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A True Relation is a semi-historical account by _____.

John Smith


Lee, the American

The word essai, or essay, was first used by a French man named _____.



Paraphrase still requires citation.


a statement that one thing is like another

Which are major writing patterns of exposition? Select all that apply.

analytical, argumentative, illustrative

Reader's Digest and Science Digest are examples of the _____ type of magazine.


Thoreau's essay, Civil Disobedience, represents which type of writing?


To critique a new science book, a writer should use the ______ pattern of exposition.


To persuade the citizen to vote for a new reform bill, the writer would use the ________ pattern.


An author's story about himself is _____.


One major characteristic of nonfiction is that it deals with _____.


Two styles of essays are: _____.

formal & informal


gives human qualities to inanimate objects or ideas

The most common metrical pattern in English poetry is _____.

iambic pentameter

Jesse Stuart

teaching in Kentucky hill country

The word essay originally meant _____.



uses exaggeration for a particular effect

relative pronoun

who, whose, whom, which, that, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, or whatever


witty, concise sayings, like proverbs


- 3 of Middle Ages: morality, mystery (bible stories), miracle (based on saints) - accepted > Renaissance - origin: religious rituals - written origin: Greece - Rome: secular - 16th and 17th centuries


- George remains in Grover's Corners, changing his mind about attending college. - 3 years from act 1 - talks during service: Mrs. Soames - Mrs. Gibbs serves French Toast - George/Emily discover feelings @ Morgan's drugstore - s.m. describes gibbs/webb breakfast, howie deliver milk - George/Emily fear growing up, making mistakes/never being perfect


- Greek view of criticism diff. - objective: facts - subjective: feelings - deals w author's style and technique > analysis - deals w author's message significant? > evaluation - deals w content & meaning of text > interpretation - whether or not novel liked irrevelant - thesis > reasonable - steps: 1. know text 2. select topic 3. find evidence 4. outline 5. write essay (then revision) - should analyze all parts of book - "separating the whole into its parts so as to create a serious analysis"


- HEADING, NOTES, SOURCE - summary - direct quote - paraphrase = - quote+own words - critical > judgement


- What is it? What are some examples of it? What is it like? What is it not like? What caused it? What did it affect? How can it be classified or divided? - block outline > shorter ; opposite > point-by-point - Three ways to arrange details are : order of place/outstanding feature/relative importance - Classification is a helpful method for showing relationships between parts


- argumentative pattern: used to convince the reader that a certain fact is correct - editorial: gives one's opinions about a current problem or issue - article: writing in newspapers and magazines - formal essay: gives author's thoughts or ideas, or presents information in a serious tone - biography: factual account of the lives of famous people - diary: a personal record of daily events and feelings - exposition: a type of writing which explains something - autobiography: the life story of a person written by himself - informal essay: witty, familiar, chatty writing on a topic of general interest - description: tries to paint a picture with words and graphic details

Hemingway's dialogue could be described as: _____.

- brief,realistic - sn: courage > problem

Art of Drama

- comedy: amuses, protagonist success, lighter subjects - tragedy: serious, protag. defeated - reflection, criticism, interp of life - purpose of drama: mirror reality, examine moral/social values, extend play so no direct consequences - setting / last concern - plot / FIRST - successful reading: imagination/attention to hints & details ; steps: 1. read list of characters 2. identify relationships 3. note setting/scene 4. dialogue clues to personalities, etc.

