EMT Chapter 31, 32, 33

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

list the major history or physical findings associated with possible kidney damage

- abrasions - contusions - lacerations - hematoma in the flank area - penetrating wound in flank - hematoma in the flank area

list the signs and symptoms of an abdominal injury

- pain - tenderness - bruising - discoloration - abrasions - tachycardia - shock signs - lacerations - bleeding

young children can down in as little as ___________ of water if left unattended - 1 inch - 2 inches - 3 inches - 4 inches

1 inch

what are four DO NOTS in relation to local cold injuries

1. DO NOT rub or massage the area 2. do not break or pop blisters 3. do not allow the patient to walk on frostbit foot 4. do not warm if cold exposure is possible again

list at least five of the signs associated with a possible fracture

1. deformity 2. pain 3. exposed fragment 4. swelling 5. bruising

list the four types of forces that may cause injury to a limb

1. direct blow 2. indirect blow 3. high energy injuries 4. twisting forces

list the solid organs of then abdomen and urinary system

1. liver 2. spleen 3. adrenal glands 4. pancreas 5. kidneys 6. ovaries

what are the steps in treating heat stroke

1. move patient from heat 2. set AC to max cold 3. remove patient clothing 4. give oxygen if needed 5. ice bath 6. cover patient with towels and spray with cold water and then fan patient so moisture evaporates into skin

what are three ways to modify heat loss give an example of each

1. move to an area that doesn't promote heat loss 2. wear warm clothing 3. increase heat production, walk, jump, run etc.

list the 6 Ps of musculoskeletal assessment

1. pain 2. pulselessness 3. paralysis 4. pallor 5. paresthesia 6. pressure

what are the three goals of line traction

1. stabilize fractures and fragments to prevent movement 2. allign limb to splint 3. avoid neruvascular compromise

list the hollow organs of the abdomen and urinary system

1. stomach 2. gall bladder 3. intestines 4. bile duct 5. ureter 6. fallopian tubes 7. rectum 8. appendix 9. uterus 10 urinary bladder

small infants have a poor ability to thermoregulate and are unable to shiver to control heat loss until about the age of: - 4 to 6 months - 6 to 12 months - 12 to 18 months - 18 to 24 months

12 to 18 months

there is often a significant amount of blood loss, as much as _________mL, after a fracture of the shaft of the femur - 100 to 250 - 250 to 500 - 500 to 1,000 - 1,000 to 1,500

500 to 1,000

Most heatstroke occurs when the temperature is above _____________ and the humidity is 80% - 80 *F - 90*F - 100*F - 110 *F


mild hypothermia occurs when the core temperature is between ______________ and _______________

93.2*F 98*F

black widow spiders may be found in all of the following except - new hampshire - woodpiles - Georgia - Alaska


most snakebites occur between __________ and _________ when the animals are active

April October


Bees, wasps, ants, and yellow jackets

the first symptoms of lyme disease are generally fever and flulike symptoms, sometimes associated with a _____________________ rash


_________________ (bees, wasps, ants, and yellow jackets) stings are painful but are not medical emergencies unless the patient is allergic to the venom


ambient temperature

The temperature of the surrounding environment.

Often, the first sign of heatstroke is: a. a change in behavior b. an increase in pulse rate c. an increase in respirations d. hot, dry, flushed skin

a change in behavior


a core temperature greater than 101 degrees F


a core temperature less than 95 degrees F

displaced fracture

a fracture causing deformity or distortion of the injured limb

suspect kidney damage if the patient has a history or physical evidence of all of the following except - an abrasion, laceration, or contusion in the flank -a penetrating wound in the region of the lower rib cage or the upper abdomen -fractures on either side of the lower rib cage - hematoma in the umbilical region

a hematoma in the umbilical region


a spasm of the larynx and vocal chords

articular cartilage

a thin layer of cartilage covering the articular surface of bones in the synovial joints

to assess a patients core body temperature, pull back your glove and place the back of you hand on the patients - abdomen, underneath the clothing - forehead - forearm on the inside of wrist - neck at the area where you check the carotid pulse

