ELA & Social Studies 5154 praxis

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Which of the following literary elements are features of most contemporary poetry, and which are features of most contemporary drama? For each row, select all that apply. Some rows may be empty. Feat. of Most Contemp Poetry Feat. of Most Contemp Drama Dialogue 1. 2. Meter 3. 4. Plot 5. 6. Theme 7. 8.

2, 3, 6, 7, 8 The question tests your ability to compare and contrast different genres. Contemporary poetry and contemporaneity drama differ in craft and structure. Drama consists mainly of dialogue and actions among characters, and plot is the structure of those actions. Meter is systematically arranged rhythm in language, which is generally associated with poetry. Rhythm is not associated with contemporary drama, which tends to reflect the irregular rhythms of everyday spoken language. Both poetry and drama generally contain a central focus or theme. On the grid, meter and theme should be identified as features of most contemporary poetry, while dialogue, plot, and theme should be identified as features of most contemporary drama.

Which of the following caused Thomas Jefferson to hesitate when making the Louisiana Purchase? A. He opposed expanding the territory of the US B. he believed France was grossly overcharging the US for the land C. he thought the president lacked the constitutional authority to purchase land D. He viewed it as immoral to encroach on land belonging to the Native Americans

C. he thought the president lacked the constitutional authority to purchase land Thomas Jefferson believed that the president should exercise only powers expressly enumerated by the US Constitution. Since the Constitution did not expressly grant the president the power to purchase territory, he was hesitant to purchase the Louisiana territory

Which TWO of the following were major concerns of sectionalism in the US during the early nineteenth century? A. Conflict over the issue of slavery B. emergence of different regional economies C. cultural differences over the roles of women in politics and society D. disagreement over the treatment of Native Americans in the West

A. Conflict over the issue of slavery B. emergence of different regional economies In the years leading up to the Civil War, sectional differences emerged as major points of contention between the North and South. The North had an industrialized economy, did not permit slavery, and largely supported the abolition of slavery. The South, on the other hand, had an agricultural economy, relied on slave labor to produce crops, and supported the continuation of that system

Which of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? Select all that apply A. Congress did not have the power to collect taxes B. Congress did not have the power to raise an army C. Congress did not have to pass legislation D. The president did not have the power to declare war

A. Congress did not have the power to collect taxes B. Congress did not have the power to raise an army Under the Articles of Confederation, the US Congress did not have the power to collect taxes or raise an army. This greatly hindered the ability of the national government to provide services, solve territorial disputes, and conduct foreign policy.

The following paragraph was written by a 6th grader, Cristina. I think that it is important to remember birthdays. I have the best time on my birthday because people think to buy gifts and give me lots of attension. The principle at our school always announces birthdays, and I try to make sure that I get all of my friends a card for their birthdays. When editing the paragraph, Cristina would benefit most from using which of the following reference materials? A. Dictionary B. Encyclopedia C. Grammar handbook D. Thesaurus

A. Dictionary This question asks you to determine the most appropriate reference material for an editing task, based on a student writing sample. In the paragraph, Cristina makes two spelling errors, both of which could be corrected with the help of a dictionary. The word "attentsion" should be spelled "attention" Cristina can spell the initial portion of the word, and the dictionary would help her to correct the spelling of the last syllable. The word principle is also misused; principal should be used instead. A dictionary would remind Cristina of the different meanings of these homophones.

(1) Octopi and squid are similar in several ways. (2) They are both cephalopods, which means that they have a prominent head with a set of arms or tentacles. (3) Like other creatures in their subclass, they lack external shells and are both able to squirt ink. (4) They are both considered to be two of the most intelligent invertebrates. (5) Despite these similarities, octopi and squid are very different creatures. (6) Though both are head-footed animals, meaning their arms or tentacles are a direct extension of their head, the octopus has only eight arms while the squid has eight arms and 2 tentacles, all in pairs. (7) The squid's tentacles have hooks and suckers, while the octopus has none. (8) Octopi prefer to live alone in dens on the sea floor, while squid can live in groups and call the whole open ocean their home. Which of the following is the most appropriate transition to add to the beginning of sentence 4? A. Furthermore, B. Consequently, C. For example, D. However,

