EMR Final

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When performing the straddle slide technique, team coordination problems would MOST likely occur if the patient is moved more than __________ at a time.

10" to 12" (25.4 to 30.5 cm)

What is a properly equipped vehicle staffed by emts and emrs?

A BLS Ambulance

What is important to check for when thoroughly examining a gunshot wound?

An exit wound

what causes snoring sounds

A partially blocked airway by the tongue

Which of the following MOST accurately defines a behavioral emergency?

A person exhibits abnormal, unacceptable behavior that cannot be tolerated by family, friends, or the community.

Before focusing on an injured limb you should check the patient's:


A car stops outside of your house, you get a knock on the door. A daughter tells you that her sixty year old father is choking and noticeably grabbing his throat. What do you do?

Abdominal thrust

Which of the following statements regarding fractured bones is correct?

An open fracture occurs when the skin overlying the fracture is not intact

During a crisis situation, it is often easier for the patient or a family member to vent his or her feelings on

An unknown person

When arriving at a multi-casualty incident your primary response is to

Assess the environment to identify potential threats and hazards

Spasms of small an lower passages is


What would you call it when blood vessels underneath the skin are broken?

Bruise and contusions

What is it called when the head of the baby isn't the immediate delivering part?

Breached birth

Anytime a patient suffers from a traumatic injury you should take:

C-Spine precautions

If delivering a baby and the head emerges surrounded by the amniotic sac, what should you do?

Carefully tear/break the amniotic sac

Along with ensuring bleeding stops, placing the patient on supplemental oxygen, elevating their feet, and

Covering the patient with a blanket to conserve his or her body heat

Common factors that contribute to negative behavioral changes include all of the following, EXCEPT

Decreased responsibility at work Will include Use of mind-altering substances. Low blood sugar levels. Serious injury to a loved one.

Three or more ribs broken in two places is called:

Flailed Chest

What is superficial frostbite called?

Frost nip

What heat emergency is categorized by flush and dry skin

Heat stroke

This reduces the body's ability to lose heat through evaporation

High humidity

A basketball player has fallen on his outstretched arms and dislocated his shoulder due to:

Indirect Impact

When your diaphragm contracts and your ribs expand, what is happening?


You find an elderly patient unconscious with a pulse and gurgling, what do you do?

Lay the patient on his or her side, open the patient's airway, suction or sweep the mouth for obstructions

Which of the following statements regarding your response to an emergency scene is correct

Mobile computers, GPS systems, and radios can contribute to crashes

This program is designed to help with small and large disasters:


What is the initial response in the drowning stage?


After completing your assessment and providing patient care, what should you do if the responding EMS unit is delayed?

Perform ongoing reassessment.

An elderly woman must be moved from an unsafe environment quickly. The patient is unconscious and is wearing a thin nightgown. What is the MOST rapid and effective way for you and your partner to move her?

Place a blanket or rug on the ground, roll her onto it, and quickly remove her from the unsafe environment.

Which of the following techniques will MOST likely enable you to deliver adequate volume when ventilating a patient with a bag-mask device?

Place the middle, ring, and little fingers of one hand under the angle of the jaw and lift up on the jaw

The _________ draw(s) nutrients from the wall of the mother's uterus and deliver(s) them to the developing fetus


As shock progresses in severity, breathing becomes

Rapid and shallow

When treating an emotionally disturbed patient against their will what must you have?

Reasonable belief that said patient will hurt themselves or others.

After ensuring your own safety initial treatment for chemical burns involve:

Removing clothing and excess chemicals

What is a device that receives a signal radio and amplifies it?


The medical director usually doesn't

Respond to calls

This allows us to sort patients in sixty seconds or less:

Start Triage

While responding in a high-crime area of town for a young man who was shot in the chest, the dispatcher advises you that the patient is unconscious and that the perpetrator may still be at the scene. Law enforcement is en route to the scene as well, but the responding paramedics will be delayed. What should you do?

Stop a few blocks away from the scene, stay in your vehicle, and wait for law enforcement to arrive at the scene and ensure that it is safe.

A nonrebreathing mask works by

Storing oxygen in the reservoir bag, which the patient inhales during each breath

What kind of burn is reddened and painful skin?

Superficial burns

The statue of liberty is at a potential risk to terror threats because it has:

Symbolic Value

When being dispatched to an emergency you should,

Take the fastest and safest route

You arrive at an emergency scene, what do you visually observe?

The mechanism of injury, patients, and injury severity

Fire units are a crucial part of EMS because:

They have specialized rescue equipment and are trained in extraction

Why must we position pregnant women on their side?

To ensure venous return to the heart

When responding to domestic violence, what is your goal?

