Ethics Final exam UNH 2021

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According to Ethisphere, the top ethical companies outperform the U.S. large-cap index by about what percentage?


Starbucks offers a comprehensive benefits package, which includes medical, dental, and vision benefits as well as stock options, for all employees who work:

20 or more hours per week

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, in 2019, organizations lost approximately what percentage of annual revenues to fraud?


For Deloitte, trust is the cornerstone of it competitive advantage. Because of this, the company has put an ethics compliance program in place to safeguard that trust. According to Allen's essay, which of the following represent components of their ethics compliance program?

A chief ethics compliance officer to lead the program; policy and procedures, including code of ethics and professional conduct; extensive training program; integrity hotline.

Which of the following statements about phronesis is NOT true, according to DesJardines?

A primary focus of phronesis is the calculation of utility.

From the materials in this video about Learning Culture, which of the following is NOT correct?

According to John Kotter, leadership is about coping with complexity.

What are "good acts" for Aristotle?

Acts performed by a "good person."

There are times that Person A may insult Person B, who holds a differing opinion, with criticisms that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. For example, Person A may criticize the way the Person B looks, talks, what he/she wears, how he/she laughs, etc, in an attempt to reduce the credibility of Person B (who has a different view) and thereby dismiss the relevance of their opinion. This is an example of which of the following logical fallacies?

Ad Hominem

There are times that Person A may insult Person B, who holds a differing opinion, with criticisms that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. For example, Person A may criticize the way the Person B looks, talks, what he/she wears, how he/she laughs, etc, in an attempt to reduce the credibility of Person B (who has a different view) and thereby dismiss the relevance of their opinion. This is an example of which of the following logical fallacies? Correct!

Ad Hominem

There are times that Person A may assume that because something has always been done a certain way that this must be the best way; this assumption can reduce flexibility and openness to change. This is an example of which of the following logical fallacies?

Appeal to Tradition

The non-profit organization, Fair Trade, would go in which quadrant of Starbucks' power-interest grid?

Bottom right: High interest, Low power (labelled "Keep Informed")

Patagonia's 'Don't Buy This Jacket' campaign is an example of...


According to Howard Schultz,...

CSR has to be integrated into a company, rather than a public relations ploy.

TOM's 'One-for-One' model is an example of...


Which of the following best describes Aristotle's Golden Mean?

Character traits that represent the midpoint between the vices of excess and deficiency.

Which of the following is NOT one of Schein's ten Learning Culture Characteristics?

Create Fun and a Little Weirdness

After performing stakeholder analyses of their key stakeholders, executives at an entertainment company, Imaginative Creations, recognize that a significant number of their customers are interested in issues related to child welfare. Together they brainstorm a new product that addresses these interests. In addition to their family entertainment venues, hotels, and restaurants, they offer a new product line that entails coordinating family trips to build youth development centers. Imaginative Creations makes money from the bundled trip cost, which includes staying in their hotels and dining in their restaurants, while customers gain a new enriching family volunteer experience. This program is an example of:

Creating Shared Value (CSV)

United Products, a multinational corporation, recognizes that a significant percentage of its consumer base is concerned about efficient energy usage. United chooses to employ a number of energy conservation practices by installing solar panels in its warehouses and recycling its supplier packaging. These measures are publicized, thereby appealing to United's energy-minded consumers while at the same time reducing internal costs and increasing profitability. This endeavor is an example of:

Creating Shared Value (CSV)

The Zappos Core Values include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Cultivate a Competitive Culture

According to Ferrell, et al, in 'The Importance of Business Ethics', which of the following is NOT a goal or benefit of an ethical culture?

Ensure compliance to the management hierarchy.

According to Friedman, businesses cannot have social responsibilities because...

All of these answers are correct.

According to Milton Friedman...

All of these answers are correct.

In the reading on Systems Thinking, Cabrera and Cabrera claim that we have an ethical imperative to be aware that our views are just our views and they affect the way we see others. Which of the following did they also claim?

All of these answers are correct.

The point of the perceptual puzzles on the first week of class was:

All of these answers are correct.

What is the 'utility' that utilitarians think ought to be maximized?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following is true of Jeremy Bentham?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following points does Allen make about ROE?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of these, according to MacGregor, are among the recent factors that make " less possible for CEOs to skate through unscrupulous company behavior unscathed..."?

All of these answers are correct.

According to David Boaz, libertarianism holds that the many necessary conflicts among different economic sectors of society (e.g., manufacturers and importers) require that government sometimes pick the economic winners and losers when those conflicts arise.


According to Ferrell, improving a business's ethical culture involves financial losses but the benefits of improving ethical culture in business make up for those losses.


According to Marilyn Frye, all oppressed people know they are oppressed.


Friedman believes it would be better if executives refrain from cloaking their self-interested actions in a justification of 'social responsibility' because, according to Friedman, such hypocrisy harms the foundation of a free society.


Friedman believes taxation to advance public goods is never justified.


