Everything Management Information Technology 250

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a group of interconnected devices such has computers, phones, printers, or displays, that can share resources and communicate using standard protocols.

data mining

a type of intelligence gathering that uses statistical techniques to explore records in a data warehouse, hunting for hidden patterns and relationships that are undetectable in routine reports.

object-oriented programming

a type of software programming that focuses an "objects" rather than lists of instructions and routines to manipulate data.

version control software

a type of software that tracsk versions of the source code during development, enforcing checkout procedures to prevent developers from writing over one another's files.


a varied set of instructional approaches that all depend on ICT, especially the Internet, to connect trainees with learning materials, and also with their instructors and those trainees.

semi-structured information

a vast gray area exists between the extremes of structured and unstructured information; this is the area within which ____________________________ falls.


a virtual private _____ (VPC) is a subset of a public _____ that has highly restricted, secure access.

semantic web

a web with meaning, in which online resources and their relationships can be read and understood by computers as well as human ings


a website that facilitates transactions by bringing together buyers and sellers from all over the world.

expert location system

an information system that can find pople in an organization with specific types of expertise based on their education, experience, and activities.

customer relationship management (CRM) system

an information system used to build customer relationships, enhance loyalty, and mange interactions with customres

learning management system (LMS)

an information system used to deliver e-learning courses, track student progress, and manage educational records. Such systems also support features such as online registration, assessments, collaborative technologies, payment processing, and content authoring.


an intermediary server that receives and analyzes requests from clients and then directs them to their destinations; sometimes used to protect privacy.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

an international body that establishes and publishes standards for programming languages used to create software for the web.

search engine optimization (SEO)

an internet marketing strategy used to increase the quantity and quality of traffic from search engines, often by improving the site's position in result lists.


both _____ vendors and electrical utilities benefit from economies of scale.

economies of scale

both cloud vendors and electrical utilities benefit from __________________.

financial management system

enterprise information system that supports financial accounts and processes, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, procurement, cash management, budget planning, assets, general ledger, and related activities.

focused niche strategy

differentiating the product or service for a particular segment of the market is called a ______________________.

public key encryption

for internet transmission, a popular strategy is _______________________, which uses asymmetric transmission.

content management system

software used to manage digital content in collaborative environments. The web content management system supports teams that develop and maintain websites.


on the positive side, _________ is important for whistleblowers, police tipsters, news sources, and political activist in oppressive regimes.


on the positive side, _________ is important for whistleblowers, police tipsters, news sources, and political activists in oppressive regimes.

distributed denial of service

once the malware was installed and the _______ against the government agency got underway, the security company in Canada used intrusion-detection techniques to identify the zombies by their IP addresses.

learning management systems

one consequence was that ______ developers targeted either the corporate market or the educational market, and the products were different for each.


one intuitive way to organize information is to follow the organizational chart, and the hierarchical ________ did just that.

digital rights management

some cumbersome ___________________ schemes may be thwarting legitimate users more than pirates, though.

"right to be forgotten"

some legal scholars argue that the ________________________ conflicst with freedom of speech.

software as a service (SaaS)

some of the ________ products that AllRoad could use are: Google Mail, Google Drive, Office 365, Salesforce.com, Microsoft CRM OnLine, and many others...

best of breed

some organizations choose a _____________ approach, in which they procure the best systems for each application regardless of the vendor.

escalation of commitment

some spectacular failures happen because of the _______________________ phenomenon.

intelligent character recognition (ICR)

some systems also incorporate _________________________________________, provided by software that can interpret handprinted text written on paper forms.

semi-structured information

spreadsheets can also be _______________, specially when they are created by different people to keep track of the same kind of information.

web feed

standardized and regularly updated output from a publisher, such as CNN or Weather.com, that can be embedded in a customized mashup.

enterprise architecture

strategic planning for a flexible and forward-looking ________________________ will ensure the organization can meet its current needs and be positioned for future sucess.

iterative methods

strategies that compress the time horizon for software development, partly to reduce the impact of changing business needs and the rsulting rework. They focus on the tie available until the next release, or iteration, and the development team determines how many of the requirements it can deliver in that timeframe.

supply chain management (SCM)

strategies that optimize the flow of products and services from their sources to the customer.

requirements analysis

during _____________________, stakholders identify the features the system will need and then prioritize them as mandatory, preferred, or nonessential.

database architectures

earlier _______________________ offered different strategies to organize and link records.

hierarchical and network

early database architectures

business processes

efforts to manage __________________ also take into account the overall organizational culture and its approach to information systems.

optical scanners

electronic devices that capture text or images and convert them to digital format.

global positioning systems (GPS)

electronic devices that receive signals from orbiting satellites that transmit time and location data; ______devices help drivers navigate and keep managers in touch with their transportation fleets.

human capital management (HCM)

encompasses all the activities and information systems related to effectively managing an organizations' human capital. The ______ information system includes applications and modules with the employee as the central element.

customer relationship management (CRM)

encompasses the strategies, processes, and information systems an organization sues to build and maintain relationships with its current and prospective customers.


enterprise _______ were inspired by the consumer _______ offered by web companies that help people combine content to their liking.

bullwhip effect

one reason DFA is so critical is the ________________, which describes the distortion in the supply chain caused by changes in customer demand as the orders ripple upstream.

demand forecast accuracy(DFA)

one reason ______ is so critical is the bullwhip effect, which describes the distortion in the supply chain caused by changes in customer demand as the orders ripple upstream.

extreme programming (XP)

one team member complained that there was resistance to change from a traditional hierarchy to the more collaborative ____ style of communication.

extreme programming

one team memeber complained that there was resistance to change from a traditional hierarchy to the more collaborative ____ style of communication.

database management software (DBMS)

software used to create and manage a database; it also provides tools for ensuring security, replication, retrieval, and other administrative and housekeeping tasks.


The "fairness" part comes from Sirius XM Radio, which pays just 8% of its revenue on royalties, compared to ________'s 55%.

Sirium XM

The "fiarness" part comes from ___________________, which pays just 8% of its revenue on royalities, compared to Pandora's 55%.


