Ethics and Critical Thinking Final

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Peter Singer is a _____. (anthropocentrist, humancentrist, zoocentrist, biocentrist)


Tom Regan is a _____. (anthrocentrist, humancentrist, biocentrist, zoocentrist)


The ____ view holds that sex is permissible only in a marraige between a man and a woman. (liberal, moderate, conservative, conventional)


The _____ view has been championed by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and has been vigorously defended in the natural law teachings of the Catholic church. (Conventional, liberal, moderate, conservative)


In 2005, more than ____ animals were slaughtered for food in the US alone. (10 Million, 1 Billion, 10 Billion, 100 Million)

10 Billion

_____ of Americans advocate civil unions for same sex couples but not marriage. (25, 33, 50, 66)


_____ of Amercians have had premarital sex by age 44. (25, 50, 75, 95)


_____ tell of the horrors accompanying the death penalty such as innocent people wrongly convicted, executions gone wrong, and the number of poor and minorities executed. (Conventionalists, Retentionists, Abolitionists, Conservatives)


A(n) _____ is the deliberate termination of pregnancy by surgical or medical means. (Spontaneous Abortion, Therapeutic Abortion, Miscarriage, Abortion)


_____ is the notion that only humans have moral status. (Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism, Zoocentrism, Humancentrism )


_____ is the view that all living entities have moral status, whether sentient or not. (Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism, Zoocentrism, Humancentrism)


_____ is punishment by execution of someone officially judged to have committed a serious, or capital, crime. (Punishment, Deterrence, Capital Punishment, Retribution)

Capital Punishment

In 2004, ____ carried out the most executions. (Iran, Vietnam, China, USA)


_____ is the merging of a sperm cell and an ovum into a single cell; also called fertilization. (Conception, Quickening, Viability, Inception)


A common _____ argument is that the unborn is an innocent person from conception. (Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Pro-Choice)


According to the ____ view, premarital sex and extramarital sex are wrong. (liberal, Conventional, moderate, conservative)


_____ is the dissuading of possible offenders from committing capital crimes. (Punishment, Retribution, Lex Talionis, Deterrence)


______ is known as a champion of the right to die movement, having helped many incurably ill people commit suicide. (Dr. Kevorkian, Karen Ann Quinlan, Terri Shiavo, Nancy Cruzan)

Dr. Kevorkian

_____ is the directly or indirectly bringing about the death of another person for that person's sake. (Physician Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Advance Directive, Involuntary Euthanasia)


For a natural law theorist, abortion may be justified to protect the rights and the dignity of the mother. (True/False)


It is cheaper to execute a convict than it is to imprison them for life. (True/ False)


The majority of people do not support legalized physician assisted suicide. (True/False)


The traditional notion is that animals are something with intrinsic value only. (True/False)


According to _____ , judicial punishment must, in all cases, be imposed only because the individual on whom it is inflicted has committed a crime. (Immanuel Kant, consequentialism, Utilitarianism, Natural Law)

Immanuel Kant

_____ claims that animals are means to man's end. (Immanuel Kant, Tom Regan, Paul Mccartney, Peter Singer )

Immanuel Kant

A _____ could argue that euthanasia is never permissible because it would entail treating persons as mere disposable things. (Natural Law Theorist, Utilitarian, Egoist, Kantian)


According to a _____ suicide treats persons as if they had no more value than that of a beast. (Natural Law Theorist, Kantian, Utilitarian, Virtue Theorist)


In 1976, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that a life-sustaining respirator could be legally disconnected from _____ , a young woman who lapsed into a persistent vegetative state. (Terri Shiavo, Nancy Cruzan, Karen Ann Quinlan, Barbara Walters)

Karen Ann Quinlan

A common _____ argument states that the unborn is not a person until birth, and thus does not have a right to life. (Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Pro-Life)


A(n) _____ is the unintended termination of pregnancy due to medical disorder or injury. (Miscarriage, Induced Abortion, Therapeutic Abortion, Accidental Abortion)


_____ is the property of being a suitable candidate for direct moral concern or respect. (Moral Status, Animal Rights, Direct Moral Consideration, Indirect Moral Consideration)

Moral Status

_____ is euthanasia performed on a person who is not competent to decide the issue and has left no instructions regarding end-of-life preferences. (Non-Voluntary Euthanasia, Advance Directive, Passive Euthanasia, Involuntary Euthanasia)

