English Midterm

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What does the king promise Odysseus?

He will give Odysseus his daughters hand in marraige and make him a prince

When Marullus compares Caesar to his predecessor Pompey, why is he frustrated with the people of Rome?

Romans are praising Caesar more than Pompey

In The Inferno, Canto 36, Dante compares Satan's wings to sails on a ship. Why is this ironic?

Satan can never move anywhere

In addition to claiming that the prophet is in a conspiracy for the throne, Oedipus also begins to mock Teiresias about what in particular?

Teiresias inability to solve the sphinxs riddle

Why does Teiresias make this comment? Alas, alas, what misery to be wiseWhen wisdom profits nothing!

Teiresias knows the remedy to the plague, but realizes that the answer will only bring more heart ache.

What are the clever tricks Odysseus uses to free his men from Polyphemus?

Ties them to the bottom of sheep Gives his name as "Noman" Gets Polyphemus drunk

Which character said, "The truth within me makes me strong," explaining that he was not afraid because he knew the truth.


Which two people does Oedipus accuse of conspiring against him and killing Laius?

Tiresias and Creon

Odysseus also sees famous figures who are being punished by the gods. Check off the punishments that the gods have given to different people: 1.Eternally pecked by birds 2.Food and drink eternally out of reach 3.Eternally bound to push a rock up a hill that rolls back down each day 4.Eternally able to see loved ones but not hear them

1. 2. 3.

Match the literary device on the left with the best example on the right. 1. Allusion 2. Apostrophe 3. Allegory 4. Irony 5. Simile

1. For I had lost the straight path 2. Take joy, O Florence, for you are so great 3. The Poet Virgil represents human reason 4. Emperor of a woeful kingdom 5. Just as in autumn the leaves fall away, so the wicked seed of Atom fling themselves.

How many suitors are living at Odysseus' house?


How long does Oedipus rule Thebes before the plague comes?

2 decades

How many times did Antony offer Caesar the crown?


In The Inferno, which number appears again and again as a way to point the readers to God?


Match the character on the left with the description on the right. 1. Tiresias 2. Oedipus 3. Eteocles 4. Creon 5. Polyneices 6. Antigone 7. Ismene 8. Jocasta

8. Hangs herself after learning the truth about her marriage 2. Marries his mother, kills his father, blinds himself 1. A blind prophet 4. Loses his title of King after a series of prideful decisions and is left alone 6. Is buried alive for burying her brother honorably 7. Oedipus' daughter; tries to make peace and keep her family together 5. left unburied and disgraced 3. Buried properly after dying in a civil war

In The Inferno, how many circles of Hell exist?


"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." This quote from Caesar most closely means...

Caesar refuses to be afraid because it was worse than death

"But I am constant as the northern star,Of whose true-fix'd and resting qualityThere is no fellow in the firmament. " This simile most closely means that:

Caesar will not change his mind, unlike most people.

Brutus uses a ladder to demonstrate his concerns about Caesar. What are his concerns?

Caesar will rise to power and hate everyone below him

Why does Caesar initially agree to stay home from the senate?

Calpurna begs him not to go because of her fear

Antony's comparison of Lepidus to his horse in lines 1892-1910 demonstrates that Antony considers Lepidus...

a piece of property that is useful if directed

How does Eurymachus try to save his own life? Begging on his hands and knees Placing all of the blame on Antinous Placing all off the blame on Penelope Offering to repay the wealth they have used up

begging on his hands and knees placing all of the blame on Antinous offering to repay the wealth they used up

How does Athena help Odysseus?

blocks all the winds except the favorable one

In The Inferno, Canto 26, How are Ulysses' words to his men similar to the Serpent in the Garden?

both insist on persuing forbidden knowledge both twist good ideas and words an manipulation both claim that turning away from a desire is self denial

Fear the people will choose Caesar as king...


has hidden worthiness...




virtue in him...


In Julius Caesar Act V, which of the following characters die by their own swords?

brutus cassius

In The Inferno, Canto 34, how do Virgil and Dante escape Dis?

by climbing up and down Satan's legs

In The Inferno, Canto 2, Dante's guide says, "Why do you delay? ... Why are you not more spirited and sure?" Why does the guide expect Dante to be courageous?

he has three blessed ladies looking after him

What important information does Virgil share about his own experiences when he talks about Erichtho?

he has traveled this way before and knows the way

What is revealed during Antony's soliloquy?

he hates Brutus and Cassius and want revenge

In The Odyssey, book 17, what is one way that Odysseus demonstrates his growth as a character?

he is able to keep calm when insulted

What does Oedipus mean when he makes this statement? Not for some far-off kinsman, but myself,Shall I expel this poison in the blood;For whoso slew that king might have a mindTo strike me too with his assassin hand.Therefore in righting him I serve myself.

he is afraid that the person he killed Laius will also kill him

In The Odyssey, Book 14, why did Poseidon turn the Phaeacian ship into stone?

he is angry that they helped odysseus

What do Oedipus' lines at the beginning of the play reveal about his character and the type of king he is? "You can be confident that I will help.I shall assist you willingly in every way."

he is apethetic

How does Antony respond to Caesar's death?

he is devastated

What is Caesar's reaction to the soothsayer?

he is dissmissive

What metaphor does Tintinius use to mourn for Cassius? (lines 2568-2574)

he is like the setting sun

"Caesar, now be still: I killed not thee with half so good a will." Brutus' last words reveal that:

he is more eager to kill himself than he was Caesar

In The Odyssey, Book 17, how does Odysseus respond to the insults from Melanthius, the goatherd?

he keeps his temper in check

In Oedipus's speech, he is finally connecting all of the pieces of this sordid tale together. He reveals several things to Jocasta here. Which of the following incidents is NOT part of Oedipus's revelation to Jocasta?

he killed Laius

What happens to Brutus at the end of the play?

he kills himself

What does Oedipus do to unknowingly fulfill the first part of the prophecy?

he kills the man in the chariot who was his real dad

Why does Antony say Brutus "was the noblest Roman of them all"?

he made his choices out of the concern for the good of Rome

In The Odyssey, Book 24, how does Odysseus prove his identity to his father?

