Electrical Mid Term study

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Hallways and dwelling units that are ____ feet long or longer require a receptacle outlet.


Feeder and service loads for fixed electric space heating load shall be calculated at _____ percent of the total connected load.


Feeder grounded conductors that are not connected to an overcurrent device shall be permitted to be sized at _____ percent of the continuous or non continuous load.


In dwelling units, the required bathroom receptacle outlet can be installed on the side or face of the basin cabinet, if not more than ____ inches below the top of the basin or basin countertop.


A meeting room with any floor dimension that is ____ feet or greater in any direction that has a floor area of at least 215 square feet shall have at least one floor receptacle outlet.

12 ft

In other than dwelling units, in addition to requirements for field or factory marking of equipment to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash hazards, a permanent label shall be field or factory applied to service equipment rated _____ or more.

1200 A

Sign and outline lighting outlets are to be calculated at a minimum of ____ volt-amperes for each required branch circuit specified in 600.5 A.

1200 A

A receptacle outlet shall be installed at each dwelling unit, kitchen wall, countertop, and work surface space that is 12 inches or wider, and receptacle outlets shall be installed so that no point along the wall line is more than ____ inches measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in that space.


For large equipment that contains overcurrent devices switching devices, there shall be one entrance to and egress from the required working space, not less than ____ wide.

24 in

The recommended maximum total voltage drop on branch circuit conductors is ____ percent.


Where two dwelling units are supplied by a single feeder in the calculated load under part three of this article exceeds that for ____ identical units calculated under 220.84 the lesser of the two loads is permitted to be used.


A dwelling unit containing two 120V laundry branch circuits has a calculate and load of _____ VA for the laundry circuits.


The term rainproof is typically used in conjunction with enclosure types _____.

3R and 3RX

The required working space for access to live parts of equipment operating at 300 volts to ground. Where there are exposed live parts on both sides of the workspace is _____.

4 ft

In dwelling units, GFCI protection shall be provided for all 15A and 20A, 125 V single phase receptacles installed within ____ feet from the top inside edge of the bowl of the sink.


In other than dwelling units, GFCI protection shall be provided for all 15A and 20A, 125V single phase receptacles installed within ____ ft from the top inside edge of the bowl of a sink.


At least one receptacle outlet not more than ____ feet above a balcony, deck, or porch shall be installed at each balcony, deck or porch that is attached to and accessible from a dwelling unit.

6 1/2 ft

A meeting room that is at least 12 foot wide and that has a four area of at least 215 square feet shall have at least one receptacle outlet located in the floor at a distance not less than _____ from any fixed wall for each 215 square feet or major portion of floor space.

6 ft

Appliance receptacle outlets installed for a specific appliance in a dwelling unit, such as laundry equipment, shall be located within ____ of the intended location of the appliance.

6 ft

The maximum unbalanced feeder load for household electric ranges, wall mounted ovens and counter mounted cooking unit shall be considered as _____ percent of the load on the ungrounded conductors.


Using the standard load calculation method, the feeder demand factor for five household clothes dryers is ____ percent.


The continuity of a grounded conductor shall not depend on a connection to ____.

All of these

Equipment or materials to which has been attached to a(n) _____ of an FEB indicating the equipment or materials were evaluated and found to comply with requirements as described in an accompanying field evaluation report is known as "field labeled (as applied to evaluated products)."

Any of these

Where a premises wiring system contains feeders supplied from more than one nominal voltage system, each ungrounded conductor of a feeder shall be identified by phase or line and system by ____or other approved means.

Any of these

An existing installations where a voltage systems already exist in the different voltage system is being added. It shall be permissible to mark only the old system voltage.


An overload is the same as a short circuit or ground fault.


The area above the dedicated space required by 110.26 E 1/8 is permitted to contain foreign systems. Provided protection is installed to avoid damage to the electrical equipment from condensation leaks or breaks in such foreign systems.


