Ems New York State Written Test

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What is a condition of insufficient oxygen that can cause chest pain and discomfort? a. Hypercarbia b. Hypocarbia c. Hypoxia d. Ischemia

Correct Answer: d. Ischemia

What AVPU used to assess?

Correct Answer: - Used to assess how alert a patient is

Where is the popliteal region?

Correct Answer: - The are directly behind the knee

When should you suspect that delivery of an infant is imminent?

Correct Answer: - The baby is crowning - Mother feels the urge to move her bowels - Contractions become less than 2 minutes apart

What is anaphylaxis?

Correct Answer: - A extremely severe and life threatening allergic reaction

What is a pathologic fracture?

Correct Answer: - A fracture that occurs in a weakened area of bone secondary to a disease involving the bone

What doe the term contraindication mean?

Correct Answer: - A specific sign, symptom and/or circumstance under which administration of a drug or specific treatment method is NOT advisable

What are platelets?

Correct Answer: - A component of blood that is primarily instrumental in the formation of blood clots

What is supine hypotensive syndrome?

Correct Answer: - A condition that occurs when the fetus compresses on the mother vena cava while the mother is lying supine, the compression of the vena cava reduces blood return to the heart causing low BP

What is meconium?

Correct Answer: - A discoloration in the amniotic fluid caused by the infants first bowl movement while in the uterus - Indicates fetal distress

What is the epiglottis?

Correct Answer: - A leaf shaped structure that closes to prevent food and other foreign objects from entering the trachea

What supine position?

Correct Answer: - A patient is laying flat on his or her back

What is prone position?

Correct Answer: - A patient is lying on his or her stomach

What is Fowler's position?

Correct Answer: - A patient is sitting upright

What is the Trendelenburg position?

Correct Answer: - A patient lying with their head slightly lower than their feet

What is a medical director?

Correct Answer: - A person who assumes ultimate responsibility for the oversight of patient care

What are standing orders?

Correct Answer: - A policy or protocol issued by a medical director that authorizes EMT's and others to perform certain skills

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Correct Answer: - A pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus

What is abruption placenta?

Correct Answer: - A premature separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus

What would be the pulse rate or a patient who is tachycardic?

Correct Answer: - A pulse greater than 100 BPM

What is a low angle rescue?

Correct Answer: - A rope rescue that involves terrain that is less than 40 degree angle

When does a patient have the right to refuse medical care?

Correct Answer: - A+O X4 - Of legal age ( legally adult) - Sound mindset - Understand all the risks of RMA-ing

What does AVPU stand for?

Correct Answer: - A: Alert - V: reacts to verbal stimuli - P: reacts to painful stimuli - U: Unresponsive

The pressure of the gas in a full oxygen cylinder is approximately _______psi a. 2,000 b. 1,700 c. 1,500 d. 2,500

Correct Answer: a. 2,000

Stranger anxiety usually develops when the patient is a: a. Toddler b. Infant c. Preschooler d. Adolescent

Correct Answer: a. Toddler

The chemical that is inside the alveoli and helps keep the alveoli open is called a. Synovial fluid b. Surfactant c. Carbon Dioxide d.Vitreous

Correct Answer: b. Surfactant

Which of the following is true regarding the Sellick's maneuver? a. The Sellick's maneuver should be used to keep the gastric contents from entering the trachea in a patient who is actively vomiting b. The Sellick's maneuver is used to prevent gastric distention c. Effective ventilation can occur when one rescuer ventilates using a BVM with one hand and applies cricoid pressure with the other hand d. The Sellicks maneuver is performed by placing the thumb and index finger on either side of the cricoid cartilage at the superior the other hand

Correct Answer: b. The Sellick's maneuver is used to prevent gastric distention

Which of the following is true regarding intercostals muscles of children? a. They are used frequently in normal breathing b. The muscles are immature, causing fatigue rather quickly c. They are rarely used in respiratory distress d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. The muscles are immature, causing fatigue rather quickly

A significant finding in head trauma that indicated a skull fracture is: a. Bruising of the sphenoid bone b. The presence of cerebrospinal fluid c. Altered LOC d. A full thickness laceration with bone exposure

Correct Answer: b. The presence of cerebrospinal fluid

Which of the following is true regarding laryngeal mask airways? a. They can be used in morbidly obese patients b. They are single lumen, blind insertion airway device c. They are classified as a high pressure airway device d. They decrease the risk of aspiration in patients who have a full stomach

Correct Answer: b. They are single lumen, blind insertion airway device

What structure is also called the Adam's apple? a. Hyoid bone b. Thyroid cartilage c. Cricoid cartilage d. Larynx

Correct Answer: b. Thyroid cartilage

Why is an occlusive dressing applied to a sucking chest wound? a. To control bleeding b. To seal the wound and preventing air from going into the chest cavity c. To prevent infection d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. To seal the wound and preventing air from going into the chest cavity

A patient in a postictal state is one who has: a. Stopped breathing but not died yet b. Demonstrated the early signs of shock c. Had a seizure and is now unresponsive d. Just give birth but not yet delivered the placenta

Correct Answer: c. Had a seizure and is now unresponsive

What is the definition of a premature infant?

Correct Answer: - A baby born before 36 weeks gestation or a baby weighing less than 5.5 pounds

What is a thrombus?

Correct Answer: - A blood clot

What is a thrombosis?

Correct Answer: - A blood clot in the arterial or venous systems

What is a pulmonary embolism?

Correct Answer: - A blood clot in the lungs that is obstructing blood flow to the lungs

What is an embolus?

Correct Answer: - A blood clot or other substance in the circulatory system that travels to a blood vessel and causes a blockage

What is a contusion?

Correct Answer: - A bruise from an injury ( bleeding under the skin without breaking the skin)

What is pulmonary edema?

Correct Answer: - A build up of fluid in the lungs ( usually a result of CHF)

What is a pnuemothorax?

Correct Answer: - A collection of air in the pleural cavity (causes a restriction in lung expansion and breathing)

Angina is often triggered by: a. Decreased oxygen demand b. Damage to the cardiac muscle c. Exertion d. Complete blockage of a blood vessel

Correct Answer: c. Exertion

One of the greatest risks that medical personnel can face when dealing with a traumatic injury patient is: a. Downed power lines b. Unstable vehicles c. Exposure to blood d. Fluid leaks from vehicles

Correct Answer: c. Exposure to blood

Who regulates all radio operations in the United States? a. OSHA b. AHEC c. FCC d. FAA

Correct Answer: c. FCC

What is a hemothorax?

Correct Answer: - A collection of blood in the pleural cavity (causes a restriction in lung expansion and breathing)

What is a hematoma?

Correct Answer: - A collection of blood under the skin at an injury site

What is hypothermia?

Correct Answer: - A condition in which the body temperature drops below that required for normal bodily functions

What is placenta previa?

Correct Answer: - A condition in which the placenta develops over and covers the cervix

What type of medication is often taken by a patient who has a history of congestive heart failure?

Correct Answer: - Diuretics

What is the dose contained in an adult epinephrine auto injector?

Correct Answer: - Dose is .3 mg

What is diplopia?

Correct Answer: - Double vision

What is the minimum training level for ambulance personnel?

Correct Answer: - EMT - basic

According to the rule of nines, how much does a child's upper arm account for?

Correct Answer: - Each arm is 9%

According to the rule of nines, how much does the adults upper arm account for?

Correct Answer: - Each arm is 9%

According to the rule of nines, How much does an adults leg account for?

Correct Answer: - Each leg is 18%

If the signs and symptoms of a tension pneumothorax occur after you have sealed the open chest wound, what should you do?

Correct Answer: - Ensure that 3- sided dressing is in place to assist with relieving the pressure - Can lift up one side of the dressing to allow for air to release (" burping the dressing" )

What are the three layers of the skin?

Correct Answer: - Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous

What does the GCS assess?

Correct Answer: - Eye opening (scored 1-4) - Motor response (scored 1-6) - Verbal response ( scored 1-5) (overall brain function) (higher the score the better the patient's status)

What are the three items of assessment used in the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale?

Correct Answer: - Face droop - Arm drift - Speech difficulties (slurred speech)

True or false: The safety of your patient and bystanders is your primary responsibility?

Correct Answer: - False -- Your primary responsibility is the safety of yourself and other first responders

What does FCC stand for?

Correct Answer: - Federal Communications Commissions

What is the most common cause of seizures in pediatric patients?

Correct Answer: - Fever ( very high and very sudden onset)

What doe the acronym OPQRST stand for?

Correct Answer: - O: Onset - P: Provocation - Q: Quality - R: Radiating/ region - S: Severity - T: Time

Your patient has suffered a penetrating wound to his chest wall, what is another term for this wound?

Correct Answer: - Open pneumothorax

What does the acronym PERRL stand for?

Correct Answer: - P: Pupils - E: Equal - R: Round - R: Reactive - L: (to) Light

Which organ produces insulin?

Correct Answer: - Pancreas

What does the P in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Past medical history

What doe PAT stand for?

Correct Answer: - Pediatric Assessment Triangle

You have delivered one shock to your patient who is in cardiac arrest. What is the next action you should take?

Correct Answer: - Perform 2 minutes of CPR

On a conscious pregnant female with a foreign body obstruction, where should you place your hands to provide thrusts to expel the object?

Correct Answer: - Place both hands in the center of the chest and compress inward ---- do NOT compress the abdomen

If able to do so what position should you place a patient with an evisceration?

Correct Answer: - Place them in a supine position with their knees bent to reduce pressure on the abdomen

What does the term golden hour refer to?

Correct Answer: - The ideal maximum time from the time of injury to the time corrective surgery takes place --- 1 hour

What is aspiration?

Correct Answer: - The introduction of vomitus or other foreign material into the lungs

What is synovial fluid?

Correct Answer: - The liquid within the joint that helps to lubricate the joint

What is another name for the bicuspid valve?

Correct Answer: - The mitral valve

What is the occiput?

Correct Answer: - The most posterior part of the cranium ( back of the skull)

What is the normal systolic blood pressure for a 2- year old? a. 80 -100 b. 70- 95 c. 50-70 d. 90- 110

Correct Answer: a. 80-100

What does M in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Medications

What are the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart?

Correct Answer: - Veins

What does Beck's triad indicate?

Correct Answer: - Cardiac Tamponade

The umbilical cord contains ___________ blood vessels a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4

Correct Answer: b. 3

What is the normal pulse range for a toddler (1-5 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 80 to 130 beats per minute

According to the rule of nines how much does an adults head and neck account for?

Correct Answer: - 9%

What is the normal body temperature?

Correct Answer: - 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

What is an epistaxis?

Correct Answer: - Nosebleed

What happens in the heart during diastole?

Correct Answer: - Ventricles relax and fill with blood

Albuterol is a generic name for: a. Alupent. b. Atrovent. c. Ventolin d. Singulair.

Correct Answer: c. Ventolin

What is the safe residual pressure for a portable cylinder?

Correct Answer: - 200 psi ( the lowest a bottle should be allowed to get to)

When a portable oxygen cylinder is filled how many PSI are inside of it?

Correct Answer: - 2000 psi

What percentage of oxygen does the atmosphere contain?

Correct Answer: - 21% oxygen

How many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine?

Correct Answer: - 5 vertebrae

How many vertebrae are in the sacral spine?

Correct Answer: - 5 vertebrae (fused)

What is the normal pulse rate (while at rest) for adults?

Correct Answer: - 60 to 100 BPM

How many vertebrae are in the cervical spine?

Correct Answer: - 7 vertebrae

How much air should be delivered to patient when using an adult BVM?

Correct Answer: - 800 ml of air

What would be the possible cause for hearing the respiratory sound "snoring"?

Correct Answer: - A blocked airway

Why should you closely monitor glucose level after a diabetic patient has a seizure?

Correct Answer - Because glucose levels may drop significantly due to excessive muscular contractions during the seizure

Before treatment can be rendered to a patient you must first: a. Contact medical control b. Obtain consent c. Consult with your partner d. Review protocols

Correct Answer b. Obtain consent

How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine?

Correct Answer: - 12 vertebrae

At what height would a fall be considered a severe fall?

Correct Answer: - 15 feet or 3x the height of the patient

What is the longest time you can suction a patient for?

Correct Answer: - 15 seconds

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?

Correct Answer: - Abnormally high levels of acids in the blood stream resulting from prolonged hyperglycemia -- (too much sugar... not enough insulin)

What is another name for Epinephrine?

Correct Answer: - Adrenaline

What does the A in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Allergies

What is a designate agent?

Correct Answer: - An EMT or other person who is authorized by the medical director to give medications or perform emergency care

What is perfusion?

Correct Answer: - An adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body (with the removal of waste products)

What is a strain?

Correct Answer: - An injury that involves a pulled and/or torn muscle

What is the anatomical term for the front of the body?

Correct Answer: - Anterior

What are some conditions that can mimic the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?

Correct Answer: - Anxiety attack - Angina - Pericarditis - Pulmonary embolism

What does APGAR stand for?

Correct Answer: - Appearance - Pulse - Grimace - Activity - Respirations

What is distress?

Correct Answer: - Bad stress ( overwhelming)

Why should you where gloves when administering nitroglycerin?

Correct Answer: - Because nitroglycerin is a vasodilator that can be absorbed through the skin and enter the blood stream causing you to have unwanted symptoms/ side effects such as fainting.

Why are head injuries more common in children?

Correct Answer: - Because of the size of their head in relation to their bodies

Why should you not use your thumb when assessing a patients pulse?

Correct Answer: - Because your thumb has its own pulse and may cause you to measure your own pulse instead of the pt's pulse

Where is the pulmonary valve located?

Correct Answer: - Between right ventricle and pulmonary artery

What are the three elements of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle?

Correct Answer: - Breathing - Circulation to skin - Appearance

In dark skinned patient how would you be able to see if the patient is pale?

Correct Answer: - By checking the oral mucosa (inner lip) - By checking their nail beds

How is Sellicks Maneuver preformed?

Correct Answer: - By compressing just below the cricoid cartilage and placing the thumb/ forefinger on each side of the cricoid cartilage

How would you recognize labored breathing in a pediatric patient?

Correct Answer: - By intercostal muscle retractions, nasal flaring, gasping and grunting

What would be the possible cause for hearing the respiratory sound "wheezing"?

Correct Answer: - Caused by a medical condition/problem (ex: asthma)

What are the 5 divisions of the spine?

Correct Answer: - Cervical - Thoracic - Lumbar - Sacral - Coccyx

What is unstable angina?

Correct Answer: - Chest pain of coronary origin that is produced by fewer stimuli and is NOT relieved or reduced by nitroglycerin

What is the best method to ensure adequate ventilation of a patient when using a BVM?

Correct Answer: - Chest rise and fall

A compressed gas cylinder that is color- coded yellow contains what type of gas?

Correct Answer: - Contains medical grade air

Your patient presents with skin that appears blue/ gray. This condition is called?

Correct Answer: - Cyanosis ( indicator for hypoxia)

What are battle signs?

Correct Answer: - Dark bruising of mastoid area; can indicate a basilar skull fracture

What are the stages of grief?

Correct Answer: - Denial - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance

What are the five stages of the grieving process?

Correct Answer: - Denial - Anger/ hostility - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance

What is the anatomical term used to describe a position/ location farther away from the torso?

Correct Answer: - Distal

How is eclampsia different from pre-eclampsia?

Correct Answer: - Eclamptic mothers will be actively seizing - Pre- eclamptic mothers will only have the symptoms of eclampsia... without seizing

What are the types of suction units that you may need to know how to use?

Correct Answer: - Electric - Manually operated - Oxygen powered

What does E in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Events leading up to the incident

How often should oxygen cylinders with a star after the date be hydrostatically tested?

Correct Answer: - Every 10 years

How often should an oxygen cylinder be hydrostatically tested?

Correct Answer: - Every 5 years

What would be the possible cause for hearing the respiratory sound "gurgling "?

Correct Answer: - Fluid in the airway

What does the term proper body mechanics refer to?

Correct Answer: - Good lifting posture and positioning

What is eustress?

Correct Answer: - Good/ Healthy stress (fulfilling)

Which technique is used to provide the maximum opening of a patients airway?

Correct Answer: - Head - tilt- chin - lift

What does the acronym HIV stand for?

Correct Answer: - Human Immunodeficiency Virus

What is a key function of white blood cells?

Correct Answer: - The destruction of germs and production of antibodies

How does hypoxic drive work?

Correct Answer: - Hypoxic drive stimulates breathing when the body can't rely on its CO2 receptors --> when CO2 receptor fail the O2 receptors in the brain, walls of the aorta and carotid arteries will sense low O2 levels and stimulate breathing

How will you know if the application of the PASG has worked?

Correct Answer: - If the pt's BP increases

What is the definition of shock?

Correct Answer: - Inadequate tissue perfusion

What are the signs of physiological stress?

Correct Answer: - Increased pulse - Increased B/P - Increased respirations - Sweating - Dilated pupils - Tense muscles - Increased blood glucose - Dilated blood vessels

What are the ways that poisons or medications can enter the body?

Correct Answer: - Ingestion - Injection - Inhalation - Absorption

What are contraindications for using a traction splint?

Correct Answer: - Injuries occurring close to/ involving the knee - Additional fractures affecting the limb - Injuries to the pelvis - Partial amputation - Avulsions with bone separation

What is another device that can be used to immobilize a pediatric patient other than the long spine board?

Correct Answer: - KED - Short spine board

What does L in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Last oral intake

What is patient abandonment?

Correct Answer: - Leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before proper transfer to someone with equal or greater medical training

During the initial assessment how do you determine the signs of adequate breathing?

Correct Answer: - Look, listen and feel

What is the name of the bone of the lower jaw?

Correct Answer: - Mandible

Which technique is used to open the airway of a patient with a head, neck, or spinal injury?

Correct Answer: - Manual jaw thrust

Besides urinary output how else would you determine that your infant patient may be dehydrated?

Correct Answer: - May have flat or sunken in fontanels - Dry oral mucosa - Not producing tears

What doe the term "retroperitoneal" mean?

Correct Answer: - Means lying directly behind the abdominal cavity

What is the best method to size an OPA?

Correct Answer: - Measure from corner of the mouth the the ear lobe or angle of the jaw

What are voluntary muscles?

Correct Answer: - Muscles that you can control / muscles that you have to think to move ( ex: biceps)

What are characteristics of an increased work of breathing in pediatric patients?

Correct Answer: - Nasal flaring - Abnormal positioning - Abnormal airway sounds - Accessory muscle use - Head bobbing

What percentage of O2 will a BVM with a reservoir deliver?

Correct Answer: - Nearly 100% O2

When oral suctioning, how far should the tip of catheter be placed?

Correct Answer: - Only as far as you can see

What would be an appropriate intervention if your patient presented with the respiratory sound "Snoring"?

Correct Answer: - Opening the airway and clearing the airway

What are pathogens?

Correct Answer: - Organisms that cause infection such as viruses and bacteria

What would be the typical skin condition of a patient in shock?

Correct Answer: - Pale, cool and diaphoretic

What is the bone that sits anterior to the knee joint?

Correct Answer: - Patella

What are all the components of blood?

Correct Answer: - Platelets - Hemoglobin (red blood cells) - Leukocytes ( white blood cells) - Plasma

What is the anatomical term for the rear of the body?

Correct Answer: - Posterior

What are the three main functions of the skin?

Correct Answer: - Protect - Insulate/ Regulate temperature - Transmit sensory info from environment to the brain

What is anatomical term used to describe a position/ location closer to the torso?

Correct Answer: - Proximal

What does PPD stand for?

Correct Answer: - Purified protein derivative ( tests for TB)

When assessing the abdomen of a patient who has a traumatic injury, beside DCAP- BTLS, what are you looking for?

Correct Answer: - Rebounding - Guarding - Tenderness - Distention - Rigidity

What are the three "R's" for reacting to a dangerous situation?

Correct Answer: - Retreat - Radio - Re- evaluate

What does S in SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Signs and symptoms

What does SAMPLE stand for?

Correct Answer: - Signs and symptoms - Allergies - Medications - Past medical history - Last oral intake - Events lead to the incident

What do Battle signs indicateb

Correct Answer: - Skull fracture (specifically basilar skull fracture)

What are aveoli?

Correct Answer: - Small sacs within the lungs where gas exchange takes place with the blood stream

What is the Ryan White Care Act?

Correct Answer: - The US Congress act that establishes procedures by which emergency response workers may find out if they have been exposed to life- threatening infectious diseases

What is the span of control in an incident command system? and what is the ratio?

Correct Answer: - The amount of people/elements that can be managed by another person - The ratio is 1:5

What is the midline?

Correct Answer: - The anatomical term for an imaginary line drawn down the center of the body passing between the eyes and past the umbilicus

What is the autonomic nervous system?

Correct Answer: - The division of the nervous system that controls involuntary motor function and affects such thing as digestion and heart rate

What is personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Correct Answer: - The equipment used to protect you from all possible routes of contamination

What is crepitus?

Correct Answer: - The grating sound of bone on bone movement - normally indicates a fracture

Why is suction an immediate priority when there is the presence of meconium?

Correct Answer: - The infant can aspirate the meconium.... Aspiration of the meconium can cause serious damage to the new borns lungs and even result in death

What is peristalsis?

Correct Answer: - The involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wavelike movements that push the contents of the canal forward.

What is expressed consent?

Correct Answer: - The patient is directly giving you permission to perform a medical procedure on them/ treat them

What is blood pressure?

Correct Answer: - The pressure that is exerted on the walls of an artery

What is body substance isolation?

Correct Answer: - The process and procedures designed to protect you from infection

What is respiratory failure?

Correct Answer: - The reduction of breathing to the point where oxygenation is not sufficient to support life

What are the signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)?

Correct Answer: - Tightness in chest - Severe wheezing - Labored breaths - Hypotension - Strenuous respirations - Altered level of consciousness - Increased heart rate

What is the purpose of a liter flow device on an oxygen tank?

Correct Answer: - To increase the amount of O2 being delivered to the pt

What is the purpose of HIPAA?

Correct Answer: - To protect pt's information and maintain the pt's confidentiality

A patient has a productive cough. What potentially fatal lung disease should an EMT be concerned about with respect to personal safety and safety of their crew?

Correct Answer: - Tuberculosis

What does a PPD test, test for?

Correct Answer: - Tuberculosis

When is it appropriate to use a Reeves stretcher?

Correct Answer: - Used for supine lying pt's that need to be carried through tight spaces or down stairs

What are the 2 methods for performing chest compressions on an infant?

Correct Answer: - Using 2 fingers to compress the chest - Using both hand to encircle/ wrap around the infants thoracic region and using both thumbs to compress the chest

What are the three collisions that occur in a MVC?

Correct Answer: - Vehicle hits object - Body hits the interior of the car - Organs strike in internal body structures (brain hits skull)

What is respiratory arrest?

Correct Answer: - When breathing completely stops

You have been dispatched to the scene of a possible shooting. When is it ok to leave the staging area and enter the scene?

Correct Answer: - When the scene has been deemed safe and law enforcement has requested you to enter the scene

What is retrograde amnesia?

Correct Answer: - When you can not remember the events just prior to a traumatic injury

What is the name of the bone found at the base of the sternum?

Correct Answer: - Xiphoid process

What is implied consent?

Correct Answer: - You assuming consent to treat based on the guidelines (ex: minor, unconscious, altered mental status..etc.)

Where would you check/ assess a pulse on a patient that is under the age of 1?

Correct Answer: - at Brachial artery/ take a brachial pulse

To be effective how much air intake should a suction unit be able to maintain?

Correct Answer: - at least 300 mm Hg

Where can metatarsals be found?

Correct Answer: - the foot

How many lobes does the left lung have?

Correct Answer: 2 lobes

What does KED stand for?

Correct Answer: Kendrick Extrication Device

Which lung has three lobes?

Correct Answer: Right lung

When on the scene with a family member of a patient who has died, what should you say? a. " I am so sorry" b. "I know how you feel" c." This to shall pass" d." God has a plan for all of us"

Correct Answer: a. " I am so sorry"

In order to assist in the administration of nitroglycerine to a patient, his or her systolic blood pressure should be above: a. 100 mmHg b. 90 mmHg c. 110mmHg d. 120mmHg

Correct Answer: a. 100 mmHg

Stable patients should be reevaluated at minimum every..... a. 15 minutes b. 5 minutes c. 10 minutes d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. 15 minutes

You are first on the scene of a patient who is unconscious and not breathing. The only equipment you have on your person is your pocket mask. You provide artificial ventilation with the pocket mask. What concentration of oxygen is the patient receiving with each breath? a. 16% b. 21% c. 3% d. 79%

Correct Answer: a. 16%

Using the rule of nines, the posterior trunk accounts for what percentage of the body surface are on an adult? a. 18 b. 9 c. 36 d. 14

Correct Answer: a. 18

Select the correct order of treatment for the traumatic injury patient. 1. Control significant bleeding 2. BSI ( body substance isolation) 3. Airway and breathing 4. Transport decision a. 2, 3, 1, 4 b. 2, 1, 3, 4 c. 2, 3, 4, 1 d. 4, 2, 3, 1

Correct Answer: a. 2, 3, 1, 4

When a baby is born it can take up to ______________ for him or her to begin to breathe on his or her own a. 30 seconds b. 1 minute c. 2 minutes d. 3 minutes

Correct Answer: a. 30 seconds

A proper-sized BVM for neonatal resuscitation would have a _____ mL reservoir. a. 450 b. 550 c. 250 d. 600

Correct Answer: a. 450

After the administration of nitroglycerine, blood pressure should be taken within ________ minutes after each dose. a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 2

Correct Answer: a. 5

A geriatric patient is considere to be a patient who is_______________ or older a. 65 b.75 c. 55 d. 60

Correct Answer: a. 65

There are _____________ cranial nerves a. 7 b. 12 c. 9 d. 10

Correct Answer: a. 7

Which of the following is more emergent? a. A child who is not crying and has poor muscle tone and pale skin b. A screaming child with a laceration to the back of the head c. A child with a humeral fracture and bruising to the face d. A whimpering child who is afraid of you

Correct Answer: a. A child who is not crying and has poor muscle tone and pale skin

An indication for the insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway would be: a. A patient who will not tolerate an oropharygenal airway b. Severe head injury with blood draining from nose c. A deviated septum d. Basilar skull fracture

Correct Answer: a. A patient who will not tolerate an oropharygenal airway

When caring for a patient with documented hypoglycemia, you should be MOST alert for: a. A seizure b. An acute stroke c. Respiratory distress d.A febrile convulsion

Correct Answer: a. A seizure

The electrical impulse is held in the ________ for a fraction of a second to allow for the filling of the ventricles a. AV node b. SA node c. Purkinje fibers d. Bundle of His

Correct Answer: a. AV node

Which of the following is NOT part of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale? a. Ability to swallow b. Facial droop c. Arm drift d. Abnormal Speech

Correct Answer: a. Ability to swallow

Your patient is a 20 year old male who has been in a motorcycle accident. Because of clues from the mechanism of injury on the scene, spinal and head injuries are suspected. After your initial assessment, how often should you reassess vital signs? a. After every intervention b. Every 15 minutes c. Continuously during transport d. Every 30 seconds

Correct Answer: a. After every intervention

What is the name of the safety system for large, compressed gas cylinders, such as those with medical oxygen? a. American standard safety system b. Pin index safety system c. Oxygen safety system d. Compressed gas safety system

Correct Answer: a. American standard safety system

The fetus develops inside a membrane called the: a. Amniotic sac b. Placenta c. Uterine wall d. Fallopian tube

Correct Answer: a. Amniotic sac

A carcinogenic effect is: a. An increase in the risk of an individual developing cancer b. An increase in the risk of developing an embryo having physical effects c. A permeant change in the individuals DNA d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. An increase in the risk of an individual developing cancer

You should select the correct size oropharyngeal airway for a child by measuring from the a. Angle of the jaw to the corner of the mouth. b. Central incisor to the angle of the jaw. c. Central incisor to the tragus of the ear. d. Corner of the mouth to the cricoid cartilage.

Correct Answer: a. Angle of the jaw to the corner of the mouth.

