ENY5006 Unit 1

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distinguishing characteristics of 1. whipscorpions 2. spiders 3. harvestmen 4. scorpions 5. ticks and mites 6. pseudoscorpions

1. long slender tail that is not venemous and lives in tropical and warm regions, resembles a scorpion 2. predacious arachnid with webs that serve as nests and traps for prey 3. long slender legs and compact rounded body 4. long tail that is venemous 5. long barbed mouth and small round bodies, blood sucking 6. 2-8 mm long, super small, tailless scorpion that only eats small insects

common name for arachnid orders: uropygi, aranae, opiliones, scorpiones, acari, pseudoscorpions

1. whipscorpions 2. spiders 3. harvestmen 4. scorpions 5. ticks and mites 6. pseudoscorpions

Why are insects considered to be "Key" terrestrial animals?

About half of the described species of living things and almost three quarters of the animal species are insects so they contribute to substantial biomass. Because they are such a large part of animal biomass, they're important to ecological roles in terms of what they eat and what eats them. Large diversification because body types of insects allow them to live where other animals can't.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to having an exoskeleton?

Advantages- protection, retardation of water movement, protection from physical damage and abrasion, barrier, concealing shapes and colors Disadvantages- special modifications for gaseous exchange and sensory pickup, major growth restrictions (heavy)

What are the kingdoms?

Animalia, plantae, protista, fungi

Which phylum do insects, crabs and spiders belong to?


Describe the different reasons insects may be cultured. (p16-17)

Because of their ability to pollinate, or eat other pests/insects, for health reasons (apitherapy), for research (ticks and lyme disease) or products (beeswax or silk) or to study ecology

Why can muscles in insects be used so efficiently and what exactly is an exoskeleton? (p 8-9)

Because their power increases in proportion to their cross sectional area, whereas body volume and weight increases as the cube of body dimensions. AKA because of their small size which allows them to utilize different methods of flight and locomotion than larger animals (ex: honey bees contract muscles in thorax to move wings, takes less muscles than moving wings via constricing flight wings like birds)

How does classification help us identify an organism?

By addressing the morphology (structures), ecology (environments), biology (living process) and physiology (systems and functions in organism) and demonstrates evolutionary relationships usually using RNA research in computers.

i) How are these subphylums different from each other? Which ones have antennas? How do they differ in their mouth types?

Chelicerata- no antennae or jaws, but they have fangs... Mandibulata- antenna and jaws and no fangs, just mandibles, or mouth parts (jaws)

List the two chelicerate classes discussed in the table. And write down examples of each.

Chelicerate Class:Arachnida- (such as spiders, ticks, etc.) Scorpion, tick, harvestman (daddy long legs) Chelicerate Class:Merostomata Examples: Horseshoe crabs

Differentiate the major arthropod classes and orders.

Classes- annelids, Chelicerata and Mandibulata OR Classes- Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Arachnida, Diplopoda, chilopod, Pauropoda, symphylan Order- protura, collembola, dipluran,

List the Mandibulate subphyla discussed in this unit (p 320):

Crustacea, myriapoda, hexapoda

Describe the hierarchy in classifying any organism

Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Where do insects live and what are some of their food habits? (p 4-7)

Everywhere-- forests, grasslands, deserts, cultivated lands, urban areas, bodies of fresh and saltwater, and flying in the air. They eat other insects (entomophagous)/animals (carnivorous/parasitoids) decaying plant matter and fungi (detritivorous), and plants (herbivorous/phytophagous)

Who is he? And what did he do for Classification? (Carl Linnaeus)

He is a researcher that was interested in classifying organisms. He addresses the classification of animals, plants and minerals, an explanation for classifying plants, assigned plants to specific genera and species, and classified 7700 species of plants and 4400 of animals. Also, he coined the term nomenclature.

Examples of classification. Classify two organisms (other than a lion and beetle). If you need more help, check out the web or your text. The second half of your text contains keys to the orders of insects.

Hierarchy Organism: vs. Organism: Kingdom Animalia Animalia Phylum Chordata Arthropoda Class Mammalia Insecta Order primates Hymenoptera Family Hominidae Apidae Genus Homo Apis Species Homo sapiens Apis mellifera

Name some of the insects and their roles that are or were important in other cultures. (p 13-17)

Honey- important to new and old world Silk moths- india huge for silk production even tho silk moths were cultivated a millinea ago Some insects are eaten culturally

What observations did you make from the Arthropod Activity?

Honeybee (insect)- Fast moving Antenna going crazy Frantic movement Doesn't seem adapted for any particular environment Mouth parts going crazy Wings move fast Feet and legs move fast 6 legs all on thorax Wings connect on back like velcro one on top of another Moves for speed, trying to sting me and get away Bee has large eyes to see predators, fast wings to fly away and stinger for defense Centipede (arthropod)- Moves slow Antenna slow Curled up when touched Adapted to camo in foliage Can't see mouthparts Small eyes, hard shell, no defense How arthropod is different from me Exoskeleton Lots o legs Slow moving Dorsal heart Ventral nerve cord Can climb walls

What are the two Crustacean Orders discussed in this unit?

