English Final Exam

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How does the research doctor explain the symptoms that Tina experienced after being bitten by the lizard?

allergic reaction

How old is John Hammond?

almost 77

How does John Hammond characterize Arnold?

as a worrier

Inside the dinosaur nursery, what does Tim use to try to distract the raptors that are chasing him?

baby raptor

What does Grant use to poison the raptors?

biogenetic toxins injected in eggs

How are the raptors trying to gain access into the lodge in order to kill the people inside?

biting the skylight bars

As a result of being startled during his walk in the compound, what happens to John Hammond when he runs away?

breaks his ankle

According to Malcolm, what does the "Malcolm Effect" imply?

catastrophic changes

Before coming to work at Jurassic Park, what was Dr. Harding considered to be?

chief of veterinary medicine at San Diego zoo

How does the control room keep track of the animals in the park?

code numbers on a map (motion sensors)

Kenning in Beowulf

"And all at once the greedy-she wolf"

Alliteration in Beowulf

"Up from his swampland, sliding silently"

As the raptors approach the newly reunited foursome, where does Grant instruct Gennaro to take the children to?

control room

As the group waits for help to reach the island, what do Grant and Muldoon decide it is their duty to do?

count every animal / take care of the situation

What does Gennaro expect the Costa Rican National Guard to do when they reach theo island?

destroy / bomb the island

What type of egg shell does Grant find in the park?

dinosaur (velociraptor)

When the animals on the island are finally identified, what are the animals identified as?


How much money was Nedry to be paid for the delivery of the frozen embryos by BioSyn?

1.5 million

How many kinds of animals are originally supposed to be on Hammond's island


How many lines in a Shakespearean sonnet?


Where does Tim finally find Lex after finding the other car on the main road?

drainage pipe

After searching the computer codes for over twelve hours, what is Arnold still unable to locate in the code?

the phones

When Grant is able to talk to Ellie on the radio after Grant and the children reach the lobby of the tourist center, what bad news does Ellie tell Grant?

the raptors are out

Where does the stress fall in iambic pentameter?

the second syllable (2,4,6.8...)

After escaping from the aviary, Grant and the children continue to float down the river but realize they are being stalked by an animal following them along the river's edge just behind the trees. What is stalking the trio?

the tryannasaur

As the raft Grant and the children are floating on continues down the river, they encounter two dilophosaurs at the river's edge. What disturbs the dilophosaurs so that the trio can slip by the dinosaurs unnoticed?

the tyrannosaur

What is delivered to Grant and Sattler at their dig site from InGen?


How is Margaret related to Hero?

She is Hero's lady in waiting

Before leaving the stream that he fell into after being startled, what does John Hammond do?

drink from it

What type of baby dinosaur does the tour group meet when they enter the nursery?


What is Gennaro extremely reluctant to do and only does when physically threatened by Muldoon?

enter the raptors nest

How often does the computer conduct the category tally on the dinosaurs?

every 15 min

As Dr. Grant is exploring the maintenance area and looking for a way to contact the control room, the T-rex almost kills another person. Who does the T-rex almost eat?


When Grant, Gennaro, Tìm, and Lex finally reach the control room, who is able to restart the main power from the computer?


How does Tim come to recognize Dr.Grant?

Tim has grants book

Who is traveling in the second car for the tour through the animal enclosures?

Tim, Lex, Ed Regis

Where do Tim and Lex meet up again with Grant and Gennaro?

extractions lab

How does Beowulf die?

Unaided by most of the warriors, Beowulf is killed as he and Wiglaf fight the dragon

What university is Dr. Grant affiliated with?

University of Denver

As Alan is getting ready to leave the dig site, what type of fossil is he worried about protecting until his return?


Which dinosaurs kill simply for the pleasure of killing?


According to the findings at the Tropical Diseases Laboratory, what is the lizard's blood mildly reactive to?

Venom of Indian King Cobra

What does the sign the group travels under on their way to the tourist compound say?

Welcome to Jurassic Park

What is the first question that Conrade asks Don John when they first appear on stage together?