The topographic anatomical term for the front side of the body is: a. Anterior b. Dorsal c. Inferior d. Medial

Correct Answer: a. Anterior

You are assessing a hypertensive patient with epistaxis. After scene safety and BSI precautions have been taken, you should first: a. Apply direct pressure, squeezing both nostrils b. Lay the patient flat c. Apply supplemental oxygen d. Attempt to calm and reassure the patient

Correct Answer: a. Apply direct pressure, squeezing both nostrils

Arteries become smaller and smaller until the develop into: a. Arterioles b. Capillaries c. Venules d. Alveoli

Correct Answer: a. Arterioles

When caring for a rape victim, it is important to discourage the patient from: a. Bathing or douching b. Reporting the crime c. Talking about feelings d. Naming the assailant

Correct Answer: a. Bathing or douching

You respond to a patient who has a behavioral emergency. The patient states that he hears voices talking to him and the voices are telling him to kill. You should: a. Believe him and be alert to possible violence b. Try to talk sense into him c. Tell him that the voices are not real d. Restrain him until law enforcement arrives for assistance

Correct Answer: a. Believe him and be alert to possible violence

You are treating a patient with severe arterial bleeding to the right forearm, which has not slowed with direct pressure and elevation. After applying pressure dressing, at what pressure point would you apply pressure? a. Brachial artery b. Radial artery c. Carotid artery d. Subclavian artery

Correct Answer: a. Brachial artery

The heel bone is also called the: a. Calcaneus b. Malleolus c. Carpal d. Patella

Correct Answer: a. Calcaneus

If you see the potential for a possible encounter during a scene size up, you should: a. Call for additional resources b. Find something to use as a weapon c. Enter the scene carefully d. Lock the ambulance

Correct Answer: a. Call for additional resources

Your patient has fallen off a bike and has abrasions to his right knee. Which type of bleeding corresponds to this injury? a. Capillary b. Venous c. Arterial d. Internal

Correct Answer: a. Capillary

When treating a patient who has suffered an electrical burn, you should be alert for the possibility of: a. Cardiac Arrest b. Internal bleeding c. Heat shock d. Allergic reaction

Correct Answer: a. Cardiac arrest

Your patient is a 25 year old male who has had two seizures within the last hour. He shows no signs of drug or alcohol. He now states that he feels fine and refuses both transport and further treatment. You should: a. Carefully document every attempt you make to provide care b. Obtain an order for tranquilizers from the medical direction physician c. Call for police back up to help restrain the patient d. Leave the patient immediately to avoid being sued for battery

Correct Answer: a. Carefully document every attempt you make to provide care

What part of the spinal cord innervates the diaphragm? a. Cervical spine b. Thoracic spine c. Lumbar spine d. all of the spine innervates the diaphragm

Correct Answer: a. Cervical spine

A 65 year old female is complaining of chest pressure, difficulty breathing and is pale. she presents supine in bed. What should you do before sitting her up? a. Check her blood pressure to make sure it is adequate b. Do nothing sit her up right away c. Help the patient administer her own nitroglycerine tablets d. Check her pupils and make sure that they are reactive

Correct Answer: a. Check her blood pressure to make sure it is adequate

A fracture in which the bone is broken into more than 2 fragments is a(n) a. Comminuted fracture b. Greenstick fracture c. Pathological fracture d. Epiphyscial fracture

Correct Answer: a. Comminuted fracture

Bleeding caused by a wound to one large artery or vein can usually be controlled by: a. Concentrated direct pressure b. diffuse direct pressure c. Pressure points d. Extremity elevations

Correct Answer: a. Concentrated direct pressure

A normal pupil reaction to shining a bright light into an eye would be the ________________ of the pupil a. Constriction b. Dilation c. Unequal reaction d. Unresponsiveness

Correct Answer: a. Constriction

What would be the appropriate treatment of a partial thickness burn to the back with an 18% body surface area? a. Cover the burned area with a dry sterile dressing b. Cover the area with a moistened, sterile dressing c. Apply antibiotic ointment and cover with a dry sterile dressing d. Use a needle to decompress the fluid filled blisters and apply a moistened sterile dressing

Correct Answer: a. Cover the burned area with a dry sterile dressing

Which of the following is NOT a sign of respiratory distress in children? a. Crying b. Head bobbing c. Retractions d. Grunting

Correct Answer: a. Crying

You are responding to a patient who has overdosed on sedatives. You would expect his respirations to be: a. Decreased and shallow b. Decreased and deep c. Increased and shallow d. Increased and deep

Correct Answer: a. Decreased and shallow

You have responded to a patient who has had a sudden onset of unconsciousness and unresponsiveness. His family states that he has an Automated Implantable Defibrillator (AICD). He has no pulse and is in V-fib. You should: a. Defibrillate this patient at the normal voltage b. Decrease the voltage and administer a shock c. not defibrillate, a patient with an internal defibrillator d. Start CPR, but withhold defibrillation

Correct Answer: a. Defibrillate this patient at the normal voltage

The elbow is ________________ to the shoulder. a. Distal b. Proximal c. Medial d. Lateral

Correct Answer: a. Distal

The knee is _______________ to the hip a. Distal b. Proximal c. Posterior d. Anterior

Correct Answer: a. Distal

Injuries to the spine that cause the individual vertebrae to pull apart and separate from one another is called a. Distraction injuries b. Compression injuries c. Extension injuries d. Displaced injuries

Correct Answer: a. Distraction injuries

The Sellicks maneuver is performed by applying ______________ pressure on the cricoid cartilage a. Downward b. Upward c. Backward d. Frontward

Correct Answer: a. Downward

While obtaining a 12 lead ECG prior to ALS arrival, you note the presence of artifacts on the tracing. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of this? a. Excessive movement of the patient b. Abnormal cardiac electrical activity c. Incorrect placements of the leads d. The patient's pulse is irregular

Correct Answer: a. Excessive movement of the patient

A DOT hazard class 1 indicates: a. Explosives b. Combustible liquids c. Gases d. Infections substances

Correct Answer: a. Explosives

The strongest bone in the body is the: a. Femur b. Skull c. Pelvis d. Hummerus

Correct Answer: a. Femur

After the head emerges when delivering a baby you should: a. Guide the head downwards as the upper shoulders appear b. Suction the nostrils c. Suction the mouth d. Feel at the neck to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around it

Correct Answer: a. Guide the head downwards as the upper shoulders appear

The orange section of the Emergency Response Guidebook: a. Has all the safety recommendations b. List hazardous materials in alphabetical order based on their name c. Provide information on a safe distances d. List hazardous materials, based on a specific identification number

Correct Answer: a. Has all the safety recommendations

What does HIPAA stand for? a. Health insurance portability and accountability act b. Health information portability and accountability act c. Health Information provability and accountability act d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Health insurance portability and accountability act

Which of the following is an indication that the artificial ventilation is inadequate? a. Heart rate does not return to normal range b. There is adequate chest rise and fall c. The heart rate returns to normal range d. The ventilations are administered at a proper rate for the patient's age

Correct Answer: a. Heart rate does not return to normal range

Which of the following in NOT a safety feature of high-pressure oxygen cylinders? a. High pressure port b. Color coding c. PIN indexing system d. Pressure relief valve

Correct Answer: a. High pressure port

The gland that is responsible for metabolism regulation is the: a. Thyroid b. Pituitary c. Pancreas d. Adrenal

Correct Answer: a. Thyroid

You are assessing a minor who has fallen off her bike and has obvious deformity to her upper extremity. She needs to be evaluated at the hospital, but her parents are not available. You are able to treat and transport this patient under: a. Implied consent b. Informed consent c. The Good Samaritan law d. Expressed consent

Correct Answer: a. Implied consent

In an infant, what may bulging fontanels indicate? a. Increased intracranial pressure b. Increased blood pressure c. Dehydration d. Abuse

Correct Answer: a. Increased intracranial pressure

Approximately 80% of all poisonings are by: a. Ingestion b. Inhalation c. Surface contact d. Injection

Correct Answer: a. Ingestion

Presence of meconium a. Is a risk factor for fetal distress b. Is a normal finding c. Is only emergent if the baby is in respiratory distress d. Occurs in 80% of births

Correct Answer: a. Is a risk factor for fetal distress

Which of the following statements is true? a. It is easier to provide ventilations when using a BVM or the mouth - to - mask technique when dentures are left in place b. Dentures should be removed when providing ventilations c. Tight fitting dentures make it more difficult to obtain a proper face to mask seal d. Dentures will cause an inadequate tidal volume to be administered when ventilating a patient

Correct Answer: a. It is easier to provide ventilations when using a BVM or the mouth - to - mask technique when dentures are left in place

You are assessing a patient who was struck by a car. He has pain and swelling over his upper right quadrant and appears to be developing shock symptoms. You suspect: a. Lacerated liver b. Splenetic rupture c. Injuries to the right kidney d. Traumatic injury to the large bowel

Correct Answer: a. Lacerated liver

To check for a carotid pulse, place your fingers ______ to the larynx a. Lateral b. Superiorly c. Distal d. Proximal

Correct Answer: a. Lateral

You respond to a dispatch of an unknown medical event. As you arrive on scene an elderly gentleman greets you at the door and motions you to step inside. you are directed to the rear of the house, where an elderly woman presents to you sitting on the bed. she appears to be in severe respiratory distress..... Which of the following signs would you assess for first? a. lung sounds b. Abdominal tenderness c. Presence of a pedal pulse d. Swelling in her fingers

Correct Answer: a. Lung sounds

Your patient has a fractured lower jaw bone this bone is known as the: a. Mandible b. Maxilla c. occiput d. zygoma

Correct Answer: a. Mandible

To assist in the delivery of the placenta: a. Massage the mother's abdomen in a circular motion b. Gently pull on the umbilical cord c. Tell the mother to push continuously after birth d. Do not worry about the delivery of the placenta

Correct Answer: a. Massage the mother's abdomen in a circular motion

What is the medical term for the passage of dark tarry stools that is indicative of lower gastrointestinal bleeding? a. Melena b. Hematochezia c. Epistaxis d. Hemoptysis

Correct Answer: a. Melena

You would assess a patient's breath sounds by placing your stethoscope over the midaxillary line and the: a. Midclavicular line b. Sternum c. cricoid notch d. xiphoid process

Correct Answer: a. Midclavicular line

Which of the following is presumptive sign of death? a. No systolic blood pressure b. Lividity c. Rigor mortis d. Putrefaction

Correct Answer: a. No systolic blood pressure

You are dispatched to a call of an infant with shortness of breath. Upon assessing the infant, you are ascertain that the respiratory rate is 32 the finding is: a. Normal b. Agonal c. Tachypneic d. Shallow

Correct Answer: a. Normal

Infants primarily breath through their: a. Noses b. Mouths c. Nose and mouths d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Noses

The scene size up should include: a. Number of injuries, if known b. The surrounding buildings' addresses c. The number of law enforcement on the scene d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Number of injuries, if known

When performing CPR on an an adult patient how deeply should the chest be depressed? a. One and a half inch to two inches b. One half to one inch c. One to one and half inches d. Two inches to three inches

Correct Answer: a. One and a half inch to two inches

Which of the following statements is true? a. Only some infectious diseases are contagious but all contagious diseases are infectious b. All infectious diseases are contagious c. Some contagious diseases are infectious d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Only some infectious diseases are contagious but all contagious diseases are infectious

Your patient is a 62 year old male who has survived a serious car crash. He is unconscious, cyanotic, and bleeding profusely from a thigh wound. Breathing is rapid and shallow. Other injuries are suspected. In which order should you provide care? a. Open the airway and provide oxygen, control bleeding, immobilize and transport b. Immobilize, control bleeding, transport open the airway and provide oxygen c. Open the airway and provide oxygen, immobilize, control bleeding and transport d. Control bleeding, open the airway and provide oxygen, immobilize and transport

Correct Answer: a. Open the airway and provide oxygen, control bleeding, immobilize and transport (ABC's first, immobilize after)

The heart is covered by a fibrous sac called the a. Pericardium b. Epicardium c. Visceral pleura d. Parietal pleura

Correct Answer: a. Pericardium

You are assessing a patient who has overdosed on cocaine. You would expect his pupils to be: a. Pinpoint b. Dilated c. Normal d. Unequal

Correct Answer: a. Pinpoint

When applying a bandage or a dressing to a hand, you should put the hand in what position? a. Position of function b. Slightly flexed c. Slightly extended d. Flat

Correct Answer: a. Position of function

What is the name for an emotionally unjustified erection seen with spinal cord injury patients? a. Priapism b. Spinal phallus c. Genourinary sign d. Foley response

Correct Answer: a. Priapism

In a breech presentation, if the mother does not deliver within ten minutes of presentation what should you do? a. Promptly transport the mother to the hospital b. Gently massage the mother's abdomen in a circular motion c. Gently pull on the presented part of the infant d. Lay the mother left lateral recumbent and tell her to keep her knees together

Correct Answer: a. Promptly transport the mother to the hospital

The most important treatment intervention for shock is to maintain an open airway and to: a. Provide 100% oxygen b. Ventilate the patient with a bag valve mask c. Provide 100 ml of fluid every 15 minutes d. Splint and bandage all wounds

Correct Answer: a. Provide patient with 100% oxygen

Pink frothy sputum us typically seen with a patient who has: a. Pulmonary edema b. COPD c. Asthma d. ARD's

Correct Answer: a. Pulmonary edema

If a clinical problem is identified in the EMS service, a plan is developed and implemented to reduce further occurrences of the same problem this is called: a. Quality improvement b. Call - sheet review c. Ongoing system redesign d. Quality assurance

Correct Answer: a. Quality improvement

In the early stage of hypoglycemia, respirations will be: a. Rapid b. Slow c. Normal d. Deep

Correct Answer: a. Rapid

Besides ventricular fibrillation, the second rhythm that the AED considers shockable is: a. Rapid ventricular tachycardia b. Asystole c. Atrial fibrillation d. Pulseless electrical activity

Correct Answer: a. Rapid ventricular tachycardia

What component of blood is responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from tissues of the body? a. Red blood cells b. Plasma c. White blood cells d. Platelets

Correct Answer: a. Red blood cells

You are assessing a non-gravid female with profuse vaginal bleeding after an unknown injury. She has a tear noted just outside of the vagina. Treatment should include all of the following EXCEPT to: a. Remove the foreign body b. Apply a sterile moist compress to the tear c. Perform an ongoing assessment d. Apply local pressure

Correct Answer: a. Remove the foreign body

The main purpose of the detailed physical examination is to: a. Reveal hidden or less obvious injuries b. Detect changes in the patients condition c. Obtain a complete medical history d. Check vital signs and breath sounds

Correct Answer: a. Reveal hidden or less obvious injuries

The correct way to stimulate a newborn to breathe is to: a. Rub his or her back or flick the soles of his or her feet b. Postion him or her with her head higher than the body c. Suction his or her nose and then mouth d. Smack him or her gently on the buttocks

Correct Answer: a. Rub his or her back or flick the soles of his or her feet

Another name for the shoulder blade is the a. Scapula b. Sternum c. Clavicle d. Ischium

Correct Answer: a. Scapula

You are assessing a patient who has sustained an injury to the elbow. He is unable to straighten his elbow. Which of the following would be correct when splinting this patient? a. Secure the entire extremity b. Place the extremity in a bent position and apply a sling and swathe c. Do not splint the extremity d. Have the patient hold his arm in a position of comfort

Correct Answer: a. Secure the entire extremity

The APGAR score after one minute should be: a. Seven or greater b. Five c. Between one and five d. Three or greater

Correct Answer: a. Seven or greater

Your patient has an impaled object in the thigh you should: a. Stabilize the object with a bulky dressing b. remove the object, then apply direct pressure c. Remove the object, applying direct pressure and then applying a pressure dressing d. Leave the object alone

Correct Answer: a. Stabilize the object with a bulky dressing

You are treating a 39 year old female who has been in a motor vehicle accident. She has a suspected broken arm and leg, moderate bleeding from the leg wound and signs and symptoms of early shock. Vital signs are pulse 96 bpm and thready, respirations are 28 per minute and shallow, BP is 110/78. Your treatment should focus on: a. Stabilizing the patient and transporting her to the hospital b. Carefully splinting and bandaging all the patients injuries c. Performing a detailed trauma assessment in the field d. Opening the airway and monitoring vital signs every 15 minutes

Correct Answer: a. Stabilizing the patient and transporting her to the hospital

You arrive on the scene to find a patient in the beginning of the second stage of labor. You should: a. Stay on the scene and deliver the baby b. Transport immediately c. Contact medical control for orders d. All of the above

Correct Answer: a. Stay on the scene and deliver the baby

When the aortic valve closes blood flow: a. Stops b. Continues into the ventricles c. Slows to allow filling of the atria d. Increases in order to travel to the peripheral arteries

Correct Answer: a. Stops

You should evaluate the severity of a patients hyperthermia by assessing the: a. Temperature of the skin b. Color of the skin c. Blood pressure d. Presence of muscle cramps

Correct Answer: a. Temperature of the skin

Which of the following would cause obstructive shock? a. Tension pnuemothorax b. Massive myocardial infarction c. Severe blood loss d. Anaphylactic shock

Correct Answer: a. Tension pnuemothorax

You respond to the elementary school for an 8 year old girl with an altered LOC. The school nurse tells you that the patient has been acting strangely and may have a behavioral emergency. You should first suspect: a. That she is most likely having a diabetic emergency b. That she has not taken her psychiatric meds regularly c. That she is faking it when she wants to get out of the test d. A possible head injury

Correct Answer: a. That she is most likely having a diabetic emergency

Infarction means: a. The death of tissue b. Inadequate tissue perfusion c. Decreased blood flow d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. The death of tissue

Which of the following is the narrowest part of the airway in an adult? a. The glottis opening b. The carina c. The epiglottis d. The bronchus

Correct Answer: a. The glottis opening

When referring to a medication, the _____________________ name is the name that a pharmaceutical company gives to the medication. a. Trade b. Generic c. Chemical d. Proper

Correct Answer: a. Trade

Preeclampsia typically develops after the __________ weeks of pregnancy a. Twentieth b. Thirtieth c. Twenty- eighth d. Thirty - six

Correct Answer: a. Twentieth

The gall bladder is located in the: a. Upper right quadrant b. Upper left quadrant c. Lower right quadrant d. Lower left quadrant

Correct Answer: a. Upper right quadrant

During exhalation the diaphragm moves: a. Upward b. Downward c. Inward d. Side to side

Correct Answer: a. Upward

Nitroglycerin is a: a. Vasodilator b. Antiarrhythmic c. Antispasmodic d. Vasoconstrictor

Correct Answer: a. Vasodilator

In addition to the atria and the ventricles ___________ also contain valves to prevent back flow of blood a. Veins b. Arteries c. Arterioles d. Bronchioles

Correct Answer: a. Veins

What carries blood from the body to the right atrium? a. Vena cava b. Aorta c. Pulmonary vein d. Pulmonary artery

Correct Answer: a. Vena cava

Effective therapeutic communication skills require _________. a. Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques b. English- speaking patients or family members c. Supervision by advanced life support personnel d. Correct use of complex medical terminology

Correct Answer: a. Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques

Which of the following will help improve radio communications? a. Wait 1 second after pressing the transmit button before speaking b. Hold the radio at least 6 inches from your mouth c. Use codes to speed communications d. Answer questions with yes or no

Correct Answer: a. Wait 1 second after pressing the transmit button before speaking

Which of the following is an accurate indicator of oxygenation and ventilation in a pediatric patient? a. Work of breathing b. Respiratory rate c. Breath sounds d. Pulse oximeter reading

Correct Answer: a. Work of breathing

Your trauma patient has an amputated foot. How should you care for an amputated foot? a. Wrap it in a sterile dressing, then in plastic, and keep it cool. b. Immerse it in a tub of ice water and transport it with the patient. c. Put it inside the PASG and inflate the other leg of the garment. d. Put the foot back on the leg and then splint it in place.

Correct Answer: a. Wrap it in a sterile dressing, then in plastic, and keep it cool.

Breathing concentrations of carbon dioxide greater than __________________ will result in death within minutes. a. 5% b. 10% c. 2% d. 7%

Correct Answer: b. 10%

A blood loss of ___________ in an infant can be life threatening. a. 50 - 75 cc b. 100 - 200 cc c. 75 - 100 cc d. 50 cc

Correct Answer: b. 100 - 200 cc

The optimal landing zone should be established on level ground, free of debris and measure a. 60 feet by 60 feet b. 100 feet by 100 feet c. 50 feet by 50 feet d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. 100 feet by 100 feet

Your patient opens her eyes to the sound of your voice, withdraws from pain and is confused. Her GCS is: a. 12 b. 11 c. 13 d. 9

Correct Answer: b. 11

In a patient with an arterial bleed, what is the order in which you should attempt to stop the severe bleeding? 1. Tourniquet 2. Direct pressure 3. Elevation 4. Pressure point a. 4, 3, 2, 1 b. 2, 3, 4, 1 c. 3, 4, 1, 2 d. 1 only

Correct Answer: b. 2, 3, 4, 1

A combustible liquid is considered a DOT Hazard Class a. 2 b. 3 c. 9 d. 6

Correct Answer: b. 3

What it the ventilation rate for children who are experiencing brain herniation? a. 20 breaths per minute b. 30 breaths per minute c. 40 breaths per minute d. 12 breaths per minute

Correct Answer: b. 30 breaths per minute

When performing CPR on an infant deliver __________________ ventilations and ________________ compressions per minute a. 20, 100 b. 36, 100 c. 60, 100 d. 60, 120

Correct Answer: b. 36, 100

The assessment of the airway should take no longer than: a. 15 seconds b. 5 seconds c. 10 seconds d. 30 seconds

Correct Answer: b. 5 seconds

A patient who weighs 130 pounds weighs approximately______________________ kilograms. a. 100 b. 59 c. 120 d. 70

Correct Answer: b. 59

What should the oxygen flow rate be set to when using a small volume nebulizer? a. 4-6 LPM b. 6-8 LPM c. 10- 15 LPM d. 2-4 LPM

Correct Answer: b. 6-8 LPM

Using the rule of nines, each lower extremity in a pediatric patient accounts for wha percentage of body area? a. 14 b. 7 c. 9 d. 18

Correct Answer: b. 7

Which of the following would classify as a critical burn? a. A full thickness burn to the body with 8% body surface area b. A partial thickness burn to 5% of one foot c. A partial thickness burn to 25% of the body d. A superficial burn to 45% of the body

Correct Answer: b. A partial thickness burn to 5% of one foot

Which of the following is NOT a component of a BVM? a. A transparent face mask b. A rebreathing valve c. A self-refilling bag d. An oxygen reservoir

Correct Answer: b. A rebreathing valve

When auscultating the lungs of a patient with respiratory distress, you hear adventitious sounds. This means that the patient has: a. Normal breath sounds b. Abnormal breath sounds c. Diminished breath sounds d. An absence of breath sounds

Correct Answer: b. Abnormal breath sounds

During your assessment of a 20 year old man with a severe headache and nausea, you ask him when his headache began, but he's does not answer your question immediately. You should: a. Repeat your question because he probably did not hear you b. Allow him time to think about the question and respond to it c. Ask if he frequently experiences severe headaches and nausea d. Tell him that you cannot help him unless he answers your questions

Correct Answer: b. Allow him time to think about the question and respond to it

Bleeding after labor should NOT be managed by: a. Administering high flow oxygen via an NRB b. Applying a sanitary napkin into the vagina c. Placing the infant on the mother's chest and allowing him/ her to nurse d. Placing the mother left laterally recumbent

Correct Answer: b. Applying a sanitary napkin into the vagina ( never place anything inside the vagina to control bleeding )

Another term for an abnormal cardiac rhythm is: a. Cardiomyopathy b. Arrhythmia c. Asystole d. Tachypnea

Correct Answer: b. Arrhythmia

The type of injury that is characterized by the underlying tissues being forcibly torn away is called an: a. Amputation b. Avulsion c. Penetration d. Laceration

Correct Answer: b. Avulsion

Your first preparation for the delivery of an infant should be: a. Notifying the receiving facility b. BSI precautions c. Applying oxygen to the mother d. Preparing a sterile environment

Correct Answer: b. BSI precautions

Of the following injuries which should receive a yellow tag when triaged? a. Uncontrolled bleeding b. Back injury with possible spinal cord damage c. Decreased level of consciousness d. Minor fractures

Correct Answer: b. Back injury with possible spinal cord damage

Tuberculosis is a ___________________ organism a. Viral b. Bacterial c. Dormant d. Genetic

Correct Answer: b. Bacterial

The CombiTube is a a. Single lumen device b. Blind insertion device c. Triple lumen device d. Device to be used under direct laryngoscopy

Correct Answer: b. Blind insertion device

The central nervous system consists of the: a. Brain b. Brain and spinal cord c. Brain and sensory nerves d. Spinal cord

Correct Answer: b. Brain and spinal cord

A condition that is caused by the heart's inability to pump and leads to an overload of fluid in the tissues is: a. COPD b. CHF c. Chronic bronchitis d. Asthma

Correct Answer: b. CHF

When assessing circulation in a pediatric patient with a weak pulse, check the ____________ pulse if the patient is older than one year a. Brachial b. Carotid c. Radial d. Popliteal

Correct Answer: b. Carotid

Of the following which is characterized by rapid, deep respirations that are usually present with strokes or head injuries? a. Kussmaul's respirations b. Central neurogenic hyperventilation c. Cheyne stokes respirations d. Hypoxic respirations

Correct Answer: b. Central neurogenic hyperventilation

The ___________ cavity contains the great vessels a. Abdominal b. Chest (thorax) c. Retroperitoneal d. Vertebral

Correct Answer: b. Chest (thorax)

You are assisting with a delivery in the field. As the baby's head is born, you find that the cord is wrapped tightly around the infants neck and cannot be dislodged. You should: a. Transport the mother immediately in the knee/chest position b. Clamp the cord in two places and cut it between the clamps c. Pull hard on the cord to force the placenta to deliver immediately d. Exert gentle pressure on the baby's head to slow delivery

Correct Answer: b. Clamp the cord in two places and cut it between the clamps

A patient who has a compression injury may develop a serious condition in which fluid can leak in the spaces between cells. Blood vessels also become compressed, inhibiting blood flow to surrounding tissues. This condition is called a. Compression syndorme b. Compartment syndrome c. Decompression syndrome d. A hematoma

Correct Answer: b. Compartment syndrome

During your focused history and physical exam of an unresponsive patient, you should first: a. Obtain vital signs, and then gather OPQRST from the patient b. Conduct a rapid physical assessment and then obtain vital signs c. Gather a SAMPLE history and then OPQRST from the patient d. Request ALS and regina detailed head to toe exam

Correct Answer: b. Conduct a rapid physical assessment and then obtain vital signs

You are called to the residence of a woman who is in labor. Examination of her genitalia shows that she has a limb presentation. You should: a. Lightly pull on the exposed limb to assist in delivery b. Cover the limb with a sterile towel and transport the woman immediately c. Coach the woman to breathe and push d. Insert two fingers into the vagina to relieve the pressure on the limb

Correct Answer: b. Cover the limb with a sterile towel and transport the woman immediately

A 36 year old male is a restrained passenger in a car crash. He complains of pain to his right leg. While assessing his leg you palpate for: a. Distention b. Deformity c. Defasciculation d. Debridement

Correct Answer: b. Deformity

You are called to the residence of a patient who is complaining of abdominal pain. He tells you that he took a hard hit while playing football two nights ago. Upon examination, you find signs of internal bleeding. You should suspect a. Abdominal aortic aneurysm b. Delayed rupture of the spleen c. Rib fractures d. Appendicitis

Correct Answer: b. Delayed rupture of the spleen

Which of the following is the medical term for double vision? a. Dysplopia b. Diplopia c. Photophobia d. Conjunctival vision

Correct Answer: b. Diplopia

You respond to a child with unknown respiratory problems. You find that the child has a tracheostomy tube and is on a ventilator. The ventilator is malfunctioning. You should: a. Reset the ventilator settings b. Disconnect the ventilator and ventilate the child using a BVM connected to a tracheostomy tube c. Contact medical control d. Suction the airway

Correct Answer: b. Disconnect the ventilator and ventilate the child using a BVM connected to a tracheostomy tube

Radioactive material can kill or injure by: a. Burning the surface of the skin b. Disrupting cellular functions c. Creating severe deep burns d. Infectious substances

Correct Answer: b. Disrupting cellular functions

Which one of the meninges is closest to the skull? a. Pia mater b. Dura mater c. Arachnoid mater d. Corpus callosum

Correct Answer: b. Dura mater

The best treatment for ventricular fibrillation is: a. High flow oxygen b. Early defibrillation c. Early CPR d. Early administration of antiarrythmic medications

Correct Answer: b. Early defibrillation

A controllable risk factor for coronary artery disease is: a. Gender b. Elevated blood glucose c. Family history of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Elevated blood glucose

What is the outer layer of the heart called? a. Visceral pleura b. Epicardium c. Pericardium d. Myocardium

Correct Answer: b. Epicardium

If you are the initial unit to arrive on the scene of a multi casualty incident, you should first: a. Report to the command post for assignment b. Establish command c. Begin Triaging patients d. Start treating patients appropriately

Correct Answer: b. Establish command

You have applied the PASG to a patient. You should monitor the vital signs a. Every 10 minutes b. Every 5 minutes c. Every 15 minutes d. Once before the application and then again after the application

Correct Answer: b. Every 5 minutes

A competent adult patient who gives permission to treat does so with: a. Implied consent b. Expressed consent c. Informed consent d. Alert consent