abdomen, underneath the clothing

late signs of peritonitis may include - a soft abdomen - abdominal distention - normal bowel sounds - diarrhea

abdominal distention

what joint is frequently separated during football and hockey when a player falls and lands on the point of the shoulder - glenohumeral joint - acromioclavicular joint - stenroclavicular joint - sacroiliac joint

acromioclavicular joint

in cases of sexual assault, which of the following is TRUE - you should always examine the genitalia for any sign of injury - advise the patient not to wash, urinate or defecate - in addition to recording the facts, it is important to include your personal thoughts - you should use plastic bags when collecting items such as clothes

advise the patient not to was, urinate or defecate

what is an air embolism and how does it occur

air embolism is a bubble of air in blood vessels caused by breath-holding in ascent. air pressure in the lungs goes up when pressure on the chest is down

skeletal muscle

also called striated or voluntary muscle because it is under direct voluntary control fo the brian

peritoneal cavity

an abdominal cavity

whenever possible you should always provide the sexual assault patient with - a police escort - privacy to using the restroom - an attendant of the same gender - the name of the assailant

an attendant of the same gender

all of the following are hazards of improper splinting EXCEPT - an increase of distal circulation - a delay in the transport of a patient with a treating injury -a reduction of distal circulation - a compression of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels

an increase of distal circulation

open abdominal injury

an injury in which a foreign object enters the abdomen and opens the peritoneal cavity to the outside

smooth muscle

an involuntary form of muscle found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, blood vessels, and other tubular structures of the body

for which of the following should you use a traction splint - injuries of the pelvis - an isolated femur fracture - partial amputation of avulsions with bone separation - lower leg or ankle injury

an isolated femur fracture

dislocation of the _________ is usually associated with fractures of one or both malleoli - knee - elbow - ankle - hip


________________ is a serum containing antibodies that counteracts venom


open fracture

any break in the bone in which the overlying skin has also been damaged

closed fracture

any fracture in which the skin has not been broken

what is the best method of inactivating a jellyfish sting - urinating on it - flushing the site with cold water - applying vinegar - applying an ice pack

applying vinegar

when performing a history on a patient with abdominal trauma, all of the following questions would be appropriate regarding trauma except - is there any blood in your stool - does your pain go anywhere - do you have any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea - are you having trouble with your hearing

are you having trouble with your hearing

most serious diving injuries occur during ___________


You are dispatched to a local bar where your patient a 26-year-old-man was involved in an altercation. he has several superficial lacerations to his arms, and a knife is impaled in his right upper quadrant.. he is lying supine on the floor. he is alert. the bar patrons tell you that he did not fall but they helped him to the floor

assess the ABC's give oxygen with a bag valve mask, stabilize the knife with bulk dressing, and control bleeding. try not to move the patient


bands of fibrous tissue that strengthen join capsules

Often, the first sign of heatstroke change in __________ - behavior - skin turgor - blood pressure - perspiration


you 24 year old patient fell of a balance beam and landed on his arm. he is complaining of pain in the upper arm, and thereis obvious welling. you know that swelling is a sign of - bleeding - laceration - a locked joint - compartment syndrome


bone marrow produces ___________ __________

blood cells

the bones in the skeleton produce _____________ in the bone marrow - blood cells - minerals - electrolytes - hormones

blood cells


blood in the urine

smooth muscle if found in the - back - blood vessels - heart -leg

blood vessels

the characteristic appearance of blue lips and/or fingertips seen in hypothermia is the result of - lack of oxygen in venomous blood - frostbite - blood vessels constricting - bruising

blood vessels constricting

closed abdominal injuries are also known as _____________ _____________

blunt injuries

the organs most severely affect by air embolism are the - brain and spinal cord - brain and heart - heat and lungs - brain and lungs

brain and spinal cord

what are the two most common poisonous spiders in the United States, and how do their bites differ

brown recluse - bite destroys tissue locally - venom is cytotoxic black widow - bite has systemic effect - venom is neurotoxic

