ENT 2101 Final

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The Navajo have created a sand painting to pray for rain. What do you think is the primary subject of this painting?


A newly-molted periodical cicada is white and its cuticle will darken over time. Why might these cicadas prefer to mold on eucalyptus trees, which have white bark?

Eucalyptus trees camouflage vulnerable cicadas from predators

Which two adjectives best describe the ways in which the fly is represented in the Bible and the Torah?

Evil or satanic.

How do fables differ from parables?

Fables feature plants, animals or inanimate objects as the major players while parables uses humans.

Because insects are small, they don't have to breathe oxygen.


Which of the following is FALSE about multicellular organisms?

A circulatory system is necessary for all cells to receive oxygen.

How do blood feeding insects deal with the challenge of reducing body size following a blood meal?

Activate their Malpighian tubules to separate water and salts from blood and excrete them

Which of the following is a difference between hemimetabolous vs. holometabolous insects?

Holometabolous insects have a pupal stage but hemimetablous insects don't.

The large intestine extracts _____ from solid waste and returns it/them to the bloodstream. I. water II. salts III. nutrients

I and II

Which religion would look down on eating cows?


Which statement is true?

Buried ants can use stridulation to attract worker ants to extract them.

Entomophobia is synonymous with obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Entomophobia is the easiest of the three types of insect fears to treat.


CO2, water vapor, lactic acid, sweat and urine are all solutions to what problem of blood feeding insects?

Finding a host.

Which statement is false?

Illusionary parasitosis patients are typically convinced that there are new and unreported life cycles and search for a competent entomologist who understands it.

Which of the following statements comparing respiration in insects and in humans is correct?

In humans, oxygen binds to hemoglobin for transport around the body, and in insects oxygen moves via tracheae.

Which insect appears in the Book of Revelations with a human face and a crown of gold?


Which statement below best describes the reason why air bubbles can act as a physical gill for aquatic insects?

Oxygen withdrawn from the bubble by the respiring insect is replaced by oxygen diffusing in from the surrounding water. Nitrogen found in the bubble is less water soluble than the other gases found in the bubble and helps to extend the useful lifetime of the bubble.

There are two general ideas about how blood feeding evolved among arthropods. Which of the following is not considered a tentative but testable idea about how arthropods came to be blood feeders?

There were severe food shortages in very arid environments that led arthropods to seek a host that could provide nutrition.

What does the myth starring Begochidi reveal about Navajo psychology?

They are fearful of breeding with outsiders. They recognize the dangers of incest.

Insects need oxygen to maximize the extraction of ATP from glucose. Which of the of the following is a mechanism for actively increasing the amount of air that gets into an insect?

Using abdominal muscles to alternately expand and contract the abdomen.

In the Harris Poll from 1999, what percentage of respondents were afraid of insects?

about 50%

We have talked about the ways in which insects are used in music. What is a reasonable definition of music?

any rhythmic sequence of sound with defined tones, melodies and harmonies.

What insect did Emily Dickinson celebrate in a poem?


Spermathecae (spermatheca, singular) are found in:

female insects.

The term that means acceptable in Islam is halal. The term for unacceptable is:


The critical criterion for determining whether it is alright to eat an insect both in th Qu'ran and the Torah is:

having jointed legs for hopping on the ground.

The condition of feeding on blood in arthropods is called--


Insect-produced sound that is made as a result of moving body parts but which lacks a specific purpose is called:

incidental sound.

Besides providing sperm for fertilization, accessory fluids from the male also:

provide energy for the sperm. provide lubrication. can induce the female to oviposit the eggs.

Which of the following castes of bees have been used as titles in popular music?

queen bees worker bees king bees

If an arthropod was living on a vertebrate host but feeding primarily on sloughed off skin, why might such an arthropod switch to blood feeding?

the nutritional value of sloughed off skin is fairly low and an arthropod would be able to survive and reproduce better if it had a nutrient rich food source.

The issue of spontaneous generation was raging during Lesser's time. What was the central question of the spontaneous generation debate?

whether insects and other small organisms reproduced sexually or whether they arose spontaneously from nothing.

Another popular entomological theme in the Bible and Torah is the locust. In which way is the locust not used in these texts?

As the devil or satan

The fly-lord, also known as ____________, appeared in the Testament of Solomon as the prince of demons and is thought to represent Satan.


Sometimes we have used insect-based folk songs to provide musical support to important causes. Which of the following insects was used in an anti-slavery song?