Correct Answer: b. Expressed consent

After week eight, the embryo is now called a: a. Zygote b. Fetus c. Neonate d. Zygoma

Correct Answer: b. Fetus

The laryngeal mask airway was initially designed a. For the use of EMT's in the field b. For use in a controlled environment, such as the operating room c. For use by the military d. To allow the patient to step down from a more invasive device when healing

Correct Answer: b. For use in a controlled environment, such as the operating room

Which of the following is true regarding gastric distention? a. Gastric distention most commonly affects children b. Gastric distention can significantly reduce lung volume c. Fast, gentle breaths should be administered to avoid gastric distention d. In all patients, if you notice the gastric distention is occurring while administering ventilations, reposition and head and apply cricoid

Correct Answer: b. Gastric distention can significantly reduce lung volume

The body's three stage response to stress is referred to as the: a. Fight or flight response b. General adaption syndrome c. Critical incident stress management d. Physiological response

Correct Answer: b. General adaption syndrome

The __________refers to the time from injury to definitive care in which each treatment of a trauma patient's injuries and shock should occur in order to maximize the chance of survival. a. Platinum ten minutes b. Golden hour c. Bronze 15 minutes d. Rapid assessment

Correct Answer: b. Golden hour

A multipara woman is one who: a. Is experiencing her first pregnancy b. Has had more than one baby born alive c. Has had one live birth d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Has had more than one baby born alive

In infants, most of their body heat is lost through their: a. Hands b. Head c. Feet d. Torso

Correct Answer: b. Head

What is most important when assessing for injuries sustained from a fall? a. The patients height b. Height of the fall c. Patients weight d. Previous injuries

Correct Answer: b. Height of the fall

A patient suffering from heatstroke will typically have what symptoms? a. Cool diaphoretic pale skin b. Hot dry flushed skin c. Normal colored warm diaphoretic skin d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Hot dry flushed skin

If a diabetic patient takes his insulin but does not eat, the condition that he may develop is called: a. Diabetic ketoacidosis b. Hypoglycemia c. Hyperglycemia d. Diabetic coma

Correct Answer: b. Hypoglycemia

Your patient is a 23 year old male who has suffered possible spinal trauma while playing football. He is still wearing his sports helmet as you begin your initial assessment. When should you remove his helmet? a. When it is time to apply a cervical collar b. If it prevents you from assessing the airway c. Before you position him on the long board d. When you assess his level of consciousness

Correct Answer: b. If it prevents you from assessing the airway

The _____ arteries supply blood to the pelvis, groin and legs a. Femoral b. Iliac c. Popliteal d. Posterior tibial

Correct Answer: b. Iliac

The first incident management system was known as the: a. National incident management system b. Incident command system c. Incident management system d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Incident command system

The individual who has overall command of the scene in the field is the: a. Battalion chief b. Incident commander c. Medical director d. State officer

Correct Answer: b. Incident commander

In compensated shock, the respirations will be: a. Normal b. Increased c. Decreased d. Agonal

Correct Answer: b. Increased

What is an early sign of shock? a. Decreased pulse rate b. Increased pulse rate c. Altered mental status d. Decreased blood pressure

Correct Answer: b. Increased pulse rate

Removing the patient from a vehicle after a significant crash in one fast, continuous step a. Should be done to remove all individuals who have been entrapped b. Increases risk of harm c. Should be performed when there is a death of an occupant in the car d. Is not necessary

Correct Answer: b. Increases risk of harm

Your concern for potentially serious underlying injuries is called: a. Cause for concern b. Index of suspicion c. Nature of injury d. Mechanism of injury

Correct Answer: b. Index of suspicion

You are dispatched to a residence for a 66 year old male who, according to family members, has suffered a massive stroke. Your primary assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. You should: a. Assess the patient for a facial droop and hemiparesis b. Initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible c. Obtain blood glucose sample to rule out hypoglycemia d. Perform CPR for 5 minutes before applying the AED

Correct Answer: b. Initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible

Red blood cells are also called: a. Leukocytes b. Monocytes c. Erythrocytes d. Platelets

Correct Answer: c. Erythrocytes

The largest organ of the the body is part of the: a. Circulatory system b. Integumentary system c. Endocrine system d. Respiratory system

Correct Answer: b. Integumentary system

Your patient is a 43 year old female pedestrian who was hit by a car. No spinal trauma is suspected, but the patient is showing signs of early shock and has a tender abdomen. You should strongly suspect: a. Head injury b. Internal bleeding c. Evisceration d. Impaled objects

Correct Answer: b. Internal bleeding

Because of the blockage ( partial or complete) of blood flow through the coronary arteries, the heart muscle and other tissues fail to get enough oxygen. This insufficient amount of oxygen is called: a. Cellular death b. Ischemia c. Narcosis d.Atherosclerosis

Correct Answer: b. Ischemia

Approximately 25% of severe injuries to the aorta occur during: a. Frontal collisions b. Lateral collisions c. Rollover collisions d. Rear- end collisions

Correct Answer: b. Lateral collisions

The term power lift refers to using muscle groups in your: a. Back b. Legs c. Arms d. Abdomen

Correct Answer: b. Legs

Which of the following is a sign of a superficial local cold injury? a. Swelling b. Loss of feeling and sensation in an injury c. Blisters d. White, waxy skin

Correct Answer: b. Loss of feeling and sensation in an injury

Which of the following is a curved force that can be used to remove a foreign body from a patients mouth? a. McWhirter prongs b. Magil forceps c. Miller blades d. Magoo prongs

Correct Answer: b. Magil forceps

The most difficult aspect of providing artificial ventilations with a BVM is: a. Administering the proper tidal volume for the patient b. Maintaining a seal on the patients face c. Squeezing the bag d. Refilling the bag

Correct Answer: b. Maintaining a seal on the patients face

How do you measure the nasopharyngeal airway size needed prior to placement? a. Measure from the tip of the nose to the angle of the jaw b. Measure from the tip of nose to the earlobe c. Measure from the corner of the mouth to the angle of the jaw d. Measure from the tip of the nose to the top of the ear

Correct Answer: b. Measure from the tip of nose to the earlobe

You are communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that: a. Your questions should focus exclusively on the patient's obvious problem b. Most older people think clearly and are capable of answering questions c. Hostility and confusion should be presumed due to the patients age d. Speaking loudly and distinctly will ensure that the patient can hear you

Correct Answer: b. Most older people think clearly and are capable of answering questions

The airway of a child can become easily obstructed because, in comparison with an adult, a child has a: a. Shorter airway and more secretions b. Narrower airway and larger tongue c. Smaller nose and mouth d. Faster breathing rate

Correct Answer: b. Narrower airway and larger tongue

What causes the high- pitched sound in wheezing? a. Foreign body b. Narrowing of the airways c. A fall in carbon dioxide levels d. Mucous in the airway

Correct Answer: b. Narrowing of the airways

You are assessing a patient who is unconscious and unresponsive. You notice that he has agonal respirations. you have determined this because agonal respirations are characterized by: a. Deep, slow breaths b. Occasional gasping breaths c. Rapid shallow breaths d. Slow shallow breaths

Correct Answer: b. Occasional gasping breaths

When preparing to obtain a 12 lead ECG, the V1 and V2 electrodes should be placed: a. In the midclavicular line b. On either side of the sternum c. In the midaxillary line d. on the left and right arms

Correct Answer: b. On either side of the sternum

You and your partner have just delivered a neonate. After warming, drying, suctioning and administering tactile stimulation to the baby she is still not breathing. Your next action should be: a. Chest compression b. Oxygen c. Bag- valve- mask ventilations d. Intubation

Correct Answer: b. Oxygen

What type of burn involves the epidermis and varying layers of the dermis? a. Superficial burn b. Partial thickness burn c. Full thickness burn d. Combination burn

Correct Answer: b. Partial thickness burn

Anyone who leaves a hazard zone (hot zone) must: a. Remove their clothes prior to leaving b. Pass through the decontamination area c. Obtain permission from the incident commander d. All of the above

Correct Answer: b. Pass through the decontamination area

The areas for greatest concern of internal blood loss are the chest abdomen and _______________ a. Thighs b. Pelvis c. Brain d. Lower extremities

Correct Answer: b. Pelvis

Another term for whooping cough is: a. Stridor b. Pertussis c. Pneumonia d. SARS

Correct Answer: b. Pertussis

Which of the following is the membrane that lies directly over the brain tissue? a. Dura mater b. Pia mater c. Arachnoid membrane d. Cranial membrane

Correct Answer: b. Pia mater

The best way to treat a patient who has a large spurting laceration on the head is to: a. Apply pressure to the carotid artery b. Place a gloved hand over gauze while holding constant, firm pressure c. Apply a bandage and dressing to the head d. All of the above

Correct Answer: b. Place a gloved hand over gauze while holding constant, firm pressure

The proper technique for applying the PASG to a patient with a suspected spinal injury is to: a. Immobilize the patient to a long spinal board before applying the PASG b. place the PASG on a long spine board and log roll the patient on to it c. Apply both the PASG and the long spine board while the patient is standing d. Elevate the patient's legs while applying the PASG, but don't move the pelvis

Correct Answer: b. Place the PASG on a long spine board and log roll the patient

What does the S stand for in the charting mnemonic SOAP? a. Signs and Symptoms b. Subjective c. Scene description d. Skin color

Correct Answer: b. Subjective

You respond to a patient who has amputated two digits. What should you do with the amputated digits? a. Place the digits on ice b. Place the digits in a biohazard bag and keep them cool with cold packs c. Place the digits in sterile saline d. Place the digits in a biohazard bag and dispose of them in the proper receptacle

Correct Answer: b. Place the digits in a biohazard bag and keep them cool with cold packs

The disc- shaped, temporary organ that delivers nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus is the: a. Umbilical cord b. Placenta c. Amniotic sac d. Uterus

Correct Answer: b. Placenta

A common symptom seen with a diabetic patient is excessive drinking to satisfy extreme thirst. This is also called: a. Polyuria b. Polydipsia c. Polyphagia d. Dysphagia

Correct Answer: b. Polydipsia

The type of asphyxia that can occur when you improperly restrain a patient is: a. Traumatic asphyxia b. Positional asphyxia c. Mechanical asphyxia d. Perinatal asphyxia

Correct Answer: b. Positional asphyxia

Which of the following is NOT an aim of HIPAA? a. Improving the continuity of health insurance coverage b. Preventing healthcare workers from sharing patient information c. Safeguarding patient confidentiality d. Strengthening laws for the protection of the privacy of health information

Correct Answer: b. Preventing healthcare workers from sharing patient information

If a newborn infant's respiratory effort is inadequate, your first intervention should be to a. Provide artificial ventilations at a rate of 120/min. b. Provide positive pressure ventilations at a rate of 60/min. c. Administer high-flow oxygen via the blow-by method. d. Transport immediately to a hospital with a newborn intensive care unit.

Correct Answer: b. Provide positive pressure ventilations at a rate of 60/min.

The term describing structures that are located closer to the trunk is: a. Superficial b. Proximal c. Lateral d. Distal

Correct Answer: b. Proximal

In addition to cause, duty to act and damages what other factor must be present to be considered negligent in your duties? a. Discrimination b. Prudence c. Harm d. Effect

Correct Answer: b. Prudence

Who is the only member of personnel who is authorized to release information to the media after approval by incident commander is given? a. Liaison officer b. Public information officer c. Logistics officer d. Highest ranking officer on the scene

Correct Answer: b. Public information officer

What are the only veins in the body that carry oxygenated blood? a. Vena cava b. Pulmonary veins c. Venules d. Peripheral veins

Correct Answer: b. Pulmonary veins

To maintain a patients airway in a uninjured patient who is breathing on his own, the patient should be placed in the _____________ position. a. Trendelenburg b. Recovery c. Supine d. Prone

Correct Answer: b. Recovery

When a patient has loose dentures you should ______________ before ventilating a. Reposition them b. Remove them c. Ignore them d. Hold them in place

Correct Answer: b. Remove them

Which of the following is NOT a component of the Glasgow Coma Scale? a. Motor response b. Respirations c. Eye opening d. Verbal response

Correct Answer: b. Respirations

If lung sounds are present on the right side and diminished on the left side, this means that the _______________ Has been intubated a. Left mainstream bronchus b. Right mainstream bronchus c. Esophagus d. Epigastrium

Correct Answer: b. Right mainstream bronchus

When determining if a patient has a behavioral emergency you should first: a. Have law enforcement respond to place the person in custody b. Rule out any medical problems or emergencies c. See what medications the patient is prescribed d. Interview bystanders

Correct Answer: b. Rule out any medical problems or emergencies

You are dispatched to a residence for a pediatric patient in respiratory distress. The patient's father states that the child had fallen into the pool earlier that day but was released from the hospital after a brief evaluation. He is most likely suffering from: a. Pulmonary edema b. Secondary drowning syndrome c. Pneumonia d. Asthma

Correct Answer: b. Secondary drowning syndrome

The left and right sides of the heart are separated by the: a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Septum c. Ventricular wal d. Cellular wall

Correct Answer: b. Septum

When assessing a patient with chest pain, asking the patient to rate the pain on a scale from one to ten would fall under what part of the acronym OPQRST? a. Quality b. Severity c. Provocation d. Radiate

Correct Answer: b. Severity

The initial cardiac electrical impulse in the normal functioning heart originates in the a. Left atrium b. Sinoatrial node c. Perkinje fibers d. Atrioventricular node

Correct Answer: b. Sinoatrial node

A development defect in which the infant's spinal cord or meninges protrude outside of the vertebrae or body is called: a. Spinal meningitis b. Spina bifida c. Spinal scoliosis d. Spinal subluxation

Correct Answer: b. Spina bifida

The power lift technique refers to a position in which you: a. Lift a patient as high as you possibly can b. Squat down, lock your back, and use your knees to lift c. Bend at the waist and jerk the patient up quickly d. lift a one- rescuer stretcher by yourself

Correct Answer: b. Squat down, lock your back, and use your knees to lift

You have responded to a residence and find that the spouse is doing CPR. She tells you that she has been doing CPR for approximately five minutes. You should: a. Apply an AED b. Stop Compressions and check for a pulse c. Apply high flow oxygen d. Ask if the patient has a DNR

Correct Answer: b. Stop Compressions and check for a pulse

You should place your hand on a pregnant women's abdomen during contractions to assess the: a. Length of the contractions b. Strength of the contractions c. Size of the fetus d. Fetal heart rate

Correct Answer: b. Strength of the contractions

You respond to a residence for a child who is having a seizure. Upon arrival at the scene, you enter the residence and find the mother holding her child, a 2 year old male. The child is conscious and crying. according to the mother, the child had been running a high fever and then experienced a seizure that lasted approximately 3 minutes. You should: a. Cover the child with wet towels and give oxygen via nasal cannula b. Transport the child to the hospital and reassure the mother en route c. Advise the mother to take her child to the doctor the following day d. Call medical control ans request permission to give the child aspirin

Correct Answer: b. Transport the child to the hospital and reassure the mother en route

The umbilical cord normally contains: a. One artery and One vein b. Two arteries and two veins c. Two veins and one artery d. Two veins and two arteries

Correct Answer: b. Two arteries and two veins

When using an AED after the shock is administered or when no shock is indicated, CPR should be performed for: a. One minute b. Two minutes c. Three minutes d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Two minutes

In the case of children, airway adjuncts are used when the a. Child is in respiratory distress and needs supplemental oxygen. b. Usual means of opening and maintaining the airway are ineffective. c. Child is frightened of the oxygen mask and nasal cannula. d. Respiratory rate is less than 20/min or greater than 60/min.

Correct Answer: b. Usual means of opening and maintaining the airway are ineffective

The space between that base of the tongue and the epiglottis is known as the: a. Uvula b. Vallecula c. Larynx d. Glottic foramen

Correct Answer: b. Vallecula

Bleeding from a subdural hematoma is a. Arterial b. Venous c. A collection of blood between the dura mater and the skull d. More rare than epidural hematomas

Correct Answer: b. Venous

What type of bleeding is characterized by slow dark red blood? a. Arterial b. Venous c. Capillary d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Venous

Which of the following is an example of a route that an indirect vehicle born disease is carried on? a. Mosquito b. Water c. Coughing d. Sexual contact

Correct Answer: b. Water

Prior to the establishment of NIMS, the incident command system was developed and designed for a. The 9/11 terrorist attack b. Wildfires in California c. Flooding disasters d. A chemical warfare attack

Correct Answer: b. Wildfires in California

What is the dose for activated charcoal for adults and children? a. 12.5 mg activated charcoal/ kg of body weight b. 12.5 g activated charcoal c. 1 g activated charcoal/ kg of body weight d. 1 mg activated charcoal/ kg of body weight

Correct Answer: c. 1 g activated charcoal/ kg of body weight

When inserted, the CombiTube will enter the trachea approximately ____________ of the time a. 90% b. 60% to 80% c. 10% to 20% d. 50%

Correct Answer: c. 10% to 20%

A body temperature of what degree and higher is considered to be abnormal? a. 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit b. 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit c. 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit d. 100.9 degrees Fahrenheit

Correct Answer: c. 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit

How much blood loss can occur with a femur fracture? a. 500 - 1000 cc b. 500 - 750 cc c. 1000 - 2000 cc d. 1000 - 3000 cc

Correct Answer: c. 1000 - 2000 cc

While suctioning an adult patient, he continuously produces pink, froth sputum, and his airway fills as fast as you are able to suction it. In this circumstance, you should suction the patient for____________ seconds and ventilate him for _________ minutes, continuing this pattern until the secretions have been cleared from the airway. a. 10, 1 b. 10, 2 c. 15, 2 d. 30, 1

Correct Answer: c. 15, 2

A bag valve mask that is not attached to oxygen deliver oxygen at what percentage? a. 100% b. 75% c. 21% d. 50%

Correct Answer: c. 21%

Which patient's respiratory rate is normal? a. 4 year old male: respirations 38/min b. 11 year old female: respirations 12/ min c. 27 year old male: respirations 14/minute d. 82 year old female: respirations 10/min

Correct Answer: c. 27 year old male: respirations 14/minute

You have just assisted in the delivery of an infant. He has no muscle tone, slow respirations and a heart rate of 98. His hands and feet are blue. What is this infants APGAR score? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

Correct Answer: c. 3

What is the incubation period for Hepatitis B? a. 1-2 weeks b. 2-10 weeks c. 4-12 weeks d. 2-6 weeks

Correct Answer: c. 4-12 weeks

The Ryan White Act requires a hospital to notify your departments designated officer within _____ hours of the time a patient is identified with an infectious disease a. 12 b. 24 c. 48 d. 36

Correct Answer: c. 48 Hours

The spinal column is divided into how many sections? a. 4 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6

Correct Answer: c. 5 (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx)

Cirrhosis of the liver develops in ______________ of patients with chronic Hepatitis C. a. 100% b. 20% c. 50% d. 30%

Correct Answer: c. 50%

A normal blood glucose level for an adult is: a. 100-180 mg/dL b. 60 - 80 mg/dL c. 80 - 120 mg/dL d. 120 - 80 mg/dL

Correct Answer: c. 80 - 120 mg/dL

In which instance is the placement of an AED contraindicated? a. A pulseless patient b. An unresponsive patient c. A choking patient who is losing consciousness d. A patient with Apnea

Correct Answer: c. A choking patient who is losing consciousness

What is the best transport decision for a patient with decompression sickness? a. The local hospital b. A trauma center c. A facility with a hyperbaric chamber that is 20 minutes away d. all of the above

Correct Answer: c. A facility with a hyperbaric chamber that is 20 minutes away

Which of the following is NOT criterion for proving negligence? a. Breach of duty b. Cause c. Abandonment d. Damages

Correct Answer: c. Abandonment

Painful bleeding in late pregnancy that is caused by the placenta prematurely separating from the uterine wall is called: a. Placenta previa b. Eclampsia c. Abruptio placenta d. Spotaneous abortion

Correct Answer: c. Abruptio placenta

Which of the following medication is supplied as a suspension? a. Albuterol b. Oral glucose c. Activated charcoal d. Nitroglycerine

Correct Answer: c. Activated charcoal

Rapid extrication should be used for which of the following? a. A patient who is bleeding profusely from the back of the head b. A patient who is screaming and stating that she is unable to breathe c. An accident where the airbags have not deployed d. All of the above

Correct Answer: c. An accident where the airbags have not deployed

What blood vessel transports blood from the left ventricle in order to begin systemic circulation? a. Left pulmonary artery b. Right pulmonary artery c. Aorta d. Superior vena cava

Correct Answer: c. Aorta

Febrile seizures: a. Often result in permanent brain damage b. Are often referred to as absence seizures c. Are usually benign but should be evaluated d. Occur when a child's fever rises slowly

Correct Answer: c. Are usually benign but should be evaluated

Components of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale include: a. Speech, pupil reaction and memory b. Arm drift, memory and grip strength c. Arm drift, speech and facial droop d. Facial droop, speech and pupil size

Correct Answer: c. Arm drift, speech and facial droop

Law enforcement has summoned you to a night club where a 22 year old female was found unconscious in an adjacent alley. Your primary assessment reveals that her respirations are rapid and shallow and her pulse is rapid and weak. She is wearing a medical alert bracelet that identifies her as an epileptic. There is an empty bottle of vodka next to the patient. You should: a. Place a bite block in her mouth in case she has a seizure and transport at once b. Apply oxygen via a non breathing mask, place her on her left side and transport c. Assist ventilations, perform a rapid exam, and prepare for immediate transport d.Apply oxygen via non- rebreathing mask and transport her for a blood alcohol test

Correct Answer: c. Assist ventilations, perform a rapid exam, and prepare for immediate transport

You arrive on the scene of an initial call of chest pain. You find the patient unconscious, unresponsive, pulseless and apneic. Your first action should be to: a. Perform abdominal thrusts b. Apply the AED c. Begin chest compressions d. Apply the oxygen

Correct Answer: c. Begin chest compressions

Soft tissue injuries can be: a. Internal b. External c. Both A and B d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Both A and B

Which of the following is a high priority (severe) burn injury? a. Full thickness burns affecting less than 2% b. Partial thickness burns affecting 12% of the body c. Burns complicated by an extremity injury d. Superficial burns affecting 55% of the body

Correct Answer: c. Burns complicated by an extremity injury

When a patient hyperventilates they have a build up of ____________ in the blood a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Carbon dioxide d. Carbon monoxide

Correct Answer: c. Carbon dioxide

A teratogenic substance a. Causes mutation b. Causes cancer c. Cause damage to a developing fetus d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Cause damage to a developing fetus

It would be most appropriate for a patient to take his or her prescribed nitroglycerin when experiencing: a. Sharp chest pain that lasts longer than 10 to 15 b. An acute onset of dizziness during a period exertion c. Chest pain that does not immediately subside with rest d. Difficulty breathing that awakens the patient

Correct Answer: c. Chest pain that does not immediately subside with rest

You are assessing a patient who has been involved in a single vehicle accident. The patient was unrestrained and you notice starring of the windshield. When assessing his pupils, you shine a light into his right eye. Normally the pupil in the other eye will: a. Dilate b. Not react c. Constrict d. Have the opposite reaction of the right eye

Correct Answer: c. Constrict

Your patient is a 68 year old female with chronic respiratory disease. She is experiencing difficulty breathing in spite of home oxygen delivery. You should: a. Increase the flow rate of her oxygen supply b. Replace her nasal cannula with a face mask c. Consult medical direction for instructions d. Treat the patient for signs of shock

Correct Answer: c. Consult medical direction for instructions

You are dispatched to the local park for a pregnant female who is complaining of severe shortness of breath after being stung by a bee. She tells you that she carries an EpiPen and has a history of allergies to bee stings. You should: a. Transport the patient rapidly b. Administer the EpiPen c. Contact medical control prior to assisting with the EpiPen d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Contact medical control prior to assisting with the EpiPen

The type of injury that is caused when a part of the body is trapped between two surfaces is a: a. Blunt force trauma b. Hematoma c. Crush injury d. Abrasion

Correct Answer: c. Crush injury

The passive process in which molecules from an area of higher concentration move an area of lower concentration is: a. Osmosis b. Equalization c. Diffusion d. Metabolization

Correct Answer: c. Diffusion

A 12 year old male jumped approximately 12 feet from a tree and landed on his feet. He complains of pain to his lower back. What injury mechanism is MOST likely responsible for his back pain? a. Lateral impact to the spine b. Energy transmission to the spine c. Direct trauma to the spinal column d. Secondary fall after the initial impact

Correct Answer: c. Direct trauma to the spinal column

The medical term for shortness of breath is: a. Orthopnea b. Orthodontalgia c. Dyspnea d. Apnea

Correct Answer: c. Dyspnea

The birth of the infant is in what stage of labor? a. First b. Second c. End of second d. Third

Correct Answer: c. End of second

Reddened skill is called: a. Cyanosis b. Ecchymosis c. Erythema d. Cellulitis

Correct Answer: c. Erythema

Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for the administration of nitroglycerine? a. Stable angina b. Chest pain c. Head injury d. Dizziness

Correct Answer: c. Head injury

You are assessing a patient who is complaining of weakness and syncope. His pulse rate is 42 and his blood pressure is 108/60. His wife states that he has a pacemaker. You should initially suspect that: a. He is having an acute myocardial infarction b. He is hypoglycemic c. His pacemaker is malfunctioning d. He is dehydrated

Correct Answer: c. His pacemaker is malfunctioning

Your patient is a 79 year old male who is experiencing chest pain. Which question would you ask to investigate the "O" of the OPQRST acronym? a. Have you ever felt this kind of pain before? b. What were you doing when the pain started? c. How long ago did the pain begin? d. What does the pain feel like?

Correct Answer: c. How long ago did the pain begin?