The 250 million people who store their music on iCloud, for example, have easy access to it from their _______ devices.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

a standard query language, widely used to manipulate information in relational databases

unified modeling language (UML)

a standardized approach to modeling an information system using graphics, symbols, and notations to improve communication and clarity.


a statistical decision support tool used to analyze historical trends and other business intelligence to estimate some variable of interest, such as customer demand.

market basket analysis

a statistical technique that reveals customer behavior patterns as they purchase multiple items.

scope creep

a strategy for hanging the scope that everyone agrees upon in advance will help resolve such disputes and avoid -----------, in which features are added in an uncontrolled way, often without considering the impact on the budget or timeline.

chief information officer

heading the department is the _________________________________, Vice President of Information systems, or similar title.

disruptive innovation

unlike sustaining technologies, which offer important improvements to streamline existing processes and give companies marginal advantages, _____________________ is different.

voluntary distributed computing

The ________________________________ architecture model relies on the participation of millions of people who offer some spare computer time in exchange for an interesting screen saver and, of course, the good feeling that comes with contributing to a worthy goal.

creative destruction

Economist Joseph Schumpter used the term ____________________ to describe what happens in an industry when disruptive innovations threaten the established players.

Joseph Schumpeter

Economist ___________________ used the term creative destruction to describe what happens in an industry when disruptive innovations threaten the established players.


______ also uses upeer-to-peer networking for VoIP, borrowing a bit of each user's computer power and Internet connection as calls are routed around the globe, hopping from node to node.

optical character recognition

______ and ICR help bridge the gap between paper and electronic recordkeeping

Business Software Alliance

The _____________________________ reports alarming financial losses to businesses due to software piracy-- more than $63 billion per year.

uniform resource locator (URL)

The _______________________________ is the unique global address for a web page or other resource on the Internet.

Human Rights Campaign

______ arranaged to send messages to their members at the right moment, asking them to call their representatives about a pending bill and giving them key points to use in the coversation.

return on investment (ROI)

______ can be much harder to estimate in other projects.


_______'s corporation mission is to "organize the world's information" a daunting task that stretches the imagination and promises to be an uphill climb.


_______'s website vistors can submit a favorite song, artist, or composer, and _______'s software builds a plyalist of similar songs.


_______, a candy manufacturer in the U.K. creates dozens of such communities for colleagues around the world to share ideas about product development.


_______, for example, encourages its tiny auto part suppliers to set up shop near its factories so _______ can provide extensive training and support.


_______, the company that offers TurboTax software, launched a user's forum that links directly to the sftware so that people can ask tax questions for other users to answer.

service oriented architecture (SOA)

_______-designed programs that comply with Web service standards are called Web services.

hypertext markup language

________ 5 also reduces the need for web developers to ask customers to download special browser plug-in software, like Adobe Flash, especially for video.

hypertext markup language

________ 5 goes a long way toward helping devlopers build engaging websites.

hypertext markup language

________ 5 is rapidly taking over as the favorite development tool.

hypertext markup language

________ 5 offers many new features, such as the ability to access location information from a mobile device without having to write special code for each one.

hypertext markup language

________ 5 offers many new features, suchas the ability to access location information from a mobile device without having to write special code for each one.


________ and Expedia, for instance, focus mainly on business to consumer (B2C) pricing and features.


________ are gateways that provide access to a variety of relevant information from many different sources on one screen.


________ are spreading so fast that analysts predict their signals will comprise 20% of Interet traffic.qsensors


________ argued that it never meant to harvest such data. this is a big company


________ can easily incorporate a web feed, for example , which is standardized and regularly updated output from a publisher, such as CNN or Weather.com.


_________ is so effective that if an organization loses sensitive information that was encrypted, the notification laws described earlier do not apply.


_________ learned form WestJet's missteps, so its "brain transplant" caused minimal disruption.


_________ manages wanted to keep the number of passengers low when the cutover occurred, giving employees mre time to troubleshoot problems, so it pre-canceled 56 flights and restricted ticket sales on the remainder.


_________ offers daily deals by email, and was once praised as "the fastest growing company ever."


_________ protocols determine how the electromagnetic spectrum is used to transmit data.

Tim Berners-Lee

______________ says, "The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past."


______________ with a live or recorded audio soundtrac are popular for e-learning, especially because many people are familiar with PowerPoint.

Nikia Sabri

______________, marketing director at a Los Angeles consulting firm, thought she had a brilliant idea to reduce costs and improve her department's results.


_______________ also support business to business (B2B) relationships.


_______________ and its variants determine how characters are encoded into digital strings, so that a backspace might send 00001000 and a SHIFT+s sends 01010011, for capital S.

shadow systems

_______________ are easy to create with tools like Access and Excel,but the information they hold may not be consistent with what is in the corporate databse.


_______________ illustrates other ways in which the human element affects information management. Founder Craig Newmark initially sought to help people in San Francisco find apartments and jobs.

system software

_______________ includes two categories 1. operation system software and 2. utiltiies.


_______________ is also an important element in the drie toward environmentally friendly information systems.

cloud computing

_______________ is somewhat confusing because it refers to many different styles and technologies, and some are not actually new.


_______________ software takes it from there. Finally, as stated, internet-based standards enable cloud-hosting vendors to provide processing capabilities in flexible yet standardized ways.

Yahoo! Canada

_______________, for instance, has agreements with more than 30 different ad networks, creating a web of interconnections that can follow people's tracks as they browse different sites.

Rail Europe

_______________, the company that promotes and sells European train travel tickets in the North American market, wanted U.S. visitors to sepd more time palnning their trips on its site and eventually buy train tickets.

Edward Snowden,

_______________, who leaked information to the press about the U.S. government's own surveillane prgrams, was working as an infrastructure analyst for private contractor Booz Allen at the time.

Sprint Nextel

________________ and other carriers deal with this human element by hiding their equipment in church steeples or masking their appearance in other ways.

digital cameras

________________ are another important input device widely used for surveillance, seucrity, and just entertainment.

neural networks

________________ are far simpler than the human brai, of course, but they borrow the brain's approach, using digital signals in place of neural ones.


________________ are often classified based on the buyers and sellers they serve.

Google Glass

________________ breaks new ground in this technology category with a headset that resembles a pair of lightweight glasses.

social capital

________________ describes the number and quality of all the relationships an organization's emplyees maintain, not just with one another but with clients, customers, suppliers, and prospective emplyees.

clickstream data

________________ includs every single click by every visitor, along with associated data revealing customer behavior patterns, suchas time spent on the page, the URL the visitor just left, and the visitor's IP address.

Lynda Weinman

________________, cofounder ofthe online learning company called Lynda.com, says, "The first time I ever used a computer, I went to the manual to try to teach myself how to do it, and I was mortified by how it was written."

predictive analytics

_____________________ are the tools that can spot suspicious activity and unusual patterns.vfdszsdftyuik9yfdtdt

availability bias

_____________________ can afect how people develop disaster recovery plans, especially what disasters they judge most likely.

predictive analytics

_____________________ can also learn from the data to build more sopisticated models, especially as the tools have access to mroe and more data.

telepresence robots

_____________________ help students who can't join a face-to-face class, but really want to.

in-memory computing

_____________________ is not yet a household word, but the breathtaking increase in speed it offers will forever change end-user expectations.