A. Furthermore, "Furthermore" is a transition that provides additional support or evidence, which is appropriate because sentence 4 offers an additional similarity between octopi and squid

Endangered Species I. What is an endangered species? A. Examples of endangered species B. _________________________________________________ II. Why protect endangered species? A. What species do for us or "tell us" about B. Environment and ecosystem effects III. How can endangered species be protected? A. State wildlife plans and Federal Endangered Species Act B. Nonprofit organizations C. Local organizations and volunteerism IV. Factors leading to endangerment A. Climate change B. Pollution C. Poaching and hunting Which of the following revisions to the outline will most improve the organization of ideas? A. Placing topic IV before topics I and II B. Placing topic III before topic I C. Combining topics I and IV D. Combining topics III and IV

A. Placing topic IV between topics I and II there is a logical flow of topics from what species are endangered to factors causing endangerment to reasons to protect them to methods to protect them. Outlines should group the most closely related topics together in order to flow in a logical order .

The original settlers of PA were Quakers who favored which of the following? A. Religious freedom and acceptance of diverse cultures B. Removal of Native American people to reservations C. Voting rights for all people regardless of race or gender D. Strict separation of power between state and national governments

A. Religious freedom and acceptance of diverse cultures The PA colony was founded by Quakers who envisioned the colony as a refuge for religious tolerance and a place where diverse cultures would be appreciated and accepted.

--------------. A wreck might be valuable for itself, of course, rather than for its cargo or the scrap value of its hull and fittings. A ship like the Mary Rose is of historical interest, and her salvaging was more in the nature of an archaeological dig that happened not to be performed on dry land. The Titanic, too, is now viewed in a similar light, thanks mainly to some very well orchestrated publicity intended to supplant the ship's poetic and melancholy status with that of a treasure trove of artifacts. Which of the following would make the most appropriate first sentence for the paragraph? A. Salvagers do not bother to recover a wreck unless it involves something of great enough value to make the venture worthwhile. B. What really grabs people's attention is the prospect of large ships being fond and restored to the upper air. C. Newspaper editors understand perfectly that treasure and treasure hunts come very high on the list of things that induce their readers to suspend disbelief. D. The principles of researching and locating remain common to both shallow and deepwater wrecks, but the techniques are mostly quite different.

A. Salvagers do not bother to recover a wreck unless it involves something of great enough value to make the venture worthwhile. The question asks you to identify the most appropriate topic sentence for the passage. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the characteristics that make different shipwrecks attractive to salvagers. Option A states that salvagers will not recover a wreck unless it is of great enough value to make the venture worthwhile.

In a drama, the main character sustains the action in the plot, while the _________________________ serves as the opposing element throughout the plot. A. antagonist B. chorus C. ingenue D. persona

A. antagonist The question tests your ability to identify typical characteristics of a genre. The sentence provides a partial description of the functions of the main character, or protagonist, and the opposing character, or antagonist, in a literary drama

Where written literature provides us with a tradition of texts, oral literature offers a traditional of performances. Traditional folkloric studies Native American oral literature worked with transcriptions of the verbal component of the performance, as if those "texts" represented the reality. But transcribing an oral performance produces an anomaly that is neither a part of living folkloric tradition nor of a truly literary one. Consequently, literary criticism of Native American oral literature founded on a conventional notion of text and evolved from analogies to Western genres, styles, and aesthetic values soon proves of little value. The passage is primarily concerned with A. evaluating a particular approach to studying Native American oral literature B. providing an explanation for the lack of critical interest in Native American oral literature C. emphasizing the effect that literary critics have had on the development of Native American oral literature D. suggesting a way in which critics can improve their understanding of transcriptions of Native American oral literature

A. evaluating a particular approach to studying Native American oral literature A is best. this question tests your ability to interpret an informational text. In this passage, the author describes a particular approach to studying Native American literature - using transcriptions of the verbal components of Native American oral performances. the author then goes to point out the flaws with this approach.

