ENTO 3645 Final

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The two families called "bat flies" are

Nycteribiidae and Streblidae

Nasopharyngeal cavity larvae target


What is the fly species in which the female flings her larvae into sheep nasal passages?

Oestrus ovis

Srub typhus

Orientia tsutumagushi, rodents, chigger mites (vector)

What do larvae of Toxorhychites mosquitoes prey on?

Other mosquito larvae

How is the molting process initiated?

PTTH is released from the brain, stimulating the prothoracic gland to secrete ecdysone

Dermatobia hominis glues its eggs to other insects. What is this called and why do they do this?

Phoresy; They do this in order to transport and spread they offspring.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Rickettsia rickettsia, chipmunks/squirrels, Dermacentor variabilis/andersonii (vectors)

You are more likely to become infected with bubonic plague in New Mexico than in Georgia.


Trypoxylon construct nests of mud and provision them with paralyzed spiders.

True; dirt daubers

Protocalliphora exhibit sanguinivorous myiasis of birds.

True; larvae blood-feeding on nestling Sanguinivorous Myiasis of birds

Loxoscelism is also known as necrotic arachnidism.

True; produces a necrosis from brown recluse spiders

Symptoms including muscle pain, rigid abdomen, nausea, and sweating are indicative of envenomation by Latrodectus mactans.

True; symptoms of black widow

What is the primary vector of plague bacteria?

Xenopsylla cheopis

What is the species of bacteria that causes bubonic plague?

Yersinia pestis


a disease in which a non-human vertebrate acts as the reservoir host and humans become infected incidental due to the ongoing enzootic or epizootic infection (humans are a tangental host)


a disease in which humans are the reservoir host such as malaria


a disease that is increasing in infectious cases in humans

Dead-end host

a host that does not contribute to subsequent transmission of the disease

Reservoir host

a host that maintains the parasite or pathogen and supports transmission to vectors

Blattodea (order)


Phthiraptera (order)


The only two arthropods that truly infest humans (ectoparasite population feeding on and reproducing on the host generation after generation) are:

lice and scabies mites

Malaria infected patients experience cycles of extreme fever followed by chills then a brief period of recovery. These cycles occur because:

merozoites are synchronously emerging from red blood cells, where they briefly stimulate a strong immune reaction before they disappear into new red cells



Culicidae (family)



moth and sand flies

Infestation of live vertebrate animals with dipterous larvae which, at least for a certain period of time, feed on the host's living or dead tissue, liquid body substances, or ingested food is the condition called_________.


Head lice more commonly occur in children than adults because a. they share combs and hats b. they bathe less often c. their hair is often in tangled mats d. all of the above


The scientific name of the primary screwworm is _____________ ___________

Cochliomyia hominivorax

Gluing eggs to horses' front legs and producing "pus pockets" are characteristics of flies in what genus?


Velvet ants are in the family Formicidae.

False, mutillidae

The Tumbu fly is found in Europe and North America.

False; East and central Africa

Gadding is a reaction of cattle to the painful bites and stings of Hypoderma.

False; Gadding is

In a honey bee hive, only drones (males) and workers can sting.

False; females only because their stingers are modified ovipositors

Only a few rare flea species have wings.

False; fleas are a wingless species

Daddy longlegs are the most deadly spider in the SE US.

False; not even a spider and not venomous

Africanized honey bees are larger than and produce more potent venom than European honey bees.

False; not larger and no more venom than europeans

Vertical transmission

transmission from mother to offspring

Horizontal transmission

transmission of a pathogen or parasite by contact

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes have been touted as a "universal" vector of arboviruses to humans. Name a viral disease that these mosquitoes serve as a primary vector

Dengue Fever

The screwworm got that name because the female "screws" her eggs into the skin when she is ovipositing.


Fly larvae in the genera Oestrus and Cephenemyia develop in ____________ cavities.


After a harsh winter in which all animals are dormant, in the Spring (1) __ (name the vector) (2) ____________ (name the developmental stage) emerge and feed on (3) _______ (name the Lyme Disease reservoir host). Many of these (2) are infected with the Lyme pathogen, (4) ________ (name the pathogen), and so are able to infect the (3). Later, around mid to late Summer, (5) ________ (name the developmental stage) emerge and feed on the reservoir hosts, becoming infected. Subsequently these (5) molt and overwinter, forming the population of (2) that perpetuates the cycle the following year. At about the same time, (2) from the current year molt to (6) ______ (name the developmental stage), which feed on (7)___ (name the host), a host which is abundant and allows a high proportion of (6) to feed and subsequently produce (8) __________ (name the stage of the vector), leading to high vector population abundance.

1. Ixodes scapularis 2. nymphs 3. white-footed mice 4. Borrelia burgdorferi 5. larvae 6. adults 7. deer 8. eggs

what are three routine things you can do to limit the amount of mosquito larvae?

