EPPP Study Set 1

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Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement

Reinforcement will happen at a regular time, like snack at 2, or paycheck every 2 weeks. Has the least operant strength, so easiest to extinguish. If someone stops getting paid, they will stop working pretty quickly!

Approach - approach

Struggling between two good things and when you pick one, the other becomes less appealing, though initially you may have struggled to distinguish what was most appealing

Approach - avoidance

Struggling to choose when something has both positive and negative sides

Projective Hypothesis

-Assumption that ambiguous and unstructured stimuli can elicit meaningful information about an examinee's personality and underlying conflicts -Projective tests are less susceptible to "faking" and tend to reveal more unconscious, global aspects of personality

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - L (Lie)

-High score: attempts to present self in a favorable light or lack of insight; associated with reduced ability to benefit from therapy -Low score: frankness, exaggeration, or independence

Rancho Scale of Cognitive Functioning Revised

-Purpose: developed as a measure of cognitive recovery during the first weeks to months following a head injury -Scoring: 10 levels of functioning that describe response and level of assistance required; lower levels indicate poorer functioning

Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

-Purpose: measures general scholastic ability to evaluate examinee's readiness for grad school -General Test: provides scores for analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning -Subject Tests: available for 8 disciplines


29 and above= severe depression

Helms Disintegration

2nd status WRIDM increased cross-racial interactions, more awareness of "whiteness," produces conflict, confusion

APA's Record Keeping Guidelines (2007) suggest keeping adult records for _________ after last date of service delivery.

7 years


Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Triad that occurs when two members in conflict involve third person. (usually parents involve child) Third person immobilized: can't please either one

A client who reports that certain external events have a particular personal meaning would be demonstrating what type of symptom (e.g., belief that newscasters are talking directly to the client)?

Ideas of reference

To determine two rater's level of agreement on a test you would use the

Kappa coefficient.

What exercise involves women tightening pelvic floor muscles, as if to stop urinating, and is used to strengthen the perineum to prepare for pregnancy, treat incontinence, and enhance sexual pleasure?

Kegel exercise


Masculinity-Femininity Stereotypical interests

George Kelly

Perhaps the first cognitive theorist and introduces his "psychology of personal constructs" A construct is synonymous with a schema, which is a cognitive template through which the word is interpreted.

The ________ Theory suggests depression is a result of low serotonin and low norepinephrine levels, while mania is caused by low serotonin and high norepinephrine levels; the effectiveness of SSRIs support this theory.


A person with Delusional Disorder who believes they, or someone they know, is being malevolently mistreated best qualify for what type of the disorder?

Persecutory Type

A person presents for therapy after family members noticed significantly increased paranoia following a car accident where the person sustained a head injury. Collateral information suggests the paranoia presented only after the accident. What is the most likely primary diagnosis?

Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition

What biological antecedent to mental retardation is caused by a lack of the enzyme necessary to oxidize phenylalanine (and amino acid in protein foods)?

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Principle, recognizes that "psychologist establish relationships of trust with those whom they work"

Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility

Principle, although ethically permissible in certain situations, deception should be used only with great care.

Principle C: Integrity

Principle, recognizes that all persons should benefit for contributions of psychology and be treated with equal quality

Principle D: Justice

Principles, enjoins psychologists that their own biases and limitations of competence do not result in unjust practices.

Principle D: Justice

Principle, includes respect for the rights of privacy, confidentiality, and self determination.

Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

Principle, psychologists should try to eliminate the effect of biases due to demographic factors.

Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

Draw a Person Test

Projective Test Goodenough, measure of children's intelligence represents expression of self or body image man, woman, self similar to Harris House-Tree-Person

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Projective Test Murray tell a story for picture, useful for diagnostic distinctions, not for specific diagnosis

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Projective Test ages 2 and older, most frequently used ten blots Exner's Comprehensive System most common scoring Questionable reliability/validity, improved w/ Exner


Property in systems theory every part of system is interrelated; change in one part = change in other parts

Negative Feedback

Property in systems theory maintenance of homeostasis by attempting to correct changes in status quo eg. yelling at disruptive child


Property in systems theory one cause can lead to different results ex., incest = promiscuity or inhibition


Property in systems theory tendency for a system to restore status quo Degree of homeostasis dependent on management of pos. and neg. feedback


Property in systems theory whole is greater than sum of parts Look at family as whole, rather than as collection of individuals

Cannon and Bard

Proposed that emotions and thoughts occur more or less simultaneously.

Self Verification Theory

Proposes that people seek confirmation of their self-concept.

Most of HIPAA's general provisions govern _______________, there are more stringent protections for _____________________.

Protected Health Information (PHI); psychotherapy notes

Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, feminist therapist finds she is imposing ideas on traditional woman



Relay station. Thalamus-"T" for train station, for Thames. All senses relayed through save the sense of olfaction.


Study a culture from inside, think of an epidemic in a city.

In-vivo aversive conditioning used to treat

Substance Dependence, Paraphilias, & self-injurious behaviors

What is the 3rd most frequent cause of death for infants between 1 month and 1 year old?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Standard Error of Estimate

This tells us how far we can expect to be off when making predictions based on a regression (prediction) equation. Keep in a box in your mind labeled "correlation coefficient."


Visual hallucinations of terrifying faces.

Occipital Lobe

Visual processing center

"Business Necessity" and "Job Relatedness" are related to

adverse impact.

The earliest symptoms of Huntington's Disease are usually

affective changes (e.g., irritability and depression)

spontaneous recovery

after extinction, behavior returns without any reinforcement trials

limbic system- emotion

amygdala (fear/aggression, flashbulb) Buci syndrome hippocampus (learning/memory, stm to ltm) cingulate cortex (pain)


correct identification of true negatives


correct identification of true positives

reciprocal inhibition

counterconditioning (relaxation when anxious)

In _______, the court has right to information and there is no confidentiality or need for a release.

court-appointed evaluations

In __________________,the court hires the psychologist and the client is the court.

court-appointed evaluations

HIPPA - Psychologist Duties - Written Privacy Policy, Must be given to ____________, and reflect compliance with ________________________.

all patients, HIPAA and state laws


all senses relayed through it, except for smell or olfaction


aloc and inability focus, shift attn

Deception in research, should be avoided unless: 2. __________________, without deception, are not available.

alternative procedues

S-delta stimulus

an environmental cue that a behavior will NOT be reinforced. Child learns that Mom will not allow him to borrow car; pigeon learns that pressing lever while Red light flashes will not produce food. Mom & red light are S-delta stimuli

General symptoms that may accompany the third stage of Alzheimer's Dementia include:

apathy and emotional blunting

With the rare exception of private practice that does not accept third-party reimbursements or use electronic transmission, HIPAA ________________________________.

applies to all psychologists

absence (petit-mal) seizure

blank stare, no motor

General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services (1987), recognized specialties (4)

clinical, counseling, IO, and school

Bartering is permissible as long as it is not ___________________________ and not __________.

clinically contraindicated; exploitative

Harmful multiple relationship occurs, should "attempt to resolve it with due regard for the ________________________ and maximal ___________

best interests of the affected person; compliance with the Ethics Code

The decision to seek consultation, supervision, training or refer out should always be based on the ___________________________________.

best interests of the client

Client variables & txt outcome

best predictors of txt outcome high intelligence, openness, low defensiveness, high ego strength, high anxiety tolerance, moderate expectations = good outcome


biographical information bank lack face validity (questions may seem unrelated to job and they may invade privacy)

implicit memories

memories retrieved without conscious effort or awareness. Procedural memory can be implicit

Motivation & txt outcome

mixed results: motivation at beginning doesn't seem to be as important as motivation developed during txt

Preamble, the goal of psychologist is to __________________ of individuals, organizations, and society.

improve the condition

Among bilinguals, code-switching (language switching)

is a way for the speaker to better express his or her attitude toward the listener.

Paraprofessionals & txt outcome

just as effective as professionals

Children, Elderly & txt outcome

just as effective for children and elderly as for adults age has little relationship to txt outcome adolescent girls may respond better than boys

zone of proximal development

just beyond kid's ability, but with scaffolding they can learn

inter-rater reliability

kappa statistic or coefficient of confordance; affected by consensual observer drift

Bem's social learning theory on gender-role identity

kids develop schemas from expereinces

Depth perception in infants develops in which of the following sequences?

kinectic (as young as 3 weeks), binocular (2-3 months), pictoral (7 months)

Recommendations for working with Native American clients

know details of tribe and family system non-directive, history-oriented, accepting, cooperative approach consider including elders, medicine people, legends goals often not problem-focused

Misconduct by colleagues, consider: 1. how you __________. 2. the ______ and _____ of the offense committed 3. if an _________ _________ was attempted

learned of the offense; type and severity; informal resolution

stimulus generalization

learned response to one stimulus then same response to different, but similar stimulus

observational learning

learning that occurs when one watches another perform a behavior & then replicates the behavior.


left frontal, expressive (motor)

left/right confusion most likely caused by lesion where?

left parietal lobe


left temporal, comprehending (sensory)

When clients are legally incapable of giving consent, must obtain permission from a _______________________________.

legally authorized person

Rancho Scale of Cognitive Functioning

neuropsych test measure of cog. recovery following injury 1-10, no response to purposeful-appropriate responses


damage produces aTAXia ; slurred speech, severe tremors, loss of balance (like alcohol effects)

Broca's Aphasia

damage to Left frontal, expressive language, difficulty getting the words out, can understand you, hard to get the words out, but can understand them

Wernicke's Aphasia

damage to Left temporal, problems with comprehension, cannot understand what you are saying, also misproduce speech sounds so that you cannot understand them. Considered receptive or sensory aphasia

Hypnosis involves three factors

dissociation, absorption, suggestibility

anti-alcohol drugs

disulfiram and naltrexone


eating, seizure, anxiety, huntingtons low in anxiety

The Standards for educational and Psychological Testing address "professional and technical issues of test development and use in __________________________________________."

education, psychology, and employment

Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS)

empirical criterion keying, high school jrs & srs 4 scales: occupational scales (109); College major scales (40); Vocational Interest Estimates (ten similar to Holland); Dependability Indices (validity)

random selection

enables investigator to generalize findings from the sample to population

memory process

encoding storage retrieval

Deception in research, subjects must be debriefed as early as possible, usually at the ________________, but definitely no later than at the _________________________.

end of participation; end of data collection

Which of the following is an endogenous (produced inside the body) opiate?


Sexual relations with persons who are near to clients, may not terminate therapy with a client in order to ___________________________

engage in such a relationship

Once any information is transmitted electronically, HIPAA's rules apply to the ________________ of a psychologist or institution.

entire practice

Services through organizations, psychologist appointed by court to evaluate a defendant, should explain that ____________________________.

feedback will not be shared with defendent


females only

Therapist variables & txt outcome

few have a consistent relationship with outcome Competence = good outcome

corpus callosum

fibers connect 2 hemispheres (epilepsy it is severed)

long-term potentiation

glutamate, hippocampus

bandura's social cog theory

goal-setting, observation, evaluation, reaction


high dopamine. 1 verbal and several motor. haldol tx.

fake bad = what scores

high f or low k

which combinations causes most work stress?

high job demand and low job control

Sexual harassment specifically prohibited, includes: 1. any unwelcome, offensive, etc that creates a ________ workplace, and the psychologist _______

hostile; knows or is told this

absolute threshold

minimum stimulus to detect sensation


low goal directed behavior

According to Berry's acculturation model, marginalization is characterized by:

low involvement in both the mainstream culture and the minority culture.

lewinsohn's behavioral model

low respponse-contingent reinforcement

Participating Leader

low task and high relationship orientation

Delegating Leader

low task and low relationship orientation

lpc scale

low: task oriented (best in bipolar ends), unfavorable coworker


lower body paralyzed

herzberg 2 factory theory

lower level: job context; pay, benefits, coworkers, cause dissatisfaction higher level: job content; responsbility, recognition, advancement, don't cause dissatisfaction


lower limb weakness

The suicide rate for African-American adolescent males over the past few decades has been:

lower than the rate for white adolescent males, but there has been an increase in the rates for both groups.


makes walking movements

Civil liability is the issue in ___________.


Interruption of psych services, the term "unless otherwise covered by contract" means you do not have further ethical responsibilities when a ____________________________ restricts number or session or requires termination of care.

managed care company

Correctional psychologists, ethical guidelines encourage sensitivity to ethical pitfalls of dual relationship (therapist/parole advisor), but it is ________________

still a permitted relationship

all-or-none principle

stimulation in neuron exceeds threshold; the action potential will be the same intensity

iconic store

store for visual information

whites outperform blacks on which test by one standard deviation

stanford binet and other iq tests

mnemonic devices

strategies that can improve one's memory for information.

Issues with confidentiality and patient access to records is typically governed by the state, however HIPAA is a federal law that can _____________________________________________.

take precedence over state law

Research debriefing, when participants have suffered harm, psychologists must _________________ to reduce this harm.

take reasonable steps

test-retest method

testsame test to same group twice. the reliability coefficeint indicates degree of stability (consistency). used for attributes that are stable over time (aptitude, but not mood)

forebrain : subcortical

thalamus hypothalamus basal ganglia limbic system


thalamus- relay, wernicke 1st (ataxia,confusion,eye moviements) then korsakoff-antero and retrograde amnesia and confabulation (low thiamine)

Avoiding Harm, psychologists are enjoined to avoid harming clients and others __________________, and to minimize harm _________________.

whenever possible; when it is unavoidable

thought stopping

yell stop or snap rubberband

Stroop Color-Word Test

neuropsych test measure of cognitive flexibility and selective attention; frontal lobes color word printed in other color, task is to name color of ink prepotent response: habitual response to read the name left frontal lesion= unable to inhibit prepotent

Accuracy in teaching, Instructors may change or adapt course outlines when necessary, as long as students are still given the ________________________.

opportunity to fulfill course requirements

surface structure of language

organization of words

occipital lobe

visual cortex


poor insight

retroactive vs proatice

porn proactive old material interferes retroactive new material interferes

monetary incentives

positive effect whether or not employee involved in goal setting

law of effect

positive outcomes increase behavior, negative outcomes have no effect

true positive false positive true negative false negative

positive= expected to success true/false= did they succeed?

ltm parts

procedural - how to declarative-info (semantic is facts, episodic; flashbulb) prospective remember to remember

bg, cerebellum, motor cortex

procedural and implicit memory

HIPAA, psychotherapy notes refer to "________________"

process notes

state dependent learning

remember better when in same emo state

response burst

removal of reinforcer does not initially produce extinction. Behavior temporarily increases then gradually declines. (Parent training with older child temper tantrums---parent ignores, child screams louder & more frequently initially)

dismantling strategy

repeated exposure to CS without the US is responsible for desensitization (administer different componenets to diff groups)

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) Scoring

-0-13: minimal depression -14-19: mild depression -20-28: moderate depression -29-63: severe depression

item discrimination

-1 - 1, differentiates between examinees who obtain high vs. low scores on the test or external criterion. if all examinees in upper group and none in the lower group answer the item correctly, D = +1. 0.35 is acceptable, 0.5 is ideal

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - Cannot Say (?)

-30+ cannot say items may indicate invalid profile -High score: reading difficulties, indecisiveness, distractibility, or defensiveness

Actuarial vs Clinical Predictions

-Actuarial: statistical; based on empirically validated relationship between test results and specific criteria -Clinical: based on the decision-maker's intuition, experience, and knowledge; clinical judgement -Research has found that actuarial method alone is more accurate than clinical judgement alone

Multi-Informant Report

-Advantages include increased information about the client -Disadvantages can include inconsistency in reports across various informants

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (Bayley-III)

-Age Range: 1-42 months -Scoring: 5 subtests (cognitive, motor, language, social-emotional, adaptive behavior)

Kaufman Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT)

-Age Range: 11-85+ -Scoring: provides fluid, crystallized, and composite IQ scores

Strong Interest Inventory (SII)

-Age Range: 15+ -Development: utilized both logical content methods and empirical criterion keying -General Occupational Scale (GOT): provides info on Holland's six occupational themes (RIASEC) -Basic Interest Scale (BIS): provides scores for 30 basic interest scales -Occupational Scales (OS): indicate degree to which examinee's interests are similar to those of satisfied workers of the same gender across 122 occupations -Personal Styles Scale: (PSS): scores are provided for work, learning, environment, leadership, risk-taking, and team styles -Administrative Indices: provide information on the types and consistency of responses

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (H-R)

-Age Range: 15+ -Purpose: used to detect the presence of brain damage and determine severity and possible locations -Interpretation: performance on individual subtests, as well as Halstead Impairment Index (HIII) -HIII ranges in value from 0-1 (0-.2: normal functioning; .3-.4: mild impairment; .5-.7: moderate impairment; .8-1: severe impairment)

Haptic Intelligence Scale for the Adult Blind

-Age Range: 16+ -Theory: for use with individuals who are blind or partially sighted by making use of tactile stimuli -Scoring: includes 6 subtests (digit symbol, object assembly, block design, object completion, pattern board, bead arithmetic)

Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)

-Age Range: 16-90 -Theory: intelligence as a global ability comprised of numerous interrelated functions -Administration: 10 core and 5 supplemental subtests; reverse rule used if examinee scores 0 on the first two items; discontinue rule depending on number of consecutive items scored incorrectly or within timeframe -Scoring: Subtest scores (M=10, SD=3) are converted to FSIQ and Index scores (M=100, SD=15); interpret with caution when there is a 1.5 SD difference between any two indices or any two subtests that make up an index; General Ability Index can be derived from VCI and PRI -Psychometric Properties: FSIQ(r=.97-.98); Factor Indexes(r=.90-.96); Subtests(r=.78-.94); evidence for testing gains on test-retest due to practice effects

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

-Age Range: 18+ -Theory: original scales developed on the basis of empirical criterion keying; newer content scales based on rational content analysis -Scoring: uses T-scores (M=50; SD=10); >=65 is clinically significant; begin with evaluating validity scales; conduct profile analysis using highest 2 (or more) scores -Psychometric Properties: majority of standardization sample had college education; validity of individual scales is questionable, as many scales are highly correlated; 2-3 point profile are more valid; African American examinees tend to score higher or lower on some scales than White examinees

Rorschach Inkblot Test

-Age Range: 2+ -Administration: examinee is presented with 10 inkblot cards; free association phase (examinee describes what they see on the card) and inquiry phase (examiner actively asks questions about the examinee's response) -Interpretation: number and ratio of responses falling into each category -reliability ~.80; validity ~.40

Beery-Buktencia Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (Berry VMI)

-Age Range: 2+ -Purpose: used to assess visual-motor integration skills and identify deficits associated with neurological impairment -Administration: series of increasingly difficult geometric figures the examinee must copy

Slosson Intelligence Test Primary (SIT-P-1)

-Age Range: 2-7 -Purpose: designed as a method for obtaining a quick estimate of mental ability and for identifying children at risk for educational failure or who require more extensive testing -Appropriate for children with IQs between 10-170+

Woodcock-Johnson (WJ IV)

-Age Range: 2-80+ -Theory: based on contemporary CHC theory -Test of Cognitive Abilities: evaluates broad and narrow cognitive abilities -Test of Oral Language: assesses oral expression, listening, comprehension, etc -Test of Achievement: evaluates reading, writing, mathematics, and academic knowledge

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5)

-Age Range: 2-85+ years of age -Theory: Based on a hierarchical g model of intelligence that incorporates five cognitive factors from the CHC theory; divided into verbal and non-verbal subtests -Administration: tailored to examinee's level of cognitive functioning; routing subtests (object series/matrices and vocabulary) determine starting point on following functional subtests; testing continues until examinee reaches ceiling level -Scoring: Subtests scores (M=10, SD=3) are combined to create composite score (M=100, SD=15): Full Scale IQ, Factor Index, Domain, Abbreviated Battery, and Change Sensitive Scores -Psychometric Properties: Composite scores (r>.90); subtest scores (r=.84-.89)

Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV)

-Age Range: 2:6 - 7:7 -Scoring Age >4: FSIQ, 3 Primary Index Scores (Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Working Memory), 3 Ancillary Index Scores (Vocabulary Acquisition, Nonverbal, General Ability) -Scoring Age >=4: FSIQ, 5 Primary Index Scores (Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Working Memory, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed), 4 Ancillary Index Scores (Vocabulary Acquisition, Nonverbal, General Ability, Cognitive Proficiency)

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-4)

-Age Range: 2:6-90+ -Theory: measures receptive vocabulary; useful for individuals with motor or speech impairments -Administration: 228 cards containing 4 pictures each; for each card, the examinee is provided with a stimulus word and must select the picture that matches the word

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test

-Age Range: 3+ -Purpose: brief measure of visual-motor integration -Administration: examinee is shown 16 cards; copy phase (asked to copy each design as best they can) and recall phase (asked to draw as many of the designs as possible from memory) -Scoring: Global Scoring System, rating drawings from 0 (no resemblance) to 4 (nearly perfect)

Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII)

-Age Range: 3-12 months -Theory: based on research indicating that measures of information processing administered during infancy are good predictors of childhood IQ -Scoring: assesses infant's selective attention to novel stimuli; score is determined by amount of time spent looking at pictures of new versus familiar faces

Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude

-Age Range: 3-17:6 -Theory: measure of learning ability for children who have hearing or language impairments -Administration: can be verbal or pantomime and consists of 12 nonverbal subtests

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II)

-Age Range: 3-18 -Theory: measure of cognitive ability designed to be culture-fair by minimizing verbal instructions and responses -Scoring: 5 Scales (simultaneous, sequential, planning, learning, knowledge) -Interpretation: can be based on CHC model of cognitive abilities or Luria's neuropsychological processing model (which is recommended when the examinee's performance on measures of crystallized knowledge may be negatively impacted by cultural background, hearing or language impairment, autism, etc)

AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale

-Age Range: 3-18 for ABS-School and 18+ for ABS-Residential and Community -Purpose: used to assess adaptive functioning in five areas (personal self-sufficiency, community self-sufficiency, personal-social responsibility, social adjustment, personal adjustment)

Leiter International Performance Scale (Leiter-3)

-Age Range: 3-75+ -Theory: designed to be a culture-fair measure of cognitive ability; emphasizes fluid intelligence across 4 domains (visualization, reasoning, memory, attention) -Administration: can be administered without verbal instruction; examinees must match a set of response cards to corresponding illustrations

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS)

-Age Range: 3:6 - 9:11 -Theory: designed to assess general reasoning ability in children with disabilities; does not require verbal responses or fine motor skills -Administration: consists of 92 cards that contain 3, 4, or 5 drawings; for each card, the examinee indicates which picture does not belong with the others

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III)

-Age Range: 4-50 -Purpose: assesses 8 areas of achievement identified by IDEA legislations as important for identifying LDs; designed to assist with IEPs

Slosson Intelligence Test for Children and Adults (SIT-R3-1)

-Age Range: 4-65 -Purpose: screening test for crystallized (verbal) intelligence -Appropriate for individuals with IQs between 36-164; can be used to assess individuals with visual impairments

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT-2)

-Age Range: 4-90+ -Purpose: brief screening test of verbal (crystallized) and nonverbal (fluid) ability

Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA-3)

-Age Range: 5-12 -Theory: Osgood's communication model; distinguishes between channels of communication, psycholinguistic processes, and levels of organization -Purpose: designed to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in linguistic ability, assist in diagnosis of LD, and track progress -Scoring: 11 subtests that provide 3 Global Composite Scores (general language, spoken language, written language) and 8 Specific Composite Scores

Cognitive Assessment System (CAS2)

-Age Range: 5-17 -Theory: based on the PASS model of intelligence which distinguishes between 4 cognitive functions identified by Luria (planning, attention, simultaneous processing, sequential processing) -Scoring: provides full scale score, PASS scale index scores, and subtest scores

Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-4)

-Age Range: 5-94 -Purpose: rapid screening device for assessing reading, spelling, and math skills; used to assist in diagnosis of LDs -Administration: 4 subtests (sentence completion, word reading, spelling, math computation)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V)

-Age Range: 6-16 -Theory: based on contemporary structural theories of intelligence and development -Scoring: provides FSIQ, scores on 5 Primary Index Scales (Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, Processing Speed), and 7 subtest scores (similarities, vocabulary, block design, matrix reasoning, figure weights, digit span, coding)

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)

-Age Range: 6:6-80:11 -Purpose: assess the ability to form abstract concepts and shift cognitive strategies in response to feedback; sensitive to frontal lobe damage; poor performance associated with alcoholism, autism, schizophrenia, depression, malingering -Administration: consists of 4 stimulus cards and 64 response cards; examinee is asked to sort response cards under the 4 stimulus cards using a sorting strategy not disclosed to them; the examiner provides feedback on whether the strategy is right or wrong; after 10 correct sorts, the examiner changes the sorting strategy without warning -Scoring: based on trials required to identify the correct sorting strategy

Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT)

-Age Range: 8+ -Purpose: used to assess visual memory, visual perception, and visual-motor skills -Administration: examinee is shown 10 cards with geometric figures which they must then reproduce from memory -Scoring: based on number of figures reproduced correctly and number of errors

Denver Developmental Screening Test (Denver II)

-Age Range: birth-6 years -Administration: child is evaluated based on direct observation of their responses to items designed to assess 4 developmental domains (personal-social, fine motor adaptive, language, gross motor) -Scoring: developmental delay is scored when the child fails an item that 90% . of children normally pass at a younger age -Can be administered by paraprofessionals and only requires a few hours of training

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Vineland-II)

-Age Range: birth-90 -Purpose: used to evaluate personal and social skills and to assist in the development of educational and treatment plans -Scoring: provides an Adaptive Behavior Composite Score, scores for three domains of adaptive functioning (Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization), and scores for Motor Skills Domain and Maladaptive Behavior Index

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

-Age Range: grades K-12 -Purpose: group intelligence test that evaluates reasoning abilities in verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal domains; used to predict school grades and determine eligibility for placement in gifted/talented programs

Kuhlmann- Anderson Test- Eighth Edition

-Age Range: grades K-12 -Purpose: group intelligence test that evaluates school learning ability -Scoring: provides verbal, quantitative, and total score -Content is somewhat less dependent on language than other individual and group intelligence tests

Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB)

-Age range: 8+ -Scoring: raw scores range from 0-2, with 0 indicating normal functioning and 2 indicating brain damage; item scores and summed and converted to T-scores -Compared to H-R, LNNB takes less time, is more highly standardized, provides more complete coverage of neurological deficits, and more precise identification of brain damage

Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS)

-Age range: grades 11-12 and above -Development: empirical criterion keying -Occupational Scales: indicate strength of the relationship between examinee's interests and those of satisfied workers across 109 occupations -College Major Scales: scores are provided for 40 college majors -Vocational Interest Estimates (VIEs): provide overview of examinee's interests in 10 areas similar to Holland's occupational themes (RIASEC) -Dependability Indices: validity check

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Goals and Techniques

de Shazer & Berg Goal: move toward solution-orientation, from complaint to solution narrative Techniques: Formula tasks (prescriptions for change) Direct and indirect compliments Skeleton keys (general solutions, not nec. for present) Exception question (when did problem not exist) Scaling question (what is worst, what is best) Miracle question (what if symptom gone) Narrative: conversations change w/ therapist input Effective for juvenile offenders, substance abuse, at-risk youth

Informed consent in assessment exception; when the testing is designed to assess __________________________.

decisional capacity

Repetitive exercise and hypnosis are therapeutic techniques used to establish the "relaxation response" which involves _______activity.

decreased sympathetic nervous system.


deep relax, light sleep stage 2


deep sleep stage 4 , slow wave

validity (3 types)

degree to which test measures what it was designed to measure 1. content 2. construct 3. criterion-related (many steps)

what is best way to establish CR?

delayed conditioning

neuron parts

dendrite axon cell body (soma)

General symptoms that may accompany the first stage of Alzheimer's Dementia include:

depression, anomia, irritability, anger

survivor syndrome

depression, anxiety, guilt, decreased job satisfaction and committment


designed to both eliminate undesirable behaviors & promote alternative one. Both correction of negative behavior & repeated, exaggerated practice of desirable behaviors.

emotional contagion

detect emotion of others

halstead-reitan battery

detects brain damage and location, ages 15 and up. scores from 0 -1.

functional behavioral analysis

determine purpose of undesirable behavioral and find replacement

Implosive therapy (implosion)

developed by Stampfl; imaginal exposure to feared stimulus + psychoanalytic component. Masters, et al. 1987 suggests the psychodynamic component likely unnecessary

The Standards for educational and Psychological Testing, In test selection, a potential user should depend heavily upon the _________________________________ that is clearly related to the intended application.

developer's research documentation


diagnosing axis 1 and 2 disorders, MACI used for age 13-19

before age 5 sleep

different slow wave stages are not discernable on eeg

slope bias

differential validity, regression lines are different

Recommendations for Asian American clients

direct, structured, short-term approach consider placing presenting issue in context of academics/vocation

APA's Record Keeping Guidelines (2007), some records should ideally be maintained for perpetuity, such as when a client has a ____________________, and such records will continue to be needed throughout the lifetime (e.g., ____________ )

disability documented during childhood; (e.g., to receive SSI etc.)

classical extinction

disappearance of CR with repeated presentation of CS alone

Guidelines for child custody evaluations, participants are informed that consent to an evaluation means they are consenting to _______________________________ in the forthcoming litigation or proceedings, and that ________________.

disclosure of the evaluation's findings; there will be no confidentiality

HIPPA - Psychologist Duties, Psychologists must track ________________________________.

disclosures of PHI

Animal research, psychologists must make efforts to minimize __________ and _________.

discomfort and pain

2002 Ethics Code - Introduction

discusses the intent, organization, procedural considerations, and scope of application of the Ethics Code

negative practice

do the unwanted behavior til subject is exhausted (do tic behavior over and over, don't suppress it)

Ethics Code only requires that informed consent be _____, as in a ______________________ recording that information was given and understood.

documented; progress note

The Ethics Code ______________ that informed consent must be in written format, such as a form.

does not specify

Informed consent for recording is not needed in research that involves deceptions, however consent must be obtained ___________________________________.

during the debriefing

Self-Directed Search (SDS)

