English Semester 2 Exam (Comprehension TKAM)

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How does the author mainly show Atticus's commitment to justice in Chapter 9?

He explains to Scout why he is defending Tom Robinson.

What was the name of the historical trial that Lee loosely based her plot on?


Jem breaks "the last tie of childhood" by

revealing that Dill is in the house

What is a WPA job?

A government created job like working on roadways

Mrs. Merriweather is indirectly referring to who when she says "but some of 'em in this town thought they were doing the right thing a while back, but all they did was stir 'em up."

Atticus Finch

Which is an example of a Man vs. Man conflict from the novel?

Atticus Finch vs. Bob Ewell

After the children appear in front of the crowd at the jail,

Atticus becomes frightened

What does Atticus do a good job of that Aunty tries to overlook and "excuse" due to their family heredity?

Atticus is honest with the kids about their own family's brokenness, more than likely so that they don't view themselves as superior to anyone else.

Which of the following best describes Atticus's parenting style in Chapter 3?

Atticus reasons with Scout like an adult.

Near the beginning of Chapter 9, why does Atticus say that "we were licked a hundred years before we started" when referring to the Tom Robinson case?

Atticus says this meaning that racism started before them. Not only is he saying it started before them, but that it started a hundred years before them. This reminds readers of the stereotype that Atticus is going to be given and how Maycomb citizens will think of him since he is defending a black person.

What inference can be drawn from the established fact that Tom had served 30 days in jail for disorderly conduct?

Atticus wants to show Tom has nothing to hide and to reveal the flaws within our judicial system, that the other guy didn't have to serve because he could pay his fine.

Why does a church member have a problem with Calpurnia bringing the kids to their church?

Blacks and whites were segregated, and they had different churches

What is an example of a Man vs. Society conflict from the novel?

Boo Radley

What is an example of a Man vs. Circumstance conflict from the novel?

Compare/contrast Cunninghams vs. Ewells

What's an important theme or lesson we learn from this chapter? (11)

Do not let negative words affect you because it says more about the person who says them and the state they are in than you.

Who was the lowest rung on the economic ladder hit the hardest in Maycomb due to the stock market crash?


When Atticus leaves the courtroom, why does Reverend Sykes say, "Miss Jean Louis, stand up. Your fathers passin"?

Folks were standing up to show their admiration and respect for Atticus.

Why do you think Atticus made his demeanor more casual (attire and tone)?*Think about who a jury is made up of.*

He did this because a jury is mainly made up of common people, so he wanted to relate to them and appeal to this connection.

What was something Jem was made to do that took courage?

He had to go and apologize to Mrs. Dubose.

How does Atticus show courage in this chapter?

He is a gentleman to Mrs. Dubose despite her unkind words about him.

Which of the following best describes how Walter Cunningham compensates Atticus for his legal services?

He pays with wood, hickory nuts, and turnip greens.

Which of the following best describes why Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretends to be drunk?

He pretends to be drunk, so people won't be bothered by his ways.

What inference can be drawn from the established fact that Tom felt he had to run?

He was in a lose-lose situation: stay and be beaten or killed by Bob vs. run and possibly end up in court.

What happened to Tom while trying to escape from prison?

He was shot and killed becasue he wasn't climbing fast enough with one less arm.

What is Atticus trying to do here by establishing that in our courts "all men are created equal"?

He's trying to appeal to the jury's sense of right and wrong that they need to treat Tom as an equal in their ruling and not let prejudice win out.

What is true about the author, Harper Lee?

Her father was also an attorney. Her mother's maiden name was Finch. Plot was loosely based on events near her hometown.

The conversation between Scout and Miss Maudie on Miss Maudie's porch in Chapter 5 mainly shows ...

How much Miss Maudie cares about Scout

When Scout begins the back story on how Jem broke his arm, she starts from the summer she was six. Is her age important to keep in mind as you read the novel? Why or why not?

It is important to keep Scout's age in mind, because she is a six year old at the beginning of the story. This causes some of her information to be a little bit botched and not completely true. She tends to be a little bit extreme and almost overdramatic when describing characters like Boo Radley. Readers have to keep in consideration that they are gathering all their information from a six year old and what she hears from her 10 year old brother.

Which of the following inferences best explains why Jem refuses to leave the jailhouse?

Jem doesn't want to leave his father alone with the mob.

Which of the following statements best summarizes Jem's feelings when he tells Scout about the night he retrieved his pants?

Jem is flustered; he feels as though someone read his mind.

Which of the following statements best explains why Jem returns to the Radley house for his pants?

Jem is more afraid of disappointing his father than he is of Mr. Radley.

