nutrition chapter 3

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Foreign material that invades the body (magic school bus)

The pyloric sphincter controls the flow of chyme as it passes out of the stomach and into the small intestine. Which of the following is a possible effect of a malfunctioning pyloric sphincter?

Inadequate nutrient digestion and absorption because the small intestine doesn't have enough time to digest food

How is digesting food moved along the small intestine?

By peristalsis, which is the contraction of the smooth muscle to push food forward


A type of white blood cell that ingests invading microbes

What is the name of the mechanism that inhibits gastric motility and the secretion of gastric acid?

Enterogastric reflex

What forms must carbohydrates and proteins take to be absorbed by the small intestine?

Monosaccharides and amino acids

Which term describes movement within the small intestine caused by contraction and relaxation of the longitudinal muscles?

Pendular movement

What propels food through the small intestine?


Which movement within the small intestine is described as the contraction of circular smooth muscles that constrict the intestines into segments?



a substance produced by the body to fight disease


after leaving small intestines the blood, breaks down nutrients.


antibodies that attack foreign invaders (medicines)

T cells

attack the antigen

lungs & hearts

blood circulates to the lungs where oxygen is picked up and releases carbon dioxide waste from cells the blood returns the heart to pump fresh oxygen to the tissue and makes its way to the digestive system


blood passes through and cleanses waster, leaves blood carries back to the heart and starts all over.

small intestines

blood passes through the digestive system and delivers oxygen to cells and picks up most nutrients other then fat (nutrients absorbed)

digestive system

breaks down food

Blood transports

carbohydrates, protein, water-soluble, vitamins and minerals (vitamins c and b vitamins)


city roads slows down, carries blood

immune system


what do our cells need

energy, oxygen, water, nutrients they cant make for themselves

what does lymph picks up

excess nutrients that blood cant pickup, and take it back to the heart. picks up fat digestion and fat soluble


exits, transfers materials between blood tissue, conects arteries to veins


freeway, carries the blood

Secretions from the _____, called _____, neutralize acid from the stomach in the small intestine.

pancreas, bicarbonate

blood cirulation (have to know order for the test)

heart -> lungs -> heart -> small intestines -> liver -> kidney -> heart

hormonal and nervous system


What is one reason that enzymes are present in the small intestine?

to break down protein to amino acids

cardiovascular system



two forms of white blood cells, b-cells and t-cells

lymph vessels

two lane highway, small tubes that carry lymph fluid throughout the body

Which of the following does the large intestine most likely absorb in digestion?


what is the fuel blood and lympb need?


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