I looked dizzily and beheld a wide expanse of ocean, whose waters wore so inky a hue as to bring at once to my mind the Nubian geographer's account of the Mare Tenebrarum. A panorama more deplorably desolate no human imagination can conceive. To the right and left, as far as the eye could reach, there lay outstretched, like ramparts of the world, lines of horridly black and beetling cliff, whose character of gloom was but the more forcibly illustrated bu the surf which reared high up against its white and ghastly crest, howling and shrieking forever. Which of the following best describes the mood created by the imagery in the passage? A. foreboding B. Melancholic C. Contemplative D. Cynical

A. foreboding The overall tone of the passage is best described as a dark or foreboding; words such as "ghastly" in the passage best help to identify the tone.

Old major... was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite willing to lose an hour's sleep in order to hear what he had to say. At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam. He was 12 years old and had lately grown rather stout, but he was still a majestic-looking pig with a wise and benevolent appearance in spite of the fact that his tushes had never been cut. which of the following themes are best supported by the authors description of Old Major? A. leadership and influence B. dignity and grace C. dissent and rebellion D. power and corruption

A. leadership and influence The description of Old Major in the excerpt shows that he is highly regarded and looked to as a leader. The animals' taking the time to congregate and listen to his speech indicates his power and their respect for him. The description of Old Major as "ensconced" in the barn with a light shining about him despite his age and "stoutness" suggests he is superior to the others in both intelligence and respect. Language such as "majestic" and "benevolent" suggests positive connotations.

--------------. A wreck might be valuable for itself, of course, rather than for its cargo or the scrap value of its hull and fittings. A ship like the Mary Rose is of historical interest, and her salvaging was more in the nature of an archaeological dig that happened not to be performed on dry land. The Titanic, too, is now viewed in a similar light, thanks mainly to some very well orchestrated publicity intended to supplant the ship's poetic and melancholy status with that of a treasure trove of artifacts. References to the Mary Rose and the Titanic in the paragraph provide A. supporting details B. necessary transitions C. a cause-and-effect relationship D. appropriate generalizations

A. supporting details the question tests your ability to recognize the function of certain references. discussions of the 2 specific ships supply supporting examples for the assertion in the second sentence that "A wreck might be valuable for itself..."

In summer of 1977, a fire swept across the wilderness of interior Alaska, west of Mount McKinley. Tundra burned to rock; 345,000 acres of forest-- more than 530 square miles-- disappeared in flames. When the smoke cleared, it left behind a weird scar on the map, a vast, charred crater littered with deadfall. In the winter, when temperatures in the interior dive to 40 below, the skeletons of burned trees snapped in the cold or were ripped out by powerful winds. The highlighted phrase "a weird scar on the map" suggests which of the following? A. the landscape was damaged version of its former self B. maps were updated after the fire to show changes in the terrain C. the fire was traumatic event that caused immense pain D. flames spread across the area in a strange pattern

A. the landscape was damaged version of its former self The phrase "a weird scar" conveys the extent of the damage to the burned forest.

Rosa Parks' actions on the evening of December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, AL, constituted a protest against segregation in A. the public transportation system B. the school system C. restaurants and public accomodations D. law enforcement units

A. the public transportation system this tests your knowledge of important events in the Civil Rights movement of 1950s and 1960s in the US. Ms. Parks' refusal to giveup her bus seat to a white man sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, which led to the emergence of MLK Jr and his rise to leadership in the civil rights cause

Endangered Species I. What is an endangered species? A. Examples of endangered species B. _________________________________________________ II. Why protect endangered species? A. What species do for us or "tell us" about B. Environment and ecosystem effects III. How can endangered species be protected? A. State wildlife plans and Federal Endangered Species Act B. Nonprofit organizations C. Local organizations and volunteerism IV. Factors leading to endangerment A. Climate change B. Pollution C. Poaching and hunting Which of the following subheadings best completes topic I in the outline? A. Laws designed to prevent poaching B. Criteria for identifying a species as at risk C. Impact of extinction on the food chain D. Opposing views on wildlife conservation

B. Criteria for identifying a species as at risk topic I sets out to explain what it means for a species to be endangered, and information about how biologists determine that a species is "at risk" is relevant to establishing readers' understanding of the definition of "endangered species"