When defining different levels of accessibility, _____ means not readily accessible to persons unless special means for access are used.


A conductor installed on supply side of a service or within a service equipment enclosure, or for a separately derived system, to ensure the required electrical conductivity between metal parts required to be electrically connected is known as the "_____."

Supply-side bonding jumper

(T/F) An appliance is utilization equipment, generally other than industrial, that is normally built in standardized sized or types and is installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more functions such as food mixing, deep frying.


A single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit shall have an ampere rating not less than that of the branch circuit.


Field markings of maximum available fault current at a service are not required in industrial installations where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the equipment.


Ground fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel shall be provided as required in 210.8(A) through (F). Additional GFCI requirements for specific circuits and equipment are contained in chapters 4, 5, and 6.


The 120V, 20A branch circuit required for a garage is not permitted to supply readily accessible outdoor receptacle outlets.


The required receptacle outlet for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment shall not be connecting to the load side of the equipment disconnect and shall provide ground fault protection for personnel.


The conductors and equipment required or permitted by this code shall be acceptable only if _____.


Article 210 provides the general requirements for ____.

branch circuits

The NEC defines a(n) "_____" as a structure that stands alone or that is separated from adjoining structures by fire walls.


The temperature rating associated with the ampacity of a ____ shall be selected and coordinated so as not to exceed the lowest temperature rating of any connected termination conductor, or device.


Composite optical fiber cables contain optical fibers and _____.

current-carrying electrical conductors

When service equipment is required to be field marked with the available current fault, the value of available fault current for use in determining appropriate minimum short circuit current ratings of service equipment is available from _____ and published or other forms.

electric utilities

Cables and conductors installed _____ on the surfaces of ceilings and side walls shall not be supported independent of the building structure in such a manner that the cables and conductors will not be damaged by normal building use.


A(n) _____ is an unintentional, electrically conductive connection between an ungrounded conductor of an electrical circuit, and the normally noncurrent-carrying conductors, metallic enclosures, metallic raceways, metallic equipment, or earth.

ground fault

Concrete, brick or tile walls are considered _____ as applied to working space requirements.


The screw shell of a luminaire or lampholder shall be connected to the ____.

grounded conductor

In all occupancies for addicts and underfloor spaces, utility rooms, and basements. Where a lighting outlet is installed for equipment requiring service, the lighting outlets shall be _____.

installed at or near the equipment

The NEC requires that electrical equipment be ____.

installed in a neat and workmanlike manner

When applying the demand factors of table 220.56, the feeder or service demand load shall not be less than the sum of the _____.

largest two kitchen equipment loads

Receptacle outlet assemblies _____ for use in countertops or work surfaces are permitted to be installed, and countertops or work surfaces.


A building that contains three or more dwelling units is called a "_____."

multifamily dwelling

The manufacturer's name, trademark or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product can be identified shall be ____.

placed on all electrical equipment

According to Article 100, a _____ is the machine that supplies the mechanical horsepower to a generator.

prime mover

Product testing, evaluation and listing product certification shall be performed by _____.

recognized qualified electrical testing laboratories

As defined, the term reconditioned is frequently referred to as _____.


The selection and installation of overcurrent protective devices so that an overcurrent condition will be localized to restrict outages to the circuit or equipment affected, is called "_____."

selective coordination

The ____ is the necessary equipment, usually consisting of a circuit breaker(s) or switch(es) and fuse(s) in their accessories, connected to the load in of service conductors, and intended to constitute the main control and cut off of the supply.

service equipment

All single phase receptacles rated 150V to ground or less, 50A or less and three phase receptacles rated 150V to ground or less, 100A or less installed in other than dwelling unit garages, service bays, and similar areas shall be GFCI protected unless located in ____.

showrooms and vehicle exhibition halls

The identification of terminals to which a neutral conductor is to be connected shall be substantially white or _____ in color.


