English Unit 1 Semester 2

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Quote any three descriptions that Edwards uses to describe the dangers of eternal death that are vivid to you.

"the fire pent up in their own hearts is struggling to break out: and they have no interest in any Mediator, there are no means within reach that can be any security to them. In short, they have no refuge, nothing to take hold of, all that preserves them every moment is the mere arbitrary will, and uncovenanted, unobliged forbearance of an incensed God." "You probably are not sensible of this; you find you are kept out of hell, but do not see the hand of God in it; but look at other things, as the good state of your bodily constitution, your care of your own life, and the means you use for your own preservation. But indeed these things are nothing; if God should withdraw his band, they would avail no more to keep you from falling, than the thin air to hold up a person that is suspended in it." "That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone, is extended abroad under you. There is the dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God; there is hell's wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon, nor any thing to take hold of, there is nothing between you and hell but the air; it is only the power and mere pleasure of God that holds you up."

Diaries are usually written for one of these two reasons: _____. 1. 2.

1. Enjoyment 2. Posterity

The first book to be written in America was Smith's _____.

A True Relation

Reread the first two paragraphs. According to Edwards, to whom has God promised eternal life?

According to Edwards, God has promised eternal life to believers.

The Tatler and Spectator papers were produced by _____.

Addison Steele

The Tatler and the Spectator papers were essays written by _____.

Addison and Steele

An Englishman who wrote essays about travel, truth, riches, and other serious subjects was _____.


Lee, the American


Abraham Lincoln

Carl Sandburg

A very famous six-volume biography is _____.

Carl Sandburg's biography of Abraham Lincoln

The two English poets who wrote literary essays about poetry were _____.

Coleridge Wordsworth

A biography of John Winthrop was written by _____.

Cotton Mather

Write a short paragraph (at least five sentences) giving evidence of Douglass' skills as a writer.

Douglass has amazing skills when it comes to writing. He uses great punctuation and grammer; he keep all of his readers hooked on the story he is telling. He uses great metaphors when he writes. He tells a story like no other, he gives great life skills and he helps us understand the things he has gone through.

Two people presented in this unit who wrote personal narratives about their own spiritual conflicts or growth are _____.

Edwards and ten Boom

From your reading of the essay and from the Statement "Life is ephemeral," define the word ephemeral.

Ephemeral is something that lasts only for a short amount of time.

A formal essay is light in tone, witty and charming in style, and often gently satirical. True False


A good argument should never be controversial. True False


An essay should always be serious and formal in tone because it is dealing with informational material that must be accurate and precise. True False


Analytical papers may not be written about abstract subjects. True False


Argumentative writing uses comparison and contrast. True False


Byrd explains the problems he encountered with Powhatan. True False


Coherence literally means analytical. True False


Corrie ten Boom's account of her personal experience in meeting again her former Nazi guard from the concentration camp indicates how easy it is to learn to forgive others. True False


Details should always be listed from most important to least important. True False


Diaries, journals, and letters are largely imaginative in scope and, therefore, are untrustworthy as sources of information on a particular period of history. True False


Fiction is that type of writing which stresses factual information or specific viewpoints of the author. True False


Figurative language is a precise explanation of a situation or process. True False


Frederick Douglass was treated kindly by Mr. Covey. True False


Hyperbole refers to any type of exposition using figurative language. True False


Imagination is a basic factor in correct expository writing. True False


Nonfiction writing depends heavily upon the writer's imagination to develop a formal style. True False


Nonfiction writing is of little importance today because of the widespread use of computers. True False


Nonfiction writing leans heavily on the writer's imagination and fantasy through the use of argumentative prose. True False


Persuasive writers try to broaden the reader's outlook so that he will accept all viewpoints about a subject. True False


Persuasive writers want the reader to assume a very broad outlook and to be willing to accept all viewpoints on a special subject. True False


Propaganda is an unacceptable type of writing that promotes only problems and encourages a narrow viewpoint about things. True False


Satirical writing was first developed by twentieth-century journalists. True False


Since an editor is giving his opinion, facts are not important. True False


The Diary of Anne Frank is a record kept by an early Dutch settler. True False


The elderly emphemera felt that his struggles in life were worth it because he gained a name for himself. True False


The essay is a very new genre of nonfiction literature developed in the early twentieth century in America. True False


Truth can never be "stranger than fiction" because fiction involves the fantastic and unusual. True False


Writing that distorts the truth for evil purposes is referred to as fictional. True False


R. E. Lee


Which of these sentences creates the more vivid image?

Her red sneakers reeked like stale cheddar left in the sun for a week.

Which of these sentences creates the more vivid image?

His Bose system rattled her picture window as he cruised the neighborhood; the Beatles exploded out with his opening door.

The Declaration of Independence was primarily written by _____.


The selection illustrating the idea that "the pen is mightier than the sword" is _____.

Jefferson's letter to Paine

teaching in Kentucky hill country

Jesse Stuart

A True Relation is a semi-historical account by _____.