-Age range: high school students and above -Theory: based on Holland's theory of career choice; importance of matching individual characteristics to job characteristics -Scoring: provides three letter summary code based on RIASEC -Congruence score: degree of consistency between the examinee's expressed interests and summary code -Coherence score: degree to which the examinee's expressed interests belong to the same RIASEC categories -Consistency score: similarity of the examinee's two strongest measured interests -Differentiation score: degree of distinctiveness in the examinee's measured interests (high score on one theme but low score on all others) -Commonness score: frequency with which the examinee's summary code occurs in different normative groups

According to Beck, depression is caused by

dysfunctional automatic thoughts.

group heterogenity is preferable on?

dysjunctive tasks

Informed consent in assessment exception; when part of a routine __________________________, consent is implied.

educational or organizational activity

main effect

effect of 1 IV on the DV

interaction effect

effects of IV diff at diff evels of another IV

What effect do neurotransmitters have on postsynaptic cells?

either an excitatory or inhibitory effect

You can provide services not competent in during emergencies, however should terminate the services as soon as the _____________ or more ____________ have been secured.

emergency has passed, appropriate services

Psychologist may not withhold records that are necessary for _______________________ because a client owes them money.

emergency treatment

two-factor theory

emo per context


emotion to memory, ptsd

cognitive appraisal theory

emotions are universal; depends on how person sees it 1. primary-beneficial or irrelevant 2. secondary- resources to cope w/situation 3. preappraisal-monitor/modify

speec/accuracy hypothesis

emphasize speed over accuracy first

Hall's Low-Context Communication

emphasizes direct, verbal message and elaborated codes (many words) more characteritic of anglo-americans (contrased to high-context)

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV)

-Age range: older adolescents and adults -Scoring: provides scores for each subtest, as well as 5 index scores (auditory memory, visual memory, visual working memory, immediate memory, delayed memory); Interpretation: index scores can be compared to the WAIS-IV GAI to determine if memory is consistent with their general level of cognitive functioning

EAP program, the employer has right to know whether ___________________________, however does not have the right to _______________________.

employee has attended sessions; confidential information about session content

equity theory

employees compare their input/output to other employees

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

-All disabled people from infancy to 21 years must be evaluated by a team of specialists to determine their specific needs -An IEP must be developed for each disabled child enrolled in public education that provides education in the "least restrictive environment" and that has been approved by the child's parents -While reliable, valid, and nondiscriminatory psychological and educational tests may be used, assignment to special education classes cannot be made on the basis of IQ test alone

Aptitude vs Achievement

-Aptitude: measures of innate capacity or potential for learning a specific skill; aptitude tests often have low differential and predictive validity -Achievement: measures of knowledge or behavior acquired in a classroom or other controlled setting

Mechanical Aptitude Tests

-Assess manual dexterity, perceptual and spatial skills, mechanical reasoning, mechanical information, etc -Females excel in dexterity and perceptual discrimination, while males excel in mechanical reasoning and information -Minnesota Paper Form Board; Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test

propranol (inderal) is prescribed for

essential tremor

Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)

-Authentic assessment; involves observing and judging a student's skill in actually carrying out an activity or producing a product -Provides an egalitarian method of evaluation making it useful for assessing students from culturally diverse groups -May reflect prior knowledge and experience rather than what was learned in the current class

Withholding records, it is technically _______ but actually ______ to withhold records for nonpayment in a non-emergency situation.

ethical; legal

job evaluation vs job analysis

evaluation: determine worth of jobs to set salaries, comparable worth (comparable work get comparable pay)

stimulus discrimination

eventually responding only to CS with CR , can distinguish between 400hz and 500hz when original is 350hz

alderfer's 3 needs

existence, relatedneess, and growth

expectancy theory

expectancy: successful task performance instrumentality: rewards valence: rewards as desirable

Assessment Tools for Depression and Suicide

-Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) -Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression -Geriatric Depression Scale -Children's Depression Inventory -Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) -Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSI)

Concordance Rates for IQ

-Bouchard & McGue: concordance rates in IQ for identical twins reared together (.85), identical twins reared apart (.67), fraternal twins reared together (.58), bio siblings reared together (.45), bio siblings reared apart (.24), bio parent and child together (.39), bio parent and child apart (.22), adoptive parent and child (.18)

graded exposure or graduated extinction

exposure to aspects of the feared stimulus to prevent the paradoxical effect of increasing the fear during flooding

Assessment Tools for ADHD

-Broad-Band Scales: assess general behavioral and psychological functioning and help distinguish ADHD from other disorders; ex: BASC-2, CBCL -Narrow-Band Scales: used to obtain detailed information on symptoms to confirm diagnosis and facilitate treatment planning; ex: ADDES-III, Stroop, CPT-3

Larry P. v. Riles (1979)

-Case brought to plaintiffs on behalf of African American children who were overrepresented in special education classes in San Francisco public school systems -Judge ruled that IQ tests are racially and culturally biased and could not be used to place Black children in special education classes

Assessment Tools for Autism Spectrum Disorder

-Child Autism Rating Scale-2 (CARS2) -Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC) -Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Older adults are less likely than younger adults to

express feelings of depression or sadness. They are more wiling to express feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and have memory problems.

Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Cognitive Abilities (McGrew)

-Combination of the Horn-Cattell and Carroll theories; serves as basis for the WoJo -Distinguishes between 10 broad-stratum abilities and over 70 narrow-stratum abilities -G is omitted from this theory because McGrew did not believe it to contribute to psychoeducational assessment

Computer-Assisted Assessment

-Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT): computer tailors the test to an individual examinee by choosing subsequent items based on previous answers -Increases precision and efficacy, as all examinees are tested with the same degree of reliability and reduced testing time -Computer-based interpretations should not be used to replaced clinical judgement

HIPAA - Right of Amendment, The record may never be _________________, instead changes to the record should be noted as ____________________.

expunged, amendments

group polarization

extreme decisions

performance =

f(ability, motivation, environment)

Assessing Members of Culturally Diverse Populations

-Considerations include acculturation, identity, language proficiency, availability of appropriate norms, cultural equivalence of content measured by the test, and availability of more culturally appropriate alternatives -There are no truly culture-fair or culture-free tests -Research has found no consistent effect of match or mismatch between examiner and examinee in terms of race, ethnicity, or culture

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - K (Correction)

-Considered to be a "suppressor variable" since scores correlate with defensiveness, education level, and SES, which are unrelated to what is measured by clinical scales but impacts scores on those scales -K Scale score is used to correct scores on certain clinical scales -High score: defensiveness or denial, desire to "fake good," or responding false to all items; associated with resistance and poor treatment prognosis -Low score: excessive frankness, self-criticism, or "faking bad"

Infant and Preschool Test of Intelligence

-Considered valid screening devices for developmental delays and neurological impairment -When administered to children <=2, limited validity in predicting later IQ scores -Most infant tests assess sensorimotor skills, while IQ tests emphasize verbal reasoning and visual-motor problem solving

When reporting research results, psychologists should never ______________, and take _______________ to correct any errors in published data.

fabricate data; reasonable steps

IQ Differences related to Race/Ethnicity

-Consistent evidence that Whites tend to outperform African Americans by about 1 SD on IQ and achievement tests -Measures of cognitive ability have been developed by and for white middle-class populations, and therefore are biased against individuals from different backgrounds

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - Infrequency Pathology (Fp)

-Consists of items that were infrequently endorsed by psychiatric patients -High score: attempts to "fake bad" even if the examinee is a psychiatric patient

Factors associated with Cognitive Decline

-Decreases in processing speed - older people are able to better when provided with as much time as needed -Physical health, especially cardiovascular functioning -Some skills fall into disuse, and declines can be reversible with training and practice

Neuropsychological Assessments

-Designed to screen for and diagnose neurological disorders

Custody evaluation-multiple relationship, you can testify as a __________________, but the psychologist should generally decline the role of an __________

fact witness, expert witness

continious schedule

fastest acquisition of a behavior (reinforced immediately after behavior) since satiation and rate of extinction is high, switch to intermitten schedule once operant behavior is acquired

General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)

-Developed by the US Employment Service to assess aptitudes relevant to a range of occupations for the purpose of vocational counseling and job placement for high school seniors and adults -Current version assesses 9 aptitudes with 8 paper-and-pencil tests and 4 performance tests -Test is high speed and may not be appropriate for individuals who are unable to work quickly

Instructional Assessments

-Directly linked to what examinees have learned in the classroom or other controlled setting -Include curriculum-based and performance-based assessment

The effects of parental discipline on the development of conscience in toddlers is mediated by the toddler's level of:


The Ethics Code specifies that students should usually receive _____________________ when their dissertations are published as articles.

first authorship

Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory

-Distinguishes between 8 types of cognitive ability: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic -Intelligences are not static and can be developed by exposure to appropriate learning environments

Factor Analysis Method of Test Construction

-Entails administering a large pool of items to a group of examinees, factor analyzing the intercorrelations of items to identify underlying factors/traits, assigning labels to the identified factors, and including items in the test so that each factor is adequately assessed -Ex: Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, NEO Personality Inventory

Behavioral Assessment

-Focuses on overt and covert behaviors that occur in specific circumstances -May utilize behavioral interviews, observation, cognitive assessment, or psychophysiological measures -Functional behavioral assessment (FBA): determines the purpose of a behavior by identifying antecedents and consequences


fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, setraline best for melancholic depression faster effect than tricyclics serotonin syndrome; when combined w/another maoi or serotergnic agent; may lead to coma/death

Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)

-Includes 5 tests that assess specific job-related abilities and 3 tests that assess broad intellectual abilities -Designed for use with students grades 7-12 for educational and career counseling, but also used with adults for purposes of vocational counseling and employee selection

Dynamic Assessment

-Interactive approach and deliberate deviation from standardized procedures to obtain additional information about the examinee -Associated with educational assessment -Testing the limits: involves providing examinees with additional cues, suggestions, or feedback; ordinarily done after standardized administration -Graduated prompting: giving the examinee a series of verbal prompts that are graduated in terms of difficulty level -Test-teach-retest: following the initial assessment with an intervention designed to modify the examinee's performance, then re-assessing

Assessing Children

-Interviews can be used to obtain reliable and valid data from children as young as 6 -Goals include establishing rapport and maintaining the child's cooperation, and can be accomplished by using descriptive statements, reflections, and open-ended questions; providing labeled praise; and avoiding critical statements and leading questions

divided attention

focus attention on more than one event simultaneously (debatable)--driving & listening to radio

feature integration theory

focused visual attention is what allows us to perceive an object as an entire entity rather than as a meaningless cluster of features

Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM)

-Involves periodic assessment of school-aged children with brief standardized and validated measures of basic academic skill that reflect the current school curriculum -Diagnostic Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills (DIBELS): set of one-minute measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and reading skills

Theoretical Method of Test Construction

-Items are chosen to measure the constructs identified by a specific personality theory -Construct validation procedures are used to ensure the test of consistent with the theory -Ex: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, based on Jung's personality theory

selective attention

focusing on one event while filtering out or ignoring irrelevant events (typing while ignoring tv)

Publication credit, minor contributions should be acknowledges in a ______________ or ______________________________.

footnote; introductory statement

Rorschach Interpretations

-Large number of whole responses suggests integrated, organized thinking -Many color responses suggest emotionality and impulsivity -Use of white space suggests oppositional tendencies -Confabulation (overgeneralizing a part of the inkblot to the whole) suggests brain damage, emotional disturbance, or intellectual disability

Examiner Qualifications

-Level A: may be administered and interpreted by a non-psychologist -Level B: require some technical knowledge of test construction and use, as well as completion of supporting educational and psychological subjects -Level C: should be administered only by individuals with at least an MA in psychology and at least one year of supervised experience under a psychologist

response cost

form of negative punishment. take away pre-specified reward each time a target behavior is performed. fine for a traffic violation, no TV for talking back to parent. Considered to be one of the most effective

Rorschach Scoring Categories

-Location: where in the inkblot the examinee's perception is located (whole, common detail, unusual detail) -Determinants: what in the inkblot determined the examinee's response (form, movement, color, shading) -Form Quality: how similar the examinee's perception is to the actual shape of the inkblot -Content: the category the perception falls into (human, animal, nature) -Popularity/Frequency of Occurrence: how often a certain inkblot elicits a particular response

Assessment of Malingering

-Malingering is a conscious effort to fabricate or exaggerate psychological or physical symptoms for the purpose of obtaining an external reward -Should be suspected when there are inconsistencies between the individual's test or subtest scores, behavioral observations and test results, and/or information obtain from the individual and from collateral sources

MMPI-2 3-Point Codes

-Neurotic Triad or Conversion V: high scales 1 and 3 with lower scale 2; indicates somatization, lack of insight, chronic pain -Paranoid Valley or Psychotic V: high scales 6 and 8 with lower scale 7; indicates delusions, hallucinations, disordered thought

IQ Differences related to Gender

-No differences in average performance -Females do better on some measures of verbal ability -Males do better on some measures of spatial and mathematical skills -Evidence for both biological and environmental factors impacting performance

contingency contracting

formal written contract between a therapist & client/teacher & student/parent & child that specifies target behaviors & the reinforcers &/or punishers that will be used. Follows rules of all written contracts--explicit, detailed, ability to be monitored, full participation by both/all parties

The Ethics Code does not prohibit having a sexual relationship with _____________________ as it does with ________________.

former students; former clients

group stages

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjouring

Cronbach's coefficient alpha

formula used to find average degree of inter-item consistency. if items are scored dichotomously (right/wrong) Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 KR-20 is used

Types of Scoring

-Norm-Referenced: comparison between an examinee's scores and the scores of the norm group; percentile ranks, standard scores -Criterion-Referenced: domain or content referenced; scores based on what the examinee can do or knows with regard to clearly defined content; percent correct -Self-Referenced: ipsative; intra-individual comparison of scores; relative strengths or weaknesses

Direct Observation

-Observational study; method of collecting evaluative information in which the evaluator watches the participant in their usual environment to evaluate ongoing behavior processes; can be overt or covert -Structured: most appropriate when standardized information needs to be gathered and results in quantitative data -Unstructured: provides qualitative data -Disadvantages can include participant and observer bias


-One of the most common data collection methods -Advantages include quick production and scoring, and low cost -Disadvantages can include weaker reliability and validity

Psychological Assessment

-Process of using psychological tests, clinical interviews, behavioral observations, and other assessment tools to gather data on an individual's cognitive, social, and behavioral functioning for the purpose of description, classification, prediction, and intervention

Spearman's Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence

-Proposed a general intellectual factor (g) -Argued that performance on any cognitive task depends on g plus one or more specific factors (s) unique to the task

Empirical Criterion Keying Method of Test Construction

-Proposed test items are administered to appropriate criterion groups, and items that distinguish between groups are included in the test -Ex: MMPI, MCMI

Stroop Color-Word Association Test

-Purpose: assesses the degree to which examinees can suppress a prepotent (habitual) response in favor of an unusual one' measures cognitive flexibility, selective attention, and response inhibition; sensitive to frontal lobe damage; poor performance associated with ADHD, mania, depression, schizophrenia -Administration: examinee presented with list of words; must say color of word instead of word

Tower of London

-Purpose: measures attention, memory, and executive functioning; poor performance linked to frontal lobe damage, ADHD, autism, depression -Administration: requires examinee to move disks, one at a time, to end up at a particular goal configuration

Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE)

-Purpose: screening test for cognitive impairment in older adults -Administration: assess 6 aspects of cognitive functioning (orientation, immediate recall, attention/calculation, delayed recall, language, visual construction) -Scoring: max score of 30; scores below 23/24 indicate cognitive impairment

Glasgow Coma Scale

-Purpose: used to assess level of consciousness following brain injury -Administration: rating of the patient in terms of visual response, best motor response, and best verbal response -Scoring: ranges from 3-15, with lower scores indicating more severe brain injury; scores of 3-8 indicate an unconscious state

Troiden model of homosexual identity development

four age-related stages sensitization (puberty, homosexual experiences w/o understanding as identity); identity confusion (self-recognition, realizes may be homosexual, 17/18); identity assumption (comes out, 19/23); identity commitment (adopting homosexual lifestyle, 21-24)

Myers-Briggs Type

four bipolar dimensions IE SN TF JP

Mandating reporting laws with regard to abuse reporting and Tarasoff vary _______________________

from state to state

ssri side effects

gastro sx, insomnia, anxiety, sexual dysfunction

prenatal dev

germinal 2 weeks'zygote embryonic 8th week (teratogens) fetal birth

testing the limits

giving feedback or cue after person has completed standardized test

tbi severity

glasgow coma scale, post-traumatic amnesia, duration of aloc

Stability & group therapy

greater stability=greater cohesion esp. true for short-term groups closed group - no new members open group -new members, can be less stable

When an impulsive group decision that reflects an incomplete consideration of alternatives and consequences is the result of high stress, high group cohesiveness, and a directive leader, this is an example of

group think.


grouping large amounts of information into smaller related units.

super 5 job stages

growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, disengagement.

typical antipsychotics

haldol, chlorpromazine, thiothixene, fluphenazine positive sx dopamine hypothesis anticholinergic effects; dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision tardive dyskensia NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome): rapid hr, hyperthermia, aloc; stop meds immediately

Safeguards regarding mandatory ind or group therapy are intended to protect graduate students and to prevent ____________________________________.

harmful multiple relationships

postdivorce mother behavior

harsher and inconsistent punishment

The size of the caudate nucleus

has been linked to impulsivity in children with ADHD - the smaller the caudate, the greater the impulsivity.

A kappa coefficient of .93 would indicate that the two tests

have a high degree of agreement between raters.

HIPAA Transaction Rule, a _____________ accepts written data, transforms to electronic, and then transmits to insurance company.

health-care clearinghouse

A exogenous substance (produced outside the body)


multitrait-multimethod matrix: organize data for convergent/divergent validity, this matrix contains 4 correlation coefficients

heterotrait-monomethod : 2 traits measured with 1 method. (large monotrait-heteromethod = evidence of convergent validity) convergent and divergent validity are methods for assessing construct validity

need for achievement (nACH)

high nACH=choose moderate diffculty and risk tasks. good salespeople, not good managers

mmpi2 (mean of 50, SD of 10, t score of 65 higher clinically significant)

high scores: L- lack of insight or look good F- fake bad, malingering (t score of 100 or higher invalid profile) K- fake good, denial, suppressor variable Cannot say- 30 or more indicate invalid profile f back- fake bad on last 197 questions VRIN- consistency in responding (t score of 80 or more invalid profile) TRIN- paired items that are opposite of each other, consistency in responding Infrequency Pathology- fake bad even when psych patient

Telling Leader

high task and low relationship orientation

One of the most consistent findings of the research on client factors in the therapy process is that

higher levels of intelligence predict better therapy outcomes.

general menta cog ability tests (gma)

highest validity coefficient across jobs and settings


highly cohesive group suspends critical thinking

80% (4/5) rule

hiring rate for majority group is x80% to determine the minimum hiring rate for minority group.


homeostasis, keeps body in homeostasis, involved in fight/flight, temperature regulation, hunger/thirst, sleep, cyclic sexual hormone secretion

babies have 3 cries

hunger, pain, anger

pituitary gland problems

hypo- dwarf hyper- gigantism (in adults acromegaly which is enlarged hands, feet, face)


hypothalamus- learning/memory, hunger, sleep, sex, thirst, temp, emo (uncontrollable anger/rage/agg). homeostatis. houses the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) for circadian rhythm and sleep cycles and SAD

Release of the sex hormones by the gonads dependes on signals from the


During consultations, should not reveal detailed information that could lead to ___________________, unless consent or disclosure obtained.

identification of a client

gifted children better at?

identifying what strategy to use (metacognitive skill = thinking about thinking), but same level for cognitive monitor (how well they are doing)

matching law

if lever 1 gives reward every 30 seconds and lever 2 gives reward every 60 seconds, rat will press lever 1 2/3 of the time and lever 2 1/3 of the time (lever 1 pressed twice as often)


if the CS is presented repeatedly without the US the CR will diminish (become extinct)

experimental neurosis

if the discrimination task is too difficult & the stimuli cannot be differentiated readily enough, the evoked response is confusion

According to family therapists

if the family system changes, the identified patient will improve.

Ethics complaint, _________ or _________ of an Ethical Standard is not considered an adequate defense.

ignorance or misunderstanding

covert sensitization and implosive

imagines an aversive stimulus


imipramine, clomipramine, amitryptaline, notryptline, doxepin best for depression w/low appetite, sleep problem, anhedonia, vegetative/somatic sx also for ocd, bulimia, panic disorder block reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine. support catecholamine hypothesis *cardiotoxic. can be fatal w/overdose

what is the most conflictual relationship in Helm's racial model?


cross's black identity model

immersion/emmersion: go away from dominant and like your own

Personal problems, don't initiate services if personal problems will _______________, and seek consultation about whether to ______________________________.

impair competence, limit, suspend, or terminate practice

Frontal Lobe Lesion

impaired executive functioning.

Parietal Lobe Lesion

impaired spatial orientation.


impairs a person's ability to understand and perceive his or her illness.

hawthorne effect

improvement in job performance from participating in research study: attention, new task and interest in it. rate busters: too much chiselers: little

Treatment variables & txt outcome

include things like duration, type of txt therapeutic alliance = good outcome type of txt - doesn't seem to matter duration - up to 26 seems to be positive correlation, but time-limited seems to be favored


includes join pain, headache, sexual indifference, impaired coordination, paralysis, double vision

According to the research findings of Patterson and his colleagues, parents of aggressive children typically use discipline wihich is:

inconsistent, and oftern not assocaited with teh child's behavior.


incorporating new knowledge into existing schemas

stress inoculation

increase coping skills; conceptualization, skills acquisition/rehearsal, follow through imagination or in-vivo

incremental validity

increase in decision-making accuracy by using predictor to make selection decision (a validity coefficient as low as .2 can increase decision making accuracy) in conjuction with selection ratio and base rate: improves decision making accuracy

Reduced incidence of substance abuse among Native American adolescents would most likely result from

increasing bicultural competence.

flynn effect

increasing iq score

Holland's Self-Directed Search Themes (RIASEC)

-Realistic (R): preferences are technical, physical, mechanical, and outdoor activity -Investigative (I): preferences are scientific, mathematical, analytical, and scholarly -Artistic (A): preferences are music, art, writing, drama, and other creative activities -Social (S): preferences are activities that involve working with and helping others -Enterprising (E): preferences are activities that include competition, management, sales, and public speaking -Conventional (C): preferences are structured, unambiguous activities that involve organizing data, attending to detail, and following through on instructions

Reliability vs Validity

-Reliability: degree to which test scores are free from the effects of measurement error Validity: degree to which a test measures what it was designed to measure

independent vs dependent variable

ind=changes the dependent variable (treatment)(each IV must have at least 2 levels, and comparisons on the DV are made across diff levels of the IV) dep=status on this variable depends on the iv (outcome of tx)

social loafing

individual exerts less effort in group

person-organization fit (PO)

individual's values match organization's values

Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT)

-SAT Reasoning Test (SAT-I): used to predict college success of high school seniors; consists of critical reading, mathematics, and writing sections -SAT Subject Test (SAT-II): assesses knowledge in english, history, math, science, and languages -Scoring: scores range from 200-800, with 500 indicating examinee answered half of items correctly -Validity: writing section is best predictor of first-year college GPA; somewhat less accurate for predicting college GPA of examinees who scored in the mid-range than on extremes

Slope Bias vs Intercept Bias

-Slope bias: occurs when there is differential validity (different validity coefficients for different groups), making the predictor more accurate for one group than another -Intercept bias: occurs when the validity coefficients and criterion performance for different groups are the same, but their mean scores on the predictor differ, resulting in the predictor under- or over-estimating performance on the criterion for one group

Carroll's Three-Stratum Theory of Intelligence

-Stratum III: generalized intelligence (g) -Stratum II: 8 broad abilities including fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, general memory and learning -Stratum I: specific abilities each linked to one of the second stratum abilities

When treatment involves intervention techniques not generally recognized or established, psychologists should ___________________, as well as potential ________ and possible ____________________.

inform clients of this, risks, alternative treatments

short term memory

information transferred from sensory memory when it becomes the focus of attention

Even research involving deception requires ________________________.

informed consent

Guilford's Convergent and Divergent Thinking

-Structure-of-intellect model -Convergent: relies on rational, logical reasoning and involves the use of logical judgement and consideration of facts to derive the correct solution to a problem; focus of intelligence tests -Divergent: involves non-logical processes and requires creativity and flexibility to derive multiple solutions

Structured vs Unstructured Interview

-Structured: fixed set of close questions; easier to replicate and test for reliability; not as flexible and answers may lack detail -Unstructured: more flexible; questions can be adapted as needed; generate a lot of qualitative data; time consuming; interviewers need more training

Guidelines for child custody evaluations, obtain ____________________ from adults, and _______ from child participants.

informed consent; assent

Confluence Model

-Studies have found a relationship between family size, birth order, and IQ, with children's IQ scores decreasing from first born to last born -First borns may show an advantage because they do not initially have to share the parent's attention, are exposed to more adult language, and are more likely to act as "tutors" to the younger siblings

primary reinforcer

inherently desirable; food and water

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

-Successful intelligence is the ability to adapt to, modify, and choose environments that accomplish one's goals and the goals of society -Composed of three abilities: analytical, creative, and practical -Intelligence tests focus on analytical ability

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - F (Frequency)

-T-score >=100 means invalid -High score: deviant or atypical response patterns; can signal attempts to "fake bad," significant pathology, or random responding -Low score: attempts to "fake good," social conformity, denial or problems, or absence of significant pathology

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - True Response Inconsistency (TRIN)

-T-score >=80 suggests invalid profile -Additional measure of consistency; consists of paired items that are the opposite of each other

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - Variable Response Inconsistency (VRIN)

-T-score >=80 suggests invalid profile -Measure of consistency in responding; consists of paired items that would be expected to be answered in the same direction

Logical Content Method of Test Construction

-Test items are derived on the basis of reason and deductive logic, which may or may not be guided by a theory of personality -Ex: Edwards Personal Preference Schedule

serotonin (5HT)

inhibitory effect: mood, hunger, temp. sex, arousal, sleep, aggression, migraine. high in schizo, autism, anorexia food restriction low in bulimia, ptsd, ocd, depression, suicide, social phobia


-The examinee's responses, the apparatus, and the scoring have been fixed so the scores collected at different times and places are fully comparable; any deviations from standardized administration and scoring may result in invalid conclusions -The test has been administered under standard conditions to a representative sample for the purpose of establishing norms; the greater the discrepancy between the examinee and the norm group, the less likely the test results will be valid

Heritability Estimate

-The proportion of variability in intelligence due to inherited factors -Most range from .60-.80, which means 32%-64% of variability in intelligence is due to genetic factors -Can only be used to described heritability within groups, not within an individual or between groups

Recommendations for Elderly Clients

integration of medical, social, env't programs identity transitions, interpersonal connections, understanding depression reminiscence therapy few differences in effectiveness of tx for elderly

kappa statistic

inter-rater reliability

NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-3)

-Theory: assesses the Big Five Personality traits, as well as facets of each trait; original identification of these traits was based on an atheoretical lexical approach -Research has found the five-factor model is replicable across cultures, although some cultures differ in strength of certain traits

Kuder Career Search

interest test Activity preference scale: ten Kuder Career Clusters scale: indicates careers best/worst suited based on pattern of interests

Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS)

-Theory: based on Murray's personality theory of 15 basic needs -Administration: forced choice format -Scoring: item pairing helps control for social desirability effects; creates ipsative scores that allow comparison of relative strength of the 15 basic needs within an individual examinee

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

-Theory: based on Murray's theory of need -Administration: examinee is asked to make up a story about each picture card -Scoring: Murray's system involves identifying the hero and evaluating the frequency, intensity, and duration of needs, environmental pressures, and outcomes -Research suggests it has low utility for specific diagnostic classification, but can be useful for gross diagnostic distinctions and as a "wide-band" measure of personality

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

-Theory: based on work of Jung; described personality in terms of 4 bipolar dimensions (Introversion-Extroversion; Sensing-Intuition; Thinking-Feeling; Judging-Perceiving) -Interpretation: examinee is classified in terms of 16 personality types that represent varying combinations of the dimensions -Often used in career counseling

Disclosure of personal information may be required if it is necessary to help students who are having personal problem that ___________________________-, or that pose a ____________________.

interfere with clinical work; risk of harm

It has been found that abused children often cling to their abusive parents. This can be explained in behavioral terms as eh effect of

intermittent reinforcement

learned helpness model (reformulated)

internal stable and global attributions lead to depression

Irving Yalom felt the most important therapeutic factors in groups were

interpersonal learning, catharsis, and cohesiveness. These factors are relative. Higher functioning groups rate interpersonal learning and universality as more important. Lower functioning groups feel the instillation of hope is more important.

On the Halstead-Reltan, the Impairment Index is used as a measure of brain damage and

is derived from the number of subtests on which the examinee scored below the criterion score.


is test measuring what it was designed to measure

Raven's Progressive Matrices

-Theory: designed to be a culture-fair, nonverbal measure of general intelligence (g) -Administration: requires examinee to solve problems involving abstract figures and designs by indicating which of several choices complete a given matrix -Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM): age 6+ -Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM): shorter and easier version designed for children age 5-11, older adults, and individuals with mental or physical impairments -Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM): designed for adolescence and adults with above-average intelligence

Dementia due to Head Trauma

is usually progressive only in cases of repeated head trauma.

Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)

-Theory: factor analysis identified 16 primary personality traits -Scoring: provides 16 primary scales, 5 global scales, and 3 validity scales -Interpretation: examinee's profile can be compared to profiles associated with specific groups (e.g., delinquents, neurotics)


isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine best for atypical depression *hypertensive crisis (avoid tyramine foods) give fluids for tx


issue naming ppl/objects

ideomotor apraxia

issue putting idea into movement

Flynn Effect

-Until the 2000s, IQ test scores consistently increased by at least 3 points per decade in the US and other industrialized countries, seemingly due to increases in fluid intelligence -Believed to be the result of environmental factors and not genetics -Research conducted post-2000 suggests the Flynn effect has stopped or reversed (in US, it has continued for individuals with IQs ranging from 70-109, but reversed for individuals with IQs >110)

Seattle Longitudinal Study (Schaie)

-Used a cross-sequential design that combined cross-sectional and longitudinal methods -Demonstrated that cross-sectional studies are more likely to demonstrate age-related declines in IQ, due to confounding effects of educational effects between age cohorts (e.g., younger cohorts tend to be better educated than older cohorts) -Longitudinal methods found that for most people, only perceptual speed declines substantially prior to age 60, while other abilities remain relatively stable until 70-75

MMPI-2 Validity Scales - F Back (Fb)

-Used to identify attempts to "fake bad" on the last 197 items -Interpreted similarly to F

Psychophysiological Measures

-Used to observe physiological functions which can often describe the emotional state of an individual -Advantages include ability to analyze momentary experiences without intervening in the interaction while it occurs -Disadvantages can include monetary expense and that not every momentary experience may be important

Psychomotor Tests of Specific Aptitudes

-Usually designed to assess speed, coordination, and motor responses -Generally have low validity due to practice effects and high degree of specificity -Purdue Pegboard; Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test

item reponse theory is linked with?

item characteristic curve (for each item) difficulty level= ability level where 50% of examinees in the sameple obtained a correct response discrimination = indicated by the slope of the surve, the steeper = greater the diiscrimination probability of guessing correctly= point at which trhe curve intercepts the vertical axis (y)

item relevance

items contribute to the goals of testing

identification of job performance criterion starts with

job analysis (clarify job requirements) worker-oriented method: KSAO (knowledge, skills, abilities, other characteristics. PAQ position analysis questionnaire job-oriented method: characteristics of tasks that are performed on job


job choice related to needs and personality toward other people or not toward other ppl

how to increase worker motivation?

job enrichment; more freedom, autonomy, control, responsbility


joining senses

Psychologist who participate in forensic activities should ensure that they are "reasonably familiar with the ___________________________________ governing their roles"

judicial and administrative rules

MMPI-2 Validity Scales Patterns

-V-shaped LFK: suggest attempts to "fake good;" common pattern in child custody litigations -High F with high F-K: "faking bad," malingering -L and K ~50 with slightly elevated F and high/low scores on alternative scale: malingering -High F and high scores on all clinical scales: random responding to test items -L and K <50 with elevated F and right side clinical scales: examinee answered all items "true" -Elevated LFK and left side clinical scales: examinee answered all items "false"

Wonderlic Tests

-Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R): 12 minute, group test of cognitive ability for adults containing 50 verbal, numerical, and spatial items; primarily used by employers to assist with hiring decisions -Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST): 40 minute, group test which assesses job-related verbal and math skills ; used by educational institutions and employers to evaluate employability for entry-level positions

standord error of estimate minimum and maximum values

0 and sd of criterion

item difficulty

0-1, larger values indicate easier items. p value of 0.50 is optimal except for T/F tests, then it's 0.75.

group intelligence tests for school/industry

kuhlmann-anderson: evaluates school learning ability. cognitive abilities ttest: measures reasoning ability for academic success wonderlic test: use for hiring decisions (also the DAT- differential aptitutde test)

chomsky language

language acquisition device, exposure causes language

linguistic relativity hypothesis

language determines nature of thought and cultures think different ways. piaget thinks that language depends on culture

reliability coefficient

0-1. when it's 0= all variability is due to measurement error, when it's +1= all variability in scores reflects true score variability. it's never swuared. Ex. 0.84 reliability coefficient= 84% variability in scores is due to true score differences among examinees and 16% is due to measurement error.


language issue

three research findings re: exposure

1) Foa & Kozak (1985) in-vivo flooding more effective than imaginal flooding; 2) Stein & Marks (1973) prolonged exposure more effective than brief exposure, 3) in-vivo flooding or graded exposure particularly effective treatment for Agoraphobia & OCD (long term range up to 75% when in-vivo exposure employed)

Masters and johnsons sexual cycle

1) excitement, when person becomes physically or emotionally/psychologically aroused. Where sensate focus targets. 2) plateau. 3) orgasm. 4) resolution

Role of Group Leader

1) knowledge of group dynamics and ability to manage conflict 2) handle multiple transference/countertransference 3) encourage participation from all members, avoid discussion of presenting symptoms

Left Brain

language, analytical, logical, reasoning

differences between operant & respondent behaviors

1) operant behaviors voluntarily emitted. respondent behaviors automatically elicited by stimuli; 2) operants do or don't occur as the result of environmental consequences (cost/rewards), respondents occur as a result of pairings between unconditioned & conditioned stimuli

three components of LTM

1) procedural memory--how to do things ; 2) semantic memory--knowledge about language, facts, rules of logic & inference; 3) episodic memory--autobiographical memory, events that have been personally experienced

what affects the reliability coefficient?

larger test length= larger reliability coefficeint maximized when range of scores is unrestricted (when sample is heterogenous and item difficulty is moderate)

Informed consent in assessment exception; when the testing is mandated by ____________________.

law or government regulations

Psychologists may dispense with informed consent when permitted by __________________________________.

law or institutional regulations

behavioral assessment process

1) situational analysis--sampling the typical situations in which the target behavior(s) occur. 2) response enumeration phase--a listing of the responses the person typically emits in these situations. 3) Response evaluation--typical responses evaluated as to their adaptive or maladaptive effectiveness. AKA the ABC model--antecedents, behaviors, consequences

When does aversion work best according to research

1) the program is part of the individual's natural environment; 2) a biologically appropriate aversive stimulus is used, preferably in the same modality as the target behavior; 3) person is encouraged to take self-control of the situation; & 4) the aversion conditioning is combined with positive reinforcement of adaptive responses

Informed consent, exception occurs when ____________________________________ mandate conducting these activities without consent.

laws or governmental regulations

contingency theory of leadership

leadership style + favorable situation

Stanford-Binet Cognitive Factors

1. Fluid Reasoning (FR; object series-matrices, early reasoning, verbal absurdities, verbal analogies) 2. Knowledge (KN; procedural knowledge, picture absurdities, vocabulary) 3. Quantitative Reasoning (QR; quantitative reasoning verbal and non-verbal) 4. Visual-Spatial Processing (VS; form board, form patterns, position and direction) 5. Working Memory (WM; delayed response, block span, memory for sentences, last word)

latent learning

learning that occurs without reinforcement & does not immediately manifest itself in performance


learning, memory, LTP. too much in excitotoxicity, alzeheimers, hungtingtons

rater biases

leniency (rate everyone high) vs strictness bias (Rate everyone low)

Conduction Aphasia

lesion between broca and wernickes, also known as associative aphasia,They are fully capable of understanding what they are hearing, but fail to encode phonological information for production, difficulty with repetition

HIPAA - Right of Amendment, If a psychologist determines a change would make the PHI ________________, the request may be denied.

less accurate

In a normal distribution of scores, the range of raw scores represented by the percentile rank range of 50 to 55 is _______the range of raw scores represented by the percentile rank range of 90 to 95.

less than

MMPI-2 Clinical Scales

1. Hypochondriasis (Hs): preoccupation with physical symptoms 2. Depression (D): depression, hopelessness, dissatisfaction with self 3. Hysteria (Hy): repression, denial, immaturity, somatic complaints 4. Psychopathic Deviate (Pd): antisocial behavior, rebelliousness, social alienation 5. Masculinity-Femininity: stereotypic masculine or feminine interests 6. Paranoia (Pa): paranoia, cynicism, interpersonal sensitivity 7. Psychasthenia (Pt): anxiety, obsessions, compulsions 8. Schizophrenia (Sc): psychosis, unusual thought processes, social alienation 9. Hypomania (Ma): unstable mood, impulsivity, grandiosity, flight of ideas 0. Social Introversion (Si): shyness, social withdrawal or avoidance

Conflict between ethics and the law: 1. Make known your ___________. 2. Take steps to resolve conflict in a _______________.

1. Make known your commitment to the ethics code 2. Take steps to resolve conflict in a responsible manner.

Preamble states the GOALS of the ethics code 1. "the ______ and _______ of individuals and groups with whom the psychologists works." 2. the education of members, students, and the public regarding _____________________.

1. Welfare and protection 2. ethical standards of the discipline

Psychologists who are responsible for educational and training programs, must ensure they are designed to meet the requirements of _________ and other __________________-.

licensure; goals stated by the program

HIPAA right - Access to Records, Records may only be withheld when disclosure would jeopardize the __________________________ of the patient or others.

life or physical safety


light and tone presented together before shock, only ONE will produce CR, whichever is more salient to the subject


light flashed WITH tone and then shock comes. the light flashed alone will NOT produce CR bc the tone already predicted it, the light is redunant

Anger management training for children has been criticized for:

limited positive effects due to focusing on the individual

score transformations

linear= distributions look alike nonlinear= look different (percentile ranks bc they are always flat)

mood stabilizer

lithium. carbamazepine, valproic acid, clonazepam (anticonvulsants) lithium- bipolar (fine hand tremor), monitor blood levels. avoid salts 3 anticonvulsant drug; good for rapid cyclers.

diabetes mellitus

little insulin

open-head injury

localized (gunshot), no aloc

dominant- left hemisphere

logical/analytical thinking , language, positive emotions

Occipital Lobe Damage

loss of depth perception and visual agnosia.


loss of muscle tone

SES & txt outcome

low SES may be correlated with poorer tx outcomes, but likely due to therapist variables (low expectations, poor referrals)

When a multiple regression analysis is employed to predict outcome, there should be

low intercorrelations among the predictors and high correlation of each predictor with the criterion.

maternal employment

low ses, working moms; sons do better in school in high ses, sons do worse

WAIS-IV Indexes and Subtests

1. Working Memory Index (WMI): initial registration and mental manipulation of stimuli (digit span, arithmetic, letter-number sequencing) 2. Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI): retrieval of verbal information from long-term memory and reasoning with verbal information (vocabulary, similarities, information, comprehension) 3. Processing Speed Index (PSI): verbal, motor, and visual-motor processing speed (symbol search, coding, cancellation) 4. Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI): reasoning with nonverbal, visual stimuli (block design, matrix reasoning, visual puzzles, figure weights, picture completion)

Penalties for failure to comply with HIPAA: 1. _______ __________ by the office of civil rights-health/human services. 2. Civil penalties of ______ per violation, up to ________ a year. 3. for deliberate or knowing violations, fines up to ______________ or _______________.

1. administrative sanction 2. $100; $25,000 3. $250, 000; ten year imprisonment

eriksons 8 developmental stages

1. bun- trust vs mistrust (0-18months) 2. shoe- autonomy vs shame (18-3) 3. tree - initiative vs guilt (3-5) 4. dinosaur - industrious vs inferior (5-13) 5. diver- identity vs identity development (13-21) 6. sticks- intimacy vs isolation (21-40) 7. heaven- generativity vs stagnation (40-65) 8. plate - integrity vs despair (65 beyond)

HIPAA - right of accounting, accounting should include: 1. Information about the ___________________________. 2. ______________________ the info was disclosed. 3. Description of ___________, and for __________.

1. date of disclosure 2. The party to whom 3. what was disclosed, and for what purpose

kubler-ross stages of grief

1. denial/isolation 2. anger 3. bargaining 4. depression 5. acceptance DABDA

Marcia 4 stages of identity statuses

1. diffusion- nothing has happened 2. foreclosure-imposed by parent 3. moratorium-exploration 4. achievement-committing; "identity achieved" DFMA: DON'T FORGET MY ART

Dispense with informed consent (no harm or distress): 1. Normal __________________________ 2. anonymous _________, naturalistic observation, or ________ research. 3. the study of a ______________________ effectiveness.

1. educational practices 2. questionnaires, archival 3. job or organization's

intermittent schedules

1. fixed interval (time; every 30 seconds); scallop (Stop responding for a bit) 2. variable interval (time; about every minute); pop quizzes 3. fixed ratio (every 5 response); 4. variable ratio (every 2 or 5 or 10 responses; gambling)

Standard, Conflicts between ethics and law: 1. Clarify the __________. 2. Make known their __________________. 3. take _______________ to resolve the conflict.

1. nature of the conflict 2. commitment to the ethics code 3. reasonable steps

kohlberg 3 moral reasoning levels

1. preconventional-punishment/obedience , goodness/badness ; must avoid punishment 2. conventional-good boy/good girl, law and order, must get approval by others 3. postconventional-democratic laws, ethics

brain development stages (5)

1. proliferation 2. migration 3. differentiation 4. myelination 5. synaptogenesis please make different motor signs

systematic desensitization

1. relaxation 2. hierarchy construction 3. imagination 4. in vivo

For a malpractice claim against a psychologist to be held valid, three elements must be proven:

1. the psychologist must have had a professional relationship with the client 2. the psychologist must have been negligent or failed to live up to that duty. 3. harm to the patient must have resulted.

Goals of maintaining records: 1. to facilitate ______________________ 2. to allow for replication of ___________ 3. to meet ________________________ 4. to ensure accuracy in __________ 5. to comply with ________

1. to facilitate future provision of services 2. research results 3. institutional requirments 4. billing 5. the law

Enforceable, provide specific guidelines for the ethical behavior of psychologists.

10 Ethical Standards

vocab at 36 months

1000 words

at what age understand death?


relational crisis at age

12. "perfect good woman" "loss of voice"

vocabulary growth at age

18 months

what age kids express jealousy and embarassment?

18-24 months


1st major studies of memory, 1885, self as subject, nonsense syllables as material to be learned

Pre-Encounter Cross

1st stage of MPN values dominated by euro-american; integration and assimilation believe to be solutions, blame african americans for problems

Helms Contact

1st status of WRIDM Ignorance and disregard of racial differences limited contact w/ other races, unaware

sensory preconditioning

2 CSs are paired in preconditioning sessions (e.g. tone & light) then one (tone) is paired with a US (food) and the response (salivation) originally exhibited at the sight of food is now given when presented with the tone. Might get salivation when shown the light because of previous pairing with tone

behavioral contrast

2 separately reinforced behaviors. 1 behavior extinguished. Other behavior increases in frequency

self-awareness at what age

2 years

What percent of people over age 85 have dementia?



20% have depression before, 50% have depression during it. tx is l-dopa

3 month baby memory how many hours?


Encounter Cross

2nd stage of MPN personal or social event disrupts worldview, more receptive to racial identity; search for african american identity

opponent-process theory

3 bipolar receptors

maternal depression seen in infants at what age

3 months

APA's Record Keeping Guidelines (2007) suggest keeping minor records for 7 years also, or __________________, whichever is LATER.

3 years after minor reaches age of majority



A child who is not putting together two-word phrases, by which of the following ages, should be taken in for an evaluation?

30 months.

personality stable at what age

30 yo (overtime increase in agreeableness and acceptance, decrease in sociability)

To diagnose Conduct Disorder, the person has to display ________ or more signs for at least ________ months, with at least one sign present in the past ________ months.

3; 12; 6

Immersion-Emersion Cross

3rd stage of MPN destroy "old" identity and form "new" denigrate whites and white culture, deify african american individuals and culture

Helms Reintegration

3rd status WRIDM resolve conflict by adopting position that white is superior. Helm believes American norms allow whites to stay at this status.

babbling starts at age

4 months (deaf children do same w/hands)

Aversive control of behavior

4 paradigms; positive punishment, escape learning, avoidance learning, and over correction

Rorschach Administration

4 steps: Introduction: allay anxiety Instructions: tell all you see, non-directive such as handing the card Responses: free association, verbatim recording & time spent Inquiry: after all ten, clarify responses, gather any additional data

what age does separation-individuation begin?

4-5 months

what age do kids master their language


stroke depression

40% of ppl

Internalization Cross

4th stage of MPN resolve conflict b/w old and new worldviews characterized by openness, friendships w/ whites, african american remains primary reference group

Helms Pseudo-Independence

4th status WRIDM dissatisfaction with reintegration, re-examine beliefs about racial inequalities

Are aspirational in nature and should never be used to impose sanctions.

5 General Principles

Alcohol Abuse and Dependence has a male to female ratio of about

5 to 1

best size for group cohesiveness?


Internalization-Commitment Cross

5th stage of MPN translates identities into activities that are meaningful for the group; political activism (mature, meaningful)

Helms Immersion-Emersion

5th status WRIDM embrace whiteness w/o rejection minorities pride w/o racism

rutter's indicators

6 factors

social referencing

6 months "visual cliff"

stranger anxiety

6-8 months, ends around 2yo

cooing starts age age

6-8 weeks

Areas Under the Normal Curve

68.26%- scores fall within 1 SD above and below the mean. 95.44%- scores fall between above and below 2 SD. 99.7%- scores fall between above and below 3 SD. 34% of scores found between mean and 1 SD or vice versa.

Helms Autonomy

6th status WRIDM internalize a nonracist white identity value and seek out cross-racial interactions

cerebral cortex

80% of brain weight, 4 lobes

echolalia starts age age

9 months, repeating adult sounds and sentences but have no meaning

Predictors of Child Psychopathology (Rutter)

low socioeconomic status, severe marital discord, large family size, parental criminality, and placement of children outside the home.


low sugar (too much insulin); palpitation, anxiety, dizzy, hunger

A post-menopausal woman is most likely to find that her reduced level of estrogen has

made intercourse uncomfortable.

Differential reinforcement of other behavior

A combination of operant extinctions and positive reinforcement. So we stop reinforcing the undesirable behavior and differentially reinforcing the behavior we want to increase

An external locus of control and internal locus of responsibility are characteristic of

A depressed person.

Single subject research design

A design in which the subject serves as its own control


A maladaptive tendency in which the adolescent compensates for a lack of identity by fusing the group that eagerly provides its members with details of an identify: religious cults, military organizations, or hate groups.


A perceptual condition in which stimulation of one sensory modality is reliably perceived in one or more other senses. For example, individuals with synesthesia may hear odors or see sounds. The cause is unknown, but is more prevalent amount women and non-right-handed people.

Repetition compulsion

A phenomenon of Transference. repeats feelings and affects from the past into the present, as a repetition of unresolved unconscious conflicts.

Ex post facto design

A quasi experimental design in which subjects are not randomly assigned but rather grouped based on some pre-existing situation. So if you were looking to see how advertising impacts self self esteem among women of different weight, the weight would be a preexisting condition and be the "ex post facto" factor.

Cluster Sampling

A sampling technique in which groups of participants are selected instead of individuals.

A/B/A/B design

A single subject, reversals design in which the subject is measured at baseline (A), is measured after the treatment (B), the treatment is removed or reversed and then they are measured (A), and then the treatment is reapplied and measured (B). So an example is baseline, give Paxil and measure, get off Paxil and measure, give Paxil again and measure.

Extraneous (Confound) Variable

A source of systematic error that affects the relationship between IV and DV.

Heteronomous Morality

A term used by Piaget to describe preschool children who believe that rules are absolute and unchangeable.

Cultural encapsulation

A therapist problem, when we encapsulate a culture and say all African Americans are like x

Instructors may not require students to disclose personal information unless the educational program has ______________________________.

made this requirement clear in admission and program materials

rem rebound

making up for sleep deprivation


males only

If a client has not signed a release of information, psychologists may only release test data if ____________________________.

mandated by law or court order

Psychologists do note need patient authorization for ___________ ___________.

mandated disclosures

The first authorship standard regarding dissertation publication does not apply to ___________________, as this is usually part of a larger on-going research project.

master's theses

krumboltz's social learning theory

maximum career dev= more exposure

Psychologist may/may not pay another professional for a referral.

may not

hallucinations after cocaine/amphetamines

may persist for weeks after stopping drug

in negative distribution, what do 3 measures look like?

mean is less than median which is less than mode

what does variance measure?

measures all scores, not just lowest and highest

Statements by others, it is prohibited to compensate a ______________________ for publicity or reporting. When paid ads are used, they __________.

media employee; must be identified as such

alzeheimer's most loss of cells

medial temporal lobe


medulla (breathing, heart, bp,) pons (connects 2 halves of cerebellum, integrates movements of both sides, relaxation) cerebellum (balance and posture)

schema theory of memory

memory is filtered through our schema--cognitive structures or frameworks that influence how we look at the world

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Summary

AKA solution focused or brief therapy de Shazer and Berg Focus on solutions to current rather than root causes Clients have resources needed, intervention only to guide, six sessions or less Resistance=if resistant, not the right solution change inevitable

______ cannot suspend or revoke license, but can inform state of actions taken.


Examples: Record Keeping Guidelines, general guidelines for child custody evaluations, specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists, etc.

APA guidelines

In general, _________________ are suggestions or recommendations for professional behavior by psychologists.

APA guidelines

may also occur if the APA member is convicted of a felony, expelled or suspended from a state association, or has license revoked.

APA sanctions



Instrumental abise

About control

learned helplessness

Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale (1978) occurs when a person believes that personal outcomes are uncontrollable. Used to explain depression--depressed people blame themselves for bad outcomes. Internal attributions global (everything)& stable(always)

What term is used to describe the phenomenon that a person's substance use relapse leads to feelings of guilt and failure, which in turn lead to more relapses?

Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE)

HIPAA right, Patients have the right to inspect and receive a copy of PHI that is in the medical record.

Access to Records

Idiosyncracy Credits

According to Hollander in order to successfully challenge the majority opinions of a group, a person must first conform to the group in order to establish credibility as a competent insider. By becoming accepted members of the group, we accumulate these which are like brownie points.

Separation (Berry)

Acculturation Model High minority, low (rejection) mainstream assc. w/ high stress

Integration (Berry)

Acculturation Model High retention of minority culture and maintenance of mainstream; assc. w/ low levels of stress

Marginalization (Berry)

Acculturation Model Low minority, low mainstream assc. w/ high stress

Assimilation (Berry)

Acculturation Model Low retention minority culture & high maintenance of mainstream; assc. w/ moderate levels of stress

internal working model

mental representation of self and others that influence future relationshiops

Berry's Acculturation Model

Acculturation has two dimensions: retention of minority culture & maintenance of mainstream culture The more mainstream, the less minority, vice versa Four possible modes: integration, assimilation, separation, marginalization

This is diagnosed when a person develops emotional or behavioral symptoms in reaction to an identifiable stressor/s within 3 months of the onset of the stressor/s; once the stressor is terminated, symptoms last less than 6 months.

Adjustment Disorder

Group Therapy Key People

Adler Burrow J.L. Moreno (created group movement, journal) Yalom (current leader in field: The theory and practice of group psychotherapy)

Self reinforcement

Administrating reinforcement to ones self. Part of a larger category of self control procedures.


Advantages (Yalom): complement and support one another; broadens range of transference reactions; male-female evoke primary family group Disadvantages: competition No open disagreement during first few sessions

The tendency to experience losses more heavily than gains of equal magnitude results in less risky decisions and is referred to as:

Adverse Impact

Moderator Variables

Affects direction and strength of IV and DV. Ex) an IV works better the older the participant is; age is the moderator and can be tested as an IV itself.

Research on psychotherapy outcomes suggest that, overall, culturally diverse groups do about as well as Anglo clients. However, as a specific group, less favorable outcomes are shown by

African Americans

According to research on sex-role determinants, the characteristic that is most related to genetics as opposed to socialization is:


As defined by the DSM, this condition involves "anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationally predisposed panic attack or panic like symptoms."


The three stages of General Adaptation Syndrome are ________, in which the body's sympathetic arousal system is mobilized; with prolonged stress the ________ stage occurs, in which defenses are stabilized and symptoms disappear, but at a cost; the final stage, ________, results from prolonged resistance that leaves the body susceptible to organ failure or complete collapse.

Alarm reaction; resistance; exhaustion (remembered by acronym "ARE")

Communication/Interaction Tx Summary

All bx is a form of communication, and can be verbal or nonverbal. Maladaptive communication = profound impact on family. Goal is effective communication. Developed Palo Alto


All involve damage to areas in the frontal and/or parietal lobe, usually in the left hemisphere. A defining characteristic is that it is not due to paralysis, cognitive impairment, or sensory loss.


Altered state of consciousness. Light, medium and deep trance. Light France is muscke relaxed. In medium trance, reduced. Deep hypnosis could have surgery without anesthesia. Can be used to aid memory. People under hypnosis are more likely to report false memory.

Which of the following method of establishing a test's reliability is, all other things being equal, likely to be lowest?

Alternate Forms (best reliability coefficient)

The initial stages of ________ involves forgetting tasks and repeating questions, which progresses to impaired ability to perform day-to-day tasks independently (e.g., cooking, driving, getting dressed). In the final stages, incontinence, severe language impairment, and the inability to walk or sit-up are typical.

Alzheimer's Disease

When a person's amnesia is due to a medical condition, such as hypoxia, seizures, or head trauma, the correct diagnosis is:

Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (with specific condition indicated)

Positive feedback loop

Amplifies decision, increases change in a system.

Assimilative Integration

An approach to psychotherapy integration Commitment to one theory, willingness to use other techniques

High K, High L, and Low F

An attempt to be viewed in an overly favorable light ("faking good").

Rancho Los Amigo Scale

An evaluation of eight levels of cognitive functioning used in acute rehabilitation settings following release from intensive care.

Functional Amnesia

An inability to remember significant events in life, after a psychological trauma, including autobiographical memories.

Wernicke's Aphasia (Receptive/Fluent Aphasia)

An individual who produces normal sounding speech that makes little or no sense and is usually unaware of this deficit.

Ravens Progressive Matrices

An intelligence test that is completely non-dependent on language.

This condition is characterized by a refusal to maintain age and height appropriate body weight, fear of losing control of one's weight, a distorted body image, and often amenorrhea; weight is usually controlled by restricting caloric intake or bingeing/purging.

Anorexia Nervosa

What drug produces severe nausea when taken in conjunction with alcohol and is used to assist in the treatment of alcoholism?


Aversive conditioning

Antabuse as an example. Pair stimulus with a new, stronger, negative stimulus. Used with paraphillias. High rates of relapse.

Significant impairment in one's ability to learn new information is referred to as ________ amnesia, while marked diminishment in one's ability to recall learned information or events is called ________ amnesia.

Anterograde; retrograde

A person with this condition must have had symptoms of Conduct Disorder before 15 y/o and demonstrate a pattern of disregard for and violation of others' rights; some symptoms include lack remorse/empathy, impulsivity, irritability and aggressiveness, and deceitfulness.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

People with Somatization Disorder frequently exhibit ________ and ________, which are often the reasons for their initial therapy visit.

Anxiety; depression


Any group of interacting components which together constitute an entire organization. Emphasis on relationships and transaction.


Applied his method of factor analysis to intelligence leading to his proposed theory of Primary Mental Abilities (that individuals possess varying degrees of sub-components of intelligence).

Discriminant Function Analysis

Appropriate multivariate technique when two or more continuous predictors will be used to predict or estimate a person's status on a single discrete (nominal) criterion.

Miller and Dollard

Are known for a few theories including the frustration-aggression hypothesis, which proposes that frustration always precedes aggression.

Yerkes and Dodson

Are known for identifying the inverted "U" relationship between arousal and performance.


Arms and legs flail outward and then in towards the body when startled


As well as other pams are benzodiazepines-sometimes used in the treatment of anxiety.

Paradoxical intention

Asking clients to do the thing they fear

Skewed Distribution

Asymmetrical distribution. Determine if negative or positive by where the tail is. Positive- more scores on the low end. Negative- more scores on the high end.

The DSM is ________ in nature and, as such, only addresses the etiology of disorders for which the cause is clearly known (e.g., PTSD).


Minority Identity Development Model

Atkinson, Morten, & Sue Five stages of identification/rejection of minority/majority culture: Conformity, Dissonance, Resistance & Immersion, Instrospection, Synergistic Articulation & Awareness White counselor at stage 1, minority stages 2-4, either at stage 5

Self Perception theory proposes that people base their:

Attitudes on their Behaviors.

An ___________ is needed for disclosure outside of payment, treatment, or operations.


____________ refers to obtaining patient permission to disclose information on a release of information form.


What disorder is characterized by delayed or abnormal functioning in: social interaction, language as used in social communication, or symbolic or imaginative play by age 3?

Autism Disorder

Autonomic Nervous System

Automatic, heart rate, digestion, respiration

Covert sensitization

Aversive counter Conditioning

Classical extinction

Avoidance keeps phobias and fears alive, so people avoid the CS, never allowing it to get extinguished.

This condition is characterized by a persistent pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, resulting in limited social contacts despite a longing for contact and relationships.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

The Ethics Code defines _________ as "the acceptance of goods, services, or other nonmonetary remuneration in return for psychological services."


Interpersonal therapy

Based on Sullivan and neo Freudian. Interpersonal, short term, time limited.

Counter Conditioning

Based on reciprocal inhibition. So if they have fear, will come up with the opposite and make that so strong it makes it hard to feel fear.


Basic defense mechanism. Pushing something unwanted out of consciousness.

Projective Hypothesis

Basis of projective tests individual's response to vague stimuli reveals personality and underlying conflict


Because the same chance factor operating in the original sample are not operating in the subsequent sample, the correlation coefficient tends to "shrink" on cross-validation. Greatest when the original sample is small and the number of predictors is large.

Becks CBT

Becks model had empirical hypothesis testing as opposed to arguing or convincing patients. With that, he is known for Socratic questioning, making it more collaborative.

This idea suggests that the core of ADHD is not attention deficits but rather a lack of ability to adjust activity levels to fit the requirements of different settings.

Behavioral disinhibition hypothesis (Barkley)

What form of therapy has been shown to be fairly successful in treating people with Autism?

Behavioral therapy, particularly techniques such as shaping and operant conditioning, has helped people with Autism replace abnormal behaviors with more desirable ones

Reciprocal determinism

Behaviorism that takes systems thinking into account. So, behavior is reinforced by a situation in which in turn shapes the individual which internships the behavior which internships the situation, so on and so forth.


Better outcomes that if chronic fighting but worse than kids in Happy intact homes. Aggression and reduced socializaion

Somatic Therapies

Bio-medical model, three types 1) drug therapy, psychopharmacology 2) ECT, muscle relaxant, anesthesia, non-dominant brain hemisphere, depression 3) psychosurgery: severe depression, anxiety, OCD, lobotomy or leuctomy (cutting connections)

According to Gottesman, what are the lifetime probabilities for developing Schizophrenia among biological siblings, dizygotic (fraternal) twins, and monozygotic (identical) twins, in percentages?