suspect a possible injury of the urinary bladder in all of the following findings except - bruising to the left upper quadrant - blood at the urethral opening - blood at the tip of the penis or a stain on the patient's underwear - physical signs of trauma on the lower abdomen, pelvis, or perineum

bruising to the left upper quadrant

the ___________ is the largest of the tarsal bones


the __________________ and _____________ systems are the most commonly injured during a lightning strike

cardiovascular nervous

most spinal injuries in diving incidents affect the - cervical spine - thoracic spine - lumbar spine - sacrum/coccyx

cervical spine

you are dispatched to assist police with a mentally ill patient who has threatened harm to himself and others. police officers found the man running around his home with a knife and blood all over his lower body. the man tells you that the voices told hi to cut off his penis

check scene safety. control bleeding. if amputated wrap in sterile dressing. transport in a cool area - not direct contact with ice, give patient high flow oxygen

Signs of envenomation by a pit viper include all of the following except: a. swelling b. chest pain c. ecchymosis d. severe burning pain at the site of the injury

chest pain

the __________ is a slender, s-shaped bone attached by ligaments to the sternum on one end and to the acromion process of the other


the __________ is one of the most commonly fractured bones n the body - scapula - clavicle - humerus - radius


never assume that ______________ , pulseless patient is dead - apneic - cyanotic - cold -hyperthermic


an ___________ fracture is a fracture in which the bone is broken into more than two fragments - greenstick - comminuted - pathological - epiphyseal


air embolism

condition caused by air bubbles in the blood vessels


contracting stomach muscles to minimize pain

you respond to a motorcycle accident for a 41-year-old man who is unconscious. he has obvious deformity to both lower legs and is bleeding moderately from an open fracture his airway is open and he is making gurgling noises. pulse is rapid and weak. distal pulses are very weak your first priority with the patient is to

control life threatening bleeding

when treating a patient with an amputation of the penile shaft, your top priority is - locating the amputated part - controlling bleeding - keeping the remaining tissue dry - delaying transport until bleeding is controlled

controlling bleeding

your primary concern when dealing with an unresponsive patient with an open abdominal injury is - covering the wound with a moist dressing - maintaining the airway - controlling the bleeding - monitoring the vital signs

controlling the bleeding


conversion of any liquid to a gas examples include the body cooling itself through sweating

you are dispatched to a construction site where a man has fallen onto a piece of rebar. you arrive to find a man sitting on the ground with is legs drawn toward his chest. he tells you that he fell from a ladder onto a piece of rebar. he says, somethings sticking out of me. as you visualize his abdomen you can clearly see a portion of his bowel on the outside of his body

cover evisceration with moist sterile dressing. let patient be comfortable. give patient high flow oxygen keep patient warm for possible shock

when treating a patient with an evisceration, you should - attempt to replace the abdominal contents - cover the protruding rogans with a dry, sterile dressing - cover the protruding rogans with adherent dressings - cover the protruding contents with moist, sterile gauze compressions

cover the protruding contents with moist, sterile gauze compressions

a grating or grinding sensation known as ________ can be felt and sometimes even heard when fractured bone ends to rub together


your patient has his penis caught in his zipper. what do you need to do to relieve the pressure - pull the pants off the patient -force the zipper open -remove the foreskin -cut the zipper out of the pants

cut the zipper out of the pants

in a diving emergency ___________________ occurs when bubbles of gas, especially nitrogen, obstruct the blood vessels - compression sickness - decompression sickness - pulmonary sickness - nitrogen toxicity

decompression shock

signs and symptoms associated with hip dislocation include all of the following EXCEPT - severe pain in the hip - lateral and posterior aspects of the hip region are tender on palpation - being able to palpate the femoral head deep within the muscles of the buttock - decreased resistance to any movement of the joint

decreased resistance to any movement of the joint

the three phases of a dive, in the order they occur are - ascent, descent, and bottom - descent, bottom, and ascent - orientation, bottom, and ascent - descent, orientation, and ascent

descent, bottom, and ascent

a ______________ is a disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact - torn ligament - dislocation -fracture dislocation - sprain