In her article, "Are your decisions influenced by fake news?" Katleen De Stobbeleir refers to research about false information that finds it spreads faster, wider, further, and deeper than correct information; this is because fake news is created to stir up emotions and is "new," and the human brain is more triggered by new, emotion-laden information. According to this research, how much more likely is it that false versus correct information will be disseminated?

False information has a 70% greater chance of being disseminated than the truth.

The Walmart solar panel example, provided by Fiona Wilson in her presentation and summarized again here, is an example of Creating Shared Value in which of the following ways?

Incorrect answer is: Both increasing revenues and decreasing costs, through its introduction of a new solar panel line while also reducing operating costs, all while addressing an important social need.

Which element of the libertarian account of morality do the Tragedy of the Commons and the Prisoners' Dilemma challenge?

Incorrect answer is: They challenge whether people act from self interest.

According to the lecture, what is the risk of using only examples from other countries to illustrate failures to practice human-centered design?

Incorrect answer: It risks minimizing the need for design thinking accross sub-cultures and more familier forms of life.

From the Urban and Sawayda case about Starbucks, which of the following statements best reflects the company culture of Starbucks?

Incorrect answer: Starbucks's original mission statement cited its focus on "people first and profits last," which led to the evolution of a low key, apathetic culture, severely limiting Starbucks's revenues, profitability, and competitiveness.

According to DesJardins as described in one of the lesson videos, which of the following is NOT something a virtuous business would cultivate?

Instrumental employee roles

Which of the following is true of utilitarianism?

It is a teleological normative theory.

What is the Moorean Isolation Test?

It is a thought experiment used to determine what things are intrinsically good.

Porter & Kramer claim that close ties between businesses and communities that used to exist between better businesses and their communities have been weakened by...

an increase in businesses' reliance on outside vendors, outsourcing and offshoring.

According to Porter & Kramer, business is especially suited to advancing social progress because...

business is often more effective than governments and non-profits at marketing that motivates customers to embrace products and services that create societal benefits.

According to Dr. Wilson, Michael Porter's central insight is that...

businesses that create shared value have a competitive advantage.

As we explore what it means for a business to be ethical, we'll be comparing lots of businesses and business cultures. When we use them as examples to illustrate ethical or unethical business, the word for what we are doing is...


According to Dr. Wilson, over the next 20 years people will...

define 'good' companies in terms of their holistic attention to people, planet, and profit.

When Aristotle says that virtue is a habit, he means all of the following EXCEPT:

Rationality and autonomy always lead to virtue.

There are times that Person A may divert a conversation onto an entirely different path, throwing out a shiny new topic to deflect attention from the original point and distract Person B from the original point. This may occur especially when Person B has a valid point. This method of diversion and distraction is an example of which of the following logical fallacies?

Red Herring

Which of the following is NOT true of Jane Elliott?

She pioneered the Doll Test.

What happened to Carrie Tolstedt, the overseer of the Community Banking Division (which opened 2 million unauthorized accounts at Wells Fargo?

She was allowed to retire and given a golden parachute.

What is a moral agent, according to Kant?

Someone capable of acting according to standards of right & wrong.

From the Urban and Sawayda case about Starbucks, which of the following statements best reflects the company culture of Starbucks?

Starbucks's culture focuses on its relationship with stakeholders, beginning with employees and taking into account the needs of employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, the larger community, and shareholders within a balanced stakeholder orientation.

All of the following are true about Starbucks, EXCEPT:

Starbucks's key to success is its laser focus on shareholders' needs, putting them first before those of other stakeholders.

Which of the following regulations determines that whistleblowers cannot be fired for disclosing information concerning fraudulent or unlawful conduct relating to a consumer financial product or service.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002

Government, as a company stakeholder, will usually be located in which quadrant of the power-interest grid?

The government is usually located in the top left quadrant (High power, Low interest, labelled "Keep Satisfied"). However, the government may be located in the top right quadrant (High power, HIgh interest, labelled "Manage Closely) if the government is the customer of the business, such as when the business is a government contractor.

What is the only intrinsic good, according to Kant?

The human capacity to act from principle.

Which of the following is true according to Moral Individualism?

The morality of a group like a business is a function of the beliefs, desires, and actions of the people that make it up.

Why were Jerry and Monique Sternin, founders of the Positive Deviance Initiative, so desperate to quickly improve the nutrition status of children in Vietnam when they went there in 1991?

Their visa, and therefore their ability to work toward a lasting solution to malnutrition, among Vietnamese children depended on quick results.

Why is it important to watch for false information and logical fallacies in business?

They affect the quality of decision-making.

What is the Kantian argument against workplace discrimination, according to Shaw & Barry?

Those doing the discriminating would be unwilling to be treated that way themselves, were they in the the discriminated against class.

What is the Kantian argument against workplace discrimination, according to Shaw & Barry?

