Essential Interviewing Midterm 2

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affective component

(a person's feelings or emotions toward and object or event) back to the client.

Summarization of content is a systematic integration

(the act of combining a series of individual skills into a continuous interview in an orderly manner). Summarization of content requires interviewer to listen carefully to recall accurately major themes discussed by client.

Reflecting feeling

A response involving listening carefully to client and the feeding back to client what she or he has said more concisely in your own words.

Reflecting content

A response involving listening carefully to client and then feeding back to client what he or she has said concisely in her own words.

In interviewing, confrontations is:

A skill in which the interviewer draw to the attention of the client discrepant aspects of the client's verbal or non-verbal behavior.

Summarization is:

A systematic integration of the important themes in a clients story, not a mechanical means of pulling a number of facts together.

Confrontation should not include:

Accusations, evaluations, or solutions to problems.


Allows a client to review what has been said in an interview

Mixed emotions

Are common in human interaction and it is therefore important to reflect as many feeling that are present in the clients message as possible.

An important aspect of communicating feeling is:

Being aware of your reactions to what is being said by the client, focusing exclusively on your own reactions and 'Bracketing out' what the client is saying for a brief moment and the ability to identify and monitor your own feelings.

Your own natural mode of interviewing is developed:

By integrating the individual skills, using each when your feeling it is appropriate.

The best way to help a client collect their thoughts and organize their concerns is:

By summarizing content in as concise , accurate and timely way.

'Why' questions:

Can be uses effectively, although they often put clients on the defensive.

The Rogerian Revolution

Carl Rogers-most influential psychotherapist, first to record his interviews and make them available for research Rogers stressed empathetic listening of client's story & communicating therapist's understanding of client's world as the client experiences it.

Communicating feeling & immediacy

Chapter presents examples of appropriate and inappropriate communications of feeling and immediacy.


Confrontation involves identifying discrepancies or inconsistencies in a client's behavior and bringing them to client's attention

When a confrontation is used and a client responds by trying to argue with, discredit, or pretend to agree with you, you should:

Continue to confront the client.

confrontation brings to the attention of clients:

Discrepancies in their actions and discrepancies in their words.

Clients from some cultural groups may view confrontation as:

Disrespectful and insensitive

empathetic listening

Effective active listening skills activate positive regions in the brain. Empathetic listening to clients enhances abstract reward system, the ability to appraise and predict other's emotions and understand emotional experience of others.

Open questions:

Encourage a client to discuss problems with you

Accurate reflective content can:

Encourage and reassure clients who are threatened by discussing their feelings.

When communicating feeling, it is important to:

Express your feeling in a manner that respects the client and the realtionship.

The purpose of reflecting feeling is to:

Facilitate client exploration of feeling in greater detail and facilitate client understanding of hidden emotions

Reflection of feeling

Focuses on the emotion aspect of a client's comments

In an interview, feelings may be

Found in the client's direct communication, inferred from the client's story and inferred from the content of the client's communication. All of the above

Reflecting feeling involves:

Identifying client emotions and then rephrasing this affective component back to the client.

Which statement is true?

In the early stages of the interview, it is important to listen, problem solving and information giving come much later.

Your response and behavior

Indicate your attention or lack of it, and significantly influence your relationship with a client

When interviewers suspect that their biases and feeling are interfering with the relation with the client, they should:

Inform the client of this is make alternative arrangements if the client wishes

Communicating feeling

Is similar to reflecting feeling, expect that the emphasis is on the interviewer's feelings rather than on the client's

Which is true?

It is important to identify positive emotions and it is to identify negative ones.

Programmed learning is:

Learning single micro skills of the interview by further breaking them down into manageable teaching units or frames

Before you can ask effective questions, you must:

Listen carefully and attend to what the client is saying.

Because client issues are developed in a cultural context, it is important to:

Listen for family and cultural issues that affect the client.

Reflecting content involves:

Listening carefully to, then feeding back the essence of what the client has said in the interviewer's own words

Which statement is true in this situation?

Occasionally, a client may say one thing with words while saying something entirely different with actions.

Which statement is true about open and closed ended question?

Open questions elicit information for the interviewer and assist a client in exploring and clarifying his or her concerns, while closes questions accomplished only the former.

Paraphrasing involves:

Paying careful attention to the essence, or main idea pf the clients statement, rather than their specific words.

When clients lack capacity to provide informed consent, interviewers must do the following:

Provide an appropriate explanation to the client. Seek the individual's assent. Consider the client's preference and best interest. Obtain permission from an appropriate third party. Interviewers should ensure that the third party acts in a manner consistent with the client's wishes and interests.

Feeling reflections are most effective when they

Reflect and explore feelings that represent a client's present emotional state.

Whenever the client finds it difficult to discuss feelings, you should:

Reflect content and gradually introduce reflections of feeling when the client becomes comfortable talking about their feelings.

Good confrontation often include:

Reflections of feeling both during and after confrontation concerning the client's difficulty in facing discrepancy being discussed.

According to the Rogerian theory, it is important to:

Refrain from moving to more action oriented interviewing phases until the unique experiences of the client are fully understood

integrating your exploration skills

Reviews preceding skills in an interview allowing you to see how well you have mastered material Integrates exploration skills, e.g., attending behavior, questions, and reflections of content and feeling. Developing a personal style emphasized.

Misuse of questioning can occur when

Several questions are asked at once, because clients can quickly become confused.


Should not be avoided because of concern that the client will hurt and should not be uses to express anger or tp punish or get even with client.

When interviewers are embarrassed by a client's positive complimentary remarks they

Sometimes contradict the client, which denies them the right to express positive feelings.

Effective questioning

Teaches how to ask open and closed questions and to make minimal encouragements.

confrontations should be:

Tentative and non-judgmental

The foundation of the interview is:

The ability to listen and understand the client.

When Parroting occurs in an interview

The interview tend to become circular rather than progressive.

When interviewing, confrontation is:

The interviewer should be flexible and adapt his or her used of skills to accommodate the clients culture.

Summarizations are used to

The together multiple elements of the client's story, to identify common themes, to focus rambling client, to moderate the pace of the interviews and to review the progress.

Clients are often receptive to which kind of confrontation?

Those that begin with such phrases as could it be and you tend to suggest.

The main purpose of open question is:

To encourage clients to talk freely and openly about their situations thoughts and feelings.

The purpose of paraphrasing is:

To encourage the client to provide more detail and to ensure the communication is being understood by both the client and the interviewer.

The task of the Interviewer is:

To help clients find new ways of thinking and feeling as well as new behaviors and coping skills

Interviewers use minimal encouragers:

To indicate that they are attending to what clients are saying, and to encourage clients to continue talking

The effective interviewer:

Uses both closes and open questions, but uses open questions whenever possible.

Immediacy focuses on:

What is occurring in the immediate relationship between the interviewer and the client

The four methods used to introduce an open questions are:

What, how, could, and why

Closed questions can be answered:

With yes, no or a specific fact.

When you reflect feelings

You indicate you can accurately sense the world as the client feels and perceives it; as a result, you can build a good relationship with the client

Because confrontation frequently focuses on material that is stressful to the client:

confrontation should only be uses when a good relationship exists between the interviewer and the client.

Attending behavior

focuses on your general listening skills. It also sharpens attending skills such as eye contact and appropriate verbal and nonverbal contact.

frame of reference

interviewer should be aware of client's set of assumptions determining behavior

"Miracle question"

used often to lead client to clearer goals and identify client strengths Interviewer and client develop a plan for generalizing new learning in into real world after goals and abilities are determined

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