Why is he in a bad mood

Years before the story takes place, Malcolm worked as a consultant. Whom did Malcolm consult for?


Who discovers Nedry's disabling code in the computer system?

John Arnold

Who finally reaches Sattler and Harding as they are following the compus using a walkie-talkie?

John Arnold

Where was Robert Muldoon raised as a child?


As Harding and Sattler drive up to the compound, who comes out to meet them waving his arms?


Who is already on board one of the military helicopters sent to rescue the people from Isla Nublar?

Muldoon and the Kids

What is amber?

fossilized tree sap

Who is John Arnold?

The head engineer

What two colors comprise the entire wardrobe of Ian Malcolm?

black and grey

How many gas-powered vehicles were available for getting around the island?


What is kept in a locked room in the basement of the compound that only Muldoon has the key to?

2 laser guided missile launchers

After power has been restored and the computer systems reset, Tim runs a count of the animals on the island. How many are now on the island?


As Genaro and Hammond are flying en route to pick up Grant and Sadler, how many kinds of animals does Hammond reveal are actually on the island

238 total, 15 species

How many people had originally been on the island before Nedry disabled the system and the chaos began?


After Malcolm uncovers a glitch in the computer's accounting of the dinosaurs on the island, how many dinosaurs are present?


According to Hammond, how many people have died during the construction on Hammond's park?


How many lizards were involved in the gruesome attack on the newborn baby?


When Nedry's disabling code in the computer system is found, and the systems are brought back online, how many sections of the fence do not come back up?


When the group finally reaches the raptor's colony, how many different nests are there?


How much funding for Grant's dig is received from the Hammond Foundation?

30,000 a year for the last 5 years

What version number are the dinosaurs that are currently living on the island?

4.1 or 4.3

How many meters in iambic pentameter?


how long has the parts to geneticist been working on the dinosaur creations?

5 years

How many miles of electrified fences are on the island?

50 (12 ft tall)

How many breeding sites does Grant figure are operating on the island?


How many different toxic enzymes are contained in the venom of a dilophosaur?


After the power has been restored and the computer system has been reset, how many people are either dead or missing?

8 dead 6 missing

How big was the elephant that Hammond used to carry around in a cage to help him in fund-raising meetings?

9 in high, 1 ft long

According to Malcolm, how large is the full-grown Tyrannosaurus rex?

A building

What last thoughts does Beowulf express as he is dying?

A desire for respect and pride in his ability to protect his people

How does Nedry disable the computer system's security features to hide the theft of the embryos?

A trap door and the code

Who offers to help Leonato fight Claudio?


What type of DNA did the scientists at the park use to fill in the gaps in the dinosaur DNA?

frog DNA

What kind of creature is Lex talking to when Grant wakes up in the maintenance shed?

Baby Triceratops

Where does the gruesome attack by lizards on a newborn baby take place?

Bahia Anasco

What does Don Pedro say in the orchard that is incredibly surprising to Benedick?

Beatrice is in love with Benedick

While on the dig site, how do Grant and his team measure the passing of time?


What is the name of InGen's main competitor?


What is the name of the Environmental Protection Agency agent that visits Grant at his dig site?

Bob Morris

Who does Don John promise to pay a reward to if the new plan to break up Claudio and Hero works?


What is the name of the family on vacation in the jungles of Costa Rica?


What type of animal does Grant first see after landing on the island?


What types of creatures are housed in the aviary?


After shooting the T-rex with the tranquilizer, what does the T-rex do?

Charges the jeep

What does Lex name the baby raptor that Grant captured in the tunnel?


Once Dr. Gutierrez retrieves the carcass of the lizard on the beach, where does he decide to send the carcass for testing?

Columbia University

What kind of dinosaurs kills John Hammond?


Who is the staff member primarily responsible for designing the computer systems on Safari Island?

Dennis Nedry

In the coffee shop at the San Francisco Airport, a man from InGen's competitor meets with an unidentified employee of InGen. Who is the man representing InGen's competition?


Who does Benedick think is trying to besmirch Hero's reputation?

