English IV Catcher Test Chapters 1-13

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What does Holden call Robert Ackley? What literary term is present? What literary terms is present in Ackley's last name? Define it. Also, the fact that Holden says he will never be called anything else reinforces what about R.A?

"Ackley kid" - He will never change; he will always be immature Cacophony - unpleasant, harsh sound

Catcher original title

"I am Crazy"

Discuss Holden's reliability. How does the title of the original short story create a bias?

"I am crazy" Holden writes from a mental institution. We can question the validity of his words, because he states he is crazy.

The hunting hat is a symbol. Discuss. The symbolism will become much deeper as the novel progresses.

"Safety blanket" It is a comfort object

Analyze the following quote: "She crossed her legs and started jiggling this one foot up and down. She was very nervous, for a prostitute. She really was. I think it was because she was young as hell. She was around my age"

A girl his age shouldn't be a prostitute. This is when he decides to not have sex with her

What persona does she take on? Explain

A mother. She doesn't flirt back

Even though this is a fictional novel, the story is autobiographical, so why doesn't Holden begin ab ovo? What does this say about him as a character? Make sure you know what ab ovo means.

Ab ovo - from chronological beginning. He doesn't want to dive into it. He doesn't want to talk about it. His doctors are making him write.

Holden and Ackley have varying opinions of Stradlater. Discuss.

Ackley hates him. Thinks he is a snob and prick Holden defends him. Thinks he is a decent guy

Discuss the allusion and what it should tell us about Holden.

Alludes to David Copperfield. He is smart. He is well-read. He is broken.

Discuss the transition of Holden discussing the FACT that Strad is not a virgin with him asking Ackley to tell his life story.

Awkward transition He will do anything to not think about Strad and Jane in the back of Ed Banky's car

Why do you suppose Jane gets so upset when her stepfather comes outside? We need to dissect this

Boozehound has tried to get with her. Negative view of sex and adults because this is the only experience

How are Ackley and Holden parallels?

Both outcasts

Discuss Holden's tone when talking to Mrs. Morrow

Condescending He talks to her as if she is equal.

Topographic theory (Freud)

Conscious - thoughts and feelings of which someone is aware Preconscious - memories that can be recalled Unconscious - repressed fears, desires, etc. A person is never fully aware of these Freud believed that people could be cured of mental illness if the unconscious was uncovered and accepted

What is Holden's tone throughout the first chapter and most of the book? (Do not say whiny). Explain why this could be understandable. Remember, you have read the book before.

Cynical He has never been given a fair chance. His glass has a hole in it and will never fill up.

What is Holden's primary concern after his fight with Strad? What does this reveal?

Did Strad try to get sexy with Jane?

How could they be considered foils to Holden? (Ackley and Strad)

Each one illuminates his strengths and weaknesses. Strength in character Weaker academically and socially

Discuss the syntax in Holden's memory of Allie, and discuss his grief and breakdown.

Frenzy, stream of consciousness, overwhelmed by grief

"I don't mean I am oversexed...although I am quite sexy"

Growth stunted at 13. Does not understand anything about sex. Misuses "sexy". Thinks it means "sexual"

What specifically lets us know that Holden has a meaningful connection with Phoebe?

He always thinks about calling her, which would put himself at risk of his parents finding out he left Pencey.

How do we KNOW that Strad doesn't care for Jane?

He calls her Jean

The fact that Holden decides, at that exact moment, to leave Pencey is extremely poignant.

He cannot deal with Strad and Ackley anymore. He needs to get out

Compare how he talks about Jane to the way he talked about Phoebe in Chapter 10.

He constantly repeats himself. Talks nostalgically

What does the following reveal about Holden's character? "I'd rather push a guy out the window or chop his head off with an ax than sock him in the jaw...I can't stand looking at the other guy's face, is my trouble"

He does not like confrontation.

"I'd've enjoyed having her" Freud would have a field day with this one.

He does not understand the boundaries. He is so screwed up when it comes to sex.

Critics believe that Holden lies too people because he takes pleasure in deceiving others. In your opinion, why does Holden lie? Contrast your theory with the critics' theory.