Gantt chart

a graphic showing the tasks on the work breakdown strcture along with each task's prjected start and finish dates.

database schema

a graphic that documents the data model and shows the tables, attributes, keys, and logical relationships for a database.


a graphical user interface that organizes and summarizes information ital to the user's role and the decisions that user makes.

domain name systems

a great advantage of ______ is that the URL stays the same even if the organization moves the website to a new server with a different IP address.

communities of practice

a group of individuals with common interest who share knowledge because they are in the same profession or job role, often using online tools.

systems development life cycle (SDLC)

the ________________________________________ is the process that begins with planning and goes through several phases until the system has been implemented.

Project Management Institute

the ________________________________________ offers programs to certify project managesr who can demonstrate their qualifications and agree to _____'s code of professional conduct and ethics.


the _________can be a hadre device or a software program, and its rules regulate traffic based on different levels of trust.

power of buyers

the advantage buyers have when they have leverage over suppliers and can demand deep discounts and special services. This is one of Porter's five competitive forces.

availability bias

the example illustrates the __________________, which is the tendency for people to judge the likelihood of events based on how readily they come to mind.

cross-functional teams

the exercise is often quite productive, though, as ________________ teams with members from different parts of the company share knowledge and ideas.


the familiar cabling that leads from the back of an office desktop computer to a jack in the wall is very likely an _________ cable, connecting to your organization's local area network, then to the data center.

output device

the familiar flat panel display is the most common computer _______________ for desktop computers.

Office of management and budget

the first is called "Cloud First," and ______ encourages the agencies to implement at least three cloud-based services.

data model

the first step is to sit down with Devon and her team to develop the __________, identifying what kind of information they want to track and how it is related.


the first, and by far most popular, is to obtain _____ services from _____ service vendors.

power of buyers, power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, rivalry among competitors.

the five competitive forces from Porter

conversion rate, clickthrough rate, cost per clickthrough, cost per impression, position on page

the five e-commerce metrics

turnover, turnover costs, cost per hire, human capital return on investment, employee satisfaction

the five human capital metrics.

initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing

the five project management processes

microsoft Internet Explorer, google chrome, mozilla firefox, apple safari,

the four main web browsers

contract management

the frequent need to engage consultants increases the value of an important skill information systems professionals need: ___________________.


the future of _________ is bright for consumers, but the industry is vey turbulent.

big data

the goal is to create a ________ view of citizens, one that would, for instance, inform a state agency if someone who is receiving benefits purchases a luxury vehicle in a state with no sales tax.

Michael Porter

Although ________________ thought companies should pick one of the strategies and stick with it, not everyone agrees, particuarly in the digital age in whcih those five forces that shape competition in an industry have been shaken up so much.

return on investment (ROI)

A supply chain management system ight save considerable time for staff in the procurement office, and the original ______ projection included reduced personnel costs.


Although _______ claims 74% of the Interent radio market, competition is intensifying.

speech recognition software

Although the sounds can be represented digitally just as sounds, ___________________________ can also dissect the words, matching them to known vocabularies or alphabets.

social engineering trick

An employee who swipes his or her ID badge oto open a secure door and then courteously holds it ope nfor the person behind may be falling for a comon ___________________ trick to bypass physical security.

virtual private cloud

An organization can build its own ______ on top of public cloud infrastructure like AWS or that provided by other cloud vendors.


Another area that seems ripe for ______'s stype of disruptive innovation is the TV business.


Another looming problem ffor _______ OMX is computer trading based on algorithms, or algo trading.

massive open online course (MOOC)

Another model gaining momentum in higher education is the ____________________________________.

hypertext markup language

Another popular tool is JavaScript, which can be used within ________ to add interactivity to web pages.


Another popular tool is ____________, which can be used within HTML to add interactivity to web pages.

extreme programming

Another study of 40 ____ teams suggests that paried programming itself may not be a key ingredient for ____'s success.


Another useful technology for big data is _______, which is open source software that supports distributed processing of big data sets across many computers.

IP address

Any network connection requires a handshake between the device and the server, so that the device's ____________, along with its location, is exposed. H

financial management system

Any organization that handles money and few do not, needs a robust ____________________________.

project manager

Apez team deomnstarted terrible project management, and the ____ was fired.

Edwin Siebels

Before _______________ invented the lateral filing cabinet in 1898, businesses often organized documents by putting them in envelopes, in rows of small pigeonholes that lined entire walls from top to bottom.

software as a service (SaaS)

Beyond hardware capacity, vendors offer _____________________________ through cloud computing, described in the previous chapter.


But ________ found a way for music lovers to share their electronic music files online, forfree.

Mark Benioff

Companies can purchase subscriptions to use the Salesforce software to manage customer records, and CEO ______________ sees cloud computing as the future , not just for his software, but for many others as well.


_____-based service offerings can be organized into the three categories.


______ sued Samsung for patent infringement and a California court awarded ______ an astounding $1.5 billion in damages.


______ was unsure whether German law would require payment for playing copyrighted songs.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

______'s president, Shirley Ann Jackson, knew the institute needed better data for strategic planning, and her executive team was frustrated by conflicting reports.


______, for example, offers software for statistical analysis, and Cardiff produces software that scans handwriting on paper forms.


______, for instance, maintains a vast inventory of online, self-paced courses in several languages that teach how to use the ERP software.


______, for instance, relies on everyone who clicks on links or embeds links in their websites to continually improve its ranking system.


_______ and others provide applciation development tools as well.


For our purposes, the term ____ refers to individual facts or pieces of information, and information refers to ____ or facts that are assembled and analyzed to add meaning and usefulness.


For our purposes, the term data refers to individual facts or pieces of ___________, and ___________ refers to data or facts that are assembled and analyzed to add meaning and usefulness.


Is the slide due to wildly unrealistic expectations, or is ______ really a "broken" company, as some analysts suggest?

elastic cloud 2

It could also license a DBMS, say SQL Server from Microsoft, and place it on an _____ Windows Server instance.


It features popular titles such as Castleville, Mafia Wars, Farmville 2, Words with Friends, and ______ Poker.

random access memory (RAM)

It is a critical factor in the computer's performance, and you often find extra room so that additional ______ can be inserted.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

Live ______ tracking software shows the speed and location of every vehicle overlaid against live traffic maps.