Don John

Who is the person willing to pay Borachio for his part in the plot to dishonor Hero?

Don John

Who is coming to visit Leonato at the beginning of the play?

Don Pedro - Prince of Aragon

What is the name of the lawyer assigned to the Hammond file at Cowan, Swain, and Ross?

Donald Genaro

Who is the researcher that Tina's doctor refers the family to in order to determine what kind of animal attacked their daughter on the Costa Rican beach?

Dr. Guitierrez

What is the name of the veterinarian for Jurassic Park?

Dr. Hardıng

Who is the head of the Tropical Diseases Laboratory that Dr. Gutierrez sends the lizard carcass to?

Dr. Richard Stone

Why is the species type of the lizard not determined in the initial work-up by the Tropical Diseases Laboratory?

Dr. Sımpson would be gone for several weeks

Who does Hammond ultimately blame for Jurassic Park's failure?

Dr. Wu

Who first discovered the missing embryos?

Dr. Wu

Who is in charge of creating and controlling the dinosaurs?

Dr. Wu

What is the name of Tina's doctor in Puntarenas?


When the InGen helicopter lands outside of the clinic, who gets out of the helicopter?

Ed Regis

Who meets Hammond's group after they land on Safari Island?

Ed Regis

What is the name of the midwife who finds the gruesome body of a newborn baby attacked by lizards in Costa Rica?

Elena Morales

What is the name of Gennaro's wife?


Who does the group decide should act as bait in order to distract the raptors so the maintenance shed can be successfully reached?


What does Benedick tell Don Pedro he must do at the end of the play?

Find a Wife

When Hammond is carrying the elephant around to raise money what kind of company is Hammond trying to start

Genetics Company

Who is in the jeep with Muldoon as he races into the park to look for Hammond's grandchildren


What does Beatrice say that Benedick is an expert at when they first converse in this play?

Getting the last word

Beowulf must battle Grendel with his bare hands because

Grendel magically made all weapons useless against him

As the group resembles in the visitors center to begin their tour, a helicopter arrives on the island. Who is on that helicopter?

Hammond's grandchildren Tim and Lex

Which of the original staff members had already left the island by the time the helicopter landed on the beach?


What is Wiglaf's speech about true?

He makes an eloquent speech about the virtues of loyalty and bravery

What are Don Pedro's real intentions towards Hero?

He wants Claudio to marry her

What does Benedick ask to do after Don Pedro tells him the new change in his appearance makes him look younger?

He wishes to Speak alone with Leonato

How does Hammond's group of travelers arrive on Safari Island?


As Muldoon leaves Ellie's room, what does Muldoon ask Ellie to do?

Help Harding with Malcolm

as the group members are visiting the raptor pen, a meeting takes place in Hammond's bungalow. Who is meeting with John Hammond?

Henry Wu

What news does Ursula bring Benedick and Beatrice as they are discussing traditional wooing?

Hero has been proven innnocent.

Whom does Claudio think he is marrying at the end of the play?

Hero's Cousin

62. At the raptor pen, Grant, Sattler, Malcolm, and the kids see only one raptor at first. What is the one raptor doing?

Hunting them / moving slowly and moving the ferns

What is the name of the mathematician that will be accompanying Grant and Sattler to the Costa Rican island?

Ian Malcom

How do the scientists ensure that the dinosaurs will not breed in the wild?

Iridate them with x-rays / they're all female

How often does Claudio promise to read the written statement declaring Hero's innocence?


After climbing back onto the road and finding the other car, what does Tim find that truly makes him worried about the fate of his younger sister?

Lex's baseball

After going over the falls, Grant and Tim meet each other downstream. As the T-rex lifts its head from the surging pool, what is in the T-rex's mouth?

Lex's orange life vest

As Hammond and Wu listen to the negative comments from the tour participants, who does Hammond blame for all of the negativity?


As Grant is sitting by the pool in San Juan waiting for the government to allow survivors to return to the United States, who comes up to Grant and introduces himself?

Marty Guiterrez

What is Ian Malcolm's profession?


