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Warehouse stock records are the formal accounting records for inventory

b. two subsystems-sales order processing and cash receipts

1. The revenue cycle consists of a. one subsystem-order entry b. two subsystems-sales order processing and cash receipts c. two subsystems-order entry and inventory control d. three subsystems-sales order processing, credit authorization, and cash receipts

a. updating the inventory subsidiary records

10. The billing department is not responsible for a. updating the inventory subsidiary records b. recording the sale in the sales journal c. notifying accounts receivable of the sale d. sending the invoice to the customer

b. the backordered goods are shipped

11. Customers should be billed for back-orders when a. the customer purchase order is received b. the backordered goods are shipped c. the original goods are shipped d. customers are not billed for backorders because a backorder is a lost sale

b. sales of goods at the list price

12. Usually specific authorization is required for all of the following except a. sales on account which exceed the credit limit b. sales of goods at the list price c. a cash refund for goods returned without a receipt d. write off of an uncollectible account receivable

a. opening the mail and making the journal entry to record cash receipts

13. Which of following functions should be segregated? a. opening the mail and making the journal entry to record cash receipts b. authorizing credit and determining reorder quantities c. maintaining the subsidiary ledgers and handling customer queries d. providing information on inventory levels and reconciling the bank statement

a. the mailroom clerk authorizes credit memos

14. Which situation indicates a weak internal control structure? a. the mailroom clerk authorizes credit memos b. the record keeping clerk maintains both accounts receivable and accounts payable subsidiary ledgers c. the warehouse clerk obtains a signature before releasing goods for shipment d. the accounts receivable clerk prepares customer statements every month

d. require management approval for all credit memoranda

15. The most effective internal control procedure to prevent or detect the creation of fictitious credit memoranda for sales returns is to a. supervise the accounts receivable department b. limit access to credit memoranda c. prenumber and sequence check all credit memoranda d. require management approval for all credit memoranda

c. prepare monthly customer statements

16. The accounts receivable clerk destroys all invoices for sales made to members of her family and does not record the sale in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. Which procedure will not detect this fraud? a. prenumber and sequence check all invoices b. reconcile the accounts receivable control to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger c. prepare monthly customer statements d. reconcile total sales on account to the debits in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger

b. accounts payable

17. Which department is least likely to be involved in the revenue cycle? a. credit b. accounts payable c. billing d. shipping

c. packing slip

18. Which document is included with a shipment sent to a customer? a. sales invoice b. stock release form c. packing slip d. shipping notice

a. all sales are profitable

19. Good internal controls in the revenue cycle should ensure all of the following except a. all sales are profitable b. all sales are recorded c. credit is authorized d. inventory to be shipped is not stolen

c. the goods shipped match the goods ordered

2. The reconciliation that occurs in the shipping department is intended to ensure that a. credit has been approved b. the customer is billed for the exact quantity shipped c. the goods shipped match the goods ordered d. inventory records are reduced for the goods shipped

b. authorize credit

20. Which control does not help to ensure that accurate records are kept of customer accounts and inventory? a. reconcile accounts receivable control to accounts receivable subsidiary b. authorize credit c. segregate custody of inventory from record keeping d. segregate record keeping duties of general ledger from accounts receivable

a. computing bad debt expense using the percentage of credit sales

21. Internal controls for handling sales returns and allowances do not include a. computing bad debt expense using the percentage of credit sales b. verifying that the goods have been returned c. authorizing the credit memo by management d. using the original sales invoice to prepare the sales returns slip

a. a batch total of sales invoices to be prepared compared to the actual number of sales

22. The printer ran out of preprinted sales invoice forms and several sales invoices were not printed. The best internal control to detect this error is a. a batch total of sales invoices to be prepared compared to the actual number of sales invoices prepared b. sequentially numbered sales invoices c. visual verification that all sales invoices were prepared d. none of the above will detect this error

c. Shipping

23. Which department prepares the bill of lading? a. Sales b. Warehouse c. Shipping d. Credit

a. the cash prelist with bank deposit slips

24. A weekly reconciliation of cash receipts would include comparing a. the cash prelist with bank deposit slips b. the cash prelist with remittance advices c. bank deposit slips with remittance advices d. journal vouchers from accounts receivable and general ledger

c. mail room

25. At which point is supervision most critical in the cash receipts system? a. accounts receivable b. general ledger c. mail room d. cash receipts

d. none of the above

26. A cash prelist is a. a document that records sales returns and allowances b. a document returned by customers with their payments c. the source of information used to prepare monthly statements d. none of the above

b. current inventory information is available

27. An advantage of real-time processing of sales is a. the cash cycle is lengthened b. current inventory information is available c. hard copy documents provide a permanent record of the transaction d. data entry errors are corrected at the end of each batch