Bluetail Fly

The Choctaw people tell a story of a poisonous vine that liked the Choctaw and did not want to hurt them with its poison. So the vine decided to give its poison away: bees, wasps, the water moccasin and the rattlesnake (who were until now poison free) each took a portion of the vine's poison. The vine gave them this poison on the condition that the animals gave some sort of warning before delivering the poison. For example, the bee and the wasp warned people by buzzing. And from then on the river's edge was safe for the Choctaw and the vine that once had poison now has flowers. What aspect of the insects' biology is explained in the myth? I. Why bees buzz II. Why bees live near water III. Why bees have poison

I and III

Which of the following examples, encapsulated in natural theology, is attributed to Paley?

If you saw a watch lying on the ground and examined it, its complexity would lead you to conclude that it was created by a higher intelligence.

Humans are endothermic. In contrast, insects are ectothermic. Ectothermic means that:

Insects cannot make their own heat, so they have to absorb it from the environment.

What are the benefits of parthenogenesis in insects?

It allows insects to reproduce without mating.

Why would HGH be the illegal drug of choice by Olympic athletes?

It increases muscle mass

Which of the following is true about the Islamic dietary code?

It is forbidden to eat donkeys and mules.

What is the main function of the crop in insects?

It is the main holding area for food following ingestion

On page 1 of Lesser's book, Lesser states "The vilest insect is the work of omnipotence, worthy of highest admiration. It is endowed with so many perfections, that the most powerful monarch or the most skillful artist, can produce nothing to be compared with it." What is the importance of this statement?

It was an argument that insects could and should be used to validate God's existence because insects shared the same complexity and evidence of design that other more popular animals did.

Why might it be useful to add juvenilizing hormone to 5th instar honeybees?

It would prompt them to undergo a supernumerary molt and ultimately become stronger and bigger adults

Hopis use _______ dolls to represent benevolent spirits.


Which of the following is not a translational difficulty found when trying to cull entomological information from divine texts?

King James did not know any entomology.

If you had to pick one order of insects that has been used in popular music more than any other order, it would be:

Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).

How did Lesser deal with the fact that insects are often the cause of great human misery?

Lesser said "If God meant that animals should live within us, they must be necessary for our welfare. Lesser noted that the trials caused by insects and the suffering they caused would bring us closer to God. Lesser pointed out that there is social justice in this because rich and poor people alike were stricken by insects that cause disease and other problems.

The function of ostia in the insect circulatory system is to:

Make sure that the blood flows in one direction.

Which of the following is NOT an insect behavior that is involved in "sealing the deal" or seducing a member of the opposite sex to mate?

Male bed bugs dancing to seduce female bed bugs.

Which insect order is especially well known for its ability to produce sound via stridulation?

Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets)

On an insect-collection expedition to Central America, you discover a population of insects that are only female. What type of reproduction does this insect most likely use?


Why are insects sometimes used in divine texts like the Bible, Torah and Qu'ran?

Parts of their biology can be a device for explaining aspects of human behavior. Insects and their characteristics can be used to explain how the natural world works

The name for Islam comes from the Arabic root that means:

Peace and submission

Using the species scape concept, which organism do you think should feature most prominently in Indian mythology.

Robber flies

Were insects on Noah's Ark according to Lesser? What is the evidence one way or another?

Scripturally, insects were said to have drawn the breath of life, therefore they would have a place on the ark.

Which of the following statements is true about hemoglobin in insects?

Some insects that live in low oxygen environments, such as midges and bot fly larvae, have hemoglobin in their blood to bind oxygen.

Which of the following is NOT a process used by male dragonflies to ensure that the progeny produced by a female with whom he has mated are his?

Some males inject a spermatocide into the female urogenital tract to kill off the sperm of other males

Which one of these songs includes a non-insect arthropod?

Spiers by System of a Down

The Cochiti Indians tell a story with an Eleodes beetle. This beetle was tasked with placing the stars int he sky, but he got cocky and careless with his task and dropped the stars. They scattered across they sky, forming the Milky Way. The beetle was so embarrassed that to this day he hides his face in the dirt when approached. What aspect of the Eleodes beetle is explained in this myth?

The beetles' tendency to bury its head in the dirt

One major challenge faced by some insects that humans don't face is:

The fact that some life stages of an insect might be aquatic while others are terrestrial.

What was the importance of finding the Dead Sea Scrolls containing the original Hebrew texts of parts of the Bible and Torah to our entomological understanding?

The number of passages that referred to insects was reduced from 120 to 98.

Why might a male insect present a nuptial gift to a female with whom he wants to mate?

The nuptial gift may show that the male is likely to be a good provider. The nuptial gift may assist in nourishing the female helping her to produce a larger mass of eggs. The nuptial gift may distract the female allowing the male to transfer sperm to her for a longer period of time and also distract the female from eating the male.

How are lepidoptera used in the opera "Madame Butterfly"?

The way Cho-Cho-San is drawn to Pinkerton - like a moth to a flame.

What features of butterflies commend them for use in myths?

They can fly. They are beautifully colored. They undergo complete metamophosis.

