Essence 17-20

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Why was the building of the second temple so important for the Jewish people and religion?

A temple could help them get back on track with their worship. However the scripture is clear that God is more concerned about the spirit of worship than the place.

What can we learn from this book about the role the Word of God has in our walk with God

After Ezra read the Law, the people turned their hearts back to God.

How did Ezra's reforms set the standards for Orthodox Judaism?

The Jew's could not intermarry with foreign women, Israel's religious and spiritual identity was preserved.

How can we trace God's hand in our lives even when we can't see His face or hear His name?

We know that God will fulfill His promises because He says He will in His word. We need to trust and Obey

How can we keep a proper balance between spiritual devotion and external legalism?

What we do should be intended to bring God glory. We need to be devoted to God and following His commands but that is not our salvation. Our salvation comes through Christ alone.

Why do many believe that Ezra may have been the author of the Chronicles?

because the babylonian Talmud makes it appear that he did

What are the three blessings that God gives the whole world through the Jewish people?

1. the Scripture 2. The savior 3. The future kingdom

What significant roles do David and Solomon play in the history of the Chronicles?

David is shown as a positive example which will motivate others to follow. The chronicler wanted to show David's importance for worship

Chapter 19 Nehemiah

Chapter 19 Nehemiah

Chapter 20 Ester

Chapter 20 Ester

How does Chronicles differ from the books of Samuel and Kings?

Chronicles was from the perspectives of the Priests and included some details that would pertain to preists

were the books of Kings or Chronicles written in more of a positive light? Why

Chronicles were written in a more positive light. The chronicler was trying to encourage the returning exiles to resume temple worship.

What does Esther's experience tell us about God's working in our own lives?

God places us in unique circumstances to work His plan. We have to trust in His plan with faith.

How did Nehemiah overcome the various obstacles that hindered the work he was doing? What can we learn from Nehemiah to overcome barriers that face us today?

He remained faithful to the vision that God had given him.

How do we see God's providence at work in the events described in the book of Ezra?

God used the Babylonian exile to punish His people then He used the religious tolerance of the Persian empire to allow Israel to return home.

What lessons can be learned about pride and humility in the book of Esther?

Haman was a wicked man but he was also full of pride. Ester came humbly before the King

How does the author use themes of devotion and apostasy to challenge his postexilic readers?

He shows that temple defilement results in forfeiture of blessings

How did God use Esther to protect the messianic line of Christ?

He used her courage to save the people. God would have save the people one way or the other but He allowed Ester to be a part of it.

How did Ezra's love for the Word of God influence his life and ministry?

He was careful to obey the laws and received God's blessing for it

What is God challenging you to do to make a difference in your world today?

I feel that God has called me to help people live healthier lives. I don't know exactly what that will look like but I trust God in the matter.

What do Critical scholars have against the book of Ester?

It is the only OT book missing in the Dead sea scrolls, It is the only OT book in which the Name of God does not appear

What is the difference between the books of Kings and Chronicles?

Kings was the perspective of the prophets and chronicles was written by the priests

What do we know about the godly character of Nehemiah? What does his walk with God say to us about being a leader today?

Nehemiah relied on God. He referred to Him as the God of heaven.

How is God's presence revealed in the book of Esther?

The Jew's clearly had a reliance on God since they would fast and pray. God worked to spare the Jewish people from eradication.

Study the principles of leadership exercised by Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls. Make a list of spiritual principles then a list of natural principles that were effective. How did Nehemiah blend these two factors together?

Spiritual: He prayed, he relied on God's timing and works. Natural: He planned, He delegated, he checked in, he defended himself and his workers. He did not use his leadership for his own gain. He partook in the work himself.

What lessons can we learn from these books about the importance of worship in our own lives?

the major theme of the Chronicles is true worship. God is worthy of our worship

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