A dormitory unit is a building or space in a building in which group sleeping accommodations are provided for more than ____ persons who are not members of the same family in one room, or a series of closely associated rooms, under joint occupancy and single management, with or without meals, but without individual cooking facilities.


A cable routing assembly is composed of single or connected multiple channels as well as associated fittings, forming a structural system, to _____ communications wires and cables, optical fiber and data cables; and Class 2, Class 3, and Type PLTC cables in power-limited fire alarm cables in plenum, riser, and general-purpose applications.

support and route

Conduit installed underground or encased in concrete slabs that are in direct contact with the Earth is considered a _____ location.


In devices or utilization equipment with polarized connections, identification of terminals to which a neutral conductor is to be connected shall be substantially _____ or silver in color.


A single receptacle is a single contact device with no other contact device on the same _____.


Receptacle outlets in or on floors shall not be counted as part of the required number of receptacle outlets for dwelling unit wall spaces unless they are located within _____ inches of the wall.


For other than dwelling occupancies, banks, or office buildings, each receptacle outlet shall be calculated at not less than _____ VA.


At least one receptacle outlet shall be located within ____ of the outer end of a peninsular countertop or work surface.

2 ft

The minimum feeder load for show window lighting is ____ via per linear foot.


The required working space for access to live parts of equipment operating at 300 volts to ground. Where there are exposed live parts on one side and grounded parts on the other side is ____.

3 1/2 ft

A hoistway is any ____ in which an elevator or dumb waiter is designed to operate.

All of these

All 15A and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles installed in _____ of dwelling unit shall have GFCI protection.

All of these

Connected (connecting) to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection is called "_____."

All of these

In automotive type vehicle for on road use, such as _____ primarily powered by an electric motor is known as an electric vehicle.

All of these

In other than dwelling units, GFCI protection is required for receptacles installed in _____.

All of these

Outline lighting is an arrangement of ____ to outline or call attention to the shape of a building.

All of these

To determine the feeder calculated load for ten 3 kW household cooking appliances, used _____ of table 220.55.

Column A

The circuit of a control apparatus or system that carries the electric signals directing the performance of the controller but does not carry the main power current, defines a _____.

Control Circuit

(T/F) In many circumstances, the authority having jurisdiction can be a property owner or his/her designated agent.


Equipment intended to interrupt current at fault level shall have an interrupting rating at nominal circuit voltage at least equal to the current that is available at the line terminals of the equipment.


The "voltage of a circuit" is defined by the code as the ______ root-mean-square (effective) difference of potential between any two conductors of the circuit concerned.


A system comprised of multiple power sources that could include photovoltaic wind, micro hydro generators, engine driven generators and others is the definition of a ______.

hybrid system

Illumination shall be provided for all working spaces about service equipment, switchboards, switchgears, panelboards, or motor control centers _____.

installed indoors

For PV systems, the conductors connected to the alternating current output of an inverter form the ______.

inverter output circuit

A minimum working space depth of _____. Two live parts of equipment operating at 277 volts to ground is required where there are exposed live parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other side.

3 ft

Receptacles installed within _____ of the outside edge of a bathtub or shower stall shall have GFCI protection.

6 ft

As applied to electrical equipment, the term reconditioned may be interchangeable with the term _____.

All of these

As used in the NEC, equipment includes _____.

All of these

"_____" means acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.


A structure is that which is built or constructed other than equipment.


The 125% multiplier for continuous load as specified in 210.208 is included when using the unit loads and table 220.12 for calculating the minimum lighting load for auditoriums, lodge rooms, banks and stores.


Tightening torque values for terminal connections shall be as indicated on equipment or in installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. An approved means shall be used to _____ the indicated torque value.


Multiwire branch circuits shall supply only ____.

line-to-neutral loads

In dwelling units lighting outlets can be controlled by occupancy sensors where equipped with a ____ that will allow the sensor to function as a wall switch.

manual override

A "clothes closet" is defined as a _____ room or space intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel.


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