John Smith

Cotton Mather wrote a biography of ________.

John Winthrop

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is the name of a sermon by _____.

Jonathan Edwards

The word essai, or essay, was first used by a French man named _____.


What did Mr. Franklin learn from his observations that he sought to communicate to his readers?

Mr. Franklin learned from his observations that no matter how long you live your life, you should live it well.

Which of these sentences creates the more vivid image?

Pens, paper, a detective novel, and a salami sandwich escaped Serina's briefcase as she tripped up the courthouse steps.

Douglas S. Freeman wrote an account of the life of _____.

Robert E. Lee

Create your own extended definition for poetry, automobile, or exposition.

The definition of automobile is a 4 wheeled transporting device that helps people go to different places.

What led to the imprisonment of the ten Boom family?

They helped the Jews by hiding them.

A persuasive argument should be logical and tactful. True False


A propaganda writer hopes to convince the reader of his particular viewpoint by using argumentative prose. True False


A vignette is a short, concise story about an author's favorite person or about an unusual personality. True False


A writer often aims to convince the reader of his particular belief or viewpoint through the use of argumentative prose. True False


Analysis may deal with concrete or abstract subjects. True False


Analytical writing breaks down a process, an idea, or a literary composition into its parts. True False


Biography can be used to reveal a historical period through the examination of one representative person's life. True False


Both the novel and the short story are genres of fiction. True False


Captain John Smith may have exaggerated or even invented parts of his account, A True Relation. True False


Cotton Mather was a Puritan minister. True False


Editorials are a type of essay found in newspapers. True False


Formal writing is usually more serious in tone, exact in form, and concrete in style than informal writing. True False


Illustrative writing makes use of definitions, details, examples, or comparisons to present a clear, logical explanation. True False


Nonfiction writing leans heavily upon exposition to accomplish its purpose. True False


Persuasive writing is generally serious in tone and uses an argumentative pattern of exposition. True False


Propaganda may be both positive and negative in viewpoint and effect. True False


The Diary of Anne Frank describes the life of a Jewish girl during World War I I. True False


The analytical pattern is used in literary criticism. True False


The purpose of argumentative writing is to change a reader's opinion. True False


The term essay comes from a French word essai, meaning to try to attempt something. True False


The use of details is commonly used in illustrative writing. True False


Thomas Jefferson's letter applauds Thomas Paine's efforts. True False


Three ways to arrange details are in order of place, outstanding feature, or relative importance. True False


Two early American diarists or historians were Captain John Smith and William Bradford. True False


William Bradford's account about the Puritans, The History of Plymouth Plantation, is serious in tone. True False


William Byrd II wrote an informal, yet informative, account of a trip to Virginia and the Carolinas. True False


Essays about literature were written by _____.

Wordsworth and Coleridge


a hatred for Jews and Jewish customs

What attitude does Crevecoeur seem to express about America?

a land of opportunity


able to be proved or demonstrated

An article stating the opinion of a publisher is called _____.

an editorial

A serious or witty composition meant to briefly express ideas, views, feelings, or reactions to situations in life is _____.

an essay

a type of writing which breaks down a process or situation into its parts


Which are major writing patterns of exposition?

analytical argumentative illustrative

The process of dividing into parts to study the whole is called the _____.

analytical pattern

Reader's Digest and Science Digest are examples of the _____ type of magazine.


attempts to convince


used to convince the reader that a certain fact is correct

argumentative pattern

a writing in a newspaper or magazine


An author's story about himself is _____.


the life story of a person written by himself


a passenger vehicle having four wheels and self-propelled by an engine


Poe states that the province of a poem is _____.


factual accounts of the lives of famous people


Douglass says his experiences with Mr. Covey turned him into a "_________."




Which of the following are characteristics of exposition?

clarity coherence completeness conciseness

Which of the following are desirable characteristics of exposition?

clarity cohesion completeness conciseness

A helpful method for showing the relationships between parts is _____.


The peak high point of the plot in fiction is called the _____.


The quality of logic in writing is called _____.


parts fit together in a unified whole


What were the prison conditions (Check all correct answers.)?

cold little food cruel treatment forced labor

Which are methods used in illustrative exposition?

comparison definition example supporting detail

The point-by-point method is suitable for _____.

complex essays lengthy essays



The quality of making writing short and unified is called _____.


Bradford's biography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was _____.



debatable; writing that presents various sides of an issue

tries to paint a picture with words and graphic details


A type of writing that paints with words is known as _____.


giving a picture of something in words


a personal record of daily events and feelings


Cheerfulness, sadness, or nostalgia in descriptive writing is known as _____.

dominant mood

cheerfulness, sadness, or nostalgia

dominant mood

The types of issues commonly dealt with by editorialists are _____.

economic political social

An essay type of writing stating the opinions of the publisher is called a(n) _____.


gives one's opinions about a current problem or issue


opinions of editor or publisher


share and understand the feelings and experiences of others


What are three things humorous writing provides?

entertainment a method of criticism emotional release

Something which is short-lived or passing is called _____.