What message do Sattler and Harding receive over the walkie-talkie?

Muldoon needs the car because the other cars were stuck

What does Beatrice call Benedick as they dance together?

a clown

As Hammond's group of travelers makes its way from the landing site to the tourist compound what does Alan Grant see?

a dinosaur

What sound drew the raptors out of their nest?

a freighter ship

As the Jeep that Muldoon is driving approaches the last known location of the electric cars, what do the men see lying by the side of the road?

a leg

How does the researcher obtain the carcass of the lizard on the beach where Tina was attacked

a monkey was trying to eat it

What is the rhyme scheme for a Shakespearean sonnet?

abab, cdcd, efef, gg

What is Dr. Ellie Sattler's specialization?


what type of dinosaur does Sattler see while she and Harding are driving back to the compound in the jeep? Sattlwe had seen this type of dinosaur in the fax that was sent to her and Grant at the dig site in Montana

Procompsognathids (Compys)

When Grant wakes up in maintenance shed, who does Grant hear Lex talking to?


What kind of insects with six-foot wingspans fiy by the children as they leave the maintenance shed?

Red dragonflies

Who provides the voice for the self-guided tour through the animal enclosures?

Richard Kiley

What is the name of the visiting physician working in a clinic on the West Coast of Costa Rica?

Roberta (Bobbie) Carter

What is John Hammond's island off of the Costa Rican coast also known as?

Safari Island

Beowulf slays Grendel in order to

Save Hrothgar and the Danes from the monster

What happens to Hero when she hears some untrue accusations at her wedding?

She faints

What does Borachio hear has happened to Hero as a result to the plot to dishonor her?

She has died

What does Tina do when she notices the lizard on the Costa Rican beach?

She tries to stay still not to scare him away

Where is the dig site located that Grant and Sattler are currently working?

Snake water, Montana

Which sick dinosaur is the veterinarian caring for in the park?


As Ellie is in her room about to change out of her wet clothes, Muldoon knocks on her door. What does Muldoon tell Ellie?

The cruisers were attacked but they think Grant and the kids are still alive

After Grant leaves the children alone in the lodge, where are the children when they encounter a raptor?

The kitchen

Why does the first tranquilizer that Muldoon shoots at the T-rex miss its intended mark?

The laser sight wasn't working

How do Grant and the children gain a sense of direction as they move through the tyrannosaurus paddock?

The numbers on the motion sensors

as the group watches the one raptor they can see in the pen, what happens?

The raptors tried to attack them. Two raptors charged and hit the electric fence and the third hit the fence at chest level.

What does Grant find in the maintenance tunnel that he uses to transport himself and the children back to the compound?

golf cart

Who does the group decide should go to the maintenance shed in order to return power to the system and electricity to the fences and the bars?


How does the grandmother whose sleeping grandchild is bitten describe the lizard she sees?

green with brown stripes

According to Regis, why does the Tyrannosaurus rex never venture out into the open during the daylight hours?

he has sensitive skin that will burn easily

As the electric cars pull away from the hadrosaurs, Tim yells for the cars to stop. Why?

he saw a raptor

How does Donald Gennaro react when he sees the islands animals?

he was speechless and wondered how much money they would make

What does Antonio say will keep Beatrice from finding a husband?

her sharp tongue

What does Tim share with Dr. Grant as they move through the tyrannosaurus paddock?

his parents are getting divorced

What type of dinosaur do the tour group members first see as their tour begins through the park?


How will the embryos be smuggled off of Hammond's island?

in a shaving cream can

While Nedry is being killed by dinosaurs as he attempts to smuggle the embryos off the island, where is John Hammond?

in his bungalow with Dr. Wu

When Tim regains consciousness after the electric car, he was riding in was attacked by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, where is he?

in the land cruiser that is stuck in a tree

After the survivors were evacuated from the island, what happens to the island?

its bombed

What does Antonio say Claudio must not do in order to marry his 'daughter'?

look at her face

Where do Dr. Grant and the children take shelter for the night in the park?

maintenance building

As the raptors are standing on the beach, which of the raptors are standing at the outside of the formation?

male adults

As the raft Grant and the children are floating on continues down the river, they encounter two dilophosaurs at the river's edge and are reluctant to disturb them. What are the two dilophosaurs doing?

mating ritual

As Grant watches the behavior of the raptors, what does he suddenly realize the raptors are preparing to do?


