Envy and its Effects on Society

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A choice or inclination towards one thing over another

Productive society

A community or group that is successful and efficient in its activities


A device or medium for receiving and broadcasting television programs

Political wedge

A divisive issue or topic used to create conflict or division


A group of individuals living together in a community

Abundant evidence

A large amount of proof or data supporting a claim or finding

Systemic solution

A solution that addresses the root causes or underlying issues of a problem


A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility

Present Behavior

Actions or conduct exhibited in the current moment

Future benefit

Advantages or rewards that are expected to be gained in the future

Negative influence

An adverse or harmful impact on someone or something

Moral judgment

An assessment or evaluation based on ethical principles or values

Productive way

An effective or beneficial approach


An immoral or wrongful act

Personal preference

An individual's choice or liking for something


An obstacle or hindrance that prevents progress or interaction

Negative emotion

An unpleasant or undesirable feeling


Anticipated outcomes or beliefs about the future

Fear and bitterness

Anxiety and resentment towards someone or something

Fear of losing face

Anxiety or concern about appearing weak or inferior in front of others

Fear of being taken advantage of

Anxiety or worry about being exploited or manipulated by others

Disaster relief

Assistance provided to communities affected by natural or man-made disasters

Within reach

Attainable or accessible

Political advantage

Benefit or gain in the political realm

Out of their reach

Beyond what they can attain or achieve


Close acquaintance or knowledge of someone or something

Productive societies

Communities or groups that are successful and efficient in their activities

Developed societies

Communities or groups that have advanced socially, economically, and technologically

Sibling rivalry

Competition or conflict between siblings

Separating sellers from buyers

Creating a division or distance between those who sell and those who buy

Efficiently handled

Dealt with effectively or efficiently

Guilt and shame

Different emotional responses to different types of actions or failures

Different friend groups

Distinct social circles or sets of friends

Prevalent mindset

Dominant or widespread way of thinking or belief

Influence on

Effect or impact on

Positive Envy

Envy that can be used as a source of inspiration or motivation

Negative Envy

Envy that leads to negative consequences or behaviors


Feeling of discontent or resentment towards someone's possessions or achievements


Feeling of embarrassment or humiliation due to a perceived failure or inadequacy


Feeling remorse or responsibility for a wrongdoing


Information or ideas spread to influence public opinion

Diplomatic relationships

Interactions and connections between different countries or governments

No intimate connection

Lack of personal or emotional attachment

Private property rights

Legal rights that allow individuals to own and control property

Attach primarily to

Mainly associated with or connected to

Psychological disorders

Mental health conditions or illnesses

Developed countries

Nations with high levels of industrialization and economic development

Developing countries

Nations with low levels of industrialization and economic development


Natural aptitude or skill in a particular area

Negative associations

Negative connections or connotations

Charitable organizations

Non-profit groups that provide assistance or support to those in need

Religious structures

Organized institutions or organizations related to faith or belief systems

Unfairly possessed

Owned or held by someone in a way that is perceived as unjust or undeserved

Complete strangers

People who are not known or familiar to each other

Goods and possessions

Physical items or belongings

Athletic ability

Physical skill or talent in sports or physical activities


Reduced or lessened

Different athletic teams

Separate sports teams or organizations

Negative Envy cultures

Societies where negative envy is common and encouraged

Positive thing

Something that is considered desirable or beneficial

Negative thing

Something that is considered undesirable or harmful


Something that is desired or envied

Mutually reinforcing

Strengthening or supporting each other

Black magic

Supernatural practices or rituals believed to cause harm or manipulate others

Envy and sorcery

The belief that envy can be attributed to dark or supernatural forces

Political mindset

The beliefs and attitudes held by individuals or groups in the political sphere

Age gap

The difference in age between two individuals

Strength of Envy

The intensity or power of the feeling of envy

Majority of citizens

The larger portion or most of the people in a society

Equal a population gets

The more similar or balanced a group of people becomes

Charitable apparatus

The organized structure or system of a charitable organization


The practice of conducting negotiations between countries or governments

Human decency

The quality of being kind, considerate, and compassionate towards others

Human exception

The rare occurrence of individuals actively putting themselves at risk to help strangers

Slightest discrepancy

The smallest difference or variation


The use of magic or supernatural powers to influence or manipulate others

Perceived value

The value that is attributed to something based on its desirability, expense, or rarity

Redirect their energy

To channel or focus one's efforts or attention in a different direction

Manage Envy

To control or handle the feeling of envy

Make everybody as equal as possible

To ensure that everyone has the same level of resources or opportunities

Envy their peer

To feel envy towards someone of the same age or status

Damper on

To lessen the intensity or enthusiasm of something

Handle the fuel

To manage or control the negative emotion

Mitigate Envy

To reduce or lessen the impact of the feeling of envy

Motivate someone's guilt

To use feelings of guilt as a means to encourage or prompt certain behaviors

Negative attention

Unfavorable or critical focus on someone or something

Political manipulation

Using fear or beliefs to control or influence people for political gain

Directly proportional

When two variables increase or decrease at the same rate

No strings attached

Without any expectations or conditions

Fear that someone will only help you out

Worry that assistance is conditional and requires something in return

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