b. transfer of information among modules occurs automatically

28. Commercial accounting systems have fully integrated modules. The word "integrated" means that a. segregation of duties is not possible b. transfer of information among modules occurs automatically c. batch processing is not an option d. separate entries are made in the general ledger accounts and the subsidiary ledgers

c. real-time file processing

29. The data processing method that can shorten the cash cycle is a. batch, sequential file processing b. batch, direct access file processing c. real-time file processing d. none of the above

d. inventory control department

3. The adjustment to accounting records to reflect the decrease in inventory due to a sale occurs in the a. warehouse b. shipping department c. billing department d. inventory control department

a. reliance on paper documentation is increased

30. Which of the following is not a risk exposure in a PC accounting system? a. reliance on paper documentation is increased b. functions that are segregated in a manual environment may be combined in a microcomputer accounting system c. backup procedures require human intervention d. data are easily accessible

c. purchases journal

31. Which journal is not used in the revenue cycle? a. cash receipts journal b. sales journal c. purchases journal d. general journal

b. total of all sales backorders

32. Periodically, the general ledger department receives all of the following except a. total increases to accounts receivable b. total of all sales backorders c. total of all sales d. total decreases in inventory

c. authorizes the granting of credit to customers

33. The credit department a. prepares credit memos when goods are returned b. approves credits to accounts receivable when payments are received c. authorizes the granting of credit to customers d. none of the above

c. the remittance advice that accompanies payment

34. Adjustments to accounts receivable for payments received from customers is based upon a. the customer's check b. the cash prelist c. the remittance advice that accompanies payment d. a memo prepared in the mailroom

d. cost data reference file

35. The revenue cycle utilizes all of the following files except a. credit memo file b. sales history file c. shipping report file d. cost data reference file

c. Incorrect data entry is difficult to detect

36. All of the following are advantages of real-time processing of sales except a. The cash cycle is shortened b. Paper work is reduced c. Incorrect data entry is difficult to detect d. Up-to-date information can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace

c. bill of lading

37. Which document is NOT prepared by the sales department? a. packing slip b. shipping notice c. bill of lading d. stock release

c. supervision

38. Which type of control is considered a compensating control? a. segregation of duties b. access control c. supervision d. accounting records

b. the customer purchase order

4. Which document triggers the revenue cycle? a. the sales order b. the customer purchase order c. the sales invoice d. the journal voucher

a. purchase order

5. Copies of the sales order can be used for all of the following except a. purchase order b. credit authorization c. shipping notice d. packing slip

c. bill the customer

6. The purpose of the sales invoice is to a. record reduction of inventory b. transfer goods from seller to shipper c. bill the customer d. select items from inventory for shipment

a. respond to customer queries

7. The customer open order file is used to a. respond to customer queries b. fill the customer order c. ship the customer order d. authorize customer credit

d. record the reduction of inventory

8. The stock release copy of the sales order is not used to a. locate and pick the items from the warehouse shelves b. record any out-of-stock items c. authorize the warehouse clerk to release custody of the inventory to shipping d. record the reduction of inventory

d. informs the billing department of the quantities shipped

9. The shipping notice a. is mailed to the customer b. is a formal contract between the seller and the shipping company c. is always prepared by the shipping clerk d. informs the billing department of the quantities shipped


A bill of lading is a request for payment for shipping charges.


A remittance advice is a form of turn-around document.


A written customer purchase order is required to trigger the sales order system


Another name for the stock release form is the picking ticket.


Batch control continues through all stages of data processing


Determining that the AR balance states its net realizable value tests the management assertion of existence of occurrence.


If a customer submits a written purchase order, there is no need to prepare a sales order.


In a computerized accounting system, segregation of functions refers to inventory control, accounts receivable, billing, and general ledger tasks


In a manual system, the billing department is responsible for recording the sale in the sales journal.


In most large organizations, the journal voucher file has replaced the formal general journal.


In point of sale systems, authorization takes the form of validation of credit card charges.


In real-time processing systems, routine credit authorizations are automated


In the revenue cycle, the internal control "limit access" applies to physical assets only


Sales orders should be prenumbered documents.


Sales return involves receiving, sales, credit, and billing departments, but not accounts receivable.


The accounts receivable clerk is responsible for updating the AR Control accounts to reflect each customer sale


The bill of lading is a legal contract between the buyer and the seller.


The cash receipts journal is a special journal.


The principal source document in the sales order system is the sales order.


The packing slip is also known as the shipping notice


The purpose of the invoice is to bill the customer.


The stock release document is prepared by the shipping department to provide evidence that the goods have been released to the customer.


The warehouse is responsible for updating the inventory subsidiary ledger.


When customer payments are received, the mailroom clerk sends the checks to the cash receipts clerk and the remittance advices to the AR clerk.

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