Non-Voluntary Euthanasia

_____ is euthanasia performed by withholding or withdrawing measures necessary for sustaining life. (Involuntary Euthanasia, Voluntary Euthanasia, Physician Assited Suicide, Passive Euthanasia)

Passive Euthanasia

_____ claims that discriminating against non-human animals just because of their species is speciesism. (Tomorrow Regan, Peter Singer, Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant)

Peter Singer

_____ is a utilitarian philosopher credited with what is known as the animal rights movement. (Tom Regan, Peter Singer, Mahatma Gandhi, Jeremy Bentham)

Peter Singer

_____ is the deliberate and authorized causing of pain or harm to someone thought to have broken a law. (Capital Punishment, Punishment, Retribution, Deterrence)


_____ is the point in fetal development when the mother can feel the fetus moving (it occurs at about 16 to 20 weeks). (Viability, Conception, Inception, Quickening)


_____ claims that animals are merely machines, like mechanical clocks, incapable of feeling pleasure or pain. (Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle)

Rene Descartes

_____ remind us of murderers whose crimes are so horrific that the death penalty seems the only fitting punishment. (Retentionsists, Abolitionists, Conventionslists, Liberals)


_____ is the view that offenders deserve to be punished, or "paid back" for their crimes and to be punished in proportion to the severity of their offences. (Lex Talionis, Retribution, Deterrence, Punishment)


In March of 2005, a judge ruled to remove the feeding tube and _____ died of starvation 13 days later. The parents called the removal of the feeding tube "judicial homicide" and the Vatican officially called it "an act against God." (Karen Ann Quinlan, Terri Schiavo, Nancy Cruzan, Dr Kevorkian)

Terri Schiavo

A(n) _____ is an abortion performed to protect the life or health of the mother. (Spontaneous Abortion, Induced Abortion, Therapeutic Abortion, Miscarriage)

Therapeutic Abortion

_____ states that we should avoid being cruel to animals because cruelty to animals may lead to cruelty to humans. (Rene Descartes, The Book of Genesis, Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle)

Thomas Aquinas

______'s theory implies that if it would be wrong to dissect, hurt, torture, eat, cage, hunt, or trap a human, then it would also be wrong to do the same to an animal- and the amount of good that might be produced from such acts is irrelevant. (Peter Singer, Jeremy Bentham, Immanuel Kant, Tom Regan )

Tom Regan

For a Kantian, abortion may be justified to protect the rights and the dignity of the mother. (True/False)


Homosexual behavior is found in nature among insects, birds, fish, and mammals. (True/False)


When Jeremy Bentham created utilitarianism, he included both humans and animals as "everyone considered." (True/False)


_____ is the stage of fetal development at which the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus. (Quickening, Viability, Conception, Personhood)


In 2003, the majority of people executed by the federal government were _____. (Black, White, Hispanic, Native American)


_____ is the notion that both human and non-human animals have moral status. (Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism, Zoocentrism, Humancentrism )


Paul Taylor is a _____. (zoocentrist, humancentrist, biocentrist, anthrocentrist)


A(n) _____ is one who believes that the fundamental unit of moral consideration in environmental ethics is the biosphere and its ecosystem. (species non-egalitarian, ecological holist, ecological individualist, species egalitarian)

ecological holist

A(n) _____ is one who believes that the fundamental unit of moral consideration in environmental ethics is the individual (ecological individualist (ecological holist, species egalitarian, species non-egalitarian)

ecological individualist

The ____ view is that as long as basic moral standards are respected, any sexual activity engaged in by informed, consenting adults is permissible. (moderate, conservative, conventional, liberal)


The ____ view is that sex is permissible between informed consenting adults. (conventional, moderate, liberal, conservative)


According to the ____ view, both marital and premarital sex is permitted but promiscuous sex would likely be disallowed. (liberal, conservative, moderate, conventional)


The ___ view is that sex is permissible between informed consenting adults who are bound by love or commitment. (moderate, conventional, liberal, conservative)


A(n) _____ is one who believes that all living things have equal moral status. (species non-egalitarian, ecological individualist, ecological holist, species egalitarian)

species egalitarian

A(n) _____ is one who believes that some living things have greater moral status than others. (species egalitarian, ecological individualist, species non-egalitarian, ecological holist)

species non-egalitarian

A _____ would consider the patients suffering (as well as family members) and the likely success of any treatments, then try to determine how much overall happiness would be generated by different actions, including bringing out the patient's death. (natural law theorist, utilitarian, kantian, egoist)


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