Endocrine review

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Damage to cells of the zona fasciculata of the suprarenal cortex would result in

Decreased ability to convert amino acids to glucose

Hormones known as catecholamines are

Derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine

Inability of the pancreas to produce insulin results in

Diabetes mellitus

The exocrine portion of the pancreas produce

Digestive enzymes.

The functional organization of the nervous system parallels that of the --- system in many ways


The hypothalamus acts as both a neural and --- organ


Which hormone increases and prolongs effects of the sympathetic nervous system?


Each hormone is an amino acid derivative

Epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroid hormone, melatonin, (thyroid stimulating hormone is not!)

The hormone that increases production of red blood cells


Follicle cells in the ovary secrete-- when stimulates by FSH


The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


Secretory cells of the adenohypophysis release.

FSH, TSH, GH (not ADH)

After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex :

Gene transcription is initiated.

If a diabetic patient received too much insulin , the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting


Aloha cells are to -- as beta cells are to ---

Glucagon, insulin

The zona fasciculata of the suprarenal cortex produces


When blood glucose levels fall

Glycogen is released

Hormones that regulate the male and female reproductive organs are collectively called


The hypothalamus portal system

Has two capillary plexuses connected by short veins, carries neurosecretions to their anterior love of the pituitary, carries ADH and oxytocin.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are considered to be --- when received into the bloodstream, but --- when released at synapse.

Hormones, neurotransmitters

--- are chemical messengers that are release in one tissue and transported in the bloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissues


The most complex endocrine responses involve the


Mental and physical sluggishness and low body temperature may be signs of


Decreased blood flow to the kidneys would lead to

Increased blood levels of renin, elevated blood levels of angiotensin, increased blood levels of erythropoietin

A rise in angiotensin 2 levels would result in

Increased blood volume, increased water retention, increases retention of sodium ions at the kidneys, elevated blood pressure

The hormone that opposes the release of FSH in both males and females is


The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is


Angiotensin 1 is converted to angiotensin 2 by converting enzymes in the


Pinealocytes produce


The zona glomerulosa of the suprarenal cortex produces


In general the effects of natriuretic peptides --- those of angiotensin 11


The hormone that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is


Increased levels of hormone --- will lead to increased levels of calcium ion in the blood


Hormone that does opposite of calcitonin is

Parathyroid hormone

Melatonin is produced by the

Pineal gland

A structure known as the corpus luteum secretes


The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammoth gland is


PRL is to-- as ACTH is to---

Prolactin , corticotropin

The following cooperate to prepare the mammary glands for milk secretion

Prolactin, estrogens, progesterone, placental hormones.

The hormone oxytocin.

Promotes uterine contractions, responsible for milk expression, triggers prostate gland contraction.

The following organs contain target cells for oxytocin.

Prostate, ductus deferens, mammary glands, uterus

The endocrine system regulates physiological processes through binding of hormones to


Endocrine cells

Release their secretions directly into body fluids

The kidney secretes

Renan, erythropoietin, calcitriol

When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to the receptors on the surface of the other cell the :

Second messenger appears in the cytoplasm.

The hypothalamus controls secretion by the adenohypophysis by

Secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

The delta cells of the pancreatic islets produce


TSH plays a key role in the -- of the thyroid hormknes

Synthesis and release.

The pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from thyroid gland


The parathyroid glands produce a hormone

That increases the level of calcium ions in the blood

Peptide hormones are

Composed of amino acids

The suprarenal cortex produces steroid hormones called


Thyroid hormone contains the element


The primary function of ADH is to decrease the amount of water at the


The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion of testosterone is


Thyroid hormones are structural derivatives of the amino acid


Hormone that can lower blood levels of calcium ion is


Receptors for -- peptide hormones and eicosanoids are found in the cell membranes of target cells


The suprarenal medulla produces


The pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the suprarenal cortex is


The pituitary hormone that causes the kidney to reduce water loss is


The posterior pituitary secretes


When adenylcyclase is activated.

ATP is consumed, cAMP is formed.

Cells of the suprarenal cortex produce


Hormone that helps regulate the sodium ion content of the body is


Reduction of fluid losses at the kidney due to the retention of sodium is the action of


The zona reticularis of the suprarenal cortex produces


The enzyme renin is responsible for the activation of


Two hormones that have opposing effects are called


Steroid hormones

Are derived from cholesterol, produced by reproductive glands, bind to receptors within the cell, and are lipids

Steroid hormones

Bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells

In persons with untreated diabetes mellitus

Blood glucose levels are very high, excessive thirst is shown, glucose is present in the urine in large amounts, a large excretion of urine occurs

When blood glucose levels rise

Insulin is releases

The beta cells of the pancreatic islets produce


The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar to enter its target cell is


A hormone that promotes glucocorticoids in the liver is


The hormone that's important for coordinating the immune response are


The thyroid gland is composed of many-- that produce and store thyroid hormone

Thyroid follicles.

Thyroxine and calcitonin are secretes by the

Thyroid gland

The hormone that plays a pivotal role in setting the metabolic rate and thus impacting body temperature.


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