You respond to a single vehicle motor crash. Upon arrival to the scene you see that the car has impacted with a power pole and there are downed power lines lying across the car. You should: a. Enter the area carefully and be aware of surrounding hazards b. Attempt to access the patient(s) while making sure that you are safely grounded c. Instruct the patient(s) to remain in the vehicle until the power is turned off or removed d. Approach the car carefully and do not touch the area of the car that the power lines are touching

Correct Answer: c. Instruct the patient(s) to remain in the vehicle until the power is turned off or removed

The leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester of pregnancy is: a. Placenta abruption b. Eclampsia c. Internal hemorrhage, secondary to an ectopic pregnancy d. Bleeding associated with a miscarriage

Correct Answer: c. Internal hemorrhage, secondary to an ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following is NOT one of the classic signs seen in Cushing's triad? a. Rise in blood pressure b. Slowing pulse c. Irregular pupils d. Erratic respirations

Correct Answer: c. Irregular pupils

A 37- year - old female with a history of diabetes presents with excessive urination and weakness of 2 days' duration. Her blood glucose level reads 320 mg/dL. If this patient's condition is not promptly treated, she will MOST likely develop: a. Severe insulin shock b. Acidosis and dehydration c. Irreversible renal failure d. Hypoxia and over hydration

Correct Answer: c. Irreversible renal failure

A yellowish tint to the skin and is called: a. Flush b. Pallor c. Jaundice d. Cyanotic

Correct Answer: c. Jaundice

Which of the following is the study of relationships among speed, mass and direction of the force and physical injury? a. Biomechanics b. Mechanism of injury c. Kinetics d. Traumatic criteria

Correct Answer: c. Kinetics

The side part of the body that is the farthest midline is described as: a. Distal b. Dorsal c. Lateral d. Medial

Correct Answer: c. Lateral

The apex of the heart is located in the: a. Middle of chest b. Right side of the chest c. Left side of the chest d. Lower left quadrant

Correct Answer: c. Left side of the chest

Individuals with chronic alcoholism are predisposed to intracranial bleeding and hypoglycemia secondary to abnormalities in the: a. Brain b. Kidneys c. Liver d. Pancreas

Correct Answer: c. Liver

Since blood pressures are difficult to obtain in an infant or child less than 3 years old, your assessment of circulation must rely on and include the capillary refill, quality of pulses, and a. Breathing quality b. Respiratory rate c. Mental status d. O2 saturation

Correct Answer: c. Mental status

When resources and personnel are provided by other jurisdictions this is called a. An MCI b. A unity of command c. Mutual Aid d. Supporting material

Correct Answer: c. Mutual Aid

The medical term for a heart attack is: a. Ischemia b. Cardiac arrest c. Myocardial Infarction d. Cardiac stanstill

Correct Answer: c. Myocardial Infarction

The dorsals pedis artery is located: a. Posterior to the knee b. On the posterior surface of the malleolus c. On the anterior surface of the foot d. On the lateral aspect of the anterior wrist

Correct Answer: c. On the anterior surface of the foot

To mount a car seat in an ambulance, place the car seat a. In the front seat of the ambulance b. On the bench seat c. On the stretcher d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. On the stretcher

Pediatric patients are able to maintain a normal blood pressure until they lose approximately ________________ of their blood volume. a. One third b. One quarter c. One half d. Three quarters

Correct Answer: c. One half

Which of the following types of questions allow for the most detailed response? a. Yes or no questions b. Close- ended questions c. Open ended questions d. Multiple questions asked at once

Correct Answer: c. Open ended questions

The two categories in which the underlying causes of behavioral emergencies fall under are: a. Psychogenic brain disorders and neural dysfunction b. Behavioral disorders and environmental influences c. Organic brain syndrome and functional disorders d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Organic brain syndrome and functional disorders

When the hearts electrical system is firing in a regular rhythm but the myocardium is not responding this will be reflected on the monitor as: a. Asystole b. Ventricular fibrillation c. PEA d. Ventricular tachycardia

Correct Answer: c. PEA

What term is used to describe the number of viable births? a. Gravid b. Multigravid c. Para d. Premipara

Correct Answer: c. Para

What does the P in SAMPLE stand for? a. Pain b. Provaction c. Past medical history d. Past meal eaten

Correct Answer: c. Past medical history

What layer of the skin is comprised mostly of fatty tissue? a. Dermis b. Epidermis c. Subcutaneous d. Fascia

Correct Answer: c. Subcutaneous

You have responded to a patient who has choked on an unknown object. He is awake and alert but is not moving air. The most effective way to dislodge the foreign body from his airway is to: a. Slap him on the back b. Lay the patient on the floor and perform chest thrusts c. Perform abdominal thrusts d. Use Magil forceps to remove the object

Correct Answer: c. Perform abdominal thrusts

You assess the color, temperature and condition of a patients skin to gather information about his or her: a. Capillary refill b. Heart rate c. Perfusion d. Respiration

Correct Answer: c. Perfusion

Painless, bright red blood is usually present with: a. Spontaneous abortion b. Cervical rupture c. Placenta previa d. Abruption placenta

Correct Answer: c. Placenta previa

Which of the following is an indicator of correct endotracheal tube placement? a. Abdominal rise and fall b. Gastric sounds c. Postive wave form Capnogrpahy d. Your partner's assurance that he saw the tube pass through the vocal cords

Correct Answer: c. Postive wave form Capnogrpahy

Every patient encounter should be considered: a. Critical b. Medical c. Potentially dangerous d. Potentially life threatening

Correct Answer: c. Potentially dangerous

A woman is experiencing her first pregnancy is called: a. Primipara b. Multigravid c. Primigravida d. Unopara

Correct Answer: c. Primigravida

A patient who is found lying facedown is in what position? a. Fowler's b. Semi - Fowler's c. Prone d. Supine

Correct Answer: c. Prone

In order to care for a child who has a partial upper airway obstruction, you should: a. A combination of black blows and chest thrusts b. Open the airway and attempt to ventilate the child c. Provide oxygen, position the child and transport rapidly d. Use back blows and finger sweeps remove the obstruction

Correct Answer: c. Provide oxygen, position the child and transport rapidly

What carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs for gas exchange? a. Aorta b. Vena cava c. Pulmonary artery d. Pulmonary vein

Correct Answer: c. Pulmonary artery

The accumulation go fluid in the lungs is called a. Pitting edema b. Dependent edema c. Pulmonary edema d. Pulmonary embolism

Correct Answer: c. Pulmonary edema

When fluid accumulates in the lungs, it interferes with gas exchange. This condition is called: a. COPD b. Chronic bronchitis c. Pulmonary edema d. Asthma

Correct Answer: c. Pulmonary edema

You are assessing a patient who is approximately 24 hours postpartum and is complaining of a sudden onset of severe chest pain and shortness of breath. You suspect: a. Postpartum hemorrhage b. Eclampsia c. Pulmonary embolism d. Myocardial infarction

Correct Answer: c. Pulmonary embolism

In addition to evaluating for DCAP-BTLS, you would evaluate a patients lower extremities for which of the following? a. Firmness, softness and distention b. Paradoxical motion and distention c. Pulse, motor function, and sensation d. Flexion, compression, and movement

Correct Answer: c. Pulse, motor function, and distention

Which of the following indicates the need for immediate defibrillation? a. Asystole b. PEA c. Pulseless ventricular tachycardia d. Atrial fibrillation

Correct Answer: c. Pulseless ventricular tachycardia

What is the major artery that is located in the forearm and is palpable at the wrist along the thumb? a. Ulnar Artery b. Brachial Artery c. Radial Artery d. Tibial Artery

Correct Answer: c. Radial Artery

What should be the next step in your assessment if a significant mechanism of injury is found? a. Focused trauma assessment b. Baseline vital signs c. Rapid trauma assessment d. Detailed physical exam

Correct Answer: c. Rapid trauma assessment

You are assessing a patient who has gone into cardiac arrest while still in his vehicle. You should: a. Assist ventilations with a BVM b. Attempt to perform CPR the best that you can. c. Rapidly extricate the patient d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Rapidly extricate the patient

What is the best way to determine the proper sized equipment for a pediatric patient? a. Look in the protocols b. Memorize appropriate sizes c. Refer to a pediatric resuscitation tape measure d. Look on the equipment package

Correct Answer: c. Refer to a pediatric resuscitation tape measure

When is it normal for the baby's head to rotate from face down position to the side? a. During crowning b. Right before the head delivers c. Right after the head delivers d. As the body delivers

Correct Answer: c. Right after the head delivers

You are suctioning a patient and are unable to clear the debris from her airway. You should: a. Do a blind finger sweep of the mouth using your fingers b. Keep attempting to suction the airway c. Roll the patient onto her side and attempt to clear her mouth with your gloved hand d. Attempt to ventilate the patient

Correct Answer: c. Roll the patient onto her side and attempt to clear her mouth with your gloved hand

What should be your primary concern on the scene with a burn patient? a. The golden hour b. Volume loss c. Scene safety d. Percentage of the body surface area is that burned

Correct Answer: c. Scene safety

When dispatched to a call what should be your first concern? a. Number of additional units needed b. Mechanism of injury c. Scene safety d. Nature of the call

Correct Answer: c. Scene safety

A traumatic injury caused by fragments will most likely occur in what blast phase? a. Tertiary b. Primary c. Secondary d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Secondary

When triaging at an MCI, which of the following should receive a red tag? a. Respiratory arrest b. Bilateral femur fracture c. Signs of shock d. Second degree burns to the anterior chest

Correct Answer: c. Signs of shock

Rapid onset of altered mental status in a diabetic patient often results when the patient: a. Decreases their insulin dose b. Gets too little exercise c. Skips a meal d. Drinks alcohol

Correct Answer: c. Skips a meal

A warm zone is the area a. Where the treatment is performed b. Where the contamination is actually present c. Surrounding the contamination zone d. Where the triage is performed

Correct Answer: c. Surrounding the contamination zone

A sphygmomanometer is used to: a. Check oxygen levels b. Check ETCO2 levels c. Take blood pressure d. Auscultate blood pressure

Correct Answer: c. Take blood pressure

To determine the responsiveness in a child you should: a. Shake the child b. Speak loudly and shake the child c. Tap the child on the shoulder while speaking loudly d. Administer two breaths

Correct Answer: c. Tap the child on the shoulder while speaking loudly

An explosion has occurred, and your patient sustained injuries when they were thrown into a brick wall. This type of injury is classified as a __________________________ a. Primary blast injury b. Secondary blast injury c. Tertiary blast injury d. Quaternary blast injury

Correct Answer: c. Tertiary blast injury

A Sellick's maneuver should be performed only when: a. The patient begins to vomit b. Assisting ventilations on a conscious patient c. The patient being ventilated is unconscious d. Used in conjunction with a BVM

Correct Answer: c. The patient being ventilated is unconscious

In which of the following situations should you NOT initiate CPR a. The patient's spouse is adamant that you do not perform CPR b. The patient has a living will written in his own handwriting, which is signed by the patient but not witnessed c. The patients guardian has provided a valid DNR d. Prior to becoming pulseless and apneic, the patient stated - in your presence - that he wanted to die and wants no measures performed to save his life

Correct Answer: c. The patients guardian has provided a valid DNR

What is the lowest possible score given on the Glasgow Coma Score? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Zero

Correct Answer: c. Three

What is the BURP maneuver used for? a. To express gastric contents b. To reduce the potential for vomiting during intubation c. To assist in the visualization of the vocal cords during intubation d. To reposition the airway

Correct Answer: c. To assist in the visualization of the vocal cords during intubation

Your patient is a 35 year old female who has been in automobile accident. She has suspected injuries to the pelvis, right upper leg and shoulder. Her vital signs are pulse 96 and weak, respirations 28 per minute shallow, BP 120/80. After checking the airway and administering oxygen, the next thing you should do is? a. Splint the injured arm and the leg injury and then package for transport b. Perform a detailed physical assessment for internal bleeding c. Treat for signs and symptoms of shock and transport rapidly d. Determine the exact mechanism of injury to find all injuries

Correct Answer: c. Treat for signs and symptoms of shock and transport rapidly ( breath rate indicates potential shock)

What is another name for the mitral valve in the heart? a. Bicuspid valve b. Aortic knob c. Tricuspid valve d. Pulmonic valve

Correct Answer: c. Tricuspid valve

Anacorria is: a. Explosive diarrhea b. Posturing c. Unequal pupils d. Dilation of blood vessels

Correct Answer: c. Unequal pupils

On a hazardous materials call, park your ambulance a. Uphill and downwind b. Downhill and upwind c. Uphill and upwind d. Downhill and downwind

Correct Answer: c. Uphill and upwind

Where should vehicles be parked in relation to a fuel leak or hazardous materials release? a. Downwind b. at least 50 feet away c. Upwind d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Upwind

What is the best way to immobilize a hip fracture? a. Apply a traction splint b. Place the patient in a position of comfort c. Use a long spine board with padding placed under the knees d. Apply a rigid splint to the lower extremity of the side that is affected

Correct Answer: c. Use a long spine board with padding placed under the knees

You are assessing a pediatric patient with special needs. His caregiver states that he has a history of hydrocephalus. You notice a bulge to the side of his head and feel something hard under the surface of the scalp. This is probably due to the presence of a a. Gastronomy tube b. Central venous line c. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt d. Intraventricular tube

Correct Answer: c. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt

Blood enters the system of veins starting with the: a. Capillaries b. Arterioles c. Venules d. Arteries

Correct Answer: c. Venules

Normal skin should feel: a. Cool b. Hot c. Warm d. Diaphoretic

Correct Answer: c. Warm

If you suspect that your patient has tuberculosis you should: a. Wear the standard surgical mask when treating the patient b. Place the HEPA respirator on the patient c. Wear a HEPA respirator when treating the patient d. Transport the patient rapidly, with the ambulances exhaust fan on high

Correct Answer: c. Wear a HEPA respirator when treating the patient

Your patient, a 27 year old female who is pregnant with her second child, tell you, "my water broke an hour ago". This should alert you that the patient: a. Has signs and symptoms of shock b. Is pregnant with twins c. Will have her baby fairly soon d. Is having a miscarriage

Correct Answer: c. Will have her baby fairly soon

Once your ambulance has responded to a call, a. Only dispatch can cancel you b. You must transport the patient c. You have a duty to act d. You can cancel only if another responder is on the scene

Correct Answer: c. You have a duty to act

When you are in doubt of the validity of a living will or DNR, a. Follow the family's wishes b. Contact your supervisor c. You have an obligation to resuscitate d. Call the patients physician

Correct Answer: c. You have an obligation to resuscitate

Your patient has been stung by a bee. You notice the stinger is still visible. How would you remove the stinger? a. You would stick a piece of tape on the area then quickly pull it off b. Using a gloved hand, you would attempt to pull the stinger out with your fingers c. You would scrape it out using a plastic card d. You would not attempt to remove the stinger

Correct Answer: c. You would scrape it out using a plastic card

The index of suspicion is MOST accurately defined as: a. The way in which traumatic injuries occur b. A predictable pattern that leads to serious injuries c. Your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying injuries d. The detection of less obvious life threatening injuries

Correct Answer: c. Your awareness and concern for potential serious underlying injuries

The first stage of labor begins with the: a. Presentation of the head b. Rupture of the amniotic sac c. onset of contractions d. Full dilation of the cervix

Correct Answer: c. onset of contractions

The head accounts for what percentage of body surface area in a pediatric patient? a. 9% b. 4.5% c. 14% d. 18%

Correct Answer: d. 18%

You are assessing a child who has sustained burns to his entire anterior legs bilaterally and to his anterior right arm. He has a burned body surface area of __________ a. 22.5% b. 27% c. 23% d. 18.5%

Correct Answer: d. 18.5%

How many bones are in the vertebral column? a. 35 b. 22 c. 26 d. 33

Correct Answer: d. 33

In order to control the flow rate of oxygen to the patient you must: a. Select the right sized tank b. Select the right sized tubing c. Open the valve on the tank d. Adjust the regulator setting

Correct Answer: d. Adjust the regulator setting

What is the general rule for administration of high- flow oxygen in the field? a. Administer high flow oxygen only under specific online medical direction b. Do not administer high- flow oxygen to patients with obvious signs of shock c. Do not administer high - flow oxygen to children, elderly or pregnant patients d. Administer high flow oxygen to all patients who are in respiratory distress

Correct Answer: d. Administer high flow oxygen to all patients who are in respiratory distress

Normal breathing has which of the following characteristics? a. Regular chest rise and fall b. Movement of the abdomen c. A normal rate and rhythm d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

Which if the following is an indication of cardiac compromise? a. Increased pulse rate b. Altered mental status c. Agitation d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

Which of the following is a component of the MSDS? a. Reactivity data b. Health hazard data c. The boiling point d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

You are assessing a patient who has a history of behavioral emergencies and hostile tendencies. What should be a major clue for the possibility of danger? a. A patient's violent history b. The patient's posture c. The level of patients distress d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

You are one the scene with a patient who is complaining of chest pain. Nitroglycerine is indicated because: a. He states that he has taken Viagra four days ago b. His blood pressure is 106/80 c. His pain has increased from three to five on a one to ten scale d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

The dilation or ballooning of a weakened area in the wall of an artery is called: a. Arteriosclerosis b. Thrombus c. Embolism d. Aneurysm

Correct Answer: d. Aneurysm

One of the earliest signs of carcinogenic shock is: a. Pale skin b. Increased pulse rate c. Rapid shallow breathing d. Anxiety

Correct Answer: d. Anxiety

Your patient, a 45 year old female is still seated in her car after a crash. She does not appear to be in a life threatening situation. What technique should you use to immobilize her spine? a. Logroll her directly on to the ground; then apply a long spine board b. Have her get out of the car; then immobilize her while standing c. Apply cervical collar before assisting her out of the car d. Apply a short spine board and then transfer her to a long spine board

Correct Answer: d. Apply a short board and then transfer her to a long spine board

Threatening to forcibly restrain a mentally competent patient in order to transport him could be considered: a. Battery b. Slander c. Kidnapping d. Assault

Correct Answer: d. Assault

You are assessing a patient who has been ejected from a car. He is breathing four times per minute and has an open fracture to his right femur. What should you do first? a. Stop the bleeding from the femur fracture and apply a splint b. Apply high flow oxygen via non-rebreathing mask c. Assess distal pulses d. Assist ventilations with a BVM

Correct Answer: d. Assist ventilations with a BVM

Secondary decontamination is performed in the ____________ a. Cold zone b. Warm zone c. Shower area d. At the hospital

Correct Answer: d. At the hospital

During emergencies, the ___________ redirects blood away from other organs and sends it to the brain, lungs, and kidneys a. Cardiovascular system b. Circulatory system c. Somatic nervous system d. Autonomic nervous system

Correct Answer: d. Autonomic nervous system

During your assessment of a patient, you note that her skin is very pale. Which of the following would most likely be the cause? a. Fever b. Hypertension c. Carbon monoxide poisoning d. Blood loss

Correct Answer: d. Blood loss

What is the artery that is located in the upper arm and is palpated in infants to determine a pulse? a. Radial artery b. Popliteal artery c. Femoral artery d. Brachial artery

Correct Answer: d. Brachial artery

___________________ are found in all parts of the body and allow for the exchange of waste and nutrients at the cellular level a. Arterioles b. Venules c. Alveoli d. Capillaries

Correct Answer: d. Capillaries

The most serious concern with an electrical burn is: a. Electrolyte imbalance b. Destruction of limbs involved c. The amount of electricity the patient came in contact with d. Cardiac arrest or dysrhythmia

Correct Answer: d. Cardiac arrest or dysrhythmia

The last portion of tracheal cartilage that separates the opening into the right and left mainstream bronchi is the a. Epiglottis b. Vallecula c. Larynx d. Carina

Correct Answer: d. Carina

When a mother is in true labor, a. There will be a brownish color bloody show b. Pain starts and stays in the lower abdomen c. Contractions are intermittent d. Change in position does not relieve contractions

Correct Answer: d. Change in position does not relieve contractions

Which type of breathing is characterized by irregular respirations followed by a period of apnea? a. Kussmaul's respirations b. Agonal respirations c. Retractions d. Cheyne- Stokes respirations

Correct Answer: d. Cheyne- Stokes respirations

You have contacted the ED for medical direction. The physician has ordered you to assist the patient with the administration of his inhaler and administer two puffs. You should: a. Administer the medication b. Shake the inhaler prior to administration c. Ask the patient if he has any allergies d. Clearly and slowly repeat the orders back to the physician

Correct Answer: d. Clearly and slowly repeat the orders back to the physician

Ethnocentrism is defined as: a. Understanding that people from different cultural backgrounds respond to pain and stress differently b. Suspecting that a person has an ulterior motive based on the tone of his or her voice when answering a question c. Subconsciously forcing your cultural values onto a patient because you feel that your own values are more acceptable d. Considering your own cultural values to be more important when interacting with people of a different culture

Correct Answer: d. Considering your own cultural values to be more important when interacting with people of a different culture

You are dispatched to a minor MVC. The patient, sitting on the curb side, tells you that he was just bitten by antes and has severe allergies to many insect bites. His skin is currently warm and dry, and he doesn't appear to be in distress. You should: a. Administer Benadryl b. Administer an EpiPen c. Apply high flow oxygen d. Continue with your physical exam

Correct Answer: d. Continue with your physical exam

You are assessing a patient who is complaining of chest pain by obtaining a set of vital signs. The top number of the blood pressure is caused by: a. Atrial kick b. Contraction of the atria c. Filling of the ventricles d. Contraction of the left ventricles

Correct Answer: d. Contraction of the left ventricles

You are assessing a patient who has bruising and black and blue discoloration to the skin this is also called: a. Erythema b. Hematoma c. Eczema d. Contusion

Correct Answer: d. Contusion

What is there tern that identifies the three signs that are indicative of increased intracranial pressure? a. Cullen's sign b. Becks triad c. Battle signs d. Cushing's triad

Correct Answer: d. Cushing's triad

When a patient is in anaphylaxis, the exaggerated immune response causes blood vessels to ____________ and the airway passages to __________________ a. Constrict, Dilate b. Dilate, Dilate c. Constrict, Constrict d. Dilate, Constrict

Correct Answer: d. Dilate, Constrict

A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) restores blood flow to the ischemic myocardium by: a. Scraping fatty deposits off of the lumen of the coronary artery b. By passing the coronary artery with a vessel from the chest or the leg c. Placing a stent inside the coronary artery to keep it from narrowing d. Dilating the affected coronary artery with a small inflatable balloon

Correct Answer: d. Dilating the affected coronary artery with a small inflatable balloon

The removal of a motor vehicle from around a patient is called: a. Disentrapment b. Extrication c. Extraction d. Disentanglement

Correct Answer: d. Disentanglement

Cool, clammy skin that is a sign of shock results from: a. A rise in the patients temperature b. The body's attempt to increase the vascular space c. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure d. Diversion of blood flow to the vital organs

Correct Answer: d. Diversion of blood flow to the vital organs

If the scene is NOT safe, a. Enter slowly and cautiously b. Call for additional units c. Contact medical control d. Do not enter

Correct Answer: d. Do not enter

You are dispatched to a patient who is complaining of shortness of breath. This is also called: a. Orthopnea b. Dysphagia c. Tachypnea d. Dyspnea

Correct Answer: d. Dyspnea

What is the best indicator of correct tube placement? a. Direct visualization b. Chest rise and fall c. Oxygen saturation monitory d. ETCO2 monitoring

Correct Answer: d. ETCO2 monitoring

Which of the following are the correct four links in the chain of survival, which is recommended by the American Heart Association for successful care of prehospital cardiac arrest victims? a. Early access to emergency care, early ventilations, early defibrillation and early advanced care b. Early access to the hospital, early ventilations, early defibrillation and early advanced care c. Early access to emergency care, early cardiac monitoring, early defibrillation and early advanced care d. Early access to emergency care, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advance care

Correct Answer: d. Early access to emergency care, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advance care

The leaf shaped structure that covers and prevents food and other foreign matter from entering the trachea is the_____________ a. Uvula b. Larynx c. Thyroid cartilage d. Epiglottis

Correct Answer: d. Epiglottis

The mechanical device that uses negative uses negative pressure to differentiate tracheal from esophageal intubation is a: a. Capnographer b. Capnometer c. End- tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) detector d. Esophageal detector device (EDD)

Correct Answer: d. Esophageal detector device (EDD)

Where would you find a fractured malar bone? a. Ankle b. Foot c. Wrist d. Face

Correct Answer: d. Face --> (specifically the cheek)

Which of the following is LEAST important when obtaining medical history from a patient complaining of chest discomfort: a. History of cigarette smoking b. History of previous heart attack c. Presence of risk factors d. Family history of hypertension

Correct Answer: d. Family history of hypertension

When inserting a nasopharyngeal airway, the curvature of the device should follow the ____________ of the nose a. Top b. Side c. Septum d. Floor

Correct Answer: d. Floor

Your patient has had battery acid splashed in his eyes and now has no vision. Which of the following treatments would be most appropriate? a. Immediately neutralize the acid with a base, such as baking soda b. Cover both eyes with a sterile dressing c. Flush the affected eye with normal saline for ten minutes d. Flush both eyes with eyewash and normal saline for ten minutes

Correct Answer: d. Flush both eyes with eyewash and normal saline for ten minutes

SAMPLE history, rapid trauma assessment, and baseline vital signs are all components of the: a. Detailed physical exam b. Initial assessment c. Scene Size up d. Focused history and medical exam

Correct Answer: d. Focused history and medical exam

When suctioning a pediatric patient, you should suction: a. Until the foreign body is removed b. Until the return of spontaneous respirations c. Using only a French catheter d. For only 10 seconds at a time

Correct Answer: d. For only 10 seconds at a time

Early advanced care is the____________ link in the chain of survival a. Third b. First c. Second d. Fourth

Correct Answer: d. Fourth

The orbit ( eye socket) is made up of what bones? a. Frontal, maxillae and sphenoid b. Frontal mandible, and zygoma c. Zygoma, temporal and frontal d. Frontal zygoma and maxillae

Correct Answer: d. Frontal zygoma and maxillae

The most common complication from the use of a flow- restricted, oxygen- powered ventilation device is: a. Tension pneumothorax b. Hyperventilation c. Decreased oxygen saturation d. Gastic distention

Correct Answer: d. Gastic distention

To slow bleeding after childbirth, a. Place a sanitary pad on the vagina b. Apply direct pressure to the vagina c. Pack the vagina with gauze d. Gently massage the mother's abdomen

Correct Answer: d. Gently massage the mother's abdomen

You have been dispatched to a patient who has fallen through a pane of glass and has a possible arterial bleed. The minimum BSI precautions you should take are: a. Gloves b. Gloves and gown c. A gown and eye protection d. Gloves and eye protection

Correct Answer: d. Gloves and eye protection

In order to determine whether an infant is responsive to verbal stimuli you would: a. Say the child's name b. Ask the child his or her name c. Make a sudden loud noise d. Have a parent speak to the child

Correct Answer: d. Have a parent speak to the child

A 70 year old male is complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. He is alert with pale, cool, sweaty skin. his pulse is 100, BP is 136/64 and respirations 24. Upon auscultation, you can hear crackles in the lung fields. Which of the following actions would be appropriate? a. Have the patient lie flat because he could be in shock b. Provide oxygen at 2 L/min using a nasal cannula c. Administer nitroglycerin that is prescribed to the patients wife d. Have the patient sit up to assist with his breathing effort

Correct Answer: d. Have the patient sit up to assist with his breathing

Patients who do not produce insulin at all a. Have type 2 diabetes b. Are hypoglycemic c. Have normal blood sugar levels d. Have type 1 diabetes

Correct Answer: d. Have type 1 diabetes

You are assessing a patient who has suffered from a significant fall. He begins to vomit bright red blood. this is called: a. Melena b. Hemoptysis c. Hematuria d. Hematemesis

Correct Answer: d. Hematemesis

The spitting up of blood is called: a. Epistaxis b. Hemolysis c. Hematuria d. Hemoptysis

Correct Answer: d. Hemoptysis

A danger zone is an area where individuals can be exposed to hazardous materials, toxic substances sharp metals, etc. This zone is also referred to as a: a. Warm zone b. Cold zone c. Quarantine zone d. Hot zone

Correct Answer: d. Hot zone

The three signs that make up Cushing's triad are: a. Decreased blood pressure, decreased pulse, abnormal respirations b. Increased blood pressure, Increased pulse and abnormal respirations c. Decreased blood pressure, increased pulse and abnormal respirations d. Increased blood pressure, decreased pulse and abnormal respirations

Correct Answer: d. Increased blood pressure, decreased pulse and abnormal respirations

You may encounter patients who have had their larynx removed. This procedure is called a: a. Stoma b. Tracheostomy c. Cricothryroidotomy d. Laryngectomy

Correct Answer: d. Laryngectomy

Your medical patient is experiencing clinical signs of shock. You should: a. Lay the patient flat on his stomach b.Lay the patient flat on his back c. Sit the patient up d. Lay the patient flat on his back with his legs elevated

Correct Answer: d. Lay the patient on his back with his legs elevated

If a patient is found lying on his left side, he is found in what position? a. Prone b. Supine c. Fowler's d. Left lateral recumbent

Correct Answer: d. Left lateral recumbent

While suctioning if you cannot clear a patients mouth in 15 seconds, you should: a. Immediately suction the airway again b. Suction the nose along with the mouth c. Suction for 15 more seconds and reassess d. Logroll the patient to clear the mouth

Correct Answer: d. Logroll the patient to clear the mouth

Which of the following is NOT cause for fetal bradycardia? a. Epidural medications b. Hypoxia c. Narcotics d. Maternal anxiety

Correct Answer: d. Maternal anxiety

________________ is the oversight of all patient care aspects in EMS a. Incident command b. The emergency medical dispatcher c. The standard operating procedures guide d. Medical direction

Correct Answer: d. Medical direction

You are assessing a patient who has inhaled a poisonous substance and has no signs of trauma. You should initially: a. Apply high flow oxygen b. Identify the substance c. Call poison control d. Move the patient to the fresh air

Correct Answer: d. Move the patient to the fresh air

The failure to provide the same standard of care that a person with similar training would provide is called: a. Breach of duty b. Deviation of protocols c. Deviation of standard of care d. Negligence

Correct Answer: d. Negligence

What is the condition when a diver starts acting strangely and out of character after diving too deeply or for too long? a. Diving response b. Mammalian diving reflex c. Decompression sickness d. Nitrogen narcosis

Correct Answer: d. Nitrogen Narcosis

Which is NOT a required element for an accusation of negligence to hold up in the court of law? a. Damages b. Breach of duty c. Duty to act d. None of the above

Correct Answer: d. None of the above

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin? a. Fluid balance b. Temperature regulation c. Protection d. None of the above

Correct Answer: d. None of the above

You just completed a rapid physical exam on an unresponsive 65 year old female. Your next action should be to: a. Take a history of the present illness b. Gather a SAMPLE history c. Perform a focused physical exam d. Obtain baseline vital signs

Correct Answer: d. Obtain baseline vital signs

Your patient is an infant who is apneic with a pulse. This patient should be ventilated with _______________ breath(s) every ___________ seconds a. One, five to sex b. Two, three c. Two, five, six d. One, three

Correct Answer: d. One, three

When at a landing zone, how should the aircraft be approached? a. From the rear b. From the side c. Depends on the make and model of the aircraft d. Only when accompanied by a flight crew member

Correct Answer: d. Only when accompanied by a flight crew member

You are dispatched to the park basketball courts for a patient who is complaining of severe crushing chest pain. Upon arrival, you find the patient unresponsive. Your first action should be to: a. Check for a pulse b. Apply an AED c. Interview bystanders d. Open and assess his airway

Correct Answer: d. Open and assess his airway

The glottis is the: a. Soft tissue at the base of the tongue b. Nasopharynx and oropharynx c. Midaxillary intercostal muscles d. Opening between the pharynx and the trachea

Correct Answer: d. Opening between the pharynx and the trachea

What is a false belief in which a patient believes he or she is being harmed, followed or persecuted? a. Schizophrenia b. Psychosis c. Anxiety d. Paranoia

Correct Answer: d. Paranoia

A ______________ is a microorganism that is capable of causing disease in a host. a. Vector b. Spore c. Droplet d. Pathogen

Correct Answer: d. Pathogen

Which of the following interventions is the MOST critical to the outcome of a patient with multi system trauma? a. Intravenous fluid administration b. Early administration of oxygen c. Elevation of the lower extremities d. Rapid transport to a trauma center

Correct Answer: d. Rapid transport to a trauma center

When assessing breathing look for: a. Rate rhythm and ease b. Rate strength and depth c. Rate depth and rhythm d. Rate depth and ease

Correct Answer: d. Rate depth and ease

Your partner is obtaining a history from a patient and asked the question, "Can you point to the pace where it hurts with one finger?" This question would represent what part of the OPQRST evaluation? a. Onset b. Provocation c. Quality d. Region/ Radiation

Correct Answer: d. Region/ Radiation

You have inserted a nasopharyngeal airway and the patient is not tolerant of it. You should: a. Insert the device in the other nostril b. Administer a sedative c. Try to calm the patient d. Remove the device

Correct Answer: d. Remove the device

If a potentially life- threatening condition is identified during the detailed physical exam you should: a. Contact medical control b. Change treatment modalities c. Reconsider transport decision d. Return to the initial assessment

Correct Answer: d. Return to the initial assessment

Which of the following is considered a member of the incident management system's command staff? a. Operations officer b. Incident commander c. Section chief d. Safety officer

Correct Answer: d. Safety officer

What kind of shock is caused by severe infections that abnormally dilate blood vessels? a. Psychogenic b. Hypovolemic c. Neurogenic d. Septic

Correct Answer: d. Septic

Your patient, a trauma victim has flat jugular veins while she is lying down. what is this a sign of? a. Increased intracranial pressure b. Respiratory distress c. Spinal injury d. Severe blood loss

Correct Answer: d. Severe blood loss

What condition should be suspected in all patients with vaginal bleeding? a. Assault b. Pregnancy c. Trauma d. Shock

Correct Answer: d. Shock

Pupils that are constricted are: a. Normal sized b. Unequal c. Larger than normal d. Smaller than normal

Correct Answer: d. Smaller than normal

Your partner has just intubated the patient. You should first listen over the ___________ to confirm tube placement. a. Sternum b. Right side of the chest c. Left Side of the chest d. Stomach

Correct Answer: d. Stomach

When birth is imminent, the mother should be placed a. In a position of comfort b. Left lateral recumbent c. In a seated position d. Supine with her knees up and spread apart

Correct Answer: d. Supine with her knees up and spread apart

The structures that connect muscles to bones are: a. Ligamnents b. Cartilage c. Joints d. Tendons

Correct Answer: d. Tendons

The largest organ in the body is __________ a. The liver b. The heart c. The brain d. The skin

Correct Answer: d. The skin

Which of the following statements regarding gunshot wounds is correct? a. High velocity bullets will cause less severe internal injuries b. The size of a bullet has the greatest impact on injury produced c. Low velocity bullets will cause the greatest amount of trauma d. The speed of a bullet has the greatest impact on the injury produced

Correct Answer: d. The speed of a bullet has the greatest impact on the injury produced

What would be a normal pulse rate for a child between the ages of 1- 3 years old?