To maintain your safety

After scene safety, etc, what is your primary goal

To talk to the patient

Characteristics of a third-degree burn include all of the following, EXCEPT

Uncontrolled intense pain. Will include: Muscle and nerve damage. Disfigurement. Fluid loss and infection

Which of the following is NOT part of the standard precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Use leather gloves as a barrier against blood and fluids

The emergency lights and siren on your response vehicle

allow you to request the right of way

When arriving at a patient's residence, all of the following signs would indicate that the patient is visually impaired, EXCEPT

a small dog penned up in the backyard. Should Expect: The presence of eye glasses. A white cane found near the patient. The patient pointing to his or her ear when you talk.

Which of the following people would be LEAST likely to experience a heat-related illness?

a 30-year-old man who is slightly overweight

A classic sign of croup is

a barking cough

You should be MOST suspicious for child abuse if:

a child's injuries do not match the story you are told about how the injuries occurred.

Dementia is MOST accurately defined as

a progressive and usually irreversible decline in mental functions

Dementia is MOST accurately defined as:

a progressive and usually irreversible decline in mental functions.

A basic life support (BLS) ambulance is MOST accurately defined as:

a properly equipped vehicle that is staffed by EMT personnel

The MOST common cause of seizures in infants and young children is:

a sudden high fever.

When transferring the care of a patient to other emergency medical service (EMS) personnel, the EMR typically does NOT:

accompany the patient in the ambulance.

You are working in your yard when you see your neighbor, a middle-aged woman, collapse in her front yard. You should:

activate EMS after assessing the patient's level of responsiveness

Which of the following items is NOT commonly carried in an emergency medical responder's (EMR's) life support kit?

activated charcoal

If you are not sure whether a conscious patient is experiencing insulin shock or diabetic coma, you should

administer a sugar substance

You are the first medically trained person to arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle crash. The patient is conscious and is bleeding heavily from the head. He is still in the vehicle, which has power lines draped across the hood. You should

advise the patient to remain still and immediately contact the power company

To provide the best possible care for the patient:

all EMS personnel must function effectively as a team.

Which of the following toxins irritates the lungs and upper respiratory tract, resulting in violent coughing?

ammonia mixed with chlorine

Common hazards found at automobile crash scenes involve all of the following, EXCEPT:

an abundance of rescue personnel.

The highest concentration of oxygen can be delivered to a patient with a bag-mask device if:

an oxygen reservoir is attached.

The MOST important aspect of standard precautions is:

anticipating the type of standard precautions needed before arriving at the scene.

You are caring for an 81-year-old woman as a responding EMS unit is en route to the scene. The woman is possibly having a heart attack and becomes frightened after you explain the situation to her. You should:

ask the patient if she understood what you told her.

Inhalation of vomitus or other secretions into the lungs is called:


The purpose of the secondary assessment is to:

assess for non-life-threatening conditions after immediate life threats have been identified and corrected during the primary assessment.

If your EMS system uses a helicopter to transport patients, it is MOST important to:

attend an orientation session with the helicopter personnel.

When treating a patient who has a hemodialysis shunt in his or her arm, it is important to

avoid taking a blood pressure in the arm that has the shunt

When applying a sterile dressing to an open wound of the forearm, you should:

avoid touching the side that will be in contact with the wound.

It is usually best to collect a medical history on a patient who is experiencing a medical problem:

before you perform a secondary patient assessment.

You have reached a young man who was found face down in the water. Your assessment reveals that he is not breathing but has a pulse. After stabilizing the patient's head and neck, you should

begin rescue breathing

You have reached a young man who was found face down in the water. Your assessment reveals that he is not breathing but has a pulse. After stabilizing the patient's head and neck, you should:

begin rescue breathing

During CHF, congestion of blood occurs in the

blood vessels

Insulin shock occurs when the:

body has enough insulin but not enough blood glucose.

Thinking, breathing, heartbeat, and digestion are central functions of the:


The central nervous system is composed of the:

brain and spinal cord

Dizziness, difficulty speaking and seeing, and a decreased level of consciousness are signs that air bubbles have affected the:

brain or spinal cord.

You are caring for a 12-year-old girl who experienced a sudden onset of respiratory distress after playing with her neighbor's cat. The child's mother is present and tells you that her daughter has asthma. During your assessment, you can hear wheezing on exhalation without a stethoscope. The child is conscious, though obviously frightened. You should:

calm and reassure the child, place her in a comfortable position, administer oxygen if it is available, and ask the mother if the child takes any medications.

According to the START triage system, a green tag is used to identify those who:

can have care delayed for up to 3 hours.

A young man sustained a stab wound to the artery in the neck. To control the bleeding from this injury, you should apply pressure to the:

carotid artery.

