EMT Chapter 27 - Questions

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You are treating a patient with a facial injury that has displaced the eyeball from the socket. Which of the following actions are appropriate to take? 1.Cover the eye with a moist, sterile dressing. 2.Cover both eyes to decrease sympathetic eye movement. 3.Carefully reposition it back in place. 4.Apply a pressure bandage and use roller gauze wrapped around the circumference of the head.

1 and 2

Which of the following is true about posterior epistaxis? 1.Bleeds slowly 2.Originates from the area of the septum 3.Causes nausea and vomiting 4.More severe than anterior epistaxis

3 and 4

Abnormal variations in pupil size and reaction would MOST likely be observed in a patient with:

A brain injury

What is an air embolism?

A clinical situation in which a vein is punctured and air is sucked into the heart.

What is a hematoma?

A collection of blood within the tissues

What is the function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

Allows movement of the head

You are dispatched to a convenience store where the clerk sustained a laceration to the side of his neck during a robbery attempt. During your assessment, you note bright red blood spurting from the laceration. You should:

Apply direct pressure above and below the wound

A young female was involved in a motor vehicle crash. She complains of pain to her left eye, which appears to have a piece of glass impaled in it. Further assessment reveals a large laceration to her left forearm with active venous bleeding. As your partner manually stabilizes the patient's head, you should:

Apply direct pressure to her arm wound

What fracture is associated with bruising around the ears and blood coming from the nose?

Basilar skull fracture

The term "hyphema" is defined as:

Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye

You are assessing a patient who was hit in the face by a baseball bat. There are multiple contusions on his face, and he reports double vision. His left eye does not track with his right eye. What should you suspect?

Blow-out fracture

Unequal pupils most likely indicate what type of injury?


What findings would be LEAST suggestive of a head injury?

Briskly constricting pupils when exposed to light

A 50-year-old male was splashed in the eyes with radiator fluid when he was working on his car. During your assessment, he tells you that he wears soft contact lenses. You should:

Carefully remove the contact lenses and then irrigate his eyes with saline

Name the service that these steps belong to: 1. If necessary, apply direct pressure to the bleeding site using a gloved fingertip to control bleeding. 2. Apply a sterile occlusive dressing to ensure that air does not enter a vein or artery.

Controlling bleeding from a neck injury

The maxilla and zygoma are components of the ___.


The skin and underlying tissues of the face:

Have a rich blood supply and bleed profusely

You are treating a patient with significant bruising to her face and a broken nose. She is conscious, but her LOC is significantly altered and her breathing is labored. What should you do to manage this patient's airway?

Insert an oropharyngeal airway

A 22-year-old male was walking on the beach and had sand blown into his eyes. He complains of pain and decreased vision in his right eye. Treatment should include:

Irrigating his right eye laterally

The conjunctiva are kept moist by fluid produced by the:

Lacrimal glands

Following direct trauma to the upper part of the anterior neck, a young male presents with labored breathing, loss of voice, and subcutaneous emphysema in the soft tissues around his neck. You should suspect a(n):

Laryngeal fracture

A 29-year-old male has an anterior nosebleed after he was accidentally elbowed in the nose. He is conscious and alert with adequate breathing. The MOST appropriate care for this patient includes:

Leaning him forward and pinching his nostrils together

The ___ is a prominent bony mass at the base of the skull 1 inch posterior to the external opening of the ear.

Mastoid process

What is the most common type of facial fracture?


What area of the body are you palpating if you feel subcutaneous emphysema?


Facial injury should be identified and treated as soon as possible because:

Of the risk for airway problems

A 44-year-old male sustained a laceration to his left ear during a minor car accident. Your assessment reveals minimal bleeding. Appropriate care for this injury includes:

Padding between the ear and the scalp

The opening in the center of the iris, which allows light to move to the back of the eye, is called the:


Name the service that these steps belong to: 1. Have the patient look down, then grasp the upper lashes and gently pull the lid away from the eye. 2. Place a cotton-tipped applicator on the outer surface of the upper lid. 3. Pull the lid forward and up, folding it back over the applicator. 4. Gently remove the foreign object from the eyelid with a moistened, sterile, cotton-tipped applicator.

Removing a foreign object from under the upper eyelid

Name the service that these steps belong to: 1. To prepare a doughnut ring, wrap a 2-inch roll around your fingers and thumb seven or eight times. Adjust the diameter by spreading your fingers or squeezing them together. 2. Remove the gauze from your hand and wrap the remainder of the gauze roll radially around the ring that you have created. 3. Work around the entire ring to form a doughnut. 4. Place the dressing over the eye and impaled object to hold the impaled object in place, and then secure it with a roller bandage.

Stabilizing a foreign object impaled in the eye

Frequent reassessments of the patient with face or neck injuries are MOST important because:

Such injuries can affect the respiratory system

The small, rounded, fleshy bulge immediately anterior to the ear canal is called the:


You are transporting an immobilized patient with severe facial trauma. As you are preparing to give your radio report to the hospital, the patient begins vomiting large amounts of blood. You should:

Turn the backboard onto its side

Name an instance in which you would consider removing an impaled object.

When the object is impaled in the cheek and compromises the airway

What bones are found in the middle ear?

anvil, hammer, and stirrup

What is hyphema?

bleeding into the anterior chamber of the eye

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