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Loving v. Virginia the decision

#1 Is a landmark Civil Rights case #2 In the decision Supreme Court, invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. ... The decision was followed by an increase in interracial marriages in the U.S., and is remembered annually on Loving Day, June 12

Plessy v. Ferguson Decisions #1

(1896) US Supreme Court upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal

Brown v BOE Decision decision # 1

(1954), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Decision #1

1856-1857 the Supreme Court ruled that Americans of African descent, whether FREE or SLAVES, were not American citizens!!!!

Miranda v. Arizona - Miranda the person

1963, Ernesto Miranda was arrested in his house and brought to the police station where he was questioned by police officers in connection with a kidnapping and rape. After two hours of interrogation, the police obtained a written confession from Miranda. The written confession was admitted into evidence at trial despite the objection of the defense attorney and the fact that the police officers admitted that they had not advised Miranda of his right to have an attorney present during the interrogation. The jury found Miranda guilty

Loving v. Virginia - the people

An interracial couple - 17-year-old Mildred Jeter, who was black, and her childhood sweetheart, 23-year-old white construction worker, Richard Loving married. After marrying in Washington, D.C. and returning to their home state in 1958, the couple was charged with unlawful cohabitation and jailed.

Brown v BOE decision impact on society

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka helped to inspire the American civil rights movement of the late 1950s and 1960s.

Dread scott v standford - The Person

Dred Scott, a slave who had lived with his owner in a free state before returning to the slave state of Missouri. Scott argued that his time spent in these locations entitled him to emancipation.

Loving v. Virginia impact on society

In 1967, the year of Loving v. Virginia, 16 states had laws against interracial marriage and those state had to obey the Supreme court decision

Plessy v. Ferguson & Brown v BOE & how they relate.

In the unanimous decision Chief Justice Earl Warren rejected the Plessy doctrine, declaring that "separate educational facilities" were "inherently unequal" because the intangible inequalities of segregation deprived black students of equal protection under the law.

Plessy v. Ferguson - The person

It stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African-American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a Jim Crow car, breaking a Louisiana law.

The Impact of DREAD SCOTT Case reason #1

It was an eye-opener to Northerners who believed that slavery was tolerable as long as it stayed in the South. Led to talk about the civil war. The Dred Scott case became a rallying and contributed to the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860

Miranda v. Arizona - Appeal decision

On appeal, the Supreme Court of Arizona affirmed and held that Miranda's constitutional rights were not violated because he did not specifically request counsel.

Miranda v. Arizona Safeguards

Safeguard # 1 proof that the suspect was aware of his right to be silent, that any statement he makes may be used against him, Safeguard #2 that he has the right to have an attorney present, Safeguard #3 that he has the right to have an attorney appointed to him, Safeguard #4 that he may waive these rights if he does so voluntarily, and that if at any points he requests an attorney there will be no further questioning until the attorney arrives.

Miranda v. Arizona impact on society

The Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona required (for the first time) that someone accused of a crime be informed of his or her constitutional rights prior to interrogation

Miranda v. Arizona - the decision

The Supreme Court held that the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-incrimination is available in all settings. Therefore, prosecution may not use statements arising from a custodial interrogation of a suspect unless certain procedural safeguards were in place. Such safeguards include proof that the suspect was aware of his right to be silent, that any statement he makes may be used against him, that he has the right to have an attorney present, that he has the right to have an attorney appointed to him, that he may waive these rights if he does so voluntarily, and that if at any points he requests an attorney there will be no further questioning until the attorney arrives.

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Decision #2

The court also ruled that Blacks and could not sue in Federal court. The Court also ruled that Congress lacked power to ban slavery in the U.S. territories.

The Impact of DREAD SCOTT Case reason #2

The decision took away any power Congress once had to regulate slavery in new territories And once slavery expanded into the territories, it could spread quickly into the once-free states.

Brown v BOE Decision decision # 2

it was decided that racial segregation of children in public school violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

Plessy v. Ferguson impact on society

the decision allowed Jim Crow laws, which were a system of laws meant to discriminate against African Americans, spread across the U.S. For decades, any type of public facility could be legally separated into 'whites only' and 'blacks only.' That meant that buses, water fountains, lunch counters, restrooms, movie theaters, schools, courtrooms, and even the United States Army could all be segregated.

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