displacement of organs outside of the body

whenever a person dives or jumps into very cold water the _______________ ______________ may cause immediate bradycardia

diving reflex

you have a male patient who has no immediate life threat but does have bleeding genitalia. you should bandage with a - dry dressing - moist dressing - occlusive dressing - adhesive dressing

dry dressing

checking neurovascular function is required at all of the following times EXCEPT - after any manipulation of the limb - before applying a splint - after applying a splint - during history taking

during history taking

fractures are almost always associated with ____________ of the surrounding tissue - laceration -crepitus -ecchymosis - swelling


signs and symptoms of a dislocated joint include all of the following EXCEPT - marked deformity - tenderness or palpation - locked joint -ecchymosis


takes place in solid organs - digestion - excretion - endocrine functions - absorption

endocrine functions

evaporation, the conversion of a liquid to a gas is a process that requires - energy - circulating air - a warmer ambient temperature - high humidity


coelenterates are responsible for more _____________ than any other marine animals


an open wound that allows internal organs or fat to protrude through the wound is called ______________


solid organs

examples include the liver, pancreas, and spleen

hollow organs

examples include the stomach, small intestine, and ureters

eviscerated organs should be covered with a dry dressing


extremes in temperature and humidity are needed to produce hot or cold injuries


ice should be promptly applied to any snakebite with swelling


if you are unsure as to whether a hypothermic patient has a pulse present, palpate the carotid artery for 15 to 20 seconds


injuries to the kidneys usually occur in isolation


it may be necessary to force bone fragments back into place when applying traction


long-sleeved shirts and long pants are considered dangerous for EMS responders in extreme heat and are not necessary because they provide only minimal protection from exposure


mild hypothermia occurs when the core temperature drops to 85*F


patients with abdominal injuries should be kept supine with the head elevated


the abdomen is divided into 2 quadrants


the most common type of pit viper is the copperhead


the pain of coelenterate stings may respond to flushing with cold water


the strongest stimulus for breathing is an elevation of oxygen in the blood


ticks should be removed by firmly grasping them with tweezers while rotating them counterclockwise


when approaching a water rescue scene, it is better to drive though moving water than through stagnant water


when splinting a fracture, you should be careful to immobilize only the joint above the injury site



fibrous tissue that covers all skeletal muscle

the region below the rib cage and above the hip is called the _______


all of the following conditions refer to when exposed parts of the body become very cold, but not frozen except - frostnip - trench foot - immersion foot - frostbite


how should a frostbitten foot be treated

get out of cold, remove wet/restricting clothing, remove any jewelry from injured area, cover loosely with dry sterile dressing, splint frostbit area, monitor and help vitals, transport rapidly

a ___________ fracture is an incomplete fracture that passes only partway through the shaft of a bone and may still cause severe angulation - greenstick - comminuted - pathological - epiphyseal


Most frostbitten parts are - soft and moist - hard and waxy - soft and waxy - hard and moist

hard and waxy

you are called to the local bar where a fight has taken place. the police department tells you that you have a 36 year old man who has been stabbed twice in the abdomen. on arrival, the patient is alert and oriented. his airway is open his respirations are at 24 breaths/min pulse is rapid, regular, and weak. he has distal pulses with then penetrating trauma, you should assume that the object has done all of the following EXCEPT -has penetrated the peritoneum -has entered the abdominal cavity -has possibly injured one or more organs - has damaged only the skin

has damaged only the skin

what treatments for snake bites assist with slowing and monitoring the spread of venom

have patient lay flat and quiet, wash bite area with soapy water, splint extremity, mark skin with pen to monitor swelling

toxins from the spines of urchins and stingrays are _____________ ___________

heat sensitive


heat transfer between the body and a radiant energy source; examples include standing close to a fire or inside of a cold room


heat transfer between the body and an object or substance that it is in direct contact with examples include sitting in snow


heat transfer between the body and circulating air; examples include exposure to windy, wintry weather with inadequate thermal insulation