1. clean out water gutters 2. refresh/refill outdoor water bowls for pets 3. Overturn/empty standing water from pots, tires, and other containers

Lymphatic filariasis has been targeted for eradication by 2020. What strategy is being used towards this goal? (a) administering ivermectin and albendizole (provided free by drug manufacturers) to every person in areas where transmission occurs, so as to interrupt transmission, for the lifespan of the adult worms (b) mass vaccination with an efficient vaccine (RTSS) which is provided free of cost by pharmaceutical companies; (c) replacing thatch roofs with metal, filling in cracks in walls, and using insecticidal paint to make houses unsuitable for the vector; (d) reducing vector populations by treating rivers with a biological insecticide (BTi) which is provided free of cost by manufacturers


What stage of the worm that causes River Blindness induces eye damage? A. microfilaria; B. adult females; C. adult males; D. larvae


Why are cockroaches medically important? A) Potent source of allergens B) Efficient at biological transmission of disease pathogens C) Irritating bites D) None of the above


Why is virus titer (or concentration) in the blood important for mosquito transmission? A) If it is high it is more likely the mosquito will acquire the virus when feeding B) If it is low the mosquitoes may avoid feeding on the host, C) If it is high the mosquitoes may avoid feeding on the host D) None of the above


What is a nit?

A louse egg

A patient, who is a native of Georgia and who has not travelled abroad, is hospitalized with symptoms that include myalgia and a pronounced petechial rash. A presumptive diagnosis would be: a. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever b. Lyme Disease c. Rickettsial Pox d. Scrub Typhus E. none of the above

A. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Tick-borne relapsing fever

Borrelia hermsii, ground squirrels/prairie dogs, Ornithodoros hermsii (vector)

Apyrase, a protein found in mosquito saliva: a. breaks down ADP and blocks platelets from aggregating b. is an anticoagulant c. causes blood vessels to dilate d. inhibits immune responses at the bite site

A. breaks down ADP and blocks platelets from aggregating

Where does Rickettsia prowazekii propagate in the head louse? A. gut wall; B. salivary glands; C. spiracles; D. none of the above

A. gut wall

Which of these diseases is caused by the head louse? A. Pediculosis; B. Food poisoning; C. River blindness; D. Epidemic typhus

A. pediculosis

At one time, malaria was common in Northern Europe. Suppose a person was bitten by a mosquito in the late Fall, and the following spring came down with malaria. What scenario is most likely to describe malaria transmission in that situation:

An Anopheles mosquito fed and injected Plasmodium vivax sporozoites, which infected the patient's liver, entered a dormant state called a hypnozoite, and entered the circulation as merozoites the following spring.

The genus of the only known blood-sucking maggot to feed on mammals is:


Black fly larvae live in: a. rodent burrows b. streams and rivers c. lakes and ponds d. cow manure


In medical entomology, a "pool feeder" refers to an insect that: a. feeds in large groups b. feeds on "pools" of blood that well-up at the bite site c. feeds near human swimming areas, like pools D. none of the above


What kind of human cells do Leishmania attack to reproduce? a. red blood cells b. macrophages c. T-cells d. brain cells


Where do Onchocerca volvulus nematode larvae mature in a black fly? a. gut wall b. thoracic flight muscles c. hemocoel (body cavity) d. salivary glands


Which of the above does NOT attract blood feeding flies to hosts? a. carbon dioxide b. the color white c. heat d. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT a factor in the ongoing persistence of malaria as a public health problem? a. Surveillance infrastructure deteriorated as a consequence of diverting resources to other problems. b. Pharmaceutical companies stopped making the most effective antimalarial drugs due to low profitability c. The most deadly species of Plasmodium developed resistance to antimalarial drugs d. the most significant vectors developed resistance to insecticides


Which of these mosquitoes is most likely to vector a disease biologically? A) species that bites three times and lives for 1 week; B) species that bites twice and lives for 4 weeks; C species that bites once and lives for 8 weeks;) D) autogenous species


Circle four factors that are implicated in reduced Lyme transmission in the Southeast. If you circle more than four, only the first four will be counted. (a) Vectors are less abundant in the South (b) Vectors are more genetically diverse, with some refractory genotypes (c) There are fewer hosts for the vectors to feed on (d) The milder climate does not foster the regimented sequence of feeding by different stages of the vector (e) The hot climate is associated with nocturnal (night-time) feeding by the vectors (f) There is more diversity of hosts for blood feeding, including non-reservoir species (g) People in the South are more likely to use repellants

B, D, E, F

The stage of Leishmania that develops in the human and is transmitted to sand flies is the a. promastigote b. amastigote c. microfilaria d. merozoite

B. amastigote

You go for a hike, and a couple days later discover a small tick larva has attached and has begun to feed. Although you remove it, several days later you develop a fever, muscle pain, and a spotted rash. This scenario does NOT involve: a. biological transmission b. mechanical transmission c. vertical transmission d. horizontal transmission

B. mechanical transmission


Babesia microti, white-footed mouse, Ixodes scapularis (vector)

Name an insect order that has incomplete metamorphosis? (no pupal stage)

Blattodea (cockroaches)

What allows moquitoes to be good vectors of disease for human population?