If a patient appears to be in shock or is unconscious, you should attempt to locate the __________ first.

carotid pulse

The BEST method for checking circulation in a triage situation is to:

check the carotid pulse.

Regardless of the cause of a child's injury, your FIRST priority is to:

check the patient's ABCs.

When assessing a child's general appearance you should,

compare it to what you would expect from a healthy child of the same age

When dealing with a patient who is exhibiting abnormal behavior, your initial action should be to:

conduct a careful size-up of the scene.

Routine postrun activities include all of the following, EXCEPT:

conducting a critical incident stress debriefing (CISD).

When performing your primary assessment of an elderly patient who fell at home, it is MOST important to:

consider that a medical condition may have caused the fall.

When performing abdominal thrusts on a conscious patient with a severe airway obstruction, you should:

continue the thrusts until the patient becomes unresponsive.

Air is inhaled into the lungs when the diaphragm:

contracts and moves downward in the chest.

The major risk associated with a prolapsed umbilical cord is:

cord compression during a contraction.

A patient who has inhaled a poison would MOST likely present with

coughing and hoarseness

A patient who has inhaled a poison would MOST likely present with:

coughing and hoarseness.

During the second stage of labor:

delivery of the infant occurs.

Enhanced 9-1-1 centers have the capability to:

determine the physical location of the caller via the computer

Which of the following is NOT a route by which a poison can enter the body?


A ___________ occurs when the bone ends that make up a joint are completely separated from each other.


An advance directive is MOST accurately defined as a:

document that provides instructions to medical caregivers regarding the care the patient wants if he or she is unable to communicate.

The MOST appropriate technique for moving an adult patient from his or her bed to the ambulance stretcher is the

draw sheet method

If you are called to a residence to assist a chronically ill patient whose problem is likely the result of malfunctioning home healthcare equipment, you should:

enlist the help of people who regularly take care of the patient and are familiar with the equipment.

You are assisting a woman in labor who is 35 weeks pregnant. After delivering the newborn, you ensure adequate breathing and circulation. You should next:

ensure that the newborn is warm.

Which of the following typically occurs when a swimmer experiences trouble in the water and begins breathing inefficiently

exhaustion and loss of buoyancy

Accidents involving farm machinery usually involve:

farm tractor rollovers

The H1N1 strain of influenza (swine flu) has caused concern because:

few people have immunity to this strain of virus.

A 60-year-old man is found sitting in his car alongside the road. There is no apparent damage to his vehicle. Your assessment reveals that the man is in cardiac arrest. You should:

grasp the patient under his arms, cradle his head between your arms, and remove him from the vehicle.

Patients who pose the highest risk of transmitting TB almost invariably:

have a cough.

Many previous terrorist attempts to use either chemical or biologic weapons to their full capacity

have been unsuccessful

Which of the following conditions would be the LEAST likely to mimic the signs and symptoms of a stroke?

heart attack

During the primary assessment, you should:

identify and correct all life-threatening conditions.

Once the trained HazMat rescuers have been protected properly, they should next:

identify victims who have sustained an acute injury as a result of exposure to hazardous materials.

If you are confronted by a person who is armed with a gun, knife, or other weapon, you should:

immediately attempt to withdraw from the situation.

You have just applied an air splint to a patient's injured forearm. When inflating the splint, you should:

inflate it by mouth until the plastic can be depressed slightly with your finger.

The hormone that enables sugar carried by the blood to move into individual cells is called:


Absorption occurs when a poison enters the body through:

intact skin and spreads through the circulatory system.

Most deaths from gunshot wounds are the result of:

internal blood loss caused by damage to internal organs.

When administering a DuoDote or Mark I nerve agent auto-injector, you should inject the medication:

into the lateral thigh and hold the injector in place for 10 seconds.

Upon entering the residence of an elderly woman who complains of nausea and weakness, you see a pair of eyeglasses on an adjacent end table and a small dog sitting calmly near the patient. As you approach the patient, you should:

introduce yourself and ask her if she can see.

The two-person extremity carry is particularly advantageous when moving a patient who:

is in a narrow space.

The skin is a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses unless

it is injured

During your assessment of an older man who complains of weakness, you notice a raised bump on his left forearm. He tells you that it is his shunt. This patient MOST likely has:

kidney disease.

When approaching a helicopter with its rotors turning, it is important to remember that the:

main rotor may be only 4' (1.2 m) above the ground.

Noting a patient's appearance; activity; speech; orientation to person, place, and time; and memory are MOST useful when assessing his or her:

mental status.

