English- All my sons test

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act 3 setting

2am in the keller's house

Describe Sue Bayliss

Jelous, insecure, and a nurse

When joe tells george his intetions what was george reaction

george says that steve hates the family becaus eof what they did to him

Wht did George go see his father in jail

george told Ann is getting married to Chirs

How is Chris reacting to post pone war

he feels guilty with surviors guilt

what is chris's reaction to his father

he is upset with him and he lied and commeted a crime

How does kate react to kate

he notices thatb kate is still the same like the last time he saw her and he feels like a child again

why does jim say chris will come back

he said that chris needed time and that people always comes back

What offers does Joe keller make for George

he said that when he gets out of jail he can come back innto the buiness and he said to make the George and Ann forgive him ina way or feel better

what is the differnece between larry and chris in joe's eyes

joe thinks that larry knew how the world work and understood him and that larry was more practical and realistic

kate finally reveal why she cant believe larry is gone

kate really thought he was alive and she had her hopes up but now she knew he was really gone

what does kate admit to jim and why is she so honest

she admitts joe's crimes and she is honest because she feels comfortable with jim

What does Kate asssume about Ann

she assumes that Ann is still waiting for Larry

Sue's belief of money

she believe it is very important

Describe the terrible night Kate had

she dreamed about Larry and he was crting out for her help

What does Kate fear

she is scared they are going to reopen the case

How does Kate react when ann suggests that Larry's death is related to the cracked cylinders heads

she is upset about Joe's jail games and she wants people to forget about the trail and how her husband might have been the cause for Larry's death

what does ann want kate to do

she wants her to admit that larry is dead

what does the letter say

the letter says that larry knew about the cracked cyliners heads and that he was mad at his father and he was so upset about his friends dying that he was going to kill himself

Joe keller

60 buiness man and uneducated man

What is Sue's opinon of Ann

Ann is the female version of Chris

What does Ann make clear to Kate

Ann said she is not waiting for Larry and that she knows that she he is dead

What does Ann say to Chris about the possibility of Joe's guilt

Ann says why Chris took the trouble to deny it when he said it was forgetten Chris said he didnt want to worry her

What does Chris mean when he says his dad is being dishonest to his mother

Chris is saying that they shouldn't keep letting her believe that Larry is alive

What threat does Chris use to get what he wants, and what is the effect

Chris threatens to move to New York and Joe is scared because he doesnt have any other son to take over the buiness than Chris

Where does act 2 take place

In the evening in the Keller's house

Significance of Larry's tree falling in the yard

Larry's death

What part does Chris pesonality Kate point out

That Chris thinks that since he likes everyone they like him back

What does Chris want from his father

The approvral to marry Annie, Larry's ex

what does ann show kate

a letter larry wrote to her before he died

What is Joe talking about with his neighbors

about the the weather and the tree that has fallen in the backyard

Act 1 setting

backyard keller's house

Why does george believe joe is guilty

because steve always follows what joe says and that joe would most likely put the blame on him

What news does frank bring and what does kate insist about ann and chris

frank says that it was his favorite day and kate insists that ann and chris that larry is still alive

why does jim comfort kate

he comforts her about chris running away

why does joe feel like his actions were justified

he did it to make money for the family

How does Joe feel about beijng in jail

he doesnt like it he feels like it is ruining his reputation and he rather have his partner in jail

What positive things has Joe displayed in the play so far

he supports his son

Chris doesnt agrre with the Joe's offer and Joe's reaction was

he was angry and he wants ann to forgive her father

what was joe attutide to his wife during the confrontation

joe is rude to her because she almost gave him away

what is the conclusion of the play

joe kills himself and kate tells chris to live his life

What reminder does joe say about george's father

joe says that steve made bad decisions before and this was another one of his bad descicsions

What does kate want frank to do for her

she wants him to work on a horoscope

How does Ann react to Chris's speech about the war

she wants to move in with Chris

what wont ann leave

she wont leave until she marrys chris

Explain what Sue has aganist Chris

that Chris is a bad influence on her husband (Jim)

What idea about Chris Ann repeat

that he always find a distinction for everyone, always sees the good in people

What slip does kate make about joe

that he hasnt been sick in 15 years

According to Sue what does the public think of Joe Keller's guilt

that he is guitly

What does george point out about joe's personal

that he is the kind of person to put stuff without knowing about any flaws

what does chris realize

that joe is guilty

What does george explain to chris and ann about steve's side of the story

that joe told steve to send out the packages and the do off the shipping joe was sick with the flu and denied to phone calls he had with steve o joe set steve up

How does Ann, George, and Chris feel about their fathers

they cut ties with them

How did Joe Keller and Steve Deever end up in jail

they sent fault parts of a plane that caused them to crash, cracked cylinder heads

What was Jim's advice to Chris and how does Jim feel

to go far away cause jim knew there will be an argument

what is kate adive to joe

to tell chris he is sorry and that he is willing to go to jail

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