He doesn't like his life and who he is. It is easier to lie.

Discuss Strad's technique with women

He doesn't take no for an answer and forces them to do things they don't want to do.

Discuss Holden's respect for women, given his sex rules

He doesn't understand how to respect women.

Discuss the importance of the memory of the football game with Tichener and Campbell, and connect it to one of the themes we discussed in the intro.

He feels a personal relationship with the two. He felt like he fit in.

Why is Holden's relationship with Mr. Spencer important?

He had actually developed a personal connection with him.

Discuss Holden's empathy and what this shows about his character.

He has been yelled at and put down all his life. He doesn't want to hurt others.

After Holden reads a book that "knocks him out," he would like to be able to call up the author and be friends with him. Discuss

He has nobody else. He connects with the fictitious characters and gets attached to the author.

Why would Holden want to sleep in Ackley's room?

He has to be distracted. He has to think of anything other than Strad and Jane.

How does Holden justify his impending experience with Sunny? Why would he need justification? Remember his rules.

He has to practice for marriage. He needs an excuse for his rule of not messing around with girls he doesn't have a connection with.

Holden's misconception of meaning of "Coming Thro' The Rye"

He hears a boy singing "If a body catch a body coming through the rye" instead of "If a body meet a body, coming through the rye." The poem is sexual in nature - A boy is meeting a girl to have sex, yet Holden thinks it is about a person trying to save running children from falling off a cliff.

Discuss the use of 2nd person narration in the paragraph that begins, "I don't want you to get the idea she was a goddam icicle..."

He is afraid of losing Jane because he was happy with her. Allie died when Holden was happy

Holden tells Spencer not to worry about him, and that he (Holden) is just going through a phase. Discuss the importance.

He is asking for help. He is begging that it is just a phase.

Discuss the use of repetition in his diatribe about how great Phoebe is.

He is pounding it into the reader's mind. If the reader doesn't like Phoebe, we don't have any sense.

"For once in my stupid life..." Diction is important

He is self-depricating 1) Brother's death 2) 3rd school he flunked out 2 causes for him to say this

"She didn't care what the hell my name was, naturally"

He is so used to people not caring about him.

"It was very childish, but everybody was really enjoying themselves"

He is trying to make excuses for his behavior.

Why would Holden go to Ackley's room after the altercation with Strad?

He needs to feel some kind of connection with someone

Why is the following quote important? "...I don't care if it's a sad goodbye or a bad goodbye, but when I leave a place, I like to know I'm leaving..." Discuss the quote.

He never got to say goodbye to his brother. He didn't get closure. He wasn't there when he died and didn't go to the funeral.

The fact that Holden tells us that he doesn't understand sex is poignant for a couple of reasons. Name them

He says he is the biggest sex maniac, but is a virgin and doesn't understand it. He is 16. His parents have never talked about sex. His brother can't talk to him about it.

Why does Holden call his brother a prostitute? Discuss this in terms of Salinger.

He sold out to Hollywood. He was trying to get away. Salinger hated the commercialization of writers from Hollywood.

"In my mind, I am probably the biggest sex maniac you ever saw"

He thinks "crummy stuff" is sometimes fun He is all over the place

According to Holden, why is Lillian talking to him? Using your inference and analytical skills, why wouldn't Holden join Lillian and the navy guy for a drink; after all, isn't he desperate for a connection? What might this say about Holden?

He thinks the only reason she is talking to him is to get to D.B. He will not get used by someone. He will only hang out with someone if they want to hang out with him.

Why do you suppose Holden had a Pencey Prep sticker on his suitcase?

He wanted to be there. He wanted to try. He wanted to try to fit in.

Holden employs hyperbole and meiosis throughout the chapter. Provide some instances and possible explanations. Meiosis means employing understatement for comic or satiric effect.

He wants to push us away. He doesn't want to admit things. Pencey loses - suicide - doesn't want to let us know how important Pencey is to him Meiosis - doesn't want us to know the importance

Why does Holden kick the toothpaste down the hall?

He wants to wake someone up to talk to them.