All of the following are general recommendations to follow when moving a patient, EXCEPT

moving the patient before treating him or her if the scene is safe

If you see CSF draining from the ear of a patient with a head injury, you should

not attempt to stop the drainage.

You enter the residence of an unconscious 30-year-old man. As you are approaching the patient, who is lying motionless on the floor, you should

note the patient's position and any unusual odors or sounds

You should immediately place a patient with an object impaled in the eye:

on his or her back

The purpose of the jaw-thrust maneuver is to:

open a patient's airway without manipulating the neck.

In addition to the contents of a standard prepackaged OB kit, you should also have:

oxygen if it is available.

When moving a patient on a long backboard, you should:

secure him or her to the board with straps.

Following delivery of the placenta, the mother continues to bleed heavily from the vagina, despite uterine massage. Her skin is cool and moist, and her pulse is weak and rapid. You should

place a sanitary pad over her vagina, elevate her legs, and arrange for immediate transport

Because many elderly patients have a weakened immune system, they are especially susceptible to


Because many elderly patients have a weakened immune system, they are especially susceptible to:


The BEST indicator of an underlying fracture or dislocation is

point tenderness

Scene hazards that are NOT visible to emergency responders include:

poisonous fumes

The purpose of the Good Samaritan law is to:

protect citizens from liability when rendering care in good faith.

the 12 set of ribs

protect the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen

You are the first medically trained person to arrive at a construction site where a worker injured his leg after a heavy metal beam fell against it. As you begin your assessment, the foreman tells you that another beam, which is about 20 feet above you and your patient, appears to be unstable. You should:

quickly move the patient to a place of safety.

A superficial burn is characterized by:

reddened and painful skin.

You are the first medically trained person to arrive at a residence for a 40-year-old woman who has a severe headache and nausea. As you are assessing the patient, her husband tells you that he and his son have the same symptoms. You should

remove everyone from the residence at once

While managing the airway of a semiconscious 50-year-old woman, you attempt to insert a nasal airway but meet resistance. You should:

remove the airway and try to insert it in the other nostril.

A device that receives a weak radio signal, amplifies that signal, and then rebroadcasts it is called a(n):


Circulatory failure and cardiac arrest in children is MOST often the result of:

respiratory failure.

All children involved in a submersion incident should be evaluated by a physician because:

respiratory problems can develop several hours after submersion.

Rapid, shallow respirations are characteristic of:


Which of the following is NOT a solid structure of the abdomen?

small intestine

Drowning is MOST accurately defined as:

suffocation because of submersion in water or in other liquids.

As the infant's head emerges from the vagina, you should:

support the head and advise the mother to stop pushing.

You are dispatched to a residence for a child with breathing difficulty. It is 11:30 PM and the temperature outside is 30°F (-1°C). When you arrive at the scene, you find the child, a 3-year-old boy, sitting on his mother's lap. The child's mother tells you that other than a recent runny nose and low-grade fever, her son is healthy. You note that the child has a high-pitched cough and noisy breathing. You should:

suspect that the child is suffering from croup, keep the mother and child calm, and arrange for prompt transport.

Upon arriving at the scene of a motorcycle crash, you park your vehicle in a safe location and don a reflective safety vest. As you approach the patient, it is MOST important for you to:

take appropriate standard precautions.

Which of the following actions would NOT reassure an emotionally disturbed patient that you are interested in helping him or her?

telling the patient that everything will be all right

Even with complete dispatch information regarding a motor vehicle crash, you will NOT be able to determine:

the number of bystanders present.

Which organs and structures are protected by the pelvis?

the reproductive organs and the organs in the lower abdominal cavity

A patient's reaction to an injected drug is MOSTLY dependent on:

the type and quantity of the drug.

A pregnant patient should be positioned on her left side because:

this will allow venous blood to return to the heart.

The leg consists of the:

tibia and fibula.

To comply with the standard of care, the EMR must

treat the patient to the best of his or her ability and provide care that a reasonable, prudent person with similar training would provide under similar circumstances

To comply with the standard of care, the EMR must:

treat the patient to the best of his or her ability and provide care that a reasonable, prudent person with similar training would provide under similar circumstances.

If you must break a window to open a door or gain access, you should

try to break a window that is farthest from the patient

The recovery position is MOST appropriately used for patients who are:

unconscious and not injured.

Compression of the femoral artery could be used to control external bleeding from all of the following locations:

upper leg, lower leg, and thigh

The MOST effective way to keep bystanders away from an emergency scene is to:

use a rope or police/fire barrier tape.

The skin of a patient with deep frostbite is MOST commonly:

white and waxy

the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen occurs

without conscious effort on your part

The exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen occurs:

without conscious effort on your part.

compared to a symptom, a sign is something that

you can observe in a patient

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