English 1101 Columbus tech final

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

If you quoted from the article "Stress and Coping: A Study of World Class Coaches" by Peter Olusoga, Joanne Butt, Ian Maynard, Kate Hays, how would you do the in-text citation after the quote?

"Experienced coaches might be a valuable source from which younger, developing coaches could draw support and guidance during their development. There seems to be a clear need for sport psychology practitioners and coach education programs to guide coaches towards developing the psychological attributes needed to be successful in a world class coaching environment" (Olusoga et al.).

Which of the following quotes would be the best quote to use in an essay about advertising?

"It may be that there is no other way to depict relationships when the ultimate goal is to sell products. But this apparently bottomless consumerism not only depletes the world's resources, it also depletes our inner resources" (Kilbourne).

How would you quote from The New York Times article for an in-text citation? Teens on the Year Everything Changed

"What has it been like to be a teenager during the first year of a historic pandemic The New York Times, through its Learning Network, asked the question, and more than 5,500 responses poured in" ("Teens on the Year That Changed Everything").

The following is a source on your Works Cited page: "Reality TV Is Messing With Your Head." Scholastic Choices, vol. 28, no 6, 2012. Academic Search Complete, choices.scholastic.com/story/reality-tv-messing-your- head. Accessed 1 October 2016. What would the in-text citation for this source look like?

("Reality TV")

the following is a source on your Works Cited page: "Reality TV Is Messing With Your Head." Scholastic Choices, vol. 28, no 6, 2012. Academic Search Complete, choices.scholastic.com/story/reality-tv-messing-your- head. Accessed 1 October 2016. What would the in-text citation for this source look like?

("Reality TV")

In your research paper, you have used sources by two different authors with the same last name, Bernice Thomas and Christopher Thomas. What would your in-text citations for these sources look like?

(B. Thomas 388) and (C. Thomas 76)

If a source has three authors, what would the in-text citation look like?

(Prater et al. 83)

Which of the following statements is an example of expert testimony used as evidence?

According to the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, pipelines are undoubtedly the safest way to transport petroleum products.

Mr. Jones has argued that a moment of silence in public schools would violate the separation of church and state. But have you ever met that jerk? His attacks on religion obviously stem from the fact that he's a narrow minded bigot who never had the inclination to pray for the benefit of anyone else. In fact, just the fact that Mr. Jones opposes the proposal is enough for me to accept it.

Ad hominem

Arousing an audience's emotions and ignoring the issue is to appeal "to the people," to the audience's presumed shared values and beliefs

Ad populum

f the source you are using in your paper does not have an author, what should you use for the in-text citation?

An abbreviated title (the first few key words of the title) of the work/source, plus the page number

if the source you are using in your paper does not have an author, what should you use for the in-text citation?

An abbreviated title (the first few key words of the title) of the work/source, plus the page number

In MLA documentation, an in-text citation will usually consist of what two pieces of information?

Author's last name and page number

Which of the following statements is an appropriate claim for a brief argument project?

Because instantaneous communication and international trade are important for businesses, business students should learn to speak more than one language.

The following excerpt is from an argument project. Choose the sentence that expresses a debatable claim. Because whole grains are an essential part of a healthy diet, we should eat them. Things have changed since the 1990s. Back then, people were warned to avoid "carbs" if they wanted to maintain a healthy weight. Today, most nutritionists believe that whole, unrefined grains are one of the keys to a balanced and healthy diet.

Because whole grains are an essential part of a healthy diet, we should eat them.

To assume that part of your argument is true without supporting it. Often uses words like "the fact is," "obviously," and "as we can see."

Begging the question

Which of the following would be the correct entry on a Works Cited page for an article from an online database?

Block, Alex Ben. "The Real Force Behind Star Wars." Hollywood Reporter, vol.418, no.6, 2012, pp 88-91. Business Source Complete, www.hollywoodreporter.com/ news/george-lucas-star-wars-288513. Accessed 23 July 2016.

Which of the following is an appropriate claim for a brief argument project?

Collars that deliver electrical shocks to the neck of a dog are a cruel and unnecessary form of training; therefore, they should be banned for use by the general public.

Select the correct answer that best completes the phrase. An argument that uses the audience's shared values is and example of


If I download something from the Internet/Web and change only a few words and phrase, I can use that information as my own for class assignments.


Quoting from Wikipedia, social media, or personal blogs will provide me with creditable source material for college assignments.


is this a good use of a quote in a paragraph? "The consumer culture encourages us not only to buy more but to seek our identity and fulfillment through what we buy, to express our individuality through our 'choices' of products" (Kilbourne). The consumer will purchase this product in hopes that he or she will feel and look much younger. Consumers will consider purchasing a product if he or she thinks it will make them look or feel younger. The many colorful balloons in this ad create the thought of youth. The balloons have colors such as light pink, light blue, light green, light yellow and white. These balloons give the ad a childlike appearance because they are usually found at young children's birthday parties. The ad further creates the thought of youth by picturing a young woman, who appears to be in her early twenties. Not only does the ad create the ideas of youth, but it also uses its wording to target consumers.


When there are many significant differences in the two items being compared.

False analogy

I'll give President Obama six weeks. In six weeks, he will either make or break America.

False dilemma

Oversimplifies by asserting only two alternatives when there are more than two.

False dilemma

Occurs when the explanation offered is "forced" or illogical because sufficient evidence does not exist to draw any conclusions or the evidence can more simply be explained by a different hypothesis.

Forced hypothesis

Which of the following would be the correct entry on a Works Cited page for a book with one author?