The following 7th grade student's speech meant to persuade peers to join the track team at school. (1) I really can't say enough about how much I love running track. (2) I think running track is fun! (3) Running is also good for you. (4) Doctors say that it makes your heart stronger. (5) Other kinds of exercise also make your body stronger. (6) When I run I feel like I can do anything. (7) It's important to be able to run. (8) What if you were being chased by an animal in the woods, wouldn't you want to know how to run then? (9) I know that you are ready to run. (10) If you join the track team, you'll be moving faster in no time! Which TWO of the following method of persuasion does the speaker use? A. Bandwagon B. Expert opinion C. False analogy D. Ad hominem attack E. Testimonial

B. Expert opinion E. Testimonial This question asks you to identify the persuasive techniques used in the speech. S4, by referring to what "doctors say" is an example of an expert opinion. Throughout the speech, especially in sentences 1, 2, and 6, the speaker describes his own experiences with running to try to persuade his peers to join the track team. This is an example of a testimonial.

Those who set themselves up as instructors in the discipline of positive thinking--coaches, preachers, and gurus of various sorts--have described this effort with terms like "self-hypnosis," "mind control," and "thought control." In other words, it requires deliberate self-deception, including a constant effort to repress or block out unpleasant possibilities and "negative" thoughts. The truly self-confident, or those who have in some way made their peace with the world and their destiny within in, do not need to expend effort censoring or otherwise controlling their thoughts. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage? A. People are easily manipulated by those who claim to be experts in positive thinking B. Positive thinking as prescribed by self-help experts is an unhealthy form of delusion. C. People can achieve true happiness by focusing their minds on positive thoughts. D. Positive thoughts are most effective when they are accompanied by positive actions.

B. Positive thinking as prescribed by self-help experts is an unhealthy form of delusion The answer is B because the author explains that people who follow experts' advice and attempt to control their thoughts by thinking positively often practice self-deception and suppress unpleasant thoughts instead of accepting them

Endangered Species I. What is an endangered species? A. Examples of endangered species B. _________________________________________________ II. Why protect endangered species? A. What species do for us or "tell us" about B. Environment and ecosystem effects III. How can endangered species be protected? A. State wildlife plans and Federal Endangered Species Act B. Nonprofit organizations C. Local organizations and volunteerism IV. Factors leading to endangerment A. Climate change B. Pollution C. Poaching and hunting Which of the following purposes for writing does the outline most support? A. Persuading readers B. Providing information C. Entertaining readers D. Reflecting on ideas

B. Providing information Due tot he variety of topics presented in the outline and the detailed, fact-based orientation of each, it is most likely that this outline is best suited for an informative piece of writing.

The following 7th grade student's speech meant to persuade peers to join the track team at school. (1) I really can't say enough about how much I love running track. (2) I think running track is fun! (3) Running is also good for you. (4) Doctors say that it makes your heart stronger. (5) Other kinds of exercise also make your body stronger. (6) When I run I feel like I can do anything. (7) It's important to be able to run. (8) What if you were being chased by an animal in the woods, wouldn't you want to know how to run then? (9) I know that you are ready to run. (10) If you join the track team, you'll be moving faster in no time! Which claim sentence provides factual support to back up a claim? A. Sentence 3 B. Sentence 4 C. Sentence 7 D. Sentence 9

B. Sentence 4 B is best answer. This question tests your ability to identify the type of evidence used in an argument. The speaker's claim that "running is good for you" is supported by the fact that "it makes your heart stronger"

The following 7th grade student's speech meant to persuade peers to join the track team at school. (1) I really can't say enough about how much I love running track. (2) I think running track is fun! (3) Running is also good for you. (4) Doctors say that it makes your heart stronger. (5) Other kinds of exercise also make your body stronger. (6) When I run I feel like I can do anything. (7) It's important to be able to run. (8) What if you were being chased by an animal in the woods, wouldn't you want to know how to run then? (9) I know that you are ready to run. (10) If you join the track team, you'll be moving faster in no time! Which sentence is LEAST relevant to the speaker's main argument? A. Sentence 2 B. Sentence 5 C. Sentence 6 D. Sentence 8

B. Sentence 5 This question tests your ability to assess the relevance of a particular statement to a larger argument. Because the purpose of the student's speech is to persuade others to join the track team, sentences that describe the benefits of running are most relevant. Of the options provided, only sentence 5 does not speak to a benefit of running.