he names all of the trees in Laerte's orcherd

In The Odyssey, Book 16, how is Telemachus hospitable toward the stranger in Eumaeus' house?

he offers new clothes and a sword

What did Odysseus do to Polyphemus that angered Poseidon?

he plucked out Polyphemus' eye

What is Antinous' response to Penelope's anger?

he promies not to kill her son and plans anyhow

Why does Oedipus say it is better for him to have blinded himself than to have killed himself?

he says death was too easy, that is would be much harder to live with his mistakes

How does Odysseus prove his identity to the slaves?

he shows them the scar on his leg

What does Oedipus do that wins him Jocasta's hand and causes him to unknowingly fulfill the second part of the prophecy?

he solves the sphinx's riddle

What do Flavius' lines at the end of the scene reveal about his opinion of Caesar?

he think caesar is trying to be a dictator

Why does Brutus ask to speak with Cassius privately?

he wants to appear united

Why does Brutus argue to spare Antony's life?

he wants to avoids seeming blood thirsty

Why did Fucci reveal this prophecy to Dante?

he wants to cause Dante a small amount of the suffering he feels

Remember, a simile is a comparison using the words "like" or "as." Find a simile in Cassius' speech (lines 226-229). What does this comparison tell you about Caesar?

he was acting more important than he actually was

According to The Inferno, why did Ulysses (Odysseus) not return home after leaving Circe's island?

he was not ready to stop exploring

If Virgil is an allegory to represent Human Reason, what might this incident at the gate of Dis reveal?

reason cannot take you far without faith

In The Odyssey, Book 19, what appears to the be attitude of the household servants toward Telemachus?


After the Cyclops eats four of Odysseus' men, what are his two motivations that keep him scheming like a warrior?

revenge and glory

What do Flavius and Marullus plan to do to the decorations for Caesar?

tear them down

In The Odyssey, Book 21, who is the first man to try to string Odysseus' bow?


Jocasta has another reason for believing that Oedipus was not the murderer. What is her reason?

she believes her baby was dead

In The Odyssey, what happened to Odysseus' mother?

she died from grief waiting on Odysseus

How does Jocasta die?

she hangs herself

What does the eagle in Penelope's dream reveal?

she is actually in love with one of the suitors

What physical problem does Calpurnia suffer from? [Hint: This is one of the reasons Shakespeare wrote this play.]

she is barren

How does Athena change Odysseus after he bathes?

she makes him extremely handsome

How does Eurycleia discover Odysseus' true identity?

she sees the scar on his leg

How does Portia die?

she swallows coals

How does Penelope keep the suitors from forcing her to make a choice?

she weaves a burial shroud and then undoes it

In The Odyssey, Book 18, why does Penelope say it is time for her to choose a husband?

telemachus is a grown man

What was the original curse from Apollo?

that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother

What information does the messenger reveal that Oedipus has heard before, but never really believed?

that polybus and merope were not his real parents

Define dramatic irony.

the audience or reader is aware of crucial information of which the characters are unaware

In The Inferno, Canto 34, what does the opening line translate to? "Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni"

the banners of the king of hell advance

What is the limbo?

the limbo holds the unbaptized and virtuous pagans, those who did not accept Christ but still did good deeds. Virgil, Homer, Ovid and Julius Caesar reside here.

What happens to men who eat the lotus flowers?

they loose desire to do anything but eat the flowers

How do the people respond to Brutus' speech?

they praise him

What appears to the be attitude of the household servants toward Telemachus?

they resepct him

In The Odyssey, Book 21, what does Antinous suggest in order to avoid having to string the bow?

they should delay the contest a day

Why have the citizens of Thebes not already hunted down Laius' killer?

they were being attacked by the sphinx

What do we learn happened to Odysseys' men at the beginning of the Odyssey?

they were killed for eating Helios cattle

How do the conspirators plan to get Caesar to the senate?

they will use flattery to manipulate him

In The Odyssey, Book 18, why do Odysseus and Irus fight?

to be the only begger in the house

In The Odyssey, Book 12, when faced with an impossible situation, Odysseus' first thought is to fight. What does Circe argue is the best solution?

to run away

Even though talking about the dark wood is terrifying, why does Dante continue to share his story?

to share the good he found

"Let them set on at once; for I perceive But cold demeanor in Octavius' wing . . ." Brutus is saying that Octavius' army is:

weak on one side

Define verbal irony

when a character says one thing but means another

What request does Elpenor's ghost make?

for a proper burial

What reason does Brutus give for his needing to kill Caesar?

for the good of Rome

Caesar's ghost tells Brutus he will see him at Philippi is an example of:


Calpurnia dreams that Caesar's blood is running through the streets. This is an example of:


" ...Brutus is safe enough:I dare assure thee that no enemyShall ever take alive the noble Brutus" This quote is an example of which literary device?


How does Athena end the fighting?

frightens the suitors to run away

In The Odyssey, Book 24, how does Athena end the fighting between Odysseus and the suitors' families?

frightens them to run away

How did Oedipus get his name?

from his riveted ankles at birth

Based on the tone of the conversation between Telemachus and Eurycleia, what is his attitude toward Penelope?


In The Inferno, Canto 2, Dante's guide says, "Why do you delay? ... Why are you not more spirited and sure?" Why does the guide expect Dante to be courageous?

he had three blessed ladies looking after him he has a knowledgable guide

How does Odysseus avoid being killed by the sirens?

he has his men tie him to the mast

Octavius says he will not stop fighting until...

he has revenge for Caesar's death

Xenia is the divine art of...


What last question does he ask of Jocasta before he is ready to own the fact that he really is the murderer?

how many people were traveling with Laius

Cassius's idea that it is possible to change his fate and improve his life on his own probably comes from the Elizabethan philosophy known as:


The belief that humans are capable of achieving perfect, known as __, rose in popularity during the Elizabethan Era.


In Scene 1, when Marullus and Flavius argue with commoners, the tone of the conversation is:


What "great honor" do the poets give Dante?

included him in their group

What does Lucilius do when he is captured?

offers a bribe to be killed quickly

Which quote from the text best shows what will satisfy the gods?