Biological = 10%; dizygotic twins = 16%; monozygotic twins = 48%

adhd meds

methylphenidate (for narcolepsy too) prolonged use= paranoid schizo drug holidays


mi- face to face relationships me- interactions like family n school exo- broad env to childs env ma-culture, politic chro-lifetime stuff like ses, familyy structure change

If you learn of ethical violation through other means, consider severity of violation: _______ ______, first discuss with colleague and explain why actions are unethical __________ ______, you can bypass informal resolution and report

minor offense; severe offense


modifying schemas to incorporate new knowledge

postdivorce parenting

moms are usually authoritarian but inconsistent noncustodial dads are permissive better outcome if living with same-sex parent (except in adolescents, both do better w/mom parent conflict causes problems in kids, not the divorce itself small effect size for remarriage (worse for girls), better for children if done before age 9. stepfathers are more distant and disengaged

This is characterized by a change in prior functioning due to the experience of depressed mood or loss of pleasure, in addition to at least 5 other symptoms of depression, during a two-week period. Major Depressive Episode ________ involves the presence of at least 1 manic or mixed episode at some time, and the person may or may not have experienced 1 or more major depressive episodes; the diagnosis of ________ is given when 1 or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode are present.

Bipolar I; Bipolar II

A preoccupation with non-existent physical flaws that interferes with one's functioning and is often dealt with via excessive plastic surgery is characteristic of what disorder?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This disorder is characterized by a pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect, significant impulsivity (e.g., suicide threats, substance use), and fear of abandonment/domination.

Borderline Personality Disorder


Branch of Autonomic Nervous System, at rest, digestion, elimination, decreases heart rate


Branch of Autonomic Nervous System, kicks in fight or flight, activating, increases heart rate, adrenaline

A person experiences the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom (delusion, hallucination, etc.) that lasts from several hours up to a month, and then returns to premorbid level of functioning, the most appropriate diagnosis is:

Brief Psychotic Disorder

If a Brief Psychotic Disorder is in response to a very stressful event, it is sometimes referred to a ________ and the diagnosis would include the specifier ________.

Brief Reactive Psychosis; With Marked Stressor(s)

Brief Psychotherapy v. Crisis Intervention

Brief therapist more likely to be a real therapist Brief 25 sessions, crisis 5-8 Brief encourages insight, more emphasis on alliance

Harlow--Curiosity & learning sets

monkeys will solve a complicated puzzle for intrinsic reward unless given an external reward, then they will only solve for extrinsic reward.


mood, attn, dreaming, learning, autonomic catecholamine hypothesis: low in depression

age 2.5-5 language

more complex sentences, grammer, 50 new words every month

What condition is given when a person persistently binge eats and engages in inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain (e.g., excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting) at an average rate of twice per week for 3 months?

Bulimia Nervosa

____________________________ include evaluations of the meaning of the available research on each test.

Buros' Mental Measurements Yearbook

_________________________________ series contains the most comprehensive and authoritative compilation of test reviews.

Buros' Mental Measurements Yearbook

includes test description, and information regarding test use, construction, administration, scoring, types of scores, normative data, reliability, validity and any concerns.

Buros' Mental Measurements Yearbook

Lists information about tests including title, population designed for, available subtests, updating, authors, and publisher.

Buros' Tests in Print

___________ is a comprehensive bibliography of all known commercially available tests in English.

Buros' Tests in Print

Global Aphasia

more general damage, severe form of nonfluent aphasia, caused by damage to the left side of the brain, affects receptive and expressive language skills.

weber law

more intense stimulus= more JND to detect difference

The term "group polarization" refers to the tendency of groups to make decisions that are

more risky or more conservative than those that might be made by individual members.


most common good when used with measure of general mental ability

adults over 50 recall most what first?

most recent events and then adolscent

alternate forms reliability

most thorough method for estimating reliability

Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII)

most widely used interest test compares your interests to those happy/successful in occupation predictor of career choice/satisfaction, but not success Three reports: six general occupational themes (based on Holland); basic interest scales (general themes broken down even more); main "occupational scales" (124, empirical criterion keying)

goal-setting theory

motivated when employee has accepted goal


motor issue

tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure

motor, no memory of seizure

The "fourth force" in psychology has been identified as:


Guidelines for child custody evaluations, psychologist should use _____________________ of data gathering.

multiple methods

Example, treating your best friend's husband

multiple relationship, unethical

Custody evaluations, conducting evaluation with current or prior client, or therapy with current or prior examinee are both considered __________.

multiple relationships

Example include seeing a client socially, or being in a business relationship with someone close to the client

multiple relationships


myelin dies in brain/spinal cord

Exception to informed consent for filming and recording include: ______________________ in which personal identification and harm are avoided

naturalistic observation

Persons who are court ordered, inform of __________ to be provided, the fact services are _______, and of any ____________.

nature of services, mandated, limits to confidentiality

training program starts with?

needs analysis; organization, task, person, demographic

response cost

negative punishment; token economy, late fee on cc, speeding ticket

If you receive a subpoena w/o client permission, assert patient-therapist privilege, and neither _________________________, unless ordered by court.

neither testify nor turn over records

papez circuit

neural circuit to mediate/express emo


neuropsych battery 11 scales designed to measure specific functions (motor rhythm, receptive & expressive speech, writing/reading, memory, etc.) score from 0(normal)-2(injured) faster and more thorough than H-R

Halstead-Reitan (H-R)

neuropsych battery separate measures of several things (lateral dominance, psychomotor, speech-language, mental flexibility) 11 subtests over 4-5 hours, supplemented w/ WAIS and MMPI

Glasgow Coma Scale

neuropsych test assesses level of consciousness based on 3 responses: eye opening, best motor response, best verbal response 3-15, lower worse

Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities (ITPA)

neuropsych test chidlren 2-10 based on Osgoods theory of communication process: channels (auditory-vocal; visual-motor) processes (understanding, organizing, expressing) levels (representational, automatic)

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test

neuropsych test measure of visual-motor memory, skills, deficits 3 years of age and older two parts: copy and recall phases 16 cards w/ geometric shapes performance impacted by education, correlate with intelligence up to age 10 assesses school readiness, learning disabilities, not accurate for diagnosis or personality

Tower of London

neuropsych test move disks into configuration measure of executive functioning, memory linked to frontal lobe damage, ADHD, autism, depression

Mini Mental Status Exam

neuropsych test older adults 11 questions assess six areas: orientation, registration, attention & calculation, recall, language, visual construction score below 23/30 impaired

Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor (Beery-VMI)

neuropsych test similar to BVRT; look at figure & then copy used in children 3-18 for deficits related to learning & behavior

Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT)

neuropsych test used to identify brain damage 8 years and up assesses visual motor skills, visual memory, spatial perception produce from memory geometric patterns (on cards) more errors = more damage

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)

neuropsycho test assess ability to shift cognitive strategies, abstract concepts; autism, schizo, malingering, depression, alcoholism, frontal lobe damage 4 symbols, asked to sort w/o knowing how, change process after 10 correct sorts, scored in terms of trials necessary to learn changes

synaptic transmission

neurotransmitter released into synaptic cleft

retroactive inhibition

new experience interferes with recall of an earlier one. only events that occur while awake can cause retroactive inhibition

sex reassignment surgery

no more dysphoria

Gender & txt outcome

no relationship

Therapist Ethnicity & txt outcome

no relationship

Therapist gender & txt outcome

no relationship

therapist Self-disclosure & txt outcome

no relationship

Therapist orientation/education & txt outcome

no relationship, unless truly inexperienced compared to truly experiences, or very difficult clients

alzeheimer's memory deficits

no trouble in procedural, but yes in declarative. opposite for depressed apteints.

first words are usually

nominal or labels for objects

scales of measurement

nominal- unordered categories (male or female, religion, place of birth, eye color, dsm dx) ordinal- order of categories (Ranks, likert scales) interval- order, and equal intervals (scores on iq tests, temperature in C or F, can never be 0) ratio- most complex to use! order, equal intervals, and can be absolute 0. (calories, reaction time in seconds, # items correct on a test, temperature on Kelvin scale)

Withholding records for nonpayment, this ethical standard conflicts with current federal law regarding the withholding of records in _____________________.

non-emergency situations

The bottom line is that a psychologist should not withhold records for _______________ in any situation, emergency or otherwise.


multiple cutoff

noncompensatory bc a minimum score must be obtained on all predictors before applicant is even considered

which tests for ordinal data?

nonparametric alternatives Mann-Whitney is alternative to the t-test for independent samples Wilcoxon is alternative to the t-test for correlated samples Kruskal-Wallis is alternative to one-way ANOVA

which antidepressant causes most sedation?


criterion measures (assess employee performance)

objective or subjective (better) supervisor ratings are most reliable peer ratings best for promotion

Psychologists should not base treatment or other decisions on __________ test data, or _________ measures.

obsolete, obsolete

Psychologists may disclose confidential information without client consent in order to __________________, but should only disclose the smallest amount of information necessary.

obtain payment for services

stimulus control (discrimination)

occurence of behavior affected by discriminative stimuli (baby cries in front of parent who picks him up) positive (Sd) ; stimulus generalization negative (S-delta)

synchrony effect

older adults best in am and younger best in am and pm


on CS inhibits the learning of a 2nd CS

halo bias

one employee only. rater uses one dimension to rate rest dimensions, can be positive or negative

what's most important in choosing research design?

one that minimizes the effects of both systematic and random error


only used to compare 2 means at a time. if it has more than two means you have to do multiple t-tests, which increases type 1 error

stimulus discrimination

organism gives target behavior in presence of one stimulus but not another (pigeon presses lever when green light, but not red light.) AKA stimulus control

General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services (1987), Professional Psychologists have a doctoral degree in psychology from an _____________, ____________ program in a ________________________- university or professional school.

organized, sequential regionally accredited

Previously published data should not be published in a manner that implies they are ________________________.

original data

Psychologists must provide feedback to students and supervisees, and inform them of the process of feedback as the _________________________________.

outset of the relationship

Discuss limit of confidentiality, Confidentiality is generally discussed at the _____________, and whenever there are

outset of treatment, relevant changes to circumstances

Third party request for services, at the _______ psychologists should clarify: 1. Who the _____ 2. the probable ________ 3. limits _________

outset; client is; uses of services to confidentiality


pairing an undesirable behavior with an incompatible behavior to eliminate the undesirable behavior

General symptoms that may accompany the second stage of Alzheimer's Dementia include:

paranoia and labile mood

in vivo aversion therapy aka overt sensitization

paraphilias, self-injurious behaviors, drug/alcohol addictions. electroic shock, odors or emetic drugs

thoracic damage

paraplegia (legs)

According to research on parenting styles, which of the following describes the parents who are most likely to raise very aggressive children?

parents who use frequent and intermittent violence and have a laissez-faire attitude toward their children's behaviors.

HIPAA - right of accounting, Patients have the right to receive an accounting of all disclosures of their PHI for the ___________________.

past six years

The Health Belief Model is a tool for predicting and understanding an individual's health-related decision making. The results from which dimension provide the most information?

perceived barriers

base rate

percent of employees performing satisfactorily without proposed predictor; 0-1. moderate base rates (0.5)= highest incremental validity taylor-russell tables: estimate success of new hires

criterion-referenced interpretation

percentage scores regression equation expectancy table

norm-referenced interpretation

percentile ranks standard scores

norm-referenced scores

percentile ranks and standard scores

buffering hypothesis

perception of support is more important than actual support


performance on a measure in unaffected by measurement error


person practices or rehearses some material beyond the point of mastery. best for simple tasks

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III)

personality inventory 175 t/f items, 21 scales corresponding to DSM categories adolescent version

Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90)

personality inventory general psychiatric symptoms primarily used in research

NEO personality inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R)

personality inventory, most widely used Big 5: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience


personality, mood, memory, sleep. dopamine hypothesis: too much in schizo motor diseases: tourette's (too much), parkinsons (breakdown)

what conditions have systematic desensitization been shown to useful?

phobias, stuttering, sexual dysfunction, & insomnia

what is strongest predictor of cog functioning in later life

physical health

Psychologists may never deceive prospective subjects about research that may cause __________________________________.

physical pain or emotional distress

maslow's 5 hierarchy of needs

physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization

sex hormone organs

pituitary and gonads (hypothalamus) = hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis


positive punishment; restitution and physically guiding


poverty of thought/speech

alcohol dependence

ppl acknowledge they have a problem

If an educational program requires participation in individual or group therapy, students must have the option of obtaining treatment from _________________________________.

practitioners not associated with the program.

Termination should usually be preceded by _________________, which may include suggesting alternative treatment providers.

pre-termination counseling

multiple regression

predictor scores weighted together

social inhibition

presence of others decreases performance ; esp unleawrned tasks

social facilitation

presence of others increases task performance; esp on simple or well-learned tasks

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)

present-oriented, short-term, highly-structured emphasis on interpersonal problems: role transitions, interpersonal disputes, interpersonal deficits, grief used for depression, based on biopsychosocial


pressure for uniformity limits effectiveness

proactive inhibition

previous learning interferes with more recent learning

When a psychologist working out of the Adlerian model serves as a consultant in a school, they

primarily educate the parents and teachers through an emphasis on preventive interventions.

Maintaining confidentiality, The Ethics Code emphasizes that psychologists have a __________________ to protect confidential information.

primary obligation

spontaneous recovery

CR is never lost, just suppressed.

aversive counterconditioning

CS is paired with US that naturally evokes pain response. eventually the CS is avoided.

Trace Conditioning

CS presented, then US presented

A client presents to therapy complaining of nervousness, speaking rapidly, and has a flushed face. He reports having a difficult time sleeping and mentions increased diarrhea. During the session, he coyly states he has started consuming copious quantities of "Red Bull" energy drinks. What is a possible diagnosis?

Caffeine Intoxication

With regards to mandated reporting, most states have adopted some version of _______________________________.

California's Tarasoff statute

Avoidance learning

Can avoid the bad thing all together by doing the desired behavior in time

Empirical Criterion Keying

Can items distinguish between groups?

Escape learning

Can stop the bad thing by doing the desired behavior.

What substance does not lead to physical dependence, has no significant withdrawal symptoms, and has no evidence of causing any long-term negative or toxic effects to it's users (based on governmental studies)?

Cannabis (Marijuana)

Quasi-experimental Design

Cannot randomly assign participant to conditions. Has preexisting groups or single group without control comparison.

Case vs admin consultation

Case is clinically oriented, admin is admin/programmatic issues

What is the most likely diagnosis for a person who becomes catatonic as a direct result of cerebrovascular disease?

Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

What type of Schizophrenia is characterized by psychomotor motor disturbance, including posturing, mutism, rigidity, motoric immobility, extreme negativism, and/or extreme excitement?

Catatonic Type

Must provide services due to lack of providers, psychologist must have closely related _______, and pursue further __________ to obtain necessary competence.

prior training and experience, training

This etiological explanation of depression holds that depression is caused by low levels of norepinephrine in the brain, while mania is due to excess norepinephrine levels; there is some evidence that effective antidepressants (tricyclics, MAOIs) increase norepinephrine in the brain and mood stabilizers (lithium) decrease it, which supports this theory.

Catecholamine Hypothesis

Retention Region

Central portion of sampling distribution. Values likely to occur due to error; fail to reject the null hypothesis. *is equal to one minus alpha.

A child diagnosed with ________ may present similarly as depressed adults, though often mask their feelings with delinquency, phobias, underachievement, psychosomatic complaints, hyperactivity, or aggression; it is often associated with family abuse or neglect.

Childhood Depression

Regarding Conduct Disorder, what differentiates "Childhood Onset" from "Adolescent Onset?"

Childhood Onset diagnosed when symptoms present prior to age 10; Adolescent Onset when symptoms occur at age 10 or later

Drive Reduction Theory

probability of a behavior occurring depends upon the strength of the learning habit & the motivation or level of drive. The desire to reduce the drive motivates learning

In people diagnosed with Conduct Disorder, those with ________ Onset have a worse prognosis and are more likely to receive a later diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder, while problematic behavior of those with ________ Onset is usually a product of their relationships with delinquent peers.

Childhood; Adolescent

A distinguishing characteristic of the Montessori teaching method is

Children are free to select their own learning activities.

Early memory and attention deficits in Alzheimer's disease are believed to be caused by decreased activity in

Cholinergic neurons (acetylcholine).

Avoidance - avoidance

Choosing between two unpleasant possibilities

A person whose arousal increases at night but is very tired during the day, impairing work functionality, might be diagnosed with this disorder.

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

This term refers to a style of speech that is less serious than loose associations and is characterized by excessive attention to irrelevant and digressive details; often the point is eventually reached.


The introduction explicitly states that the Ethics Code is not intended to be a basis for ______________.

Civil liability

HIPAA, ______________________ are notes that document or analyze the content of counseling sessions (e.g., dreams, countertransference).

process notes (psychotherapy notes)


projective hypothesis; less susceptible to faking, get more global info vs. surface info. 10 cards, ages 2 and older

classic vs common migraine

Classic: A type of migraine that involves the appearance of neurological symptoms, called an aura (flashing lights or zigzag lines, or temporary loss of vision) 10 to 30 minutes before an attack. Other classic migraine symptoms may include the following: Difficulty with speech Weakness of an arm or leg Tingling of the face or hands Confusion Pain associated with classic migraines may be described as: Intense, throbbing, or pounding felt in the forehead, temple, ear, jaw, or around the eye Starting on one side of the head, but may spread to the other side. An attack may last one or two days. tx is thermal biofeedback/autogenic training


Classical conditioning-stimulus generalization (little Albert, white rats)

Client centered vs consultee centered case consultation

Client is a single client, consultee is a group of clients.

Developmental Level, Group therapy

Client should have similar developmental level Children, w/i two years, age not as important with adult groups

Withdrawal and Intoxication by what 2 substances share the same diagnostic criteria in the DSM?

Cocaine and amphetamine

Typically, _______ refers to a person's deliberate or inadvertent support of another's addiction or dependence.



Cognitive behavior modification. Modeling with RET and involves a therapist modeling a task and verbalizing while they do it, having the pt do the task while the therapist verbalized, and then the pt does it while verbalizing and then does it themselves. Good wth task completion.

High context communication

Communication where contextual factors play abig role in what is communicated. Minoratized individuals tend to pay a lot of attention to contextual factors


Communication/Interaction Tx Communication on two levels: report and command Report- intended verbal statement Command- implicit non-verbal message Command represents metacommun., can enhance or contradict report

Symmetrical Communications

Communication/Interaction Tx Equality bw communicators Frequently leads to competition and conflict

Complementary Communications

Communication/Interaction Tx Inequality bw communicators: one dominant one subordinate Reciprocal nature of giving and taking instructions/questions parent/child or therapist/client

Double-bind communication

Communication/Interaction Tx Two aspect of one communication contradicting one another. Results in frustrating conflict in receiver.

The four main stages of neural development are

proliferation, migration, differentiation, myelination.

A person undergoing this seizure appears confused and clumsy and is often mistakenly identified as intoxicated- the person may stare blankly, make chewing movements, and get up and walk around. They can occur in the temporal or frontal lobes.

Complex-partial seizures

WAIS-III Working Memory Index

Comprised of digit span, arithmetic, and letter-number sequencing

WAIS-III Processing Speed Index

Comprised of digit symbol and symbol search

WAIS-III Perceptual Organization Index

Comprised of picture completion, block design, and matrix reasoning

WAIS-III Verbal Comprehension Index

Comprised of vocabulary, similarities, and information subtests

Worldview & Invisible Veil

Concepts relating to Sue & Sue, we assume that everyone shares the same reality regardless of culture, race, etc. This is the assumption of universality, and is flawed.

A child or adolescent who persistently violates social rules and norms, such as acting aggressively toward animals, destroying property, or stealing, is likely to receive what diagnosis?

Conduct Disorder

What is the basic dynamic of personality, according to early psychoanalysis?


Sue and Sue (Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model) (1980) prior Minority Development Model

Conformity = like majority, not self/others in minority Dissonance = conflict between the depreciation/appreciation of self and others. Resistance/Immersion = appreciate self and depreciate majority group Introspection = again experiences conflict and questions the basis of appreciation/depreciation of self/others. Integrative Awareness = self-appreciation ans selective appreciation of majority group

The leading cause of infant mortality is

Congenital Malformations.

Secondary processes

Conscious mental processes governed by the ego

Preamble, psychologists make a personal commitment to act ethically, encourage others to, and _________________________.

Consult with others regarding ethical problems

Consultation/Supervision/training, most commonly sought on a one-time or occasional basis.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, psychologist has little experience treating agoraphobia, but regularly treats panic disorder and anxiety.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, psychologist recognizes attraction to client, and is concerned about ability to provide effective treatment.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, psychologist somewhat familiar with treating a particular disorder but not an expert, or question personal objectivity in treating a client.


Special Scores & Rorschach

Contamination (CONTAM): two or more impressions in one reponse Deviant Verbalizations (DV): incorrect words Inappropriate Logical (ALOG): strained reasoning possible signs of neurological or psychotic

William and Lange

Contended that we first observe our behavior and then we make an attribution of that behavior in terms of some emotion.

A client presents to therapy reporting he is blind and reveals his loss of sight occurred shortly after witnessing the suicide of a colleague. Medical records, however, suggest no physiological explanation for the blindness. What's the likely diagnosis?

Conversion Disorder (impaired voluntary motor or sensory function that has psychological cause)

Shared Variability

Correlation coefficient for two or more variables can be squared to obtain a measure of _______. Ex) if the correlation between X and Y is .50 this means that 25% of variability in Y is shared with (or is accounted for by) variability in X.

psychologist retained by court, results are shared with court and there is no confidentiality rights.

Court-appointed evaluation

Type of evaluation, no requirement for consent, but nature of evaluation and limits to confidentiality must still be explained _______________.

Court-appointed evaluation; prior to beginning the evaluation

Model of Psychological Nigrescence

Cross Five stage of african american identity pre-encounter; encounter; immersion-emersion; internalization; internalization-commitment

Horn and Cattell's Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

Crystallized (Gc): acquired knowledge and skills; affected by educational and cultural experiences; includes reading, numerical skill, and factual knowledge Fluid (Gf): enables individuals to solve novel problems and perceive relations and similarities; does not depend on specific instruction; relatively culture-free -Crystalized intelligence increases until ~age 60, while fluid intelligence peaks in late adolescence and then declines (related to declines in working memory and processing speed)

________ retardation is often related to early deprivation of nurturance, deficiencies in health care, early deficiencies in social, cognitive, and other stimulation, and poverty.



Culturally sensitive

Solicitation of new business is prohibited when people are vulnerable to undue influence, however the Ethics Code specifies that this prohibition does not apply to ____________________________________.

providing disaster or community outreach services

Media presentations, statements must be based on ______________________, must be consistent with the _______________, and it should be made clear there is _________________________.

psychological literature and practice; Ethics Code; no therapeutic relationship established

When psychologists are presenting their credentials, they should present only those degrees that are the basis for their _____________, or they received from a ______________________.

psychology licensure; regionally accredited institution

_____________________________ must be kept physical separate from the general medical record (or patient chart)

psychotherapy notes

cervical damage

quadriplegia (arms and legs)


range of Y scores is about the same for all values of X AKA the range of Y scores at every value of X is equal to the total range of Y scores

Animal research, when an animals life is to be terminated, it should be done __________ and with an attempt to ________________________.

rapidly; minimize pain

central tendency bias

rater uses middle range

selection ratio

ratio of job openings to job applicants (5:100) low: allows employer to choose from many applications. low selection ratio=raise predictor cutoff score=decrease false positives

holland RIASEC

realistic-hands on, construction investigative artistic social enterprising conventional-organization, data

Sexual harassment specifically prohibited, includes: 2. any behavior so severe that any ___________________________________.

reasonable person would recognize it as abusive

Couple or family therapy, when asked to preform conflicting roles (e.g., marital therapist and witness for on party in a divorce) must "take __________________ to clarify, modify, or withdraw from, roles appropriately"

reasonable steps

When enter into employment or contractual arrangements (e.g., managed care contracts) they take _______________ to ensure the client's care will be resolved appropriately when these contracts end.

reasonable steps

In emerging areas in which clear guidelines for competence have not already been established, psychologists should take "______________________________"

reasonable steps to ensure competence

Tarasoff (mandated reporting), notify intended victim, and take ___________________ when a patient communicates a threat of __________ violence against a _______________ victim.

reasonable steps, imminent, reasonably identifiable

Multiple relationships that would not _______ be expected to cause impairment or risk exploitation are not unethical.


Psychologists should terminate therapy when it is ______________ that the client no longer needs, is not __________, or is being _________ by treatment.

reasonably clear, benefitting from, harmed

Informed consent, the language used must be _______________________________ to the clients.

reasonably understandable

When persons have "questionable capacity to consent" or testing is mandated by law, psychologists use ______________________________ to explain the nature and purpose of assessment.

reasonably understandable language

state dependence

recall of information better when emotional state same at learning time & recall time

context dependence

recall of information better when the environment the info is learned is similar to the place where it is to be recalled

A 17-year-old male involved in a skateboarding accident suffered a head trauma resulting in deficits to his declarative memory. He would likely have the most difficulty

recalling what he ate for lunch yesterday.

older adults worst memory in what?

recent long-term memory (secondary) due to processing efficiency (encoding)


recognize and respond to others feeligns

Protocol analysis typically involves

recording specific behaviors that allow one to understand the subject's problem-solving methodology.

trichromatic theory

red blue green

An MRI of a patient in the early stages of Huntington's disease would indicate?

reduced volume of the basal ganglia

Standard-reporting ethical violations, if informal resolution is unsuccessful or inappropriate, psychologists take further action such as _________

referral to ethics committees or licensing boards

Content & Rorschach Scoring

refers to category of specific percepts or subjects human content (H): expected, a lack=identity problems, detachment animal content (A): often see in children

Frequency of Occurrence & Rorschach Scoring

refers to the extent the perception is popular v. original Populars (P): lots=conventionality, depression, defensiveness, low intellect; few = rebelliousness, though disorder

General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services (1987), Retraining psychologists, to qualify for a change in specialty must be under the auspices of a program in a __________________- or _______________ that offers a doctoral degree in that specialty.

regionally accredited university or professional school

fixed ration (FR)

reinforce a behavior after the behavior occurs a set (fixed) # of times. Eg. FR-10 schedule--after 10 occurrences of said behavior reward arrives

superstitious behavior

reinforce something every 15 seconds, subject will do whatever it was doing at time of reinforcement

latent learning

reinforcement isn't necessary, rats developed cognitive maps

fixed interval (FI)

reinforcement occurs after a pre-determined period of time regardless of how often the target behavior occurs. Employee paychecks--not performance based--every 1-2 weeks. Produces lowest rate of responding; lowest resistance to extinction

variable ratio schedule (VR)

reinforcement occurs after a variable # of responses. E.g. VR-10--person receives reinforcement on AVERAGE 1 per every 10 behaviors, but on some trials will receive after 2 occurrences on others after 15. Gambling an example of VR schedule. relationship b/w behavior & reinforcement unpredictable--creates high & constant rate of responding. behavior becomes most resistant to extinction

stimulus discrimination

reinforcement of one stimulus but not others to teach organism to differentiate between stimuli (Bell = Food & Salivation Buzzer = no food & no salivation)

type 1 error

rejects a true hypothesis

type 1 error.

rejects a true null hypothesis equal to alpha increasing alpha from .01 to .05, small sample size, or when observations are dependent increases probability of making this error


related to response generalization; the subject is reinforced for emitting responses that gradually approach the desired behavior

High LPC Leaders

relationship oriented

Thorndike's principle of trial & error approximates...what?

Darwin's notion of adaptive selection


Decrease acetylcholine activity to balance out the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine. Used to treat incontinence, depression, and sleep problems.

Negative feedback loop

Decreases change . Keeps things the same. Homeostatic

Deductive reasoning

Deductive reasoning moves from the General to the specific. So from a general theory or hypothesis about all of Detroit to an INtimate conclusion based on closer examination.

Reaction formation

Defending against an unwanted feeling by expressing it as another-feeling guilty that you hate your new brother so fawning on him

External Validity

Degree to which a study's results can be generalized to other people, settings, and conditions. *Internal validity is required to achieve ____.

A person with ________ experiences a reduced level of awareness and understanding of the environment, impaired ability to focus, maintain, or switch attention (disturbances of consciousness), as well as memory impairment, disorientation, or language difficulties (cognitive disturbances); sometimes illusions or hallucinations (perceptual disturbance) occur instead of cognitive disturbances.


Occurring during alcohol withdrawal, ________ involve typical signs of delirium, in addition to hallucinations, delusions, autonomic hyperactivity, and agitation; they are often associated with a co-occurring medical condition (e.g., liver failure).

Delirium tremens

A person who presents with delusions that are theoretically plausible (non-bizarre), appropriate behavior, and no marked impairment in functioning would receive what diagnosis?

Delusional Disorder

A client is relatively alert, though her memory has significantly declined and she has been experiencing increased difficulty recognizing objects, organizing her thoughts, and understanding abstract concepts. These problems have seriously impeded her normal functioning. What is her most likely diagnosis?


The DSM defines Substance _______ as a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues use of the substance despite significant substance-related problems, while Substance ________ refers to less severe maladaptive substance use that leads to general problems in life (e.g., academic, relational, legal).

Dependence; Abuse

What diagnosis is given when there is a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, leading to clinging and submissive behavior and fears of separation; people with this disorder often struggle to make decisions and take responsibility for their lives?

Dependent Personality Disorder

A person who repeatedly experiences a sense of estrangement from self, feelings of unreality, dreamlike states, and ego-dystonic bodily sensations, while reality testing remains intact, would best be diagnosed with what?

Depersonalization Disorder


Depression helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness

The most consistent predictor of adolescent suicide are:

Depression, substance use, and antisocial behavior

Four D's of malpractice:

Dereliction, duty, directly causing damage

Central Limit Theorem

Derived from Probability Theory. Predicts that sampling distribution of the mean 1) will approach a normal shape as the sample size increases, regardless of the shape of the population distribution of the scores, 2) has a mean equal to the population mean, and 3) has a SD equal to the population SD divided by the square root of the sample size.

Qualitative Research

Describes quality of relationships, actions, situations. Naturalistic context approach, inductive, and reflects investigators perspective. Examples) ethnographic, phenomenological, and research based on grounded theory. Methods: observations, interviews, and documented analysis.

This term refers to people who are sexually aroused by wearing clothing usually worn by the opposite sex. Transvestism The 4 stages of the Sexual Response Cycle are ________, characterized by sexual fantasies; ________, which entails feeling sexual pleasure and consequent physiological changes; ________, or the culmination of the sexual pleasure with release of sexual tension; and ________, consisting of general muscle relaxation and well-being.