Blood feed regularly and often, allowing the transmission of pathogens to spread easily between population

How do sand flies transmit Leishmania pathogens into humans? A. via saliva; B. via feces; C. via regurgitation of blood back into host; D. two of the above; E. all of the above


Integrated Pest Management: a. uses pesticides as the first step b. relies solely on biological control c. considers the biology of the target pest d. none of the above


Malaria is considered to be an "orphan disease". What does this term refer to: (a) a disease that is completely distinct from all others, so it requires a unique drug target; (b) a disease that kills mainly adults, producing many orphaned children, (c) a disease that lacks a sufficient economic basis to support drug development or manufacture, (d) a disease in which the exact cause is not known; (e) a disease for which there are no really good drug treatments available.


What is a challenge for both larval and adult control of mosquitoes? a. control may inhibit natural control of both larvae and adults b. Larvae and adults are both restricted to confined habitats that can be targeted for control c. larval and adult habitats may both support sensitive other organisms d. none of the above


What is a vector that transmits river blindness pathogen? a. Onchocerca volvulus b. Borrelia recurrentis c. Simulium damnosum d. Difilaria immitis


What statement is not true about Zika virus? a. It can be transmitted sexually b. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the primary vectors c. Last year 7 cases of local transmission were identified in GA d. microcephaly is a birth defect believed to be associated with Zika infection of some pregnant women


Which of these is NOT one of the three clinical forms of Leishmaniasis? a. Visceral b. Cutaneous c. Ocular d. Mucocutaneous


For Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus, the mosquito Culiseta melanura is focal to cycling the pathogen. Why? A. It is the primary vector of the virus to humans; B. It is the primary vector of the virus to horses; C. It maintains the virus in the environment by cycling it through birds; D. It can transmit the virus transovarially to its eggs

C. it maintains the virus in the environment by cycling it through birds

Wound larvae target


Endemic Typhus causative agent species vector species reservoir

Causative agent species: Rickettsia typhi vector species: Xenopsylla cheopis reservoir: rodents

African Trypanosomiais Causative agent species: Vector genus: Symptoms: Mode of transmission:

Causative agent species: Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Vector genus: Glossina symptoms: cerebral inflammation Mode of transmission: Tsetse flies

American Trypanosomiasis Causative agent species: vector genus: symptoms: mode of transmission:

Causative agent species: Trypanosoma cruzi vector genus: Triatoma symptoms: megacolon, tissue irritation mode of transmission: Kissing bug (Rhodnius)

A "wolf" is a larva that lives under the skin of a rodent or squirrel, and may infest cats and dogs; it is in the fly genus __________.


Both Anopheline and Culicine mosquitoes are similar in that: A. males do not blood feed; B. larvae breathe through respiratory siphons; C. all target human hosts; D. eggs are laid in rafts.


How does insect resistance to chemical pesticides most likely develop? A. Applying insecticides broadly to treat a host of problems; B. Applying high levels of insecticides that put intense selective pressure on an insect population; C. Using a chemical that persists for long periods in the environment; D. All of the above


If you recently took a trip to Brazil and after returning came down with a high fever and muscle/joint aches, you might want to get tested for the following disease: a. Dengue b. Chikungunya c. Zika d. any or all of the above


Integrated Pest Management: A. uses pesticides as the last resort; B. may employ biological control; C. considers the biology of the target pest; D. all of the above


Larvae of what family of biting insects occur in large numbers in salt marshes of the Georgia coast? A) Simuliidae; B) Psychodidae; C) Blattidae; D. Ceratopogonidae


Mosquitoes that breed in treeholes are difficult to effectively control because: A. breeding sites are often difficult to locate; B. larval populations in treeholes are often controlled naturally by starvation, and thus human efforts to control the larvae may inhibit this natural control; C. adult females of treehole species do not blood feed D. Two of the above; E. All of the above


What is an effective non-pesticide way to control problems from cockroaches? A) Clean your kitchen counter tops nightly B) Store your food in sealed containers C) Wash you dishes every night D) All of the above


What is the most deadly of the four historically occurring malaria parasites, and why? (a) Plasmodium vivax, because it causes especially severe anemia; (b) Plasmodium malariae, because it blocks capillaries; (c) Plasmodium falciparum, because it causes a lethally high fever; (d) Plasmodium falciparum, because it blocks capillaries; (e) Plasmodium vivax, because it causes a lethally high fever.


What is the primary reservoir for St. Louis encephalitis virus? a. horses b. humans c. squirrels d. birds


What mosquito genus is the primary vector of West Nile virus to humans? a. Anopheles b. Aedes c. Toxorhynchites d. Culex


Why are cockroaches considered excellent mechanical vectors of bacteria? a. They readily move from garbage/sewers to our food/dishes b. They thrive in human homes c. Their sticky feet and hairy legs readily pick up bacteria D. all of the above


Which of these behaviors would make it unlikely for a mosquito to become a vector of a pathogen to humans? a. they are autogenous b. they only blood feed once c. they only live as adult for 5-7 days d. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which statement about lymphatic filariasis is true: a. parasites appear in the peripheral circulation at night b. symptoms include hydrocoel in men and grossly enlarged limbs c. most infected people have no symptoms but serve as reservoir hosts d. all statements are correct e. all except C are correct f. all except A are correct

D. all statements are correct

What feature or features are found in both the Crustacea and the Scorpiones: a. two pairs of antennae b. biramous appendages c. stinging telson d. chelate appendages e. two of the above f. three of the above g. all of the above

D. chelate appendages

The scientific name of the human bot fly is ___________ ____________

Dermatobia hominis

How do dust mites cause disease in people?