The previously unpublished writers of this anthology are part of a recent phenomenon--in their numbers probably a unique phenomenon in history. They are not an organized movement; they don't have a common politics; they don't even have a name. Are they "new/old" writers or "promising old" writers--that juxtaposition of adjectives is peculiar to the ears; are they "late bloomers" or simply late-developing writers? The passage is primarily concerned with A. discussing the work of a particular group of writers B. attempting to characterize an unusual group of writers C. expressing doubt about the quality of certain writers' work D. comparing the accomplishments of several different writers

B. attempting to characterize an unusual group of writers B is best option because this question tests your ability to evaluate informative text. the passage attempts to find a category in which to place these previously unpublished authors.

Fellow - citizens: on the 6th of November next we shall be called upon to exercise one of the most important functions ever entrusted to any people under any form of government in the world. The right to choose a President of the United States is the highest and most comprehensive of all the political rights of American citizenship. It is the great right that enables us to renew, defend, preserve and perpetuate our National life. A failure to elect a President of the US in accordance with the Constitution would derange our whole system of government, and perhaps, either place over us a dictator, or plunge our country into the depths of anarchy. Douglass primarily uses with of the following persuasive methods? A. analogical evidence B. emotional appeal C. testimonial evidence D. Logical appeal

B. emotional appeal B is the best answer because Douglass is appealing to the audience's emotions, particularly their patriotism.

It was a spring afternooon in West Florida. Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back-yard. She had been spending every minute that she could steal from her chores under that tree for the last 3 days. That was to say, ever since the first tiny bloom had opened. It had called her to come and gaze on a mystery. From barren brown stems to glistening leaf-buds; from the leaf-buds to snowy virginity of bloom. It stirred her tremendously. Based on the passage, it can be inferred that Janie is A. A daydreamer who idles the time away B. filled with wonder at the sight of natures beauty C. perplexed by the processes of the natural world D. an introvert who appreciates moments of solitude

B. filled with wonder at the sight of natures beauty The language of the passage makes it clear that Janie is taken by the beauty of the tree's blossoming. The phrases "had called her to," "gaze on a mystery" and "stirred her tremendously" all communicate Janie's wonder.

As a formative assessment during a literature circle, Mr. Scott asks his students to write a short journal entry. The following is a journal entry from Robert, a 7th grade student. My favorite thing about Liesel is that she loves books and will do almost anything to get her hands on a book. It doesn't matter what the book is about. She loves all books. Liesel reminds me of my little sister. Sometimes we find my sister hiding in the closet reading books after her bedtime. It's hard for my parents to get mad at her for reading! Robert's journey entry can best be described as A. outlining the main events of the novel B. making a personal connection to the novel C. critiquing the main character in the novel D. writing an alternative ending for the novel.

B. making a personal connection to the novel The question asks you to apply your knowledge of writing to interpret a student writing sample. When Robert writes "Liesel reminds me of my little sister" he is making a personal connection to the character in the novel by comparing Liesel's actions to the behavior of his little sister.

Where written literature provides us with a tradition of texts, oral literature offers a traditional of performances. Traditional folkloric studies Native American oral literature worked with transcriptions of the verbal component of the performance, as if those "texts" represented the reality. But transcribing an oral performance produces an anomaly that is neither a part of living folkloric tradition nor of a truly literary one. Consequently, literary criticism of Native American oral literature founded on a conventional notion of text and evolved from analogies to Western genres, styles, and aesthetic values soon proves of little value. The passage suggests that the literary criticism described in the last sentence "proves of little value" for which of the following reasons? A. the criticisms are based on verbal transcriptions that are difficult to read. B. the critics ignore an important element in the presentation of the literature C. the critics are attempting to understand an unfamiliar folkloric tradition D. the criticisms are based on misreadings of the verbal transcriptions

