ems chapter 16

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are in denial

The MOST common reason that many people experiencing AMI do not seek immediate medical attention is because they:


The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract spontaneously without a stimulus from a nerve source is called:

autonomic nervous system

The electrical stimulus that originates in the heart's primary pacemaker is controlled by impulses from the brain that arrive by way of the:

carotid arteries

The head and brain receive their supply of oxygenated blood from the:

the left ventricle does not adequately fill with blood.

Ventricular tachycardia causes hypotension because:

It receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

What is the function of the left atrium?

blood can pass from the atria to the ventricles.

When an electrical impulse reaches the AV node, it is slowed for a brief period of time so that:

on the thighs or ankles.

When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECG, the "LL" and "RL" electrodes should be placed:

the cause of the pain cannot be diagnosed in the field.

When treating a patient with chest pain, you should assume that he or she is having an AMI because:

a rapid heart rate

Which of the following is NOT a common sign or symptom associated with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker?

Assess the heart rate and strength of the pulse.

Which of the following is the MOST reliable method of estimating a patient's cardiac output?


Which of the following medications is commonly given to patients with chest pain to prevent blood clots from forming or getting bigger?

Hypotension and flat jugular veins

Which of the following signs or symptoms would you NOT expect to encounter in a patient with congestive heart failure?

Deliver the shock followed by immediate resumption of CPR.

A 40-year-old man is in cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing CPR. You are attaching the AED when the patient's wife tells you that he has an automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD). The AED advises that a shock is indicated. What should you do?

assess the adequacy of his respirations.

A 49-year-old male presents with an acute onset of crushing chest pain and diaphoresis. You should:

placing her in an upright position

A 67-year-old female presents with difficulty breathing and chest discomfort that awakened her from her sleep. She states that she has congestive heart failure, has had two previous heart attacks, and has been prescribed nitroglycerin. She is conscious and alert with adequate breathing. Her blood pressure is 94/64 mm Hg and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. Treatment for this patient includes:

remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.

A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:

acute myocardial infarction

A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced?

dilating the affected coronary artery with a small inflatable balloon.

A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) restores blood flow to the ischemic myocardium by:

myocardial tissue dies secondary to an absence of oxygen.

An acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when:

reassess his or her blood pressure within 5 minutes to detect hypotension.

After assisting your patient with prescribed nitroglycerin, you should:

immediately resume the CPR

After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:

flows into the pulmonary arteries

Blood that is ejected from the right ventricle:

decreased pumping force of the heart muscle

Cardiogenic shock following AMI is caused by:


Common side effects of nitroglycerin include all of the following, EXCEPT:

often presents with pain that is maximal from the onset.

In contrast to AMI, a dissecting aortic aneurysm:

slows the heart and respiratory rates.

In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system:

chest pain that does not immediately subside with rest.

It would be MOST appropriate for a patient to take his or her prescribed nitroglycerin when experiencing:


Major risk factors for AMI include all of the following, EXCEPT:

resistance of the body to the flow of electricity

Most AEDs are set up to adjust the voltage based on the impedance, which is the:

who have experienced a head injury.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in patients:

dry the chest if it is wet

Prior to attaching the AED to a cardiac arrest patient, the EMT should:

ensure that no one is touching the patient

Prior to defibrillating a patient with an AED, it is MOST important that you:

the patient may be eligible to receive thrombolytic therapy.

Prompt transport of a patient with a suspected AMI is important because:

congestive heart failure

Rapid, labored breathing in a patient with signs and symptoms of AMI should make you suspicious for:

family history

Risk factors for AMI that cannot be controlled include:

have chronic hypertension.

Signs and symptoms of a hypertensive emergency would MOST likely be delayed in patients who:


The inferior vena cava returns deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart from all of the following areas, EXCEPT the:

pumps blood into the aorta and systemic circulation.

The left ventricle has the thickest walls because it:

failing to deliver a shock when one is needed.

The main legal risk in using the AED is:

coronary arteries, aorta

The myocardium receives oxygenated blood from the __________, which originate(s) from the __________.

right ventricle and inferior wall of the left ventricle.

The right coronary artery supplies blood to the:

begin CPR, apply the AED, and deliver a shock if it is indicated.

You and your EMT partner are the first to arrive at the scene of an unresponsive 70-year-old man. Your assessment reveals that he is apneic and pulseless. A paramedic unit is en route to the scene and will arrive in approximately 5 minutes. You should:

begin high-quality CPR and apply the AED as soon as possible.

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:

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