Lynda Weinman, cofounder of the online learning company called ___________, says, "The first time I ever used a computer, I went to the manual to try to teach myself how to do it, and I was mortified by how it was written."

private branch exchange (PBX)

Many organizations buy such servies from phone companies, although larger ones might purchas and maintain their own ______.


Many programs are industry specific, such as the ________ rela estate agents use to track listings, or the routing _________ used bu trucking companies.

request for proposal (RFP)

Releasing an ______ does not committ the organization to the buy approach, and the steering committee may decide to custom-build the produc t afer all.

Google Mail

Some of the SaaS products that AllRoad could use are: ______________, google drive, Office 365, Salesforce.com, Microsoft CRM OnLine, and many others...


_________ VP Bob Cummings commented, "We didn't want to telgraph dates so a competitor would put on a big fare sale."

web beacon or web bug

Technically, the software accomplishes this tracking by embedding in the HTML email a ____________________, whchich is a tiny, invisible image, typically a single pixel with a unique identifier.


The Barmital _____, which infected over 8 million Windows computers, led people to malicious websites when they clicked on what they thought were legitimate links returned by a search engine.

database schema

The data model can be documented using a _______________, which graphically shows the tables, attributes, keys, and logical relationships.

requirements definition document (RDD)

The design phase involves translating the ______ into a workable technical design.

social network analysis (SNA)

Tracking down those key individuals who are tightly integrated into the informal snetowrks through which informatin flows is a challenge, but ______________________________ can be very useful.


______ relies on targeted advertising and premium subscriptons for revenue.

voluntary distributed computing

Trust is a significant element for ________________________________, especially because users are warned about the dangers of downloading executable programs to their computers from unknown sources.

content delivery network

When a news reader accesses an article, her request is transmitted to a routing server that determines which ______ server is likely to deliver the article to her the fastest.

foreign key

When a primary key appears as an attribute in a different table, as DepartmentID does, it is called a ___________.


When an ______ employee left a prototype of the newest iPhone ina California bar, the vulnerability posed by the human element-- in this case, accidental loss--becaming glaringly apparent.


With Office 365, Exchange, Lync, and SharePoint applications are provided as services "in the ____."


With PaaS, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the cloud from the cloud vender.


DBMS are also included in other vendors' _____ offerings.


With the drop in ______'s share price, investors do not seem confident that ______ is capable of pulling off one more major disruptive innovation.


______ sold more than 100 million iPads.


For example, ______ encourages employees to contribute to blogs, tweet, and join virtual worlds, but the company publishes social computing guidelines.


For example, ________ launcehd a "person finder" database after bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon, to help people find one another.


For example, __________ founder Jimmy Wals is committed to the inciple of free speech on the site.

version control software

For example, _________________________ tracks versions of the code, acting like a library with checkout procedures to prevent developers from writing over one another's files.


For example, an online ticketing company called __________ used sentiment analysis software to spot a surge in complaints from baseball fans on social media.

NoSQL databases

For example, database platforms that don't rely on relational strctures are emerging, called _________ _________, for "Not Only SQL."

extreme programming (XP)

____'s strong emphasis on testing is also an importnat feature , and one reason for its development was to improve software quality.

Nicholas Carr

_____ argues that IT is reaching that point, and a arger danger now is overspending.

Peter Norvig

______________, who worked on the project at Google, remarked, "we don't have better algorithms. We just have more data."

human capital

_______________ includes the competencies and knowledge possessed by the organization's employees.

customer relationship management

________________________________________ covers the strategies, processes, and information systems an organization uses to build and maintain relationships with its current and prospective customers.

The Identity Theft Resource Center

________________________________________ is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping users understand and prevent identity theft.

master data management

a broader strategy to address underlying incosistencies in the way people use data is _______________________.

sentiment analysis

a capability of specialized software to scan text input surveys, blogs, or other user generated content and classify the opinions as pro, co, or neutral toward the company or product.

data warehouse

a central data repository containing information drawn from multiple sources that can be used for analysis, intelligence gathering, and strategic planning.


a combination of the terms robot and network referring to a collection of computers that have been compromised by malware and used to attack other computers.

multifactor authentication

a combination of two or more authentications a user must pass to access an information system, such as a finger print scan combined with a password.

cognitive bias

a common human tendency to make systematic mistakes when processing information or making judgments; cognitive biases can distort strategi planning.


a communication protocol sidely used for local area networks.

product differentiation strategy

a company strategy that involves adding special features to a product or unique add-ons for which customers are willing to pay more

low cost leadership strategy

a company strategy that involves offering a similar product at a lower price compared to competitors

systems integrator

a consultant who ensures that the hardware and software components of an information system work together when they come from different vendors.

project portfolio management

a continuous process that overseee s all the projects for an organization, selecting which projects to pursue and which ones to terminate.


_________, Canada's second-largest airline, was in the unfortunate position of going first.


a temporary activity launched for a specific purpose, to carry out a particular objective.

goal seeking

a decision support tool, often based on an Excel model, in which the user sets a target value for a particular variable, such as profit/loss and tells the program which variable to change to try to reach the goal.


a defensive technical control that inspects incoming and outgoing traffic and either blocks or permits it according to rules the organization establishes. The firewall can be hardware device or a software program.

extreme programming

a distinguishing feature of ____ is that developers work in apirs, reviewing one another's work, providing each other with feedback, and testing the code as it is written.

disruptive innovations

the internet itself is the kingpin of ______________________ in the last century, and all the innovations it supprots are transforming one industry after another..

project manager

the job is demanding, and project success can depend so heavily on the ____'s skills that many organizations rquire professional certification, especially for those charged with managing large projects.

database administrator (DBA)

the job of _______________________________ is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States.

structural capital

the knowledge stored as documentation, often electronically, about business processes, procedures, policies, contracts, transactions, patents, research, trade secrets, and other aspects of the organization's operations.

hypertext markup language (HTML)

the original language used to create web pages is called ______________________________________, which specifies the web page's format and helps put it into reader-friendly output.

hypertext markup language (HTML)

the original language used to create web pages; _________ specifies the web page's format using tags in angle brackets that browers can interpret and put into reader-friendly output.

requirements definition document (RDD)

the output of the analysis phase is the _______________________________________, which specifies in detail what features they system should have, prioritized by the stakeholders.

cascading style sheets (CSS)

the part of a website template that controls the fonts, colors, and styles that appear when an editor identifies some text as a page heading, a paragraph title, or some other style.

program management office (PMO)

the part of an organization that oversees all the projects going on throughout the organization and provides project management training, software, and support.


the path from ____ to information, and then to knowledge, is a continuum.

instructional designer

the person on an e-learning development team who brings the knowledge and skills about what strategies work best for e-learning

subject matter expert

the person on an e-learning development team who knows what content should be included int he course and possesses the content expertise.

chief information officer (CIO)

the person who heads the department responsible for managing and maintaining information systems, and ensuring they support the organization's strategic goals.

project management plan

the planning processes should start very early with the overarching _______________________.

crisis management team

the team in an organization that is responsible for identifying, assessing, and addressing threats from unforeseen circumstances that can lead to crisis situations.

