? treat the initial pain and discomfort of the pt. see how you can make a preventitive plan, treat all restorations.

treat the initial pain and discomfort of the pt.

Maxillary 1st molar access opening -


- If the head/chin position is too high (a lack of negative vertical angulation, the occlusal plane of the teeth will then appear horizontal or, with a positive occlusal plane, as a "frown line.") = reverse smile line


Antivirals (wrong match)- azt with herpes zoster


QUESTION: Consent - do not need to discuss the witness signature (I think)


QUESTION: Definition of Empathy - Patient wanted to give you paperwork, and you acknowledge their concerns


QUESTION: multiple myeloma -> plasma cell


Lasers and LED lights don't cure all resins b/c some resins photoinitiatiors have require light sources is out of range: t or f reason as well

true and correct logic.

Big artifact in pano which was a ghost of a necklace.


QUESTION: First step in realigning a distal extension denture you must first-

try in the framework

QUESTION: Patient is very young and fearful first time you meet them -

try to talk to them, go down at their height.

Oral signs of ...................... = cervical lymph nodes, larynx, and middle ear. .............. oral lesions are uncommon - usually chronic painless ulcers. - Primary lesions usually enlarged lymph nodes. - Secondary lesions on tongue, palate and lip. Rare is leukoplakic areas.


: X-ray tube target metal is made out of:

tungsten (target = tungsten/filter = aluminum)

The area on the film that represents the image of a tooth is the

umbra, or complete shadow.

Most lab complain that the tooth is

under reduced.

QUESTION: Elderly abuse is often:


QUESTION: Cellulitis most of the time is Ludwig's angina is & a complication is edema of

unilateral. bilateral GLOTTIS.

QUESTION: Cause of geographic tongue:


Excessive depth of the posterior palatal seal usually results in A. unseating of the denture. B. a tingling sensation. C. greater retention. D. increased gagging.

unseating of the denture.

QUESTION: Keratosis happen where in the mouth? a. palate b. buccal mucosa c. floor of mouth d. upper lip

upper lip

Cavernous sinus problem - due to infection of

upper lip/canine space, infection from max ant teeth

what do you do to find which tooth is involved in the periapical abcess? (waht do you use)

use gutaperch

QUESTION: Which of the following are necessary for a test to be accurate: Specificity, reliability, validity


Which one can human eye see, hue vs value vs chroma?

value - More rods than cones so eyes are more sensitive to value

QUESTION: Histogram is used to show (standard deviation): mean, correlation of 2 variables, variance


Pt with bilateral asymptomatic blue stuff under tongue? a. hemangioma b. varices


Tell patient that he needs to take of amalgam fillings bc they are not good for his health (hazardous): not practicing

veracity (truthfulness)

QUESTION: Smokeless tobacco:

verrucous carcinoma

Elongation & foreshortening occurs when there is excessive

vertical angulation

QUESTION: If you hear teeth clicking in denture patient it is due to?

vertical dimension = too little VDR

QUESTION: If the palatal vault is too deep:

vibrating line is more pronounced and forward - The higher the vault, the more abrupt & forward the vibrating line is.

45 yr. old woman. Anterior crown placed 10 years ago & color doesn't match natural teeth now, appears clinically acceptable & has good margins, what will you do? a. vital bleaching b. new crown c. microetch and composite bond

vital bleaching

#8 PFM is too light but good margins and been there for 10 years -

vital night guard bleaching

DIfferential dx of periodontal abcess & periradicular abscess


Loss of filliform papilla- ____________ deficiency

vitamin B deficiency

QUESTION: As LA becomes more ionized, it becomes more

water soluble.

Polysulfide gives out?


Best diagnostic image for pathology in max sinus: waters, CT, MRI, periapical, pan


When is onlay indicated?

when cuspal coverage is needed or when cusp is undermined by not enough dentin

QUESTION: Contraindication of sealant:

when you have rampant or gross caries

QUESTION: Buccal cheek of 60 yrs man, not wipeable? Leukoplakia candida, white spongy nevus

white spongy nevus Leukoplakia: more on floor 50%, tongue 25%

QUESTION: All porcelain crown on #8 is too light but it is a good crown. What would u do

whiten the other teeth. (vital tooth bleaching)

QUESTION: When trying to change person, what is most important? trying to determine whether they are

willing to change

QUESTION: Lichen planus more common in male or female?