Mark Twain

- developed art of storytelling, social and political criticism, romantic revival - historical: Prince & Pauper, Connecticut Yankee

Drama in America

- early styles: romantic, vernacular - trends 1865 to 1914 (following revo): serious subjects, realism, symbolism - slow start b/c prejudice (monarchy relation), no audience/funds, Puritans outlawed drama - expressionism: distorts external appearances > deeper meanings - 1st major: Eugene O'Neill - modern playwrights: Inge, Albee, Williams, Miller (psychological, not social), Wilder - Odets & Hellman > social criticism - "new drama" > 20th century / pw's of this time: O'Neill, Anderson, Rice - STAGE YANKEE - scrim: thin curtain - little theater, university theater, legitimate theater, regional theater, Broadway, motion pictures, repertory theater, television


- grover's corners: 6 churches, combo town hall/post office/jail - 86% republicans/85% protestants - NOT SET: grover's c, new hampshire, may 7, 1938 - exposition through mono by stage manager - GIBBS no BLANKET - tombstones date 1670 & 1680 - rebecca concerned w looks - population: 2,642 - s.m. preserve play in cornerstone of new bank - actors throughout theater

Figurative Language in the Novel

- prose fiction ~ literal images


- rainy day - s.m. says emily being buried - ends w george @ cemetery & dead (inclu. emily) pointing out lack of understanding from living - george gave emily post-card album 12th b-day - e&g had farm w new barn - dead aware of earth life but lost interest - warning about visiting life: might not want to return to death

Edith Wharton

- realistic dramatic fiction of the soul - Sinclair Lewis

The Old Man and the Sea

- simple language - sensitivity to impressions to words - war > tragic - style > spare - obsession w death - ATMOSPHERE directs reader's attitude & expectations - Jesse Owens - old man lived in shack - Santiago ~ alone - boy: polite, caring - old man: tanned, calm, think, gaunt, wrinkled - 84 since fish - CUBA

The American Novel

- the emigrants by gilbert imlay - algerine captives ~ satire - Charkes Brown ~ gothic - modern chivalry ~ picaresque - the female review/maria kittle/Memoirs of the Bloomergrove Family ~ historical - power of sympathy 1st american novel - crime ~ William Simms - Herrick ~ idealist - Glasglow ~ social history - Dreiser ~ naturalist school


- theme: man has dignity/destiny - childhood in China - 1st Pulitzer for Bridge of San Luis Rey; 2nd for Our Town - innovator - born 1897 in Madison, WIS - teacher

Desert Storm

- war against iraq


1. Satirical writing was first developed by twentieth-century journalists. F 2.


1. boy:old man - old man's youth 2. fish:man's life - be in life 3. life:sea - find one's life 4. poverty:riches - find one's own resources

functions as 1. adjective / 2. noun / 3. noun, adj, adverb

1. participial 2. gerund 3. infinitive

The ephemera's lifespan was so (1) that it measured its life by (2).

1. short 2. hours

The first book to be written in America was Smith's _____.

A True Relation

Carl Sandburg

Abraham Lincoln

The Tatler and Spectator papers were produced by: ______. Select all that apply.

Addison & Steele

The Tatler and the Spectator papers were essays written by _____.

Addison and Steele

An Englishman who wrote essays about travel, truth, riches, and other serious subjects was ______.


One of the earliest American autobiographies was written by _____.

Benjamin Franklin

Which of the following men wrote an autobiography?

Benjamin Franklin

Hawthorne Influences:

Bunyan, Spenser, Sir Walter Scott

A very famous six-volume biography is ______.

Carl Sandburg's biography of Abraham Lincoln

The two English poets who wrote literary essays about poetry were: ______.

Coleridge & Wordsworth

What two methods of cataloging books are the most common?

Dewey Decimal System, Library of Congress

Argumentative writing uses comparison and contrast.


Byrd explains the problems he encountered with Powhatan.


Coherence literally means analytical.


Figurative language is a precise explanation of a situation or process.


For the remainder of his moments, he would enjoy his few remaining pleasures, the company and conversation of female ephemera and the knowledge that he had meant well in life.


Nonfiction writing can be trusted to be true.


Persuasive writers try to broaden the reader's outlook so that he will accept all viewpoints about a subject.


Propaganda is an unacceptable type of writing that promotes only problems and encourages a narrow viewpoint about things.


Since an editor is giving his opinion, facts are not important.


The Diary of Anne Frank is a record kept by an early Dutch settler.


The elderly ephemera felt that his struggles in life were worth it because he gained a name for himself.


