Ethobotony Practice Exam

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Archaeological Studies indicate that rice cultivation occurred in China approximately _____ years ago A) 5,000 B) 200,000 C) 100,000 D) 11,500 E) 2,000


It is estimated that approximately _____% if the irrigated farmlands in the U.S. have developed saline soils


An extract of which of the following in used in treating burns? A) Panax B) Papaver C) Cinchona D) Digitalis E) Aloe


Which of the following is NOT a part of the carpel? A) style B) anther C) stigma D) ovary E) ovule


Which of the following is an example of a foraging society? A) All of the above B) Fertile Crescent C) Arctic Eskimos D) Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley have foraging societies E) Nile Valley

Arctic Ekimos

The transfer and concentration of a toxic material along a food chain is known as ______.

Biological magnification

Which of the following line(s) of evidence supports the idea the New Guinea was one of the primary centers of agriculture? A) Higher percentage of banana phytoliths B) Both presence of microfossils of taro AND higher percentage of banana phytoliths C) Presence of microfossils of taro D) All of the above E) Archeological remains of agricultural tools.

Both Presence of microfossils of taro AND higher percentage of banana phytoliths

Which division contains acid-loving plants that can convert a wetland into a bog?


Which of the following is the correct RNA sequence for the DNA sequence GCCATAAGT?


Which of these is NOT a part of cell theory A) Cells are the basic unit of life B) All Living Organisms are made of cells C) Cells and organelles can now be viewed using a scanning electron microscope D) All Cells come from pre-existing cells

Cells and organelles can now be viewed using a scanning electron microscope

Extracts from periwinkle are now considered standard for treating: A) Heart Disease B) Certain Forms of Leukemia C) Diabetes D) Certain forms of Insanity

Certain forms of Leukemia

Extracts from periwinkle are now considered standard for treating

Certain forms of Leukimia

A South American tree known to contain quinine in its bark is: A) Pinus B) Lophophora C) Quercus D) Cinchona E) Ephedra


Developed independently by several cultures, the Doctrine of Signatures is a belief that: A) clues found in the shape or structure of plants can be deciphered to reveal their medicinal values B) agriculture was a gift from the gods C) complementing foods from plants will provide a wholly nutritious meal D) the areas where wild relatives of cultivated species abound are the most likely sites of original domestication

Clues found in the shape or structure of plants can be deciphered to reveal their medicinal values

The archaeological site at Tehuacan Valley in Mexico is important because it helped scientists to date the domestication of ________ A) Rice B) Corn C) Wheat D) Foxtail Millet E) None of the above


A peanut is a legume, and the two halves of a peanut are examples of seed leaves or: A) Root nodules B) Seed Coat C) Pods D) Photosynthesizing organ E) Cotyledons


Which division contains plants that produce neurological toxins, such as BMAA


Which of the following drugs is used to treat nasal and bronchial congestion


Which of the following drugs is used to treat nasal and bronchial congestion? A) Digitalis B) Atropine C) Quinine D) Ephedrine E) Reserpine


Diffusion is the process that allows for constant exchange of materials between cells and their environment with the aid of water


Early Foragers naturally gathered and subsequently selected seeds from shattering seed heads.


Homologous chromosomes are produced when an offspring receives two identical alleles for a specific character from each of its parents.


In semiconservative replication of DNA, each new molecule of DNA contains only the purine bases, adenine and guanine.


Large showy flowers are usually wind-pollinated, whereas small inconspicuous flowers usually attract animal pollinators.


Mendel chose pea plants for his genetic experiments because they only have heterozygous traits and they never self-pollinate.


Prescription drugs are created in the lab, and plant products are never used in prescription drugs


Somatic mutations occur only in gametes and are passed on to offspring via pollen grains.


The Swiss-Water decaffeination process removes caffeine from coffee by using carbon dioxide that penetrates the bean and dissolves the caffeine


The ensheathing husk of modern corn is an example of a trait that was naturally selected.


The middle lamella refers to a hole for substances to travel between two cells


The physiological effects of caffeine include a reduced heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, and dilated blood vessels. Recent studies also indicate that coffee drinkers DO NOT have a lower incidence of Parkinson's Disease.


The term Paleolithic refers to cultures, such as Neanderthal man, that existed during the Ice Age


The triploid endosperm is produced by the fusion of the tube nucleus and the egg cell.


