Environmental Toxins 2 Hydrogen bond , covalent bond

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enzyme that breaks down proteins

Non polar covalent bond

equal sharing of electrons

Enlaces de Hidrogeno

hydrogen bonding


hydroxide ion

Energia reticular

lattice energy


que lleva


small_____ are miscible in water , but solubility decrease as the size of the alkyl group increase. Until ______is miscible in water .


the breakdown of proteins or peptides into amino acids by the action of enzymes

Enlace covalente

covalent bond

Unión covalente

covalent bonding

Hydrogen bond

water has a great interconnectivity of individual molecules, which is caused by the individually weak hydrogen bonds,


un agua con un pH bajo < 6.5 podría ser ácida y corrosiva.el agua podría disolver iones metálicos, tales como: hierro, manganeso, cobre, plomo y zinc, accesorios de plomería y tuberías. Debido a una corrosión electrolítica El agua que deja característica de coloración «azul-verde» en tuberías y desagües.

carbonato de calcio

un producto químico típico de neutralización es el carbonato de calcio que se utiliza cuando el agua es acida. Para evitar una corrosión electrolítica.

-Ion ion interaction

A chemical bond formed between two ions with opposite charges (ionic bond) That is the strongest intermolecular force b/c the involve formal charges.

polar covalent bond

A covalent bond in which electrons are not shared equally


A hydroxy or hydroxyl group


Aliphatic _____ acids are hydrophobic/non-polar meaning they resist water; such as glycine, alanine, isoleucine, and proline.


An amide is an organic functional group with a carbonyl bonded to a nitrogen or any compound containing this functional group

proteolytic cleavage

*_________________= Proteolysis is a specific cleavage (escisión) break of the peptide bond using enzyme called :Protease

Partial charge

-Formal Charge -Partial charge : it a fraction of a formal charges . The greater the partial charge the stronger the interaction. though never quite as strong as interaction between formally charge particles ( formalmente cargadas).

Ionic Bond

-Ionic Bond : Bond (enlace) where one atom gains an electron while other loses an electron. They become stable trying to filled the level. Example Na cl


This unequal sharing of the electrons results in a slightly positive and a slightly negative side of the molecule


To determine electron densities is used the Electronegativity and the Resonance - Electrons will flow from areas of high electron density δ- to low electron density δ+

covalent bond

Two molecules of oxygen sharing covalent bond in the 2nd orbit.

agua alcalina.

Un agua con un pH > 8.5 podría indicar que el agua alcalina. Puede presentar problemas de incrustaciones por dureza.

Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonding: is dipole dipole force Special case. The large difference in electronegativity between the H atom and the N, O or F atom leads to (conduce a )a highly polar covalent bond (enlace covalente altamente polar) and (dipole dipole force Special case Hydrogen Bond). H atom bears (tiene)a large partial positive charge and the N, O or F atom bears a large partial negative charge.

Special dipole dipole interactions

Hydrogen bonds ; It is a specific type of dipole dipole interaction example NH3 ,H2O, HF when they interact with each other. These are specially strong dipole dipole interactions because they are the most electronegative elements so they will create the most strongly polarized bond Resulting in a very strong dipole and very strong dipole dipole interaction " Hydrogen bonding".

intramolecular hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonds formed within molecules

Agua Alcanina (Agua Basica)

La formación de sarro que precipita en tuberías y accesorios que causan baja presión del agua y disminuye el diámetro interior de la tubería. Provoca un sabor salino al agua y puede hacer que el sabor amargo al café; La formación de incrustaciones blanquecinas vasos y vajillas de cocina. Dificultad en hacer espuma de jabones y detergentes, y la formación de precipitados en la ropa. Disminuye la eficiencia de los calentadores de agua. Típicamente se encuentran estos problemas cuando la dureza excede de 100 a 200 miligramos (mg) / litro (L) o ppm, que es equivalente a 12 granos por galón. El agua puede ser suavizada mediante el uso intercambio iónico, aunque este proceso puede aumentar el contenido de sodio en el agua. pH de los líquidos más comunes:

water or ethanol

More environmentally friendly solvents are _______ which are polar and capable of hydrogen bonding.