Correct Answer: - 80 to 130 BPM

The EMT's primary concern is: a. To provide fast efficient care to injured or ill patients b. A duty to act c. To avoid litigation d. Their safety and the safety of other team members

Correct Answer: d. Their safety and the safety of other team members

Cardiac input may decrease if the heart beats too rapidly because: a. A rapid heart beat causes a decrease in the strength of cardiac contractions b. The volume of blood that returns to the heart is not sufficient with fast heart rates c. As the heart rate increases, more blood is pumped from the ventricles than the atria d. There is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to refill completely

Correct Answer: d. There is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to refill completely

In addition to the APGAR score, your documentation of the infant should include the: a. Infants name b. Equipment used in the delivery c. Names of the personnel on scene d. Time of birth

Correct Answer: d. Time of birth

Which of the following is a sign of a tension pneumothorax? a. Chest pain b. Decreased oxygen saturation c. Tachypnea d. Tracheal deviation

Correct Answer: d. Tracheal deviation

Patients who have severe difficulty breathing are usually found in what position? a. High fowler's b. Trendelenburg's c. Semi- fowler's d. Tripod

Correct Answer: d. Tripod

When should the PASG be removed in the field? a. When the patient regains consciousness b. When the patient become normotensive c. When pulmonary edema develops d. Under no circumstances

Correct Answer: d. Under no circumstances

Once oxygen-poor blood passes through the capillaries, it moves to the a. Skin b. Arterioles c. Veins d. Venules

Correct Answer: d. Venules

The electrode that is placed either on the right arm or just below the right clavicle is what color? a. Red b. Black c. Yellow d. White

Correct Answer: d. White

You are dispatched to respond to.a patient who has burn to his chest. Your top priority should be: a. To ascertain the source of the burn b. The patient's airway compromise c. If there is a need for additional units d. Your safety

Correct Answer: d. Your safety

What is another word for the cheek bone? a. Orbit b. Malar bone c. Ethmoid bone d. Zygomatic bone

Correct Answer: d. Zygomatic bone

What medication is used in auto injectors to treat anaphylaxis?

Correct Answer: - Epinephrine

What is the ideal maximum on scene time for a call involving serious trauma?

Correct Answer: - 10 minutes

What is the normal blood glucose level for a child?

Correct Answer: - 100 - 125 mmdL

What is the normal blood glucose level for an adult?

Correct Answer: - 100 - 125 mmdL

What is the normal pulse range of a newborn to 1 year old?

Correct Answer: - 100 to 160 bpm

What is the normal respirations for an adult?

Correct Answer: - 12 to 20 breaths per minute

According to the rule of nines, how much does a child's neck and head account for?

Correct Answer: - 12%

What is the normal blood pressure for an adult?

Correct Answer: - 120/80 mmHg

According to the rule of nines how much does an infants leg account for?

Correct Answer: - 13.5%

According to the rule of nines, how much does a child's leg account for?

Correct Answer: - 16.5%

According to rule of nines how much does an infants torso account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines how much does an infants back account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines, how much does a child's abdomen account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines, how much does a childs back account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines, how much does an adults abdomen account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines, how much does an adults back account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

According to the rule of nines, how much does an infants head and neck account for?

Correct Answer: - 18%

What is the normal respiration rate for a toddler (1-5 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 20 to 30

What is the normal respirations range of a newborn to 1 year old?

Correct Answer: - 20 to 30 breath per minute (40-50 right after birth)

What is the normal respiration rate for a school aged child (6-12 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 20 to 30 breaths per minute

How many vertebrae are in the human spine?

Correct Answer: - 33 vertebrae

How many rescuers are needed for the Diamond Carry? And where should they be positioned?

Correct Answer: - 4 rescuers -One at the head, One at the feet, one on each side of the patient

How many vertebrae are in the coccyx?

Correct Answer: - 4 vertebrae (fused)

What is normal blood pressure for a toddler (1-5 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 70 to 110 (systolic) mmHg

What is the normal pulse range for a school aged child (6-12 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 70 to 110 beats per minute

What is the normal blood pressure of a newborn to infant?

Correct Answer: - 70 to 90 (systolic) mmHg

What is the normal blood pressure for a school aged child (6- 12 years old)?

Correct Answer: - 80 to 120 (systolic) mmHg

What is pre-eclampsia?

Correct Answer: - A condition occurring in late pregnancy that involves headaches, visual changes, swelling of hand and feet generally caused by hypertension (NO seizures)

What is flail chest?

Correct Answer: - A condition where 2 or more ribs are fractured in or more places and the segment of the chest wall is effectively detached from the rest of the chest wall

What is status epilepticus?

Correct Answer: - A continuation of seizures ( 2 or more) without the patient regaining consciousness or a seizure lasting 10 minutes or longer

What is spina bifida?

Correct Answer: - A development defect in which part of the spinal cord or meninges may protrude outside of the vertebrae and potentially outside of the body (usually at lower third of the spine)

What is a vector borne disease?

Correct Answer: - A disease that is carried by an infectious microbe and transmitted to people via blood sucking arthropods ( mosquito/ tick)

What is a tension pneumothorax?

Correct Answer: - A life threatening collection of air within the pleural space --- The volume and pressure of the air have collapsed the involved lung

What is surfactant?

Correct Answer: - A liquid protein substance that coats the alveoli in the lungs, decreases alveolar surface tension and keeps the alveoli expanded

What is the rule of the palm?

Correct Answer: - A method of assessing the total burn surface area of a burn victimizing only the palm of the patients hand - Patients hand = about 1% the total body surface

What is a direct ground lift?

Correct Answer: - A method of lifting and carrying a patient from ground level to a stretcher in which two or more rescuers kneel, curl the patient to their chests, stand, then reverse the process to lower the patient to the stretcher

What is a suspension in terms of giving medication?

Correct Answer: - A mixture of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but does not dissolve into the liquid

What is an emergency move?

Correct Answer: - A move in which the patient is dragged or pulled out of an IDLH environment before being assessed or receiving care

What is an extremity lift?

Correct Answer: - A move performed by two rescuers, one lifting the patient's arms and one lifting the patient's legs

What is capnography?

Correct Answer: - A non- invasive method that can quickly and efficiently provide information on a patients ventilatory status, circulation and metabolism by monitoring their CO2 output ( primarily used in hospitals for anesthesia)

What is a subluxation?

Correct Answer: - A partial dislocation

What is traumatic asphyxia?

Correct Answer: - A pattern of injuries seen after a severe force is applied to the chest, forcing blood from major vessels back into the head and neck

What is PEA?

Correct Answer: - A rhythm that appears to have electrical activity but is not sufficient to stimulate effective cardiac contractions

What is the APGAR scoring system?

Correct Answer: - A scoring system which assesses the status of a newborn in their first and fifth minute of life --- the scoring system assesses 5 different areas ( activity, pulse, grimace, appearance and respirations) and assigns each area a number from 0-2 (higher number = better performance in that area

What is a febrile seizure?

Correct Answer: - A seizure caused by a sudden and fever ( normally associated with infections)

What is recovery position?

Correct Answer: - A side lying position used to maintain a clear airway in unconscious patients without injuries who are breathing adequately

What is cardiogenic shock?

Correct Answer: - A state in which not enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues of the body caused by low output of blood from the heart. (it can be a severe complication of a large acute myocardial infarction)

What is a CVA?

Correct Answer: - A stroke

What causes decompression sickness?

Correct Answer: - A sudden/ extreme decrease in pressure (ex: coming up to quickly from an underwater dive) ( also called the bends)

What is a multi-system trauma?

Correct Answer: - A traumatic injury that involves more than one organ system

What does Multigravid mean?

Correct Answer: - A woman who has been pregnant more than once

What is primigravida?

Correct Answer: - A woman who is pregnant for the first time

Retractions maybe present in a patient with an increased work of breathing. Where would you see this accessory muscle use?

Correct Answer: - Above the clavicles - Under the sternum - Between the ribs (intercostal muscles)

What is asystole?

Correct Answer: - Absence of a heart rate.

What is APGAR stand for?

Correct Answer: - Activity - Pulse - Grimace - Appearance - Respirations

Why is the insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway contraindicated in patients with significant facial trauma?

Correct Answer: - Airway may pass into the cranium or sinus cavity

What are common finding is patient with low blood sugar?

Correct Answer: - Altered mental status - Possible loss of consciousness

What is patient advocacy?

Correct Answer: - An EMT speaking up for their patient and making sure that the patients needs are addressed

What is a sprain?

Correct Answer: - An injury that involves the stretching and/or tearing of a ligament or tendon

Your patient has suffered a penetrating wound to his chest wall, what type of dressing should be applied?

Correct Answer: - An occlusive dressing

How do you treat a sucking chest wound?

Correct Answer: - An occlusive dressing to prevent air from entering, leaving one side un- sealed to allow for excess air to escape during expiration

What is a sucking chest wound?

Correct Answer: - An open or penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration snd expiration creating a sucking sound (air gets sucked into wound) (aka: Open pnuemothorax)

What is the dead space in the lung?

Correct Answer: - Any area outside the alveoli where gas exchange does NOT occur

What is the largest artery in the cardiovascular system?

Correct Answer: - Aorta

What are the criteria for the use of an AED?

Correct Answer: - Apneic - Unconscious - Unresponsive - Pulseless

How do you apply a PASG?

Correct Answer: - Apply garment so that the top is below the lowest rib - Enclose both legs and abdomen in the garment - Open the stopcocks to the compartments you are planning to inflate - Inflate garment with foot pump until splint feels firm - Check patients BP and vital signs

What should be placed directly over an open wound to control bleeding an protect from infection?

Correct Answer: - Bandage/ direct pressure dressing

During a detailed physical exam of a trauma patient, what are you checking the ears for?

Correct Answer: - Battle signs ( ecchymosis) - CSF ( cerebral spinal fluid) - DCAP- BTLS - Blood

Why is aspirin given to a patient complaining of chest pain?

Correct Answer: - Because aspirin helps prevent blood clots

What is the normal electrical pathway of a normal functioning heart?

Correct Answer: - Begins in the right atria at the SA node --> travels to AV node ( atrioventricular) located in the interatrial septum --> to the purkinje fibers located along the walls of the ventricles

Where is the bicuspid valve located?

Correct Answer: - Between the left atrium and left ventricle

Where is the aortic valve located?

Correct Answer: - Between the left ventricle and the aorta

Where is the tricuspid valve located?

Correct Answer: - Between the right atrium and the right ventricle

What are the two main causes of strokes?

Correct Answer: - Brain bleed (hemorrhagic) - Blood clot (ischemic)

Without a thermometer, how would you check the skin temperature of your patient?

Correct Answer: - By placing the back of your gloved hand on the persons forehead and/or cheeks

What is the most commonly inhaled poison that is characterized by its lack of odor, color and taste?

Correct Answer: - Carbon monoxide

What conditions could cause the pulse oximeter to get false readings?

Correct Answer: - Carbon monoxide - Sickle cell anemia - COPD - Bright light - Nail polish - Hypovolemia

What is the formula for cardiac output?

Correct Answer: - Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate

What type of shock would be a contraindication for the use of PASG's

Correct Answer: - Cardiogenic shock would be a contraindication

What does CVA stand for?

Correct Answer: - Cerebral Vascular Accident

What is stable angina?

Correct Answer: - Chest pain that is of coronary origin and relieved by resting/ sitting and nitroglycerin

What does COPD stand for?

Correct Answer: - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

What does the anatomical term "Medial" refer to?

Correct Answer: - Closer to the midline ( horizontally)

When assessing the skin what do you assess?

Correct Answer: - Color - Temperature - Condition

What is cardiac tamponade?

Correct Answer: - Compression of the heart as the result of build up of blood/ other fluids in the pericardial sac leading to decreased cardiac output

What are the ways that the body can lose heat?

Correct Answer: - Convection - Conduction - Radiation - Evaporation - Respiration

What is hemoptysis?

Correct Answer: - Coughing up blood

What distinctive lung sounds would you expect to hear if your patient has pulmonary edema?

Correct Answer: - Crackles/ Rales

What is subcutaneous emphysema?

Correct Answer: - Crackling sound or sensation caused by trapped air underneath the skin

What are signs and symptoms you may see associated with rib fractures?

Correct Answer: - Crepitus - Deformities - Dyspnea / painful respirations

What does DCAP-BTLS stand for?

Correct Answer: - D: Deformities - C: Contusions - A: Abrasions - P: Punctures - B: Burns - T: Tenderness - L: Lacerations - S: Swelling

What is hypocarbia (hypocapnia)?

Correct Answer: - Decreased amount of CO2 in the bloodstream?

What are Kussmaul respirations?

Correct Answer: - Deep, rapid respirations characteristic of acidosis

What is the definition of the scope of practice?

Correct Answer: - Defined by state laws, it outlines the care that you are able to provide legally

What is the term used for the severe reaction to alcohol withdrawal, characterized by sweating, trembling, anxiety and hallucinations?

Correct Answer: - Delirium tremens

What government department is responsible for creating the EMT curriculum?

Correct Answer: - Department of Transportation

What do end- tidal CO2 detectors do?

Correct Answer: - Detect CO2 amounts when you exhale

There are two pathways that the body can travel along in a frontal collision when not restrained. What are the two pathways?

Correct Answer: - Forward/ up and over --> into steering wheel/ over the steering wheel - Under/ downward --> sliding below/ under the dashboard

What is the best method to size an NPA?

Correct Answer: - From the base of the nostrils to the earlobe

What categorizes a burn as a minor burn?

Correct Answer: - Full thickness burns covering less than 2% of the body surface area - Partial thickness burns covering less than 15% of the body surface area - Superficial burns cover less than 50% of the body

What categorizes a burn as a moderate burn?

Correct Answer: - Full thickness burns involving 2% to 10% of the body - Partial thickness burns involving 15% to 30% of the body - Superficial burns covering more than 50% of the body

What categorizes a burn as a severe burn?

Correct Answer: - Full thickness burns involving the hands, feet, face, upper airway and genitalia - Circumferential burns - Full thickness burns covering more then 10% of the body - Partial thickness burns covering more than 30% of the body - Burns associated with respiratory injury ( ex: smoke inhalation - Burns that are complicated by fractures

What does GCS stand for?

Correct Answer: - Glasgow Coma Scale

What type of PPE should be apart of an obstetrical kit?

Correct Answer: - Gloves - Googles/ eye shield - Gown - Face mask

What does the acronym HEENT stand for?

Correct Answer: - H: Head - E: Ears - E: Eyes - N: Nose - T: Throat

What does HIPAA stand for?

Correct Answer: - H: health - I: insurance - P: Portability - A: Accountability - A: Act

What are the two types of strokes?

Correct Answer: - Hemorrhagic - Ischemic

What is hyperlipidemia?

Correct Answer: - High cholesterol

What is Cushing's triad?

Correct Answer: - Hypertension, bradycardia, irregular respirations

What is Beck's triad?

Correct Answer: - Hypotension, Muffled Heart Sounds, JVD **Caracteristic for Cardiac Tamponade**

What are the reasons why a healthy patient may have delayed capillary refill?

Correct Answer: - Hypothermia (body temperature) - Medications - Age ( elderly ) - Body positioning

What is the condition that is suspected when orthostatic vital signs are positive?

Correct Answer: - Hypovolemia

What are the major types of shock?

Correct Answer: - Hypovolemia - Cardiogenic - Anaphylaxis - Neurogenic

What are the contraindications for oral glucose?

Correct Answer: - If the pt is unconscious or unable to swallow

What should raise your index of suspicion for child abuse when you are treating a pediatric patients?

Correct Answer: - Inconsistent stories/ stories don't match - Injuries are inconsistent with the told MOI - Various unexplained bruises in various stages of healing - Abnormal reaction from child toward caregiver

What is hypercarbia?

Correct Answer: - Increased amount of CO2 in the blood stream

What does Cushing's triad indicate?

Correct Answer: - Increased intracranial pressure

What is respiratory distress?

Correct Answer: - Increased work of breathing/ Difficulty breathing a sensation of shortness of breath

Where cab skin. color be assessed to determine good perfusion in your patients?

Correct Answer: - Inner lip - lower eyelid ( conjunctiva) - Nail beds

What is Cullen's sign indicative of?

Correct Answer: - Intraperitoneal hemorrhage

How do you treat eclampsia?

Correct Answer: - Lay mom in left lateral recumbent position - Apply O2 - Maintain airway - Suction Vomit

What is transfer of care?

Correct Answer: - Leaving your patient with another qualified individual to care for them ( ex: Nurse, Doctor, paramedic)

What position should a third trimester pregnant patient be transported in?

Correct Answer: - Left lateral recumbent

What does hypoglycemia mean?

Correct Answer: - Low blood sugar

How should you treat a patient who presents with a flail chest?

Correct Answer: - Maintain airway --> Provide respiratory support (as needed) --> Administer oxygen --> Splinting/ immobilzing the flail chest --> Perform ongoing assessments

What is the units used to measure blood sugar levels?

Correct Answer: - Milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood (mg/dL)

What are involuntary muscles?

Correct Answer: - Muscles that move automatically/ you can't control their movements ( Ex: digestive muscle/ cardiac muscles)

Your patient complains of shortness of breath and a feeling of heavy pressure in his chest. His respirations are 38, shallow. His pulse is 56 and irregular, and he reports a history of angina. Do you have enough information to assist the patient with his prescribe nitroglycerin?

Correct Answer: - NO - you need to assess his BP before administering nitroglycerin --- b/c hypotension is a contraindication for nitroglycerin

How long should you suction an infant for?

Correct Answer: - No more than 5 seconds

How long should you suction a pediatric patient for?

Correct Answer: - No more then 10 seconds

What are the contraindications to consider before using a prescribed epinephrine auto injector on a patient presenting with signs of a severe allergic reaction, including difficulty breathing?

Correct Answer: - None --- there are no contraindications when in a life threatening situation

Why is it important to place gentle pressure on the baby's head as soon as crowning occurs?

Correct Answer: - Placing pressure on the baby's head helps to prevent an explosive birth.... prevents injury to both mom and baby

What does PASG stand for?

Correct Answer: - Pneumatic anti-shock garment

What is the phase that immediately follows a seizure where the patients may remain unresponsive, have an altered LOC, become agitated or appear sleepy?

Correct Answer: - Postictal state

What does gravid mean?

Correct Answer: - Pregnant

What is the APGAR score used for?

Correct Answer: - Provides an organized method to assess newborn health status at 1 and 5 minute of life after birth (helps determine need for short term interventions does NOT determine long term well being)

What does PEA stand for?

Correct Answer: - Pulseless Electrical Activity

When assessing a pulse what should you assess?

Correct Answer: - Rate - Rhythm - Strength

What rescue methods should you consider before going into the water and swimming to rescue a patient?

Correct Answer: - Reach out your arm - Throw a floating object (rope) to tow/ pull your victim out - Row a boat/ raft out to the victim

After the use of an AED, your patient is awake. While on the stretcher your patient becomes unresponsive again. An assessment reveals no pulse and no breathing. What is your next step?

Correct Answer: - Reanalyze using AED and shock if indicated

What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations?

Correct Answer: - Respirations that involve periods of apnea alternating with periods of hyperventilation

What are the six things that you must know when considering what medications to administer to a patient?

Correct Answer: - Right dose - Right route - Right pt - Actions - Indications - Contraindications

What are the " four rights" when considering administering a medication to a patient?

Correct Answer: - Right pt - Right medication - Right dose - Right route

What is eclampsia?

Correct Answer: - Seizure resulting from severe hypertension in a pregnant woman

What is the visceral pleura?

Correct Answer: - Serous membrane that covers lungs

What is obstructive shock?

Correct Answer: - Shock that occurs when there is a block to blood flow in the heart or other vessels causing insufficient blood supply to the body's tissues

In a patient with a hip fracture, what might you notice in the lower extremity?

Correct Answer: - Shortening and rotation of the lower extremity of the affected hip

How should a correction be made on a PCR?

Correct Answer: - Single line through the error and the correct info written below/ beside it, then initialed ( never erase wrong info)

What are potential causes of low blood sugar in a diabetic pt?

Correct Answer: - Skipping meals - Too much insulin - Over exercising

Why is it important to select the proper sized blood pressure cuff?

Correct Answer: - So that you can get an accurate reading (BP cuff that is too loose may result in falsely low readings) (BP cuff that is too tight may result in falsely high reading)

What does SOAP stand for?

Correct Answer: - Subjective - Objective - Assessment - Plan (a documentation method)

What would be an appropriate intervention if your patient presented with the respiratory sound "gurgling"?

Correct Answer: - Suction if able to see fluids, provide high flow O2 and transport

What is positional asphyxia?

Correct Answer: - Suffocation that occurs when a pt is restrained improperly restricting the neck, chest wall and diaphragm

What is automaticity?

Correct Answer: - The ability of the heart to contract at its own rate independently from influence of the brain

What is an anuerysm?

Correct Answer: - The abnormal widening or swelling of a vessel, resulting from weakening of the vessels walls

What is residual volume?

Correct Answer: - The air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration

Where can tarsals be found?

Correct Answer: - The ankle

What is the perineum?

Correct Answer: - The area of skin between the vagina and the anus

Why is a prolapsed cord dangerous to the baby?

Correct Answer: - The blood flow in the cord may become occluded depriving the baby of oxygen and nutrients

What is the name of the pressure point used to stop excessive bleeding from the arm?

Correct Answer: - The brachial pressure point

What does the term afterbirth describe?

Correct Answer: - The delivery of the placenta and other membranes that are expelled after child birth

What is hemolysis?

Correct Answer: - The destruction of red blood cells

What is the carrying method that should be used to carry a patient on a backboard or cot?

Correct Answer: - The diamond carry

What is an Evisceration?

Correct Answer: - The displacement of organs outside of the body

What is the fundus of the uterus?

Correct Answer: - The dome shaped top of the uterus

What is the name of the pressure point used to stop excessive bleeding from the leg?

Correct Answer: - The femoral pressure point

Who established command on scene?

Correct Answer: - The first emergency unit on scene - Command is then passed to more qualified/ higher ranking responders as they enter the scene

What is paradoxical motion?

Correct Answer: - The motion of a portion of chest wall that is detached in a flail chest --- chest moves in on inhalation and out on exhalation ( the opposite of normal motions)

What is para mean?

Correct Answer: - The number of babies a woman has delivered (after 20 weeks)

What is the Aortic valve?

Correct Answer: - The one way valve that lies between the left ventricle and aorta -- prevents blood from back flowing into the left ventricle ejects its blood into the aorta

What happens during the third stage of labor?

Correct Answer: - The placenta is delivered

What is diastolic pressure?

Correct Answer: - The pressure that remains in the arteries during the relaxing phase of the hearts cycle when the left ventricle is at rest

What is quality improvement?

Correct Answer: - The process of continuous self review with the purpose of identifying aspects that require improvement

What is diastole?

Correct Answer: - The relaxation of the heart especially of the ventricles

What is the pleura?

Correct Answer: - The serous membrane covering the lungs and lining the thoracic cavity

What is crepitation?

Correct Answer: - The sound of grating bones rubbing together

What is the definition of an angioplasty?

Correct Answer: - The surgical repair of a vessel

What is the parietal pleura?

Correct Answer: - The thin membrane that lines the chest cavity

What is the manubrium?

Correct Answer: - The upper portion of the sternum

What is stroke volume?

Correct Answer: - The volume of blood pumped forward with each ventricular contraction

What is the definition of standard of care?

Correct Answer: - The written, accepted levels of emergency care expected by reason of training and profession, written by legal or professional organizations so that patients are not exposed to unreasonable risk

What type of medications are describes as "clot busters"?

Correct Answer: - Thrombolytics

A person who is A+O X4 is oriented to what four things?

Correct Answer: - Time ( season, day, night vs. day, time of day) - Location ( where they are) - Person (who they are, who the president is, who a family member is) - Event ( what happened)

What is the function of the pancreas?

Correct Answer: - To create and secrete insulin

In an unwitnessed cardiac arrest, why should defibrillation be delayed until at least two minutes of CPR have been administered?

Correct Answer: - To ensure that the heart has been adequately perfused

Why should ongoing assessments be performed on all patients?

Correct Answer: - To ensure that your treatments are effective and to find any changes in the pt's condition - To ID any other injuries/ illnesses that may have been overdosed

What is SAMPLE used for?

Correct Answer: - To get a patients history

Your patients family member reports that the patient accidentally took too much insulin: would you expect to find the blood sugar too high or too low?

Correct Answer: - Too low

You were called to the residence of an adult female in labor. After delivery you assess that the new born has a pink body but blue hands. He has a pulse of 110 beats per minute, resists your attempts to straighten his hips and knees, cries when his foot is flicked and has slow respirations. What is the APGAR score of the infant?

Correct Answer: - Total score: 8 - Appearance: 1 - Pulse: 2 - Grimace: 2 - Activity: 2 - Respirations: 1

What is the definition of battery?

Correct Answer: - Touching a patient or providing emergency care with out expressed consent

What items should be in your OB kit?

Correct Answer: - Towels - Baby blanket - Bulb syringe - Umbilical clamps - Surgical scissors/ scalpel - Baby bunting - Sanitary napkin - Infant cap - Bio hazard bag

When assessing the neck after a traumatic injury, what are you looking for besides DCAP-BTLS?

Correct Answer: - Tracheal deviation - Vein distention - Crepitus

What is a TIA?

Correct Answer: - Transient ischemic attack - a mini stroke that normally resolves symptoms within 24 hours

What would be an appropriate intervention if your patient presented with the respiratory sound "wheezing"?

Correct Answer: - Treat with prescribed medications and medications EMT's are allowed to administer (according to protocols)

What is a nuchal cord?