Dust mites feed on the stray excess scraps of hair and skin particles, produce frass. Humans inhale this into the respiratory system. There is a specific protease found in frass that cleaves the Fc receptor, which does not allow the antibodies to regulate B cell production. As a result, histamine is overreleased and the body has an an allergic reaction and asthma results.

Females of two flea species attach permanently to the host; these two species are

Echidnophaga gallinacea and Tunga penetrans

Monocytic ehrlichiosis

Ehrlichia chaffeensis, white-tailed deer, Amblyomma americanum (vector)

Feeding a dog two garlic cloves every day will repel fleas.


Dermic/subdermic larvae target


Name a pathogen vectored by an insect (or the disease name) that is a protozoan


The screwworm was eradicated from North America using what tactic?

Sterile Insect Technique

The requirements for successful maggot development are moisture and organic material.


Auchmeromyia senegalensis is the scientific name of the Congo Floor Maggot.


Fleas are insects and ticks are arachnids


Pathogens that can be transmitted by the fecal-oral route can be mechanically transmitted by flies.


Pyrethrins are botanical insecticides extracted from chrysanthemum flowers


Mechanical transmission

a pathogen or parasite is carried by a vector to a host, on the surface or sometimes in the gut, without completing any part of its life cycle in the vector ex. relatively uncommon; salmonella and other bacteria by cockroaches

Bridge vector

a vector that carries a pathogen or parasite out of zoonotic transmission cycle to humans

Amplifying host

a vertebrate host in which an increase in parasite/pathogen transmission occurs. Amplifying hosts are always reservoirs, but not all reservoirs are efficient amplifying hosts

Which is NOT a characteristic of the Order Acari? a. Cephalothorax and opistosoma joined by a narrow pedicel b. Pedipalps small and with sensory function c. Four pairs of legs d. Chelicerate mouthparts

a. Cephalothorax and opistosoma joined by a narrow pedicel

What arthropod would you look for if you suspected a patient was suffering from tick paralysis? (a) Dermacentor andersoni; (b) Sarcoptes scabei; (c) Ixodes pacificus; (d) Amblyomma americanum; (e) Ixodes scapularis

a. Dermacentor andersoni

What does the term DALY stand for? (a) Disability Adjusted Life Years; (b) Directly Affected Lost Years; (c) Decreased Activity Life Years; (d) Don't Always Like Yogurt

a. Disability Adjusted Life Years

Which of these cockroaches is particularly common in apartments and restaurants in Athens? a. German cockroach b. Oriental cockroach C. Dawg cockroach d. all of the above

a. German cockroach

What is the primary reservoir for Rickettsia prowazekii? a. humans b. human body louse c. birds d. head louse

a. Humans

In arthropods, what tissue/organ processes metabolic wastes from the hemolymph? a. Malpighian tubules b. tracheae c. accessory glands d. hindgut e. rectal pads

a. Malpighian tubules

Dracunculiasis is associated with transmission via what arthropod? a. copepods b. ticks c. mosquitoes d. mites

a. copepods

A mosquito ingests a blood meal that contains a thousand microfilariae (immature nematode worms). The microfilariae migrate to the flight muscles and molt through several stages, but many are killed by the mosquitoes' immune system. After 10 days, about a dozen L3 larvae migrate to the mouthparts, from where they can be transmitted when the mosquito feeds. Which term applies to the life cycle of the nematode in this mosquito? a. cyclodevelopmental b. cyclopropagative c. epidemic d. enzootic e. propagative

a. cyclodevelopmental

Stomoxys calcitrans larvae develop in a. decaying plant material b. fresh bovine manure c. eutrophic water d. treeholes

a. decaying plant material

The pathogen that causes Chagas' disease is transmitted from the vector insect to humans via a. a fecal deposit while feeding b. regurgitation of blood during feeding c. infected saliva during feeding d. all of the above

a. fecal deposit while feeding

The best way to remove a tick is: (a) grasp the mouthparts and pull it straight out; (b) put petrolium jelly on it so it suffocates; (c) apply heat to cause it to pull out, so you don't break off the mouthparts in the skin; (d) apply an ice pack so the tick gets cold and pulls out

a. grasp the mouthparts and pull it straight out

A drug that is widely used to treat mite infestations is: a. ivermectin b. ampicillin c. doxycycline d. penicillin

a. ivermectin

The costal, subcostal, and radial veins: (a) strengthen the insect wing from the attachment with the body to the tip; (b) strengthen the insect wing from front to back; (c) transport hemolymph from the anterior to the posterior of the body cavity; ( d) transport hemolymph from the posterior to the anterior of the body cavity

a. strengthen the insect wing from the attachment with the body to the tip

Probably the largest Hymenoptera likely to be encountered in GA is a. the European hornet b. yellow jacket c. Africanized honey bee d. dirt dauber

a. the European hornet

Filariasis and river blindness as diseases share all the following traits except? a. the insect vector for both is the mosquito b. the pathogens for both are filarial nematode worms c. both are being successfully controlled by community control efforts d. the reservoirs for both are humans

a. the insect vector for both is the mosquito


an arthropod that is able to transmit a pathogen or parasite from one vertebrate host to another. Must be associated with vertebrate in nature. Pathogen must be associated with vector in nature. Arthropod must be able to acquire pathogen by feeding on an infected vertebrate under controlled conditions. An infected arthropod must be able to infect a suitable vertebrate under controlled conditions.


