Ellis Advanced Grammar, Ellis Advanced Vocabulary

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_ you have passed your driving test, you will be able to get out more.

Now that

_ to work this morning, I saw a strange kind of bird.


_ get hold of Greg last night?

Were you able to

There has been _ discussion about the issues involved.

a great deal of

What is the Synonym: The word "marathon" commemorated the legendary feat of the soldier who carried the news of victory to Athens.


I came _ these old family photos in the attic the other day.


Fill in the Blank: Her experience gave her a great _.


What is the Synonym: Leather is animal skin that has been chemically modified by various processes.


Fill in the Blank: Let's make _ effort to be punctual.

an all-out

Fill in the Blank: The government is due to make a public _ about the collapse of the negotiations.


The information you gave us is not ____ to our current situation.


Keith is always ordering us around _ he were our king.

as though

What is the Synonym: Parole is usually granted to a prisoner in recognition of good conduct.


I don't ever remember _ bullied or teased at school.


Not only is this brand cheaper, _ the quality is better too.


What is the Synonym: Thomas Malthus' theory contradicted the optimistic belief in economic progress prevailing in the early 19th century.


What is the Synonym: The French magician Houdini revolutionized the art of magic with his ingenious stage mechanisms.


Fill in the Blank: If worst _ to worst, we can always call a cab.


Fill in the Blank: Your uncle Charles refused to fight in the war. He was what they call a _ objector.


Fill in the Blank: They're so _. They don't like anything new.


What is the Synonym: Mushrooms are cultivated in dark cellars with a fixed humidity and temperature.


What is the Synonym: Sinclair Lewis was an American novelist whose style was much imitated by later writers.


What is the Synonym: Holograms are used on credit cards as security devices, because the pictures are almost impossible to forge.


What is the Synonym: While you are in class, it's important to be respectful.


If we _ to come, we will definitely let you know.


What is the Synonym: Geologists have concluded that the Earth has a small, solid region at the center, surrounded by a liquid core.


Fill in the Blank: The suspect _ stealing the money.


Fill in the Blank: Capital punishment is meant to act as a _.


What is the Synonym: The exhibition shows how weapons of war have evolved over the centuries.


Only after writing several letters of complaint ____ our money back.

did we get

If you _ so much junk food, you _ more energy.

didn't eat, would have

What is the Synonym: Abraham Lincoln sought harmony with the disparate elements of his party by giving them representation in his cabinet.


Fill in the Blank: Traffic had to be _ because of the burst water mains.


What ____?

does this expression mean

I had already _ two glasses of orange juice when he offered me apple juice.


Garbage is piled up on the sidewalks _ a strike by sanitation workers.

due to

Fill in the Blank: We're _ to hear about what happened at the interview. Please tell us.


Fill in the Blank: Stephanie wouldn't stop talking. I couldn't get a word in _.


Fill in the Blank: If you join the club, you will also be _ for special member discounts.


What is the Synonym: The ability to withstand intense cold is one of the penguin's greatest assets.


What is the Synonym: Albert Einstein was a 20th century German scientist whose work ranked with Isaac Newton.


Fill in the Blank: The entire school had to be _ because of the fire in the kitchen.


I think we should go hiking _ the weather turns nasty.

even if

Jessica was badly sunburned _ she was wearing sunscreen.

even though

Fill in the Blank: Cindy had a rather frightening _ last night walking back from the theater.


Fill in the Blank: The explosion caused _ damage to the property.


What is the Synonym: Legionnaire's disease, a severe form of pneumonia, is characterized by headache, chest pain, and high fever.


Fill in the Blank: For those of you not _ with the aims of this organization, let me give you a brief introduction.


Fill in the Blank: One of the climbers suffered _ injuries when he fell 100 feet from the top of the mountain.


What is the Synonym: Blood contains white blood cells, which combat infection.


What is the Synonym: The National Geographic Society sponsors many expeditions to all parts of the world.


Fill in the Blank: I can't see myself moving from here in the _ future.


Fill in the Blank: The whole project cost nearly $2 million, _ a couple of thousand.


Fill in the Blank: Ben _ accepted my apology and was willing to forget the whole thing.


He hopes to have a job by the time he _.


What is the Synonym: Except for limited medical purposes, cultivating marijuana is illegal in all but a few countries.


The test will be difficult. She _ better study for it.


I can't believe Todd quit his job! I told him not to quit until he __ a new job.

had found

If Matt _ to the doctor earlier, he _ avoided ending up in the hospital.

had gone, might have

I was told that Anna _ several hours earlier.

had left

They asked me for directions to the museum, but I _ there before.

had never been

Matt was a little unsure of himself because he _ a stick shift before.

had never driven

If only we _ more, we _ won.

had practiced, could have

If you _ me about this earlier, I _ something about it.

had told, could have done

Fill in the Blank: There's no _ rule about this. It just depends on the situation.


I _ you to the mall three times today. I'm not going again.

have taken

What is the Synonym: Sigmund Freud believed the value of art was in its therapeutic use.


Few of the candidates ____ to be selected were successful.


What is the Synonym: I'm famished.