"Banishment, or the shedding blood for blood"

How long are Odysseus and his men on Circe's island?

1 year

Which ways does Athena help Telemachus? (6)

-gives him wise advice -tells him what to do to have a successful journey -puts the suitors to sleep -finds a ship for him -recruits men for his ship -calls a favorable wind to push the ship

Define simile

A comparison using "like" or "as"

Define virtue

A habitual and firm disposition to do good

Define pun

A play on words

Define foreshadowing.

A warning or indication of a future event

Define humanism

An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements

Which of the following is another example of dramatic irony?

And for the disobedient thus I pray

Oedipus gets angry and continues to press Teiresias for the information. Finally Teiresias gives in and makes the bold statement, "Thou art the man, Thou the accursed polluter of this land." How does Opedipus react to this statement?

He gets angry and pretends he does not understand what Teries said.

" I have, when you have heard what I can say: And know it now: the senate have concluded To give this day a crown to mighty Caesar. If you shall send them word you will not come, Their minds may change. Besides, it were a mock Apt to be render'd, for some one to say 'Break up the senate till another time, When Caesar's wife shall meet with better dreams.' If Caesar hide himself, shall they not whisper 'Lo, Caesar is afraid'? " How does Decius Brutus manipulate Caesar in these lines?

Appeals to Caesar's pride Appeals to Caesar's ambition

What does Creon suggest Oedipus do in order to prove he is trustworthy?

Ask the oracle of Delphi

Who is Mentor?

Athena in disguise

In The Odyssey, what happens to Odysseus' men after they eat Helios' cattle?

they all die

Who was the girl that Dante met only twice, but had a huge impact on his life?


Why does Jocasta beg Oedipus to believe Creon?

Because Creon has sworn he is telling the truth and she and everyone else believes him.

Why does the shepherd who saw the incident ask Jocasta to be sent far away from the city of Thebes?

Because when he saw Oedipus was the new king, he wanted to be far away from the murderer.

How does Telemachus feel after Athena leaves?

Brave and determined

Which character claims to love honor more than his own life?


What is the difference between the other conspirators and Brutus, according to Antony?

Brutus is the only one who acted out of common good

Why do Cassius and Brutus fight before the battle starts?

Brutus regrets his choices to join the conspercay

Which literary term is a casual reference in literature to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature, often without explicit identification?


In The Odyssey, Book 22, what happens to the disloyal servant girls?

they are killed

The Chorus reveals a trait about the gods Zeus and Apollo in this passage. What is it?

they are omniscient

What happens to the men who enter Circe's palace?

they are turned to pigs

Which character from The Odyssey most closely represents the archetypal "Temptress?"


In The Inferno, Canto 34, what is the symbolic significance of the last word: stars?

Dante is moving upward toward God

Between Canto 1 and Canto 34, Dante the pilgrim experiences a long journey and many challenges. Compare and contrast these two versions of Dante. Discuss at least two ways that Dante has changed and at least one he has not since the beginning of the story. Give examples from the poem to support your argument.

Dante was two very different people at the beginning and end of the poem. At the beginning he was fearful and scared, never brave. For example, when Dante was at the entrance of Hell, he almost didn't continue his journey because he was so frightened. Dante at the beginning of the poem shows cowardice many times, but as he grows and changes, he begins to become more brave. When Dante and Virgil continue through hell and finally into the layer of hell were Satan resides, they must climb up and down Satan's legs to escape. Dante, instead of giving into his fear, followed Virgil bravely. At the beginning of the poem Dante was prideful, relying on himself. However, near the end of the poem Dante is also less prideful as he does not want to boast that he is not in hell. While Dante was much changed, he was not perfect, as none of us are. Dante still displayed sloth at times, when he no longer felt like he could continue and almost gave up many times. However, Dante changed into a better man because of his experience.

Which of the following would be the best rewording this statement by Oedipus to Creon: "Come, answer this, didst thou detect in meSome touch of cowardice or witlessness,That made thee undertake this enterprise?I seemed forsooth too simple to perceiveThe serpent stealing on me in the dark,Or else too weak to scotch it when I saw."

Did you think I was too dumb or weak to notice that you were trying to take my crown?

Which god or goddess was being honored at the festivals that had theater competitions?


Which word best describes how Oedipus treats Teresias in this passage?

at first with respect, then with disrespect

Which town was Dante born and raised in?


Based on lines 76-78, what does the hilltop or peak represent?


In The Inferno, Canto 2, why is Beatrice not afraid to enter the Inferno and summon Virgil?

Gods grace makes her untouchable

What is Antony's opinion of Lepidus?

He feels as if he is just a pawn that they can use to their advantage

According to Jocasta, where was Laius killed?

at the meeting of the three roads

In The Odyssey, Book 24, who convinces half of the attackers to not fight Odysseus?


What does Helen reveal about Odysseus during the Trojan War?

He disguised himself to get into the city

"We two were fed by many different hosts before returning home. As we may hope for Zeus to keep us safe in future times, untack their horses! Lead them to dine!" Menelaus believes that hospitality is important because...

He hope the gods will care for him in the future is he is good to his guests

What happens once Odysseus is free of Calypso's island?

He is caught out at sea in terrible storms

What is surprising about Eumaeus' background?

He is of royal decent

How did Zeus respond to Odysseus' actions on Cicones?

He sent a strong nothern wind that blew them around for 2 days

How does Odysseus' pride get him in trouble as they flee the island?

He yells a taunt back at Polyphemus and nearly gets their ship destroyed

Read the following Bible passage: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup so the outside of it may also become clean. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and every impurity. In the same way, on the outside you seem righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matthew 25:25-27) How is the theme of this passage similar or different to themes from Oedipus the King? In your answer, use at least 2-3 examples from the text of the play. You may also include examples from other Bible passages you have studied. Your answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs.

I believe that this Bible passage applies to several people in the play Oedipus the King. Firstly, I believe that this applies to Oedipus. On the outside Oedipus was seen as a successful king and ruler who was kind and clever. While on the inside, he had commited serious crimes and refused to see his faults. Oedipus looked clean on the outside, but the inside was full of sin and pride. Oedipus, after he realised what he had done, felt guilty and tried to punish himself in a sense. He gouged his eyes out because he felt that killing himself would make everying too easy. In reality, Oedipus was a tomb filled with evil things, that only Jesus can make clean and forgive.