Isoproda and decapoda

f) Write out your own little ditty besides Kings Play Chess On Fine Gold Saddles to remember the sequence to 1) Kingdom, 2) Phylum, 3) Class, 4) Order, 5) Genus, and 6)Species:

K King P Phillip C Came O Over F For G Great S Spaghetti

Describe the range of ways insects contribute to commerce. (p 13-17)

Key regulators of plant populations, populations of insects or other arthropods, regulating pest populations in ag or forests, provide interconnections for other organisms as pollinators for plants and as vectors of pathogenic microbes that cause disease in humans animals or plants. They bring money in for pest management and provide helpful research as they are important subjects for ecological, behavioral, genetic, physiological, and other biological studies

Arthropod Classes Characteristic Summary.

Kingdom- animalia Phylum- arthropoda Subphylum- Chelicerata Class merostomata Class arachnids Orders- pseudoscorpiones, scorpiones, uropygi, opillorces, acari, araneae Crustacea Class malacostraca Orders- decapoda and isopoda Myriapoda Class diplopoda Class chilopoda Hexapoda Class insecta

Describe what Linnaeus did for classification.

Linnaeus wrote out the classifications of animals, plants and minerals, finally classifying 7,700 species of plants and 4,400 of animals. He also coined the term nomenclature

List three characteristics of Decapods:

Periodic molting, 2 pair antenna, first pair of thoracic appendages formed into pincers

What are some of the factors that affect conservation status and conservation programs?

Population numbers, usefulness, parasitism and predation behaviors, crop influence, pollination influence, ecology (Food web) significance, breaking down of organic substances, fertilizing fields for crops, fruit development, research significance, invasive species, endangered habitats, public awareness and motivation, assessment of insect diversity,

What distinguishes an arthropod from other phyla? For instance, how can you tell an arthropod from a human?

Segmented body (we do not have that), jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton) (our skeleton is inside), paired jointed appendages on each segment (again, no segments), dorsal brain, ventral nerve cord (our cord is protected by our internal skeleton), open circulatory skeleton (we have veins and shit, not open free flowing hemolymph in a hemocoel), dorsal heart (our heart is not on our back), molts (we do not molt because our skeleton is inside and it grows with us)

Describe the characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda.

Segmented body, jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton), paired jointed appendages on each segment, dorsal brain, ventral nerve cord, open circulatory system, dorsal heart, molts

List the variety of insects used as food. What animals eat insects (entomophagy)? (p 14)

Snails, millipedes, spiders, earthworms (none of these are insects LOL)... milipedes, spiders, mites The animals that eat other insects are called entomophagous and it is split into 2 parts, predators and parasites. Predators include wasps and robber flies and ladybird beetles, and parasites are like ticks and lice and fleas.

What characteristics of insects contribute to their species richness?

Their size- the smallest insects can live in places no other animals can which increases their diversification. Despite how small they can get, they can also be huge. They also live in tons of different environments, and they eat everything from decaying organic matter to plants to other insects to other animals. They live in the highest mountains and deepest oceans and arctic regions to deserts.

What is the advantage of using a scientific name over a common name of an organism?

There are a lot of different common names for the same organism but there is only one scientific name for each organism.

What are the names of the Arthropod subphyla?

Trilobite, chelicerata, hexapod, myriapods and crustacea (mandibulata and chelicerata)

How have insects contributed to our understanding of broader biological principles?

We are able to conduct studies on them that are unethical to conduct on other animals, they also teach us about polination and ecology and food webs and how detritus breaks down and how plants grow and how fruit grows and how animals eat and how manure covered fields are cleared so grass can regrow

what is classification

addresses the morphology. Ecology, biology, and physiology of species within the animal and plant kingdoms as well as demonstrating evolutionary relationships

How do you differentiate between a spider, an insect and a crustacean?

arachnids- mouth parts: chelicera body regions: 2 antennae- none legs- 8 crustacean- mouth parts: mandibles body regions: 2 antennae- 2 pairs legs- many insect mouth parts: mandibles body regions: 3 antennae- 1 pair legs- 6

Define taxonomy

basic work of recognizing, describing, and classifying of insects

What would an (L) mean after a species name?

it is a reference to Carl Linnaeus who named that species

Give an example of an organism's classification, from its kingdom to the species level

kingdom- animalia, phylum- chordata, class- mammalia, order- carnivora, family- felidae, genus- panthera, species- Panthera leo

Define cephalothorax

part of chelicerata that contains the head and thorax

Define classification:

scheme of categorizing organisms

How do you differentiate between the different subphyla and classes? Finish filling out the table below as read about Mandibulate Classes.

subphylum- crustacea class- malacostraca distinguishing characteristics- Biramous appendages Exoskeleton of chitin, periodic molting, ⅔ body segments, two pair antenna, one median eye and 2 lateral, 3 pair biting mouthparts, first pair of thoracic appendages modified into pincers often, breathe with gills, sexual reproduction examples- crabs, crawfish, lobster, barnacles, roly poly subphylum- myriapoda class- chilopoda class- diplopoda diplopoda distinguishing characteristics- Two pairs of legs per segment Chewing mouthparts Detritivorous Exoskeleton examples- millipede chilopoda distinguishing characteristics- nocturnal, one pair of legs per segment, one pair of antennae, jaws, two pairs of maxillae, carnivorous, exoskeleton examples- centipede subphylum-hexapoda class- insecta distinguishing characteristics- Exoskeleton of chitin 3 body segments (head thorax abdomen) 3 pairs mouthparts 1 pair antenna Compound and simple eyes 3 pair legs Varied appearance examples- bees

Arachnid Orders

uropygi, aranae, opiliones, scorpiones, acari, pseudoscorpions

How do flagship species and the umbrella effect contribute to insect conservation?


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