Truth can never be "stranger than fiction" because fiction involves the fantastic and unusual.


Writing that distorts the truth for evil purposes is referred to as fictional.


Who composed the first writing in English called essays?

Francis Bacon

The first American picaresque novel was _____.

H.H. Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry

The Declaration of Independence was written by _____.


The selection illustrating the idea that "the pen is mightier than the sword" is ______.

Jefferson's letter to Paine

Essays about literature were written by _____.

Jonathan Swift

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" is the name of a speech by ______.

Patrick Henry


R.E. Lee

Which of the following people is not an American essayist?

Richard Steele

Douglas S. Freeman wrote an account of the life of ______.

Robert E. Lee


The forms of nonfiction include formal and informal essays, speeches, letters, diaries, journals, biographies, magazine articles, and newspaper stories.

An early American diarist or historian was Captain John Smith.


An essay should always be serious and formal in tone because it is dealing with informational material that must be accurate and precise.


Analytical writing breaks down a process, an idea, or a literary composition into its parts.


Captain John Smith may have exaggerated or even invented parts of his account, A True Relation.


Editorials are a type of essay found in newspapers.


Formal writing is usually more serious in tone, exact in form, and concrete in style than informal writing.


Illustrative writing makes use of definitions, details, examples, or comparisons to present a clear, logical explanation.


The Diary of Anne Frank describes the life of a Jewish girl during World War I I.


The analytical pattern is used in literary criticism.


The use of details is commonly used in illustrative writing.


Thomas Jefferson's letter applauds Thomas Paine's efforts.


William Byrd II wrote an informal, yet informative, account of a trip to Virginia and the Carolinas.


Which is an example of the analytical method?


The first American novel was written by _____.

William Hill Brown - The Power of Sympathy


a consequence or result

metrical foot

a device for measuring the sounds of poetry


a direct comparison between two different things

What attitude does Crevecoeur seem to express about America?

a land of opportunity


a language used by a people of a certain country or people; informal speech

Select all that apply. Addison and Steele's periodical the Tatler eventually included _____.

a single essay, satire, educational material, entertainment

Which of the following examples is not an example of nonfiction?

a sitcom on television

universal symbol

a universal suggestion of meaning

An informal writing style in nonfiction would contain _____.

a witty, chatty approach


a word, phrase, or paragraph joining one idea to another


able to be proved or demonstrated

subordinating conjunction

although, as, as if, so that, because, since, though, when, where, while, or in order that

The process of dividing into parts to study the whole is called the _____.

analytical pattern

Poe states that the province of a poem is _____.


What are the four major methods of analyzing a character?

by what the other characters say about the character by what the character says by what the character does by what the author says about the character

In an effort to be published, Franklin the boy _____.

changed his handwriting on an anonymous paper

Effective incidents spring naturally from ____.


Which of the following are desirable characteristics of exposition? Select all that apply.

clarity cohesion completeness concern conciseness

Which of the following are characteristics of exposition? Select all that apply.

clarity, coherence, completeness, conciseness

The peak high point of the plot in fiction is called the _____.


The quality of logic in writing is called _____.


The quality of making writing short and unified is called _____.


Which are methods used in illustrative exposition? Select all that apply.

comparison, definition, example, supporting detail

What should descriptive writing aim to do?

create a dominant mood

Bradford's biography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was _____.


A type of writing that paints with words is known as ______.



design or pattern of play


direct explanation, syns

Cheerfulness, sadness, or nostalgia in descriptive writing is known as _____.

dominant mood

The types of issues commonly dealt with by editorialists are: _____. Select all that apply.

economic, political, social

An essay type of writing stating the opinions of the publisher is called a(n) ______.


What are three things humorous writing provides?

entertainment, a method of criticism, emotional release

Something which is short-lived or passing is called _____.


A serious or witty composition meant to briefly express ideas, views, feelings, or reactions to situations in life is an _____.