Aristotle writes, "A man doesn't become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall." Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not? Defend your answer in 7-9 sentences, with at least two examples from Oedipus the King.

I do agree with the idea that in order to be great, you need to see your weaknesses. I think that this idea applies to Oediepus' life and that he could have benefited from realizing that he has flaws. When he answered the sphinx's riddle, he was so prideful that he married his mother. Then, when Teiriseus tries to explain his fate to Oedipus he is so pridful that he even believe that Teiriues was crazy and plotting against him. I believe that if Oedipus would have listened to what others were trying to warn him about, then perhaps he would be in a better place. But, Oedipus let his flaws overpower him. Similar to Odissius from the Odyssey, I believe that Oedipus' main flaw was excessive pride.

Do you think Penelope knew "The Beggar" was really Odysseus? Why or why not? Defend your answer with at least two examples from the text.

I do not think that Penelope knew who the beggar was for several reasons. First of all, Penelope was willing to marry one of the suitors and I don't think she would have at all if she knew that her husband was alive and well. Also, Athena continuously cries because she still think taht Odysseus is dead.

Which statement by Teiresias best shows that Oedipus has, in fact, fulfilled the original prophecy?

I say thou livest with thy nearest kin

Dante stated in a letter about The Divine Comedy: "The subject of the whole work, then, taken in the literal sense only, is 'the state of souls after death,' without qualification, for the whole progress of the work hinges on it and about it. Whereas if the work be taken allegorically the subject is 'man, as by good or ill desserts, in the exercise of the freedom of his choice, he becomes liable to rewarding or punishing justice.'" Do you think Dante met his goal of creating an effective allegory about human choices and consequences? Use at least three examples from the poem to support your opinion.

I think Dante's work is very thought provoking and makes one reevaluate their life choices. Dante stated that his goal for his poem was to create a work that would demonstrate sins and their punishments effectively. I believe that he accomplished this very well. The journey of life is a complicated one and we all sin, that is unavoidable. Dante represented this is many different ways with the nine circles of hell, each represented a different sin and its consequences. For example, those who stole in life would be punished by being eaten by snakes constantly. Dante showed that our choices in life will effect our eternal future. For example, Judas chose to betray Jesus, so according to Dante, he had to reside in Satan's mouth for eternity. I believe what I disagree with is that while our sins do have consequences, Jesus paid for our sins. In Dante's poem only those who resided in the Limbo had any chance of going to heaven, but we all have a chance because of Jesus. Dante created an allegory that makes me think about my choices and want to make better ones. Like I stated, I believe that we can all have the chance to be forgiven and go to heaven, because none of us would ever be able to be good enough on our own.

Who do you think is a better host: Aeolus or Circe? Give at least two reasons to defend your answer from the text.

I think that Circe was the better host because even though she turned her guests to pigs, she still gave them food, clothes, baths and a feat. All of those things the law of Xenia require the host to give. So I believe that before Circe turned her guests to pigs, she was the better host.

Do you think Odysseus' killing of the suitors and servants is justified? Why or why not? Defend your answer with at least two examples from the text.

I think that during that time, Odysseus' actions toward the suitors were justified. He killed the suitors because they not only were forcing themselves on Penelope, but they were also using and destroying Odysseus' wealth and house.

When Brutus speaks at the funeral, what reason does he give for the murder?

If Caesar remained alive, Romans would be like slaves under him

"For now we are afraid, just like thosewho on a ship see their helmsman terrified." These lines from Jocasta contain a simile that is used to reveal...

If the leader of the city is afraid, even will be afraid.

Define contrapasso.

In Dante's Inferno, contrapasso was the idea that for every sinners crime, there must be an equal punishment.

Why doesn't Brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators?

because oaths are only necessary for people who are likely to break their word

What title has Creon received at the beginning of this passage?

King of Thebes

When Antony compares Lepidus to his horse, he is implying that...

Ledipus can't act without direction

What were the 9 circles of hell?

Limbo (unbatized pagans) Lust Gluttony Greed Wrath Heresey Violence Fraud Treachery (where Satan was held)

Who seems to have a better understanding of hospitality? Menalaus The suitors


The goddess Athena plans to help Telemachus by sending him on a journey to find his father. She appears looking like ______, the Taphian leader who is old friends with Odysseus.


Why does Portia claim she deserves to know Brutus' real secret?

because she is his wife and trustworthy

cried like a sick girl...


The Chorus reveals that the people are perplexed by Teiresias's claims. Which statement best reveals their collective feelings?

Proof is there none: how then can I challenge our King's good name,

not afraid of others...


Who was on the way that Antony is now concerned for this person's safety?


In The Inferno, Canto 9, Virgil covers Dante's eyes when the head of Medusa appears. What classical work might this be a reference to?

Odysseus had his men tie him to the mast to resist the sirens

What does Helen prophesy will happen based on the sign of the eagle?

Odysseus is like the eagle, swooping in for revenge

In epics, but especially in The Odyssey, what is one reason the descent into the underworld is important?

Odysseus leans what type of man he needs to be

When the prince insults Odysseus, Odysseus challenges the men of Phaeacia to a competition, but will not compete against the prince. Why not?

Odysseus thinks it would be foolish to fight against his host

What are some events that we can assume based on the text will take place after the end of the poem?

Odysseus will go on a journey to offer a sacrifice to Poseidon Odysseus will raid for more wealth

For what reason does Oedipus think Creon has turned Tiresias against him?

Oedipus thinks Creon is after his crown

What does the Chorus mean by this statement: SECOND MESSENGERHe cries, "Unbar the doors and let all ThebesBehold the slayer of his sire, his mother's--"That shameful word my lips may not repeat.He vows to fly self-banished from the land,Nor stay to bring upon his house the curseHimself had uttered; but he has no strengthNor one to guide him, and his torture's moreThan man can suffer, as yourselves will see.For lo, the palace portals are unbarred,And soon ye shall behold a sight so sadThat he who must abhorred would pity it.