Correct Answer: - Umbilical cord around the fetal neck.

In what situations is it appropriate to remove a patients helmet?

Correct Answer: - Unable to assess the patients airway - Unable to immobilize the patients spine - If the patient is in cardiac arrest - If the helmet is causing excessive movement of the head

What does sublingual mean?

Correct Answer: - Under the tongue

What is the definition of assault?

Correct Answer: - Unlawfully placing a patient in fear of bodily harm ( threatening)

Where should you auscultate breath sounds?

Correct Answer: - Upper and lower chest - Upper and lower back - at the midaxillary line

What is PASG used for?

Correct Answer: - Used for hypovolemic shock patients and patients experiencing hemorrhaging ( pregnant especially) by providing uniform pressure to the lower extremities and abdomen

What is OPQRST used for?

Correct Answer: - Used to obtain HPI (history of present illness/injury)

What is cavitation?

Correct Answer: - When a medium to high velocity projectile. enters the body, the energy of the projectile causes the surrounding tissue to expand to greater than the actual size of the tissue

What is a behavioral emergency?

Correct Answer: - When a pt's behavior is dangerous, abnormal, intolerable and causes concerns of others (family/friends/ bystanders)

At what point should compressions be interrupted when using an AED?

Correct Answer: - When the AED is analyzing or shocking

What is compensated shock?

Correct Answer: - When the body senses a decrease in perfusion and compensates by raising the heart rate and concentrating blood to the critical organs

What is a prolapsed cord?

Correct Answer: - When the umbilical cord enters the birth canal before the baby's head ( you see cord before you see baby's head)

What is meconium staining?

Correct Answer: - When there is a discoloration of the amniotic fluid as a result of the baby's first poop in the amniotic sac ( indicator for fetal distress)

What are likely changes that may be observed in the condition of the skin of a person in the early stages of frost bite?

Correct Answer: - White waxy skin - Blotchy skin - Loss of skins textures - Discoloration ( grey, yellow or blue)

What is the definition of an Advanced directive?

Correct Answer: - Written documentation that specifies medical treatment of a competent patient should the patient become unable to make decisions ( aka: living will)

What is meant by "Duty to Act" ?

Correct Answer: - You have an obligation to help/ perform patient care

Your patient has sustained a superficial injury to the arm. What does this mean?

Correct Answer: - Your patient has an injury to the arm that is close to/ directly on the skin

What is a medication side effect?

Correct Answer: - an action/ symptom of a drug other than its desired action

According to the rule of nines how much does an infants arm account for?

Correct Answer: - each arm is 9%

What is the FCC responsible for?

Correct Answer: - they are responsible for interstate, international telephone and telegraph services as well as all satellite communications

What is Cullen's sign?

Correct Answer: -It is the presence of superficial edema and bruising around the umbilicus - it is suggestive of acute pancreatitis or an intraabdominal bleed.

According to rule of nines, how much does an adults genitals account for?

Correct Answer: 1%

What is the normal pulse rate for an adult?

Correct Answer: 60 -100 beats per minute

Your patient has a glasgow coma scale of 13, a systolic blood pressure of 80 mm Hg and respiratory rate of 8 breath per minute. His revised trauma score (RTS) is: a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11

Correct Answer: B. 9

According to the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), an adult trauma patient should be transported to the highest level of trauma center if he or she: a. Was involved in a motor vehicle crash in which another patient in the same vehicle was killed b. Has a systolic blood pressure of less than 110 mm Hg or a heart rate greater than 110 beats per minute c. Has a bleeding disorder or takes anticoagulant medications and has any blunt or penetrating injury d. Has a GCS score of less than or equal to 13 with a mechanism attributed to trauma

Correct Answer: D. Has a GCS score of less than or equal to 13 with a mechanism attributed to trauma

Common signs and symptoms of hypertensive emergency include: a. Pallor, cool skin and a temporary loss of hearing b. Syncope, a weak pulse and bleeding from the ears c. Tachycardia, pain behind the eyes and weakness d. A bounding pulse, a severe headache, and dizziness

Correct Answer: D. a bounding pulse, severe headache, and dizziness

What is the BURP maneuver?

Correct Answer: Helps you visualize cords -Backward (Posterior pressure on larynx against the cervical vertebrae) -Upward: Upward pressure on larynx as far as possible -Right: Lateral pressure on larynx -Pressure

Which of the following is an example of an effective way to communicate with an elderly patient? a. "Sir I am going to try to make you comfortable until we get to the hospital" b. " You just sit down here on this nice comfortable chair and don't worry" c. "I will try to talk very slowly so you can understand me" d. " Sir, I'll make sure to explain everything I'm doing to your son"

Correct Answer: a. "Sir I am going to try to make you comfortable until we get to the hospital"

Blood occupies what percentage of the cranium? a. 10% b. 20% c. 80% d. 15%

Correct Answer: a. 10%

What is the approximate blood loss that can occur with a rib fracture? a. 125 cc b. 75 cc c. 100 cc d. 50 cc

Correct Answer: a. 125 cc

Exhaled air contains ______ oxygen a. 16% b. 21% c. 5% d. 3% to 5%

Correct Answer: a. 16%

The placental barrier consists of ________ layers of the cell and allows for nutrients and waste to be passed between the mother and fetus a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Correct Answer: a. 2

When triaging at an MCI, the maximum number of seconds that should be spent assessing each patient is: a. 30 seconds b. 15 seconds c. 10 seconds d. 60 seconds

Correct Answer: a. 30 seconds

When suctioning an infant do NOT suction for more than: a. 5 seconds b. 10 seconds c. 15 seconds d. 30 seconds

Correct Answer: a. 5 seconds

Your patient has a pulse rate of 90 a blood pressure of 132/80 and a stroke volume of 70 what is this patients cardiac output? a. 6,300 b. 630 c. 7,200 d. 5,600

Correct Answer: a. 6,300

Normal heart rate for an adolescent patient is: a. 60 - 100 b. 90 - 150 c. 70 - 120 d. 80 - 110

Correct Answer: a. 60-100

Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below: a. 92 degrees Fahrenheit b. 96 degrees Fahrenheit c. 94 degrees Fahrenheit d. 98 degrees Fahrenheit

Correct Answer: a. 92 degrees Fahrenheit

You have been informed by a patient's caregiver that the patient is infected with HIV. Your partner refuses to administer treatment because of fear of her own infection. If she refuses to provide patient care, what can she be charged with? a. Abandonment b. Negligence c. Assault d. Deviation of protocols

Correct Answer: a. Abandonment

The _______ delivers blood to all the systemic arteries for transport to the tissues of the body. a. Aorta b. Pulmonic veins c. Capillaries d. Inferior vena cava

Correct Answer: a. Aorta

The first step in a rapid extrication of a patient from a car is to: a. Apply a cervical immobilization collar b. Place the end of the long board on the seat c. Rotate the patient until his or her back is in the open doorway d. Move all of the extremities into a neutral position

Correct Answer: a. Apply a cervical immobilization collar

A condition in which the artery walls become hard and stiff due to calcium deposits is: a. Arterioscerlosis b. Hypercholesterolemia c. Hyperlipidimia d. Atherosclerosis

Correct Answer: a. Arterioscerlosis

A 12 year old female fell while ice skating. She did not strike her head and is alert, complaining of pain to the left wrist, How should you assess this patient? a. Assess just the areas that the patient tells you are painful b. Assess every body part from head to toe c. Focus on just the patients airway and cervical spine d. Complete only the initial and ongoing assessment

Correct Answer: a. Assess just the areas that the patient tells you are painful ( you can perform a focused assessment because there are no life threatening risks)

When you find a patient face down in the water, you should position yourself: a. Behind the patient b. At the head c. At the feet d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Behind the patient

Patients who are not breathing after repositioning their airway should be take: a. Black b. Red c. Green d. Yellow

Correct Answer: a. Black

Which of the following is a component of the cardiovascular system? a. Blood b. Perineum c. Pleura d. Insulin

Correct Answer: a. Blood

Alkalosis is a condition that occurs when: a. Blood acidity is reduced by excessive breathing b. Dangerous acids accumulate in the blood stream c. The level of carbon dioxide in the blood increases d. Slow, shallow breathing eliminates too much carbon dioxide.

Correct Answer: a. Blood acidity is reduced by excessive breathing

Complete cessation of cardiac activity is called: a. Cardiac arrest b. Asystole c. Ventricular cessation d. Sinus arrest

Correct Answer: a. Cardiac arrest

What section of the vertebral column is most susceptible to injury? a. Cervical spine b. Lumbar spine c. Thoracic spine d. Coccyx

Correct Answer: a. Cervical spine

The blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle are the: a. Coronary arteries b. Coronary capillaries c. Pulmonary veins d. Pulmonary arteries

Correct Answer: a. Coronary arteries

Patients with tuberculosis pose the greatest risk for transmitting the disease when they: a. Cough b. Vomit c. Are bleeding d. Have a fever

Correct Answer: a. Cough

The three primary characteristics that you must evaluate when assessing breath sounds are: a. Depth, ease, rate b. Ease, rate, rhythm c. Rate, rhythm, sound d. Sounds, ease, depth

Correct Answer: a. Depth, ease, rate

During Physical exertion in the normal functioning heart, the increased need for blood supply is daily obtained by a. Dilation of coronary arteries b. Narrowing of the peripheral arteries c. Dilation of pulmonary arteries d. Decreasing the pulse rate

Correct Answer: a. Dilation of coronary arteries

A head bleed that is characterized by a loss of consciousness, a lucid period, then loss of consciousness again is a(n) a. Epidural b. Subarachnoid c. Subdural d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a. Epidural

When lifting a patient who is in a sitting or supine position and has no suspected spinal injury, the _______ should be used. a. Extremity lift b. Emergency move c. Direct ground lift d. Scoop stretcher

Correct Answer: a. Extremity lift

The MOST common error associated with the use of the AED is: a. Failure of the EMT to ensure the battery is charged b. Malfunction of the AED's internal computer processor c. Inappropriately placed adhesive defibrillation electrodes d. Inability of the EMT to recognize ventricular fibrillation

Correct Answer: a. Failure of the EMT to ensure the battery is charged

What is the most common cause of seizure in pediatric patients? a. Fever b. Head trauma c. Hypoxia d. Brain tumor

Correct Answer: a. Fever

The small lower extremity bone that lies on the lateral side of the leg is the: a. Fibula b. Tibia c. Patella d. Lateral Malleolus

Correct Answer: a. Fibula

Which of the following statements regarding hepatitis A is correct? a. Hepatitis A can only be transmitted by a patient who has an acute infection b. Infection with hepatitis A causes chronic illness with a high mortality rate c. Hepatitis A is primarily transmitted via contact with blood or other bodily fluids d. although there is no vaccine against hepatitis A, treatment is usually successful

Correct Answer: a. Hepatitis A can only be transmitted by a patient who has an acute infection

You are caring for a victim of a motor vehicle accident who is approximately seven months pregnant. The mechanism of injury strongly suggests spinal trauma. How should you position the patient during transport? a. Immobilize on a long board that is tilted to the left b. Immobilized and transported supine on a back board c. Immobilize in whatever position she is most comfortable in d. Seated upright with her torso immobilized in a short spine device

Correct Answer: a. Immobilize on a long board that is tilted to the left

When the level of carbon dioxide increases in the blood the impulse to breathe: a. Increases b. Decreases c. Remains the same d. Increases and decreases

Correct Answer: a. Increases

Blood from the abdomen, legs and kidneys is carried through the _________ into the right atrium a. Inferior vena cava b. Aorta c. Right coronary artery d. Femoral artery

Correct Answer: a. Inferior vena cava

A 28 year old female patient is found to be responsive to verbal stimuli only. Her Roomate states that she was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and has had difficulty controlling her blood sugar level. She further tells you that the patient has been urinating excessively and has progressively worsened over the last 24 to 36 hours. on the basis of the patient's clinical presentation, you should suspect that she: a. Is significantly hyperglycemic b. Has a low blood glucose level c. Has a urinary tract infection d. Has overdosed on her insulin

Correct Answer: a. Is significantly hyperglycemic

Use of accessory muscles, grunting, and stridor are all signs of: a. Labored respirations b. Noisy respirations c. Shallow respirations d. Agonal respirations

Correct Answer: a. Labored respirations

The pulse of a patient with a malfunctioning pacemaker will usually have a pulse rate that is: a. Less than 60 b. Normal c. Greater than 60 d. Greater than 130

Correct Answer: a. Less than 60

The Fibrous tissues that connect bone to bone are: a. Ligaments b. Tendons c. Joints d. Skeletal muscles

Correct Answer: a. Ligaments

The left side of the heart receives blood from the: a. Lungs b. Pulmonary veins c. Arteries d. Aorta

Correct Answer: a. Lungs (pulmonary veins bring the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart)

If a patient sustains a brain injury in the temporal region, she may develop problems with: a. Memory b. Vision c. Sensory function d. Emotions

Correct Answer: a. Memory

The major purpose of the EMT's interactions with a patient during transport is to continuously evaluate the patients: a. Mental status and airway b. Pulse and respirations c. Anxiety and restlessness d. Skin color and pupils

Correct Answer: a. Mental status and airway

What should be applied to an evisceration? a. Moistened, sterile dressing b. Dry, sterile dressing c. Pressure dressing d. Moistened bandage

Correct Answer: a. Moistened, sterile dressing

A car that is traveling at a speed of 50 mph when it abruptly stops after colliding with a tree is an example of: a. Newtons first law b. Newtons law of gravity c. Newtons third law d. Newtons second law

Correct Answer: a. Newtons first law

When Assessing an elderly patient who fell, it is important to remember that: a. Osteoporosis can cause a fracture as a result of a fall from standing position b. Any fall in the elderly is considered to be high energy trauma c. Elderly patients who fall usually have a secondary head injury d. Bilateral hip fractures usually occur when an elderly person falls

Correct Answer: a. Osteoporosis can cause a fracture as a result of a fall from standing position

You are dispatched to the scene of a gunshot wound to the abdomen. You would expect this patient's skin to be: a. Pale b. Pink c. Cyanotic d. Jaundiced

Correct Answer: a. Pale

a 14 year old female is unconscious after a 15 foot fall off a ladder. When evaluating her chest during a rapid trauma assessment, you should assess for: a. Paradoxical motion b. Jugular vein distension c. softness d. distention

Correct Answer: a. Paradoxical motion

A burn that is characterized by pain, blisters, and mottled skin is a: a. Partial thickness burn (secondary) b. Superficial burn c. Full thickness burn d. Subcutaneous burn

Correct Answer: a. Partial thickness burn (secondary)

As the infant moves through the birth canal during birth, what structure bulges significantly? a. Perineum b. Vagina c. Fundus d. abdomen

Correct Answer: a. Perineum

Whenever it is necessary to carry out an emergency move of a patient, it is important to: a. Pull the patient along the line of body's long axis b. Immobilize the patient to a long spine board before the move c. Complete the detailed assessment before the move d. Have at least two EMT's lift the patient off the ground

Correct Answer: a. Pull the patient along the line of body's long axis

When preparing for the delivery of an infant you notice that the amniotic sac is protruding from the vagina as the head is crowning. You should: a. Puncture the amniotic sac b. Transport immediately c. Support the infants head and encourage the mother to push d. Apply a moist, sterile pad to the vagina and transport

Correct Answer: a. Puncture the amniotic sac

You are assessing a 49 year old man who complains of chest pressure that began the night before. He is conscious, but anxious, and tells you has a history of angina and hypertension. After applying high flow oxygen, you expose his chest to auscultate his lungs and note that he has a nitroglycerin patch on his right upper chest. His skin is cool and pale, his blood pressure is 78/50 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110 bpm and irregular. You should: a. Remove the nitroglycerin patch, place him in a supine position and elevate his lower extremities, and prepare for immediate transport b. Immediately remove the nitroglycerin patch, apply the AED in case he develops cardiac arrest, and transport to the closest hospital c. Move the nitroglycerin patch to the other side of his chest in case you need to apply the AED, keep him warm and transport without delay d. Ask him if the nitroglycerin patch he is wearing has improved his chest pressure, complete your secondary assessment, and transport promptly

Correct Answer: a. Remove the nitroglycerin patch, place him in a supine position and elevate his lower extremities, and prepare for immediate transport

When ventilating an unconscious patient without a spinal injury, you notice that the stomach appears to be distending. You should: a. Reposition the head and apply cricoid pressure b. Decrease your tidal volume given c. Gently press on the stomach to relieve pressure d. Insert and oral adjunct

Correct Answer: a. Reposition the head and apply cricoid pressure

Your patient is an elderly female, found on a flat hard surface. If she has a suspected hip injury, the best device to carry and/ or move this patient would be a: a. Scoop stretcher b. Backboard c. Stokes basket d. Reeves stretcher

Correct Answer: a. Scoop stretcher

your patient is showing signs of possible carbon monoxide poisoning. What should be your first concern on this call? a. Secure the safety of yourself, other people and the patient b. Open the airway and administer supplemental oxygen c. Transport the patient rapidly to the closest facility d. Obtain medical direction to administer activated charcoal

Correct Answer: a. Secure the safety of yourself, other people and the patient

The average sized adult has approximately __________ of blood volume a. Six liters b. Nine liters c. Eight liters d. Eight pints

Correct Answer: a. Six liters

A 15 year old female was struck by a small car while riding her bicycle. She was wearing a helmet and was thrown to the ground, striking her head. In addition to managing problems associated with airway, breathing and circulation, it is MOST important for you to: a. Stabilize her entire spine b. Obtain baseline vital signs c. Inspect the helmet for cracks d. Leave her bicycle helmet on

Correct Answer: a. Stabilize her entire spine

The Manner in which you must act or behave is called a: a. Standard of care b. Duty to act c. Standing protocol d. Standard operating procedure

Correct Answer: a. Standard of care

The increased pressure on the arterial walls produced when the left ventricle contracts is the: a. Systolic pressure b. Arterial pressure c. Diastolic pressure d. Residual pressure

Correct Answer: a. Systolic pressure

What should you assume when you hear wheezing during respirations? a. The small airways are constricted b. The patient cannot keep the airway open c. There is liquid in the airway d. The patient is using accessory muscles

Correct Answer: a. The small airways are constricted

Newtons ________ law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction a. Third b. First c. Second d. Fourth

Correct Answer: a. Third

According to the Association of Air Medical Services, you should consider air medical transport of a trauma patient if: a. Traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome b. Ground transport will take your ambulance out of service for an extended period of time, regardless of the severity of the patients injuries c. The patient requires advanced life support care and stabilization, and the nearest ALS ground ambulance is 5 to 10 minutes away d. He or she was involved in a motor vehicle crash in which another occupant in the same vehicle was killed, even if your patients injuries are minor

Correct Answer: a. Traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome a. Traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome

The _______ carries deoxygenated blood from the baby's heart to the mother. a. Umbilical Artery b. Umbilical Vein c. Placenta d. Bag of waters

Correct Answer: a. Umbilical artery

The pancreas is locates in the: a. Upper left quadrant b. Upper right quadrant c. Lower left quadrant d. Lower right quadrant

Correct Answer: a. Upper left quadrant

The correct procedure for inserting an oral airway in an infant or child is to: a. Use the tongue depressor to move the tongue forward, and insert the airway right side up b. Tip the head back and open the mouth wide and then rotate the airway on insertion c. Lubricate the tip of the airway with sterile saline and insert it until you feel resistance d. Insert the airway with the bevel toward the base of the throat, pushing gently if you feel resistance

Correct Answer: a. Use the tongue depressor to move the tongue forward, and insert the airway right side up ( avoid rotating the airway as much as possible when treating children)

Another medical term for the womb is: a. Uterus b. Birth canal c. Cervix d. Amniotic sac

Correct Answer: a. Uterus

You should suspect the possibility of shock in a child who has a recent history of: a. Vomiting and diarrhea b. Cardiac arrest c. Epileptic seizures d. Upper respiratory disease

Correct Answer: a. Vomiting anf diarrhea

Force acting over a distance is the definition of: a. Work b. Latent energy c. Kinetic energy d. Potential energy

Correct Answer: a. Work

Which statement about the assessment of a patient with cardiac compromise is correct? a. You cannot determine the degree of cardiac damage in the field b. You should not ask patients about nitroglycerine or other drug use c. The purpose of the focused history is to determine whether to use the AED d. Patients usually describe cardiac pain as localized and moderately severe

Correct Answer: a. You cannot determine the degree of cardiac damage in the field

Which of the following statements regarding hypoxic drive is correct? a. The hypoxic drive stimulates a person to breathe on the basis of low oxygen levels b. Chronic carbon dioxide elimination often results in activation of the hypoxic drive c. The hypoxic drive serves as the primary stimulus for breathing in healthy individuals d. 100% supplemental oxygen will always cause apnea in patients with hypoxic drive

Correct Answer: a. the hypoxic drive stimulates a person to breathe on the basis of low oxygen levels

Your patient has a painful deformity of the right lower leg. The pulse in the right posterior tibial artery is missing. Before splinting the injured leg, you should: a. Use gentle traction to attempt to align the limb b. Apply a tourniquet to stop internal bleeding c. check the brachial pulse as well d. place the right foot in the position of function

Correct Answer: a. use gentle traction to attempt to align the limb ( by bringing the limb to alignment pressure on blood vessel may be relieved and circulation may return)

When parking an ambulance at the scene of a motor vehicle accident, an ambulance should be parked: a. In front of the collision b. 100 feet away from the collision c. Behind the collision d. Downwind

Correct Answer: b. 100 feet away from the collision

An adult burn patient with circumferential burns to his right arm, burns to the entire anterior aspect of his right leg, and burns to genitals will have burns to a total body surface area of: a. 14.5 % b. 19% c. 23.5% d. 28%

Correct Answer: b. 19%

What is the common ratio for the span of control in an Incident Command System? a. 1:2 b. 1:5 c. 1:3 d. 1:7

Correct Answer: b. 1:5

A nasal cannula will deliver approximately what amount of oxygen to a patient? a. 5%- 30% b. 24% - 44% c. 10%- 15% d. Nearly 100%

Correct Answer: b. 24% - 44%

Which set of vital signs is within normal limits? a. Newborn: pulse 100 bpm, respirations 36 per minute, BP 60/30 b. 3 year old male: pulse 98 bpm, respirations 27 per minute BP 84/48 c. 9 year old female: pulse 118 bpm, respirations 24 per minute, BP 120/80 d. 24 year old male: pulse 92 bpm, respirations 26 per minute, BP 112/70

Correct Answer: b. 3 year old male: pulse 98 bpm, respirations 27 per minute BP 84/48

The common dosage for the administration of acetylsalicylic acid in a cardiac emergency is: a. 81 mg PO b. 324 mg PO c. 81 mg IO d. 324 g PO

Correct Answer: b. 324 mg PO

A woman's gestation is: a. 25 weeks b. 40 weeks c. 36 weeks d. 28 weeks

Correct Answer: b. 40 weeks

Which patient's vital signs are abnormal? a. 67 year old male: Pulse 68 bpm, respirations 15 per minute, BP 130/88 b. 44 year old female: pulse 92 beats per minute, respirations 22 per minute, BP 120/80 c. 14 year old male: pulse 88 bpm, respirations 18 per minute, BP 110/70 d. 7 year old female: pulse 100 bpm, respirations 23 per minute, BP 96/50

Correct Answer: b. 44 year old female: pulse 92 beats per minute, respirations 22 per minute, BP 120/80

The amniotic sac normally contains __________ of fluid a. 200- 500 ml b. 500 - 1000 ml c. 1,000 - 1,500 ml d. 1,000 - 2,000 ml

Correct Answer: b. 500 - 1000 ml

The normal blood glucose level is between: a. 60 and 80 mg/dL b. 80 and 120 mg/dL c. 130 and 150 mg/dL d. 160 and 200 mg/dL

Correct Answer: b. 80 and 120 mg/dL

To remove the roof of a vehicle with an entrapped victim using a hydraulic- powered cutter, cut through the __________ with a relief cut to the roof and fold the roof over a. B and C posts b. A and B posts c. Nader pin d. Windsheild

Correct Answer: b. A and B posts

Which of the following injuries should raise your index of suspicion of child abuse? a. Arm fracture b. A grid pattern burn c. Bruises to the buttocks d. Increased concern of the caregiver

Correct Answer: b. A grid pattern burn

You are assessing a 49 year old man who according to his wife experienced a sudden, severe headache and then passed out. He is unresponsive and has slow irregular breathing. His blood pressure is 190/94 mm Hg and his pulse rate is 50 beats/min. His wife tells you that he had hypertension and diabetes. He had MOST likely experienced: a. Acute hypoglycemia b. A ruptured cerebral artery c. A complex partial seizure d. An occluded cerebral artery

Correct Answer: b. A ruptured cerebral artery

Which statements about assessing blood pressure is correct? a. If you obtain one normal reading it is not necessary to reassess blood pressure b. A single reading is not as useful as multiple readings used to look for a trend c. Variations of more than 5 mm Hg from normal is considered very significant d. Assess blood pressure by palpation only when the patient is in a quiet place

Correct Answer: b. A single reading is not as useful as multiple readings used to look for a trend

The depression in which the femoral head fits into is called the: a. Iliac crest b. Acetabulum c. Ischium d. Greater trochanter

Correct Answer: b. Acetabulum

A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced? a. Thoracic aortic aneurysm b. Acute myocardial infarction c. Uncontrolled hypertension d. Obstructive lung disease

Correct Answer: b. Acute myocardial infarction

Which statement about suctioning an infants and children is correct? a. Insert the suction catheter until it touches the back of the throat b. Administer oxygen immediately before and after suctioning c. Never suction for longer than 30 seconds at a time d. The Vacuum pump should be set no higher than 20 mm Hg

Correct Answer: b. Administer oxygen immediately before and after suctioning

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs within the: a. Bronchioles b. Alveoli c. Pulmonary capillaries d. Bronchi

Correct Answer: b. Alveoli

An area of swelling or enlargement in a weakened arterial wall is called: a. A thrombus b. An aneurysm c. An embolism d. Atherosclerosis

Correct Answer: b. An aneurysm

Erosion of the protective layer of the stomach or duodenum secondary to overactivity of digestive juices results in: a. Ileus b. An ulcer c. Appendicitis d. Cholecystitis

Correct Answer: b. An ulcer

Which of the following injuries MOST likely occur as a direct result of the third collision in a motor vehicle crash? a. Flail chest b. Aortic rupture c. Extremity fractures d.Forehead lacerations

Correct Answer: b. Aortic rupture

You have used an EpiPen on a patient and have NOT obtained consent prior to treatment. You could be charged with: a. Fraud b. Battery c. Forcible restraint d. Negligence

Correct Answer: b. Battery

Before you obtain a signature from a patient for refusal of care, you should: a. Contact your supervisor b. Be sure that the patient is mentally component c. Contact medical control d. Take at least three sets of vital signs

Correct Answer: b. Be sure that the patient is mentally component

A 20 year old female complains of leg and hip pain after falling off a 20 foot ladder. You should conduct a: a. Focused exam b. Rapid trauma assessment c. an OPQRST on the pain only d. Detailed physical exam

Correct Answer: b. Rapid trauma assessment

What is the passive part of breathing? a. Respiration b. Inhalation c. Exhalation d. Ventilation

Correct Answer: c. Exhalation

You are dispatched to a residence for a 56 year old male with an altered mental status. Upon arrival at the scene, the patient's wife tells you that he complained of chest pain the day before, but would not allow her to call EMS. The patient is semiconscious; has rapid shallow respirations; and has a thready pulse. you should: a. Obtain baseline vital signs b. Begin ventilatory assistance c. Attach the AED immediately d. Apply a non-rebreathing mask

Correct Answer: b. Begin ventilatory assistance

To suction the nose of a newborn, it is recommended to use a: a. French catheter b. Bulb syringe c. Rigid tip d. Oxygen powered device

Correct Answer: b. Bulb syringe

In the mnemonic DCAP-BTLS what does the letter "B" stand for: a. Bruising b. Burns c. Breathing d. Battle signs

Correct Answer: b. Burns

In breech presentation which part of the infant presents first a. Lower limbs b. Buttocks c. Umbilical cord d. Head

Correct Answer: b. Buttocks

What has been the leading killer of Americans since the 1900's ? a. Head injury b. Cardiovascular disease c. Suicide d. Trauma

Correct Answer: b. Cardiovascular disease

What arteries supply the head and brain with blood? a. Peripheral b. Carotid c. Coronary d. Brachial

Correct Answer: b. Carotid

Blood clots form in the body depending on the blood's ability to clot, blood stasis and: a. The amount of blood available b. Changes in the vessel wall c. The amount of white blood cells in the blood d. The amount of red blood cells in the blood

Correct Answer: b. Changes in the vessel wall

Which of the following is the best indicator for adequate ventilations when using a bag valve mask? a. Skin color b. Chest rise and fall c. O2 saturations d. Breath sounds