B. the critics ignore an important element in the presentation of the literature this question tests your ability to interpret an informational text. the critics base their discussion of Native American oral literature on written transcriptions, ignoring the performance aspects of the genre. For this reason, according to the last sentence, they evaluate the literature as if text were its only element, and so their work is incomplete - "of little value"

Those that opposed the ratification of the Constitution during the years 1787 and 1788 feared that ratification would A. lead to large national debt B. weaken the power of the states C. end majority rule among US citizens D. be the first step in the establishment of a monarchy

B. weaken the power of the states This question tests your knowledge of the political debates and ideas in the early years of the US. The Constitution was a highly controversial document, and it took several years before it was finally drafted and ratified. Those who supported the Constitution's strengthening of the national federal government were called Federalists. Those who opposed it were called Anti-Federalists. One of the anti-federalists great worries was that the independence and sovereignty of individual states would be eroded.

In exposing the organizational and cultural factors that influence teachers' decisions to stay in their positions, migrate to other schools, or leave teaching entirely, we know that mentoring can address some conditions, thereby increasing new teacher retention. We define mentor as an experienced teacher who assists, coaches, consults with, collaborates with, and guides new teachers to support their transition from novices to successful educators committed to the profession. It can be inferred that the authors would most agree with which of the following statements? A. New teachers need to be mentored to become great teachers. B. The mentoring system can be overwhelming for new teachers. C. Mentoring is an effective way to alleviate new teachers' concerns. D. Research fails to support the effectiveness of mentoring systems.

C. Mentoring is an effective way to alleviate new teachers' concerns. C is best because the passage mentions that the retention rate of new teachers rises as a result of mentoring, it can be inferred that teachers who are not mentored may not have had their concerns addressed early on, which may contribute to them leaving the teaching profession.

Which of the following sentences correctly punctuated? A. My favorite works of literature are "The Lottery", The Sun Also Rises, and "Bartleby the Scrivener." B. My favorite works of literature are "The Lottery", The Sun Also Rises, and "Bartleby the Scrivener". C. My favorite works of literature are "The Lottery," The Sun Also Rises, and "Bartleby the Scrivener." D. My favorite works of literature are "The Lottery," The Sun Also Rises, and "Bartleby the Scrivener".

C. My favorite works of literature are "The Lottery," The Sun Also Rises, and "Bartleby the Scrivener." The question requires you to apply your knowledge of the rules of punctuation involving quotation marks. In American usage, commas and periods go inside of quotation marks, whether they are part of the quoted title or not.

(1) As tablet computers have become increasingly prevalent in the US, more and more K-12 school districts have decided to replace traditional textbooks with tablets. (2) While textbooks can be bulky and heavy, tablets are typically much lighter; the average tablet weighs between one and two pounds. (3) The interactive features of tablets, such as educational applications and games, are the most effective way to support student engagement and participation. (4) E-textbooks on tablets can be frequently updated as new editions become available, so students have the ability to keep up with new information in rapidly changing fields, such as science. Which of the following sentences from the passage is best characterized as an opinion? A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4

C. Sentence 3 The author expresses an opinion about the effectiveness of tablets in promoting engagement and participation

Fellow - citizens: on the 6th of November next we shall be called upon to exercise one of the most important functions ever entrusted to any people under any form of government in the world. The right to choose a President of the United States is the highest and most comprehensive of all the political rights of American citizenship. It is the great right that enables us to renew, defend, preserve and perpetuate our National life. A failure to elect a President of the US in accordance with the Constitution would derange our whole system of government, and perhaps, either place over us a dictator, or plunge our country into the depths of anarchy. Which of the following rhetorical devices does Douglass use in the highlighted sentence. A. circular argument B. red herring C. slippery slope D. understatement

C. Slippery Slope C is best answer because Douglass presents a series of events that could occur should the audience not vote, though he provides no sound rationale for the inevitability of the events.

in which of the following job markets in the US did the number of workers decline between 1990-1999? A. service B. communications C. manufacturing D. education

C. manufacturing tests your knowledge of recent economic and labor trends. Manufacturing jobs declined between 1990 and 1999 while service, communications, and education opportunities increased.