QUESTION: Ductility - gold's ability to be

worked into different shapes

QUESTION: Wear on buccal of maxillary premolars due to, due to mandibular movement working or nonworking?


The mesiobuccal incline on the mesiobuccal cusp of mand molar (with stainless steel crown) has wear. This is because of movement in which direction(s):

working and protrusive movement

Endo abscess with no sinus tract can pus drain through the PDL?


How is FACT witness is different from expert specialist? - fact witness = individual, who has personal knowledge of events pertaining to the case & can testify as to things they have personally observed or witnessed. They may not offer opinions, which are the province of the expert witness - Expert witnesses offer opinions, unlike a fact witness, that may assist the judge in understanding technical knowledge in order to support their ability to make a sound ruling in a case. An expert witness can be a credentialed specialist in fields.


QUESTION: If kid complained and whined in the beginning but at the end, is very good:

you compliment how well they were at the end of the procedure.

QUESTION: Latent period is time between when

you exposed patient & clinical reaction to x-ray.

QUESTION: What is a 2 yr. old most afraid of? 4 yr. old? • 1-3 yr. old: • 4-6 yr. old:

• 1-3 yr. old: SEPARATION • 4-6 yr. old: UNKNOWN - pediatric fears correlated with age

How do you bevel occlusal floor (gave list of instruments) • 13, 8 • 15, 80 (GMT) • 15, 95

• 15, 80 (GMT)

Best way to determine outcome of disease? • Med history of the patient • ESR lab results

• ESR lab results

What is not included in the ADA code of ethics? • Licensure by credential • Advertising • patient values • Fees

• Fees

Radiographic picture: Floating tooth not in bone, opacities in lesion, what is it? • Whole jaw cyst • Ameloblastoma • Keratocyst • Dentigerous cyst • Langerhans X

• Langerhans X

QUESTION: Where would you look in a scientific journal to find the dependent and independent variables • Intro • Materials • Methods • Conclusion • Summary

• Methods

Fuzziness on outside of radiograph due to: • Umbra • Penumbra

• Penumbra

QUESTION: 73yo woman makes $23,000/year. how should she receive dental care? • Medicaid • Medicare • Private insurance

• Private insurance single individual max 16,700 family of four max 34,600

To make sure casting seats, do the following EXCEPT: • Increase thermal expansion of investment • Mix cement thin • Remove internal nodule with occlude

• Remove internal nodule with occlude

QUESTION: When you find VDO & the max tuberosity touches retromolar pad, what should you do? • Make metal extension on mand RPD • Surgery on max tuberosity • Surgery on retromolar pad • Open VDO

• Surgery on max tuberosity

QUESTION: Pedo 1st visit. Multiple carious teeth on anteriors. During anesthesia is well cooperative and doesn't cry or move. Once begin tx, begins to cry. What do. • Keep working • Voice control • More anesthesia • Oral sed • N20

• Voice control

QUESTION: Man. Lingual flanges are affected by • geniglossal • mylohyoid

• mylohyoid

Insurance question about adverse selection (adverse selection deals with the idea that those at higher risk are more likely to buy an insurance policy. If the price for the policy is the same for nonsmokers and smokers, it is more likely that smokers will buy the insurance, because it is more "worth it" to them—because they are at higher risk for disease. This is averse to the insurance. So the prices need to be different. • only take pt with high risk • only take pt with low risk • take both • something about taking pt of all ages

• only take pt with high ris

QUESTION: Post-herpetic neuralgia cause by: (VZV) herpes zoster, HSV 1, HSV 2, CMV

(VZV) herpes zoster, Complication of long term shingles infection

Porcelain Strength: From weakest to strongest

(weakest) Feldspathic porcelain <Leucite-reinforced ceramic < Castable glass < Glass-infiltrated alumina (strongest)

A researcher conducting a research between students self studying and those attending lectures what is the independent variable? students participating in research, material studied, Students results, Lecture of self study


QUESTION: How do you treat actinic cheilitis?

- According to wiki, its 5-fluorouracil or imquimide - block DNA synthesis, but I'm not sure if those were even answer choices.

Active screw (post) vs. inactive post?

- An active post is one that engages (screws into) the dentin in the canal space. Traditionally, the major concern about active posts has been the potential for vertical fracture of the tooth during placement of the post. Active posts are indicated when the canal length is insufficient to gain adequate retention with a passive post. - Inactive post = cement retained.

can be differentiated since it usually does not occur over bone, doesn't form vesicles, and isn't accompanied by fever or gingivitis.