Correct Answer: b. Chest rise and fall

When someone fractures their tailbone, what section of the spine is involved? a. Saccrum b. Coccyx c. Lumbar d. Ischium

Correct Answer: b. Coccyx

All of the following are examples of indirect medical direction EXCEPT: a. Continuing education classes taught by physicians b. Contact between physicians and EMT's in the field c. Design of EMS systems by physicians d. Quality- improvement efforts by physicians

Correct Answer: b. Contact between physicians and EMT's in the field

You suspect hypovolemic shock in your trauma patient. what can you do to treat this condition? a. Administer dopamine b. Control obvious bleeding c. Administer vasoconstrictors (epinephrine) d. Give fluids PO

Correct Answer: b. Control obvious bleeding

Classic signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include: a. Warm, dry skin; irritability; bradycardia; and rapid respirations b. Cool, clammy skin; weakness; tachycardia; and rapid respirations c. Warm, dry skin; hunger; abdominal pain; and deep, slow respirations d. Cold, clammy skin; bradycardia; hunger and deep, rapid respirations

Correct Answer: b. Cool, clammy skin; weakness; tachycardia; and rapid respirations

In the late stages of decompensated shocked the body will have a(n) ___________ in blood pressure and the pulse will _______________ a. Increase, decrease b. Decrease, decrease c. Decrease, increase d. Increase, increase

Correct Answer: b. Decrease, decrease

The collection of fluid in a body part that is closest to the ground is called: a. Pulmonary edema b. Dependent edema c. Dependent lividity d. Congestive edema

Correct Answer: b. Dependent edema

Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure? a. Labored breathing b. Dependent edema c. Pulmonary Edema d. Flat Jugular Veins

Correct Answer: b. Dependent edema

In which part of the skin are nerve endings located? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Subcutaneous layer d. Fascia

Correct Answer: b. Dermis

You respond to a dispatch of an unknown medical event. As you arrive on scene an elderly gentleman greets you at the door and motions you to step inside. you are directed to the rear of the house, where an elderly woman presents to you sitting on the bed. she appears to be in severe respiratory distress..... When should you place the patient on oxygen? a. After the focused assessment b. During the initial assessment c. After taking baseline vital signs d. After medical command gives you permission

Correct Answer: b. During initial assessment

The anterior aspect of the cerebrum controls: a. Touch b. Emotion c. Movement d. Vision

Correct Answer: b. Emotion

You are en route to the receiving facility with a 71 year old male patient with a history of heart disease. The patients distress has been relieved with nitroglycerin, and his vital signs are stable. How often should you reassess the patients vital signs? a. Every 5 minutes or less b. Every 15 minutes c. Every 30 minutes d. There is no need to reassess a stable patient

Correct Answer: b. Every 15 minutes

Egg fertilization normally occurs in the: a. Uterus b. Fallopian tubes c. Eustachian tube d. Ovary

Correct Answer: b. Fallopian tube

The coccyx is composed of ______________ a. two to three b. four to five c. seven d. three

Correct Answer: b. Four to five

Glipizide, a non-insulin-type medication, is another name for: a. Glucophage b. Glucotrol c. Micronase d. Diabinese

Correct Answer: b. Glucotrol

A condition where a patient lacks one or more of the body's clotting factors is called: a. Anemia b. Hemophilia c. Leukemia d. Neutropenia

Correct Answer: b. Hemophilia

Which of the following medications would an EMT be LEAST likely to administer to a patient with a medical complaint? a. Aspirin b. Ibuprofen c. Albuterol d. Oral glucose

Correct Answer: b. Ibuprofen

After ______ minutes without oxygen cells in the nervous system may die or be permanently damaged a. Four to six b. Two to four c. Zero to four d. One to three

Correct Answer: b. Two to four

Your patient is a 19 year old male who has been in a motorcycle crash. Vital signs are pulse 92 and weak, respirations are 24 and shallow, BP 116/80. He has a suspected spinal injury as well as a painful, deformed, swollen right foot. Blood loss is not significant. what should your treatment plan focus on? a. Immobilizing the injured foot in a position of function b. Immobilizing the patient and transporting him rapidly c. Opening the airway and ventilating the patient d. Applying the PASG and inflating all compartments

Correct Answer: b. Immobilizing the patient and transporting him rapidly

Delayed capillary refill is a reliable test of peripheral circulation in: a. Elderly patients b. Infants and children c. Patients in early shock d. Pregnant women

Correct Answer: b. Infants and children

In contrast to type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes: a. occurs when antibodies attack insulin- producing cells b. Is caused by resistance to insulin at the cellular level c. Is caused by a complete lack of insulin in the body d. is commonly diagnosed in children and young adults

Correct Answer: b. Is caused by resistance to insulin at the cellular level

Your patient is found lying unconscious on the sidewalk. No obvious trauma is noted. How would you open the patients airway? a. Head - tilt/ chin- lift b. Jaw thrust maneuver c. Using the forefinger and thumb in a crossover motion d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b. Jaw thrust maneuver

Which of the following assessment findings is MOST indicative of a cardiovascular problem? a. Unequal breath sounds b. Jugular venous distention c. Use of the accessory muscles d. Palpable pain to the epigastrium region

Correct Answer: b. Jugular Venous Distention

You are assessing a patient who was involved in a motor vehicle crash. He has injuries to his shoulder and temporal region. by this injury pattern, you would suspect a: a. Frontal impact b. Lateral impact c. Rear impact d. Rollover

Correct Answer: b. Lateral impact

You have assisted your patient in taking his nitroglycerine. His next set of vital signs indicates that he is now hypotensive and he is still complaining of chest pain your next action should be to: a. Administer the second dose of nitroglycerine b. Lay the patient flat c. Apply the AED d. Contact Medical control for orders

Correct Answer: b. Lay the patient flat

A pregnant female should be transported: a. Supine b. Left lateral recumbent c. Semi - Fowler's position d. Trendelenburg position

Correct Answer: b. Left lateral recumbent

Who is responsible for communicating with other agencies? a. Logistics section chief b. Liaison officer c. Incident commander d. Safety officer

Correct Answer: b. Liaison officer

The upper section of the sternum is called the: a. Angle of Louis b. Manubrium c. Xiphoid process d. Thoracic cage

Correct Answer: b. Manubrium

What method delivers the highest tidal volume to a patient? a. BVM to face b. Mouth to mask c. Blow by O2 d. Nebulizer

Correct Answer: b. Mouth to mask

While en route to a major motor vehicle crash, an on-scene police officer advises you that a 6-year-old male who was riding in the front seat is involved. He further states that the child was only wearing a lap belt and that the air bag deployed. On the basis of this information, you should be MOST suspicious that the child has experienced: a. Open abdominal trauma b. Neck and Facial injuries c. Blunt trauma to the head d. Lower extremity fractures

Correct Answer: b. Neck and facial traumas

How many incident command posts should be established on the scene of an incident? a. One for every ten units b. One c. Two d. Three

Correct Answer: b. One

You are called to the scene of a car crash. The rescue crew tells you that the patient who is still trapped inside the car, is not breathing. An emergency move is not possible at this time, as the patient is pinned. After determining that the scene is safe to enter, you should: a. Assist the rescuer crew in extricating the patient b. Open the patients airway while extrication is going on c. Call for further backup to the scene d. Perform a complete physical exam immediately

Correct Answer: b. Open the patients airway while extrication is going on

ou respond to a dispatch of an unknown medical event. As you arrive on scene an elderly gentleman greets you at the door and motions you to step inside. you are directed to the rear of the house, where an elderly woman presents to you sitting on the bed. she appears to be in severe respiratory distress..... After a few minutes of supplemental oxygen therapy, the patient states that she feels much better. What do you do now? a. Discontinue oxygen since she feels better b. Perform a reassessment of her vital signs c. Have her sign a refusal of care form d. Contact her private physician

Correct Answer: b. Perform a reassessment of her vital signs

The external visible part of the ear is the: a. Earlobe b. Pinna c. External auditory meatus d. Mastoid process

Correct Answer: b. Pinna

________________ helps the blood to clot a. Red blood cells b. Platelets c. White blood cells d. Plasma

Correct Answer: b. Platelets

The oropharynx is the area directly: a. Posterior to the nose b. Posterior of the mouth c. Anterior to the nose d. Anterior to the mouth

Correct Answer: b. Posterior of the mouth

When assessing a patient who experienced a blast injury it is important to remember that: a. Secondary blast injuries are usually the least obvious b. Primary blast injuries are typically the most obvious c. Solid organs usually rupture from the pressure wave d. Primary blast injuries are the most easily overlooked

Correct Answer: b. Primary blast injuries are typically the most obvious

A 22 year old female patient is complaining of dyspnea and numbness and tingling in her hands and feet after an argument with her fiancé her respirations are 40 breaths per min you should: a. Have her breathe into a paper or plastic bag b. Provide reassurance and give oxygen as needed c. Request a paramedic to give her a sedative d. Position her on her left side and transport at once

Correct Answer: b. Provide reassurance and give oxygen as needed

When transporting a stable stroke patient with a paralyzed extremity, place the patient in a: a. Recumbent position with the paralyzed side up b. Recumbent position with the paralyzed side down c. Sitting position with the head at a 45 degree to 90 degree angle d. Supine positon with the legs elevate 6 inches to 12 inches

Correct Answer: b. Recumbent positon with the paralyzed side down

Your patient is a 67 year old female with chest pains and a history of heart disease. After helping her take a dose of her prescribed nitroglycerin, you find that her blood pressure is 96/68 and she is still in severe pain. Medical direction tells you to administer a second dose of nitroglycerin and transport. You should: a. Administer the medication and document the vital signs and the order b. Repeat the blood pressure reading and the order to medical control c. Ask to speak to a senior physician d. Request advance cardiac life support (ACLS) back up immediately

Correct Answer: b. Repeat the blood pressure reading and the order to medical direction

The sinoartrial node is located within the: a. Purkinje fibers b. Right atrium c. Left atrium d. Right ventricle

Correct Answer: b. Right atrium

Functions of the liver include: a. Absorption of nutrients and toxins b. Secretion of bile and filtration of toxic substances c. Production of hormones that regulate blood sugar levels d. Release of amylase, which breaks down starches into sugar

Correct Answer: b. Secretion of bile and filtration of the toxic substances

The heart is divided down the middle into two sides (right and left) by a wall called the: a. Atrioventricular wall b. Septum c. Pericardium d. Transverse septal wall

Correct Answer: b. Septum

Your patient is a 9 year old male with severe nosebleed and no other signs of trauma. In which position should you place him? a. Flat on his back with lower extremities elevated b. sitting up and leaning forwards c. Prone d. Supine

Correct Answer: b. Sitting up and leaning forwards

Which part of the nervous system regulates activities in which there is voluntary control, such as talking, walking etc. a. Voluntary nervous system b. Somatic nervous system c. Autonomic nervous system d. Central nervous system

Correct Answer: b. Somatic nervous system

Your patient is agitated and confused and seems to be displaying symptoms of drug use. The best way to prevent the situation from becoming dangerous to the patient, yourself or others is to: a. Restrain the patient as soon as possible b. Speak calmly and quietly to the patient c. Refuse to treat the patient until he calms down d. Inform the patient of your self defense techniques

Correct Answer: b. Speak calmly and quietly to the patient

The bottom quadrant of the diamond- shaped NFPA symbol contains information about any: a. Health hazards b. Special hazards c. Reactivity d. Fire hazards

Correct Answer: b. Special hazards

You are dispatched to a residence of a patient who has jumped into the shallow end of a pool head first. The scene is safe and the patient is breathing your first action should be to: a. Remove the patient from the water b. Stabilize the patient's c- spine while the patient is still in the water c. Insert an oropharyngeal airway d. Place the patient on a backboard

Correct Answer: b. Stabilize the patient's c- spine while the patient is still in the water

Your patient is a 67 year old female whom you found in cardiac arrest. you have resuscitated her by using an AED and are now transporting her. If she becomes pulseless, you should: a. Request online medical direction b. Stop the ambulance and use the AED c. Begin CPR and continue en route d. Defibrillate quickly while en route

Correct Answer: b. Stop the ambulance and use the AED

a 23 year old male has suffered a penetrating head wound that is bleeding profusely and a cervical spine injury. During your rapid trauma assessment, you should: a. Treat the head wound and continue your rapid assessment b. Stop your exam and provide appropriate care for both injuries c. Manage the cervical spine injury and continue your rapid assessment d. Make a mental note of both injuries and continue the assessment

Correct Answer: b. Stop your exam and provide appropriate care for both injuries

After safety, what is the first priority when rendering treatment to a burn patient? a. Maintaining a sterile field b. Stopping the burning process c. Pain management d. Transport decision

Correct Answer: b. Stopping the burning process

A patient with arthoscelrotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because: a. The coronary arteries suddenly spasm and cause a marked reduction in myocardial blood flow b. The lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow c. Tissues of the myocardium undergo necrosis secondary to a prolonged absence of oxygen d. The ragged edge of a tear in the coronary artery lumen causes local blood clotting and arterial narrowing

Correct Answer: b. The lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow

In an unconscious patient the most common airway obstruction is caused by: a. Foreign objects b. The patients own tongue c. Dentures d. Oral secretions

Correct Answer: b. The patients own tongue

How does the air pressure outside of the body normally compare with the pressure within the thorax? a. The pressures are the same b. The pressure outside of the body is higher c. The pressure outside the body is lower d. The pressure varies with the age of the patient

Correct Answer: b. The pressure outside of the body is higher

Who should direct the movement of a patient when a spinal injury is suspected? a. The crew leader b. The rescuer who is positioned at the head c. The rescuer who is positioned at the feet d. The first rescuer on scene

Correct Answer: b. The rescuer who is positioned at the head

You would apply the PASG in which of the following conditions? a. A transport time of 30 minutes or less b. To control massive soft tissue bleeding in the lower extremities c. Pulmonary edema d. A distal femur fracture

Correct Answer: b. To control massive soft tissue bleeding in the lower extremities

The valve that separated the right atrium from the right ventricle is the: a. Bicuspid valve b. Tricuspid valve c. Aortic valve d. Pulmonic valve

Correct Answer: b. Tricuspid valve

The __________ carries oxygenated blood from the mother to the baby's heart a. Placenta b. Umbilical vein c. Umbilical artery d. Amniotic sac

Correct Answer: b. Umbilical vein

The spleen is located in the: a. Upper right quadrant b. Upper left quadrant c. Retroperitoneal d. Lower Left quadrant

Correct Answer: b. Upper left quadrant

The gallbladder is located in the: a. Lower right quadrant b. Upper right quadrant c. Lower left quadrant d. Upper left quadrant

Correct Answer: b. Upper right quadrant

What should you do if you do not have the right sized cervical collar to fit a patient with a suspected spinal injury? a. Use the next larger or smaller size collar b. Use rolled towels secured with tape c. Leave the neck unsecured and tape the head d. Place the patient on a backboard without a collar

Correct Answer: b. Use rolled towels secured with tape

Which of the following carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra? a. Ureter b. Vas deferens c. Seminal vesicle d. Seminal ducts

Correct Answer: b. Vas deferens

Disorganized quivering of the ventricles is called: a. Atrial fibrillation b. Ventricular fibrillation c. Asystole d. Atrial flutter

Correct Answer: b. Ventricular fibrillation

The strength or ability of a pathogen to produce a disease is: a. Transmission b. Virulence c. Effectivity d. Ineffectivity

Correct Answer: b. Virulence

Which situation might constitute legal abandonment of a patient? a. You leave your patient because the fire in an adjacent building reaches the room you are in b. You begin CPR on a patient and ask a bystander to continue while you assess another patient c. Your patient states that he or she doe not want treatment and signs a statement to that effect d. You transport a patient to the hospital and leave him or her in the care of a nurse who signed your patient- care report

Correct Answer: b. You begin CPR on a patient and ask a bystander to continue while you assess another patient

In which of the following situations might you be found to have committed assault against your patient? a. You leave your patient at the scene of an accident before additional help arrives b. You tell the patient, " if you don't let splint your leg I'll tie you up" c. You tell the patient, " your over 18 and you have the right to refuse treatment" d. You transfer care of your patient to a first responder who has just arrived on scene

Correct Answer: b. You tell the patient, " if you don't let splint your leg I'll tie you up"

For which type of wound should you use an occlusive dressing that is taped on only three sides? a. An Impaled object b. A sucking chest wound c. an abdominal evisceration d. an amputation

Correct Answer: b. sucking chest wound

When caring for a patient who takes multiple medications it is best to: a. Document the medications on your patient care report, but leave them at home so they do not get misplaced. b. Take all the patients medications with you to the hospital and document them on your patient care report c. Send the patients medications to the hospital with a family member or other persons who will safe guard them d. Let the hospital staff retrieve the patients medical records which should show a list of his or her current medications

Correct Answer: b. take all the patients medications with you to the hospital and document them on your patient care report

An infant who is between 1 month old and 1 year old should have a pulse rate of: a. 90 - 180 bpm b. 80 - 140 bpm c. 100 - 160 bpm d. 70 - 110 bpm

Correct Answer: c. 100 - 160 bpm

When should you expect an infant to start to breathe spontaneously? a. One to five seconds after birth b. 10 - 15 seconds after birth c. 20- 30 seconds after birth d. one minute after birth

Correct Answer: c. 20 - 30 seconds after birth

A normal respiratory rate for a newborn is: a. 60- 80 b. 40-60 c. 30- 50 d. 20-30

Correct Answer: c. 30-50

Which of the following is a priority patient who should be transported immediately? a. 27 year old female, 40 weeks pregnant crowning with no complications b. 67 year old male history of heart disease, pain leaved after taking nitroglycerine c. 32 year old female allergic reaction to bee sting, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing d. 15 year old male fell off bicycle possible fractured wrists, cuts and bruises

Correct Answer: c. 32 year old female allergic reaction to bee sting, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing

Deliveries that occur before _______________ weeks gestation are considered premature a. 26 b. 28 c. 36 d. 22

Correct Answer: c. 36

The hear has _________________ chambers a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Correct Answer: c. 4

Which of the following patients is showing signs and symptoms of imminent respiratory arrest? a. 2 year old male: respirations 60/ min severe retractions, cyanosis b. 3 year old female: respirations 50/ min nasal flaring, wheezing c. 4 year old male: respirations 8/ min unresponsive, limp muscle tone d. 3 year old female: respirations 10/min, cyanosis, decreased muscle tone

Correct Answer: c. 4 year old male: respirations 8/ min unresponsive, limp muscle tone

You are assessing a newborn who has pink body and blue extremities, pulse rate of 98/min no response to suctioning, moderate flexion of the extremities and a respiratory rate of 38/min. What is the APGAR score? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

Correct Answer: c. 6

Your patient opens his eyes, moans and pulls away from you when you pinch his trapezius muscle. You should assign a Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score of: a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9

Correct Answer: c. 8

Full thickness burns are characterized by: a. Blisters b. Redness and pain c. A dry leathery appearance d. Mottled skin

Correct Answer: c. A dry leathery appearance

Your patient is a 2 year old female who has injured her leg. The best way to calm her while examining her is to: a. Explain what you are doing in technical language b. Tell her that if she doesn't cooperate, she won't get any better c. Examine her while she is sitting on her parents lap d. Do any painful procedure first so she can calm down

Correct Answer: c. Examine her while she is sitting on her parents lap

In which of the following circumstances should you suspect the possibility of child abuse? a. A parent tells you the 4 month old infant's injuries were caused by rolling off the bed b. A distraught parent promptly reports and requests treatment for a seriously injured child c. A parent tells you that the child walked into a door at school, but the teacher disagrees d. The child and the parent give you an identical account of how an injury occurred

Correct Answer: c. A parent tells you that the child walked into a door at school, but the teacher disagrees

The electrical impulse is slowed to one- or two- tenths of a second to allow blood to pass into the ventricles at what part of the heart? a. SA node b. Internodal pathway c. AV node d. Left bundle branch

Correct Answer: c. AV node

If you extend your arm parallel to the ground this movement is called: a. Pronation b. Adduction c. Abduction d. Flexion

Correct Answer: c. Abduction

A legal statement that states the patients wishes regarding his or her own health care is called a(n): a. Do not resuscitate order b. Statuatory will c. Advance directive d. Testamentary trust will

Correct Answer: c. Advance directive

You are dispatched to an apartment complex for a young male with abdominal pain. your priority upon arriving to the scene should be to: a. Quickly gain access to the patient b. Notify the dispatcher of your arrival c. Assess the scene for potential hazards d. Place a paramedic ambulance on standby

Correct Answer: c. Assess the scene for potential hazards

Your patient does not speak English and you do not speak his native language. You should: a. Do your best to keep treating the patient without communicating b. Speak louder and slower c. Attempt to get a translator d. Ignore the patient's rambling and treat his injuries or illness the best you can

Correct Answer: c. Attempt to get a translator

You respond to a residence and find an elderly male in cardiac arrest. His caregiver states that she remembers seeing a DNR and is going to look for it. What should you do? a. Wait for a caregiver to return with the proper documentation before rendering treatment b. Contact the patient's physician c. Begin CPR d. Advise the police and have them determine the next step

Correct Answer: c. Begin CPR

While evaluating your 56 year old male patient with chest discomfort, he suddenly collapses and becomes unconscious. He is apneic and pulseless which of the following will most likely reverse this condition? a. Provide high flow oxygen with a non-rebreather mask b. Begin chest compressions at a rate of 80 beats per minute c. Begin the process of defibrillating the patient with an AED d. Ventilate the patient with a pocket mask and supplemental oxygen

Correct Answer: c. Begin the process of defibrillating the patient with an AED

Baseline vital signs in the unresponsive medical patient includes the patients: a. Past medical history b. Signs and symptoms c. Blood pressure d. Allergies

Correct Answer: c. Blood pressure

The bladder of the blood pressure cuff should be centered over the: a. Carotid artery b. Radial artery c. Brachial artery d. Femoral artery

Correct Answer: c. Brachial artery

Muscle control and body coordination are controlled by the: a. Cerebrum b. Cerebellum c. Brain Stem d. Cerebral Cortex

Correct Answer: c. Brain Stem

Which of the following is a contraindication for an oxygen powered ventilation device? a. CHF b. Respiratory arrest c. COPD d. Respiratory distress

Correct Answer: c. COPD

In contrast to hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia: a. Is rapidly reversible if oral glucose is given b. Commonly results in excess water retention c. Can only be corrected in hospital setting d. Is a rapidly developing metabolic disturbance

Correct Answer: c. Can only be corrected in the hospital setting

What part of the brain is responsible for coordination? a. Brain stem b. Cerebrum c. Cerebellum d. Medulla Oblongata

Correct Answer: c. Cerebellum

Which of the following is the largest part of the brain? a. Brain stem b. Cerebellum c. Cerebrum d. Cerebrospinal fluid

Correct Answer: c. Cerebrum

While performing a rapid trauma assessment of a patient who was injured in a motor vehicle accident, you note paradoxical motion. This indicates the presence of: a. Pelvic fracture b. Internal bleeding c. Chest injury d. Head injury

Correct Answer: c. Chest Injury

Which of the following is considered a high priority severe burn? a. Partial thickness burn affecting 15%- 30% of total body surface b. Full thickness burns only affecting 3% of the body area excluding hands, face, genitals and upper airway c. Circumferential burns to the arm d. Superficial burns affecting 40% of the total body surface area

Correct Answer: c. Circumferential burns to the arm

A patient with receptive questioning after a traffic accident most likely has a: a. Cerebral hemorrhage b. Skull fracture c. Concussion d. Herniation

Correct Answer: c. Concussion

Which of the following MOST accurately describes what the patient will experience during the postictal state that follows a seizure? a. Hyperventilation and hypersalivation b. A rapidly improving level of consciousness c. Confusion and fatigue d. A gradually decreasing level of consciousness

Correct Answer: c. Confusion and fatigue

The two sizes of oxygen cylinders that an EMT will primarily use are: a. A and M b. A and D c. D and M d. D and G

Correct Answer: c. D and M

Which of the following is a definitive sign of death? a. No deep tendon or corneal reflexes b. No systolic blood pressure c. Dependent lividity d. Lowered or decreased core temperature

Correct Answer: c. Dependent lividity

What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity? a. Umbilicus b. Costal arch c. Diaphragm d. Xiphoid Process

Correct Answer: c. Diaphragm

Normal skin is ___________to the touch a. Cool b. Diaphoretic c. Dry d. Moist

Correct Answer: c. Dry

The major hazard associated with using an transporting oxygen tanks is that they can: a. Fail to function properly if chilled b. Leak and emit poisonous fumes c. Explode if dropped or handled roughly d. run out of batter power at any time

Correct Answer: c. Explode if dropped or handled roughly

Your patient is complaining of dyspnea and you notice paradoxical movement upon inspiration and expiration. What does this indicate? a. Pneumothorax b. Tension pneumothorax c. Flail chest d. Umbilical hernia

Correct Answer: c. Flail chest

_________ is the bending of a joint a. Extension b. Adduction c. Flexion d. Abduction

Correct Answer: c. Flexion

You arrive to find your patient sitting upright in a chair, This position is called: a. Trendelenburg's b. Semi Fowler's c. Fowler's d. Laterally recumbent

Correct Answer: c. Fowler's

You are assessing an awake, alert patient complaining of abdominal pain he denies any trauma. When conducting a focused history and physical exam what should you do first? a. Conduct a rapid physical exam b. Obtain baseline vital signs c. Gather the history of the present illness d. Question the patient about his past medical problems

Correct Answer: c. Gather the history of the present illness (OPQRST)

Expiratory grunting in a pediatric patient is indicative of: a. An upper airway obstruction b. Inflammation of the glottis c. Inadequate oxygenation d. Partially blocked small airways

Correct Answer: c. Inadequate oxygenation

In a healthy individual, the brain stem simulates breathing on the basis of: a. increased oxygen levels b. decreased oxygen levels c. increased carbon dioxide levels d. decreased carbon dioxide levels

Correct Answer: c. Increased carbon dioxide levels

Following a blunt injury to the head, a 22-year-old female is confused and complains of a severe headache and nausea. On the basis of these signs and symptoms, you should be MOST concerned with the possibility of: a. Spinal cord injury b. Airway compromise c. Intracranial bleeding d. A fracture to the skull

Correct Answer: c. Intracranial bleeding

Your patient has accidentally sprayed insecticide in his eye. What should immediate first aid involve? a. Placing an airtight dressing over the eye b. Administering activated charcoal to the patient c. Irrigating the eye with clean water for 20 minutes d. Placing 10 cc of sterile saline solution in the eye

Correct Answer: c. Irrigating the eye with clean water for 20 minutes

The energy of a moving object is called: a. Velocity b. Potential energy c. Kinetic energy d. Work

Correct Answer: c. Kinetic energy

The lower airway begins with the: a. Trachea b. Bronchioles c. Larynx d. Epiglottis

Correct Answer: c. Larynx

a 29 year old pregnant woman has had severe vomiting for the last 2 days. Today, she is vomiting large amounts of blood. Her skin is cool and pale and she is tachycardic. The EMT should suspect: a. Esophagitis b. Esophageal varies c. Mallory- weiss tear d. Acute pancreatitis

Correct Answer: c. Mallory- weiss tear

Your patient is a 19 year old female with severe vaginal bleeding. As part of the SAMPLE history it is particularly important to ask the patient if she: a. Feels dizzy b. Has vomited c. May be pregnant d. Has ingested poison

Correct Answer: c. May be pregnant

The manner in which a traumatic injury occurs is the: a. Nature of illness b. Injury pattern c. Mechanism of injury d. Chief complaint

Correct Answer: c. Mechanism of injury

A monitor/ defibrillator that delivers a shock by sending energy in a flow from negative to positive is: a. Automated b. Biphasic c. Monophasic d. Triphasic

Correct Answer: c. Monophasic

If a patient's respiratory rate is irregular, you should count the respirations for how long? a. 15 seconds and multiply by 4 b. 30 seconds and multiply by 2 c. One full minute d. Two full minutes

Correct Answer: c. One full minute

Which of the following organs lies in the retroperitoneal space? a. Liver b. Spleen c. Pancreas d. Gallbladder

Correct Answer: c. Pancreas

The EMT should use an AED on a child between 1 month and 8 years of age if: a. He or she is not breathing and has a weakly palpable pulse b. His or her condition is rapidly progressing to cardiac arrest c. Pediatric pads and an energy reducing device are available d. Special pads are used and the child has profound tachycardia

Correct Answer: c. Pediatric pads and an energy reducing device are available

You respond to a dispatch of an unknown medical event. As you arrive on scene an elderly gentleman greets you at the door and motions you to step inside. you are directed to the rear of the house, where an elderly woman presents to you sitting on the bed. she appears to be in severe respiratory distress..... After assessing the scene for hazards, what should you do next? a. Establish the patient's baseline vital signs b. Establish a SAMPLE history c. Perform an initial assessment d. Perform a focused assessment

