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With which Biblical arguments would Sewall agree? Select all that apply.

African slaves were descended from Adam and Eve.Israelites were expressly forbidden from buying and selling slaves.The enslavement of Joseph was illegal and immoral.

Which are features of heroic couplets? Select all that apply.

Each couplet expresses a complete thought. The couplets are written in an iambic pentameter The last word in the two lones that make p the couplet rhyme

In at least 100 words, describe the effect of religion on early American literature.

Early American literature is filled with religion and its redeeming power and its strength to help human beings bear adversity and plow through difficult situations. The power of religion, as expressed in early American literature deals more with a sense of gratefulness to God for giving courage and redeeming new settlers of their sins. This is seen in stories from Mary Rowlandson, who wrote of her long captivity by the native Americans. She expressed her gratefulness to God for giving her courage in those difficult times.

Which of the following sentences best summarizes Thomas Jefferson's opinion of Wheatley?

He believed that although she wrote poetry, the inferior quality of the poetry proved the inferiority of the African race.

Read the following sentence and answer the question. However, I resolved to be the better for the echo of it; and though I had at first determined to buy stuff for a new coat, I went away resolved to wear my old one a little longer. What does this sentence suggest about the narrator?

He will enact Father Abraham's advice.

What was the main criticism of Phillis Wheatley by Seymour Gross, Amiri Baraka, Angelene Jamison, and other writers of the 1960s?

Her message was too white.

Which answer best explains the consequences of the mass hysteria that took place during the Salem witch trials?

Innocent people were wrongfully accused of witchcraft and put on trial

On page 5 of the pamphlet, Sewall writes, "What louder Cry can there be made of that Celebrated Warning, Caveat Emptor!" What is the effect of the Latin phrase, "Caveat Emptor"?

It's a warning of the dire punishment awaiting those who buy slaves.

Describe the similarities between the events of the Salem witch trials and the McCarthy era. Use examples from the play.

Mass hysteria plays a great role in both historic events. People were wrongly accusing and falsely prosecuting everyone who fit the criteria to be in the wrong.

Select one of the themes below from The Crucible and describe its historical significance. Your answer should be at least 150 words long. McCarthyism mass hysteria greed and power

McCarthy capitalized on national paranoia by saying that COMMUNIST SPIES were omnipresent and that background checking ever American government official, people enlisted in the military, writer and directors, or people from all walks of life was America's only salvation. An atmosphere of fear of world domination by communists hung over America in the postwar years. There were fears of a nuclear holocaust based on the knowledge that the Soviet Union exploded its first A-bomb in 1949. That same year, China, the world's most populous nation, became communist. Half of Europe was under Joseph Stalin's influence, and every time Americans read their newspapers there seemed to be a new atomic threat. On February 9, 1950, McCarthy launched his first salvo. He proclaimed that he was aware of 205 card-carrying members of the Communist Party who worked for the United States Department of State. A few days later, he repeated the charges at a speech in Salt Lake City.

With which statements would Sewall agree? Select all that apply.

Negroes are very different from whites. Indentured servitude is preferable to slavery. Slaves were ill equipped to handle freedom The moral principles of the Bible are diametrically opposed to slavery

From 1732-1758, Benjamin Franklin published _____.

Poor Richard's Almanac

The Declaration of Independence was created by _____.

Representatives from the colonies

The conclusion to "The Way to Wealth" is signed by _____.

Richard Saunders

Henry Louis Gates says that David Levering Lewis called the Harlem Renaissance "art as civil rights." What does Lewis mean and why does Gates bring this up?

The writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance sought to gain rights by proving their humanity.

What does the phrase "their foot shall slide in due time" imply about the colonists?

They are less safe than they think.

Read the following excerpt and answer the question. I never saw an oft removed tree, Nor yet an oft removed family, That throve so well as those that settled be. What is unusual about these lines from "The Way to Wealth"?

They are written in formal verse.

Read the following excerpt and answer the question. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer on the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves longer. What is the persuasive effect of the different types of statements?

They engage the audience and call for a response.

Why did the "most respectable characters in Boston" ask to meet with Phillis Wheatley in October 1772?

They questioned the veracity of her claim to have written poetry.