The least common but most serious illness caused by heat exposure, occurring when the body is subjected to more heat than it can handle and normal mechanisms for getting rid of the excess heat are overwhelmed, is: a. hyperthermia b. heat cramps c. heat exhaustion d. heatstroke


blood in the urine is known as - hematuria - hemoptysis - hematocrit - hemoglobin


potential problems associated with rupture of the lungs include all of the following except - air emboli - pneumomediastinum - pneumothorax - hemopneumothorax


because solid organs have a rich supply of blood, an injury can result in major - hemorrhaging - damage - pain - guarding


____________ produce severe damage to the skeleton, surrounding soft tissues, and vital internal organs - direct blows -indirect forces - twisting forces -high energy injuries

high energy injuries

a patient at an altitude above 8,000 feet with shortness of breath and cough with pink sputum is likely to be suffering from ______________ ___________ __________

high-altitude pulmonary edema

the humerus connects with the radius and ulna to form the ________ elbow joint


when heat gain exceeds heat loss, __________ results - hyperthermia - heat cramps - heat exhaustion - heat stroke


if a patient has a cold skin temperature, he or she is likely - hypothermic - hyperthermic - hypoglycemic - hypoglycemic


you are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. your patient is a 42 year old restrained woman. the airbag deployed and the woman has abrasions on her face. she is complaining of pain in both her chest and abdomen. her airway is open, and respiration's within normal limits. her pulse is a little rapid but strong and regular. she has distal pulses. in assessing this patient, which of the following statements is NOT true? - bowel sounds may help confirm findings - palpation is typically performed first with a light touch - if light touch elicits pain, perform deep palpation to assess the further injury -if you find an entry wound, you should always assess for an exit wound

if light touch elicits pain, perform deep palpation to assess further injury

late signs of abdominal injury include all of the following EXCEPT - distention - increased blood pressure - change in mental status - pale, cool, moist skin

increased blood pressure

contributing factors to the development of heat illnesses include all of the following except - high air temperature - vigorous exercise - high humidity - increased fluid intake

increased fluid intake

the rate and amount of heat loss by the body can be modified by all of the following except - increasing heat production - moving to an area where heat loss is decreased - wearing insulated clothing - increasing fluid intake

increasing fluid intake

in any case of trauma to a female patient, you should always determine if the patient is - on birth control - pregnant - currently menstruating - has a history of ovarian cysts

is pregnant

which of the following statements regarding the brown recluse spider is false - it is larger than the black widow spider - it lives mostly in the southern and central parts of the country - venomous is not neurotoxic - bites rarely cause systemic signs and symptoms

it is larger than the black widow spider

which of the following statements about compartment syndrome is FALSE - it occurs 6 12 hours after an injury - it most commonly occurs with a fractured femur - it is usually a result of excessive bleeding, a severely crushed extremity, or the rapid return of blood to an ischemic limb - it is characterized by pain that is out of proportion to the injury

it most commonly occurs with a. fractured femur

___________ are held together in a tough fibrous structure known as a capsule - tendons - joints - ligaments - bones


you respond to an 18-year-old high school football player who was hit in the right flank with a helmet several hours ago. he is complaining of pain in the area. he is alert and oriented. his airway is open and his respirations are is within normal limits. his pulse is rapid and regular. he had a radial pulse, he tells you that he is noticing blood in his urine. based on this information. the patient is likely to have an injury to the - liver - kidney - gallbladder - appendix


the solid organs of the urinary system include the - kidneys - ureters - bladder - urethra


the __________ are filtrations organs and are therefore supplied with large quantities of ____________ and prone to bleed heavily when injured

kidneys blood

____________ is the body's reaction to inhaling very small amounts of water - bronchoconstriction - laryngospasms - esophageal spasm - swelling in the oropharynx


the knee is especially susceptible to ______________ injuries, which occur when abnormal bending or twisting forces are applied to the joint - tendon - ligament - dislocation -fracture-dislocation


because of local tenderness and swelling it is easy to confuse a nondisplaced or minimally displaced fracture at the knee with a - tendon injury - ligament injury - dislocation - fracture dislocation

ligament injury

______________ is the fifth most common cause of death from isolated environmental phenomena


the largest organ in the abdomen is the - liver - spleen - pancreas - kidneys


which of the following is NOT a hollow organ of the abdomen - stomach - liver - bladder - ureters