Correct Answer: c. Perform an initial assessment

The bones that make up the toes are the: a. Tarsals b. Metatarsals c. Phalanges d. Carpals

Correct Answer: c. Phalanges

The bottom of the foot is referred to as the _________ surface. a. Superior b. Palmar c. Plantar d. Ventral

Correct Answer: c. Plantar

Treatment of a patient on Cardiogenic shock should include: a. Defibrillation b. Cardioversion c. Preservation of body heat d. Compression

Correct Answer: c. Preservation of body heat

The most effective way to control disease transmission is by using: a. Universal precautions b. Body substance isolation c. Proper hand washing d. Indirect contact

Correct Answer: c. Proper hand washing

Which patient should be placed in the recovery position? a. Pregnant woman who has been in a car accident b. Conscious cardiac patient complaining of shortness of breath c. Unresponsive patient who has a suspected spine injury d. Child in respiratory distress with a rate of 6/min

Correct Answer: c. Unresponsive patient who has a suspected spine injury

A 29 year old female presents with confusion and disorientation. Her respirations are rapid and shallow and her pulse is 120 beats per min and thready. She is markedly diaphoretic and has an oxygen saturation of 89%. You should: a. Transport immediately b. Administer oral glucose c. Provide ventilatory support d. Treat her for hyperglycemia

Correct Answer: c. Provide Ventilatory support

When caring for a patient whose baby whose delivering in breech presentation, you should do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Position the mother with her knees flexed, drawn up and widely separated b. Administer high flow oxygen to the mother and begin transport quickly c. Pull gently on the infants trunk or legs if delivery of the head is delayed d. allow the delivery to occur spontaneously until the trunk is delivered

Correct Answer: c. Pull gently on the infants trunk or legs is delivery of the head is delayed ( Never pull on the baby - instead place hands in the birth canal to hold cord and vagina away from the baby's head and transport rapidly)

After the contraction of the right ventricle the blood enters the: a. Aorta b. Left Atrium c. Pulmonary artery d. Pulmonary vein

Correct Answer: c. Pulmonary artery

When the speed of a motor vehicle doubles, the amount of kinetic energy: a. Doubles b. Triples c. Quadruples d. is not affected

Correct Answer: c. Quadruples

At an MCI, a pediatric patient who is breathing independently at a rate of 12 breaths per minute should be tagged with what color using the Jump- Start system? a. Green b. Yellow c. Red d. Black

Correct Answer: c. Red (because of decreased breathing rate)

You arrive on the scene to find an unconscious and unresponsive patient lying supine on the ground with his lower extremities in a puddle. By standers state that he was complaining of chest pain prior to falling to the ground. Before defibrillating this patient you should. a. Establish an airway b. Do 4 cycles of CPR c. Remove the patient from the puddle d. Start compressions

Correct Answer: c. Remove the patient from the puddle

All of the following are signs of inadequate breathing EXCEPT: a. Slow rate of breathing b. Cool, clammy skin c. respiratory rate of 12-20 d. Shallow breathing

Correct Answer: c. Respiratory rate of 12-20

What stage of labor begins with full dilation of the cervix? a. Pre- labor b. First stage c. Second stage d. Third stage

Correct Answer: c. Second stage

Treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) would MOST likely be contraindicated in which of the following situations? a. Pulmonary edema, history of hypertension, and anxiety b. Difficulty breathing, two-word dyspnea, and tachycardia c. Shortness of breath and blood pressure of 76/56 mm Hg d. Conscious and alert patient with an oxygen saturation of 85%

Correct Answer: c. Shortness of breath and blood pressure of 76/56 mm Hg

Your patient is a young male who appears to have dislocated his patella. How should you splint this injury? a. In a position of comfort b. Straighten the leg, the splint with a rigid splint c. Splint in the position found d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. Splint in the position found

An injury that is caused by the stretching or tearing of tendons or ligaments is: a. Fracture b. Strain c. Sprain d. Pull

Correct Answer: c. Sprain

A bystander is doing CPR on a patient in cardiac arrest. You size up the scene, practice BSI and begin your initial assessment by having the bystander: a. Verify pulses b. Continue CPR c. Stop CPR d. Provide a history of cardiac arrest

Correct Answer: c. Stop CPR

The _______ supply blood to the upper extremities a. Brachial arteries b. Carotid arteries c. Subclavian arteries d. Radial arteries

Correct Answer: c. Subclavian arteries

Your patient has a large laceration to the top of his head. This area is best described as: a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Superior d. Proximal

Correct Answer: c. Superior

Your patient has suffered from an apparent heart attack. You should transport this patient to: a. The closes hospital b. A facility that has the capabilities for emergent angioplasty c. The facility that is approved by and stated in your protocols d. A level one cardiac center

Correct Answer: c. The facility that is approved by and stated in your protocols

In a frontal impact motor vehicle crash, there are typically three collisions that take place, the second collision is: a. The vehicle against another vehicle or object b. The organs against another structure or organ in the body c. The patient against the interior of the vehicle d. None of the above

Correct Answer: c. The patient against the interior of the vehicle

Which of the following is a sign that a patient is NOT getting an adequate amount of oxygen? a. The patient is coughing b. The patient is sitting forward c. The patient has an increased respiratory rate d. The patient states that he feels short of breath

Correct Answer: c. The patient has an increased respiratory rate

The left cerebral hemisphere controls: a. The right side of the face b. Heart rate and pupil reaction c. The right side of the body d. Breathing and blood pressure

Correct Answer: c. The right side of the body

The MOST important treatment for a patient with severe abdominal pain and signs of shock is: a. Administering high- flow oxygen b. Giving oral fluids to maintain perfusion c. Transporting the patient without delay d. Positioning the patient on his or her side

Correct Answer: c. Transporting the patient without delay

A condition where severe force or weight is placed upon the thorax, forcing blood from the right atrium into the circulation of the head and neck is: a. A hemothorax b. Pericardial tamponade c. Traumatic asphyxia d. Tension pneumothorax

Correct Answer: c. Traumatic asphyxia

A team that is assigned to a specific task is a: a. Group b. Division c. Unit d. Branch

Correct Answer: c. Unit

Which of the following is NOT immunization recommended for EMS personnel? a. Mumps b. Tetanus c. Varicella d. Measles

Correct Answer: c. Varicella

If a newborn isn't breathing immediately after birth or suctioning of the mouth and nose: a. Begin chest compressions b. use a neonatal BVM and administer breaths at a rate of 40- 60 per minute c. give tactile stimulation d. Invert the newborn and slap his or her buttocks

Correct Answer: c. give tactile stimulation

When performing chest compressions on an infant, compress the chest a. One inch to one and a half inches b. One inch c. one third to one half its depth d. One and one half inches to two inches

Correct Answer: c. one third to one half its depth

Which statement by a patient is most likely to suggest that the patient's thinking is psychotic: a. "I've never felt this bad before" b. "I know you can't help me" c. "Am I going to die?" d. " They sent you to lock me up "

Correct Answer: d. " They sent you to lock me up "

Using a reservoir with a bag- valve- mask system will allow oxygen levels to increase to nearly: a. 70% b. 90% c. 80% d. 100%

Correct Answer: d. 100%

What is the normal tidal volume of the bag of an adult BVM device? a. 800-1200 ml b. 500 - 700 ml c. 500 - 1200 ml d. 1200-1600 ml

Correct Answer: d. 1200-1600 ml

At a minimum, AED's should be checked every: a. Week b. Day c. Two weeks d. 30 days

Correct Answer: d. 30 days

When testing your suction equipment prior to use, you should turn it on and make sure that is able to generate a vacuum of more than ___________________mmHg a. 100 b. 550 c. 1000 d. 300

Correct Answer: d. 300

A full term pregnancy is usually_____________ weeks from the first day of the mothers last menstrual period a. 30 - 36 weeks b. 32- 38 weeks c. 36- 38 weeks d. 36 - 40 weeks

Correct Answer: d. 36 - 40 weeks

For which patient can you safely perform only a focused assessment, after taking vital signs and a SAMPLE history? a. 6 year old male, who fell off his bicycle in the road b. 11 year old male, who had a diving accident c. 25 year old female with cuts and bruises after a car crash d. 43 year old female who cut her finger in the kitchen

Correct Answer: d. 43 year old female who cut her finger in the kitchen

Which trauma patient is at greatest risk for serious injury? a. 43 year old male who fell seven feet from a step ladder b. 24 year old female, involved in a moderate speed vehicle collision c. 17 year old male, who fell off a bicycle on to concrete d. 5 year old female involved in a moderate speed collision

Correct Answer: d. 5 year old female involved in a moderate speed collision

The sudden blood loss of ___________ in a 1 to 8 year old can be life threatening a. 1,000 cc b. 200 cc c. 1,200 cc d. 500 cc

Correct Answer: d. 500 cc

In which situation would you be treating a patient under an assumption of implied consent? a. 4 year old male with broken leg parent gives permission for treatment b. 19 year old female with seizure, who refuses treatment or transport c. 47 year old male with chest pain requests transport to the hospital d. 80 year old female unconscious, no friends or family members present

Correct Answer: d. 80 year old female unconscious, no friends or family members present

When healthcare professionals speak of trending, they are referring to: a. New styles and methods of care delivery b. The tendency of depressed patients to refuse treatment c. A general change in the nation's health status d. A comparison of a patient's present and past condition

Correct Answer: d. A comparison of a patient's present and past condition

Older patients with abdominal problems may not exhibit the same pain response as younger patients because of: a. Chronic dementia with inhibits communication b. Interactions of the numerous medications they take c. Progressive deterioration of abdominal organ function d.Age- related deterioration of their sensory systems

Correct Answer: d. Age- related deterioration of their sensory systems

Nitroglycerine is supplied in which of the following forms? a. Sublingual tablets b. Transdermal patches c. Sublingual sprays d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

The logistics function of the Incident Command System includes: a. Providing resources b. Providing support to meet the incident c. Providing all services to support the incident d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

Upon arrival to the scene of a motor vehicle crash you should look for: a. Hazardous material and leaking materials from the vehicles b. Vehicle position and stability c. Overhead hazards, such as power lines, trees etc. d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d. All of the above

The type of amnesia where the patient is not able to recall events that have happened after a traumatic injury or event is: a. Retrograde amnesia b. Intermittent amnesia c. False amnesia d. Anterograde amnesia

Correct Answer: d. Anterograde amnesia

You arrive on the scene to find a 59 year old male patient sitting in his living room, complaining of crushing chest pain. He rates the pain 10:10, his skin is pale and he is diaphoretic. Your next action should be to immediately a. Administer .4 mg NTG SL b. Apply the AED c. Obtain a SAMPLE history d. Apply oxygen

Correct Answer: d. Apply oxygen

A young male sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen during an altercation. As your partner is assessing and managing his airway, you should control the obvious bleeding and then: a. Apply a cervical collar b. Obtain baseline vital signs c. Auscultate bowel sounds d. Assess for an exit wound

Correct Answer: d. Assess for an exit wound

What is the most common cause of wheezing in pediatric patients? a. Pneumonia b. Pulmonary contusion c. Upper airway obstruction d. Asthma

Correct Answer: d. Asthma

Low blood flow to the heart is usually caused by: a. Hypovolemia b. Anemia c. Ischemia d. Atherosclerosis

Correct Answer: d. Atherosclerosis

The upper chambers of the heart are the: a. Ventricles b. Myocardium c. Septum d. Atria

Correct Answer: d. Atria

Your first preparation for the delivery of an infant should be: a. Contacting medical control b. Calming the mother c. Making a transport decision d. BSI precautions

Correct Answer: d. BSI precautions

At what point should you assess circulation, sensation, and movement when using a short spine board? a. Before the device is applied b. After the device is completely secured c. Before padding the voids d. Both a and b

Correct Answer: d. Both a and b

The smallest branches of the bronchi are the: a. Alveoli b. Pulmonary capillaries c. Bronchus d. Bronchioles

Correct Answer: d. Bronchioles

__________ have the thickness of approximately one cell and connect arterioles to venules a. Bronchioles b. Red blood cells c. Venule branches d. Capillaries

Correct Answer: d. Capillaries

Which of the following is NOT a component of a BVM a. Air chamber b. Face mask c. One way valve d. Capnography

Correct Answer: d. Capnography

Radio communications on an MCI or multi-system response incident should use: a. Radio codes b. Ten codes c. Numerical signals d. Clear text

Correct Answer: d. Clear text

What blood vessels supply blood to the heart muscle and are located inferiorly to the aortic valve, starting at the first part of the aorta? a. Plutonic arteries b. Plutonic veins c. Superior vena cava d. Coronary arteries

Correct Answer: d. Coronary arteries

The most common error that occurs with the operation of the AED is: a. Lead/ pad placement b. Sensitivity of the machine c. Difficulty of the machine d. Dead battery

Correct Answer: d. Dead battery

Which of the following findings would be LEAST suggestive of the presence of high- energy trauma? a. Dismounted seats b. Steering wheel deformity c. Intrusion into the vehicle d. Deployment of the air bag

Correct Answer: d. Deployment of the airbag

A conscious alert 29 year old female with a history of asthma complains of difficulty breathing that began after her morning jog. The temperature outside is 40 degrees Fahrenheit. on exam you hear bilateral expiratory wheezing. after providing supplemental oxygen you should: a. Place her in a recumbent position to facilitate breathing b. Contact medical control and administer an antihistamine c. Call medical control and ask how to proceed with treatment d. Determine if she has been prescribed a beta-agonist inhaler

Correct Answer: d. Determine if she has been prescribed a beta-agonist inhaler

When a patient is in anaphylaxis the exaggerated immune response causes blood vessels to __________ and the airway passages to __________ a. Constrict, dilate b. Dilate, dilate c. Constrict, Constrict d. Dilate, constrict

Correct Answer: d. Dilate, constrict

You respond to a dispatch of an unknown medical event. As you arrive on scene an elderly gentleman greets you at the door and motions you to step inside. you are directed to the rear of the house, where an elderly woman presents to you sitting on the bed. she appears to be in severe respiratory distress..... Which of the following questions would you NOT ask during your OPQRST of the present illness? a. When did you begin having trouble breathing b. Does anything else cause you pain or discomfort? c. Does anything make the breathing easier or worse? d. Do you have any respiratory problems?

Correct Answer: d. Do you have any respiratory problems?

The artery that can be palpated on the anterior surface of the foot is the: a. Femoral artery b. Brachial artery c. Anterior tibial artery d. Dorsalis pedis artery

Correct Answer: d. Dorsalis pedis artery

Which of the following is an atypical symptom of an acute myocardial infarction? a. Chest pain b. Nausea c. Neck pain d. Fatigue

Correct Answer: d. Fatigue

During delivery, the mother will experience some bleeding. What amount of bleeding is considered excessive? a. Greater than 275 ml b. Greater than 300 ml c. Greater than 375 ml d. Greater than 500 ml

Correct Answer: d. Greater than 500 ml

What color is used to identify a medical grade oxygen cylinder? a. Gray b. Brown c. Yellow d. Green

Correct Answer: d. Green

A contraindication for inserting an oropharyengenal airway is that a patient: a. is unconscious b. is being ventilated with a BVM c. Requires airway suctioning d. Has an intact gag reflex

Correct Answer: d. Has an intact gag reflex

A 75 year old male with type 1 diabetes presents with chest pain and a general feeling of weakness. He tells you that he took his insulin today and ate a regular meal approximately 2 hours ago. you should treat this patient as though he is experiencing: a. Hypoglycemia b. An acute stroke c. Hyperglycemia d. A heart attack

Correct Answer: d. Heart attack

The injury potential of a fall is directly related to the: a. Patient's height b. Patient's weight c. Patient's age d. Height from which the patient fell

Correct Answer: d. Height from which the patient fell

Which of the following most closely mimics the sign and symptoms of an acute stroke? a. Hypotension b. Carbon monoxide c. Hypoxia d. Hypoglycemia

Correct Answer: d. Hypoglycemia

Your patient is a 14 year old male who struck his head on a diving board and nearly drowned. Your first reaction should be to: a. Remove the patient from the water and warm him b. Release gastric distention and provide artificial ventilation c. administer oxygen and provide artificial ventilation d. Immobilized the patient while still in the water

Correct Answer: d. Immobilize the patient while still in the water

Your patient is an adult male who was found in a state of collapse. He has no identification and no one else is nearby. When you care for this patient, you are acting under the legal doctrine of: a. Expressed consent b. Eminent domain c. Advanced directives d. Implied consent

Correct Answer: d. Implied consent

Upon arrival to an incident, an EMT should report to the: a. First unit on scene b. Triage group c. Staging area d. Incident Commander

Correct Answer: d. Incident Commander

Injury to a hollow abdominal organ would MOST likely result in: a. Pain secondary to blood in the peritoneum b. Profound shock due to severe internal bleeding c. Impairment in the blood's clotting abilities d. Leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity

Correct Answer: d. Leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity

The ________ divides into two major branches, which supply blood to the left ventricle: a. Left pulmonary vein b. Left pulmonary artery c. Right pulmonary vein d. Left coronary artery

Correct Answer: d. Left coronary artery

Which of these situations is a true emergency that cannot be managed in the field? a. Breech presentation b. Meconium in the amniotic fluid c. Multiple births d. Limb presentation

Correct Answer: d. Limb presentation

What are the principle signs of hypovolemic shock? a. Normal blood pressure and rapid weak pulse b. Low blood pressure and bounding pulse c. Low blood pressure and normal pulse d. Low blood pressure and rapid weak pulse

Correct Answer: d. Low blood pressure and rapid weak pulse

Your patient complains of headache, stiff neck, fever and has an altered mental status. You should suspect: a. Stroke b. Traumatic brain injury c. Viral syndrome d. Meningitis

Correct Answer: d. Meningitis

A standard of care is the: a. Highest level of care an EMT can legally provide b. List of skills EMT's are required to perform in your state c. National description of all procedures EMT's may perform d. Minimum level of care that is normally provided in your locality

Correct Answer: d. Minimum level of care that is normally provided in your locality

When you arrive at the residence of a patient who has a possible airway obstruction, you notice that the patient is coughing forcefully. Bystanders state that he was chewing a piece of steak, laughed and then began coughing. Your next action should be to: a. Start performing abdominal thrusts (i.e Heimlich maneuver) b. Attempt to remove the object manually c. Tell the patient to extend his arms over his head d. Monitor the patient closely and encourage him to continue coughing

Correct Answer: d. Monitor the patient closely and encourage him to continue coughing

When transmitting a radio report to the receiving facility, you should not include the patients: a. Medical history b. Age c. Mechanism of injury d. Name

Correct Answer: d. Name

Your patient os a conscious, injured male who is in control of his own actions and is refusing care. You can treat this patient legally under: a. Implied consent b. Verbal consent c. Expressed consent d. No circumstances

Correct Answer: d. No circumstances

Good Samaritan Laws protect EMT- B's from a lawsuit: a. Only if proper care is provided b. As long as willful negligence is not proven c. As long as EMT- B acts outside his or her scope of practice d. None of the above

Correct Answer: d. None of the above

An umbilical cord that is wrapped around the infant''s neck is called a: a. Prolasped cord b. Granulomar umbilicus c. Umbilical hernia d. Nuchal cord

Correct Answer: d. Nuchal cord

In order for efficient pulmonary gas exchange to occur: a. The percentage of inhaled carbon dioxide must exceed the percentage of inhaled oxygen b. There must be low quantities of pulmonary surfactant to allow for full alveolar expansion c. the pulmonary capillaries must be completely constricted and the alveoli must be collapsed d. oxygen and carbon dioxide must be able to freely diffuse across the alveolar- capillary membrane

Correct Answer: d. Oxygen and carbondioxide must be able to freely diffuse across alveolar- capillary membrane

Your patient is an elderly female who is found lying supine in bed. She is cool to the touch with a decreased body temperature she suffered heat loss due to: a. Evaporation b. Conduction c. Convection d. Radiation

Correct Answer: d. Radiation

A hazardous Class 7 indicates: a. Flammable materials b. Toxic materials c. Corrosive materials d. Radioactive materials

Correct Answer: d. Radioactive materials

What component in the blood contains hemoglobin? a. White blood cells b. Platelets c. Plasma d. Red blood cells

Correct Answer: d. Red blood cells

A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. the EMT should: a. Leave the battery attached to the monitor and remove the vest b. Remove the battery from the monitor and leave the vest in place c. Perform ventilations only and allow the vest device to defibrillate d. Remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest

Correct Answer: d. Remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest

You are employed as an EMT in a tiered- response system. After assuring scene safety and BSI, your patient is found lying unconscious and unresponsive. upon exiting the ambulance you should first a. Check his airway b. Check the patient for a pulse c. Apply oxygen d. Request paramedics to be dispatched to your location

Correct Answer: d. Request paramedics to be dispatched to your location

Cardiopulmonary arrest in children is most commonly caused by: a. Underlying cardiac disease b. Traumatic injuries c. Child abuse d. Respiratory failure

Correct Answer: d. Respiratory failure

When a patient's breathing is reduced to the point where the oxygen intake is not enough to support life, the result is: a. Respiratory distress b. Agonal respirations c. Adventitious breath sounds d. Respiratory failure

Correct Answer: d. Respiratory failure

If a cold injury appears to be deep you should NOT: a. Splint the injury b. Cover the injury c. Remove jewelry d. Rewarm the injury

Correct Answer: d. Rewarm the injury

The most important aspect of an MCI is: a. The appropriate number of responding units b. Establishing a unified command c. Establishing incident command d. Scene Safety

Correct Answer: d. Scene Safety

When you and your partner arrive to a medical call that is only five minutes from the hospital, the patient is walking toward the ambulance. What should be your first course of action? a. Initial assessment b. Focused history and physical exam c. Detailed physical exam d. Scene size up

Correct Answer: d. Scene size up

Which of the following is a strong indicator of circulatory status in a child who is less than a year old? a. Blood pressure b. Respiratory rate c. Pulse pressure d. Skin

Correct Answer: d. Skin

Which of the following is NOT part of the major functions of the incident command system? a. Planning b. Finance c. Operations d. Staffing

Correct Answer: d. Staffing

The scope of practice is most commonly defined by: a. Your medical director b. Your standard operating procedures c. Medical control d. State law

Correct Answer: d. State law

Which symptoms are signs of partial upper airway obstruction due to the presence of a foreign body? a. Increased work of breathing during expiration with a wheezy cough b. Gasping respiratory efforts and the patient is unable to cough or speak c. No effort of breathing, absent chest wall movement, unable to cough or speak d. Stridor during inspiration, inability to speak and dyspnea

Correct Answer: d. Stridor during inspiration, inability to speak and dyspnea

You have responded to the scene of a motor vehicle accident and suddenly feel overwhelmed. You should: a. Ask bystanders to call 911 and have them tell the dispatcher that you need more help b. Tell yourself it is not your emergency and you are there to help c. Not show outward signs of anxiety d. Take a step back and call for additional resources

Correct Answer: d. Take a step back and call for additional resources

How will you know if the application of the PASG has been effective? a. The bleeding has stopped b. The affected limb has been immobilized c. Distal pulses are present d. The blood pressure increases

Correct Answer: d. The blood pressure increases

The treatment group is responsible for: a. The direction of incoming resources b. The sorting of patients according to their seriousness and injuries c. Obtaining resources for the transport of patients to the appropriate facility d. The establishment of a treatment area, where patients can be treated and collected

Correct Answer: d. The establishment of a treatment area, where patients can be treated and collected

The use of reasonable force when dealing with a patient with a behavioral disorder refers to a. The force necessary to incapacitate the patient. b. Calling in police backup in a reasonable way. c. Using soft restraints rather than handcuffs. d. The force necessary to restrain the patient.

Correct Answer: d. The force necessary to restrain the patient

In addition to obvious injuries, what information is needed to determine injuries or suspected injuries in a trauma patient? a. The patients medical history b. Bystander's accounts of what happened c. The patient's account of what happened d. The mechanism of injury

Correct Answer: d. The mechanism of injury

The third stage of labor is complete when: a. The baby is born b. Contractions begin c. Contractions cease d. The placenta delivers

Correct Answer: d. The placenta delivers

You should allow family members to remain with a patient EXCEPT when: a. The patient is in the process of dying b. The patient has gruesome injuries c. They want to reassure the patient d. They interfere with patient care

Correct Answer: d. They interfere with patient care

What is the proper order for securing a patient to a long spine board? a. Head, torso, extremities b. Head extremities torso c. Torso, head, extremities d. Torso extremities, head

Correct Answer: d. Torso extremities, head

To help determine what poison a patient has ingested, you should be alert for chemical burns around the mouth as well as: a. Burns on the hands b. Red colored vomitus c. Moist or dry skin d. Unusual breath odors

Correct Answer: d. Unusual breath odors

Your patient has had a previous laryngectomy, is conscious, atraumatic and has agonal respirations. He is lying supine on the floor. How would you ventilate this patient? a. Use an adult sized mask directly over the stoma and ventilate with a BVM using a hand to seal the patients nose and mouth b. Use head tilt chin lift and a BVM c. Insert an ET tube directly into the stoma and ventilate using a BVM d. Use an infant or child sized mask, make a seal over the stoma, ventilate with a BVM, and use a hand to seal the patients nose and mouth

Correct Answer: d. Use an infant or child sized mask, make a seal over the stoma, ventilate with a BVM, and use a hand to seal the patients nose and mouth

Which of the following lists the correct order for cardiopulmonary circulation? a. Vena cava, left atrium, left ventricle, pulmonary veins, lungs, pulmonary arteries, right atrium, right ventricle, aorta b. Aorta, right ventricle, right atrium, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, left ventricle, left atrium, vena cava c. Aorta, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary veins, lungs, pulmonary arteries left atrium, left ventricle, vena cava d. Vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

Correct Answer: d. Vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

After receiving a medication order by medical control, you should a. Reassess vital signs b. Check the expiration date of the medication c. Administer the medication d. Verify the proper medication form and dose

Correct Answer: d. Verify the proper medication form and dose

After receiving a medication order by medical control, you should: a. Reassess vital signs b. Check the expiration date of the medication c. Administer the medication d. Verify the proper medication form and dose

Correct Answer: d. Verify the proper medication form and dose

What is the membrane that is attached to the lung surface? a. Parietal pleura b. Diaphragm c. Pleural membrane d. Visceral pleura

Correct Answer: d. Visceral pleura

In which situation should you assist a patient with using a prescribed inhaler? a. 47 year old male: history of severe asthma; respirations 28/min; wheezing, unresponsive b. 6 year old female: history of upper respiratory infection; respiratory rate 24/ min and coughing c. 69 year old male: history of emphysema; difficulty breathing; inhaler was prescribed for his son d. 14 year old female: history of asthma respirations, 24/min; alert; used the inhaler one time yesterday

Correct Answer: d. d. 14 year old female: history of asthma respirations, 24/min; alert; used the inhaler one time yesterday

Which of the following destinations is most appropriate for a 41 year old male patient who was involved in a rollover motor vehicle collision and is unconscious and unresponsive. assuming that travel times to each is equal? a. Only a level 1 trauma center b. A level 1 or level 2 trauma center c. A level 4 or level 3 trauma center d. Any designated trauma center is acceptable

Correct Answer: b. A level 1 or level 2 trauma center

What is the difference between ventilations and respirations?

Correct Answers: - Ventilations are the bodies ability to move air in and out of the lungs - Respiration is the exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lung

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which of the following is the third leading cause of death in the 15 to 24 year old age group? a. Suicide b. Motor vehicle accidents c. Head injuries d. Respiratory disorders

Correct Answers: a. Suicide

The agency that develops the National Standard Curricula for various levels of providers is the: a. National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians b. National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations c. National Associations of Emergency Medical Technicians d. National Association of Prehospital Medical Providers

Correct Answers: b. National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations

When the level of arterial carbon dioxide rises above normal: a. The brain stem inhibits respirations b. Respirations increase in rate and depth c. Exhalation lasts longer than inhalation d. Respirations decrease in rate and depth

Correct answer: b. respirations increase in rate and depth

What allows for the exchange of waste and nutrients at a cellular level? a. Venules b. Mitochondria c. Capillaries d. Platelets

Correct answer: c. Capillaries

Which of the following is a risk factor for SIDS? a. A mother older than 40 years old b. Infant who was recently diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection c. Infant with poor hygiene d. Mother who smoked during pregnancy

Correct answer: d. Mother who smoked during pregnancy

If the velocity of a bullet is doubled, the energy that is available to cause damage is: a. The same b. Doubled c. Tripled d. Quadrupled

Correct answer: d. Quadrupled

Which types of motor vehicle collisions present the greatest potential for multiple impacts? a. Lateral and rollover b. Frontal and rotational c. Rear- end and rotational d. Rotational and rollover

Correct answer: d. Rotational and rollover

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