Vegans are people who live in areas of calcium-poor soils and thereby develop osteoporosis


Vitamins and minerals and are required in large amounts by humans and are therefore called macronutrients


Which nutrient supplies the greatest amount of energy per gram of nutrient


Extracts from the bark of willow tree were used by Native Americans: A) For relieving pain B) As a poison C) as a hallucinogen D) as an intoxicant

For relieving pain

William Withering is noted for his work with which of the following plants? A) Peyote B) Belladonna C) Ginseng D) Foxglove E) Cinchona


Grating and other methods of processing cassava are necessary to remove the toxin _____. A) Strychnine B) Curare C) HCN (Cyanide) D) Rotenone

HCN (Cyanide)

Please watch this video and respond to the question

Increasing food security..., distributing food..., empowering and educating women..., increasing crop yield, governments creating social safety nets...

Which stage (or phrase) of mitosis lasts the longest?

Interphase, the stage that is the non-dividing phase

which plant has been nicknamed the botanical whale because of the usefulness of its seed oil?


Pollen, seeds, and fiber are the most common materials recovered from archaeological sites because: A) lipids fossilize more readily B) they are stored in airtight jars AND lipids fossilize more readily C) lignin is not degraded by most microorganisms D) they are stored in airtight jars E) all of the above

Lignin is not degraded by most microorganisms

Location of a gene on a specific chromosome is called its ________. A) only a and b B) allele C) locus D) homologue E) none of the above


Which one of these legumes was used as a forage crop for livestock for well over 2500 years? A) Lucerne, alfalfa, or Medicago stavia B) Bird's-foot trefoil C) Glycine max D) Leucaena

Lucerne, alfalfa, or Medicago stavia

The source of tapioca pearls is the moist flour obtained from the _____ root. A) Colocasia B) Ipomea C) Solanum D) Dioscorea E) Manihot


Reserpine has been used to treat: A) Mental Illness B) Heart Disease C) Malaria D) Burns E) Arthritis

Mental Illness

Who is referred to as the father of the Green Revolution

Norman Bourlaug

Taxol is a new cancer-fighting drug obtained from the bark of the:

Pacific Yew

Taxol is the new cancer-fighting drug obtained from the bark of the: A) Pacific Yew B) White Willow C) Southwestern Pine D) Black Willow E) Cinchona Tree

Pacific Yew

The white potato is native to: A) Ireland B) Spain C) Peru D) Idaho E) Brazil


Potatoes are native to ______, whereas coffee is native to ______ A) North America, Greece B) West Africa, Indonesia C) Peru, Ethiopia D) Ireland, Columbia E) South Africa, Argentina

Peru, Ethiopia

Ribosomes are made of RNA and Proteins. In a cell, ribosomes are the site of

Protein Synthesis

Chromoplasts are pigment storing plastids responsible for A) red in a tomato B) Orange in a carrot C) yellow in egg yolks D) the scent of roses E) red in a rose petal

Red in a tomato, orange in a carrot, red in a rose petal

Which of the following medicinal drugs was used in India long before its discovery by Western Medicine? A) Quinine B) Morphine C) Digitalis D) Codeine E) Reserpine


Which of the following is not considered to be a secondary metabolite or secondary product? A) All are secondary products B) glycosides C) Starch D)alkaloids E) essential oils


Which of the following would a breeder use to determine if a new strain will breed homozygous for a certain trait?


The earliest documented sites of agricultural practices are locate in A) the Andes Mountains B) the Fertile Crescent C) Mesoamerica D) the Polynesian Islands E) the Yangtze Valley

The Fertile Crescent

All Plant cells have a primary cell wall, and it is made of the polysaccharide called cellulose


Cereal, such as wheat, oats, and corn are the edible grains of grasses


Coprolites are fossilized fecal materials that are studied to determine prehistoric diets.


Excess glucose beyond a day's worth of energy is generally converted to fat


Ginkgo biloba is the only remaining species of its genus and is used as a remedy for short-term memory loss.


Glycogen is the chief storage molecule utilized by animals, fungi, and bacteria.


In the case of incomplete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between the dominant and the recessive allele


In transcription, introns are not specifically involved in polypeptide coding, whereas exons are spliced together to form the final mRNA molecule.


Many species of algae are used as important and nutritious food for people used throughout the world.


Nikolai Vavilov's contribution to botany was his theory that crops originated in places that have the greatest diversity of that crop.


Pellagra affects the central nervous system and is common in areas where corn is the dietary staple.


Proponents of the Agricultural Revolution Theory contend that agriculture was the discovery of a brilliant prehistoric sage.


Researchers hope that "golden rice" will help to reduce vitamin A deficiency and reduce blindness in developing nations


Sphenophyta, Lycophtya, Pterophyta, and Psilophyta are similar in that they are all spore-producing vascular plants


Spikes, umbels, racemes, and catkins are all types of inflorescences.