an epidemic that spreads to a very large geographical area (even world-wide)


an eversible pouch on the head, above the base of the antenna in schizophoran flies (a section of muscomorphan and cyclorrhaphan flies)

Researchers are comparing methods of malaria control in African villages. In all the villages, Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes are the main vector of malaria and have a strong preference (100%) to feed on humans, though they can use other hosts if humans are not available. In one set of villages researchers treat breeding sites with larvicides and reduce mosquito populations by 50% (treatment A). In the other villages researchers distribute bed nets and insect repellant and reduce mosquitoes choosing to feed on humans to only 50% of the time, forcing the mosquitoes to choose other hosts, which are not malaria reservoirs, the rest of the time (treatment B). What would be the impact on "C" (assume nothing else is changed about the mosquito) in the villages: a. A is reduced by 3/4, B reduced by half b. A reduced by half, B reduced by 3/4 c. both A and B reduced by half d. impossible to estimate this without knowing both "P" and "n"

b. A reduced by half, B reduced by 3/4

Instead of laying eggs, all the following produce living larvae (are larviparous) except a. Sarcophagidae b. Calliphoridae c. Glossina d. Oestrus ovis

b. Calliphoridae

What mosquito-borne virus can be transmitted transovarially from an infected female to their eggs? a. Eastern Equine Encephalitus virus b. Lac Crosse Encephalitis c. St. Louis Encephalitis virus d. West Nile virus

b. Lac Crosse Encephalitis

You have a serious rodent infestation in your house, so you get rid of the rodents but neglect to clean up their nests. What arthropod and disease are you possibly exposing yourself to? a. Demodex follicularis/mange b. Liponyssoides sanguineus/ Rickettsial pox c. Chigger mites/ scrub typhus d. Dermatophagoides farina/asthma

b. Liponyssoides sanguineus/ Rickettsial pox

A spider found in GA that produces necrotizing (proteolytic) venom is a. Latrodectus mactans b. Loxosceles reclusa c. Latrodectus geometricus d. Melophagus ovinus

b. Loxosceles reclusa

Which is frequently misdiagnosed as a brown recluse spider bite? a. trachoma b. MRSA c. FAD d. scabies


The first demonstration that arthropods play a role in transmission of some pathogens is attributed to: a. Smith and Kilbourne, Texas cattle fever b. Manson, who studied lymphatic filariasis C. Bruce, who studied sleeping sickness d. Ross, malaria

b. Manson, lymphatic filariasis

In hospitals, pathogens can be spread by contaminated ants getting into IV lines. These ants are typically a. Pogonomyrmex b. Monomorium c. Solenopsis d. Mutillidae

b. Monomorium

The fly species that transmits both Moraxella bovis and Thelazia to cattle is a. Musca domestica b. Musca autumnalis c. Phormia regina d. Tunga penetrans

b. Musca autumnalis

Norwegian scabies is: a. a condition in which Demodex mites increase in numbers dramatically, causing extensive crusty lesions b. a condition in which Sarcoptes mites increase in numbers dramatically, causing extensive crusty lesions c. a condition in which Peymotes mites increase in numbers dramatically, causing extensive crusty lesions d. a condition in which the lack of Vitamin D during the long winter results in skin lesions and loss of hair and (in extreme cases) teeth

b. a condition in which Sarcoptes mites increase in numbers dramatically, causing extensive crusty lesions

The function of the spiracle is to a. guide placement of eggs b. allow oxygen and co2 to enter/leave the tracheae c. allow the leg to articulate with the body d. contain food within the oral cavity so it can be chewed

b. allow oxygen and co2 to enter/leave the tracheae

Insect compound eyes are composed of a large array of individual light-sensing organs. Each individual component light-sensing organ in the compound eye is called: a. a spiracle b. a cercus c. a trochanter d. an omatidium

b. an omatidium

What do crab lice and Zika virus have in common? a. you can catch them both from your pets, especially cats b. Both can be transmitted sexually C. They are both in the order Diptera d. None of the above

b. both can be transmitted sexually

A cat becomes infested with double-pored dog tapeworm when it a. licks the proglottid from another cat's anus b. consumes a flea containing the tapeworm cysticercoid c. is bitten by a flea carrying tapeworm eggs in its saliva d. eats a rodent carrying a tapeworm