Holden hypothesizes about the way people will be in the future: a. Ackley will always be Ackley, even to his wife and kids b. Morrow will always be a rat Analyze

He will always be a mess up. It isn't just a phase. He will not grow out of it

"Mothers are all slightly insane" Use some inference skills here, boys

His mom is insane. His mom doesn't do anything

[*] What is Holden's experience with girls and sex...not just his experience, but with other guys he has been around.

His view is backwards. He thinks he is a virgin because he stops when the girl says no. He gets this view from people like Strad. He thinks he is the problem. His views on sex are completely screwed up.

2 major themes illustrated from the poem

Holden's isolation and desire to form a meaningful relationship with anyone AND Holden's wish to preserve innocence

Critics believe that Holden is a hypocrite when it comes to Stradlater and Ackley. What do you think? Is he simply human?

Hypocritical but that makes him human

Structural theory (Freud)

Id - a person's instinctual desires (eat, sleep, have sex), immediate gratification Superego - counterbalance to id: social conventions, beliefs, morals, etc. What is appropriate? Ego - a person's reason and the part that balances the id and the superego: creates feelings of guilt and shame when going against the norm The ego may create a defense mechanism: denial, passive aggressiveness, delusions, hypochondria, repression (dreams, visions, etc.)

Name 2 things that Holden does that shows he has empathy for Ackley.

Invites him to the movies. He doesn't kick him out of his room

Discuss Holden's tone when he says why he has the mitt.

It is his prized possession. He needs it

Notice that Holden quickly looks for his hunting hat after the altercation. Discuss

It is his safety object. It brings him comfort

Notice that Holden says he was going to be psychoanalyzed. Why didn't his parents pursue this?

It wasn't acceptable at the time They wanted to protect their reputation They didn't care He blames them for everything

Holden is literally and metaphorically isolated in the Lavender Room. Discuss

Literally - stuck in the very back Metaphorically - no one pays attention to him

Discuss the first line of the text.

Lousy childhood. He is reluctant to open up.

The fact that Holden says he is going to tell us about the "...madman stuff that happened to [him]..." is important.

Madman - crazy stuff happened Happened to [him] - not his fault, out of his control

Discuss Holden's use of the term "sexy" and compare/contrast it with the denotative and connotative meaning.

Modern sexy - attractive Sexy - sexually motivated We would assume he knows the difference

Another example of Holden not taking responsibility: "It wasn't my fault. I had to keep getting up to look at this map..." Discuss in terms of his age.

Most teenagers will not take full responsibility for their actions.

Is Holden truly upset that Ackley is Catholic? Discuss

No. He feels Catholicism is a barrier between their friendship

JD Salinger (1)

Not a very successful student, despite his intellect, and he was shipped off to a military school

JD Salinger (2)

One of his college professors made a profound effect on him and inspired his writing

Poem and Holden's belief of the poem

Original poem makes more sense for Holden's desire for companionship

Characteristics of Antisocial Personality Disorder (Still need to uncover whether Holden suffers from this)

Problem with authority and social conventions Impulsiveness Aggression/violence Lying and deception (enjoying it) Irresponsible in all aspects of life Disregard for feeling or well-being of others

Discuss the skates

Racing skates and hockey skates are completely different. A mother who knew her son would not mix them up. He is not very close with his family.

Holden uses what literary element to let the reader know that he is lonesome and depressed?

Repetition Spiraling out of control

Catcher origin of title

Robert Burns' poem "Coming Thro' The Rye." Also contributed to title "Of Mice and Men"

Discuss Stradlater in terms of the quintessential literary theme of A v R.

Secret slob Looks great - dirty in reality Mom sees in yearbook and thinks highly - dirty razor, rapey

Several references to psychoanalysis that Holden makes throughout the text

Sexual frustration and unable to connect to girls. He wants to have sex, but he is unable to have casual sex. He reveals personal info to Carl Luce. Luce also tells Holden to see a therapist Holden likes when people digress instead of stay on topic - this is usually when latent desires reveal themselves Holden is writing from a mental hospital Holden is bothered by his parents' social status and wealth Holden still grieves Allie's death Holden is nostalgic and doesn't want to grow up or let others grow up

Discuss the fact that he liked Selma Thurmer, the headmaster's daughter. What is the one thing he dislikes about her?