hypothermia is more common among all of the following except - older individuals - long distance athletes - infants and children - those who are already ill

long distance athletes

signs and symptoms of sprains include all of the following EXCEPT - point tenderness - pain preventing the patient from moving or using the limb normally - marked deformity - instability of the joint indicated by increased motion

marked deformity

management of hypothermia in the field consists of all of the following except - applying heat packs to the groin, axillary, and cervical regions - removing wet clothing - preventing further heat loss - massaging the cold extremities

massaging the cold extremities

a patient who has a significant _________ __ __________ but whose condition appears otherwise stable should also be transported promptly to the closest appropriate hospital

mechanism of injury

active rewarming of patients who have ________________ to ____________ is best accomplished in the emergency department

moderate severe

signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and associated hypovolemia include all of the following except - cold, clammy skin with ashen pallor - dizziness, weakness, or faintness - normal vital signs - moist oral mucosa

moist oral mucosa

if you are treating a patient with abdominal evisceration you should use an - moist, sterile dressing - dry sterile dressing - adhesive dressing - triangular bandage

moist, sterile dressing

The first signs of peritonitis include all of the following, EXCEPT: - severe abdominal pain - tenderness - muscular spasm - nausea


if you suspect that a patient has compartment syndrome, splint the affect limb, keeping it at the level of the heart, and provide immediate transport, reassessing ___________ __________ frequently during transport

neurovascular status

____________ is also known as a hairline fracture - closed fracture - open fracture -non dispalced fracture -displaced fracture

non displaced fracture

any damage or open wound in the skin should alert you to the possibility of an __________ __________

open fracture

regardless of the extent and severity of the damage to the skin, you should treat any injury that breaks the skin as a possible - closed fracture - open fracture -non dispalced fracture -displaced fracture

open fracture

a penetrating wound that reaches the kidneys almost always involves ____________ _______________

other organs

patients with open abdomen injuries often complain of - pain - nausea - vomiting - dyspnea


the major complaint of patients with abdominal injury is - pain - tachycardia - rigidity - swelling


point tenderness

pain elicited by palpation with a finger at the site of the injury

heat cramps

painful muscle spasm that occur after very vigorous exercise

Coral snake venom is a powerful toxin that causes __________ of the nervous system. a. paralysis b. hyperactivity c. hypoactivity d. hemiparesis


you are called to the local assisted living facility where a 94-year-old man has fallen. he is alert and oriented and denies passing out. his respirations are 18 breaths/min and regular. pulse is 106 beats/mine, regular and strong. distal pulses are present. he state that he was walking, heard a pop, and fell to the floor. you suspect a _____________ fracture - greenstick - comminuted - pathological - epiphyseal


__________ ________ are used to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption, and pain

pelvic binder

open abdominal injuries are also known as - blunt injuries - collapse injuries - penetrating injuries peritoneal injuries

penetrating injuries

open abdominal injuries are also known as ________________ ________________

penetrating injuries

Spilled contents from ruptured hollow organs may irritate the ________ _________ and cause the patient to report abdominal pain

peritoneal cavity

when ruptured, the organs of the abdominal cavity can spill their contents into the peritoneal cavity, causing an intense inflammatory reaction called ____________


when caring for patients who have fallen, you must identify the _____________ and the mechanism of injury so that you will not over look associated injuries - site of injury - height of fall - point of contact - twisting forces

point of contact

______________ is the most reliable indicator of an underlying fracture - creptitius - deformity - point tenderness - absence of distal pulses

point tenderness

although substantial ligament damage always occurs with a knee dislocation, the more urgent injury is to the _____________ artery which is often lacerated or compressed by the displaced tibia - tibial - femoral - popliteal - dorsalis pedis


you have a patient with suspected kidney injury but no spinal injury how should he be positioned - supine - prone - lateral recumbent - position of comfort

position of comfort

You respond to a 19-year-old woman who was involved in a motor vehicle collision. She is alert and oriented. Her airway is open, and respirations are 18 breaths/min and unlabored. Pulse is 94 beats/min and is strong and regular. Distal pulses are present. Her upper arm has obvious deformity. You splint the upper arm. You know that splinting will do all of the following EXCEPT: A. prevent the need for surgery. B. reduce shock. C. minimize compromised circulation. D. reduce pain.