b. consumes a flea containing the tapeworm cysticercoid

The pathogen for Chagas' disease occurs in the US, yet the disease does not occur in humans in the US. Why? a. Triatominae (kissing) bugs in the US never bite people. b. Triatominae (kissing) bugs in the US do not defecate while feeding. c. Suitable reservoirs for the trypanosome pathogen do not exist in the US d. all of the above

b. do not defecate while feeding

Spiders a. suck blood b. eat insects c. transmit disease agents including Plasmodium and Trypanosoma d. feed mostly on plant material

b. eat insects

What feature would you not expect to see in an olfactory sensillum? a. pores distributed over the whole surface b. flexible ball and socket type attachment to the exoskeleton c. mainly located on the antennae d. a and b e. a and c f. b and c

b. flexible ball and socket type attachment to the exoskeleton

Cat flea larvae are most likely to be found a. in the host's fur b. in the host's bed c. in a tapeworm proglottid d. outside in bright sunlight

b. in the host's bed

What do black fly larvae eat? a. blood b. particles of detritus and algae c. plant nectar d. other small insects

b. particles of detritus and algaue

Juvenile hormone: (a) initiates formation of a new cuticle; (b) regulates the type of cuticle that is produced; (c) initiates apolysis; (d) initiates ecdysis; (e) regulates hardening (tanning) of the new exoskekton

b. regulates the type of cuticle that is produced

Dermatophagoides (Dust mites) cause disease in humans by: (a) scraping and feeding on skin as we sleep, causing a rash; (b) shedding antigens, which are inhaled and result in asthma; (c) living in the base of hair follicles, causing a rash called Rosea Migrans; (d) getting into food, and causing an allergic reaction when we eat contaminated food

b. shedding antigens, which are inhaled and result in asthma

Which statement about lymphatic filariasis is correct? a. symptoms occur because worms in the heart impede blood circulation leading to accumulation of blood in the extremities b. symptoms occur because adult worms block movement of fluid through the lymphatic ducts c. control is difficult due to a large reservoir population of rodents d. Ivermectin is widely used due to a large reservoir population of rodents

b. symptoms occur because adult worms block movement of fluid through the lymphatic ducts

In McDonald model, C stands for: (a) vectorial competence; (b) vectorial capacity; (c) anthropophilicity index; (d) total number of vectors in the environment; (e) daily survival rate of the vectors

b. vectorial capacity


bites outdoors only


biting midges


black flies

Simuliidae (family)

black flies

The spiders most commonly found in Georgia homes are all except: a. Southern House Spider b. American House Spider c. Banana Spider d. Long-bodied cellar spider

c. Banana spider

Which one was vermiform larvae? a. Fannia b. Hermetia c. Calliphoridae d. Glossina

c. Calliphoridae

The Old World Screwworm is a. Cochliomyia macellaria b. Cochliomyia hominivorax c. Chrysomya bezziana d. Cordylobia anthropophaga

c. Chrysomya bezziana

All Caliphoridae larvae feed on decaying organic material except a. Cochliomyia macellaria b. Phaenicia sericata c. Cochliomyia hominivorax d. Lucilia cuprina

c. Cochliomyia hominivorax

Why is it very unlikely that HIV would be transmitted via a mosquito? a. This contention is wrong because it is likely. b. The large volume of blood left on a mosquito proboscis would dilute the virus c. If virus were ingested, it would simply be digested by the mosquito and would not penetrate the gut wall and migrate to the salivary glands d. none of the above

c. If virus were ingested, it would simply be digested by the mosquito and would not penetrate the gut wall and migrate to the salivary glands

A disease associated with a rash termed "erythema migrans" is: a. Rickettsial pox b. Scrub Typhus c. Lyme Disease d. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

c. Lyme Disease

Novel diseases continue to evolve, often as a result of zoonotic parasites adapting to human hosts. Regarding malaria, this statement is true in regard to (a) Plasmodium berghei, a parasite of rodents, causing outbreaks in Africa (b) Plasmodium chaubadi, a parasite of rodents, causing outbreaks in Southeast Asia (c) Plasmodium gallinaceum, a parasite of birds, causing outbreaks in India (d) Plasmodium knowlesii, a parasite of long-tailed macaques, causing outbreaks in Southeast Asia (e) Plasmodium phagocytophyllum, a parasite of gibbons, causing outbreaks in Burma

c. Plasmodium knowlesii, a parasite of long-tailed macaques, causing outbreaks in SE asia