Nonpolar molecules have electrons equally shared within their covalent bonds

toluene (methylbenzene), hexane, dichloromethane, or diethylether.

Nonpolar or slightly polar solvents such as _______


OH , Its presence will enable a molecule to be water soluble.

Chemical Bond

The Chemical Bond: Covalent vs. Ionic and Polar vs. Nonpolar

hydroxyl group (-OH)

The behavior in water. its presence will enable (permitirá) a molecule to be water soluble. Even if the macromolecule is non polar (hydrophobic) such as hydrocarbons.

Non stable

The berilium is no stable becasue insted of havin g 8 electrons only have 2

Reflexion entre el agua acida y agua alcalina

El agua acida tiene mucha concentracion de protones [H+] por lo que necesita electrones y es por eso que corroe su entorno para tomar los electrones del ambiente llamado corrosion electrolitica. Por su parte el agua es basica es decir tiene mas iones [OH-] por lo que no necesita electrones , es mas al tener un exceso de electrones OH , los da al ambiente generando sarro e incrustaciones en la tubería. Agua acida = come corroe , necesite e- Agua alcalina= produce sarro incrustaciones , genera e-

intercambio iónico,

El agua dura (Agua alcalina) puede ser suavizada mediante el uso intercambio iónico, aunque este proceso puede aumentar el contenido de sodio en el agua. pH de los líquidos más comunes.


El pH del agua pura (H20) es 7 a 25 °C, pero cuando se expone al dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera este equilibrio resulta en un pH de aproximadamente 5.2. Debido a la asociación de pH con los gases atmosféricos y la temperatura.

Electron density

Electron density : The electron density is the real source of reactivity The formal charge don't tell us nothing about the electron density δ- High electron density δ+ Low electron density


Electronegativity to determine partial charges in bonds. A ranking of an atom's "greed" for electrons ( La clasificación de la codicia de un átomo por electrones). The more electronegative element will have a greater share of the electrons, and a partial negative δ- charge to reflect this greater electron density. The less electronegative element will have a partial positive charge δ+ to reflect the low of electron density. δ- High electron density δ+ Low electron density


Ethane, are nonpolar, having neither a positive nor a negative side

Alkyl Side Chain

First group (non polar aminoacids)- Haydrophobic - water fearing (miedo al agua) -Alkyl side chain *Glycine *Alanine *Valine *Methionine *Leucine *Isoleucine *Proline

Aromatic side chain

First group (non polar aminoacids)- Haydrophobic - water fearing (miedo al agua) -Aromatic side chain * Phenylalanine *Tryptophan

grupo funcional ionizado

Hydrocarbon is hydrophobic except when it has an attached ionized functional group such as carboxyl (acid) (COOH)

Hydrogen bonding between ammonia and water -NH

Hydrogen bonding between ammonia and water -NH

amino group

(—NH2) a functional group composed of nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms and to the carbon skeleton. Can act as a base in solution, accepting a hydrogen ion and acquiring a charge of +1 = NH3+

Van der wall forces . London dispersion forces

Vanderwall forces which is between tiny induced dipopes Vanderwall force: any substance can do it. Example Helium , is a noble gas. due to their full valence shell does not make bonds with other atoms. The electron cloud around the helium atom will be slightly lopsided (ligeramente ladeado) or skewed (sesgado) towards one direction . This will result in a momentary dipole. Momentary dipole means one side of the atom is ever so slightly partially negative and the other side slightly positive. " this is much weaker than a formal dipole " When molecules are packed very closely together, a slight attraction can develop between oppositely charged regions of nearby molecules,intermolecular forces of attraction cause this


Water is polar covalently bonded within the molecule.