Explain how Jem has stopped thinking of Boo Radley as a source of danger in Chapter 8 while Scout hasn't yet come to the same conclusion?

Jem is no longer thinking of Boo Radley as a source of danger after he realizes that Boo has been watching them and hasn't hurt them. He also uses the fact that Boo put a blanket around Scout the night of the fire a reason to trust him a lott bit more. Scout hasn't let herself come ot this feeling yet. She is still eery of Boo since she heard the laughing in the house.

Which of the following inferences about Jem's reaction to Mr. Radley filling the knot hole is best supported by the text?

Jem is upset.

How are readers and Miss Caroline similar in their understanding of Maycomb society at this point in the novel? How does Harper Lee use the character of Miss Caroline to introduce readers to what everyone else in Maycomb already "knows"?

Miss Caroline is new and doesn't know any of the families that different children belong to. She doesn't expect anything based on anyone's last name. Readers don't know the characters or their backgrounds, so we fit in the same category as her. Harper Lee uses the character of Burris Ewell to show how Miss Caroline doesn't know the children very well or how Maycomb rolls. The kids knew that it's best to leave Burris alone since he wasn't going to come back to school anyway, but Miss Caroline asked him to mind and stay in class which just drove him out. All the students saw it coming and they tried to comfort her by asking her to read the class a book.

Choose the best possible reason for why Mr. Cunningham squats down, responds to Scout, and leaves.

Scout reminds him of the kindness Atticus has shown to him and of his own humanity, which was lost amidst the collective racism of the mob.

Which inference about Scout is best supported by Chapter 4?

Scout's feelings about Boo Radley are affected.

What is the effect Harper Lee created here as Scout compares this moment to feeling like that cold winter day when their neighborhood was still and the rabid dog was coming down the street?

She creates a sense of foreboding that something bad is about to come. It makes us fear what the ruling will be.

How does Scout show courage in this chapter? (11)

She goes with Jem even though she's scared.

What inference can be drawn from the established fact that Mayella is 19, has no friends, and asked for Tom's help a lot?

She must be lonely with no one who makes her feel loved.

Which of these inferences about Calpurnia is best supported by the scene when Walter comes over for dinner?

She wants Scout to be a kind person

What does Atticus claim Mayella was doing by accusing Tom Robinson?

She was trying to hide her guilt by putting the evidence of her offense away from her (much like a child would do).

What inference can be drawn from both Sheriff Tate's and Bob Ewell's testimony that Mayella's face was bruised on the right side?

The person who hit her must lead predominantly with their left hand.

At the missionary meeting, what do they discuss?

The unfair treatment of blacks in Maycomb

Which inference about the town of Maycomb is best supported by Chapter 1?

There are boundaries drawn and observed between blacks and whites as well as anyone living outside the norm.

Which of the following inferences best explains how the citizens of Maycomb feel about the Radleys?

They are suspicious of people who don't conform to their way of life.

Which of the following statements best explains why Mayella believes Atticus is mocking her?

addressing her formally

When Scout and Jem ask questions about the lack of hymn books and where Calpurnia went to school it mainly suggests that they __________________.

are unaware that the black citizens of Maycomb are denied an education

Scout's conversation with Mr. Cunningham

breaks the tension and sends the crowd home.

Heck Tate testifies that neither he nor Bob Ewell...

called a doctor to examine Mayella

Based on the narrator's description, Boo is believed to be...

extremely dangerous

Atticus tells Jem that because of the incident the night before the trial (at the jail), he rejected all the Cunninghams and their relations as jurors. t or f


Jem and Scout think Mr. Ewell's threats are laughable and scoff when Aunt Alexandra suggests that Atticus carry a gun. t or f


Scout and Jem agree that people are all alike and not different kind of folks. t or f


Mrs. Merriweather is talking about how "sad" the blacks everywhere else are so she shows kindness to her own black servant and thinks that blacks and white should not be separated. t or f

false. She complains about how her black servant was sulking after Tom Robinson's trial. She continues to talk about how people of different races should be separated. Very ironic

After Atticus asks the children to behave like proper Finches,

he tells them to forget what he said.

Aunt Alexandra is preoccupied with

heredity and manners.

Dill explains that he ran away from his mother and stepfather because they

ignored him or didn't need him

What is said about Mockingbirds?

it is a sin to kill one

Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra displayed _______ for Scout.

moral courage

Miss Maudie's definition of someone having "background" describes...

someone who humbly knows they aren't better than anyone else because of their skin, family, etc.

Atticus calmly ignores Bob Ewell's insults and vow of revenge. t or f


Aunt Alexandra refuses to consider inviting Walter Cunningham home because she thinks he's trash. t or f


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