There have been many studies of elite performers -- concert violinists, chess grand masters, professional ice-skaters, mathematicians, and so forth. The biggest difference researchers find between them and lesser performers is the amount of deliberate practice they have accumulated. Indeed, the most important talent may be the talent for practice itself. {{K. Anders Ericsson, a cognitive psychologist and an expert on performance, notes that the most important role hat innate factors play may be in the person's willingness to engage in sustained training.}} He has found, for example, that top performers dislike practicing just as much as others do. (That is why, for example, athletes and musicians usually quit practicing just as much as others do. (That is why, for example, athletes quit practicing when they retire) But, more than others, they have the will to keep at it anyway. The author of the passage uses the {} sentence to A. summarize B. suggest a refinement of the thesis of the passage C. provide supporting evidence D. consider an alternative point of view

C. provide supporting evidence the question tests your ability to evaluate an informational text. the underlined {} sentence describes the observation of a specific psychologist, and this observation supports the claim made in the 3rd sentence of the passage, "Indeed, the most important talent may be the talent for practice itself"

Which of the following is an important principle of process writing? A. It is appropriate for students to eliminate stages in the process as they become practiced writers B. some modes of writing are more important than others C. students may need to move back and forth through the writing stages D. the teacher is the best audience for the writing

C. students may need to move back and forth through the writing stages This question asks you to recognize a basic principle of process writing. The stages of the writing process are recursive. After editing, a student may go back to revise a piece even more. Furthermore, the revision may necessitate a prewriting strategy to generate more content

The town reacted to us as its inhabitants had reacted to all things new before our coming. It regarded us awhile without curiosity but with caution, and after we were seen to be harmless (and children) it closed in around us, as a real mother embraces a stranger's child. Warmly, but not too familiarly. which of the following best describes how the town reacted to the children's presence? A. the children were sincerely welcomed as part of the community B. the townspeople were immediately intrigued by the new residents C. the children were taken in slowly and kindly, but with wariness D. the townspeople were brash and unwelcoming of anyone, including young people

C. the children were taken in slowly and kindly, but with wariness The author characterizes the children's admittance into the community as gradual and warm but still careful and distant even after their acceptance

which of the following most directly led to the expansion of the electorate to include 18 year olds? A. the passage of the Reconstruction amendments B. the passage of women suffrage C. the military draft during the Vietnam war D. the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

C. the military draft during the Vietnam war During Vietnam War - 18 year olds were drafted into the military, but lacked the right to vote. Activism over the issue led to the passage of the 26th amendment, which granted all citizens 18 and older the right to vote

Federalism refer to the division of government powers between the national and state governments. The author of the sentence above will most likely benefit from a review of A. prepositions B. capitalization C. verb number D. parallelism

C. verb number This item tests your knowledge of subject-verb agreement and appropriate sentence structure. The sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error between "Federalism" (a singular noun) and "refer" (a plural verb)

Michael Ondaatje's first book, The collected works of Billy the kid, is a postmodern blend of genres, a puzzling and rewarding collage of poetry, character sketches, songs, newspaper interviews, fiction, quotations from secondary sources, even photographs. The sentence above is most likely to begin an essay that employs which of the following methods of developments. A. Contrast B. Narration C. Argumentation D. Description

D. Description The question tests your ability to recognize author's purpose. Since the sentence does not contain two different entities that are compared or attempt to convince the reader of a point of view, it is unlikely to be the topic sentence for an essay that presents a contrast or an argument. The sentence also does not begin to describe an incident or a series of events, so it is unlikely to begin an essay that presents a narration. Basically, the sentence describes the elements of Ondaatje's first book. The rest of the essay is most likely to elaborate on the description begun in the first sentence.

since the 1970s the population in the US has shifted in that A. a greater portion of the population lives in the Midwest B. a greater portion of the population lives in the Northeast C. a smaller portion of the population lives in the West D. a greater portion of the population lives in the South

D. a greater portion of the population lives in the South the northeast, once the most populous region of the US, has steadily lost population relative to the South due to rapid economic growth in the South and slower economic growth in the Northeast