Oedipus will banish himself just as he said he would do to Laius's murderer.

When Athena approaches Zeus to help Odysseus out of this final fight, what is his suggestion?

athena will convince them to forget their murder and lay down their weapons

Then Dawn came from her lovely throne, and woke the girl" This quote is an example for which literary device?


What good news does the messenger bring?

Polybus, Oedipus's "father," has died of natural causes.

Poseidon is angry with Odysseus because Odysseus destroyed the eye of _____, one of Poseidon's sons.


When Telemachus arrives at Pylos, the people are having a feast in honor of _________.


Where is Odysseus trapped at the beginning of the story?

calypso's island

Define situational irony.

Situational irony is the difference between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs in a specific situation in a work of literature.

a lean and hungry look...


From The Divine Comedy, who is Dante's guide through Paradise?


Compare and contrast the definition of hero from the Greek epic and modern society and decide if Odysseus should be considered a hero in either culture. In your answer, include a definition for the epic hero as well as examples from The Odyssey to support your opinion on whether or not Odysseus meets the requirements. Then create your own definition for what modern society considers heroic and determine if Odysseus should be a hero, using examples from The Odyssey.

The Greek epic definition of a hero is someone who goes through many trials and tribulations, but conquers in the end. I believe Odysseus does fit this definition. He had to face many trials from the Cyclops, to being shipwrecked, stranded on Helios' island and having to fight the suitors. He went through all of those things and more, but in the end won. I believe the an epic hero is somone who is challenged, wins in the end and is changed by their experiences, and I believe Odysseus fits that definition. I believe a modern day hero is someone who does something selfless for a stranger. I believe Odysseus fits this definition as well. He was determined despite all the trials, to get back home to his wife and son. However I also believe that he acted selfishly at times as well.

The Soothsayer tells Portia he hopes to speak to Caesar and "beseech him to befriend himself." This indicates that...

The Soothsayer knows what will happen and wants to save him

Compare and contrast the hospitality shown by the suitor and Telemachus.

The Suitors help themselves to food and wine described with words like "Sauntering" make no contribution, only want to relax and win Penelope Athena notes they are "arrogant" and "self indulgent" Will not leave even though they are not welcome Telemachus does not want to leave strangers or guests stranded wants to make the stranger comfortable Athena calls him "clever" and "handsome" Allows Athena to leave even though he wishes she would stay Offers his guest a gift

reads much...


What contradiction in the story is causing Oedipus to still holding out a little hope that he might not be the murderer?

The witness claims it was a group of robbers that killed Laius, but Oedipus was alone.

Seen in The Inferno, the Italian word "contrapasso" means...

divine punishment

In The Odyssey, Book 14, how does Eumaeus follow the rules of Xenia? Give at least two examples.

The rules of Xenia state that anyone who has someone who needs their help, they will be agood host and take care of them. Eumaeus followed the rules of Zenia by offering his guest food and new clothes.

Why does Odysseus cry while the bard is singing?

The song is about his adventures in Troy

Define a drama.

The text, reading experience, experience on personal/individual level, fixed

Who reveals to Penelope that Odysseus is back on Ithaca?


What good news does Creon bring with him?

There is a remedy to the plague.

Cassius is trying to convince Brutus that Caesar is not a man of honor. What does he say about Caesar to make his case?

They are just as good and capable as Caesar Caesar got sick one time and acted weak Caesar almost drowned in the Tiber river

Which word best described Cassius' personality?


Cassius' line "When Caesar lived, he durst not thus have moved me" (2042) shows that Cassius:

Thinks that Brutus has made him angrier than Caesar ever did

What was the Vestibule?

This is the area Dante enters where the non-comitted reside.

"It seems that I will always be too weak and useless. Or perhaps I am too young and inexperienced at fighting." Based on the events of the book, Telemachus' words here are most likely:

True- he is not strong or capable of fighting

At the end of scene 1, Marullus and Flavius decide to pull decorations and trophies off Caesar's statues. In Scene 2, we find out that "Marullus and Flavius, for pulling scarfsoff Caesar's images, are put to silence." This means that Marullus and Flavius...

Were killed for protesting Caesar

"Even the deathless gods respect a man who is as lost as I am now. I have gone through so much and reached your flowing streams. Pity me lord!" Which Greek value does Odysseus appeal to when praying to the god of the river for help?


How is the Greek value of xenia seen in The Odyssey? In your answer, discuss at least two poor examples of xenia and two excellent examples of xenia, analyzing why they are poor or excellent examples according to Greek values.

Xenia is the divine art of hospitality. Polyphemius did not show hospitality when Odysseus and his men showed up at his house and instead of offering them food or clothes, ate some of him men. The suitors were also not very good guests. Even though they were allowed to stay at Odysseus' house, they used up Odysseus' fortune and were not good guest. Telemachus represented Xenia very well. Even though the suitors were difficulte guests, he allowed them to stay at his house, offered them food, clothes and baths for years. Circe was also an example of a good host. Even though originally she turned Odysseus' men to pigs, she allowed them to stay at her house for a year and eat her food and use her things.

What gift does Aeolus give Odysseus?

a bag of winds to speed his ship

What does Dante see in lines 64-69 that seems startling and out of place?

a blaze of light

"And I, all eyes, saw a whirling banner / that ran so fast it seemed as though / it never could find rest." (52-54) The banner mentioned in line 52 is probably symbolic for...

a cause- because none of these souls ever took a stand in life, so they aimlessly follow a cause in death.

What is the difference between a tragedy and comedy in classical literature?

a comedy ends happily while a tragedy ends poorly

What does Caesar refuse three times?

a crown offered by the people

Define an Epic.

a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.

How will Virgil and Dante leave the Inferno?

a narrow stream

Define allegory

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

Define archetype.

a typical example of something, a recurring symbol, that pervades literature and cultes.

What was Purgatory?

after death, the time you spend waiting to get into heaven

Which literary device is a phrase or image that has a double meaning, and can be understood on a literal, but also symbolic level?