Desire; excitement; orgasm; resolution


Determines the probability of rejecting the null hyopthesis when it is true (probability of making a Type I Error). The value is set by the examiner prior to collecting or analyzing data. Is commonly set to .01 or .05.


Developed the relapse prevention model of substance abuse. Unlike AA says addiction is an overlearned habit, not a disease. Do looks for triggers (stimuli) that evoke learned behavior. In substance abuse it's usually internal. So tx revolves around addressing triggers.


Developer of the MCMI

Developed for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, ________emphasizes mindfulness, social skills training, and affect regulation.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

A person diagnosed with Schizophrenia ________ Type might present with loose associations, incoherence, flat or inappropriate affect, and regressed behavior that is largely uninhibited (e.g., laugh w/ out reason, incongruous facial gestures).


A person who presents with an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a stressful or traumatic nature, and too extensive to be attributed to ordinary forgetfulness, would receive what diagnosis?

Dissociative Amnesia

This condition is characterized by unanticipated travel away from home or work, an inability to remember some or all of one's past, and confusion about personal identity or the adoption of a new identity.

Dissociative Fugue

This diagnosis is given when a person develops at least 2 identifiable personality states that recurrently take control of the person's behavior, and the person is unable to recall important personal information to an extent greater than ordinary forgetfulness.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously Multiple Personality Disorder)

Sampling Distribution

Distribution of sample means that would be obtained if an infinite number of equal-size samples were randomly selected from the population and the mean for each sample was calculated. Resembles a normal curve.


Divides scores in half when ranked from highest to lowest.

Ordinal Scale of Measurement

Divides variables into ordered categories. Ex) 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in a race.

Nominal Scale of Measurement

Divides variables into unordered categories. Ex) gender or age.

Positive punishment

Doing a punishment, like hitting. Positive punishment is punishment by adding something. Is a problem because it suppresses behavior it does not change or extinguish. If you do it, should be done immediately after bad behavior, at maximal intensity. You also want to deliver it early if there is a sequence of negative behavior. It is also important to make clear what would allow for reinforcement.

What term refers to the idea that schizophrenia is associated with either an excess of the monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate) or with increased sensitivity to the dopamine ordinarily present in the brain?

Dopamine hypothesis

A person who has both Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder is best characterized by the condition known as what?

Double Depression

This biological cause of mental retardation occurs due to a faulty distribution of chromosomes when the egg or sperm is formed, leaving the person with 47 rather than 46 chromosomes.

Down's Syndrome (aka Trisomy-21)


During the acute stage it presents with anxiety and panic, during the chronic stage it presents as depression, psychosis, and/or personality change.

Goals and Techniques of structural family therapy

Dysfunction=inflexibility of family structure, goal is to restructure directive toward concrete changes in bx and interactions Techniques: joining, creating a family map, restructuring the family, blocking

This term refers to sexual pain this is not due to Vaginismus (usually not in males).


________ are characterized by disturbances in the amount, quality, and timing of sleep.


A 24 y/o client reports he has felt "pretty down" for most his life, stating he experiences difficulty falling asleep, low self-image, decreased energy, feelings of hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating and making decisions. He explains, however, that it rarely affected his functional capacities. What's the likely diagnosis?

Dysthymic Disorder

What is the most commonly used modality of biofeedback treatment for tension headaches?

EMG biofeedback

Probability Sampling

Each element in the target population has a known chance being selected for inclusion in the sample. Is used to ensure sample is representative of sample population.

What is the term used to define a person's tendency to repeat the words or phrases of others?


Eric Fromm

Effects of societal structures and dynamics on personality. Society prevents people from realizing their true nature. From identified 5

Anna Freud

Egos capacity for mastery. Also pioneer in using psychoanalysis w children, worked with words not play, focused on a strong positive bond with the child.

Expressive abuse

Emotion explosion

What aspects of Type A behavior are more likely to increase the risk of heart attack?

Emotional and temperamental (anger, hostility), as opposed to behavioral (job involvement)

Ego Psychology

Emphasis is on the ego, which tries to manage the demands of the ID and the super ego. Sees the ego as essential for mastering the tasks of life. Hartman, Anna Freud, and Erick Erickson are leading ego psychologists.

Goals and Techs of extended family systems tx

Encouraging differentiation of self in all family members. Lack of differentiation underlies triangulation, projection, emotional cutoff and multigenerational dysfunction Techniques: genograms and triangulations

Relationship Between Environmental Factors and the course of Bipolar Disorder

Environmental factors are likely to have a greater impact during the early stages of the disorder.

This is a nervous system disorder that involves recurring seizures with no identifiable cause; it affects about .5% of the population.


Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Erikson's final developmental stage where we look at our life and feel that we did the best we could or we regret what we did.

Random Error

Error that is unpredictable (random). Sampling error and measurement error are types.

Multigenerational Transmission Process

Escalation of dysfunction through several generations. = severe dysfunction

High blood pressure that has an unknown cause is referred to as ________, whereas if the high blood pressure is the result of a known disorder it is called ________.

Essential hypertension; secondary hypertension

Peripheral Nervous System

Everything but the Brain and Spinal Cord

Multiple Cut-off

Examinees usually take all the predictors and the predictors are not necessarily administered in any particular order.

Scoring and Interpreting Rorschach

Exner's Comprehensive System Location, Determinants, Content, & Frequency of Occurrance are all part of scoring

Between Groups Designs

Experimental research designs that allow a research to assess the effects of the different levels of one or more IVs by administering each level or combination of levels to a different group of subjects. ***Simply put: each level of IV to a different group.

Classical extinction

Expose repeatedly to the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. So to the bell without the meat powder.

Bowenian Theory

Extended Family Systems Tx Based on eight interlocking concepts: Differentiation of Self Triangulation Nuclear Family Emotional System Family Projective Process Emotional Cutoff Multigenerational Transmission Process Sibling Position Societal Regression

Sibling Position

Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Birth order, influence family functioning. Older children responsible for younger.

Societal Regression

Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Impact of societal stress on family

Differentiation of Self

Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Individual's ability to separate intellectual and emotional functioning Lower ability to differentiate, more fusion with other member's emotions and problems

Nuclear Family Emotional System

Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Mechanisms nuclear family uses to deal with tension and instability

Family Projective Process

Extended Family Systems Tx: Bowenian Theory Projection of parental conflict and general dysfunction onto children

Phase Model of Psychotherapy Effectiveness

Extention of dose-response model; relationship b/w # of sessions and outcome Howard Remoralization: subjective well-being, first few sessions, improvement in hopelessness, desperation Remediation: symptom reduction and relief, 5-15 sessions Rehabilitation: gradual improvement in overall functioning

What controversial PTSD treatment combines both CBT and client-centered approaches with lateral eye-movements, usually involving the client following the finger movements of the therapist?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Overall view of psychotherapy effectiveness

Eysenck: no significant benefit of tx (except bx txt) Smith, Glass, Miller: benefits Current: therapy is better than nothing, all therapies are equal

TRUE or FALSE: There is no genetic link regarding ADHD.

FALSE: About 57% of children whose parents have ADHD are later diagnosed, while twin studies have revealed a .80 average heritability for hyperactivity/impulsivity

A physician at a hospital discovers that a child she has treated on numerous occasions for similar conditions is likely having symptoms fabricated by his mother. This being the case, the mother would most appropriately be diagnosed with what?

Factitious Disorder by Proxy (or Munchausen by Proxy)

Fundamental attribution error

Failure of others to internal

FERPA stands for:

Family education rights and privacy act

Developed by Minuchin for the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, the ________ refers to family members and the therapist eating a meal together.

Family lunch


Father of Modern Behaviorism; Little Albert white rat phobia experiment


Father of operant conditioning


Feedback loops can be negative or positive

What three conditions are parts of the orgasm stage of the Sexual Response Cycle?

Female Orgasmic Disorder, Male Orgasmic Disorder, and Premature Ejaculation

Disorders of the Excitement stage of the Sexual Response Cycle include ________, involving inadequate lubrication/swelling of the genitals and/or subjective lack of excitement, and ________, characterized by recurrent failure to attain or maintain an erection.

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder; Male Erectile Disorder

Cognitive dissonance

Festinger; $1 scenario, insufficient justification

A child who has a short nose, narrow upper lip, small chin, and flat mid-face, and who experiences developmental delays, failure to thrive, and is usually mild to moderately mentally retarded characterizes what non-DSM condition?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (caused by chronic consumption of alcohol by mother during pregnancy)

Synergistic Articulation & Awareness in MID Model

Fifth Stage self-fulfillment regarding cultural identity; individual autonomy; values are examined individually therapist race unimportant

Conformity in MID Model

First stage Person conforms to dominant culture, rejects own culture; preference for white therapist

Object relations family therapy

Focus on the projections and transference occurring in the couple and family with the idea that we project that which we do not want for ourselves.

Low context

Focus on what was literally said. Caucasian then to use this


Focused on cultural and social factors. Sullivan, Horney, and Fromme.

This French term often refers to when a person in close relation to another person who has a psychotic disorder begins experiencing similar delusions.

Folie a Deux (aka Shared Psychotic Disorder)

Eeg biofeedback

For seizure disorders and ADHD. Targets alpha waves

Emg biofeedback

For tension headaches, back pain, tmj. Emg more effective for tension headaches than thermal is for migraines.

Transfer of Training

Formal study of certain subjects strengthens intellectual functions. Transfer is caused by similarity of concepts & techniques, not the development of intellectual or memory faculties.

Introspection in MID Model

Fourth Stage Conflict b/w personal autonomy and rigidness of immersion stage; questioning of absolute rejection/unequivocal loyalty preference for minority therapist


Freudian defense in which negative feelings about something are placed onto an other, i.e., afraid of sex so afraid of snakes. Different than projection, which is when you attribute your negative feelings to someone else, such as having strong feelings of racism which you can't tolerate, so you instead feel that people of color are hostile and cold towards you. Also different than projective identification, in which you project a negative part of you onto someone else, such as you are ashamed of your own procrastination so you criticize your parent if you see signs of it. It is also not Undoing, when you don't appreciate something you did and so try to absolve yourself.

Structural theory

Freuds theory that we all have a psychic structure broken down into the id, ego, and superego

The learned helplessness model of depressikn

From social psych, attributions are global, internal, stable

The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is useful for the detection of damage to the

Frontal Lobe

Often diagnosed as Dissociative Disorder NOS, ________ is characterized by a person providing answers to questions that are close to the truth but not completely True-

Ganser's Syndrome (aka syndrome of approximate answers)

A person whose experience of discomfort with their actual gender role and intense identification with the opposite gender causes functional impairment would receive what diagnosis?

Gender Identity Disorder

Selye, who studied reactions to stress, has described the ________, which is a set of characteristic responses over time under conditions of stress.

General Adaptation Syndrome

These are not enforceable rules.

General Principles

aspirational, goals intended to "guide psychologists toward the highest ideals of psychology."

General Principles

What types of seizures are similar to tonic-clonic seizures, but are very brief and not characterized by post-seizure deep sleep?

Generalized absence seizures (aka petit-mal)

Once referred to as grand-mal seizures, ________ involve episodes of violent shaking, during which the person becomes blue and stiff, and can last up to an hour. After a seizure of this type, the person usually falls into a deep sleep.

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures

Damage to the parietal lobe, and acalculia, agraphia, difficulty distinguishing right from left, and finger agnosia are characteristic of

Gertsmann's Syndrome

In any substance abuse treatment, the first and most important step involves what?

Getting the person to acknowledge that they have a problem, as denial is common

Stages of Crisis Intervention (Golan)

Golan proposed three stages: 1) formulation: identification of crisis and client's reaction 2) implementation: assess. of life prior to crisis, set short-term goals, steps to meet goals 3) termination: assess progress, discuss end of tx

Delusional Disorder ________ Type is characterized by the delusion that one has made a truly meaningful discovery and/or has a remarkable talent.

Grandiose Type

____________ are aspirational, and differ from standards that are mandatory and enforceable.



Guthrie; involves exposure to anxiety-provoking stimuli while preventing an avoidance response. AKA deliberate exposure with response prevention. best with in-vivo (live exposure), but can work with imagination

A federal law signed into effect in 1996


When state law and HIPAA are contradictory, making it impossible to comply with both, the practitioner must follow ________________.


__________ was designed to protect Americans with medical conditions from losing health insurance when they changed jobs or moved.


HIPPA - Psychologist Duties - Written Privacy Policy, A ___________________, must be designated, in most small practices this would be the psychologist themselves.

HIPAA compliance officer

____________ has no jurisdiction over educational records, these are governed by ______________, also known as the ___________________.

HIPAA; FERPA, the Buckley Amendment

Techniques of Strategic Family Therapy

Haley Directives: direct instructions to family members; can be clear or paradoxical (engage in symptomatic bx to harness change resistance) Reframing: relabel bx to make it easier to change (anxiety=shyness) Circular Questioning: interviewing technique to learn more about patterns, leads to new views=change

Cultural Over-generalization

Hall Therapist assumes that all presenting problems are directly related to culture. Leads to premature drop out and under-utilization of services.

What are sensory perceptions that seem real but occur without the presence of an external stimulus?


A client who discloses a history of extensive LSD use, though he no longer uses, reports that he occasionally re-experiences hallucinations similar to those he experienced when using the LSD. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement

Happens after x uneven. number of attempts, like a slot machine or waiting for the bus. Has the greatest operant strength. Is the hardest to extinguish.

Variable interval schedule of reinforcement.

Happens randomly after an amount of time - like getting sick?

Conditioned stimulus

Has been paired

Helms & Racial Identity

Has two models: White & People of Color Racial Identity Models, and has Racial interaction Model Identity status stage affects relationships: parallel, regressive, progressive, and crossed interactions

People with Korsakoff's Syndrome

Have severe antegrade amnesia along with retrograde amnesia for events that occurred in the relatively recent past.

According to the _____________________, a psychologist may NOT withhold records for nonpayment under any circumstances.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Temporal Lobe

Hearing, emotions, visual memory, language comprehension also the location of Wernicke's Aphasia.

Temporal Lobe

Hearing, memory, Wernicke's aphasia

Deviation IQ

Here the IQs are related to the average score for each age group and this is presented in terms of how far the score deviates from that average. In this way, the scores can be more easily compared across ages.


High correlations between predictors.

Selling Leader

High task and high relationship orientation

Syntaxic modes

Higher level

Flooding with response prevention

Highly effective in treating phobias. Agoraphobia v effective, OCD.

Racial identity development: middle

Highly value their culture; devalue dominant culture

People with this disorder often act sexually seductive, have exaggerated though shallow emotions that shift rapidly, are easily influenced by others, seek constant reassurance/praise, and may consider relationships to be more close than they really are.

Histrionic Personality Disorder


Homeostasis. The foundation below (hypo) the station-keeps things even and balanced.

Internal Validity

How sure the experimenter can be that the IV caused change in the DV.

What is the diagnosis when functioning is impaired due to extreme sleepiness for at least 1 month, which has manifested as either prolonged sleep episodes or daytime sleepiness, not due to lack of sleep?


Affecting the Desire stage of the Sexual Response Cycle, ________ refers to absent/deficient sexual desires and ________ refers to extreme eversion to and avoidance of sexual contact.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder; Sexual Aversion Disorder

What condition is characterized by a preoccupation with fears one has a serious disease based on a misunderstanding of normal bodily functions, despite medical evidence and reassurance that nothing is wrong?

Hypochondriasis (no delusions; person is aware of exaggerated fears)


Hypomania manic style, excitability


Hysteria awareness of problems, physical symptoms, very high = conversion reaction

borderline intellectual functioning

IQ 71-84 without adaptive functioning trouble

Alternative Hypothesis

IV DOES have an effect on the DV.

Primary process

Id functioning-reducing tension in an immediate way without taking reality into play


Identified 120 elements using factor analysis that he proposed in sum comprise intelligence. Convergent thinking is the ability to group or analyze divergent ideas usually leading to a unifying concept or single solution. Divergent thinking is the ability to generate creative, new ideas or to elaborate or branch off from traditional approaches, such as in brainstorming or "thinking out of the box."

Primacy effect

If there is a log gap between the message and the report, like between speeches and then voting, we tend to favor the first speaker

Recency effect

If there is a short or no gap between the stimulus/message and the report, we favor the most recent speaker

The difference between ________ and ________ is the former refers to the misperception or misinterpretation of an actual stimulus, whereas the latter refers to false beliefs that are firmly held despite contradictory evidence (and do not represent beliefs widely accepted by one's culture).

Illusions; delusions

Crisis Intervention Summary

Immediate short-term txt (5-8 sessions) for crisis Goals: symptom reduction, increase coping mechanisms, return to previous level of func., prevent future problems


In classical conditioning, how did we acquire the learned behavior?

Prototaxic modes

In early infancy, a series or stream of seemingly unrelated sensory information. O-12m.


In operant conditioning hoe did we acquire the learned behavior?


In social learning theory, how did we acquire the learned behavior?

What variable accounts for ethnic minorities being underserved by the mental health system?

Inability of therapists to provide culturally responsive forms of txt

Apraxia or dyspraxia

Inability to perform certain motor movements


Inability to process sensory informations ; prosaposagnosia is the inability to recognize faces.


Inability to recognize familiar faces.

Overall, research on the compressed work week suggest that its effects are:

Increased job satisfaction, with no effect on job performance.

Thermal biofeedback

Increases periferal temperatures, increasing circulation, good for reybauds and migraine


Indicates if any group means are significantly different. Represents a measure of treatment effects plus error divided by a measure of error only. When the treatment has had an effect, the ratio is larger than 1.0.

Cohen's d

Indicates the difference between two groups in terms of SD units.

Eta Squared

Indicates the percent of variance in the dependent variable that is accounted for by variance in the IVs.

Bronfenbrenners systems model

Individual (individual development is influenced by the other systems); micro (every day interactions with people); meso (specific school events, neighborhood); exo (school system, city) macro (country, culture, enconomu)

Self-in-Reliant Theory

Individuals progress from infantile dependency to mature interdependency.

Inductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning moves from specific to generalized knowledge . So something INtimate I've observed about my life to possibly reflect or apply to (or not) to all of DEtroit.

Parametric Tests

Inferential statistical tests used when data to be analyzed (DV) is on an interval or ratio scale and when certain assumptions about the population distribution(s) have been met...i.e. when scores on the variable of interest are normally distributed and when there is homoscedasticity (population variances are equal). This includes t-tests and ANOVAs. Advantage: more "powerful" than nonparametric tests.

Non-Parametric Tests

Inferential statistics test used to analyze nominal or ordinal data. Includes chi-square. Less powerful test.

Milton glasses reality therapy

Influenced by RET and Jung. Responsibility. To get pts to accept more responsibility for thier actions.

Wolfgang Kohler

Insight study, important in moving from behaviorism to cognitive behaviorism. Saw how chimps has "Ah ha" moments where they made a cognitive leap to solve a problem.

A person experiencing ________ has trouble falling or staying asleep, or does not feel rested after a sufficient period of sleep, leading to marked distress of impaired functioning.


Gestalt therapy

Integrates pieces, whole greater than parts, are we attending to the figure or the ground?

Racial identity development: end


Theoretical Integration

Integration of different theories a "grand unified theory"

Practitioners of ________ contend depression is caused by difficulties in relationships stemming from early life, particularly those related to the development of attachment, and serve to maintain depression later in life; this approach embraces the medical model and views depression as a an illness to be treated with both medication and concurrent therapy.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

_______ is a present-oriented, structured and time-limited treatment that integrates biological and psychosocial approaches.

Interpersonal psychotherapy


Involves absorbing the values or behaviors of others, including the larger society, without really understanding or assimilating those values or behaviors.

Selective Attention

Involves focusing on one event while filtering out or ignoring irrelevant events.

Lenore Walker-Cycle of Violence

Involves three stages, tension building, acute battering incident, and loving contrition

Friedman believes what four components comprise the pathogenic core of Type A behavior patterns?

Irritation, impatience, aggravation, and anger


Is a neurotransmitter associated with Schizophrenia and Parkinson's. When there is too much Dopamine Schizophrenia, when there is too little Dopamine Parkinson's


Is a neurotransmitter involved in memory and voluntary movement


Is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, and other, SSRI, used with anxiety, depression


Is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, too little depression too much mania


Is a neurotransmitter, low levels linked to anxiety (benzodiazepines reduce anxiety by enhancing the effects of GABA)


Is an intensive tendency to seek agreement among members of the group, which prevents full consideration of alternative decisions, to the point where the decisions reached may become irrational. Factors which contribute to groupthink include high cohesiveness, homogenous backgrounds and values, and a strong, directive leader.

The Stanford Binet

Is the better measurement for the extremes of the IQ continuum.

Stimulus generalization

Is when a stimulus evokes similar responses to another conditioned response (think white rabbits after Little Albert was conditioned to fear white rats). Can occur in both classical and operant conditioning.

Advantages of concurrent ind. & group tx

Issues identified in group explored further in ind. Group can complement ind. Recommended for BPD and narcissistic

Strategic Family Therapy Summary

Jay Haley Therapy viewed as a power struggle bw family and therapist Focuses on "strategic intervention" Goal is to intervene and change current problem asap 1st step: identify major problem, this will lead to improvement in other areas

What Delusional Disorder type does a man who is convinced his wife is cheating, based on the fact she came home from work with a wrinkled shirt, best fit?

Jealous Type

Self psychology

Kohut. Self psycholog. focused on issues of narcissism. Identified primary narcissism, the self focus of a baby to survive which allows you to develop a healthy sense of self. Need to get your self object needs met. Ways that can happen are mirroring, by displaying thier love and admiration for the baby, the baby having adults worthy of love and idealization, and township, adults they connect with. Focus on therapy on empathetic attuning, focused on the present over the past.

Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder due to thiamine and other vitamin B deficiencies is know as ________.

Korsakoff's Syndrome

Which of the following proposed a behavioral theory of career decision making


What are the subtypes of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition?

Labile, Disinhibited, Aggressive, Apathetic, Paranoid, Other, Unspecified, and Combined


Law of Effect. Operant conditioning. If you do something and it's reinforced, you will do it more.

A person experiencing depression often views negative events as stable over time rather than transient, global rather than specific, and internal rather than external. What is the term used to describe this attributional style?

Learned Helplessness (M. Seligman)

culture fair tests

Leiter-R : age 2-20. measures fluid intelligence, good for nonEnglish/language impairment Raven's Progressive Matrices: measures (g). good for nonEnglish/language impairment. most common one is Standard Progressive Matrices.

Stimulus control

Limits self to exposure to a stimulus


Linear structural relations analysis used to verify a predefined causal model or theory. More complex than path analysis and it allows two-way (non-recursive) paths and takes into account observed variables, the latent traits they are believed to measure and the effects of measurement error.

Mediating Variable

Literally the "middle" variable. IV affects it which then affects the DV. May test this variable using Multiple Regression.

Participant modeling

Live modeling, then you participate in the modeled behavior

Secondary Memory

Long-term memory

What type of speech is a common symptom of psychosis characterized by responses that do not relate to questions asked, or one paragraph, sentence, or phrase is not logically connected to those that occur before or after?

Loosening of Associations (Loose Associations)


Loss of ability to understand or express speech


MSB/MSW MSB=mean square between (measure of variability between tx groups) MSW=mean square within (pooled measure of variability within each of the tx groups)

Classical conditioning

Make associations by pairing

Operant conditioning

Make associations by reinforcement.

Parataxic modes

Making temporal sequences of causality. Transference is a type of parataxic distortion

This term refers to one's deliberate production of either fraudulent or exaggerated symptoms motivated by external incentives (secondary gain).


High F Score (range of 80-99)

Malingering ("faking bad")

A ________ Episode involves impaired functionality as a result of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for a period of at least 1 week, in addition to symptoms such as grandiosity, flight of ideas, and increased verbosity; a ________ Episode is similar, however the duration must be 4 days, no psychotic features or functional impairment is present, and hospitalization is not needed.

Manic; Hypomanic

Richard stewart

Marital behavior therapy

Psychodynamic family therapy

Martial schism and marital skew. Marital schism is a separation, discord and distance. Marital skew is when things are heavily weighted to one side or another. Not a threat of separation but one persons needs get met and the others dose not

Disadvantages of concurrent ind & group tx

May be inclined to express more in indv., and therefore not have enough content for group

Effect Size

Measure of the magnitutde of the relationship between IVs and DVs and is useful for interpreting the relationship's clinical or practical significance (e.g. for comparing clinical effectiveness of two or more treatments).

Backward conditioning

Meat powder (UCS) and then tone (CS) does not work!

_________________________ should make it clear that the are not providing treatment, just offering advice and feedback.

Media psychologists

It has been proposed that Seasonal Affective Disorder is related to abnormal regulation of ________ secretions by the pineal gland, hence the benefit of light therapy for people with this condition.


Emotional Cutoff

Methods children use to remove themselves from emotional ties to parents (avoidance). Leads to poor self differentiation.

Minority Stress Model

Meyer identifies distal and proximal factors that impact mental health outcomes in glb proximal (internal): expectations of rejection, concealment of sexual orientation, internalized homophobia distal (external): minority status, exposure to prejudice

Stress inoculation therapy

Michenbaum. eBT for PTSD. Inoculate them against something bad by giving them a small dose of it. Teaching patients how to deal with mild stressors and building thier ability to deal with bigger stressors. 1) education about how faulty cognitions are preventing desirable Behavior and coping 2) coping skills training (both cognitive and behavioral) 3) applications of skills in vivo or imaginally. Also involves relapse prevention, so wants to develop skills for high risk, relapse likely scenarios, and also how to cope with relapse.

Thought to be caused by dilation and spasms of the cerebral blood vessels, ________ are experienced as intense throbbing, usually on one side of the head, and often accompanied by nausea and/or other gastrointestinal problems.

Migraine headaches

What are the 4 degrees of mental retardation and their corresponding IQ scores, as defined by the DSM?

Mild (IQ = 50-55 to 70); Moderate (IQ = 35-40 to 50-55); Severe (IQ = 20-25 to 35-40); Profound (IQ = 20-25 or below)

People with this degree of mental retardation are able to develop social and communication skills during childhood, acquire about a 6th grade level of academic skills, and are able to work and live independently as adults.

Mild Retardation (85% of all mentally retarded people)

Frustration & Aggression study

Miller & Dollard (1939) prior to any manifestation of hostility there is always some frustration.

Family Structure

Minuchin Structural Family Therapy Members related to each other according to implicit structure; set of rules, rituals, etc.


Minuchin Structural Family Therapy Rules that determine amount of contact bw family members Enmeshment: unclear boundaries lead to dependence Disengagement: overly rigid boundaries promote isolation Boundary problems can also include triangulation (each parent demands child support), detouring (reinforce deviant bx bc take focus off of relationship), stable coalition (parent-child against other parent)


Minuchin Structural Family Therapy formed within the family system (parent-child, husband-wife)

A person who reports experiencing both mania and major depression in a single day, for at least 1 week, is experiencing a:

Mixed Episode

After administering a battery of standardized tests of intelligence to a client, results reveal severe deficits in both receptive and expressive language development, while the client's performance on nonverbal measures are considerably higher. What is the likely diagnosis?

Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder

What is often at the core of social learning theory based approaches?


Live modeling

Modeling is done live

With this level of mental retardation, people may require guidance and some supervision in social and occupational settings; they usually have no more than a 2nd grade academic level; and as adults, they can contribute to their own support by performing unskilled or semiskilled work under close supervision.

Moderate Retardation (10% of all mentally retarded people)

Therapist Sensitivity & Tx Matching

More culturally aware/sensitive = better therapeutic alliance


More focused on adulthood over childhood

Gender in group therapy

More important with children, can be fine with adults depending on group purpose


Most common score in a set. If there are two most commonly occurring the set is bimodal. Easy to find, but not necessarily useful.


Most effective at 7-10 members Less than 5 involves too much therapist interaction More than 10 alienation

Treatment of specific phobias

Most effective is flooding, next systematic desensitization


Most widely used clinical personality test Developed by empirical criterion keying Has clinical, validity, supplementary, & content scales Mean=50, SD=10, above 65 significant interpreted w/ pattern analysis not recommend w/ non-psychiatric (normal scores don't tell much)

Multiple Regression

Multivariate technique used for predicting a score on a continuous criterion based on performance on two or more continuous and/or discrete predictors.

Cluster Analysis

Multivariate technique used to group people or objects into a smaller number of mutually exclusive and exhaustive subgroups (clusters) based on their similarities (i.e. to group people/objects so that the identified subgroups have within group homogeneity and between group heterogeneity).

A person who voluntarily produces or fakes physical symptoms and who has spent enough time in hospital settings to develop rather extensive medical knowledge would be best diagnosed with what?

Munchausen Syndrome (or Factitious Disorder with Physical Symptoms; hospital addiction)

Extended Family Systems Therapy Summary

Murray Bowen (Bowenian Theory) Incorporates members of extended family Dysfunction = intergenerational process Encouraging differentiation of self in all family members is primary goal.

HIPAA - Right of Amendment, All requests for amendment, as well as whether the requests were granted or denied, ________________________________.

Must be documented

how to assess the Big 5 personality traits?

NEO Personality Inventory 3

Often preoccupied with fantasies of power and success, people with ________ display a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, which can lead to exploitative relationships.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Cognitive triad of depression

Negative view of the self. Negative view of the world. Negative view of the future.


Neo Freudian. Protaxic, parataxic and syntaxic modes.

What 2 forms of treatment, when done in tandem, have the highest benefit for people in treatment for nicotine dependence (e.g., looking to quit smoking)?

Nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch) and behavioral intervention (stimulus control, aversive techniques)

This disorder is characterized by repeated awakenings due to frightening dreams that usually involve threats to self-esteem, survival, or security, and causes significant distress or functional impairment.

Nightmare Disorder

Group & confidentiality

No legal precedence for members to maintain confidentiality Imp. to be stressed in group, address issues of breaches

Court Ordered Patient

No need for informed consent


Nonparametric test used with nominal data. Analyzes frequency of observations in each level or category. The groups are independent and no frequency expected less than 5.