According to the philosopher David Hume, the difference between humans and apes lies primarily in their ability to _____.

Think creatively

Read the selection below and answer the question. Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never; so that, as Poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. Which of the statements below best describes this quotation?

This passage is an example of the Protestant Work Ethic.

Read these lines from Philip Freneau's the "Indian Burying Ground" and answer the question. In spite of all the learned have said, I still my old opinion keep; The posture that we give the dead, Points out the soul's eternal sleep. Not so the ancients of these lands— The Indian, when from life released, Again is seated with his friends, And shares again the joyous feast. His imaged birds, and painted bowl, And venison, for a journey dressed, Bespeak the nature of the soul, Activity, that knows no rest. Why does the speaker disagree with native burial customs?

This speaker believes that death is an eternal sleep

The original audience for Patrick Henry's speech was _____.

Virginia policians

Which are true statements about Phillis Wheatley? Select all that apply.

Wheatley embraced Christianity and Puritan ideals.Wheatley was among the first African-American poets.Wheatley was taken from West Africa and sold into slavery.

Read the passage below and answer the question. Which reference would most likely help a reader find the definition of overpress as it is used in this passage?

a dictionary

What is a slave narrative?

a literary genre in which slaves gave accounts of their lives in slavery, often including their time spent in slavery, escape, and heroism

Read these lines from Philip Freneau's the "Indian Burying Ground" and answer the question. In spite of all the learned have said, I still my old opinion keep; The posture that we give the dead, Points out the soul's eternal sleep. Not so the ancients of these lands— The Indian, when from life released, Again is seated with his friends, And shares again the joyous feast. His imaged birds, and painted bowl, And venison, for a journey dressed, Bespeak the nature of the soul, Activity, that knows no rest. The shift in the poem's rhythm in the last stanza signifies _____.

a sense of history that is present

Black civil rights leaders of the 1960s used "On Being Brought from Africa to America" as evidence that Phillis Wheatley was _____.

a traitor to her race

From your observations, why would you say Elizabeth forgave her husband?

all of the above

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning! The statement above is indicative of _____.

all of the above

The two mass hysteria events discussed in the first blog were similar in that they both included ______.

all of the above

Other events associated with mass hysteria include ______.

all of the above (lynching, mcarthyism, communism)

A word that is no longer widely used is known as _____.


When someone is excommunicated from the church, they are _____.

banned from attending the church or communicating with its followers

In a Puritan sermon, as in Edwards's sermon, what is one of the central themes of the message in the rhetoric?

believing in God's power to save from eternal destruction

Read the passage and answer the question. Which word helps most in determining the meaning of ingenuous?


How does Jonathan Edwards begin the sermon?

by introducing an idea to develop

The main benefit of a constantly changing language is that it allows us to _____.

choose words that express precise meanings

Abigail's character changes were seen by her friends as _____.

confusing to those around her

A change in the language is _____ when people disagree about its correctness.


Propaganda was used in World War II in order to ______.

convince people that the Japanese should be imprisoned

The main purpose of Edwards's sermon is to _____.

convince the audience to trust christ

In the courtroom, Abigail pretended to be taken over by a spirit in order to _____.

convince the court that Mary Warren was a witch who was lying to the court

Read the following sentence and answer the question. For age and want, save while you may; No morning sun lasts a whole day, The purpose of the figurative language in this example is to _____.

create a metaphor based on familiar experience.

Read the poem and answer the question. What does the word sable mean in line 12? (And draws the sable curtains of the night,)


Readers often need to revise or translate sentences of old texts into current language so that they can _____.

determine the correct meaning of an unknown word

How would you describe Abigail?

determined and vindictive

Read the following excerpt from Patrick Henry's speech and answer the question. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. The purpose of the parallel language in this example is to _____.

emphasize the importance of past actions

Publishers often add _____ to a text to help readers understand the meaning of old words.


Which words best summarize the tone of the sermon

formal and grave

The Continental Congress was formed to _____.

govern the colonies during the Revolutionary War

John Proctor has a change of heart about confessing because _____.

he believed it went against everything he believed in.