- Aphthous

QUESTION: Pt comes in saying she's been to 5 different dentists the last 6 months. A few minutes later, she's telling you how great of a dentist you are and that she'll refer all of her friends to you. This example of: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) paranoia schizoid.

- Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships.

QUESTION: What is not on cocaine overdose? pinpoint pupil or mydriasis

- Cocaine OD—mydriasis - Opiate OD—pinpoint pupil

QUESTION: Initial treatment for OKC is enucleate or resect?

- Conservative treatment generally includes simple enucleation, with or without curettage

QUESTION: Emancipated minor: if the kid is under 18, know exceptions of how they become emancipated minor

- Emancipated minor assumes most adult responsibilities before reaching the age of majority (usually 18). If she/he graduated from high school, has been married, has been pregnant, or responsible for his or her own welfare and is living independently of parental control and support.

QUESTION: Epulis fissuratum is most similar cellularly to: fibroma, granuloma cell tumor

- Fibroma (and a question about how to treat a patient with old denture and epulis - usually make new denture or modify; don't just wear same denture)

When preparing for a porcelain veneer: - Gingival third: # mm veneer reduction - Facial third: # mm veneer reduction Mine asked what was in the mid 1/3 reduction

- Gingival third: 0.3 mm veneer reduction - Facial third: 0.5 mm veneer reduction

QUESTION: Patient has upper denture, when he removes it, there is unilateral lesion on the palate. What could it be?

- Herpes

Bur used that converges F and L walls? #245, 7901, 169 (tapered bur, 0.9 diameter)

- If 169 is not thre, pick 245.

QUESTION: Cavernous sinus infection would most likely come from, maxillary sinus, paranasal sinus, frontal sinus, anterior maxillary teeth

- Infections in upper anterior teeth are within the "dangerous triangle" area, which is visualized by imagining a triangle with the top point about at the bridge of the nose and the two lower points on either corner of the mouth.

Primary stress bearing area/retention: - buccal shelf (slow resportion, access determined by buccinator attachment)

- Mandibular

What cannot be seen with a PA? pterygoid hamulus, coronoid notch, mental foramen, mand. Canal

- Mandibular foramen (too posterior & inferior)

What structure can you not see on a PA radiograph? - Hamular process Visible - Mental Foramen Visible - Coronoid process Visible - Mandibular foramen

- Mandibular foramen (too posterior & inferior)

- top layers of the skin slip away from the lower layers when slightly rubbed. Most often seen in......

- Nikolsky sign Pemphigus

QUESTION: Lesion on the palate that verrucous and pedunculated

- Papilloma

QUESTION: Best indicator for success of denture is

- Ridge

QUESTION: Most Cariogenic? Sucrose

- S.mutans adheres to the biofilm on the tooth by converting sucrose into an extremely adhesive substance called dextran polysaccharide.

..................... no threshold & no dose-related, probability of effect /likelihood that something will happen effects are associated with long-term, low-level (chronic) exposure to radiation. Increased levels of exposure make these health effects more likely to occur, but do not influence the type or severity of the effect.

- Stochastic

Something in maxilla Antral pseudocyst? does it need tx?

- The mucocele is destructive and requires surgery while the Antral Pseudocyst (mucous retention pseudocyst) does not require intervention and will dissipate.

14-year-old with MOD restoration, decay interproximally and undermined enamel in all cusps. - onlay - inlay - crown

- crown (b/c all cusp has undermined enamel)

Something that causes teeth to look longer has to do with angulation

- how much tilt up and down DOWN = longer

pH that enamel starts to demineralize

- pH = 5.5

Extraradicular biofilm theory recommends endo with: -Crown down, -debridement, -Ca(OH)2 therapy (irrigate and debride)

-Ca(OH)2 therapy (irrigate and debride)

QUESTION: Patient has occlusal rims prepared and bevels the max, why? -VDO and length of max occ rim was adequate -vdo was incorrect bur length of occ rim was adequate -Always bevel max occ rim -Length of occlusal rim as adequate but VDO was wrong

-Length of occlusal rim as adequate but VDO was wrong

TMJ pain are mostly related to:


Patient is complaining about a very light colored anterior PFM crown she had done sometime ago, there is nothing clinically wrong with the crown. What do you do Doctor? -re-do the crown, -put a darker shade composite on crown -bleach natural teeth

-bleach natural teeth

Acute abscesses that require drainage are usual -firm localized lesion -fluctant -local lesion -generlized from lesion