Why did Ms. Benton ask you _ allergies?

if you had

We haven't succeeded _ the problem yet but we're getting there.

in solving

What is the Synonym: Evidence for the earliest migrations into the Americas is scarce.


Gertrude Stein coined the term "Lost Generation" to describeAmerican writers residing in Paris during the 1920's.


Not only ____ constantly late for work, but she is not very efficient.

is she

His mother is very old. She _ by the money he sends her.

is supported

My son _ to getting up very early in the morning.

is used

I would invite Ken if I _ his address.


Fill in the Blank: This report is accurate and complete to the best of my _.


What is the similar word: The taste buds of an adult are confined mainly to the tongue.


Fill in the Blank: Because Alex had no _ relatives, he gave his money to charitable organizations.


What is the Synonym: Limestone is a common type of sedimentary rock composed principally of calcite.


Three _ tourists who visited my country last year stayed for more than a week.

million of the

You _ be starving after that long hike. Would you like something to eat?


Fill in the Blank: Paul _ something under his breath but I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying.


Abraham Lincoln had four children, only _ reached adulthood.

one of whom

We really _ to visit your grandparents this weekend.


What is the Synonym: Aluminum is the most abundant metallic constituent in the crust of the earth.


Fill in the Blank: We've had to _ the meeting till next week.


What is the Synonym: Her forecasts are usually very good.


Fill in the Blank: You can _ that there is nothing wrong or you can face up to the reality of the situation and do something about it.


What is the Synonym: Acupressure uses manipulation to alleviate pain.


Fill in the Blank: I think you need to buy a more _ car.


Fill in the Blank: One of the most _ places on earth is the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean.


My mechanic told me that he would listen to the sound my car was making and _ it as soon as possible.


What is the Synonym: The battle of Lexington, a brief skirmish, took place in April 1775.


I was stopped by the police. I guess I _ not have been driving so fast.


One of the indicators that helps seismologists predict earthquakes is the emission of greater quantities of radon.


What is the Synonym: Penguins are gregarious birds that gather in colonies that sometimes number in the thousands.


These are too expensive. Can I look at _?

some others

Fill in the Blank: I needed some very _ information, but the answer he gave me was quite general.


What is the Synonym: Pavarotti's 1963 debut at Covent Garden launched his international career.


Fill in the Blank: The Brown's haven't had a _ income since Brad lost his job last year.


What is the Synonym: The complex nature of pain is illustrated by anecdotes of soldiers who are severely wounded and do not complain of pain.


Fill in the Blank: Linda has _ views on capital punishment.


Fill in the Blank: Our magazine _ are costing us too much money.


It's amazing to me that _ simple act can have far-reaching consequences.

such a

Fill in the Blank: With a wife and four young children to _, Brad was forced to quit teaching and get a job selling computers.


You're not _ to put glass bottles in that trash can.


What is the Synonym: He was involved in several questionable dealings.


A placebo is a harmless substance ____ a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug.


Do you know how long _?

this tour will be

They are still strongly opposed _ any action that could pollute the atmosphere.


The university requires its full-time students _ health insurance.

to carry

We are looking forward _ the project in a week or so.

to completing

They should have been here an hour ago. They seem _ their way.

to have lost

If you heat water to the boiling point, it _ to steam.


Fill in the Blank: It was _ agreed to postpone the meeting till we had more information.


I always take a bath in the morning, _ there is no water.


Fill in the Blank: This contract is not _ because it has not been signed.


Fill in the Blank: It's all _ for you to say that, but you don't work for my boss.

very well

Of Mice and Men, one of my favorite books, _ by John Steinbeck.

was written

The concert _ went to last night was very disappointing.


The Guggenheim Museum in New York prides itself on its great collection of art, special exhibitions, and___ _ .

well designed architecture

We _ our meal when Chris _.

were finishing, arrived

Many students _ in the bike race and missed the special lunch.

were involved

Only after a lot of discussion _ to come to some sort of agreement.

were we able

I'd especially like to thank Anna, without ____ help I could never have finished the project.


Where is the man _ pen I borrowed?


Leadbelly is an American folk singer ____ deeply rooted in the early African-American tradition.

whose music is

Fill in the Blank: There is a _ belief that we are already paying too many taxes.


There's no point. Sally ____ left by the time we get there.

will have

Do you realize that by the end of this month, we _ here for exactly one year?

will have been

What is the Synonym: While practicing as an architect, le Corbusier was also active as a painter and writer.


It's going to be an interesting presentation. I wish you _ with me.

would come

When I talked to Tom yesterday, he said he _ with us today at 9:30.

would meet

What is the Synonym: President Wilson was a member of the committee that drafted the Covenant of the League of Nations.


_ Steve felt very tired, he decided to go to bed very early.


Fill in the Blank: _ me a line sometime if you get the time. I'd love to hear from you.


Fill in the Blank: _ a week goes by without some awful accident happening on that stretch of road.


Stan is very strong. _, he couldn't get that jar of pickles open.


_ I arrive late, please start without me.


_ first three days of school made my life very complicated.


____ his photography that made him famous, Ansel Adams was also a talented pianist.

Though it was

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