Voice over IP (VoIO)

the technologies that make voice communications across networks using packet switching feasible, including those used over the Internet.

microwave transmission

the technology involving signals in the gigahertz range that are transmitted to relays in the line of sight.

availability bias

the tendency for people to judge the likelihood of events based on how readily they come to mind, rather than their actual likelihood

twisted pair wire

these wires are somewhat fragile, but flexible enough to wind through ceilings and walls.

massive open online course (MOOC)

an online course usually offered by a college or university through a third party for free or very low cost, with open enrollment and often very large volum

clickstream data

business intelligence data that includes every click by every visitor on a website, along with associated data suh as time spent on the page and the visitor's IP address


by doing so, the organization gains the advantages of _____ storage and possibly _____ processing for that portion of its data that it need not physically control.


consider, for example, a _____ that will hold employee rcords, created using MS Access.


consumer to consumer (C2C) ______________ include eBay and Craigslist.


cost-cutting approach to servers in which multiple operating systems run concurrently on a single physical PC server.

switching costs

costs that customers incur when they change suppliers.

Assistive technologies

devices and software that help people with disabilities, such as screen readers for the visually impaired.


finally, as stated, Internet-based standards enable _____-hosting vendors to provide processing capabilities in flexible yet standardized ways.


it handles the interfaces with keyboards, monitors, and other devices; maintains file strctures; and allocates memory for its own activites and the needs of applcations ________.

legacy systems

older information systems that remain in use because they still function and are costly to replace.

resource description framework (RDF)

part of the XML family of standards, RDF is used to describe online resources and their properties for the semantic web.

shadow system

people want to get their jobs done as efficiently as possible, and sometimes the quick solution is to create a _____________.

code of ethics

project managers adhere to a ______________, and one widely used in the field is from the Project Management Institute.

business continuity

recovery from disaster is not just about bringing the systems back online, however. It also means ensuring ___________________.

web accessibility

refers to how easily people with disabilities can access and use web reources.


refers to the ease with which a person can accomplsih a goal using some tool, suchas a a website, a mobile phone, or a kiosk.

intelligent agents

software programs or bots that are sent out to conduct a mission and collect data from web pages on behalf of a user

online analytical processing (OLAP)

software that allows user to "slice and dice" or drill down into massive amounts of data stored in data warehouses to reveal significant patterns and trends.

expert system

software that mimics the reasoning and decision making of a human expert, drawing from a base of knowledge about a particular subject area developed with the expert's assistance.

digital subscriber lines (DSL)

technology that supports high speed two-way digital communication over twisted pair phone lines.

information and communications technology (ICT)

telecommunications and networks are also part of IT, and the term _________________________________________________ is often used to refer to the broader collection.


the _________ blog was the platform they used to explain how the company was preparing for the software implementation.


the _________ is any electronic device that can accept, manipulate, store, and output data, and whose instructions can be programmed.

risk matrix

the ___________ lists the vulnerabilities in a table, and managers rate the level of risk each one presents in areas such as confidentiality, company reputation, lost revenue, or downtime.

critical path

the _____________ is the longest path through the project, and it identifies those tasks that can't be delayed without affecting the finish date.

data warehouse

the ______________ is a central data repository containing information drawn from multiple sources that can be used for analysis, intelligence gathering, and strategic planning.

project charter

the _______________ is an effective tool to achieve this clarity and ensure everyone is one the same page.

planning processes

the ____________________ should start very early with the overarching project management plan.

threat of substitutes

the _____________________ is high wehn alternative producst are available, especially if they offer attractive savings.

initiating processes

the _____________________ lay the groundwork for the project by clarifying the value it will bring to the organization, setting its objectives, and estimating the project's length, scope, and cost.

operating system

the _____________________ takes care of several basic tasks, without which the computer would not function at all.

enterprise architecture

the ______________________ is the organization's overarching ICT environment, and the plan for this architecture should address its current and target state.

threat of substitutes

the ______________________ may come from any direction, making it critical for strategists to pay attention to developments on a much wider scale.

project management plan

the ______________________ should clarify the scope of the project, and sometimes this requires a separate document.

hindsight bias

the human tendency to think an unusual event was (or should have been) predictable, once they know it actually happened.


types f network architecture in which several servers, specialized for particular tasks, may be accessed by a client computer to perform some activity, such as retrieving a bank balance.

natural disasters, security breaches, pandemics, and environmental hazards.

types of disasters

explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge

types of knowledge

human resources management (HRM) system

typically, the heart of the HCM system, the HRM system tracks each employee's demographic information, salary, tax data, benefits, titles, employment history, dependents, and dates of hire and termination.

loyalty program

unless passengers are tied to one airline with a ________________, they can search for the best price, a factor that holds down the airline industry's profitability.

sustaining technologies

unlike ______________________, which offer important improvement to streamline existing processes and give companies marginal advantages, disruptive innovation is different.

sustaining technologies

unlike _______________________, hich offer important improvements to streamline existing processes and give companies marginal advantages, disruptive innovation is different.


unlike outsourcing, in which an organization contracts with a vendor to do work, ____________ depends on engaging people in taks they find interesting or rewarding, or collecting data about what people are doing anyway as they go about their daily work.


users then tend to write ________ down adn reuse them on less secure systems such as online games.

cloud technology

using ________________, the cloud vendor will programmatically increase its servers to keep response time below the 0.5-second threshold.

optical character recognition

using ________________________________________, which reads typed text, the systems can quickly do much of their own indexing and tagging to process paper forms.

virtual private cloud

using a ______, an organization acn store its most sensitive data on its own infrastrcutre, and store the less sensitive data on the ______.

virtual private cloud

using a ______, an organization can store its most sensitive data on its own infrastructure, and store the less sensitive data on the ______.


wireless _______ captures barcode information and uploads to supply chain management system.

elastic cloud 2

with PaaS, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the cloud from the cloud vendor. For example, it can lease _____ (__________________ a PaaS product offered by Amazon.com), and Amazon.

united modeling language (UML)

Developed by a consortium of 11 companies, ______ offers a standardized approach to modeling.