Telomeres are caps on the end of chromosomes that protect the cell's chromosomes during cell division, and they shorten with age. A study in 2009 showed that women who took multivitamin supplements had longer telomeres


The ezymes contained in the aleurone layer break down the stored food in the seed during the germination process


The most efficient way to propagate tulips is by dividing the bulb, since it takes 7 years for a seed-produced bulb to flower.


The study of pollen is called palynology.


To be considered a high-quality protein, a complete protein must be fully digestible and contain all of the essential amino acids in the right proportion


Secondary compounds are known to not be required for the plant's metabolic functions, but to deter predators of plants ... which of these plants has secondary compounds? A) Vanilla B) Marijuana C) Tea D) Parsley E) Coffee F) Clove G Cinnamon

Vanilla, Marijuana, Tea, Parsley, Coffee, Clove, Cinnamon (ALL OF THE ANSWERS)

Night-flying pollinators such as moths and bats are attracted to ______ flowers. A) purple B) red C) blue D) white or light-colored E) green or yellow

White or light-colored

Although aspirin is a synthetic drug, it has its plant origins in: A) foxglove B) peyote C) Willow D) Milkweed E) Belladonna


Eggs and Sperm are types of ________. A) homologous chromosomes B) zygotes C) gametes D) Haploid cells E) a and b are correct

a and b are correct

What is the causative agent of Malaria? A) Polluted Air B) A Virus C) Female Mosquitoes D) Allergies E A protozoan

a protozoan

What is the causative agent of malaria

a protozoan

Which of the following in NOT a fundamental property of life? A) Growth and reproduction B) Structural organization C) Ability to respond D) Metabolism E) Ability to migrate

ability to migrate

Peanuts are a versatile food and have a strange developmental process. What is the strange developmental adaptation? A) after the flower is pollinated aboveground, fruits develop underground B) flowers are only available for pollination for 1 day C) seeds are dry, indehiscent D) only pigs can find the seeds once they are buried.

after the flower is pollinated aboveground, fruits develop underground

George Washington Carver, a son of a slave, was a university professor that A) developed 300 food and industrial uses of peanuts B) all choices are correct C) developed a number of crops (soybean, peanut, sweet potato) to diversify the South D) discoveries improved agriculture in the South E) sought to revitalize the exhausted soil of the South by planting legumes

all choices are correct

In a typical grazing food chain, _____ are eaten by _______

all choices are correct

Soybeans have been in cultivation by humans for 3000 years. These beans interact with humans by: A) being a source of a tasty sauce known as soy sauce, which is a fermented product B) acting as a weak version of human estrogen due to soy foods having isoflavones, or phytoestrogens C) all choices are correct D) being used in every-day dairy products because soy beans make up tofu that is used in these products E) lowering cholesterol levels (LDL or "Bad cholesterol")

all choices are correct

The impact of Rhizobium bacteria is rather large. Which of these benefits do humans and nature get of Rhizobium bacteria-legume? A) ability to grow legumes in poor soil B) replenishing nitrogen depleted soil C) plowing under legumes to make "green manure" D) reclaiming eroded or barren areas E) all choices are correct

all choices are correct

Which of the following is an example of an ecological credit as described in the Kyoto Protocol

all choices are correct

Caffeine is found in which of the following? A) coffee seeds B) kola seeds C) tea leaves and coffee seeds are correct D) tea leaves E) all of the above

all of the above

Essential amino acids A) all of the above B) a and c are correct C) are used to construct structural and metabolic proteins D)cannot be stored in the body E)cannot be made by the body

all of the above

Quinoa is possible new food crop for which of the following reasons? A) all of the above B) Both leaves and fruits are edible C) High amount of calcium and phosphorous in the "grains" D) seeds are loaded with a high-quality protein E) "Grains" have a delicate taste that is comparable to wild rice

all of the above

The deletion of a single base from a DNA sequence: A) results in a meaningless mRNA message B) causes a shift in all of the condons downstream from the deletion C) none of the above D) ma cause inherited diseases E) all of the above

all of the above

What are the gene banks A) a place where the seeds are carefully preserved for viability B) one way some nations and organizations try to offset genetic erosion C) all of the above D) both a place where the seeds are carefully preserved for viability AND one way some nations and organizations try to offset genetic erosion E) a facility where the seeds of both domesticated and their wild relatives are collected and housed

all of the above

An extract of which of the following is used in treating burns?