Which literary device is a phrase or image that has a double meaning; it can be understood on a literal level, but also a symbolic level.


Define allusion

an indirect reference to a person, place,literary work or event

Who is Theoclymenus?

an outcast from his home on the run

What advice does Agamemnon give to Odysseus?

anchor your ship in secret until you know your wife is faithful

"But it is doubtful yet, Whether Caesar will come forth to-day, or no; For he is superstitious grown of late, Quite from the main opinion he held once Of fantasy, of dreams and ceremonies" Why is Cassius concerned that Caesar won't even show up the next day?

because he is nervous about the recent predictions

In The Odyssey, Book 22, who is the first suitor that Odysseus kills?


loves plays...


Who does Oedipus blame in this passage for the fulfillment of the prophecy?


As seen in The Inferno, what is the name for the literary device that is an exclamatory speech addressed to someone or something that can not answer back?


Which god does the chorus blame for their problems?


In The Odyssey, Book 16, how is Odysseus disguised when he first meets Telemachus?

as a begger

What does Cassius do when Pindarus tells him that they are losing the battle?

asks pindarus to kill him

"I pray, too,that, if he should become an honoured guestin my own home and with my knowledge, I may suffer all those things I've just called downupon the killers" This quote from Oedipus is an example of...

dramatic irony

Who does Cassius say is unnatural like the night's unnatural events?


What is the literary term for grammatical constructs or ideas which are repeated in reverse order and is named after the Greek letter chi, which looks like an X?


How does Tiresias mock Oedipus? (3)

claims he does not know his father predicts he will be blind to the truth Indicates Oedipus should be able to figure out the answer since he was so smart

Which two words are used to create a humorous tension between the commoner and Marullus?

cobbler and soes

In The Odyssey, Book 11, Tiresius the prophet tells Odysseus he will get home if he...

controls his urges and his men

Tiresius the prophet tells Odysseus he will get home if he...

controls his urges and his men

What is the term for: a very formal, secret, unrequited and highly respectful form of admiration for another person.

courtly love

What symbolic action does Brutus insist the conspirators do to show who is responsible for Caesar's death?

cover their arms and hands in Caesar's blood

In The Inferno, Canto 2, what vice does Virgil accuse Dante of displaying as they are in the entrance of Hell?


Check all the boxes next to accomplishments of Julius Caesar.

created the Julian Calender named dictator for life elected chief priest

In The Inferno, Canto 26, what sins sent Odysseus or Ulysses, to the eighth circle of hell?

creating the Trojan Horse Manipulating his men to their death

Oedipus believes that this is simply a plot to get rid of him as king. Who does he initially try to blame?


What has the disease in Thebes affected? Crops Drinking water Livestock Pregnant women Firstborn children

crops livestock pregnant women

What sport do the Phaeacians entertain Odysseus with?


"Just as in autumn the leaves fall away, / one, and then another, until the bough / sees all its spoil upon the ground, / so the wicked seed of Adam fling themselves / one by one from shore" The simile in lines 112-116 compares newly dead souls to...

dead leaves

According to Athena, what is one thing the gods do not have power over?


What past event does Oedipus reference that gives him a lot of pride and feel like he is the only man who can care for Thebes?

defeating the sphinx

In The Inferno, Canto 9, what is the name of the city that encompasses Circles 6-9 and holds Satan.


In The Inferno, Canto 3, what drives the souls to step onto Charon's boat and cross into Hell?

divine justice

According to Athena, the gods have power over everything, including fate and death. (true or false)


In The Odyssey, Book 22, Athena quickly gives Odysseus a victory.


In The Odyssey, Book 24, the suitors take responsibility for their actions and express guilt and sorrow over the way they treated Penelope and her son.


Polyphemus fears and respects the gods and their rules of Xenia. (true or false)


What, according to Virgil, will be lost if Dante gives into sloth and remains on the ground, recovering from his climb?


What feast is also taking place?

feast of lupercal

In Act 2, scene 1, Casca is afraid because so many unnatural things are happening. Check the unnatural things that have happened on this night.

fire in the air a lioness weeping in the streets a slave with a hand on fire that didn't burn

How does Cassius plan to trick Brutus into thinking that the people want him as their king?

give him fake notes from the citizens of Rome

Define personification

giving human qualities to animals or objects

Many of Shakespeare's plays were performed at the ___ Theatre in London, England.


In The Odyssey, Book 24, which Greek value do Laertes, Odysseus, and Telemachus all display?


Why does Cassius ask Pindarus to stab him?

he believe the shouts of joy are from Antony's army

Why are the suitors surprised by Telemachus?

he challenged them to a fight

Why is Cassius upset with Brutus once the war begins?

he condemed one of Cassius' men for taking bribes

What is Agamemnon's reaction to the suitors' story?

he congragulates Odysseus on having found a faithful wife

Although the chorus has heard unsettling words about Oedipus, what gives them comfort that he is a trustworthy man?

he defeated the sphinx

When Antony speaks at the funeral, what reasons does he give that Caesar was a worthy leader?

he denied the crown three times he left Rome his possession in his will he wept over the poor he brought Rome money through conquests

Both Odysseus and Penelope are known for their intelligence. How does Penelope test Odysseus?

he describes their bed

Casca's line "It was Greek to me" (line 377) is most likely meant to convey:

he doesn't understand Greek

Why does Brutus suggest they not kill Antony as well as Caesar?

he doesn't want to appear like a butcher

What does Odysseus express to Athena that causes him anxiety and keeps him awake?

he doubts the gods will help him in the end he doubts his ability to kill the suitors

In what ways has Dante grown, as demonstrated by his climb?

he follow virgil without fear and with faith

What does Oedipus do in response to Jocasta's death?

he gouges his eyes out

According to Jocasta, what did Laius do in order to avoid the prophecy?

he had others cast away the baby

In The Odyssey, Book 24, where does Hermes lead the suitors?

to asphodel, the underworld

Match the stage of an epic on the left to the event of The Odyssey on the right. call to adventure crossing the threshold tests/allies/enemies abyss/death/rebirth resurrection / return mater of two worlds

heremes tell odysseus he can leave calypso's island odysseus rejects life with calypso and sets out on his raft Odysseus fights the wrath of posiden makes friends on Phaeacia and sails home to the suitors Odysseus enters his own home as a begger and is laughted at by the suitors Odysseus conquers the beggers and his family Odysseus wins back his wife, son, servants, and father and plans to gain wealth and live happily

Who is trapped in the open, burning coffins inside the Gates of Dis?


