NUTR 4353: Quiz 6 Health Literacy

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Which of the following were recommended to help decrease the literacy level of educational material to be more appropriate?

-make sure writing is action-oriented instead of passive -use common words instead of technical terms (for example, high blood pressure instead of hypertension) -use short instead of long terms when possible (for example, doctor instead of physician) -make sentences short

What was the purpose of the study reported in the McClure et al. article?

-to assess the health literacy level of publicly available patient education materials for people with sickle cell disease -to examine the cultural appropriateness of patient education materials for people with sickle cell disease

According to the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, what percent of people did NOT understand when their next appointment was scheduled.


According to the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, what percent of patients did not understand instructions to "take medications on an empty stomach"?


In the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, Mrs. Cordell-Seiple was not embarrassed to say she couldn't read and understand the pile of paperwork that was given to her prior to her procedure. Therefore, she refused to sign it.


In the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, Mrs. Irwin knew why she was taking the medications that were prescribed to her by her physician. She took them although she did NOT trust her doctor.


True or False: Individuals with low health literacy always have difficulties reading or writing in general.


True or False: Low health literacy due to being from a non-dominant culture can be fixed by using a translator.


True or False: Most of the education materials reviewed in the McClure et al study were written at a 8th-12th grade reading level. Eighth grade reading level is recommended so some of the materials were well done.


True or False: Sickle cell disease is highly prevalent among Hispanics. Low literacy levels are also prevalent among Hispanics.


According to "Health literacy and patient safety", what is the "Brown Bag Test"?

It is a review of a patient's medicine where the patient is encouraged to bring in all their medications and supplements to their medical visit and review what/how they are taking them with a medical staff member to identify errors

Which is NOT a potential result of low health literacy?

Lower mortality

How many US Adults have trouble with basic literacy and mathematical skills used in daily life?

More than half

In the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, did Mr. Day know that the term "hypertension" means the same thing as "high blood pressure" when the doctor asked him and broke down the word into "hyper" and "tension"?

No, he reads at a 2nd-grade level was not able to explain the term correctly

According to the "Healthy literacy and patient safety" video, there are solutions for patients who are not health literate and the burden of this solution falls on:

The health professionals to create a 'shame-free environment' and adopt an attitude of helpfulness

According to the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, it is common for patients to sign a consent form that they don't understand and undergo a procedure. Then after the procedure, they undergo an adverse outcome that might have been one of the risks listed in the paperwork. There are legal cases clearly showing that these individuals can sue successfully in this setting because they did not truly give informed consent.


According to the "Health literacy and patient safety" video, patients are often embarrassed to admit they can't read, leading them to find ways to hide this fact from others and avoid getting the correct information from the medical professionals.


True or False: Assessing a patient's health literacy doesn't have to be a formal process.


True or False: Culture can impact how individuals reports and prioritize their symptoms


What is the definition of health literacy?

the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions

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