She is authentic. She doesn't brag, she doesn't care about her looks. Dislikes fake eyelashes.

What does Sunny's diction tell us? When Holden tells her he's 22, she says, "Like fun you are," and when Holden refuses to go through with the "throw," she calls him a "crumb bum"

She is not 18, not even 16. Probably around 13-14

The fact that Ho Bag Cavendish uses the wrong name for Holden says what? Why would it be important, analytically?

She is not interested in getting to know him. It is a sign of disrespect.

What is important about the "dialogue" between Holden and the blonde girl as they are dancing?

She is not talking back

Discuss the note that Holden leaves for Mr. Spencer on the exam.

Shows more of his empathy and that he is a good guy.

As he was about to leave, what does he say he was "sort of" doing? Explain. Also, notice he puts the hat on again.

Sort of crying. He was actually balling.

What do Ackley and Strad represent?

Stifling conditions of boarding schools. Holden's disgust of phonies.

What narrative device is present when Holden stops "listening" to Spencer and thinks about the ducks in Central Park? DO NOT SAY A FRAME STORY.

Stream of conscience

Psychoanalysis - developed by Freud

Symptoms of illness that were not physical were attributed to repressed desires and traumatic events during childhood

What is the effect of the epithet that Spencer continuously uses when he calls Holden "boy"?

Talking down, condescending, degrading

The fact that he remembers very specific things about Jane is important. Discuss

The connections he makes with other people are important to him. People are important to him. Genuinely good guy but lets few people in.

Why do you suppose, other than the obvious, is Holden so upset about Strad's criticism of the essay?

The glove is the most important thing in his life. He pours out everything and Strad's criticizing it.

Shadow, anima/animus, and the persona - Jung

The shadow - parts of ourselves that we want to ignore or suppress (consciously or unconsciously). These can be sexual desires, traumatic experiences, "evil" tendencies, or fears Anima/animus - drive, motivation, ambition, and values Persona - we should all know what this is According to Jung, the ultimate goal should be to combine all to create self-awareness

Why does he get so bent out of shape about the movie star thing, the hats, and the fact that the girls are going to Radio City Music Hall?

They are touristy and finds them phony.

Dr. Thurmer and Spencer both tell Holden that life is a game. Do you find any irony in this comment? Discuss Holden's reaction.

They are trying to get him to take life more serious. They use the metaphor that life is a game. Games are more fun and usually taken less serious. For him, life is not an easy game. This analogy is BS for Holden.

The fact that Holden, at the age of 16, can go and spend a few nights in a hotel says what about him and his family...literally and metaphorically?

They are very wealthy. His parents give him money but do not check in at all.

The fact that Holden tells us that his "...parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if [he] told anything pretty personal..." tells us what about his parents?

They do not want it to get out. They don't want others to find out their son is crazy.

Discuss the irony in the following quote: Holden: "If I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it"

Verbal Irony He wants nothing more than for someone to think he is terrific

What do you think about Holden's comments: a. "People always think something's all true" b. "People never notice anything"

Very fatalistic view of life

Does Holden seem enamored with Mrs. Morrow? Is there a reason, perhaps? Why does he lie to her about her son? This has NOTHING to do with him being a terrific liar.

Yes, he doesn't get the love he needs at home, so he is attracted to her. He tends to like older women. He's trying to make her feel good and build a connection. He wishes someone would tell his mom these things.

In today's standards, do you think that Holden would be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? What are some things that happen in this chapter that may defend our assertion?

Yes. Forgets fencing equipment, fails classes because he can't focus, never stops talking, turns water on and off, dances around, no linear path to thinking

What epithets does Holden use to describe the girls at the next table in the Lavender Room?

ghouls, witches, queens

2 types of content that all texts have

manifest (literal) and latent (symbolic language and Freudian slips, phallic symbols, examples of Oedipal complexes, etc.)

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