Facebook--along with ___________, the photo sharing site that the company purchased in 2012--struggles with thorny privacy and ownership issues.


How can organizations realize the benefits of ____ technology without succumbing to those threats?

strategic enabler

IT is a __________________, a role that can potentially make a far greater contribution to success compared to its role in keeping the business running.


Media giant Viacom, for example, unsuccessfully tried to sue _________ for $1 billion for allowing its copyrighted movies to play on the video site.

intellectual property

many think it is not a very serious ethical violation to break ____ laws when the material is digitized.

hierarchical databases

resembles an organizational chart or an upside down tree.


so where does the _____ go during the early years of your career?

open source software

Hadoop, for instace is ____________________ used to manage and process big data.

change management

Another knowledge area project managers must master is _________________.


After privacy advocates protested, _________ reversed course and changed the default to more restrictive settings.

hypertext transfer protocol (http://)

A URL component that specifies the resource is a web page containing code the browser can interpret and display.


A _______ is a temporary activity that is launched for a specific purpose, to carry out a particular objective.

massive open online course (MOOC)

A _________ is usually offered by a college or university through a third party, and anyone can enroll for free or very low cost.

virtual private networks

A ________________________________ uses the Internet to create the appearance of private, secure connections.

content delivery network

A __________________________________ is an information system that stores user data in many different geographical locations and makes that data available on demand.

semi-structured information

A avst gray area exists between the extremes of stcutured and unstructured information; this is the are within which ___________________________ falls.


A JavaScript library called ________ contains a growing collection of open source code to help developers create interactive pages that work in many different browsers.


A U.S. court eventually awarded e360 $27,000, but _________ refuses to apy even that amount, insisting that e360 is a spammer.

Defense Advanced Research Projects

A U.S. government agency--__________________________________________________________--created a computer research program in the 1960s, and it also funded a community of scientists working from other institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom.

file transfer protocol (ftp://)

A URL component that indicates the resource is a file to be transferred.


A security breach at _____________ released millions of passwords, and almost 300,000 people chose "123456."

what-if analysis

A tool called ________________ builds a model that simulats relationships between many variables.

Mozilla's Firefox

A web browser such as _____________________, fore example, is client software.

Sharable content object Reference Model (SCORM)

A widely used set of standards is called the _____________________________________________________.


AS the brain of the information system, ________ is the most expensive component.


Absent some unknown factor such as a federal tax on Internet traffic or a consumer push-back to governmental mining of Iternet traffic, _____ services will become faster, more secure, easier to use, and cheaper.


According to the new policy, Facebook claimed a perpetual right to license all public __________ photos, allowing them to sell the photos to companies for advertising purposes.


Another _________ useful for information systems is the amount spent per employee.


But, looking a bit deeper, the _____ brings both good and bad news.


Members earn points for every dollar they spend, but also for telling _________ about the games they play and their preferences.

software as a service (SaaS)

Because IT support is not as much needed to manage servers or maintain software, some _______ sales representatives bypass the CIO and make appointments with senior mangers in finance, marketing, or other units.

search engine marketing

Because _______________________ is so effective, the companies compete fiercely to attract users.


Billedas the station that "plays only music you like," _______.com offers music lovers access to their own customized "radio stations."

critical path

Both of these tasks are red, indicating that they are on the _____________ and must finish on schedule.


Members spend an average $400 per year at __________.

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Azure provides a host with Windows Server and ______________.


Consumer to business (C2B) relationships, in which consumers sell products or services online to business, are also facilitated by e-marketplaces.

Windows Server

Microsoft SQL Azure provides a host with ________________ and SQL Server.


Critics blamed poor decision making at _______ forthe costly mess, insisting that the comapn yput profits ahead of risk management.

Simple Storage Server

Data is indexed on ___ and can be readily read by authorized users.


Devices equipped with __________ adapters, sucha s a printer and computer, or a cell phone and earpiece, can detect one another and communicate.


Differentiating the product or service for a particular segment of the market is called a focused niche strategy. Here, the goal is to find a smaller group of customers who have special preferences, and then tailor your products and services to them. _________, for example, is an ad-free social network that charges members a small fee each month.

web breakdown structure (WBS)

Executing processes include all the coordinating efforts that ensure the tasks on the _______ are carried out properly.

consumer to consumer (C2C)

E-commerce relationship in which individual consumers can buy and sell to one another over the Internet.

consumer to business (C2B)

E-commerce relationship in which individual consumers can sell products or services to businesses.

business to business (B2B)

E-commerce relationship in whihc businesses can buy and sell products or services online to one another.

tacit knowledge

Employees like Sally and the detectives in "Criminal Investigations Division" possess another kind of knowledge that is more elusive, called _______________.


Founded in 1936 when there were very few televisions in the country, ________ grew into the ratings giant that can make or break any new progra, or any TV producer's career.


Game maker ______, for instance, started out with its own Dell servers, but then swtiched to the cloud when growth exploded and they couldn't buy servers fast enough.


Gaming site King.com also uses _______ to help explore the company's big data, which includes the activities of more than 60 million registered users who play billions of games every month.


Gaming site _________ also uses Hadoop to help explore the company's big data, which includes the activities of more than 60 million registered users who play billions of games every month.


Google pioneered a simple marketing approach that relies on your search terms rather than on _______.

optical character recognition (OCR)

Google uses ______ to scan old books so that their contents become searchable.

Larry Page

Google's PageRank system, for example, named for cofounder ____________, interprets a link from Site A to Site B as a vote, thereby improving B's rank.


Government websites also support online interactions so terms such as _____, G2G, and C2G have appeared.

Paul Clark

Group Director of HR ____________ says, "The system is doing the job of tracking careers with the [Mandarin Oriental] group. It helps us to determine who is ready for the next career step and then we actively promote internally."


Had it done so, the vast majority of its servers would have been idle most of the day. And, as you'll learn, the _____ vendor can provision servers worldwide using the ____; if a good portion of the excess demand is in Singapore, for example, it can provision extra servers in Asia and reduce wait time due to global transmission delays.

accounting standards

In China, for example, different ____________________ have been used to judge the value of companies that come about as a result of mergers between state controlled and privately held enterprises.

project manager

In the Apprentice TV series, real estate mogul Donald Trump challenged the contesttants to take on a business project each week, appointing one person on each team as ____________________.