prevent the need for surgery

Treatment of a snake bite from a pit viper includes: a. calming the patient - not giving anything by mouth - marking the skin with a pen over the swollen area to not whether the swelling is spreading - providing water to drink

providing water to drink

the abdomen is divided into four parts - quadrants - planes - secretions - angles


_____________ is the transfer of heat by radiant energy


in the united states, the most common form of pit viper is the _____________


a dislocated joint sometimes will spontaneously _________ or return to its normal position


treatment of drowning and or near drowning begins with - opening the airway - ventilation with 100% oxygen via a bag-mask device - suctioning the lungs to remove the water - rescue and removal from the water

rescue and removal from the water

_______________ causes body heat to be lost as warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled - convection - conduction - radiation - respiration



respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion in liquid

a ____________ fractures the bone at the point of impact - direct blow -resultant force - twisting force - high energy injury

resultant force

kidneys are located in the ________________ space


when treating a patient with frostbite never attempt __________ if there is any chance that the part may freeze again before the patient reaches the hospital


if the seat belt lies too high it can do all of the following except - squeeze abdominal organs - compress the great vessels - fracture the lumbar spine - rupture the appendix

rupture the appendix

Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease are both spread through a ticks - saliva - blood - hormones -excrement


____________ are eight legged arachnids with a venom gland and a stinger at the end of their tails


blunt abdominal injuries may result from - a stab wound - seat belts - gunshot wound - impaled object

seat belts

when you have applied a traction splint and confirmed that pulse, motor, and sensory functions are intact, the last thing that you do is

secure the patient to the backboard

_______________, a common effect of hypothermia, is the body's attempt to increase its heat production


signs and symptoms of severe systemic hypothermia include all of the following except - weak pulse - coma - shivering - very slow respirations


the _________. __________ is the larges peripheral nerve in the body; it controls the activity of muscles in the thigh and below the knee

siatic nerve

which of the following is NOT a basic type of splint - rigid - formable - pelvic binder - sling


closed abdominal injury

soft-tissue damage inside the body, but the skin remains intact

Severe bleeding may occur with injury to ____________ organs


the ___________ is often injured during motor vehicle collisions, especially in the case of improperly placed seat belts or impact from the steering wheel, falls from heights or onto sharp objects, and bicycle and motorcycle crashes where the patient hits the handlebars on impact - pancreas - heart -spleen -colon


you are called to the local junior high school where a 12-year-old boy fell and hurt his wrist. there is an obvious deformity. he is aleret and orenet. respirations and pulse are within normal limiss distal pulses is present it is important to remember

splint in a position of function

a ____________ occurs when a joint is twisted or stretched beyond its normal range of motion - dislocation - strain - sprain - torn ligament


A ________________ is stretching or tearing of the muscle and or tendon - strain - sprain - torn ligament - split


tick bites oucurs most commonly during the ___________ months


any air in the peritoneal cavity seeks the most __________ space or void; thus, the location of the air can change with the positioning of the patient - inferior - superior - distal - proximal


joints are bathed and lubricated by ___________ fluid - cartilaginous - articular -synovial - cerebrospinal


a very common early sign of a significant abdominal injury and shock is - pain - tachycardia - rigidity - distention



the ability of the skin to resist deformation

in line traction

the act of pulling on a body structure in the direction of its normal alignment

signs and symptoms of knee ligaments injury include all of the following EXCEPT - swelling - point tenderness - joint effusion - the affected leg being external rotated

the affected leg being externally rotated

the zone of injury include all of the following except - adjacent nerves - adjacent blood vessels -surrounding soft tissue - the incident scene

the incident scene

all of the following systems contain organs that make up the contents of the abdomen cavity EXCEPT; - the digestive system - the urinary system - the genitourinary system - the limbic system

the limbic system

areas usually affected by descent problems include - the lungs - the skin - the joints - vision

the lungs

You respond to a 19-year-old woman who was kicked in the leg by a horse. She is alert and oriented. Respirations are 20 breaths/min, regular and unlabored. Pulse is 110 beats/min and regular. Distal pulses are present. She has point tenderness at the site of the injury. You should compare the limb to: A. the opposite uninjured limb. B. one of your limbs or one of your partner's limbs. C. an injury chart. D. none of the above.