Norepinephrine and opening

Definition of Crisis

Normal ways of adapting and coping insufficient to meet demands of situation

Psychotherapy Integration

Not the same as eclectic: integration attends to relationship bw technique and theory (eclectic does not) Relates to common factors, assimilative integration, theoretical integration, technical eclectism

Autonomic nervous system

Not under conscious control. Has two subsystems, sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Quantitative Research

Numerical data on variables. Emphasizes predictions, generalizability, and causality. Deductive in nature. Can be non-experimental (descriptive) research to collect data, but not test the hypothesis; ex) correlations, archival, and surveys. Can also be experimental research to test the hypothesis and test the effects of one or more independent variables on dependent variables.

personality test

OCEAN (openness to experienced, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) *conscientiousness best predictor across jobs

Object relations

Object relations emphasized interpersonal relationships. People have an inherent need for relationships.


Object relations psychologist. Talked about pathology coming from abandoning your true self and adopting a false self

Melanie Klein

Object relations psychologist. Talked about splitting as a defense, i.e., the good and bad breast, worked with children, interprets play as one would interpret free association.


Object relations psychologist. The process of separation and individuation, taking about the physical separation of the infant from the mother and the psychological individuation.

This behavioral approach to treating Specific Phobias involves directly exposing the client to the object of fear until they recognizes there is nothing to fear, which leads to the fear being extinguished. In-vivo exposure ________ are persistent thoughts a person experiences as intrusive, inappropriate, distressing, and uncontrollable; ________ are repetitive behaviors performed according to a rigid set of rules, usually in response to the former.

Obsessions; compulsions

What condition is characterized by a persistent preoccupation with perfectionism, orderliness, and mental and interpersonal control, which severely limits openness, flexibility, and efficiency?

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Type II Error

Occurs when a false null hypothesis is retained (failed to reject the null when alternative hypothesis was valid). Probability of making this type of error is B (power).

Risky Shift

Occurs when a group makes a decision that is riskier than would have been made by the members individually.

Type I Error

Occurs when a true null hypothesis is rejected (rejected the null, but null was valid). Probability of making this type of error is alpha.

Adverse Impact

Occurs when the hiring rate for minority group is less than 80% of the hiring rate of the majority group.


Offers reinforcement for reductions in autonomic arousal. Decreases sympathetic overarousal. The research is mixed on its efficacy.

What four groups has research found to be most at risk for developing delirium?

Older people (60+ y/o); people with decreased cerebral reserve (e.g., prior CNS injury or impaired cognition); post-cardiotomy patients; people going through drug withdrawal

Freedom from distraction factor

On the WISC III, measures distractability, short term memory, and concentration. On the WISC III, this factor is measured by the Arithmetic and Digit Span subtests.

True Experimental Design

Only type that provides amount of control necessary to conclude observed DV variability is from IV. Also is able to randomly assign subjects.

Describe the typical onset and duration of delirium.

Onset is usually rapid and duration is brief, typically less than 1 month

What condition involves inflammation of the middle ear accompanied by accumulation of liquid in the middle ear cleft and is said to cause cerebellar-vestibular dysfunction, which has been linked to the development of learning disorders?

Otitis Media with Effusion (OME)


Overactive thyroid leads to weight loss, huge appetite still lose weight, anxiety, heart palpatations

HIPAA, Typically, chart notes kept on psychotherapy patients are considered to be _________________.


HIPAA, __________ refers to health information that identifies a patient, and that is transmitted or maintained in any form.


HIPAA, ____________ includes information about the MH condition (e.g., dx, symptoms, prognosis), provision of services (e.g., meds, treatments), and payments.


A client reports to her therapist that she experiences immense pain in her abdomen area; however, she discloses doctors have found no physical cause. Recognizing the client's preoccupation with the pain, the therapist is likely to diagnosis what?

Pain Disorder

A discrete period of intense apprehension, fear, or discomfort, often involving a sense of doom, and characterized by at least 4 somatic or cognitive symptoms (sweating, trembling, nausea, etc.) is referred to as what?

Panic Attack

A client reports experiencing numerous panic attacks that are unexpected and, consequently, worries excessively (for at least 1 month) about having another attack. This worry, particularly about losing control, has caused behavioral changes. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Panic Disorder


Parametric test used to compare the means of two or more groups when a study includes one IV and one DV that is measure on an interval or ratio scale.

Student's t-test

Parametric test used to compare two means.


Paranoia level of trust, vigilance

A pervasive pattern of distrust and suspiciousness in which the person consistently interprets the motives of others as malicious is characteristic of what disorder?

Paranoid Personality Disorder

What is the main difference between Paranoid Personality Disorder and Psychotic Disorders involving paranoia?

Paranoid Personality Disorder does not involve delusions, while Psychotic Disorders do

A client who speaks candidly and lucidly about a nonexistent world, is preoccupied with voices telling her "the world is ending," and whose speech, overt behavior, and affect are largely appropriate best fits what type of Schizophrenia?

Paranoid Type

People with ________ have repeated, powerful sexually arousing fantasies or urges to engage in sexual behaviors involving nonhuman objects, suffering/humiliation of self/partner, or children or other non-consenting partners, and the symptoms cause marked distress or impairment.


What disorders involve abnormal behavioral or physiological events during sleep or at the threshold between sleep and awakening?


Closed System

Part of systems theory Family is closed when resistant to change bc of rigid or impermeable boundaries. = disorder and disorganization

Open System

Part of systems theory. A family is open when it is able to received energy by interacting with the environment. Open to outside influence. Helps to restructure/revitalize.

Neurosis (Jungian)

Part of the process of figuring out who we really are.

Impulse Control Disorders, characterized by failure to resist an impulse to perform a harmful act, include what?

Pathological Gambling, Pyromania, Kleptomania, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Trichotillomania

aggression causes

Patterson; coercive interactions and low parental monitoring

classical conditioning--respondent conditioning

Pavlov--a response (UR) customarily elicited by a given stimulus (US) will also be elicited by a substitute stimulus if the substitute is presented just prior to the original. Food (US)-----------Salivation (UR) Bell--------Food--------Salivation Bell (CS)-------------Salivation (CR)

Social buffer effect

Perceived social support; not how many friends, but how well supported we feel we are

Social facillilitarion

Perform better in the presence of others

Social inhibition

Perform worse in the presence of others. Most common in novel, unfamiliar, and difficult tasks.

Emic-Etic Distinction

Pike Emic- studying a culture from the inside, seeing it as its members see it (recommended for tx) Etic- studying from outside, using universally accepted means of investigation

The ________ symptoms of schizophrenia are distortions of normal functions, such as delusions and hallucinations; the ________ symptoms represent a decrease or loss of functions that are usually present, such as alogia (restricted fluency of thought/speech), avolition (restricted initiation of goal-directed behavior), and flat affect.

Positive; negative

What is the only way to confirm with certainty that a person has Alzheimer's Disease?

Postmortem brain autopsy or biopsy

What is the appropriate diagnosis for a woman who, within 4 weeks after giving birth, experiences mood swings, tearfulness, and other depressive symptoms suggestive of a Mood Disorder?

Postpartum Depression


Postulated that intelligence is an inherited trait distributed normally across the population.

Kohlberg and Moral Development

Preconventional = Consequences of act, good behavior rewarded and bad behavior punished Conventional = behavior occurs because of a desire to maintain social lows, rules, and norms. Postconventional = self-chosen principles

Crisis Theory

Predictable sequence of response People are basically strong, healthy, etc. Therapy: active and supportive Short term change can lead to long term

Multiple Hurdles

Predictors are administered in a successive order. If the applicant fails on any predictor, he or she no longer completes the subsequent ones.

ADHD has been linked to abnormalities in the ________ by research that found diminished glucose metabolism and decreased blood flow in this region, as well as pathways connecting this region to the caudate nucleus.

Prefrontal cortex

________ is the most common sexual dysfunction in males, while ________ is the most common sexual dysfunction in females.

Premature Ejaculation; Orgasmic Disorder

What condition is characterized by a woman's routine experience of 5 symptoms such as marked depression, hopelessness, affective lability, lethargy, and sleep disturbance (to name a few) during the last week of the luteal phase, with symptoms easing within a few days of the onset of menses and absent the week following menses?

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

A woman's experience of irritability, depressed affect, fatigue, and nervousness a few days before her menstrual period starts is termed what?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Delayed Conditioning

Presentation of CS precedes & overlaps presentation of US. Most rapid & strongest response

Backward Conditioning

Presentation of US precedes the CS. There is low chance of conditioning occurring in this situation

Goal Setting Theory

Presumes that being given a specific and, presumably, difficult goal results in the greatest effort and performance.

The 2 possible explanations for the development of Conversion Disorder are ________, which is when the symptom reduces anxiety and keeps internal conflict out of awareness, and ________, which is when the symptom helps the person to avoid an unpleasant activity or obtain otherwise unavailable support.

Primary gain; secondary gain

General Principle, Psychologists aim "to benefit those with whom they work and take care not to do harm"

Principle A. Beneficence and nonmaleficence

Principle, psychologists are aware of how their own physical and mental health may affect their capacity to help others.

Principle A. Beneficence and nonmaleficence

Principle, psychologists attempt to resolve conflicts among their professional obligations in a responsible manner that minimizes harm.

Principle A. Beneficence and nonmaleficence

Principle, safeguard the welfare and rights of people they interact with professionally, as well as animals in research

Principle A. Beneficence and nonmaleficence

Principle, psychologist should be concerned with the ethical compliance of others.

Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility

Principle, psychologists are encouraged to contribute some of their professional services for little or no compensation

Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility

Principle, psychologists clarify roles, manage conflicts of interest, and consult with other professionals.

Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility

Principle, promote "accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness" and avoid all fraudulent activities

Principle C: Integrity

Principle, recognize and respect demographic differences, and consider when providing psychological services.

Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

HIPAA, right of notice, Patients should be provided with a written copy of the psychologist's ____________________.

Privacy Policy

_________ is the client's right to keep confidential communications from being disclosed in a legal proceeding.


Statistical Power

Probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis. Power cannot be directly controlled but is increased by having a large sample, maximizing the effects of the IV, increasing the size of alpha, and reducing error.

Recommendations for working with African American clients

Problem-oriented and time-limited tx Boyd-Franklin recommend multisystems (ecostructural) approach: individual, family, friends, church, social services, etc.


Process of change that occurs when one culture assimilates w/ another culture; can influence tx Less acculturated = stronger preference for racially similar therapist

Neuropsych Assessment

Process of measuring deficits and relating them to known or suspected brain lesions Also for identification of residual strengths, differentiation b/w cases w & w/o brain damage, evaluating degree of impairment, planning rehab, localizing lesions

Ethics Code, include those delivered in person by mail, telephone, internet, or other electronic means.

Professional activities

Consultee vs program centered administrative consultation

Program centered is to modify or change a program, could be to admin or to whole clinic; consultee centered is when having problems with a group of consutees, like program implementation problems or no showing, etc.


Property in systems theory different causes lead to same end result Ex., regardless of content of argument, effect the same Focus on patterns of bx, not individual topics

Positive Feedback

Property in systems theory disruption of homeostasis by encouraging changes in status quo eg., going back to work requires role changes

What is the term used when an elderly person's experience of depression impairs their cognitive ability, but is unrelated to a general medical condition or substance use?



Psychasthenia neurotic, worry, tension, anxiety, ocd

Most studies have found that the best predictors of treatment outcome for substance abusers are

Psychiatric Severity and Problem Severity

Milton Erickson hypnotherapy

Psycho linguistics. Been critiqued as manipulative and paradoxical

The core feature of ________ Disorders are deliberately produced physical or psychological symptoms; people with this condition possess a desire to assume the role of a sick person. Factitious A person diagnosed with Factitious Disorder with Psychological Symptoms is likely to induce their psychological symptoms by the use of ________.

Psychoactive substances


Psychopathic Deviate high=antisocial


Psychopathology is caused by a maladaptive "style of life."

HIPAA, ____________________ refer to "process notes."

Psychotherapy notes

________________ basically include any written or oral statement in any form other than an entirely private conversation.

Public statements

What defense mechanism do people diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder most often rely on?

Reaction formation- defending against an unacceptable impulse by expressing its opposite

A child with this disorder presents with extremely disturbed and developmentally inappropriate relatedness; the Inhibited Type fails to initiate or respond in age-expected manners to social interactions, while the Disinhibited Type is socially indiscriminate (e.g., easily affectionate with strangers).

Reactive Attachment Disorder

"the prevailing professional judgment of psychologists engaged in similar activities in similar circumstances, given the knowledge the psychologist had or should have had at the time."


Intergroup hostility

Reduce by introducing superordinate goals, in which both groups have to coordinate to achieve a mutual goal

Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, the client feels uncomfortable with the therapist


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, the therapist lacks competence in treating a presenting problem


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, man seeks treatment to overcome fear of driving on freeway. Psychologist practices psychoanalytic, and hasn't done behavior therapy in 15 years.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, the therapist's personal beliefs and issues interfere with the therapy


Common Factors

Refers to aspects of tx present in most txs. therapeutic alliance, exposure to difficulties w/ opportunity for corrective emotional experience, expectations for change, therapist qualities including attention, empathy and positive regard, rational of problems

Minority Influence

Refers to attempts by a minority to alter attitudes and beliefs on part of the majority typically involving a break with the accepted norms and conventions.

Which of the following best describe the ethical requirements of a licensed clinical psychologist who tests positive for HIV?

Refrain from initiating any professional activities that might be adversely affected by the medial condition.

Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement

Reinforcement happens every x times, so you get paid after handing out 100 flyers.

An approach used for the treatment of substance dependence, ________ contends substance dependence is a collection of maladaptive, over-learned habit patterns, rather than physiological responses to substance use; it does not label or blame people, but rather views them as responsible for learning more adaptive habits.

Relapse Prevention Therapy (CBT in nature)

Goals of Brief Therapy

Remove symptoms asap Restore to previous functioning Acquire skills/insight to improve future coping


Reparation or restitution, and then going beyond.

Within Subjects Design

Research designs in which each subject receives, at different times, each level of the IV (or combinations of the IVs) so that comparisons on the DV are made within subjects rather than between groups.

Single Subjects Designs

Research designs that include at least one A (baseline-without treatment) and one B (treatment-person is own control) phase and include multiple measurements of the DV at regular intervals during each phase.

Factorial Design

Research designs that include two or more "factors" (IVs). They permit the analysis of main and interaction effects.

A client who has had an episode of Schizophrenia and continues to display less severe negative and/or positive symptoms (e.g., flat affect, odd beliefs), though no prominent positive psychotic symptoms are present would be classified as what type?

Residual Type

Conditioned response

Response to a conditioned stimulus (salivation to tone). Unconditioned and conditioned responses are usually the same, though UR are usually stronger

Unconditioned response

Response to an unconditioned stimulus

Tumors, head injuries, viral infection, vascular or other neurological disorders that damage the medial temporal region of the brain affect:

Retrograde and Anterograde amnesia.

Operant Interpersonal Therapy Summary

Richard Stuart Based on operant conditioning and social exchange theory Successful marriage=frequency of reciprocal positive reinforcement, txt=focus on positives Engage in pleasant activities, caring days (list 18, do 5)

HIPAA right, Patients may request changes to their PHI to improve accuracy

Right of Amendment

HIPPA patient right, Patients have right to be informed of privacy policy, how PHI will be used or disclosed, as well as patient's rights to limit uses and disclosures.

Right of Notice

HIPAA right, Patients may elect to have bills mailed to another address other than home, or not call at home, in order to protect confidentiality.

Right to receive confidential communications by alternative means and at alternative locations

HIPAA right - __________________ Psychologists are obligated to agree to _________________ requests to restrict use and disclosure of PHI.

Right to request restrictions; reasonable

Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model

Roberts conceptual model, est for crisis 1) crisis assessment, 2) rapport, 3) identify major problems, 4) feelings and emotions, 5) alternatives, 6) action plan, 7) follow-up

Object-Relations Family Therapy

Rooted in psychodynamic Insight is core requirement for change Problems = transference from mother-child relationship Techniques are non-directive listening, analysis of transference & resistance, development of supportive therapeutic env't. Interpretations of play.

stanford-binet intelligence test

SB5 is current version. age range is 2-85. measures general cog ability and psychoed eval

Standard Error of the Mean

SD of sampling distribution of the mean (how much the mean of a sample can be expected to vary from population mean due to sampling error). Larger the sample size, the smaller the SEM.

standard error of measurement (SEmeas)

SDmeas=SDx square root of 1-rxx rxx=reliability coefficient SDx= standard deviation of test scores

While ________ and ________ are considered most effective for treating the classic symptoms of depression, ________ are more likely to be prescribed if the person has atypical symptoms, such as hypochondria or obsessive-compulsiveness.

SSRIs; tricyclics; MAOIs

Structural Family Therapy Summary

Salvador Minuchin: working w/ low SES Concise, directive, here and now Views family as organism or structure Dysfunctional processes = underfunctioning Goal is to disrupt processes (therapist undermines) and push toward better functioning. Family improvement= individual improvement

Rejection Region

Sample values that unlikely to occur as a result of sampling error; reject the null hypothesis. *defined by alpha.

This disorder is characterized by symptoms of both a Mood Disorder and Schizophrenia, where psychotic symptoms are present and mood symptoms absent for 2 weeks or more; psychotic features are more prominent than in a Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features.

Schizoaffective Disorder

People with this disorder are pervasively indifferent to social relationships, express a limited range of emotions in social situations, often prefer to be "loners," and usually function adequately in non-social situations.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

The symptoms of what disorder affect content of thought, form of thought, perception, affect, sense of self, volition, interpersonal functioning, and/or psychomotor behavior, and literally means "splitting of the mind?"



Schizophrenia thought disorder

What disorder is characterized by a pattern of social and interpersonal deficits involving severe discomfort with and limited capacity for close relationships, as well as perceptual and cognitive distortions and odd/eccentric behavior?

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

This is diagnosed when a person displays onset and remission of Major Depressive Episodes at characteristic times of the year; typically onset is in fall or winter and remission is in spring.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Dissonance in MID Model

Second Stage Confusion and conflict: questions values of dominant culture, begins to challenge previous beliefs; preference for minority therapist

Attitude Similarity & Tx Matching

Seems to be more important than racial similarity in terms of client preference


Self control model of depression. Integrates cognitive and behavioral idea of depression. Says that depression is not just from lack of reinforcement from the outside world, it also comes from negative self evaluations and lack of self reinforcement and high rates of self punishment.


Self psychology. V focused on issues of narcissism. Identified primary narcissism, the self focus of a baby to survive which allows you to develop a healthy sense of self. Need to get your self object needs met. Ways that can happen are mirroring, by displaying thier love and admiration for the baby, the baby having adults worthy of love and idealization, and township, adults they connect with. Focus on therapy on empathetic attuning, focused on the present over the past.

As treatment for sexual disorders, ________ requires partners to touch and stroke each other's naked bodies in a comfortable, relaxed setting, desensitizing the couple to anxiety cues usually encountered during sexual play.

Sensate focus

Studies have been conducted to determine the relationship between number of therapy sessions and outcomes. Some of these studies demonstrate that, after only a few sessions, clients are most likely to show improvement in terms of which of the following?

Sense of Hopelessness

Severing the corpus callosum will have the greatest impact on which of the following?

Sensory Systems.

Parietal Lobe

Sensory information, somatosensory functioning, sensation, light, touch, temperature, pain, proprioception- the ability to find your body part in space, problems with dressing apraxia, is damage to the parietal lobe.

Any payments or fee-splitting between psychologists and other professionals must be based on _________________________.

Services provided

2002 Ethics Code - Ethical Standards

Set forth enforceable rules

People with this degree of mental retardation have poor motor skills and communication skills as a child, though may learn to talk and can be trained in simple hygiene tasks; and they are often able to perform simple tasks as a adults, often living in highly supervised settings (e.g., group homes, with family).

Severe Retardation (3-4% of all mentally retarded people)

What is diagnosed when a person displays a sexual disorder that does not meet the criteria for a more specific sexual disorder, such as Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality?

Sexual Disorder NOS

Superordinate goals

Sharif's robber cave study. All about intergroup hostility.

Primary Memory

Short-term memory

The ________, a comprehensive quality of life measure, is used to assess the impact of disease on a person's physical and emotional functioning.

Sickness Impact Profile (SIP)

Also known as Jacksonian seizures, ________ affect only one side of the body and involve an uncontrollable trembling or jerking of an arm or leg.

Simple partial seizures

Correlation Coefficient

Single number depicting degree of association between variables.

Those people who experience intense fears of certain stimuli, such as heights, animals, and closed spaces, are placed in what general diagnostic category? Specific Phobia ________ panic attacks are most characteristic of Specific Phobia and Social Phobia, occurring every time a person is exposed to a specific stimulus.

Situationally bound

An example of ________ panic attacks would be a person who only occasionally experiences panic attacks in certain situations, and may experience attacks in other unrelated situations as well.

Situationally predisposed

Cass model of homosexual identity development

Six stages: identity awareness (conscious of being different); identity comparison (believes may be homsexual, acts heterosexual); identity tolerance (realizes is homosexual); identity acceptance (begins to explore gay community); identity pride (active in gay community); synthesis (accepts self and others)

A person who awakens suddenly, usually accompanied by a panicky scream, though has difficulty recalling the dream would receive what diagnosis?

Sleep Terror Disorder

This disorder is characterized by irresistible episodes of restorative sleep that occur nearly every day for a period of at least 3 months and either cataplexy or repeated intrusions of REM sleep. Narcolepsy Breathing-Related Sleep Disorders include ________ (episodes of breathing cessation), ________ (abnormally low or shallow breathing), and ________ (abnormal blood oxygen and carbon dioxide due to impaired ventilatory control).

Sleep apnea; hypopneas; hypoventilation

This disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of elaborated behaviors that lead to leaving the bed and walking around, without the person being aware of the episode or remembering it later.

Sleepwalking Disorder


Social Introversion introversion/extroversion, people orientation

A person diagnosed with ________ makes efforts to avoid social or performance situations that might place him under the judgment, scrutiny, or observation of others, or expose him to strangers; being in such situations provokes a severe anxiety response.

Social Phobia

A person who presents as dramatic, vague, and exaggerated and who has made numerous physical complaints over several years, though those complaints have no clear physical cause, would receive what diagnosis?

Somatization Disorder

A person with ________ experiences excessive anxiety and worry about numerous life circumstances and feels incapable of controlling their worry; symptoms, lasting at least 6 months, include restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, etc. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Disorders included in this general class, according to the DSM, are characterized by physical symptoms that have no known physiological cause and are believe to be attributable to psychological factors.

Somatoform Disorders

Therapist-Client Matching Summary

Some research supports that racial matching = greater retention in tx Most research finds that racial similarity, by itself, is not related to tx outcome; may interact w/ attitude similarity, therapist sensitivity, racial/cultural identification, presenting problem

Eclectic Psychotherapy

Specific treatments for specific symptoms Examples: Howard, Nance, Myers Adaptive Counseling and Therapy model; Lazarus' multimodal therapy; prescriptive eclectic psychotherapy (Beutler); transtheoretical approach (Prochaska DiClemente)

What are the dominant defense mechanisms used by a person with Borderline Personality Disorder?

Splitting, idealization, and projective identification

Standard Deviation (SD)

Square root of the variance. Larger the SD the greater the scores disperse around the mean.

This is the most effective treatment for premature ejaculation- it involves one partner squeezing the penis of the aroused partner just before ejaculation, thus inhibiting ejaculation and promoting self-control.

Squeeze technique (aka "stop and start")

Glascow Coma Scales

Standardized test rating three categories of patient responses: eye opening, best motor response, and best verbal response. Eye opening = brain's activating center, Best Verbal Response = condition of the central nervous system within the cerebral cortex, Best Motor Response = Ability to move arms and legs.

Includes three parts: 1. test construction, evaluation, and documentation 2. fairness in testing 3. testing application

Standards for educational and psychological testing

Albert Ellis

Started out as an analyst and was the first cognitive Behaviorist. Very direct. Tires to convince patients that they are being irrational. A- active has events B behavior C consequences (REBT). Very active. Rehearsals. Modeling.


States career choices are an expression of personality.

Often associated with Mental Retardation, ________ is characterized by repetitive motor behaviors that are not functional, such as head banging or body-rocking, and cause physical harm or significantly interfere with normal activities.

Stereotypic Movement Disorder

Response prevention

Stopping someone from thier typical avoidance response so that they are exposed fully to the CS without the US and without thier avoidance behaviors . Prolonged exposure, aka flooding, works better than multiple brief exposures.


Strategic family therapy.

Burns transactional analysis

Strokes, life scripts , three Ego states: parent/ adult/child. Focus on the transactions or verbal interchanges, to help pts be more aware of what they are saying and hearing. Transactions occur at obvious, overt, and covert levels. Games are ulterior transactions, such as two transaction levels happen at once.


Structural family therapy. "U" goes with the "u" in Minuchen. All about boundaries and rigid triads. Types of rigid triads are detouring, stable coalitions, and triangulation. Also, looking at the structure of relations ships, talked about disengaged and emerged families.


Study a culture from outside-think of a heretic as an outsider

Primary processes

Subconscious mental process governed by the id

What is diagnosed when maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes occur during or shortly after using or being exposed to a substance (e.g., alcohol, caffeine, opioids), and the changes are due to the physiological effects of the substance on the central nervous system?

Substance Intoxication

This diagnosis is given when a reversible syndrome develops in a person due to recently terminating or reducing the use of a substance after using it in large quantities over a long period of time.

Substance Withdrawal

When a person's dementia is caused by the persisting effects of substance use, rather than the direct effects of intoxication or withdrawal, the most appropriate diagnosis is what?

Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia (with the responsible substance indicated)

Self serving bias

Success to internal of self, failure of self to external

Assumption of Individualism

Sue & Sue: Aspects of American perspective that influence counseling: 1) class-bound values: time boundaries/schedules, unstructured approach to problem-solving, long-range goals emphasized 2) culture-bound values: individualism, cause-and-effect for problems, emphasis on expression, openness in expressing intimate aspects, separation of physical and mental 3) language variables: standard English stressed


Sum of scores divided by the number of scores. Less susceptible to sampling fluctuations. Can be thrown off by extreme outlier scores.

Consultation/Supervision/training, generally considered to be an on-going process with careful scrutiny of a case.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, Typically sought when you are not ready to practice independently in the area or with a new population


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, applying a newly learned technique


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, beginning to work with a specialized population


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, treating a disorder you are trained in but no clinical experience


A person with ________ is able to read regularly spelled words, but unable to decipher words spelled irregularly (e.g., reads "fight" as "fit"); a person with ________ might produce responses that are related to the target word in meaning but not visually or phonologically (e.g., substitutes "down" for "up" or "hot" for "cold"), which is referred to as "semantic paralexia."

Surface dyslexia; deep dyslexia

Gsr biofeedback

Sweatiness. Good for anxiety.

3 forms of modeling

Symbolic modeling (filled modeling); live modeling; participant modeling

Normal Curve

Symmetrical, bell-shape distribution, can be defined by mathematic equation and predict based on knowledge of one variable. Areas: 68%- fall between the scores that are plus and minus two standard deviations from the mean; 95%- fall between the scores that are plus and minus 3 standard deviations from the mean.

Clients best suited for Brief Tx

Symptoms have acute onset, ok adjustment before onset, high motivation, good interpersonal skills

Family System in Structural Family TX

System rather than just a set of individuals (same as in general systems theory)


Systems Theory Systems have properties that determine structure Seven types: wholeness, non-summativity, equifinality, equipotentiality, homeostasis, negative feedback, and positive feedback

TRUE or FALSE: Learning disorders cannot be caused by mental retardation, but mental retardation can be co-diagnosed with a learning disorder.

TRUE: Learning Disorders and Mental Retardation are distinct phenomena that, while not caused by the other, can be co-diagnosed

TRUE or FALSE: Bulimics are more likely than Anorexics to become engaged in treatment due to their awareness that their behavior is abnormal?

TRUE: People with Anorexia usually deny that they have a problem, while people with Bulimia are often aware of their abnormal eating habits

TRUE or FALSE: As people with Autism grow older, they may become more interested in developing relationships, which is usually absent in Autistic children.

TRUE: They usually do not understand the customs that regulate social interaction

TRUE or FALSE: A person can present with more than one type of Delusional Disorder?

TRUE: This is referred to as Mixed Type


Technique in extended family systems tx Schematic diagram of family system, at least 3 generations, geographical local, sig. events Gain info. about family patterns/hx

Triangulation as technique

Technique in extended family systems tx Tx involves two family members, therapist is neutral 3rd member in "therapeutic triangle" Helps learn to diffuse fusion and achieve self differentiation

Restructuring the Family

Technique of Minuchin Structural Family Therapy After joining (blending) and mapping Enactment: role-playing Reframing: bxs reframed in more positive light


Technique of Minuchin Structural Family Therapy Block old bx to force learning of new bx (block triangulation by forbidding child to discuss problem with parents)

Creating a Family Map

Technique of Minuchin Structural Family Therapy Observes family and charts transactional patterns


Technique of Minuchin Structural Family Therapy Therapist blends with family system using: mimesis: adopting family's style and language tracking: identifying family values and hx

Jungian therapy: how is behavior determined?

Teleological- determined by future goals not so much the past

Diagnostic Overshadowing

Tendency to attribute all bx/emotional problems to a diagnosis w/o considering alternative explanations


Tends to overestimate the IQ scores of lower functioning individuals and underestimate the IQ scores of higher functioning individuals.

What are caused by sustained contractions of muscles in the forehead, scalp, and neck, and are often experienced as a band being tightened around one's head?

Tension headaches

Which of the following would be used to measure the internal consistency of a test?

Test-retest reliability

Includes provisions granting the right to access one's own educational records, as well as limiting disclosure to others.

The Buckley Amendment or FERPA

_______________________________ protects the privacy of student records in higher education institutions.

The Buckley Amendment or FERPA

_________ applies only to professional and scientific activities of psychologists, and NOT to their private conduct.

The Ethics Code

HIPPA stand for:

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Null Hypothesis

The IV does NOT have an effect on the DV.

HIPAA rule, provides regulations and safeguards regarding confidential patient information.

The Privacy Rule

HIPAA rule, addresses issues of physical security, such as locking filing cabinets and encrypting e-mails.

The Security Rule

HIPAA rule, requires a nationally standardized format be used for all health-care transactions that are transmitted electronically, most notably all insurance claims.