-fluctant -local lesion

What type of fluoride is in water? -sodium fluorosilicate -sodium fluoride -fluorosilicic acid

-fluorosilicic acid (hydrofluorosilicate)

There is a study that shows there is extraradicular plaque in an infected tooth. What does this mean that the dentist might need to do: -mechanochemical irrigation and debridement of the canal -doing surgical endo (apicoectomy)

-mechanochemical irrigation and debridement of the canal

Which of the following conditions indicates that a periodontal, rather than endo problem exists? -acute pain to percussion with no swelling -pain to lateral percussion with a wide sulcular pocket -a deep narrow sulcular picket to the apex with exudate

-pain to palpation of the buccal mucosa near the tooth apex

During apexogenesis, all of the above with the root EXCEPT? -root lengthening -root apex closing -root revascularization

-root revascularization

QUESTION: Unauthorized use of elderly's ATM card is not a sign of abuse but in some situation, it is under consideration

. (Both are true)

You notice a void on occlusal of cast. Crown will: a. Fit on die and not on tooth b. Fit on tooth and not on die c. Fit on both d. Not fit on either

. Fit on die and not on tooth

What is the correct method of excavation of deep caries? a. Large bur from periphery to the center b. Large bur from center to periphery c. Small bur from periphery to center d. Small bur from center to the periphery

. Large bur from periphery to the center - use the largest bur that fits, and go around the periphery and then towards the deepest

For a lesion in enamel that has remineralized, what most likely is true? 1. The enamel has smaller hydroxyapatite crystals than the surrounding enamel 2. The remineralized enamel is softer than the surrounding enamel 3. The remineralized enamel is darker than the surrounding enamel 4. The remineralized enamel is rough and cavitated

. The remineralized enamel is darker than the surrounding enamel

QUESTION: A patient who has a moderate bony undercut on the facial from canine-to-canine needs an immediate maxillary denture. There is also a tuberosity that is severely undercut. This patient is best treated by A. reducing surgically the tuberosity only. B. reducing surgically the facial bony undercut only. C. reducing surgically both tuberosity and facial bony undercut. D. leaving the bony undercuts and relieving the denture base.

. reducing surgically the tuberosity only

For adults, black males for untreated decay..


QUESTION: 4.5 y/o child with 0.75ppm fluoride in their water requires how much fluoride to be supplement?

0 mg

How much fluoridation supplement would you give to a 5 y/o drinking 0.75ppm F in their water?

0 ppm

QUESTION: 3 y/o patient lives in area with 0.4 ppm fluoride. How much do you supplement?

0 ppm

QUESTION: How much epi for a cardio pt? # mg

0. 04mg

Max dose of epi for cardio pt:

0.04mg (2 carps of 1:100k epi, 1 carp of 1:50k epi , or 4 carp of 1:200k epi max = 4 carps)

Axial pulp should be? ______ mm into DEJ

0.2 - 0.5 into DEJ

- Max dose of epi for healthy person:

0.2 mg (8 carp of 1:100k epi)

QUESTION: Fluoride is given to children in schools usually by rinse with what concentration? 0.05 daily, 0.2 daily, 0.05 weekly, 0.2 weekly

0.2 weekly

QUESTION: How do they administer Fluoride in schools?

0.2% Fluoride rinse 1x week

4 y/o pt with 0.4 ppm fluoride Supplement?


How much tooth structure needs to be removed on the mid facial for a porcelain veneer?

0.5 mm

Usual/recommended water fluoridation-

0.7 ppm

QUESTION: The appropriate/optimal amount of fluoride in the community water:

0.75-1.2 ppm

Diameter of 245 bur?

0.8 mm

- Dential Dysplasia Type # - radicular: shorter roots, obliterated pulp chamber.


How many mg of fluoride in 1 L of water at 1 ppm:

1 mg

QUESTION: 7-year-old patient has no fluoride in drinking water. What do you give them systemically...? 5 mg, 1 mg, 0.25 mg

1 mg,

QUESTION: Supplementation for 10-year-old with no other fluoride source? 1 mg/day or 1 mg/week

1 mg/day

Position of incisal portion of matrix band? # mm above adjacent marginal ridge

1 mm above adjacent marginal ridge.

How long after vital tooth bleaching can you bond resin to it? 24 hours, 3 days, 1 week

1 week

QUESTION: How long should you wait after bleaching to do a composite on an anterior tooth?