How many lines of code do the Jurassic Park computers contain?

more than half a million

According to Tina's description, what do the noises the lizard makes remind Tina of?


According to the veterinarian, where is the real power of most big carnivores located?

neck muscles

What is Claudio's response wedding when asked if he the wants to marry Hero during the wedding ceremony?


why were the emergency radios inoperable when Muldoon first distributed them among the staff?

no one had charged them

When the soldiers on the helicopters that pick up the remaining group members from the island ask who is in charge, what does Grant reply?

no, nobody

Finding the maintenance tunnel behind the waterfall, Grant goes in. What attacks Grant in the maintenance area?


As the electric cars are headed back to the compound, Tim begins yelling about the boat leaving the dock. What does Tim spot on the back of the boat?


What does Dr. Wu suggest that Arnold do to bypass the code that Nedry placed in the system to disable the phones?

reset the system

From the damage to one section of the park's fencing, where does the park staff realize the tyrannosaurus has gone?

sauropod paddock

When the helicopters burst through the fog over the beach, what do the raptors do?


how does Ellie Sadler react when she sees the islands animals

she was shocked and said they were extraordinarily beautiful

When Nedry gets out of the jeep to determine where on the island he actually is, Nedry runs into a dinosaur. What does the dinosaur do to Nedry

spits on him and then kills him

In the meeting that takes place between a staff member and John Hammond in Hammond bungalow, what does the staff member try to convince Hammond to do?

start a new batch of dinosaurs

What type of dinosaur comes near Tim after being attracted to the noise that the Land Cruiser makes when it crashes?


What does Leonato say he would prefer to a slandered daughter?

that she were dead

Where do the raptors head after leaving the nests?

the beach

As the tour progresses, what glitch does Arnold see with the electric vehicles?

the gears were grinding

What startles John Hammond as he walks through the compound musing about his next venture?

the juevinlle t-rex

What area of the park is not under constant monitoring from the control room?

the jungle river

What about the lizard on the Costa Rican beach catches Tina's attention?

the lizzard was standing on its hind legs.

Why are the night watch told to put special watch on Leonato's house?

the wedding 1s the next day

Why does the ship that is unloading supplies at the dock request an early departure from the island?

there was a storm coming

What does grant notice exist in the real tourist compound that was absent on the architectural drawings that Grant received from Hammond

there were bars on the skylight

As Muldoon and Gennaro are tracking the T-rex, Arnold calls them over the radio. What does Arnold tell them?

they found Nedry

What does Sattler notice about many of the plants around the pool at the tourist compound

they were poisonous

Why does the tour group not initially enter the control room but head to the raptor pens instead?

they were waiting on them to dock the boat

What do Grant and his team affectionately call the CAST program they use to locate fossils underground?


What is the Cowan, Swain, and Ross attorney's mission when he accompanies Grant to the Costa Rican island?

to inspect the island

In the morning, why do Grant and the children decide to leave the maintenance shed?

to set off the motion detectors

What type of vehicle is used for the tour through the animal enclosures?

toyota land cruiser

What does Hammond suggest to Muldoon as a way to get the tyrannosaurus back in the correct paddock?

tranquilize it

What does Don John tell Conrade he will never be able to build with other people?


Where are the two electric cars when the power goes out and the cars come to a stop?

tyrannasaur paddock

As the raft that Grant and the children are floating on picks up speed and nears the waterfall, what does Grant see as he looks over the waterfall to the surging pool below the falls?


how does Grant distract the final raptor after killing the other two in an effort to free Gennaro and the children from where they are trapped?

using his radio

What characteristic does Hammond determine that neither Wu nor Arnold truly possessed?


how does Nedry come to realize that he misses the turn for the east dock?

when he comes to the concrete wall

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