hydroxide ion (OH-)

a negative ion made of oxygen and hydrogen

amino group

a chemical group consisting of a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms

Solubility Rules

Chlorates, Acetates, Sulfates, Halogens, Nitrates, Group IA


Cyano and nitro functional groups have high polarity Cyano and nitro functional groups DON'T form strong hydrogen bonds although they have high polarity. therefore: Cyano and nitro functional groups are NOT hydrophilic . Hidrophilicity is related more with the strong hydrogen bonds than with the polarity. Rather, these compounds are "hydroneutral," with hydrophilicities intermediate

nitro nitriles

Cyano nor nitro functional groups form strong hydrogen bonds to water molecules. neither _____ compounds nor _____ are hydrophilic, despite their high polarities due to their large dipole moments.

Dipole-Dipole interactions

Dipole - dipole is between partial charges Dipole -Dipole can be made by covalent molecules with a dipole ( one part partial δ+ and other part partial δ-) . The dipole dipole interaction When dipoles interact each other( cuando los dipolos interactúan entre si) as pure water always making electrostatic interaction between the negative end of one dipole (red part oxygen) and The positive end of another dipole ( gray part hydrogen) Attractions between oppositely charged regions of polar molecules.


Dipole is A molecule that has two poles like water . for example water. Where Oxygen is more electronegative than Hydrogen and it will pull the electrons in the bond towards itself. Because of the bend shape of the molecule when it is combined . We see that water has overall dipole or a side of the molecule with some electronic access δ- (They are partially negative) and a side with electronic deficiency δ+ ( they are partially positive). Created by equal but opposite charges that are separated by a short distance. a molecule that has two poles, or regions, with opposite charges.

hydroxyl group (-OH)

In an organic molecule, a functional group consisting of a hydrogen atom bonded to an oxygen atom. Alcohol

Vapor pressure

In gas phase Low vapor pressure : The particles that are in gas phase need not too much pressure to pass to liquid. (the substance want to be in liquid ) (easy liquefaction) High vapor pressure: It is the pressure that you will exert (ejercer) on the gas to transform it to liquid phase. ( not easy to pass from gas to liquid ), (difficult liquefaction) High Vapor pressure : The molecules in gas phase wants to be in gas phase . You need a lot of pressure to convert it in liquid . In liquid phase . The liquid that is transform to gas Low vapor pressure = strong intermolecular forces in the liquid phase =low evaporation rate ( no se evapora tan facilmente el liquido. )= Molecules want to be in liquid . (difficult evaporation) High Vapor pressure = Weak intermolecular forces in the liquid = High evaporation rate ( prefiere esta en estado gas, porque no hay muchos hydrogen bonding).= Molecules want to be in gas phase ( easy evaporation) Hydrogen bonding is a strong bond, therefore, it produces a lower evaporation rate and thus, a lower vapor pressure. Low vapor pressure ,( goes from gas to liquid ). Low vapor pressure means that the substance want to be in liquid phase.

cytosolic region

In the eukaryotic cell, the cytosol is surrounded by the cell membrane and is part of the cytoplasm, which also comprises the mitochondria, plastids, and other organelles (but not their internal fluids and structures); the cell nucleus is separate. The cytosol is thus a liquid matrix around the organelles.

Intermolecular Forces and Boiling Points

Intermolecular forces : These are electrostatic interactions between molecules.

atoms within a molecule

Intermolecular forces :A molecule that have atoms make covalent and ionic bonds with each other. Molecules also participate in interaction with other molecules. There are ___ types -Ion- ion interaction (between Na and Cl) - Ion- dipole interactions (Na , cl dissolve in water) - Dipole - Dipole interaction ( H2O + H2O, " Hydrogen bond). - Vanderwall forces ( London dispersion force )

Intermolecular forces

Intermolecular forces are forces that exist between molecules.

