English unit 3 MCQ
Which details from the passage would best support a reader's interpretation that escape is a central theme of the passage?
E) Tom's description of the gentleman caller and his reference to the postcard from Mazatlan
In lines 21-40 ("There . . . home"), the speaker's juxtaposition of her life in New Orleans with her life at "home" primarily serves to emphasize
A) the harsh reality of her situation
In the second and third paragraphs, the specific references to time ("the thirties") and place ("Spain," "Chicago, Cleveland, Saint Louis") primarily serve to
A) reinforce the notion that the play is part of a "world of reality" (paragraph 5) that will be reconstructed from "memory" (paragraph 4)
Which lines from the passage would best support a reader's claim that one of the central themes of the passage is independence?
B) "Such few pleasures as he could contrive for himself gained an added relish from the likelihood that they would be displeasing to his guardian, and from the realm of his imagination she was locked out—an unclean thing, which should find no entrance" (paragraph 2)
Lines 29-34 ("I thought . . . ends") suggest that the speaker imitated Miss J— primarily because she
D) regarded speech like Miss J—'s as a means of self-improvement
In the third sentence of the first paragraph, the narrator's description of Mrs. De Ropp as "those three-fifths of the world that are necessary and disagreeable and real" suggests that
B) Mrs. De Ropp is a strict person who fails to appreciate Conradin's creative spirit
According to Tom, the presence of the "gentleman caller" mentioned in the fifth paragraph reinforces a conflict between
C) waiting and fulfillment
Overall, the poem can best be interpreted as a
A) social commentary using a historical period
In the fifth paragraph, Tom's description of the "gentleman caller" has which effect?
B) It prompts Tom to admit that he is prone to attaching figurative meaning to characters.
Which of the following does the speaker imply about her "plain English and good writing" (line 6) ?
B) That she had mistakenly believed that these skills would be sufficient to get her a job
Toward the end of the final paragraph, Conradin's "exchange" of "a long-secreted hoard of small silver" with the butcher-boy is significant because it
B) develops the idea that Conradin finds joy in acts that would be displeasing to Mrs. De Ropp
The second paragraph ("Mrs. De Ropp . . . entrance") suggests that Conradin is able to cope with his situation primarily by
C) retreating to the security of an interior world
In the first paragraph, Tom's claim that he is "the opposite of a stage magician" and that he tells the "truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion" suggests that he
C) will tell the "truth" in a way that his audience can accept
Which of the following effects does the "large polecat-ferret" mentioned toward the end of the final paragraph have on the development of Conradin's character?
D) It fulfills Conradin's imaginative ideal because he is able to transform it into "a god and a religion" (paragraph 3).
What is the source of the internal conflict acknowledged by the speaker?
E) She realizes that her race and gender will make it difficult for her to achieve her goals.
In the sixth paragraph, the description of Tom's father, the "fifth character in the play," introduces which idea?
E) The void created by the father's absence serves as an important character itself.
In the third sentence of the final paragraph, the "disused tool-shed" functions primarily as a setting in which Conradin
E) discovers meaningful solitude
Lines 27-28 ("Their . . . to me") emphasize the speaker's sense that her
E) past life and true identity are always present