Instagram users were outraged, and the online firestorm caused __________ to back off some of the language.

software as a service (SaaS)

Larger eterprises are looking closely at the model as well, and market leaders like SAP and Microsoft are developing ______ version of their own products.

United States Postal Office

Netflix processes the return and promptly mails out the next one in the customer's queue. However, the delievery step is highly dependet on ______ timeliness.


On _______, they find easier ways to enter Chinese keywords, download free music, and identify relevant websites, all in Chinese.


One new product that might break new ground is the _______, that could offer features to support text messaging, medical sensors, news headlines, and music.

hype cycle

One of Gartner's most useful planning tools is the legendary ___________, which tracks the evolution of technologies or IT-related business trends.


One of _______'s major challenges comes from their royalty arragenemnts with record labels.


One such obstacle that thwarts most software bots is the ______________, a test the visitor must pass before continuing to register or enter the site.

virtual private networks

One way to create a ______ to connect a remote computer, perhaps an employee working at a hotel in Miami, to a LAN at a Chicago site. The remote user is the ______ client.

output devices

Powered USB ports open up opportunities for creative inventors, who came up with several oddball ______________: heated slippers, coffe warmers, and air darts fired off with the mouse.


Privacy could well become a much bigger threat to _________'s future, as more people decide to opt out altogether.

David Allen

Productivity guru _______________ commented on Twtter.com, "Communicating without knowing how to type is like talking with marbles in your mouth."

optical character recognition (OCR)

Scanners, combined with ______________________________________ software, can interpret the actual letters and numbers on a page, creating a digital document that can be edited rather than a flat picture.

Central processing unit (CPU)

RAM serves as a temporary storage area as the ______ executes instructions.


Rick Zeni, the __________ VP who led the project, said the extra agents were :one of the wisest investments we made."


Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a way of designing computer programs so they can be flexibly combined, like Lego blocks, for _____ processing.

Google Drive

Some of the SaaS products that AllRoad could use are: Google Mail, _______________, Office 365, Salesforce.com, Microsoft CRM OnLine, and many others...


Some organizations develop __________ strategies for various services, such as help-desk calls, hardware purchases, or storage space, so department managers receive a bill each month.

human resources management system

Some systems also keep track of performance evaluations, professional development, and training. ______ systems are quite mature, and almost all organizations integrate this information system with the financial system, especially to track payroll expenditures, taxes, and benefits.


Speed matters, and _______ OMX tchnology can handle 1 million messages per second.

software piracy

The Business Software Alliance reports alarming finacnail losses to businesses due to ________________--more than $63 billion per year.


The CIO of ________, a New Orleans-based energy company, recalls the day Hurricane Katrina hit the city. "That was not a good day," said Ray Johnson.

Radio frequency identification (RFID)

The Department of Energy relies on _______ tags to track shipments of hazardous nuclear material.

net neutrality

The FCC went on to establish rules supporting _______________ anyway.

web breakdown structure WBS

The Gantt chart is a handy visual guide that ists the tasks on the ______ along with each task's projected start and finish dates in graphical format.

customer relationship management

The U.K.-based holiday travel site called On The Beach uses ______ to track customer beavior when they visit the site, noting the travel deals each visitor lingers over.


The application even misplaced ______'s own stores on the maps.

extreme programming XP

The factors that make ____ work are really the collective ownership of the project by the whole team, the involvement of the client, and a strong focus on code standards and testing.


The familiar cabling that leads from the back of an office desktop computer to a jack in the wall is very likely an _______________, connecting ot your organization's local area network, then to the data center.

Google Glass

The fashion conscious may reject the Spartan look of _______________, which resembles the headset worn by Levarn Burton in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

social network analysis (SNA)

The food-packaging giant Mars, for instance, used ______ to trace its scientists' informal networks.

web browser

The goal is to create pages that a visitor can access with a __________, the software application that retrieves, interprets, and displays web resources.


The labels fought ________ in court and eventaully shut it down for copyright violations, but then Apple entered the picture with its iTunes store and low pricing per song.

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

The lackluster performance caused donors to wonder whether their dollars were well spent and whether the ________ was capable of managing a world-class supply chain that could respond to disasters in an efficient and cost-effective way.

top level domain

The last string of letters is the ________________, suchas .com, .org, .gov, or .mil.

Internet Protocol Version 6

The latest revision of th IP protocol is ___________________________________________, and it includes much more breathing room for addresses--quadrillions for every man, woman, and child on the planet.

explicit knowledge

The notes Sally entered into the CRM, and the handbook she updated, are examples of ___________________, or knowledge that can be documented.

user-generated content

The people who manage ysstems that tap ______ work hard to promote the positive contributions and even harder to keep the criminals and pranksters from taking over.


The popular photo-sharing website _______ relies on metadata to search its enormous photo collection.

social engineering

The scam was actually an experiment to test how well the traing worked. It demonstrated the effectivesness of __________________, whic manipulates people into breaking normal security procedures or divulging confidential information


The unique font is standard throughout the industry, and ________ uses OCR to scan old books so that their contents become searchable.


The used market is important because it brins customers into the store to trade in their old games andconsoles for store credits.


Their hardware might be s vast as Google's data centers or far smaller than ________'s pallet tags.

extreme programming

They believed that the ____ approach led to very good quality software, even better than the team might have produced using the old approach.

intellectual property

They see no victim and no harm to the ____ owner not even a lost sale if the violator had no intention of purchasing a legal copy.


Though ________ ran afoul of copyright law and was shut down, the demand for single-song downloads was so intense that Apple's iTunes store became an instant hit.


Two discount airlines, JetBlue and _________, both chose to replace their aging systems with software from Sabre, the company that owns Travelocity and handles reservations for more than 300 other airlines.


Two discount airlines, _________ and WestJet, both chose to replace their aging systems with software from Sabre, the company that owns Travelcity and handles reservations for more than 300 other airlines.