On what continent is Chagas' disease common? a. Africa b. Australia c. South America d. Europe

c. South America

What description best describes the endocuticle? a. A layer of the exoskeleton composed of waxes b. a layer of flexible exoskeleton c. a layer of the exoskeleton composed of extensively crosslinked chitin d. the epidermal layer that generates a new exoskeleton during moltin

c. a layer of the exoskeleton composed of extensively crosslinked chitin

Which properties do NOT apply to a dead end host? a. is susceptible to infection and may show severe disease b. is completely resistant to infection c. allows transmission to vectors d. is unable to transmit to vectors e. usually dies from the infection

c. allows transmission to vectors

In arthropods, digestion and nutrient absorption occur in the: a. the crop and midgut respectively b. midgut and hindgut respectively c. both processes occur together in the midgut d. both processes occur together in the crop

c. both processes occur together in the midgut

What term applies to the 10 day developmental period of the nematode in the mosquito? (a) cyclodevelopmental period; (b) cyclopropagative period; (c) extrinsic incubation period; (d) intrinsic incubation period; (e) epidemic developmental period

c. extrinsic incubation period

Ixodid and argasid ticks differ in that a. female ixodid ticks take many small blood meals and lay small batches of eggs, whereas female argasid ticks take a single massive blood meal and lay a single very large mass of eggs b. ixodid ticks have a life cycle with several nymphal stages and argasid ticks have a single nymphal stage c. female argasid ticks take many small blood meals and lay small batches of eggs, whereas female ixodid ticks take a single massive blood meal and lay a single very large mass of eggs d. a and c are correct e. b and c are correct

c. female argasid ticks take many small blood meals and lay small batches of eggs, whereas female ixodid ticks take a single massive blood meal and lay a single very large mass of eggs

How many valid brown recluse spiders have been collected in GA? a. millions b. about 10,000 c. fewer than 100 d. zero

c. few than 100

Sarcoptes mites: (a) form a burrow into the skin, and feed on blood from capillaries, (b) hide in the base of hair follicles, and feed by piercing cells and sucking the contents, (c) form a burrow into the skin and feed on lymph fluid and inflammatory cells that respond to the irritation, (d) feed on shed flakes of skin and hair

c. form a burrow into the skin and feed on lymph fluid and inflammatory cells that respond to the irritation

Spiders exhibit all of the following except a. have eight legs b. secrete silk c. have a single body segment d. are venomous

c. have a single body segment

Where might you look if you suspected bed bugs were living in your bedroom? a. around the window sills/frame b. in your closet c. in the frame of your bedside table d. in your shoes

c. in the frame of your bedside table

In chewing insects such as grasshoppers, palps are found on the: (a) clypeus and labrum; (b) mandibles; (c) maxilla and labium; (d) hypophyarynx; (e) hypopharynx and labium

c. maxilla and labium

What feature can be used to distinguish a female from a male ixodid tick: a. mouthparts visible from above b. presence of festoons c. presence of a scutum d. male and female ixodid ticks are indistinguishable without dissecting them

c. presence of a scutum

What strategy has been effective in dramatically reducing cases of Dracunculiasis? a. distributing doxycycline to people in affected villages b. vaccinating poeple against the disease c. providing clean water, and filter straws for use with potentially contaminated water d. treating houses with insecticide on walls e. no strategy has been effective at curtailing this disease

c. providing clean water, and filter straws for use with potentially contaminated water

Another name for the Dipteran pupal case is a. cocoon b. nymph c. puparium d. ptilinum

c. puparium

Which is not a true statement? Demodex mites: (a) can live at the base of hair follicles ; (b) can live in the openings to sebaceous glands; (c) transmit Orientia tsutsumagushi; (d) cause mange

c. transmit Orientia tsutsumagushi

Epidemic Typhus causative agent species vector species reservoir

causative agent species: Rickettsia prowazekii vector species: human body louse reservoir: flying squirrel

Most Calliphoridae larvae feed on dead carcasses. However, one feeds exclusively on living tissue and another exhibits sanguinivorous myiasis. These are in the genera: a. Cochliomyia and Cordylobia b. Cordylobia and Auchmeromyia c. Chrysomyia and Cordylobia d. Cochliomyia and Auchmeromyia

d. Cochliomyia and Auchmeromyia

The fly that transmits the viruses causing bluetongue disease in cattle and epizootic hemorrhagic disease of white-tailed deer is in the genus a. Centruroides b. Cuterebra c. Chrysops d. Culicoides

d. Culicoides

Ixodid ticks differ from argasid ticks in that: (a) the mouthparts attach at the front in ixodids vs on the underside in argasids; (b) the opistosoma may have festoons in ixodids but not in argasids; (c) females have an exoskeleton with mammillae in ixodids vs a scutum in argasids; (d) a + b are correct; (e) a + c are correct

d. a and b are correct

"C" is: (a) a measure of the number of new human infections that can be expected from one sick reservoir host; (b) a measure of the risk of being infected by a vector-borne pathogen; (c) a measure of the probability that a vector will become infected by feeding on a reservoir host; (d) a measure of the number of infectious vectors that will be produced by an infected reservoir in one day; (e) a calculation of the length of time an infected vector will survive and be able to transmit a pathogen

d. a measure of the number of infectious vectors that will be produced by an infected reservoir in one day

All these mouthparts are found among adult flies except: a. sponging b. non-functional c. piercing-sucking d. chewing

d. chewing

The interval of time between when a vector takes an infectious meal, and when it begins to transmit the pathogen, is referred to as the: (a) vectorial capacity; (b) intrinsic incubation period; (c) vectorial competence; (d) extrinsic incubation period.