Those doing the discriminating would be unwilling to be treated that way themselves, were they in the the discriminated against class.`

According the the Ford Pinto case as described in the second assigned reading 'Can Money Buy Utilitarian Happiness? The Ford Pinto Case.' Ford made the right utilitarian decision not to redesign the Pinto, based on the estimated dollar values in their cost benefit decision.


According to David Boaz in 'Key Concepts of Libertarianism', libertarian principles provide the basic structure of modern political thought and government in the West.


According to Ferrell, business ethical culture in the 21st century must become increasingly global.


In part 3 of the lecture, Professor Woodman most strongly connected the first video clip on corporate culture with which of the following ethical theories?

Virtue Ethics: companies are encouraged to link behaviors (or culture traits) with overall company strategy and mission.

Using Kant's example of the store clerk as your model, complete the following description of Kant's view. "Someone who tells the truth because they think people will stop believing them if they are known to lie acts...

in accordance with duty."

In 'The False Choice Between Business and Ethics', Freeman and Parmar reject the Separation Fallacy, which...

incorrect answer is: All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following is a view espoused by modern libertarians, according to David Boaz?

incorrect answer is: Neither government nor other individuals may prevent people from doing anything they want to.

What are the benefits of a stakeholder analysis?

incorrect answer: It helps stakeholders to fully understand a the benefits of a business project, so that they can support that project.

Why were Jerry and Monique Sternin so desperate to quickly improve the nutrition status of children in Vietnam when they went there in 1991?

incorrect answer: Their Vietnam malnutrition project would lose its funding if they didn't show results in 6 months.

The three elements of Design Thinking are...

inspiration, ideation, and implementation.

Of the following groups, which, according to Reskin, are we most likely to evaluate positively?

members of in-groups

According to Jerome Popp's article on workplace abuse, discussed in Part 1 of the lecture, zero or low empathy individuals...

target respected, intelligent, popular, competent, or attractive co-workers for abuse

Which of the following examples was NOT used to illustrate the need for design thinking in Brown & Wyatt's 'Design Thinking for Social Innovation'?

the example of making shoes accessible to villagers in southern Bangladesh

This is the claim that it's impossible to put a common value on some goods.

the problem of commensurability

A teleological normative theory is a normative theory that judges the rightness of acts according to...

their purpose or results.

The spaces of design thinking are classed 'spaces', rather than 'steps' because...

they are not necessarily followed sequentially.

According to R. Edward Freeman, the task of an entrepreneur or manager is...

to figure out where the interests of a business' various stakeholders go in the same direction.

Friedman believes calling upon stockholders to require corporations to exercise social responsibility is...

undemocratic, because it amounts to some shareholders trying to force their will on other shareholders.

A deontological normative theory is a normative theory that judges the rightness of acts according to...

whether they violate rules or rights.

In McGregor's article, "More CEOs are getting forced out for ethics violations," she refers to Neilson's findings about CEOs who hold both the chairman and chief executive's role. These executives were no more likely to be forced out for ethical lapses than those who were only CEO because this check and balance is less necessary at the executive level.

False: Because of reduced oversight, executives who hold both the chairman and CEO's role are more likely to be forced out for ethical lapses.

What is intrinsically valuable, according to utilitarians?


In one of the videos, Joseph DesJardins discusses a number of questions that apply virtue ethics to business culture. Which of the following is NOT one of these questions?

How do we ensure that business culture provides maximum benefits to most people?

The inspiration for Starbucks's coffee-bar culture came from:

Howard Schultz's trip to Milan, Italy.

What is intrinsically valuable, according to Kantians?

Human beings' ability to make good choices.

According to Desjardins, how does free market activity fit the utilitarian framework?

Maximal happiness might seem to be what is brought about by the maximimum satisfaction of consumer demand.

Why does DesJardins claim that virtue ethics answers the "motivational question" in ethics?

People realize that what they want to do, aligned with their highest level of flourishing, is also what they ought to do.

What, according to Reskin, is the relationship between power and stereotypes?

People who have MORE power are more likely to stereotype and MORE likely to be confident in their stereotypes.

There are times that Person A may make an assumption that since one event followed another event that the first event caused the second even though they merely happened in the same timeframe (correlation versus causation). This is an example of which of the following logical fallacies?

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Which of the following are examples of BOTH CSR AND CSV?

Walmart's contract with solar installers to install solar panals on superstore roofs. Tesla's development of the Powerwall home battery. Oliberte's 'This is Africa' shoe program. Unilever's development of concentrated laundry formulas, reducing water content. Nike's partnership with DyeCoo Textile Systems in adopting a carbon-based dying process that didn't need water. The development of Lifebuoy soap. Intercontentinental Hotel Group's GREENengage online tool to help its hotels control energy consumption.

Using the example I give of my own business, which of the following would likely be in the upper left-hand quadrant of a power-interest grid created for Wells Fargo?

Wells Fargo's investors

Is Nike's ColorDry an example of CSV, and if so, how?

Yes it is an example of CSV; it reduces costs for Nike while addressing an important social need.

Human centered designers...

believe both of these answers.

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