Formal and informal refer to two types of _____.


Exposition is a kind of nonfiction writing which _____.

explains a subject by illustration

A kind of prose writing in which the writer explains information is called _____.


A type of nonfiction which explains a particular subject is called _____.


a type of writing which explains something


explanatory type of writing


One major characteristic of nonfiction is that it deals with _____.


A major characteristic of nonfiction writing is that it is _____.


The rescue of John Smith by Pocahontas is believed to have been _____.

fictional or exaggerated

The broad term for the use of similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification is called ___________.

figurative language

Coherence in a nonfiction writing means that it _____.

follows a logical pattern

Two styles of essays are _____.

formal informal

gives author's thoughts or ideas, or presents information in a serious tone

formal essay

distinctive groups of art or literature; species or class


Winthrop held what political position?


What tragedies befell Corrie ten Boom while she was imprisoned (Check all correct answers.)?

her father died her sister died

the quality which makes something comic, amusing, or ludicrous


". . . neither cast your pearls before swine. . ."


comparison by exaggeration


Four major topics written about in nonfiction are: _____.

ideas biography or autobiography personal experiences humor

use of examples, definition, detail, or comparison

illustrative pattern

A kind of writing in which the writer paints a word picture is called _____.

illustrative writing

witty, familiar, chatty writing on a topic of general interest

informal essay

Franklin claimed to have heard and understood the conversation of ephemera, a type of _____.


The houses built by Byrd were constructed of _____.

logs, with pine and cypress shingles

Two of the most popular forms of nonfiction are _____.

magazines newspapers

diary or journal with a historical emphasis


"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord."


Read these quotations from Douglass' autobiography. "to drink the bitterest dregs of slavery" ". . .the dark night of slavery closed in upon me. . ." "Those beautiful vessels, robed in purest white, . . . were to me so many shrouded ghosts. . ." The literary technique used in all three examples is _____.


a direct comparison between two things in one major respect


direct comparison


factual writing as opposed to imaginative writing


Three ways to arrange details are _____.

order of importance order of place order of outstanding feature

manner of development or overall plan of an essay or nonfiction writing


The Declaration of Independence states that _____.

people tend to endure hardships, rather than rebel

The central thesis of biography is the _____.

personality of the subject

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity . . . is not puffed up."


comparison giving inanimate objects human qualities


an explanation in speech or writing


form of literature written by a poet


Edwards says the ________ of God keeps sinful mankind from going to hell immediately.

power and pleasure

Argumentative or persuasive types of writing are also called _____.


Using the argumentative pattern to persuade a person to a particular point of view is a form of _____.


Edwards next became aware of "that serpent," of "a _________ and __________ spirit."

proud self-righteous

recall of past events or memories


The sight of ____________ would fill Douglass with torment.


clever writing that pokes fun at a situation


Setting and historical events play a _____.

secondary role

The emphemera's lifespan was so _________that it measured its life by __________.

short minutes


short descriptive literary sketch

The block method is suitable for _____.

shorter essays

" . . . I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."


comparison using like or as


Jonathan Edwards wrote about his growing ___________ awareness.


Edwards described the following events in his Personal Narrative: enjoyment of God's majesty revealed by nature's power enjoyment of nature's beauties desire to become a complete Christian delight in God's absolute sovereignty spiritual awareness and growth awareness of pride and self righteousness Put the events in the proper order by clicking through each blue box.

spiritual awareness and growth enjoyment of nature's beauties enjoyment of God's majesty revealed by nature's power desire to become a complete Christian awareness of pride and self righteousness delight in God's absolute sovereignty

Poe says that the sole arbiter of poetry is _____.


Jesse Stuart wrote an autobiography about his life as a _____.

teacher in rural Kentucky

A definition should include (Check all correct answers.): _____.

the classification to which the word belongs explanation of how the word differs from others in its class an example of the word's use

The essay tells of _____.

the importance of natural resources to man the accomplishments of man all of nature works together for man's benefit

figurative language

the use of comparisons to enhance writing; descriptions not to be taken literally


the use of sarcasm or irony to attack or ridicule an idea considered to be foolish

In the final paragraph of the selection, Franklin writes: To me, after all my eager pursuits, no solid pleasures now remain, but the reflection of a long life spent in meaning well, the sensible conversation of a few good lady ephemerae, and now and then a kind smile and a tune from the ever amiable Brillante. In this paragraph when he refers to "the conversation of good lady epehemerae," he means _____.

the women he enjoys talking with have life spans as short as his own

French writings similar to essays were called pensees, or ______.


In observing nature, Edwards most enjoyed seeing a __________.


Argumentative writing is a type of expository prose which _____.

tries to convince the reader

The word essay originally meant _____.


Short character sketches are called _____.


short, compact, literary composition


An author combines words, phrases, and clauses to create a _____.

visual image

The questions a newspaper article should answer are _____.

who, what, when, where, how?


witty, concise sayings, like proverbs

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