How do blood feeding insects deal with the fact that their diet is deficient in key nutrients necessary for life?

They feed on other things when they are not reproducing They acquire endosymbionts to manufacture necessary nutrients

Bed bugs are thigmotaxic. What does this mean?

They prefer to reside in places where they are closely surrounded by shelter, e.g., cracks in a wall.

Insects have opted for the unusual feat of having a skeleton on the outside of the body. What is the function of that skeleton?

To provide support for the insect body so that it doesn't collapse in a heap. To protect the insect against various kinds of physical forces including predation.

The word metamorphosis means "change in form."


Entomophobia is defined as:

a persistent irrational fear of insects resulting in significant distress from insects.

A Bacteriophage is:

a virus that infects bacteria.

The function of the baffle used by the tree cricket is to:

allow the sound waves to advance in phase, thus, increasing the loudness of the sound.

Proverbs 30:24 says "Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer." Similarly, Proverbs 6:6 says "Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider its ways and be wise. It has no commander, no overseer or ruler. Yet, it stores in the summer and gathers its food at harvest." In these passages, ants are being used:

as exemplars of good behavior. as they might be in a fable or myth. to admonish humans to mend their ways.

Why does the louse come in for some sharp criticism and social commentary by Lesser?

because they reproduce so quickly that in a 24 hour period, a single louse can be mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

Which of the following is not true about the evolution of blood feeding among arthropods?

blood feeding evolved only in insects and trilobites. most of the insects that are blood feeders are closely related taxonomically.

Some insects are themselves unable to sing but are able to use sound produced by other species to cue in on potential prey. We call this phenomenon:


____________________ is a term used to describe when insects use sound produced by other insects to locate a host or prey.


Bed bugs have very strange mating habits. Male and female bed bugs have been co-evolving for a long time. Which of the following represents a trait evolved by female bed bugs and what is its function?

ectospermalage--a guide or portal on the abdomen to show the male where to enter her abdomen to avoid some of the carnage of the process.

You find a new insect and are trying to figure out its diet based on their digestive structure. Which of the following correctly links the insect's digestive system and its diet:

enlarged hindgut - probably a wood eater

A persistent irrational fear that results in significant distress and is not due to other conditions best defines the term:


An organism's automatic processes and procedures to maintain a constant and optimal internal environment is termed _____.


Recalling the Arachne myth of Greek literature, what human trait was being addressed in the myth? In other words, why was Arachne punished?


What kinds of insects appear in human musical compositions?

in general, the same orders, families and species that appear in myths, fables and divine texts.

Which controlled substance appears in a well known insect-based folk song?


If you were to identify the characteristics of the type of person who is the MOST likely candidate to suffer from delusionary parasitosis, they would be:

middle-aged woman, living alone, recovering from surgery.

Which of the following insects is correctly paired with its mouthparts?

mosquito - piercing, sucking mouthparts

Which statement is true?

none of the above are true.

What is a major danger in ingestion of a large volume of blood by an arthropod?

predation because the increased size makes the blood feeder slow and lethargic. heme toxicity when the blood hemoglobin is metabolized. nutritional deficiencies of carbohydrates and B vitamins.

_______________________ is the kind of sound generally produced by Orthoperan insects.


In what way can the internet prevent a DP patient from getting help or cause him to regress if he's getting professional help?

the internet can validate the DP patient's delusion by giving well-meaning but inaccurate advice.

If a DP patient visits a physician, dermatologist or entomologist, what is the thing you are most likely to see?

the patient will present a lenghty written history of his affliction with post-it note annotations. the patient will present a "match-box" containing the insect that turns out to be lint, hair or scabs. the patient will have one extensive research on the internet and gotten validation of his condition.

Because of the need to rub the file and rasp together:

the rasp and file must be on body parts capable of touching each other

Females of many insect species, including honeybee queens, can store sperm from their mating partners in ____________.

the spermatheca

Insects hear with ears in which changes in air pressure cause the tympanal membrane to vibrate. The latter is changed into a neurological message that sent to the insect's brain for processing and response. Which of the following statements about this process is true?

the tympanal organ consists of the tympanum, the tracheal sac and the tympanal organ.

Which of the following is not true about illusionary parasitosis?

there is no physical basis for illusionary parasitosis.

Under the species scape concept, we would expect for insects:

to be well represented in myths because there are so many species of insects.

Blood Feeding is fairly commonly found among athropods. Which of the following is not a blood feeding arthropod--as far as we know?

tropical leaf hoppers.

Which of the following statements is true about tymbals?

tymbals are found internally in insects. tymbals are less commonly used to make sound in insects than stridulation. tymbals are often used in insects such as cicadas.

Which insects are considered to be plant feeders that are preadapted for blood feeding?

vampire moths and scorpion flies.

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