John Proctor's dilemma began when _____.

he had an affair with Abigail

John Proctor admits to having an affair with Abigail only when _____.

he realizes that he may be able to spare Elizabeth from a death sentence

Reverend Parris's primary concern was _____.

how he could support his family

McCarthyism is a term used to describe ______.

how people were wrongly accused of being communists

Read the excerpt and answer the question. The reference to "security" suggests that _____.

humans are uncertain of their fate

"Christians should carry it to all the World, as the Israelites were to carry it towards one another." Which word could replace "it" without changing the meaning of the excerpt?


Read the following passage and answer the question. If the might and eminence of a country consist in its surplus of gold, silver, and all other things necessary or convenient for its subsistence, derived, so far as possible, from its own resources (colonies and conquered territories included), without dependence upon other countries, and in the proper fostering, use, and application of these, then it follows that a general national economy . . . should consider how such a surplus, fostering, and enjoyment can be brought about, without dependence upon others, or where this is not feasible in every respect, with as little dependence as possible upon foreign countries, and sparing use of the country's own cash. —Philip Willhelm Von Hornick This text above is an example of _____.


In a theocracy, the people are _____.

obedient to God and therefore to the church

Read the following excerpt and answer the question. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; Which rhetorical device is used in the excerpt?


The appeal to emotion is called _____.


In her poetry, Phillis Wheatley presents herself as a _____ .


The events of the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are similar because ______.

people wrongly accused others who, as a result, were convicted with little or no evidence of wrong doing

Read the poem and answer the question. The description of the sun and the thunder in the first two lines of the poem demonstrate use of _____ . (Soon as the sun forsook the eastern main, The pealing thunder shook the heav'nly plain:)


The purpose of Patrick Henry's speech is to _____.


McCarthyism began with ______.

propaganda that made people fearful of communist control

Read the selection below and answer the question. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Which of the following best describes the quotation?

rhetorical questions

Read these lines from Philip Freneau's the "Indian Burying Ground" and answer the question. In spite of all the learned have said, I still my old opinion keep; The posture that we give the dead, Points out the soul's eternal sleep. Not so the ancients of these lands— The Indian, when from life released, Again is seated with his friends, And shares again the joyous feast. His imaged birds, and painted bowl, And venison, for a journey dressed, Bespeak the nature of the soul, Activity, that knows no rest. The rhyme scheme of these lines is _____.

rhymed couplets

The amendments to The U.S. Constitution guarantee _____.


The mood of Puritan Salem in The Crucible is _____.

serious and fearful

In the play, Abigail was one of the villains because _____.

she wrongly accused people, and in the end, she was disliked by everyone

Read the passage and answer the questions. What does ingenuous mean in this paragraph?


An almanac contains _____.

statistical information

The events that set into motion the Salem witch trials began with ______.

the Puritans' belief in demonic forces and the harm those forces could bring

In "To His Excellency, General Washington," Columbia is used as a symbol for _____ .

the american colonies

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. Through all the heav'ns what beauteous dies are spread! But the west glories in the deepest red: What is Wheatley describing in this couplet?

the setting of the sun

Arthur Miller, author of The Crucible, believes that people abuse their political power when _____

there is mass hysteria

Read the excerpt and answer the question. What does this comparison suggest about the colonists?

they are powerless

Read the following sentence from "The Way to Wealth" and answer the question. Judge then how much I must have been gratified by an incident I am going to relate to you. What does this sentence suggest about the relationship between the narrator and the author?

they author wants to impress his readers

Why did Phillis Wheatley write "On Being Brought from Africa to America"?

to emphasize that blacks may become Christians

Why does Gates include a discussion of Hume, Descartes, and other philosophers of the Enlightenment?

to explain past perceptions of race and humanity

Why did Samuel Sewall write "The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial"?

to refute the claims of proponents of slavery

What is the most likely reason that Edwards choose to use vivid imagery and figurative language in his sermon?

to stir his listeners' emotions to persuade them that they should trust Christ

A motivator for McCarthyism was fear of communist government control.


Over long periods of time, changes in a language make it difficult to _____.

understand texts written many years earlier

Which reference book primarily describes our current conventions for using words?

usage dictionary

Read this line from Philip Freneau's the "Indian Burying Ground" and answer the question. His imaged birds, and painted bowl, The purpose of the description in this line is to _____.

use figurative language to depict native american arts

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