1 week at least

Patient (6 yo), the treatment of choice for a necrotic pulp on permanent first molar would be: 1. Apexification (Non vital) 2. Apexogenesis (vital) 3. Root Canal Treatment

1. Apexification (Non vital)

Piaget proposed 4 stages of cognitive development: = extends from birth to the acquisition of language 1. Sensorimotor stage 2. Pre-operational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operational stage

1. Sensorimotor stage

Patient has a veneer on incisal edge, small piece of porcelain chipped off and wants you to fix the chip only, what is the sequence of events:

1. microetch/micro abrasion, 2. acid-etch, 3. silanate, 4. bonding agent (MAS Bonding) - Silane = porcelain tx to help it stick to bonding agent

QUESTION: Which order will sensation disappear? touch, temp, pressure pain,

1. pain, 2. temp, 3. touch, 4. pressure

QUESTION: 7-year-old child lives in area with 0.2 ppm fluoridated water, what do you supplement?

1.0 mg/day

QUESTION: Pt has fillings and full porc. Crowns, but b has decalcification on class V?

1.1 % NaF

QUESTION: What fluoride tx would you used in a pt with amalgams, PFM's, composite restorations, implants?

1.1% NaF

QUESTION: What's the concentration of acidulated phosphate fluoride is used in the dental office?


Facial reduction for PFM at gingival 3rd is #mm


QUESTION: How much reduction would you do for a PFM crown on anterior?

1.5mm on facial incisal plane, not incisal angle

QUESTION: A 77 years old female 110 lbs. weight requires removal of mandibular teeth under local anesthesia. She is apprehensive. The appropriate dose of IV diazepam to sedate her? a. 5 mg b. 10 mg c. 15 mg d. 20 mg

10 mg - 2mg for midazolam IV, 10 mg diazepam IV

QUESTION: Dentist has 300/1000 patients with periodontitis; last year only 200 had periodontitis, what is the incidence for this year:


QUESTION: Incidence of caries in your office this year is 300 out of 1000, last year it was 200, so what is it for this year?

10% - Incidence refers to NEW cases so the answer is (300-200)/1000 = 100/1000 = 0.1

In-home bleaching kit, what's the percentage?

10% carbamide peroxide

QUESTION Material used for mouthguard vital bleaching -

10% carbamide peroxide

QUESTION: Typical pulse for a 4-year-old is 12 year old.... adult....

110 (12 yr. old is 75, adult is 70)

QUESTION: 3.6ml of 4% prilocaine contain how much anesthesia? a. 72 mg b. 80 mg c.144 mg d. 360 mg

144 mg - 4% prilocaine = 40 mg/mL; 3.6 mL x 40 mg/mL = 144 mg

QUESTION: The maximum allowable adult dose of mepivacaine is 300 mg. How many milliliters of 2% mepivacaine should be injected to attain the maximal dosage in an adult patient? a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20 e. 25

15 - 2% mepivicaine = 20mg/ml; 300mg/20 = 15 mL

QUESTION: Fluoride - toxic dose

15 mg/kg

QUESTION: Verrucous leukoplakia - HPV # & #

16 &18

What bur do you use to shape convergent walls for amalgam


QUESTION: Patient has 1 ppm fluoride in water. What is that equal to in mg/L?


- Dential Dysplasia Type # - coronal: pulp enlarged, "thistle" tube appearance,


Minimum incisal reduction in anterior PFM: #mm

2 mm - Mostly for esthetics & thickness of porcelain (translucency layer)

When do you see microleakage with composite restoration done without rubber dam? Same amount of time as if done with rubber dam 2 weeks later 2 months later

2 weeks later

QUESTION: Kid with primary herpes infection. What is the age of infection? 2 y/o, 4 y/o, 8 y/o, 10 y/o

2 y/o,

QUESTION: Increase PID distance from 8 to 16, exposure time change from 0.5sec to? 0.25, 1, 2, 3...... with paralleling technique.


Class II composite done without rubber dam, how long until you see microleakage - 2-4 weeks, 4-6 weeks, same time as with rubber dam on

2-4 weeks,

QUESTION: The strength of soldered connector of FPD in enhanced by? 1. Using higher carat solder 2. Increasing height 3. Increasing width 4. Increasing gap

2. Increasing height

Piaget proposed 4 stages of cognitive development: = starts when the child begins to learn to speak at age 2-7. 1. Sensorimotor stage 2. Pre-operational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operational stage

2. Pre-operational stage

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