The Transaction Rule

Functional assessment

The assessment of behavior. Identifies the target behavior that we are trying to increase or decrease and what are the antecedents of that behavior? What are the current consequences of that behavior? What reinforcers and punishers that are maintaining that behavior?


The belief that inanimate objects have thoughts, feelings, and other life like qualities.


The central relay station for sensory information going to the cortex.

Main Effect

The effect of a single IV on the DV.


The effects of one IV at different levels of another IV.


The ego does not grow out of the id, but rather they are co developing in parallel. Differentiated between Ego defensive and Ego autonomous functions, like perception, learning, memory, etc.

Magical Thinking

The erroneous belief that one has control over objects or events.

Self fulfilling prophesy or Rosenthal Effect

The expectations we have of children at school shape their performance above and beyond ability

Anterograde Amnesia

The inability to form new memories following a trauma.


The inability to perform complex, purposeful movements, which cannot be explained by problems related to comprehension, coordination, or strength.

Retrograde Amnesia

The inability to remember memories prior to a trauma.

Experimental Design

The investigator randomly assigns subjects to different groups which receive different levels of the manipulated variable.

Erik Erickson.

The maturation of the Ego. Said everything is stage related and so each stage builds on mastery of the previous stages. Had 8 stages of development.

Dependent Variable

The measured outcome of a study using the IV to test a hypothesis. Symbolized by the letter "Y."

Racial/Cultural Identification & Tx Matching

The more the client identifies with a specific racial background, the strong the preference for a racially similar therapist, consistent with minority development model

Intelligence level & group therapy

The most important factor in group composition, should have same or similar intelligence. Crucial for group interaction.

Experimentwise Error Rate

The probability of making a Type I error. As the number of statistical comparisons in a study increases, probability of making a type I error increases.

Approach-Avoidant Conflict

The strength of the positive and negative qualities increase the closer you get to a goal, but the strength of the negative qualities increase more. For example, as I get closer to taking the licensing exam, I may think of just taking it again next time or consider changing careers.

Self-serving bias

The tendency to attribute one's successes to internal factors and one's failures to external factors.

Fundamental Attribution Error

The tendency to overestimate dispositional factors and underestimate situational factors in explaining other's behaviors.

Confirmation Bias

The tendency to seek, interpret, and create information that verifies our existing beliefs.


Theory distinguished between fluid and crystallized intelligence.

According to both Kohlberg's and Piaget's theory of moral development, which of the following statements is not true?

There may be differences across cultures in the development of moral reasoning, especially in the early stages.

What is the most commonly used modality of biofeedback treatment for migraine headaches?

Thermal hand warming biofeedback (person trained to warm their hands)

Tricyclics (Imipramine, Clomimpramine, Amitriptyline)

These are most effective in relieving vegetative symptoms of depression, including appetite, sleep, and motor disturbances.

MAO Inhibitors

These are most effective in treating atypical depression.

Quasi-experimental Design

These are used when random assignment of subjects to groups is not possible.

Absence or Petit Mal Seizures

These are very brief (30 seconds or less) and are characterized by minimal motor activity and a lack of awareness. These usually begin in childhood and most outgrow the condition by adulthood. Researchers believe that these originate in the thalamus.

Dissatisfaction and Satisfaction (Hertzberg)

These are viewed as two seperate phenomena. The factors taht cause dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) are different from those that contribute to satisfaction (motivator factors), which means that person can be satisfied and dissatisfied at teh same time.

Authoritarian Parents (high control and low warmth)

These children are often insecure, dependent, and perform more poorly on cognitive tests.

Permissive Laissezfaire (high warmth but low control)

These children are often insecure, dependent, and perform more poorly on cognitive tests.

Authoritative (High warmth and high control/demandingness)

These children have better coping skills, are more mature, responsible, and perform better on cognitive measures.

Uninvolved/Rejecting/Neglecting (low on control and warmth)

These children tend to be antisocial, lack self-regulation, are more immature, and score lower on cognitive tests.

Clomipramine, imipramine, SSRIs

These lessen the effects of OCD

Longitudinal Research

These studies the same people are studied over a long period of time.


Thinking, observing, and judging things in relation to oneself.

Resistance & Immersion in MID Model

Third Stage Rejection of dominant culture, immersion in minority; combating racism/oppression; distrust of majority preference for minority therapist

Medial Temporal Area

This area contains part of the temporal lobe and the hippocampus. This area is associated with long-term memory.

Basal Forebrain

This connects the temporal lobes and is involved in long-term memory.

Alternate Forms or Coefficient of Equivalence

This consists of administering two alternative forms of a test to the same group and then correlating the scores.

Circular Model of Causality

This describes a symptom as both a cause and an effect of dysfunctional communication patterns.

Paradoxial Strategies

This includes prescribing the symptom and relabeling, or changing the label a family attaches to a problem in order to change the meaning.

Moderator Variable

This influences the relationship between two other variables.

Coefficent of Stability (Test-Retest Reliability)

This involves administering the same test to the same group on two occasions and then correlating the scores.

Developmental Research

This involves assessing variables as a function of time.


This involves reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior.

Procedural Memory

This is a memory of how to do certain activities.

Split-half Reliability

This is a method of determining the internal consistency reliability.

Method of Loci

This is a mnemonic device in which items are associated with mental images of places.


This is a rare form of color blindness that is accompanied by hypersensitivity to light and poor visual acuity.


This is a statistic that indicates the degree to which a particular factor is accounting for variability in the variables studied. In other words, this indicates strength of explanatory power.

Confounding Variable

This is a variable in a research study which is not of interest to the researcher, but which exerts a systemic effect on the DV.


This is an operant procedure that enables complex behaviors to develop through reinforcement of a sequence of simple behaviors. That is, Behavior A is followed by a reinforcer, which serves as a discriminative stimulus for Behavior B, which is followed by a reinforce, and so on.

Implicit Memory

This is an unconscious, nonintentional form of memory.

Expetancy Theory

This is based on the premise that motivation is a cognitive process involving three variables: expectancy (the belief that effort will lead to success), instrumentality (the beliefs that successful performance will result in certain outcomes, and valence (the value placed on the outcomes)

Disability Rating Scale (DRS)

This is for gauging general level of disability.

Prefrontal Cortex

This is most associated with short-term memory.

Multiple Regression

This is not the appropriate technique when the characteristics measured by the different predictors are noncompensatory.

AVPU Scale

This is primarily used after injury occurs or as pre-hospital information. It rates if someone is alert, response to voice, responds to pain or is unresponsive.

Precentral Gyrus

This is responsible for motor functioning.


This is seeing something as less significant than it really is.


This is the ability to monitor one's own cognitive processes while thinking, learning, and remembering. It allows us to identify and use appropriate learning strategies, and the research has shown that learners with below-average intelligence can benefit from training in metacogntive skills.

Criterion Contamination

This is the artificial inflation of validity which can occur when raters subjectively score ratees on a criterion measure after they have been informed how the ratees scored on the predictor.


This is the attribution of external events to oneself without evidence of a causal connection.

Needs Assessment/Needs Analysis

This is the first step in developing a training program. This involves identifying the needs of the organization.


This is the generic name of Antabuse.

Episodic Memory

This is the memory of a particular episode, such as your last birthday

Job Analysis

This is used to describe the requirements of a job.

Job Evaluation

This is used to determine the relative worth of a job.


This is used to statistically remove the effects of a covariate, or an extraneous variable, on the dependent variable making it easier to determine the effects of the IV on the DV.

Memory of Newly learn Information

This memory function is most likely affected following a stroke or head trauma.l

Retroactive Inhibition

This occurs when a new experience interferes with the recall of an earlier one. For example, an actress struggles to remember her old lines after learning new lines for a play.

Proactive Inhibition

This occurs when a past experience interferes with the ability to remember new information. For example, a person struggles to learn Spanish because they previously took Latin.

Selective Abstraction

This occurs when one focuses on a detail, taken out of context, at the expense of other information.


This occurs when the person becomes overzealous in identification to a particular role tot he point that he or she is intolerant of others.


This person derived a two-factor theory addressing worker motivation and satisfaction, not career choices.

Bounded Rationality (Administrative) Model of Decision Making (Herbert Simon)

This proposes that decision makers are not alays completely rational in making choices. Instead, time and resources limit their consideration of alternative, so they tend to consider alternatives only until a satisfactory one is identified.

Emotional Reasoning

This refers to a person believing that because he or she feels a negative emotion, there must be a corresponding negative external situation.

Internalized Racism

This refers to acceptance of negative messages about the abilities and intrinsic worth by members of the stigmatized races.


This refers to involuntary jerky eye movements.

Personally Mediated Racism

This refers to prejudice and discrimination at the individual level.

Institutional Racism

This refers to restriction or denial of material conditions and access to power to members of minority groups.

Subtle racism

This refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals and is less obvious form of racism.


This refers to the decision-making style of using the minimal amount of information to reach a "good enough" solution.

Principle of Equifinity

This refers to the idea that no matter where the system changes occurs, the end result is the same.


This requires a person to appear at a designated time and place with a copy of the records. It does not necessarily require the person to release those records.

Confluence Model

This simply states that each succeeding child has less of the family's resources available to him or her.

Standard Error of Measurement

This tells us how accurately an obtained score on a test estimates someone's true score on that test, if a true score were ever possible to obtain. Keep this one in a box labeled "reliability of a test."

Standard error of the mean

This tells us how closely our sample mean approximates teh population mean. Keep this in a box in your mind labeled "experiments and samples."

Internal Consistency

This utilizes a single test administration and involves obtaining correlations among individual test items.

Ratio IQ

This was a simple formula used when mental test were first developed. It was a way of determining how the child's mental age differed from his or her chronological age. A problem with it was that IQ scores are not comparable across age groups.

Law of Exercise

Thorndike--A response that is repeated often enough in the presence of a particular stimulus will become more closely bonded to that stimulus & will more likely be repeated in the presence of that stimulus. Strengthens the effect of satisfiers, but not sufficient to produce learning

Law of Spread Effect

Thorndike--minor law--when an act has satisfying consequences the pleasure becomes associated with other acts that occur at approximately the same time.

Law of Effect

Thorndike--responses that are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction tend to be repeated. Responses accompanied by discomfort do not tend to be repeated. Direct precursor to Skinner's Principle of Reinforcement

Law of Readiness

Thorndike--the behaving organism must be ready to perform an act before performing it could be satisfying--motivational state

Secondary process

Thought, communication

Pretest Sensitization

Threat to External validity; Occurs when pretesting affects how subjects react to the treatment. Control by: not administering a pretest or use solomon 4-group design.


Threat to external validity; Occurs when subjects respond differently to a treatment because they know they are participating in a research study. 2 types: 1) Evaluation Apprehension: avoid negative evaluation. 2) Demand Characteristics: cues in a study that inform subjects of purpose of study or expected behavior.

Statistical Regression

Threat to validity; Extreme scores regress towards the mean. Control by: Don't include only extreme scores in the study or use more than one group and all groups have similarly extreme scores.


Threat to validity; an event that is external to the research study affects subject's performance on the DV in a systematic way. Control by: having more than one study group and randomly assign participants


Threat to validity; physical change, event, or psychological process occurs as the result of the passage of time; ex) fatigue, decreasing motivation). To control: more than one group and randomly assign to groups.


Threatens internal validity when groups differ at the beginning of the study because of the way subject were assigned to groups and is a potential threat whenever subjects are not randomly assigned to groups.

Which of the following theorists related career development to ego identity development?

Tiedeman and O'Hara

Object constancy

To be able to integrate the good and bad f the other and experience them as a whole, of cannot do than splitting occurs. Is a goal of therapy.

Babinski reflex

Toes fan out when feet are tickled

Standard conditioning

Tone (CS/NS) then meat powder (UCS)

Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, vital when psychologists are unfamiliar with a certain area of knowledge.


Consultation/Supervision/training/referral, you test adults, but when to extend into adolescents

Training then supervision

Independent Variable

Treatment or intervention tested to affect an outcome (DV). Symbolized as letter "X" and must have at least 2 levels of treatment for comparison.

HIPAA, right to request restrictions, T OR F Psychologists are not obligated to agree to any and all limits of disclosure requested by patients.


True or False, According to The Buckley Amendment (FERPA), parents cannot access education records (including student health records) without student consent.


True or False, a psychologist may request the judge to modify a court order, so that only part of a record is revealed


True or false, confidential information can be shared without consent, when permitted or mandated by law


TRUE or FALSE: A person cannot be diagnosed with both Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence.

True- if a person meets the criteria for Dependence, Abuse is not diagnosed


Turns head when cheek is touched

Helms' White Racial Identity Model

Two phases: "abandonment of racism" and "defining non-racist white identity" Six identity statuses: contact; disintegration; reintegration; pseudo-independence; immersion-emersion; autonomy


Two subtypes of case consultation; client centered and consultee centered and two types of administrative consultation : consultee and program centered

Reciprocal inhibitor

Two things that are the opposite happen at the same time, so whatever is stronger will inhibit the weaker

A person with this type of personality is competitive, achievement oriented, highly involved with work, and is active and aggressive.

Type A

Multiple Baseline Design

Type of Single Subjects design; Involves sequentially applying a treatment to different baselines (e.g. to different behaviors, settings, tasks, or subjects).

AB Design

Type of Single Subjects design; includes a single baseline phase (A) and single treatment phase (B), with the treatment being withdrawn ("reversed"- take away treatment, measure, and readminister to confirm findings) (e.g. ABA or ABAB design) during the second and subsequent baseline phases. No reversal if unethical ( causes harm). Can't conclude if effects persist after treatment (B) is removed.

Prescrpitive Eclectic Therapy

Type of eclectic psychotherapy Beutler Match most effective techniques (eclectic) to client based on est (prescription) Three key elements: 1) synergy of awareness and action (both methods influence each other); 2) complementary nature of psychotherapy symptoms (diff. theories offer diversity, not contradict); 3) identification of empirical markers for selecting tx (all est have a place in tx) Prescriptive matching

Adaptive Counseling Therapy

Type of eclectic psychotherapy Howard, Nance, Myers therapy is customized to client's level of readiness, including willingness to be in therapy, ability, and confidence in therapy outcome

MultiModal Therapy (MMT)

Type of eclectic psychotherapy Lazarus BASIC ID: seven ares of life that need to be addressed Behavior, Affect, Sensations, Imagery, Cognitions, Interpersonal relationships, need for drugs, exercise, nutrition Largely psychoeducational

Transtheoretical Model of Change

Type of eclectic psychotherapy Prochaska & DiClemente Six Stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination (last often left off) Weigh pros and cons at each stage: decisional balance

Mixed (Split-Plot) ANOVA

Type of factorial ANOVA that is used when a study includes at least one between-groups IV and one within-subjects IV.

Mixed Designs

Type of factorial design in which at least one IV is a between-groups variable and one IV is a within-subjects variable.

classical conditioning in pavlov's dog

US: meat powder UR: salivation CS: bell eventually bell would produce salivation, then called CR.

Racial identity development: early

Uncomfortable with identity, prefers dominant identity


Under active thyroid, leads to weight gain regardless of food intake, slowed heart rate, lethargy

What is the best diagnosis for a person who has at least 1 physical complaint that has persisted for at least 6 months and cannot be fully explained by a medical condition or substance use (e.g., chronic fatigue, appetite loss)?

Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder (if less than 6 months = Somatoform Disorder NOS)

A person who presents with symptoms of Schizophrenia though does not clearly qualify as disorganized, catatonic, or paranoid types would be classified as what type?

Undifferentiated Type

What is the term used to describe panic attacks that occur without warning and in the absence of a trigger (must occur for a diagnosis of Panic Disorder)?

Unexpected panic attacks



Unconditioned stimulus


When a client's delusional belief cannot be clearly determined or is not described by the specific types, they would receive a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder ________ Type.


Premack principle

Use a high frequency behavior to reinforce a low frequency behavior


Used especially for borderline and suicide. Very present focused. Very structured and behavioral. Have the pt agree to be in tx for a year and regularly attend. Client needs to work on therapy impairing behavior. Also skills building.

t-test for Single Sample

Used to compare a single obtained sample mean to a known or hypothesized population mean.

t-test for Independent Samples

Used to compare means from two independent groups.

t-test for Correlated Samples

Used to compare two sample means when subjects in the two groups are related in some way (e.g. because they were matched on an extraneous variable or because a single-group pretest/post-test design was used).


Used to increase the efficiency of the analysis by statistically removing variability in the DV that is due to an extraneous variable. Each person's score on the DV is adjusted on the basis of their score on the extraneous variable.

Least Square Criterion

Used to locate the regression line so that the amount error in prediction is minimized.

Regression Analysis

Used to predict a score on one criterion based on the person's obtained score on one predictor. Involves identifying the location of the regression line ("line of best fit") and using the equation for that line, the regression equation, to make predictions.

Path Analysis

Used to verify a predefined causal model or theory. Involves translating the theory into a path diagram, collecting data on the variables of interest (the observed variables) and calculating and interpreting path coefficients indicating strength/direction of relationship between pairs of variables. If pattern fits predicted from theory it supports the theory.

Point Biserial Coefficient

Used when One variable is a true dichotomy and the other is continuous variable.

Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)

Used when a study includes one or more IVs and two or more DVs that are each measured on an interval or ratio scale. Helps reduce the experimentwise error rate (probability of making a Type I error) and increases power by simultaneously analyzing the effects of the IV(s) on all of the DVs.

Randomized block ANOVA

Used when blocking has been used a as a method for controlling an extraneous variable (i.e., when the extraneous variable is treated as an independent variable). Allows an investigator to statistically analyze the main and interaction effects of the extraneous variable.

Spearman rho Coefficient

Used when both variables are ranks.

Pearson r Coefficient

Used when data on variables represent a continuous scale. *2 interval or ratio variables.

Biserial Coefficient

Used when one variable is an artificial dichotomy and the other is continuous (interval/ratio).

Factorial Analysis of Variance

Used when study includes two or more IV's and a single DV that is measure on an interval or ratio scale. Also known as a two-way ANOVA, three-way ANOVA, etc. with the numbers "two" and "three" referring to the number of IVs.

Single Sample Chi-Square

Used when the study includes one variable with multiple categories. "Goodness of Fit."

Multiple-Sample Chi-Square

Used when the study includes two or more variables with different categories.

Eta Coefficient

Used when the variables are both continuous and have a nonlinear relationship. *2 interval/ratio.

This term refers to vaginal muscle contractions that make penile penetration difficult and painful.


Cross Validation

Validating a correlation coefficient on a new sample (e.g. a criterion-related validity coefficient).

The "F" or infrequency scale MMPI

Validity scale "faking good" or "faking bad" very high (90) = invaliad high = malingering

the ? or Cannot Say Scale MMPI

Validity scale # of items left unanswered 30 or more not interpreted High = reading comprehension, overcautious, paranoid, rebellious

The K or correction scale

Validity scale defensiveness = high, also assoc. w/ high education

The "L" or lie scale MMPI

Validity scale deliberate attempt to present in favorable light high=unwilling to admit minor shortcomings low=exaggeration of problems

Ratio Scale of Measurement

Variables are ordered and have equal intervals and an absolute zero. Ex) Kelvin scale.

Interval Scale of Measurement

Variables are ordered and have equal intervals of measurement. Does not have an absolute zero. Ex) Temperature.

Technical Eclecticism

Variation of assimilative integration No unifying theory, varied techniques

Composition of Groups summary

Various factors impact effectiveness and interaction in groups. Heterogeneous: each member has diverse traits Homogenous: members have similar traits Composition factors include developmental level, gender, intelligence level, stability, and size

A person who presents with significant problems in memory and/or other cognitive disturbances following a cerebrovascular disease (e.g., stroke or infarction) would receive what diagnosis?

Vascular Dementia

Which of the WAIS-III factors is most stable across the lifespan?

Verbal comprehension

Research has shown that alcoholics who are administered the WAIS perform relatively normal on _______ subtests, while their ________ subtest scores are often poorer than expected, especially on visual-spatial measures.

Verbal; performance

Systems Theory Summary

Views the family as a system of interacting relationships and transactional patterns. Can be open or closed. Ultimate goal to avoid closed system.

Stepping/walking reflex

Walking motion when the baby is held upright and feel are flat on a surface

Classical vs Operant Conditioning.

We bring about Classical Conditioning by paring. We bring about operant conditioning by reinforcement.

Actor observer bias

When I fail it's external, when they fail it's internal

Social referencing

When an infant takes you about their emotions and how to react from the environment.

Protocol analysis

When doing a new task, asked to verbalized out loud the steps they are using to solve this problem.

Cultural Encapsulation

Wren's concept defines reality according to own culture, insensitive to cultural variations, disregards evidence against own assumptions, unaware of biases, defines counseling in dogmatic, quick-fix solutions

HIPAA, right of accounting, __________________________ by the patient may be used in lieu of an accounting procedure.

Written authorizations

Benefits of Group Thearpy

Yalom 11 mechanisms of change or therapeutic factors: 1) installation of hope, 2) universality; 3) imparting info; 4) altruism; 5) recapitulation of primary family group; 6) development of social skills; 7) imitative bx; *8) interpersonal learning; *9) cohesiveness; *10) catharsis; 11) existential factors *most important according to Yalom, instillation of hope for lower functioning Studies suggest cohesiveness= pos. outcome

Stage of Group Therapy

Yalom: 3 formative stages 1: hesitancy to disclose, orientation, dependent on leader 2: conflict, dominance, rebellion, hostile communication 3: cohesiveness, support and positive communication, more disclosure After 3, group can effectively deal with member issues, leader's goal is to continue working toward goals and avoid subgrouping

Self monitoring

You monitor yourself

If data points are widely scattered around a regresion ine, it would indicate

a low correlation coefficient

aversive conditioning

a noxious stimuli (US) is paired with a behavior targeted for elimination (CS) i.e Antabuse (US)--Alcohol (CS)--Nausea (UR) when Alcohol produces Nausea then Nausea (CR)

career maturity (in adults career adaptability)

a person's ability to cope w/the developmental tasks of their life stage . assessed with Career Development Inventory

Interruption of psych services, plans for continuation of care are often termed "__________"

a professional will

primary reinforcer

a reinforcer that is inherently valuable (e.g food, water, sex)

secondary reinforcer

a reinforcer that is paired with a primary reinforcer & gains power as a reinforcer--$$$$, token economy


a relatively permanent change in potential performance or behavior as a result of experience. Requires active participation

Merely taking an internship or acquiring experience in a practicum or employment setting is not adequate preparation for _____________________________________

a retraining psychologist (switching specialties clinical, counseling, IO, school)

adverse impact (2 causes)

a selection test is discriminating against members of a legally protected group; diff selection, placement or promotion rate 1. differential validity: measure is valid for one group but not another. (moderator variable: distinguishing characteristic btwn groups; age,race,gender) 2. unfairness: one group gets consistently lower scores on predictor than members of another group; but diff is NOT related to diff in scores on the criterion.(solution is to use diff predictor cutoff scores)


a series of related & simple behaviors are tied together to form a more complex behavior. each response in the series acts as both a secondary reinforcer for the preceding response & a discriminative stimulus for the next response in the chain

Unless serious threat, or required by law, to disclose psychotherapy notes to anyone, the patient must complete a ____________________________________.

a specific and detailed authorization

factor analysis

a squared factor loading provides a measure of "shared variability" when factors are orthogonal, a test's communality can be calculated by squaring and adding the test's factor loadings

mediated stimulus generalization

a stimulus serves as a mediator (connecting link) between 2 stimuli that themselves were never paired

token economy

a structured environment is established in which tokens (points, tickets, stickers, etc) are used as reinforcers for targeted behaviors. response cost is often also involved

insight learning

a sudden, novel solution to a problem. sudden internal cognitive restructuring of the environment. Gestalt Learning Theory


abc (activating event, belief, consequence) de (therapist dispute beliefs, e is alternative beliefs that result) tx is educayional, confratative, persuasive

Somatic Nervous System

ability to walk, raise your hand, voluntary movement.

According to recent research, the compressed workweek has the least impact on:


Therapeutic alliance & txt outcome

accounts for most of the variance in txt outcome more important than specific intervention

coping strategies

active is better than passive (exercise vs restricting activity)

Recommendations for working with Hispanic clients

active, goal-oriented tx, consider importance of family in tx, aware of need for bilingual services Cuento therapy: use of folktale in tx, either in original form for children, or adapted for adults

criterion contamination

actual criterion assesses factors other than those it was designed to measure ex. knowledge of employee's predictor performace

actuarial vs. clinical predictions

actuarial: based on empirically validated clinica: based on person's intuitino, experience and knowledge

social learning theory--Bandura

adds a 3rd mechanism to learning paradigm--cognitive mediational processes--cognitive processes govern what environmental influences are attended to & how they are perceived & interpreted.

Delegation of work, supervisees (etc.) only perform duties if have _____________ __________ and no __________ __________

adequate competence, multiple relationships

self-instructional thinking


at what age kids understand different races

age 10

reminiscence bump

age 10-30 memories

autonomous morality

age 11 and beyond, rules can be changed with the ppl who make them, focus on intention of actor vs consequences

strong interest inventory

age 15 and above. occupational.


age 16-90. provides FSIQ. assess intellectual ability in 16 and older

telegraphic speech

age 18-24 months, put 2 words together to make sentence. vocab is 300-400 words

self-conscious emotions (jealous/embarrass)

age 2


age 2-7

kauffman tests

age 3-18. culture fair test.


age 6-16. autistic lowest scores: comprehension, symbol, coding adhd lowest scores: cancellation, math, coding

heternomous morality

age 7-10, rules set by adults, unchangeable and what are consequences...

bender visual-motor gestalt

ages 3 and older, assess visual-motor integration, 16 cards with geometric figures. 2 part of copy and recall.

kohler insight learninh

aha experience; internal cog restructuring of the env so subject can reach goals

Services through organizations, if feedback is precluded for legal or organizational reasons, should inform the person of this fact ______________.

ahead of time


aka grave's disease (high hr, temp, weight loss, low attn(

new neurons

aka neurogenesis; in hippocampus and caudate nucleus


alert, fully awake

random assignment

allows investigator to be more certain that an observed effect on the DV was actually caused by the IV (distinguishes true experimental research from quasi-experiemental research)

sleep stages

alpha, theta, delta, beta 1-4 is nrem (3/4 is slow wave) 5 is rem every 90-100 minutes all stages

attachement to fathers

also attach at same level, but with play activities vs. care giving of mothers

what reliability is best to assess speed tests?

alternate forms

Animal research, animals are only to be subjected to pain or stress when an __________________ is not available, and is justified in terms of _____________.

alternative procedure; value


alzeheimer's memory issues (drugs slow breakdown of Ach)


an active inhibition of recall due to its emotional significance

discriminative stimulus

an environmental cue that a particular behavior will be reinforced; e.g. asking Dad (not Mom) to borrow the car, stay out late or pigeon receiving food after pressing lever while green light is on (not red light)

Failure to cooperate with an ethics investigation, by APA or state, constitutes _______________________.

an ethical violation in and of itself.


an internal cognitive process by which one actively selects environmental information or actively processes information from internal sources


analgesis pain relief. prevent release of substance P. "runner's high"


animal study; learning is due to connectionism, not mental events


anticholinergic side effects, weight gain, hypertensive crisis

The primary associated feature of the Somatoform Disorders is

anxiety and depression.


anxious first, then emotion

Education and training, descriptions of education and training programs must be accurate in terms of content, goals, stipends, as well as _____________________.

any requirements for counseling

HIPPA - Psychologist Duties, Safeguarding Access to PHI, Practitioners must take _____________ and ____________ actions such as locking filing cabinets, ensuring password protection, and encrypting emails that contain PHI.

appropriate and reasonable

Assessments, recommendations, and reports, including forensic testimony, should be based on techniques that are _________________________________.

appropriate and sufficient

HIPAA Transaction Rule, Practitioners who submit claims electronically must either use __________________ or contract with a _________________.

appropriate software; health-care clearinghouse

Psychologists should not promote the use of assessment by unqualified persons, unless it is in the context of an ______________________________-.

appropriate training program

Location & Rorschach Scoring

areas of blot used in responses whole (w: intellectual, organized) unusual detail (Dd: avoidance, compulsion)


articulation issue


artificial dichotomy (favorable/unfavorable)

Right Brain

artistic, visual spatial, more intuitive


as a threat to internal validity, selection is really an assignment problem

Fees and financial arrangements, fees and billing arrangements must be agreed upon "_____________________________________ in a professional or scientific relationship."

as early as feasible

Therapy, informed consent including description of services, course of treatment, fees, third party involvement, and limits to confidentiality, should be discussed as _________________________________.

as early as feasible in the therapeutic relationship

Issues of publication credit should be discussed with students ______________________ and ___________________.

as early as possible; throughout the publication process

2002 Ethics Code - Preamble and General Principles

aspirational goals to guide psychologists toward the highest ideals of psychology

Subpoena, no client permission, 1. request subpoena be quashed; 2. appear but then ______________________.

assert patient-therapist privilege

other types of counter-conditioning

assertiveness training & sensate focus

glasgow coma scale

assess loc post brain injury, score of 3-8 indicates unconsciousness

method of loci

associating items to be remembered with mental images of "places."

Theory Y managers

assume that workers are motivated primarily by financial self-interest; that job demands must match workers' skills, and that workers need detailed guidelines and constant supervision.

According to current research, the most predictive variable for adult IQ scores among infant responses would be

attention to a visual recognition task.

temporal lobe

auditory cortex wernicke's area (comprehension), antero/retrograde amnesia right lobe = nonverbal

A patient's employer, spouse, school, or the court requests PHI, an _____________________________ must be secured.

authorization from the patient

huntington's disease due to what

autosomal dominant gene

covert sensitization

aversive conditioning that takes place through the imagination. Requires one to imagine unpleasant scenes & pair the images with the targeted behavior

escape vs avoidance conditioning

avoidance; one can avoid negative reinforcer all together, escape is just escaping it (avoidance combines classical conditioning)

explicit memories

awareness of remembering, can be revealed by testing memory; AKA declarative memory. Semantic & episodic memory


based on Murray's theory of needs

self-directed search

based on holland's RIASEC, must match job's requirements.