In nature, cacao seed dispersal is dependent on _____.


Which of these starchy staples is not a modified stem? A) Yam B) Jerusalem Artichoke C) White potato D) Banana


Which grain is used in the production of malt for brewing beer?


During alternation of generations, fertilization gives rise to the _____ generation, and meiosis gives rise to the _______ generation. A) sporophyte, gametophyte B) isogamous, anisogamous C)both a and b are correct D) diploid, haploid

both a and b are correct

__ are underground stems with food storing leaves. Onions and garlic are examples. A) Bulbs B) Rhizomes C) Corms D) Tubers


______ is espresso coffee with steamed milk, whereas _______ is espresso coffee with chocolate syrup.

caffe latte, caffe mocha

Cyanogenic glycosides can be found in the uncooked parts of: A) radishes B) yams C) taro D) cassava E) soybeans


Early Native Americans played public games with rubber balls made of latex extracted primarily from the _____ tree

castilla elastica

The recently uncovered scandal surrounding cocoa plantations in West Africa involves

child slave labo

A south american tree known to contain quinine in its bark is:


Plants derived via asexual reproduction from a single parent are: A) Tetraploid B) Sexually Sterile C) Clones D) Different from the Parents E) Mutants


Developed independently by several cultures the doctrine of signatures is a belief that:

clues found in the shape ....

In which timber harvesting method are trunks cut at ground level and the stumps allowed to sprout multiple stems?

coppice method

Bitter varieties of cassava contain large quantities of _______ that must be removed during processing. A) cyanide compounds B) Tannins C) Kolanin D) Cocaine

cyanide compounds

Seeds and pits of many members of the rose family contain which type of glycoside?


Seeds and pits of many members of the rose family contain which type of glycoside? A) Cardioactive B) Saponin C) Cyanogenic D) Purgative


In which biome would you find xerophytic plants


The invention of the cotton gin

expanded the cotton belt in the south

What are all the ways that plants touch our lives? A) Fabric B) Rope C) No Answer Text Provided D) Ceramic Pottery E) Spices and Medicine F) Shelter and Building Materials G)Food H) Food I) Spices J) Beverages K) Computers L) Oxygen

fabric, rope, spices and medicine, shelter and building materials, food, fuel, spices, beverages, oxygen

Most ecological pyramids generally have a higher number of organisms at the top of the pyramid than at the base of the pyramid


Most quality violins are constructed of pine and oak woods that have varying thickness along their plates


The Green Revolution refers to the use of green manure as a source of fertilizer in developing nations in response to the Clean Water Act


The seeds from the cacao tree are used to produce chocolate, coca-cola, and cocaine


Researchers believe that the oldest plant fiber used by man may be _____.


The terms actinomorphic and zygomorphic refer to: A) tulip propagation B) flowers symmetry C) chromosome arrangement D) presence or absence of perianth E) asexual reproduction

flower symmetry

Extracts from the bark of the willow tree were used by Native Americans

for relieving pain

Crops such as legumes and grasses that are used to feed livestock are called


William Withering is noted for his work with which of the following plants?


Penicillin is derived from which of the following groups? A) Gymnosperms B) Angiosperms C) Fungi D) Algae E) Mosses


The loss of over 20,000 native varieties of rice in India is an example of

genetic erosion

Which type of fiber is obtained from the veins and vascular bundles of leaves

hard fibers

______ refers to angiosperm trees and ________ refers to gymnosperm trees or conifers

hardwood, softwood

Angiosperm species, such as maple, birch, and oak, are called ______.


Aside from Camellia, tea is also made from the leaves of _____ trees


Endemic or simple goiter is caused by a deficiency in ______.



is called amber once it is fossilized, discourages the activities of herbivores and decay-causing fungi, is produced in ducts throughout conifer trees

Native to Mexico, South and Central Americas, this crop has also been cultivated in Asia for a few hundred years. It's flesh is delicious, but its seeds, pods, seeds and stem are poisonous insecticide. Which bean plant is it? A) Soybeans B) Sweet peas C) Jicama D) Peanuts E) Alfalfa


Which grass has a fine texture and beautiful color and commonly grows in the northern US?

kentucky bluegrass

The disease which decimated the potato crop in Ireland and led to the great Irish famine of 1845 and 1846 was: A) rust B) plague C) drought D) late blight E) leaf blight

late blight

The Nucleolus is in charge of

making protein synthesizing ribosomes

The condition in which an individual is deficient in one or more essential nutrients is called _____.