The line "give me liberty or give me death" is an example of ______.

ethos and pathos

Exposition is a kind of nonfiction writing which _____.

explains a subject by illustration

A type of nonfiction which explains a particular subject is called _____.


A major characteristic of nonfiction writing is that it is _____.


The account of Pocahontas's rescue of John Smith is believed to have been _____.


Language which describes ideas, people, or things by stated or implied comparison is called _____.


When a writer describes one thing by comparing it to something else, he is using _____.

figurative language


finds its meaning in the structure in which it is used

Coherence in a nonfiction writing means that it _____.

follows a logical pattern

To define a subject by use of comparison and contrast, the ______ method should be used.


Specific types of exposition are: _____. Select all that apply.

illustrative analytical argumentative

Identity the three major patterns for exposition.

illustrative persuasive analytical

A kind of writing in which the writer paints a word picture is called _____.

illustrative writing

What is the definition of propaganda?

information designed to mislead or promote a particular opinion

Franklin claimed to have heard and understood the conversation of ephemera, a type of ______.


The houses built by Byrd were constructed of _____.

logs, with pine and cypress shingles

Two of the most popular forms of nonfiction are: _____.

magazines & newspapers


nonfiction that explains or describes a given subject

gothic novel

novel containing elements of magic, mystery, horror, ghosts, strange houses, and other strange occurrences

picaresque novel

novel that presents a chronicle or life of a person of low degree who lives by his wits; usually contains satirical comments on society

At the time that Franklin's brother started his newspaper, how many newspapers were already in circulation?


The Declaration of Independence states that _____.

people tend to endure hardships, rather than rebel

The central thesis of biography is the _____.

personality of the subject

The kind of writing which gives human qualities to inanimate objects or ideas is called _____.


free verse

poetry with no recognizable form or meter

A subject complement is also known as a(n) _____.

predicate noun

Argumentative or persuasive types of writing are also called _____.


Using the argumentative pattern to persuade a person to a particular point of view is a form of _____.


The blending of humor with criticism to attain social or political reform is called _____.



satirized; treated a serious subject ridiculously or a trivial subject as important

Setting and historical events play a ____ in good biography.

secondary role


separating or breaking up of any whole into its parts to find their nature, function, or relationship


short descriptive literary sketch

Nonfiction writing employs which type of figurative language? Select all that apply.

simile, metaphor, hyperbole

Which of the following descriptions best defines a formal essay?


Poe says that the sole arbiter of poetry is _____.


Jesse Stuart wrote an autobiography about his life as a _____.

teacher in rural Kentucky

topic sentence

the controlling idea of a paragraph


the controlling or central idea of a paper


the history of a word's development and changes in meaning

Emerson's essay tells of: ______. Select all that apply.

the importance of natural resources to man & all of nature works together for man's benefit

standard English

the level of English used in business letters, essays, and most other expository writing

Melville's most famous work is _____.

the story of Captain Ahab and the white whale, Moby Dick

figurative language

the use of comparisons to enhance writing; descriptions not to be taken literally


the use of sarcasm or irony to attack or ridicule an idea considered to be foolish.


the vast majority of writing ever done; not verse or poetry

French writings similar to essays were called pensees, or ______.


expository prose

title page, outline, text


to determine the worth of something; to appraise

Argumentative writing is a type of expository prose that _____.

tries to convince the reader

blank verse

unrhymed iambic pentameter

A character sketch is also known as a(n) _____.


Short character sketches are called _____.


An author combines words, phrases, and clauses to create a _____.

visual image

What is induction logic?

when evidence is gathered in support of a hypothesis.

The questions a newspaper article should answer are _____.

who, what, when, where, how

eye rhyme

words that appear to rhyme because of similar spellings but really do not

perfect rhyme

words whose sounds correspond exactly

imperfect rhyme

words with very similar but not exact corresponding sounds

What features of a research paper or critical analysis will not be found in an essay?

works cited, outline

Which of the following statements is a hyperbole?

I am so hungry; I could eat a horse.

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