What has Cassius noticed about Brutus lately?

hes been acting strange

Which word best described Tiresias' tone when he first meets Oedipus?


Match the literary term on the left with the example that most closely represents it on the right. simile metaphor dramatic irony situational irony verbal irony forshadowing

his countenance, like richest alchemy/ will change to virtue and worthiness so in his red blood, Cassius day is set, the sun of Rome is set Caesar walks toward the senate house where the audience knows he will be killed Brutus declares the the death of Caesar will brings peace Antony repeats, Brutus is an honorable man during the funeral speech. Caesar's ghost telliing Brutus he will see Brutus in battle

In The Odyssey, Book 17, who dies as soon as he realizes Odysseus is home?

his dog, argos

What has been neglected or ruined in Odysseus' absence? His fortune The rules of Xenia Sacrifices to the gods His dog His friends, Menelaus and Nestor His son His father His ships

his fortune the rule of xenia his dog his son his fahter

According to Creon, what has led to Oedipus' downfall?

his need to be in control

Why was Dante exiled from his hometown?

his political party fell out of power

What is Brutus' fatal flaw?


Which core Roman value might have led to Cassius' and Brutus' suicide?


Which virtue does Brutus prize the most?


Check each box next to a theme to look for in Julius Caesar.

honor fate ambition

Which values are common in Rome and England? Honor Worshipping many gods Fear of angering a ruler High view of art and philosophy Believe man is capable of perfection

honor fear of angering a ruler high view of art and philosophy

In literature, what would the sun coming up often symbolize?

hope and new life

Which words best describe Jocasta's tone?

hopeful and practical

Based on lines 22-27, which words could best be used to describe Dante's mood?

horified and unsteady

Define Xenia.


Which word best describes Penelope, according to the suitors?


What is the problem with the next island they dock at? (Laestrygonia)

it is home to man-eating giants

Dante put a lot of thought into the language he wrote his poems in, so he decided to write The Divine Comedy in...

italian dialects

What prompts Odysseus' men to look inside his bag of wind?

jealousy and desire for glory

How would you describe Creon's attitude and tone when he enters the throne room?


The Divine Comedy is a long poem that contains three books, which are called:

paradiso purgatorio inferno

Who does Brutus blame for Cassius' death?

julius caesar

What strange sight does Brutus see the night before the battle that no one else sees?

julius caesar's ghost

According to the inscription above the door to the Inferno, which attribute of God moved Him to create this place?


Which event in the myth could be considered Oedipus's act of hubris?

killing the man in the chariot

In The Inferno, Canto 4, based on your knowledge of archetypal imagery, describing Limbo as a "blind world" indicates that it is filled with souls who...

lack knowledge of the truth

Based on your knowledge of archetypal imagery, describing Limbo as a "blind world" indicates that it is filled with souls who...

lack the knowledge of truth

Which word best describes Oedipus' tone when he returns to stage?


In The Odyssey, Book 24, what does Odysseus to do greet his father?

lies about his identity

In The Inferno, Canto 34, how is Satan trapped?

locked in ice

Which words best describe the tone in lines 148-151? "The company of six falls off to two and my wise leader brings me by another way out of the still, into the trembling, air. And I come to a place where nothing shines."

lonely and dreadful

In The Odyssey, when Odysseus and his men first leave Troy, what do they do that prompts Zeus to punish them?

loot the island of cicones

When Odysseus and his men first leave Troy, what do they do that prompts Zeus to punish them?

loot the island of cincones

How do Odysseus and Telemachus cover up the murders while they go to consult with Zeus?

make it appear as though a wedding had happened

Cassius offering his dagger to Brutus so that Brutus can stab him is an example of Cassius':


In The Inferno, Canto 1, we can see Dante the Pilgrim as an allegorical representation for...


In The Inferno, Canto 2, which three heavenly ladies does Dante learn are looking out for him?

mary lucy beatrice

In The Odyssey, Book 16, based on the tone of their conversation, what type of relationship do Eumaeus and Telemachus have?

master and slave

What problem is Telemachus facing at home?

men who want to marry his mother are destroying his fortune

How would you best describe the tone of the suitors' speech toward Telemachus when he returns home?


Plays that traveled around between cities and used allegorical performances to teach morality to young audience members were called:

morality plays

What was the primary topic of Greek plays?

mythology, legends, and history

What demand does Odysseus make of Telemachus as they plan their revenge?

not to tell anyone he has arrived

Who does Tiresias accuse of killing Laius?


According to the laws of Xenia, what should a host do first when a stranger arrives?

offer a fresh bath, clothes and food

In The Inferno, Canto 4, which types of souls dwell in Limbo?

people who believed in God but before Christ came virtuous pagans unbaptized infants

In line 16, the phrase "I saw its shoulders arrayed in the first light of the planet" could be best described as which literary device?


In The Inferno, Canto 24, which mythical creature is Vanni Fucci compared to?


In The Inferno, Canto 4, Dante sees Plato and Aristotle, who are known for being...


What physical mark should Laius's child have, according to Jocasta?

pierced ankles

What reason does the slave give for not letting the baby die?


In The Inferno, Canto 4, which type of soul in Limbo does Dante describe as men with honor?


Which statement best represents Rome's religious beliefs?


The play "Julius Caesar" mostly takes place in the cities of ___ and Philippi.


"People who waste the riches of a king have lost their dignity. Why fuss at this? ... give him the bow and let us watch." Penelope's attitude toward the suitors in this line could most closely be described as...


The main ruling body in the Roman government was known as the:


What has Oedipus already done to help Thebes?

sent his brother in law to an oracle

How does Caesar describe Cassius?