Reserpine has been used o treat:

mental illness

The first land plants to have evolved were

mosses, liverworts, and hornworts

Which of the following is NOT a use a of bamboo? A) furniture B) paper C) panda food D) bridges E) none of the above

none of the above

Which organisms were once classified as plants in the old two-kingdom system? A) only a and c are correct B) fungi C) aquatic invertebrates D) all of the above E) algae

only a and c are correct

Microsporangia in the Division Coniferophyta produce A) pollen grains B) seeds cones C) only a, b, c D) the male gametophyte E)microspores

only a, b, and c

Transgenic plants

only contain foreign genes in their cells AND are used to produce human antibodies

Molecular farming is the growing and harvesting of genetically engineered crops that produce ____.


One of the earliest writing surfaces, papyrus, was made from ______.

plant pith

The trout lily is one ______ of understory plants in an oak-hickory forest _______ in southern New England

population, community

The major disadvantage of cassava as a dietary staple is that it is very low in _____. A) Sugar B) carbohydrates C) Fat D) Protein


Which of these important organic molecules is made up of amino acids? A)Monosaccharides B) DNA C) RNA D) Proteins E) Lipids


Which of the following medicinal drugs was used in India long before its discovery by Western medicine?


______ allow grasses to propagate vegetatively

rhizomes and stolons

The sweet potato is actually a: A) tuber B) root C) rhizome D) stolon E) corm


All legumes have a special relationship with a species of bacteria in the Rhizobium genus. In this symbiotic relationship the legume plant gets access to a form of nitrogen that it can use as a fertilizer, and the Rhizobium gets a home on the plant. Where do the Rhizobium bacteria live? A) Cotyledons B) Pods C) Root nodules D) Photosynthesizing organ E) Seed Coat

root nodules

The plant-derived oils such as coconut and palm oil are rich in ____

saturated fatty acids

The fibers used to make cotton cloth are derived from fibers in the plant's _____

seed coat

Grass flowers are incomplete because _______ are either lacking or greatly reduced

sepals and petals

In the Division Pterophyta, the _____ is the dominant stage


Flowers are described as perfect when...?

stamens, carpels are present irrespective of the presence or absence of sepals and petals

Which of the following is not considered to be a secondary metabolite or secondary product


Potatoes are swollen underground tubers that botanically are modified: A) Bulbs B) Stems C) Leaves D) Fruits E) Roots


Which type of lipid is cholesterol


Which is a corm that is steamed, crushed, and fermented to make poi? A) Yam B) Cassava C) Sweet potato D) Taro


Which starchy staple is used to prepare poi, the native dish of Hawaii? A) sweet potato B) yam C) taro D) cassava E) white potato


Which of the following is an example of grassland biomes

the Savana

One feature that is common in all land plants is

the all retain the fertilized embryo

In mosses, the rich carpet of leafy green growth belongs to ________.

the gametophyte generation

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the boreal forest?

there is a permanently frozen layer of soil under the topsoil

Aquifers in the Midwest are currently in trouble because

they are being depleted faster than they are being replaced

Which of the following is NOT a use of sphagnum moss?

thickening agent in food preparation

A plant family high in alkaloids is the


A plant family high in alkaloids is the: A) Sunflower B) Mulberry C) None of the above D) Tomato E) Grass


A tropical rain forest is characterized by broadleaf evergreen trees, and abundance of lianas and epiphytes, and a very high rate of decay


Tannins in tea are believed to discourage herbivores from eating the leaves and are responsible for staining teeth and teapots.


DDT, PCBs, and mercury are all examples of toxic substances taht may be transferred and concentrated along a food chain


Hemp was one of the earliest plants used to make paper and was even used in the first draft of the U.S. Constitution.


Levi Strauss's original cloth for his line of working clothes was a hemp cloth called "serge de Nimes"


One of the earliest results of the Green Revolution was the establishment of research stations in Central America


Recently produced high-yielding varieties of wheat have stiffer stems that allow them to withstand heavy doses of fertilizer


The beneficial compounds found in chocolate include antioxidants, vitamin E, and stearic acid.


The plant Arundo donax has been used to make pan flutes and the mouthpiece reeds for many woodwind instruments


A thin sheet of high-quality wood glued to less expensive wood that is commonly used in furniture


The principal crop behind the Green Revolution was ______.


Although aspirin is a sythentic drug, it has its plant origins in:


Rayon is an artificial cellulose fiber created from _______.

wood fiber

Which starchy staple is a source of diosgenin, shown to affect fertility in women? A) Yam B) Sweet Potato C) White Potato D) Manioc E) Banana


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