covalent bond

Intramolecular forces : Intramolecular bond Intramolecular bonds are the bonds which hold atoms together in a molecule such as the covalent bonds in CO2.These bond are very strong relative to intermolecular bonds which are more appropriately called intermolecularforces. (IMF). Covalent bond = Share e- Ionic bond = steal e- Intermolecular forces (IMF) : . The intermolecular forces (IMF) are generally forces much weaker than bonds. All molecules, ions, and atoms have these forces but the strength of them is much less than that seen in bonds. IMFs varies in strength greatly with the type of molecule (polar vs. non-polar) and the presence of certain groups, such as hydrogen. -Ion- ion interaction ( force) (between Na and Cl) - Ion- dipole interactions (force) (Na , cl dissolve in water) - Dipole - Dipole interaction (force) - present in polar molecules. (H2O + H2O, " Hydrogen bonds special case of dipole forces ). - Vanderwall forces ( London dispersion force ) due to electrons. Hydrogen bonding: is dipole dipole force Special case. The large difference in electronegativity between the H atom and the N, O or F atom leads to (conduce a )a highly polar covalent bond (enlace covalente altamente polar) and (dipole dipole force Special case Hydrogen Bond). Two types of bond in a Intramolecular forces - Covalent bond : Bonds between atoms where lectrons are share. The goal is to become stable . Electron levels filled . * Non polar covalent bond If the difference between EN< 0.5 the covalent bond is said to be ( Se dice que es ). In the non polar covalent bond the electrons are share more or less evenly. And in the case of the two atoms with the same element they share electrons evenly(igualmente). * Polar covalent bond ( Difference in electronegativity >0.5 , 0.5 <EN>1.7) although there EN is not too high to cause ionization. Exam EN of Hydrogen= 2. 1 EN of chlorine = 3.0 Difference of EN 0.9, is higher than EN>0.5. In this case the chlorine Cl has more electronegativity and pull the hydrogen to him and make the role of father " Protector . The more electronegative atom in a polar covalent bond pulls the electron density towards itself . The atoms that has more electronegativity (father ) is called δ- partially negative . The atom whose electrons are pulling away ( alejando) is slightly electron deficient , Therefore there are partially positive δ+ -Ionic Bond : EN > 2.0 (One of the atoms steal an electron Bond (enlace) where one atom gains an electron while other loses an electron. They become stable trying to filled the level. Example Na cl. Cl: clorine Result Positive Charge Sodium Ion (+), and negative charge chloride ion. Particles of opposite charge have an electrostatic attraction . They form an ionic bond. Strong attraction. Electronegativity: If difference in electronegativity in two atoms is < 1.7 the electron are not stolen instead the two atoms shared electrons forming a covalent bond.

Intramolecular forces

Intramolecular forces are the forces that hold atoms together within a molecule.

ionic - ionic interaction

Ion - Ion interaction Example, 1) Na + and Cl- ==> They are pull each other for a electrostatic force. 2) Ca+2 and O-2 ==> here the charges are grather than in the first example , so the interaction between forces in greather b/w Calcium and oxide than sodium cloride ." The higher the charge degraded (degradaba) the ionic interaction. * As charge increases , the electrostatic force will increase . * As the size of the ion increase the electrostatic force (F)will decrease. F= K*q1*q2)/ R^2 * Lattice energy: is proportional to magnitud of the charges divided between the distance between them. LE = (K*q1*q2)/ R 3) Comparing ioninc compound( it is ionic b/c contain metal and not metal). AlN ( aluminium Nitride) MgO (Magnesium Oxide)= They are ionic in nature . -which compound have higher melting point ? The compound with higher melting point is going to have more lattice energy, so electrostatic forces between them is greater. Mg +2 , O-2 q1q2 = 4 lower melting force b/c the ion ion interaction are weaker. Al+3 ,N-3 q1q2 = 9 Higher melting force b/c the ion ion interaction are very strong. Nacl vs Kcl Which one has more lattice charge and therefore higher melting point. Seeing periodic table Na +(sodium) is smaller atom, K + (potassium ) is larger atom b/c of the location in the periodic table.but with the same charge The magnitud of the charge is the same F- , Cl- but the size of the molecule is smaller in F (floride) and higher in Cl (chloride) Conclusion The NaF is a small molecule has a Higher melting point NaF= Sodium floride ==>> small size means high lattice energy == mean high melting point. The ion ion interaction hold these ions together and is stronger interaction b/c the molecule is small (have electrostatic interaction) KCl= potassium chloride ==>> high size means small lattice energy == means small melting point. The ion ion interaction hold these ions together and is weaker interaction b/c the molecule is small (have electrostatic interaction)