Subpoenas are issued by lawyers, and can not ______________.

be ignored

separation anxiety

begins at 6-8 months, intense btwn 14-18 months

Variable Interval Schedule (VI)

behavior is unpredictably reinforced

Theory X managers

believe that workers dislike work and avoid it whenever possible; therefore, workers must be directed and controlled.

intermittent (partial) schedule of reinforcement

best to switch to this after establishing a behavior. results in greater resistance to extinction. 4 types: fixed ration, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval

centralized network

better for simple task


better job outcome with personality-environment fit when person exhibits a high degree of differentiation (high score on domain and low on rest of riasec)

nativist approach

biological mechanism and universal pattern

PET scan/fMRI

bloodflow and function

Which is the most common anticholinergic side-effect?

blurred vision

ocd and adhd

both develop repetitive routines

dementia pugilistica

boxing dementia progressive

gender stability

boys grow up to be men and etc

side effects of propranol (inderal)

bradycardia and depression


brain and spinal cord (connects to PNS)

sexual dimorphism

brain is diff for male/female

rehm's self-control theory

brief group tx:self-monitoring, evaluation, reinforcement

sensory memory

brief storage for information gained by sense; info available for 2-3 seconds, capacity unlimited,

frontal lobe

broca's area (expressive), primary motor cortex, complex


build up of fluid of ventricles in brain

bilingual ability vs monolingual

by adolescence they both are the same in terms of cognitive tests

gender constancy

by age 7, know that one can't change gender by changing external appearance

retrograde amnesia

can learn & recall new information, but no memory before the trauma; extensive retrograde amnesia rare & more serious than anterograde amnesia. may signify a lack of physiological etiology.

split-brain patient

can name object in right visual field, but can't pick it up with left hand

tricyclics side effects

cardiotoxic, anticholinergic side effects, fine hand tremor

tiedman and o'hara

career decision-making model related to ego identity development: anticipation phase: explore and make choice implementation phase: in job

career concept

career decisions

social learning to change someone's view you would look at their?

categories of judgment

basal ganglia- motor actions

caudate nucleus putamen globus pallidus

In Huntington's Disease, the first brain structure to show signs of damage is the

caudate nucleus.

Temporal Lobe Damage

cause hallucinations, delusions, and mood disturbance. Also produces deficits in declarative memory and episodic memory.

2 types of communication networks

cenralized: Y, chain, wheel: must pass through single person decentralized network: : circle, all-channel: members discuss info freely (better for complex tasks)

multi-component model

central executive phonological loop visuo-spatial sketchpad episodic buffer

trace decay theory

change in brain but decays over time without use


changes that occur within person due to time

Determinants & Rorschach Scoring

characteristics of blot: form, movement, shading, color form (F): based on perceived form [shape], and scoring includes "form quality," or correspondence to actual form

response generalization

child praised for saying dada, will also say mama and baba

gender identity

children recognize they are male or female, by age 3

The most frequent complaints among individuals diagnosed with Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder include

chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary symptoms

Preamble, Psychologists respect and protect _______ and ______ _____ and the principles of freedom of inquiry and expression.

civil and human rights

Goals & txt outcome

clarity on goals is moderate predictor of outcome

Research using a "dismantling strategy" suggest that the most critical component of systematic desensitization is

classical extinction.

Therapist emotional stability & txt outcome

clear, modest relationship to txt outcome

When using a collection agency, the most limited information should be used, typically just ____________________ and __________.

client's name; amount of money owed

When a subpoena received, the psychologist must seek the _______________________.

client's permission to release information

atypical antipsychotics

clozapine, resperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine positive and negative sx motor disorders too act on d4 (dopamine), serotonin, glutamate side effects; anticholinergic, sedation, lowered seizure threshold, extrapyrmidal side effects are lower, except akathesia aranulocytosis; low wbc. still can cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome, lower chance of tardive dyskensia

sedative-hypnotics (barbituates, anxiolytics, alcohol)

cns depressants causes dependence (cross-tolerance), w/drawal is dangerous benzos (end in -pam/-lam) = anxiety drugs (gaba) *buspirone = no sedation, but takes longer to work

When clients information is entered into databases, measures such as ____________________ should be taken.

coding of personal identifiers


coefficient alpha

Research, excessive financial or other inducements are prohibited as they may act as _____________.



cog impairment in older adults

PASS model of intelligence

cognitive assessment system. age 5-17

Dementia due to HIV Disease includes:

cognitive slowing, impaired attention, and forgetfulness; apathy and social withdrawal; and clumsiness and leg weakness.

what technique is good for reducing aggression

cognitive training

Financial, psychologist must inform clients before using a ____________________, and provide the opportunity to make prompt payment.

collection agency

jungian archetype

collective unconscious

assessment for disabilities

columbia mental maturity: does not require verbal or fine motor skills peabody picture vocab: estimates verbal iq, good for ppl with motor or speech impairment haptic scale for adult blind, uses tactile stimuli hiskey-nebraska: use for hearing/language problem

avoidance conditioning

combination of classical conditioning & negative reinforcement. Illustrated by Mower's 2-factor theory of learning--something "bad" occurs when something neutral occurs (light & shock). avoidance response reinforced by the termination of fear/anxiety each time situation is avoided. Very resistant to extinction

Differential Reinforcement for Other behaviors (DRO)

combination of operant extinction & positive reinforcement. involves non-reinforcement (extinction) of the target behavior & reinforcement of all other non-target behaviors


comes from "out there" and occurs at around the same time that the IV is administered

Communication-interaction therapy espouses that communication has both a "report" function and a

command function

type A

competitive impatient hostile


complex behaviors like baking a cake, all steps important

decentralized network

complex tasks and more satisfaction

When it is required, should provide accurate information and obtain approval from host institutions before ____________________.

conducting research

____________ is the right to have communications kept within the bounds of the professional client-therapist relationship.


Should make research data available for replication, assuming ________________________ are addressed.

confidentiality and legal concerns

Psychologists should make advance plans to protect the __________________________________ in case of death or incapacity.

confidentiality of records and data

If you learn of ethical violation directly from client: protect ______ above all, and down report unless you receive a _____________ from client.

confidentiality; release of information

Standard-reporting ethical violations, further action should not be taken if ______________ will be violated, or if you were retained to ______________________________.

confidentiality; review the work of a psychologist whose conduct was in question

rational-economic model

consider all possibilities


construct validity- degree to which it measures the ultimate criterion

what is a source of error for split-half reliability and coefficient of alpha?

content sampling coefficeint of alpha also has another source of error: heterogeneity of the content domain (so coefficient of alpha is smaller for all the sections of eppp than for the eppp covering only test construction)

Interruption of psych services, must make plans for ____________________________ in the event of relocation, illness death, client's financial limitations etc.

continuation of care

HIPPA - Psychologist Duties, Psychologists must obtain ___________________________ that business associates (e.g., billing companies) comply with HIPAA.

contractual assurances

closed-head injury

contrecoup (opposite side) hemorrhage, edema, amnesias

Publication credit should accurately reflect __________________________.

contributions to the research

oblique factors


When participation in research is part of a ________________________________, other alternatives must be made available.

course requirement or option for extra credit

In contrast to subpoena, a ____________ is signed by a judge and carries the weight of the law.

court order

The psychologist must comply with any __________ or held in contempt of court. Psychologist should maintain frequent communication with client and client's attorney.

court order

In a _____________________ privilege does not exist.

court-appointed evaluation

In _________, the client is the client, and therefore the client has confidentiality rights and there is a need for a release

court-ordered therapy

the psychologist must generally obtain a signed release of information from the client in order to communicate with the court

court-ordered therapy

Informed consent exception example, In a __________ evaluation, consent is not obtained. The client is, however, informed of the ___________________ and ______________.

court-ordered; purposes of the evaluation and limits of confidentiality

nondominant- right hemisphere

creativity, facial recognition, spatial relationship

4 horsemen of the apocalypse

criticism, defesniveness, contempt, stonewalling

The variable most directly associated with a need for personal space is

cultural background.

Multiple relationship, when a therapist enters into a non-professional relationship with a ___________, someone ___________, or promises to enter into ___________.

current client; some close to the client; another relationship with client or someone close in the future

The Ethics Code allows for solicitation and use of testimonials, by must never be solicited from ________________, or from any persons who are _______________________.

current clients; vulnerable to undue influence

Guidelines for child custody evaluations, Conducting a ________________ with a current or former client, or conducting therapy with a current or prior _________________ should be avoided.

custody evaluation; custody examinee

Child custody, if not agreement between parents can be reached, the principle of the "_____________________" is used to make determination.

"best interests of the child"

Psychologists still should not enter into sexual relationships with former clients unless "________________________" exist.

"most unusual circumstances"

Standard, Conflicts between ethics and law, may never be used "to justify or defend ____________"

"to justify or defend violating human rights"

Interruption of psych services, qualifies the requirement for a continuation of care plan (professional will) with the statement "______________"

"unless otherwise covered by contract"

subjective criterion measures: relative comparative and absolute

relative (comparative) : rater compares 2 or more employees (alleviates rater bias, forces to place some employees at low performance levels, doesn't provide employee feedback) absolute: ratee's performance w/out comparison paired comparison: rate in pairs compared with all forced distribution: grading on curve: assign ratees to a limited number of categories on normal distribution critical incident: supervisor observes employee and then marks as good or bad (good for feedback, but only extremes of job, not typical behaviors) forced choice: 2-4 alternatives that best or least describes the employee graphic rating: likert scale (high bias fixed w/specific job behaviors) BARS: identify job behaviors, behavioral anchors (critical incidents). choose one behavior/dimension. (time consuming and expectations of raters interfere)

systematic desensitization

relaxation paired with a mild anxiety provoking situation; can't be relaxed & anxious at the same time. Wolpe, 1949. Hierarchy of fears

Evaluations should be made on "the basis of....actual performance on ____________________________________"

relevant and established program requirements

Assessment tools are to be used appropriately in light of ____________________.

relevant research

consistency aka

reliability (true score variablity)= estimate of the proportion of variablity in examinees' obtained scores that is due to true diffferences among testees on the attributes measured by the test

Hall's High-Context Communication

relies on "restricted codes," culturally-defined meanings, non-verbal messages more characteristic of African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American (contrasted to low-context, =anglo)

shrinking retrograde amnesia

remote memories return first

Wernicke's, Broca's and conduction aphasia share which of the following difficulties?

repeating what is said

differential reinforcement

replace behavior with alternative, reinforce with token vs child self-reinforcing with hand flapping

Newly Revised Strong Interest Inventory

representative of general US workforce General Occupational Themes (GOTs): Holland's six expanded to include technology Basic Interest Scales (BISs): 30 w/ contemporary interests Occupational Scales (OSs): 244 Personal Style Scales: work style, learning env't, leadership, risk taking, team orientation Administrative Indices: type and consistency of responses computer scored, longitudinal (predictive) validity of success, satisfaction

According to Erikson, an adolescent who is unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs. identity confusion psychosocial conflict will exhibit:


The Standards for educational and Psychological Testing, test users should have a sound technical and professional basis for their actions, which can be derived from ______________________________________.

research done by test developers and publishers

scallop effect

responding (behavior occurrence) very slow/non-existent immediately following a reinforcement, increases & is finally very rapid right before next reinforcement. E.g. child exhibiting good behavior immediately before X-mas

superstitious learning/ adventitious reinforcement

responses that are reinforced accidentally by the coincidental pairing of response & reinforcement. Produces superstitious behavior

Overcorrection typically involves

restitution, guided movement, and positive practice.

Research debriefing, Participants are entitled to a prompt opportunity to obtain information about the research, including _______________________.

results and conclusions

type 2 error

retain a false null hypothesis equal to beta

Statements by others, psychologists _______ for public statements even when they hire someone else to promote them.

retain responsibility


reward behavior in small steps until goal is achieved, ultimate goal is important only

When psychologists serve in more than one role in a judicial or administrative proceeding, they should clarify ______________________, and update clarification as often as __________.

roles and limits of confidentiality; changes occur

theory of work adjustment (twa)

satisfaction (actual work) and satisfactoriness (worker's skills)

HIPAA, Duties of the Psychologist, compliance is "______________", meaning more is expected of a hospital than a private practitioner.


beck's cbt

schemas automatic thougts cog. distortions cog. triad (- view of self, world and future) tx: collaborative empiricism, timie limited (~15 sessions), structured, goal-oriented, socratic dialogue, relapse prevention

prefrontal cortex

schizo problem

A high level of expressed emotion by family members has been found to be predictive of relapse for which of the following disorders?

schizophrenia, eating disorders, and mood disorders.

Preamble, work toward increasing __________ and ________ knowledge of behavior and people's understanding of themselves.

scientific and professional

Psychologists should always base their work on the ________ and ______ knowledge that has been established in the field of psychology.

scientific and professional

Minimizing intrusions to privacy, Psychologists should discuss confidential information only for ________________________, and should include only the confidential information ______________________________

scientific or professional purposes, necessary when preparing oral or written reports

Deception in research, should be avoided unless: 1. justified by the study's "significant prospective ___________________________."

scientific, educational, or applied value

higher-order conditoning aka second-order

second US paired with CR, it also became CR.


secondary sex characteristics (earlier in usa)

attachment pattersn

secure: mild upset when mom gone, seeks comfort when she returns(moms are responsive to baby) insecure/ambivalent: very disturbed when alone, angry when ma returns and comfort (moms are moody and inconsistent) insecure/avoidant: low distress when alone, ignores when ma returns (moms are impatient or unresponsive or too stimulating) disorganized: fear of caregiver

according to super, what depends on job satisfaction, stability and success?


info processing model of memory

sensory - lot of info but few seconds stm- limited info, 30 seconds, 7 +/-2 ltm-unlimited, semantic, recent/remote

echoic store

sensory store for auditory information

HIPAA, in order to be considered "psychotherapy notes" and be afforded special protection, the notes must be "_________________________________________"

separated from the rest of individual's medical record

Cooperation/other professionals, Psychologists should cooperate with other professionals, as appropriate, in order to ________________.

serve best interests of clients

phylogenetic scale

sex hormone less important, learning and experiencing more important

All information gathered in a court-appointed evaluation may be shared with court, no __________________ is needed.

signed release of information

primary hypertension

silent killer, unknown cause

identical elements

similarity between learning and actual experience

partial seizures

simple-no loc complex-aloc

Your friend Bill has been involved in a motorcycle accident that resulted in a head injury. His neurologist has indicated taht Bill is experiencing aphasia. As a knowledgeable psychologist, you would give Bill the following news about his injury except:

since he is right-handed he will probably exhibit milder aphasia

holophrastic speech

single word to convey whole sentence

chi-square test

single-sample: one variable multiple-sample: more than one variable only one nominal variable; does patient's dad have schizo, mom have schizo or do both have schizo? (multiple variable would be the parents and the subtypes of schizo)

advance sleep phase

sleep and awaken early in older adults, not less sleep needed

sleep deprivation

sleep deprivation and alcohol related accidents are same


small unit of sound that convey meaning

difference threshold aka JND (just noticeable difference(

smallest diff in stimulus to detect difference


smallest unit of sound that are understood in a language

The research suggests that, to control excessive aggression in children, the best approach is:

social skills training


somatic nervous autonomic nervous (parasympathetic - decrease, and sympathetic-fight or flight) relays info between cns and body organs

post-concussional syndrome

somatic/psychological sx occur in up to 50% ppl with tbi, most resolve within 3 months

parietal lobe

somatosensory cortex damage= apraxia, anosognosia gerstmann= agraphia, acalcula, finger agnosia

escape conditioning

some action an organism takes to get away from an aversive stimulus (i.e. a negative reinforcer)--torture--provide answers & torture ceases

vocab of 18 month old

speak 50 words

Standard-informal resolution of ethical violations, ethical violation by another psychologist, should ______ to the colleague, assuming an "informal resolution" seems appropriate and ______________ will not be violated.

speak directly; confidentiality

Following a stroke, a patient exhibits right hemiplegia. Other symptoms are likely to include

speech-language deficits (the left side of the brain is affected) and slow-cautious behavior style.

internal consistency reliability is not appropriate for what tests?


Which of the following descriptive words for tests are most opposite in nature?

speed and power

spearman-brown formula

spilt-half reliability

split-half reliability

split test into 2 and correlate scores. as length of test decreases so does reliability, so use spearman-brown formula to correct this

what are 2 ways of measuring internal consistency?

split-half reliability and Cronbach's coefficient alpha (both administer the test once to a single group)

Kuder-Richardson reliability applies to

split-half reliability.

standard deviation

square root of the variance 68% (SD1) 95% (SD2) 99% (SD3)

what is used to construct confidence interval around predicted score?

standard error of estimate

Although not mandatory, it is generally considered to be ___________________________ to secure informed consent in written format.

standard of practice


startle response flings arms and legs outward

positive reinforcement

stimulus applied & behavior increases

negative reinforcement

stimulus removed & behavior increases. associated with 2 types of behavior escape & avoidance

Plagiarism is _______________________.

strictly prohibited

levels of processing model of memeory

structural phonemic semantic; best/ meaning


structure only


study btwn physica stimulus and corresponding psychological sensations

experimental neurosis

subject distress when it can't discriminate

behavioral contrast

subject reinforced for two behaviors and one stops being reinforced, the other behavior will increase

stimulus generalization

subjects responds similarly as the original CS to similar object (salivate to 400hz vs 300 hz when original is 500hz)

Subpoenas, requires the therapist to appear with client records.

subpoena duces tecum

Ethically, psychologists may refuse to release test data if would cause "_____________" or the "_________________ of test data." Laws may still require release nevertheless.

substantial harm, misuse or misinterpretation

Exceptions to the requirement for predetermination counseling include when actions of the client make it impossible (e.g., ________________), or when it is ___________________.

sudden refusal to attend therapy sessions; prohibited by third-party payors

Conflict of interest, no professional relationship with someone that you already have other relationships with, if impairs objectivity, competence, or effectiveness, or that other party would __________

suffer harm or exploitation

What is needed for a successful malpractice lawsuit against a psychologist

sufficient harm

In African-Americans

suicide occurs at the highest rate among individuals between the ages of 20-34.


superior and inferior colliculi substantia nigra reticular formation (RAS- consciousness, arousal and wakefullness)

When state law is stricter, it __________________.

supersedes HIPAA

Specifically, when HIPAA is stricter, it ___________________________.

supersedes state law

In a consultee-centered case consultation, the consultant's roles is most similar to a


Low LPC Leaders

task and achievement oriented

scientific management

taylor: workers motivated by money; differential piece-rate system

self-fulfilling prophecy (rosenthal)

teacher's expectations have an effect on outcome (females put down for lack of ability, but praised for trying) boys better in visuo-spatial and math, girls verbal compensatory programs- better in long run montesori method- child centered, sensory learning and paced individually by age 7, kids know that TV is not reality and age 8 for commercials are marketing not entertainment

Hersey and Blanchard

telling style = more effective when an employee's ability and willingness to accept responsibility are low. selling-style = high task orientation and high relationship orientation. participatory-style = low task orientation and high relationship orientation. delegating-style = both low task and low relationship orientation.

Kuder Vocational Preference Record (KVP-R)

ten broad vocational areas & based on content validity forced choice, ipsative scores reveal strength/weakness, grades 6-12

3 types of validity

test's accuracy: is it measuring what it's meant to? 1. content: familiarity with a particular content (mostly achievement tests and job sample test) 2. construct: possesses a particular hypothetical trait (high correlation of convergent and low correlation of divergent) 3. criterion-related: status/performance on an external criterion (multitrait-multimethod matrix: organize data for convergent/divergent validity, this matrix contains 4 correlation coefficients)

Studies looking at the outcomes for rejected and neglected children have found:

that rejection is more stable than neglect.

Simultaneous Conditioning

the CS & US are presented at the same time. Moderately effective

reinforcement--classical conditioning

the CS as a signal has been confirmed by being followed by the US

higher order conditioning

the CS becomes a US for another stimulus--bell paired with a light to elicit salivation

sustained attention

the ability to direct & focus cognitive activity on specific stimuli over an extended period of time (EPPP studying)

cognitive map

the acquisition of a cognitive structure

A child receives a performance IQ score that is higher than Verbal IQ score on the WISC-III. When interpreting this difference, it is important to keep in mind that:

the difference may be significant if it is 12 points or more and the scatter on the Performance subtests is less than 9 points and the scatter on the Verbal subtests is less than 7 points.


the experimental conditions become the CS, esp. for fear responses. Dog in lab. Bell paired with a shock, but the bell does not elicit the fear response outside the experimental room

In whites

the highest rate of suicide occurs near the end of the life cycle.

stimulus generalization

the learning (a CS eliciting a CR) can generalize to similar stimuli --e.g. Pavlov's dog buzz instead of bell still get salivation

in posivite distrubtion, what do 3 measures look like?

the mean is greater than median which greater than mode

The best explanation for group member's reluctance to provide negative feedback to one another is

the mum effect.

Coding Personality Disorders on a separate axis, according to the DSM-IV-TR, is due to:

the need to reduce the possibility of being overlooked.

Psychologists DO NOT have to inform clients at _____________________ that they may use a collection agency at some point, however they must give clients _______________ before one is used to allow opportunity to pay.

the outset of treatment; sufficient warning

HIPAA's three rules:

the privacy rule, transaction rule, and the security rule

when probability of makign a type 1 error increases

the probabiliyto making type 2 error decreases

Following a stroke, a woman complains of numbness in her left hand and she does not respond to images presented to her left visual field. She most likely suffered damage in:

the right postcentral gyrus

The Standards for educational and Psychological Testing, Although the test developer should supply needed information, the ultimate responsibility for appropriate test use lies with ______________.

the user

operant extinction

the withdrawal of reinforcement from a previously reinforced behavior so that the behavior is decreased or eliminated

normal distribution, what do 3 measures look like?

they are all the same value

protocol analysis

think aloud, record the subject


thinking about thinking or knowing about knowing.

Frontal Lobe

thinking, planning, organizing, inhibition, shifting sets, contains dopamine centers of the brain, reward, attention, motivation

multi-store model

three levels--sensory memory; 2) short-term memory; 3) long-term memory

secondary reinforcer

tokens, gold stars (money is generalized secondary reinforcer bc it can be traded for primary reinforcer)

gate-control theory

too much info, cells in spinal cord block incoming pain signals (massage, heat/cold, mental activites)


touch cheek and turns head

sensate focus

touch pleasure, no sex. counterconditioning. good for performance anxiety


tows fan out

best way to improve rating accuary?

train raters , rate specific behaviors vs global traits and name critical incidents FOR training (frame of reference): provide training to raters on what constitutes effective and ineffective performance on each dimension

work samples

trainability tests and rjp (Realistic job preview)

HIPPA - Psychologist Duties, Psychologists must ensure employees are ______________________ with HIPAA requirements.

trained and compliant

"Theme Interference" is analogous to


Technically, compliance with HIPAA's rules is only required when health information is _______________________________.

transmitted in some electronic form,

HIPAA allows for the disclosures of PHI for the purposes of _______________, _____________, or to carry out _____________________.

treatment, payment, health care operations

point biserial

true dichotomy (male or female) ; interval or ratio IQ score

alternative forms reliability

two equivalent forms of thet test are given to the same group. coefficient of equivalence= test administered at same time. coefficient of equivalence and stability= test administered over long period of time. used for attributes that are stable over time (aptitude, but not mood)

Psychologists may never have sex with a former client unless at least ________ have passed.

two years

thermal biofeedback

tx for reynaud's disease, combined with autogenic training for migraines

ultimate vs actual criterion

ultimate : complete measure of performance actual: way performance is actually measured

deep structure of language

underlying meaning of sentences

The Ethics Code explicitly states that a multiple relationship is not in and of itself ______________.


3 stages of organizational change

unfreezing changing refreezing

long term memory

unlimited capacity; info gets into LTM from STM, process seems to be related to elaborative rehearsal.

serial position effect

unrelated words given in a list to memorize. words recalled from beginning & end of list best words in LTM & STM respectively, middle words affected by interference

An employer CANNOT refuse to hire someone because of an ______________________ against him or her.

unresolved ethics complaint pending

metalinguisitc awareness at age 7

use language as communicatoin tool, use humor

semantic bootstrapping

use meaning of words to infer category

syntatic bootstrapping

use of syntatical knowledge to understand meaning of words

utility analysis

used in organizations to get program's financial return on investment

code switching

using 2 languages at same time

Premack Principle

using a high probability behavior to reinforce a low probability behavior--referred to as "Grandma's rule"--1st work, then play

how is a confidence interval setup?

using the standard error of measurement and obtained score

intercept bias

validity coefficients and criterion perfomance for diff groups are the same, but mean scores on predictor are diff. regression lines cross the y-intercept at diff points


validity scales true response inconsistency & variable response inconsistency consistency in response throughout test

Forensic reports that do not include examination of person, must clarify the effect on _________ and limit ___________ accordingly.

validity; conclusions

bipolar meds

valproic acid and lithium

Preamble, psychologists engage in a __________, such as researcher, educator, etc.

variety of roles

Therapist age & txt outcome

very little relationship; younger clients may do better w/ younger therapist

infant, which sense is worst

vision; close to adult level at 6 months

Charactersitcs that are considered particularly important to leaders include

visionary, creative, flexible, inspiring, courageous, and independent

A person with agnosia is unable to identify a familiar object by sight but does identify it when it is placed in her hand. This is most likely due to

visual not knowing.

flashbulb memory

vivid, detailed memories of emotionally charged or surprising events. most accurate when the event has personal significance or consequences


weight gain, low hr, low temp, depression

continuous reinforcement

when a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs. leads to fast learning, fast satiation, & fast extinction. most useful when establishing a new behavior

one-way ANOVA

when a study includes 1 IV

when can you square a correlation coefficient

when it represents the correlation between two different tests or other variables

criterion contamination.

when rater knows performance on the predictor

response generalization

when reinforcement increases the occurrence of one response also increases the occurrence of similar responses

factorial ANOVA

when study has factorial design; 2 or more IV

the matching law

when subjects provided with 2 or more opportunities for reinforcement, they will respond more to the greater rate of reinforcement. Rat in Skinner box. 2 levers--1 at VR-15 the other at VR-60. the rat will press lever 1 4xs as often as lever 2

when can mean be calculated?

when variable has been measured using a interval or ratio scale

HIPPA allows for PHI disclosure _______________________ for treatment, payment, and operations.

without patient's consent

bona-fide occupational qualification

women for cleaning women's restroom, male for male role in a play


word finding "naming" issue

An organization decides to implement changes based on a job characteristics assessment. Which of the following is least likely to be affected?

work quality

what decreases with age normally

working memory and processing speed

separation from parents

worst at age 9 months (no reaction at 3 months of age) good bond with adopters if by age 6yo

Psychologist may provide services for which they are not fully competent, if an individual...

would otherwise be unable to obtain mental health services

Although not technically needed, it is still considered standard of practice to obtain _____________________ for any disclosures of confidential information.

written consent

HIPAA, Generalized consent, Patients must be informed of a practitioners privacy policy (e.g., given paperwork description), however, they do not have to give _________________________.

written consent

color blindness

x chromosome (more males; most common is red/green) if female to get, both parents must give her traits

theory x vs theory y

x: employees hate work, must be directed and controlled y: as natural as play, self-control/direction (more positive)

sibling relationships

young: play/cooperation middle childhood: closeness/conflict, cooperation/competition (worst for same-sex siblings 1.5- 3 years apart and inconsistent parenting)

most common standard score

z score (mean is 0)


numbness in hands/feet

lassiez-faire parenting


conjuctive vs disjunctive task

disjunctive: best member conjuctive: worst member


various social roles person has. assessed with life-career rainbow

When the Ethics Code sets a higher standard than law, psychologists are bound to uphold "______"

"the higher ethical standard"


a response voluntarily emitted & learned as the result of environmental consequences that follow

Consultation, only share information that is __________________ for purposes of consultation.

absolutely necessary

Consideration and Initiating Structure

According to the Ohio State University studies from 1950's, these are the two dimensions of leadership.


*propranolol (for high bp) not good for asthma and needs to be slowly tapered off

transient tic

1-12 months

kuder tests

10 broad vocational areas

What is another term for what the DSM calls Dementia Due to HIV Disease?

AIDS Dementia Complex

Central Nervous System

Brain and Spinal Cord


Developed a developmental or stage theory.

Bystander apathy

Diffusion of responsibility


Father of classical conditioning


Hypochondriasis bodily/somatic functioning


Impaired balance or coordination

Court Referred Patient

Need informed consent

Systematic Error

Predictable error.

Symbolic modeling

Seeing the behavior filmed or played

What is another term used to refer to people diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder?


This type of Delusional Disorder is characterized by the irrational conviction that one has a physical defect, disorder, or disease.

Somatic Type

What are some of the undesirable side-effects of methylphenidate (Ritalin), which is often used to treat ADHD?

Somatic symptoms (decreased appetite, insomnia, stomach aches); movement abnormalities (motor and vocal tics, stereotyped movements); obsessive-compulsive symptoms (though more common with dextroamphetamine); growth suppression (hence "drug holidays")

premack principle

The idea that you can use a frequency behavior to reinforce the low-frequency

What did Vygotsky stress over Piaget?

Their relationship with others in the family.


This is often used in treating mood disorders.

Temperal Lobe

Where Wernicke's area is located.

spontaneous recovery

a weaker response will reappear if the CS is re-administered


an event (stimulus applied or removed) that decreases behavior


are test scores free from measurement errors

opiod w/drawal

bad flu-like

bounded rationality

choose first best option that comes up


eeg test confirms

Panic Disorder

includes heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, or feeling of choking

infant and preschool tests

not very valid below age 2. denver developmental test: paraprofessionals can use it. bayley scales of infant and toddler dev: easy to admin, current functioning Fagan test: assesses selective attention to novel stimuli.

viagra aka sildenafil

penile tissue, not androgen

multiple successive hurdles

predictors administered one at a time only if previous was passed (saves time/money)

identical elements

predicts that transfer increases as similarity of stimulus & response elements in the training & performance environments increase


secluding or ignoring an individual so that access to reinforcers is cut-off for a specified, short period of time. Based on punishment

According to HIPAA, managed care organizations and other third-party reimbursement entities may not require the release of ___________________________ to provide reimbursement.

psychotherapy notes

anterograde amnesia

recall of previously learned material, but not new material

what is used to construct confidence interval around obtained score?

standard error of measurement


same time

Instructors who will be evaluating a student's work may not provide _______________.

therapy to the student

orthogonal factors



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