Harris, Dean M. Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. Penguin, 2008.

When a writer oversimplifies by arguing from insufficient evidence or by ignoring some relevant evidence.

Hasty generalization

Which of the following statements is an example of numerical data used as evidence?

Health-insurance premiums have risen by more than twenty percent over the past three years, although the rate of increase has slowed this year.

which of the following direct quotations is correctly formatted, punctuated, and documented

In 2011, the Star Wars franchise "raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue" (Block 88).

Literally means "it does not follow". Conclusions are not logically connected to the reasons.

Non sequitor

How do you do a Works Cited entry for the following article found at the Journal of Applied Sports "Stress and Coping: A Study of World Class Coaches" Published July 19, 2021 Volume 22 / Issue 3 Pages 274-293 Authors: Peter Olusoga, Joanne Butt, Ian Maynard, Kate Hays DOI: 10.1080/10413201003760968

Olusoga, Peter, et al. "Stress and Coping: A Study of World Class Coaches." Journal of Applied Sports Psychology, vol. 22, no. 3, 19 July 2010, pp. 274-93, doi 10.1080/10413201003760968. Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.

Frequently signaled by words such as all, every, always, never, and none. Usually refers to all members of a category.


Teenage girls always talk on their mobile phones.

Overstatement (stereotype)

Select the correct answer that best completes the phrase. Calling on people's deeply felt needs and desires is . .


Literally "after this, therefore because of this." Refers to a common errors in arguments about cause.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

Attributes to opponents the incorrect and usually ridiculous views that they do not hold.

Straw man

People who think abortion should be banned have no respect for the rights of women. They treat them as nothing but baby-making machines. That's wrong. Women must have the right to choose.

Straw man

How would you do a Works Cited page from this article from The New York Times that is a series of interviews without an author? Teens on the Year Everything Changed March 7, 2021 The New York Times Company

Teens on a Year When Everything Changed." The New York Times, The New York Times Company, 7 Mar. 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/learning/teens-pandemic-art.html? action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage. Accessed 8 Mar. 2021.

Taking small bits of information from the Internet/Web and using it as my own work or to complete an assignment is plagiarism.


According to MLA guidelines, how must an outside source used in a research paper be documented?

With both in-text citations and a Works Cited page

According to MLA guidelines, how must an outside source used in a research paper be documented? If you need to, check the Purdue OWL website.

With both in-text citations and a Works Cited page

Literally means "to the man." Attacking an opponent's character.

ad hominem

Argues that an action should be taken or a position accepted because "everyone is doing it."

band wagon

I know the Professor said that Bridges of Madison County was smarmy trash and lacked any artistic worth, but I still think she's wrong After all, it was on the best-seller list for over 100 weeks; everyone on campus is reading it.


On a Works Cited page, an author's name should...

be listed as "Last name, First name" (King, Stephen)

Why is it important to address opposing point of views within your argumentative essay?

because you should deal with the whole argument, not just half

Capital punishment for repeatedly convicted drug dealers is absolutely justifiable because people who are found guilty of selling drugs again and again should be given the death penalty.

begging the question

Facts and data that support reasons in an argumentative essay are called _____.


If I buy a paper from an Internet/Web site that sells such things, my chance of being caught for plagiarism is small.


If I find a newspaper article on the Internet/Web, I can use it in my work without reference because it is in an electronic form.


if someone said something in a lecture or on TV, I don't have to cite it because it is not written.


it is next to impossible for someone to prove that information I used in a class assignment came from somewhere on the Internet/Web.


Which of the following direct quotations is correctly formatted, punctuated, and documented?

in 2011, the Star Wars franchise "raked in $3 billion in licensing revenue" (Block 88).

What is wrong with the argument in the passage below? New York City's stop-and-frisk policy should be retained because it has been extremely useful in fighting crime. Under this policy, police can stop a person and frisk him or her if they merely suspect the person might have been involved in a crime. Since the policy was instituted, the crime rate has fallen precipitously—according to the official New York Police Department crime statistics, the overall drop is more than 80 percent.

it assumes that the police policy was the cause of the drop in crime.

elect the correct answer that best completes the phrase. Test results and statistics are an example of . .


Occurs when the debater introduces a side issue, some point that is not relevant to the debate

red herring

If you were going to use this quote and then create a Works Cited entry for it, who would you give credit to on the Works Cited page? A 16-year-old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says almost wistfully, "Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I'd like to learn how to have a conversation." from "The Flight From Conversation" by Sherry Turkle

sherry turkle

If we ban smoking, then people will start taking soft drugs and then move on to hard drugs, and then crime will go up and up. We should, therefore, prevent crime by allowing smoking.

slipper slope

Asserts that we should not proceed with or permit A because, if we do, the terrible consequences X, Y, Z will occur

slippery slope

What is the purpose of persuasive writing

to persuade

What does "plagiarizing" mean according to the CGTC Catalog?

to use someone else's ideas or words as one's own, without giving appropriate credit using quotation marks, if necessary, and citing the source(s)

Copying anything from the Internet/Web and using it as my own work is considered plagiarism.


Giving an incorrect reference for information I use is plagiarism.


I do not have to cite the source of numerical data or graphs because it is common knowledge.


If I download a graphic without the author's permission, it is a violation of copyright even if I cite the source.


Many students commit plagiarism because they are too busy or do not think their work is good enough to do well.


Plagiarism is using the ideas and words of someone else as my own work without citing the original work.


Select true or false: Most writers use a variety of rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos).


Including ONLY the part of a quotation that supports your point makes your argument _____


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