ion-ion interactions

Ion -Ion interaction. the strongest intermolecular interactions because it involves interaction between formally charge particles and because ions have very high concentrations of positive and negative charge. These networks of ionic bonds which are the strongest intermolecular forces b/c they involve formal charges

ion-dipole interactions

Ion dipole interaction the interaction between formal charge (Na+ or Cl-) and partial charge δ- and δ+ can make electrostatic interactions because the partially negative side is attracted to positive charge and the partially positive charge δ+ is attracted to the negative charge. Ion- dipole ejem is given between Water and salt NaCl When the sodium chloride NaCl dissolve in water : The Na + ( sodium ion ) makes ion dipole interaction with the negative side of the water (oxygen) . The Cl- (Chloride ion ) makes ion dipole interaction with the positive side of the water ( Hydrogen). That's why Nacl can dissociate in water .


Second group ( Polar aminoacids) -Acidic ( They have carboxylic acid as part of their side chain) * Aspartic Acid * Glutamic Acid When they donate the H " Hydrogen" They are called Aspartate and glutamate.


Second group ( Polar aminoacids) -Basic * Histidine *Lysine * Arginine


Second group ( Polar aminoacids) -Neutral ( This aminoacids contain oxygen or sulfur) * Serine *Threonine *Asparagine *Glutamine *Cystine *Tyrosine (This aminoacid can be considered

polar ___ no polar

The difference between a polar (water) and nonpolar (ethane) molecule is due to the unequal sharing of electrons within the polar molecule.


The graphic show the ___________ of the alcohol in water

que llevan

The hydration numbers of typical aprotic polar substances bearing dipole moments

Las moléculas de agua polares covalentemente unidas

The polar covalently bonded water molecules act to exclude nonpolar molecules, causing the fats to clump together.

se agrupen

The polar covalently bonded water molecules act to exclude nonpolar molecules, causing the fats to clump together.


The structure of many molecules can greatly influence their solubility. _______, such as glucose, have many hydroxyl (OH) groups, which tend to increase the solubility of the molecule.

Hydrogen bonding in Hydrogen Fluoride - FH

The symbol -FH , where the difference in electronegativity between H and F leads (conduce ) to high polar covalent bond (enlace . covalente altamente polar).

By hydrolysis

_____ you break the peptide bond to form again 2 aminoacids. There are two types of hydrolysis. *Acid Hydrolysis ( using strong acid ). + Heat *proteolytic cleavage= Proteolysis is a specific cleavage (escisión) break of the peptide bond using enzyme called :Protease

Glycine, alanine, isoleucine, and proline.

_______ are aminoacids that are non polar , so They are Hydrophobic . They have water resistance.

amino group

_______, in chemistry, functional group that consists of a nitrogen atom attached by single bonds to hydrogen atoms, alkyl groups.

Hydration numbers nH

____________is to evaluate the hydrophilicity of the two polar groups quantitatively


________molecules are repelled by water and do not dissolve in water; are hydrophobic.

Hydration numbers nH

_______is one of the most quantitative parameters for determining the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of a compound. To evaluate the hydrophilicity of the two polar groups quantitatively


_______molecules (with +/- charges) are attracted to water molecules and are hydrophilic.


______is An organic compound that contains an amino group.

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