d. extrinsic incubation period

In some parts of Africa, cattle suffer from a fly-borne wasting disease called a. trachoma b. scarification c. pharate d. nagana

d. nagana

What disease is vectored by bedbugs? a. Yellow fever b. Epidemic typhus c. Relapsing fever d. none of the above

d. none of the above Epidemic typhus vectored by human body louse

Hypoderma larvae burrow into what to pupate? a. snow b. fresh bovine manure c. subdermal tissue d. soil

d. soil

A list of the largest spiders native to GA would not include a. Argiope b. trapdoor spider c. fishing spider d. tarantula

d. tarantula

How can epidemic typhus be transmitted to people from lice? a. via infected saliva b. via infected frass c. via crushed lice d. two of the above e. all of the above

d. two of the above (b and c)

Why is there a legitimate concern about Dengue possibly becoming a problem in Athens? a. If the football team ...dkfa kl;d b. People who are reservoirs for the virus may travel to or back to Athens c. The Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is common in Athens and is a potential vector of Dengue d. two of the above

d. two of the above (b and c)

If you saw a female spider carrying a dozen spiderlings on her back, it most likely would be a a. jumping spider b. spitting spider c. orb-weaving spider d. wolf spider

d. wolf spider


describes a situation in which a disease is maintained at a constant rate


describes a situation in which a disease is maintained at a constant rate in non-human vertebrate populations


describes a situation in which a disease is rapidly increasing in non-human vertebrate populations

Gasterophilinae larvae target

digestive tract

You find an arthropod that has one pair of antennae on the head, and a body that consists of numerous segments, each with two pairs of legs. What group does this belong to? a. Pentastomida b. Crustecea c. Acari d. Scorpiones e. Diplopoda

e. Diplopoda

The term "asthma" is characterized by: a. swelling of the brain b. extreme fever (over 104 F) c. severe muscle pain d. sensitivity to light e. impaired ability to breathe

e. impaired ability to breathe

Which of the following insects are in the order Hemiptera? a. lice b. Triatominae bugs c. bed bugs d. all of the above e. two of the above

e. two of the above (Triatominae and bed bugs)

Doxycycline is a tetracycline class antibiotic, used for (a) treating Borrelia infections; (b) treating Demodex infections; (c) used to treat infections with rickettsia bacteria; (d) all of the above; (e) two of the above.

e. two of the above (a and c)


enters houses to feed on hosts

If you have a serious dust mite problem in your house, you should: (a) vacuum thoroughly and frequently; (b) treat carpets and furniture with insecticides; (c) turn down the heat and buy a dehumidifier; (d) all of the above; (e) a + b; (f) a + c

f. a and c

In areas with endemic malaria, which groups of people are most likely to die of the disease: (A) women in their first pregnancy, (B) the elderly, (C) pregnant women in any pregnancy, (D) children up to the age of five, (E) all except a and b, (F) all except b and c, (G) all except c and d.

f. all except b and c

Factors used by many arthropods to find hosts for blood feeding include: (a) carbon monoxide; (b) carbon dioxide; (c) lactic acid; (d) methane; (e) all of the above; (f) two of the above; (g) three of the above

f. two of the above (CO2 and methane)

Imported fire ants are not true ants.


"Pruritus" is a synonym for "stinging sensation"

false because this is known as the severe itching of the skin. A stinging sensation is known as Paresthesia

Cochliomyia hominivorax is the Dipteran species marketed for maggot debidement therapy.

false because this is the live flesh eating fly

Ophthalmomyiasis refers to a fly larva in the nose.

false; eyes

The bite of a red imported fire ant produces a sterile pustule.

false; it's a sting not a bite

Over 90% of the fleas found on dogs in north america are dog fleas, Pulex irritans

false; this is the human flea. the canine flea is Ctenocephalides canis

The arthropod transmitting the causative agent of a disease is the reservoir.

false; vector

Biological transmission

parasite colonizes vector and completes its life cycle there; vector remains infected for life Propagative, Cyclopropagative, Cyclodevelopmental


parasite increases in number and undergoes some developmental changes in the vector ex. malaria


parasite increases in number in the vector but no change in developmental stage ex. arboviruses


parasite undergoes developmental changes in vector without increasing in number ex. filarial worms

A _____________ is an organism that spends its immature stages in or on another organism, the host (usually and insect), which it eventually kills.


Intrinsic incubation period

this is the time from infection of the vertebrate host until the onset of symptoms of disease

European hornets are attracted to lights at night.


Insects and their multi-legged relatives make up 3/4 of all living things.


The two scorpions native to GA are in the genera Vajovis and Centruroides.

true; Vaejovis carolinianus and Centruroides hentzi (Hentz's striped scorpion)

Emerging Disease

type of disease where its prevalence gradually increases over time due to environmental factors that influence the survival of the pathogen ex. Lyme Disease Two factors examples: decrease of the wolf population has led to increase in deer population (host population) for ticks --> increase in tick vectors - Changing landscape --> automobiles plow pastures and cause more exposure

Sting hairs found on saddleback caterpillars and puss caterpillars are also known as_______________ because they are hollow and contain irritating fluid.

urticating hairs

The furuncle in which a Hypoderma larva lives under the skin on a cow's back is called a


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