How does Penelope test "The Beggar" to see if he has really met Odysseus?

she asks him to describe Odysseus' clothes

And therefore think him as a serpent's eggWhich, hatch'd, would, as his kind, grow mischievous,And kill him in the shell. Brutus is saying that Caesar..

should be killed before he grows into a menace

In The Inferno, Canto 34, which literary device is being used in these lines to describe Satan's wings? "They had no feathers but looked just like a bat's, / And he kept flapping these wings up and down"


When Hermes arrives at Calypso's island, he sees the goddess immediately. What is Odysseus doing?

sitting by the shore, crying

Thinking about the end of scene 2, which word best describes Brutus and his group?


In The Odyssey Book 20, why does Athena allow the suitors to keep insulting Odysseus?

so he will become more bitter

Why does Athena allow the suitors to keep insulting Odysseus?

so he will become more bitter

In The Odyssey, Book 20, why does Athena allow the suitors to keep insulting Odysseus?

so he will learn humility and become more bitter

Which of the following best represents a universal problem?


According to Nestor, the moral of his story is, "You must not _____ ____ ____ ____."

stay away too long.

In The Odyssey, Book 19, Penelope decides she will marry whichever man...

strings and shoots odysseus' bow

Based on this argument with Creon, Oedipus could best be described as...

stubborn and fearful

"I know where I will wear this dagger then; Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius: Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong; Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat: Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass, Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, Can be retentive to the strength of spirit; But life, being weary of these worldly bars, Never lacks power to dismiss itself. If I know this, know all the world besides, That part of tyranny that I do bear I can shake off at pleasure." What does Cassius say is always an option for getting rid of tyranny?


Based on lines 25-32, which season is Dante comparing the eighth circle to?


Which moment from The Odyssey most closely represents the archetypal "descent into the under world?"

summoning spirits in hades

How would you describe Odysseus' tone when Calypso first tells him he may leave?


Which of the following is NOT a request that Oedipus makes of Creon?

take care of his two daughters

Define apostrophe

talking to something that can't talk back as though it could talk back

What does Calpurnia keep repeating in her sleep?

the caesar had been murdered

In The Inferno, Canto 4, what does Dante learn can rescue a soul from Limbo?

the divine work of Christ

At the beginning of The Inferno, Canto 1, Dante is lost in a dark wood. This dark wood is most likely an allegory for...

the experience living apart from God's laws

Why does Virgil cover Dante's eyes?

the furies threaten to show the head of Medusa

In The Odyssey, Book 23, Penelope at first struggles to believe that Odysseus has returned. Who does she think has killed the suitors?

the gods

Who does Casca say is responsible for the unnatural events?

the gods

Who does Penelope insist must be the reason the suitors are dead?

the gods

What important day falls after this night with unnatural signs?

the ides of march

In The Inferno, Canto 34, how was the mountain of Purgatory created?

the land Satan displaced when he fell from heaven

Which of the following areas did Dante utilize the number three in his poem?

the number of lines in a stanza the number of cantos in each poem the number of rhymed lines

Define Irony.

the opposite of what is expected

From The Divine Comedy, what does the mountain of Purgatory represent?

the penitent christian life

What does the letter that Artemidorus is trying to give Caesar explain?

the peope involved in consperacy

Why are Flavius and Marullus mad at the people?

the people were praising Caesar who didn't deserve it

Who is Oedipus describing in this passage? My curse on him whoe'er unrivedThe waif's fell fetters and my life revived!He meant me well, yet had he left me there,He had saved my friends and me a world of care.

the person who saved his life as a baby

What does the Priest reveal is the problem in Oedipus's kingdom?

the plague is destroying their crops, live stock and people

What simile does the narrator use to describe the scene in the hall after the fight?

the suitors are like caught fish

Define a theme

the universal idea being explored

When Oedipus enters at the beginning of the play, what does he notice immediately about the group?

their mood

What was one reason that people in England were worried about the government?

their queen had no heir

In The Inferno, Canto 24, what type of sin is being punished by attacking, venomous snakes.


In The Inferno, Canto 34, what does Satan have in his three mouths?

three sinners

When Odyssues learns that Melanthius (the goatherd) is smuggling weapons to the suitors, what does he order the slaves to do?

tie him up in the store room and tortue him

Why does Athena encourage Odysseus to beg among the suitors?

to learn if any of them were good

In what way does Odysseus refuse Circe's advice, saying "it was too hard for me."

to not grab his weapons

Why does Portia stab herself?

to prove she was trustworthy

What does an enraged Helius threaten to do if Zeus does not punish the men?

to take his light (sunshine) to Hades

Why do the conspirators wash their hands in Caesar's blood?

to take responsibility for the murder

What does Oedipus threaten the servant with to force him to share the truth?


At the end of the Scene 2 (lines 411-416) Cassius' plan is devised to mainly:

trick Brutus into thinking other Romans prefer Brutus over Cassius

Vanni Fucci's reference to Mars ("Next Mars draws up a bolt from Val di Magra") indicates that the conflict will...

turn into war

Define a tragady.

typically ends in death

Define a comedy.

typically ends in marriage

What are the souls in limbo guilty of, according to Virgil? Not doing enough good deeds to balance out their bad ones Unbaptized Did not worship God rightly Small sins

unbabtized did not worship God rightly

What petition do the conspirators bring to Caesar in order to pull him into an argument and get close to him?

unbanish Metellus' brother

Why do you think that Antony keeps repeating the phrase or a form of the phrase "but Brutus is an honorable man"?

verbal irony

In The Inferno, Canto 1, which historical figure appears to guide Dante toward God?


Which poet will act as Dante's guide through Purgatory?


Romans highly prized a man or woman of ___ who could tell good from evil and would fight to protect the good.


What do the conspirators do to show their confidence in Caesar's killing?

wash their hands in his blood

What story does Cassius recount to prove that he is just as good if not better than Caesar?

when he and Caesar swam across a river

What is Artemdorius' plan to save Caesar?

write him a warning note

Which Greek value does Odysseus appeal to when praying to the god of the river for help?


Does loving honor more than fearing death make Brutus a virtuous Roman according to their societal standards?


What keeps Odysseus and his crew from being able to leave Helios' island as planned?

zues sends a wind that keeps them from sailing

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