the opposite uninjured limb


the posterior region below the margin of the lower rib cage

you should never give up on resuscitating a cold-water drowning victim because - when the patient is submerged in water colder than body temperature heat is maintained in the body - the resulting hypothermia can protect vital organs from the lack of oxygen - the resulting hypothermia raises the metabolic rate - heat is conducted from the water to the body

the resulting hypothermia can protect vital organs from the lack of oxygen

all of the following male genitalia lie outside the pelvic cavity EXCEPT - urethra -penis - seminal vesicles - testes

the seminal vesicle

diving reflex

the slowing of heart rate caused by submersion in cold water

core temperature

the temperature of the heart, lungs, and vital organs

which of the following statements about heat cramps is false - they only occur when it is hot outdoors - the may be seen in well-conditioned athletes -the exact cause of heat cramps is not well understood - dehydration may play a role in the development of heat cramps

they only occur when it is hot outdoors

when obtaining a SAMPLE history for a patient with a diving emergency, pay special attention to all of the following dive parameters except - depth - length of time the patient was underwater - the time of onset of symptoms - time of day

time of day

In-line _______ is the act of exerting a pulling force on a body structure in the direction of its normal alignment. A. stabilization B. immobilization C. traction D. direction


for what diving emergencies are hyperbaric chambers used

treating air embolism, decomposition sickness

after a lightning strike, you should practice reverse triage


all extremity injuries should be splinted before moving a patient unless the patient life is in immediate danger


compartments syndrome can develop in the forearm in children with a fracture to the humerus


cottonmouths are known for aggressive behavior


cover wound with dry, sterile dressing before applying a splint


fractures of the distal radius are known as Colles fractures


hollow organs may release free air into the abdomen if injured


immediate bradycardia after jumping in cold water is called the diving reflex


normally body temperature is 98*F


one of the most common signs of a significant abdominal injury is an elevated pulse rate


one of the steps of the neurologic examination is to palpate the pulse distal to the site of the injury


patients with abdominal pain may want to lie still with their legs drawn up


peritoneal irritation is in the response to hollow organ injuries


peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum


potential safety hazards in the environment can include wet grass, mud, or icy streets


splinting reduce pain and prevents the motion of bone fragments


the body's most efficient heat regulating mechanism are sweating and dilation of skin blood vessels


the goal with the patient with moderate to severe hypothermia is to prevent further heat loss


the people who are at greatest risk for heat illnesses are the elderly and children


to assess the skin temperature in a patient experiencing a generalized cold emergency, you should feel the patient's skin


when applying traction, the direction of pull is in the direction of the limbs normal alignment


white blood cells and platelets are produced in the marrow cavity


when treating multiple victims of lightning strikes, whom should you concentrate your efforts on first - conscious patients - unconscious patients in respiratory or cardiac arrest - all unconscious patients - conscious patients with burn wounds

unconscious patients in respiratory or cardiac arrest

Removal of a tick should be accomplished by: a. suffocating it with gasoline b. burning it with a lighted match to cause it to release its grip c. using fine tweezers to pull it straight out of the skin d. suffocating it with Vasoline

using fine tweezers to pull it straight out of the skin

fractures of the tibia and fibula are sometimes associated with __________ as a result of the distorted positions of the limb following the injury - vascular injury - muscular injury - tendon injury - ligament injury

vascular injury

to treat a stink from a jellyfish, pour ___________ on the affected area


sings of injury to the kidney may include any of the following except - bruises or lacerations on the overlying skin - shock - vomiting - hematuria



where two bones come into contact

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