To which of the following sources should a teacher direct a student who is looking for a credible source for a research paper? A. An editorial column in an online newspaper B. A series of blog posts by a university professor C. A wiki encyclopedia article D. An online peer-reviewed journal

D. an online peer-reviewed journal This question tests your ability to evaluate sources. A peer-reviewed article journal is evaluated by other experts in the field and is considered credible source of information. While a university professor may be an expert in his or her field, an informal, unreviewed blog post may contain biased or incorrect information

(1) Octopi and squid are similar in several ways. (2) They are both cephalopods, which means that they have a prominent head with a set of arms or tentacles. (3) Like other creatures in their subclass, they lack external shells and are both able to squirt ink. (4) They are both considered to be two of the most intelligent invertebrates. (5) Despite these similarities, octopi and squid are very different creatures. (6) Though both are head-footed animals, meaning their arms or tentacles are a direct extension of their head, the octopus has only eight arms while the squid has eight arms and 2 tentacles, all in pairs. (7) The squid's tentacles have hooks and suckers, while the octopus has none. (8) Octopi prefer to live alone in dens on the sea floor, while squid can live in groups and call the whole open ocean their home. Which of the following best describes the organizational structure of the excerpt? A. Spatial order B. Cause and effect C. Order of importance D. Compare and contrast

D. compare and contrast The writer compares and contrasts octopi and squid by describing their similarities and differences

During the twentieth century, urbanization and technological advances led to which of the following changes in farming in the US? A. more farms and more farmers B. more farms and fewer farmers C. fewer farms and more farmers D. fewer farms and fewer farmers

D. fewer farms and fewer farmers this question asks you to apply your knowledge about how farming in the US has changed over the last 100 years. Although population growth has necessitated more food, there are fewer but much larger farms in the US and fewer people who identify themselves as farmers. Large conglomerates run most farms now, using advanced technology

European imperialism during the 19th century was largely driven by the desire to A. spread democracy around the world B. convert Muslim people to Christianity C. spark industrialization in developing countries D. gain access to raw materials for economic growth

D. gain access to raw materials for economic growth imperialism in the 19th century was largely fueled by the desire to gain access to valuable raw materials in order to support industrialization and economic growth in Europe

There have been many studies of elite performers -- concert violinists, chess grand masters, professional ice-skaters, mathematicians, and so forth. The biggest difference researchers find between them and lesser performers is the amount of deliberate practice they have accumulated. Indeed, the most important talent may be the talent for practice itself. {{K. Anders Ericsson, a cognitive psychologist and an expert on performance, notes that the most important role hat innate factors play may be in the person's willingness to engage in sustained training.}} He has found, for example, that top performers dislike practicing just as much as others do. (That is why, for example, athletes and musicians usually quit practicing just as much as others do. (That is why, for example, athletes quit practicing when they retire) But, more than others, they have the will to keep at it anyway. The primary purpose of the passage is to A. contrast 2 different views about the relationship between practice and performance B. explain why many athletes and musicians dislike their jobs C. refute the argument that willpower is a significant part of success D. present an argument about the relationship between practice and performance

D. present an argument about the relationship between practice and performance The question tests your ability to evaluate an informational text. the author begins the passage by describing researchers' findings about the best performers and practice. the rest of the passage goes on to support the researchers' conclusions.

The previously unpublished writers of this anthology are part of a recent phenomenon--in their numbers probably a unique phenomenon in history. They are not an organized movement; they don't have a common politics; they don't even have a name. Are they "new/old" writers or "promising old" writers--that juxtaposition of adjectives is peculiar to the ears; are they "late bloomers" or simply late-developing writers? The first sentence of the passage suggests that the writers in the anthology are part of "a unique phenomenon in history" because A. their work has not been published before B. their work has been unappreciated for a long time C. they are not affiliated with any organized movement D. they are members of a relatively large group

D. they are members of a relatively large group This question tests your ability to interpret an informational text. the phrase "in their numbers probably a unique phenomenon in history" indicates that the "recent phenomenon" of previously unpublished writers having work published later in life is unique because in the past the number of writers published later in life was smaller.

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