When _________ was first launched, an important competitive advantage was its exclusivity.

project managers

_________________ also need to be willing to make unpopular decisions and communicate unpleasant truths.


a ______ is a group of records for the same entity, such as employees, products, books, videos, or some other "thing? that has meaning to people.


a _______ is a group of interconnected devices (such as computers, phones, printers, or displays,.)


a _________ should summarize key performance indicators (KPIs), which are the quantifiable metrics most important to the individuals' role and the organization's success.


a __________ combines those metrics with updated graphs showing clickthroughs for his keyword ads and the number of unique visitors to the web pages he designed as landing pages for the ads.


a reference point used as a baseline measurement

database administrator

although the ______ might be tempted to index everything, that would slow the system down when records are added, so a balance is needed.


although the words people use in these conversations reveal some information about service quality, even more can be gathered from the tone of voice, tempo, and other nonverbal ____.

programming languages

advances in _______________________ make it easier for developes to write reliable and easily maintained code.

executing processes

all the coordinating efforts that ensure the tasksk on the work breakdown strcture are carried out propertly

intellectual capital (IC)

all the intangible assets and resources of an enterprise that are not captured by conventional accounting reports, but still contribute to its value and help it achieve competitive advantage.

databases without boundaries

another example of how the human element interacts with information management involves _____________________________, in which people outside the enterprsie enter and manage most of the records.

distributed denial of service

another grave threat posed by the botnets is the ________________________________________ attack in which zombies are directed to flood a single website server with rapid-fire page requests, causing it to slow to a crawl or just crash.


beginning in the 1960s, __________ were the foundation of the architecture.

optical fiber

cables that transmit bits by means of light pulses along a glass or plastic fiber instead of electrical signals over a conductor; ideally suited for long distances.

portfolio management office (PMO)

collecting reliable data is a challenge for the ______.

big data

collections of data that are so enormous in size, so varied in content, and so fast to accumulate that they are difficult to store and analyze using traditional approaches.

cross-functional teams

communication on ______________________, for instance, can be challenging.


companies are embedded in a complex _________- an economic community that includes the elated industries making complementary products and services, the competitors themselves, the suppliers, and also the consumers.

net neutrality

even though adherence to the _______________ principle was voluntary, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reprimanded Comcast for what it considered an outrageous violation.


even with these tools, rock solid __________ online is very difficult to maintain.

data dictionary

documentation that contains the details of each field in every table, including user-friendly descriptions of the field's meaning

key performance indicators, data quality, timeliness, density, chart formats, and maps and visual displays.

dashboard features


data about data that clarifies the nature of the information.

predictive analytics

data mining approaches and statistical techniques used to predict future behavior, especially to unlock the value of business intelligence for strategy.


data or facts that are assembled and analyzed to add meaning and usefulness

business to consumer (B2C)

e-commerce relationship in which businesses offer products for online sale to consumers.


e-commerce sites rely on _______ to keep track of the products a cstomer places in a shopping cart.

shopping cart software

e-commerce systems typically include _______________________ that tracks purchases as customers navigate the site and click add to cart as they go.

shopping car software

e-commerce systesm typically include ______________________ that tracks purchases as customers navigate the site and click add to cart as they go.

structured information

every organization relies on _______________________, the kind that is usually considered to be facts and data.

data definition

each field should have a _______________ that specifies the field's properties, such as the type of data il will hold (e.g., alphabetic, alphanumeric, or numeric), and maximum number of characters it can contain.


earlier ________ architectures offered different strategies to organize and link records.

parallel implementation

however, __________________________ is ver expensive and thus is usually in place for only a short period.

twisted pair wires

insulated copper wires that are also used for telephones.


major _____ vendors opeate enormous web farms.


malicious software designed to attack computer systems.

semantic web

managing knowledge on the web involves building the ____________, which is a web with meaning, in which online resources and their relationships can be read and understood by computers.

relational, object-oriented, and XML

modern database architectures


not everyone agrees that online __________ should be protected as a right.


private _____s provide security within the organizational infrastructure but do not provide secure access from outside that infrastructure.


regardless of its inital form, incoming ___ is converted into digital format, which allows it to be integrated in information systems, read by computer programs, and shared across systems.

network database

resembles a lattice or web rather than the upside down tree. Records can be linked in multiple ways, supporting many-to-many relationships.

black swan

used to describe an extremely rare event that is diffcult or nearly impossible to predict, but which can have an immense impact in areas such as technology, finance and science; black sans pose enormouse challenges for strategic palnners.


___________ does not permit anonymous contributions, as Wikipedia does, and no "sock puppets" are allowed.


___________ reduces the value of local mediocrity.


______________ is a remote action system that healthcare professionals use to diagnose illness for rural or remote areas.

Mobile AI

______________ is also offering much promise. In Kenyan villages, for example, health workers carrying a small test kit visit rural households looking for signs of malaria. They send the results via text message to the expert system, which in just a few seconds returns an automated response about the proper course of treatement based on its analysis. The system also sends additional messages about follow-up treatments and clinic appointments.

neural networks

_________________ attempt to mimic the way the human brain works, with its vast network of interconnections.

optical scanners

_________________ capture text or images and covert them to digital format in thousands of settings.

wireless protocols

_________________ determine how the electromagnetic spectrum is used to transmit data.

Sun Microsystems

_________________ developed "Rise of the Shadow Specters" a 3D simulation set in an alternative universe that helps new hires learn the company's structure, values, and innovative culture.


_________________ for instance, is registering a replica site with a misspelling in the trademark name that users might easily mistake for the real thing and enter personal information and passwors for the squatter's fraudulent use.

Nicholas Carr

_________________, former editor of Harvard Business Review, posed a thought-provoking question "Does IT matter?", His point is that IT resources have become so commonplace that their strategic importance has diminished.

system software

_________________, the second type of software, handles the more basic operations, suchas file management, disk storage, hardware interfaces, and integration with the application software.

business processes

__________________ and organizational policies must also be reviewed frequently because circumstances change quickly.

talent management

__________________ applications focus on the employee life cycle, beginning with recruitment and extending into performance evaluations, career development, compensation planning, e-learning, and succession planning after retirement or departure.

disaster recovery

__________________ refers to all the procedures, documentation, and resources the organization puts into place to prepare for a disaster and recover the technical infrastructure.

closing processes

___________________ will formally endthe project in an orderly way.

call center software

______________________ can queue calls, let callers know the approximate waiting time, offer menu options for call routing, and retrieve customer data based on the caller's information so agents can quickly find answers.


"It's impoossible to overstate the smartphone," says ______'s founder.

accounting standards

Nevertheless, the growing body of widely accepted ____________________ throughout the world, combined with the use of robust financial information systems and languages such as XBRL for business reporting, are promising steps.

financial information systems

Neverthelss, the growing body of widely accepted accounting asstandards throughout the world, combined with the use of robust ____________________________ and languages such as XBRL for businesss roeproting , are promising steps.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

New sensors are adding far more, through RFID technology, smartphones, cameras, camcorders, ______ devices, and other sensory input.


Next, we work with Devon to further refine the entities and their relationships. This multistep process is called _____________, and it minimizes duplication of information in the tables-- a condition that can cause many kinds of problems that diminish the database's integrity.


Spammers and copyright violatrs flock to hosts like this, and _________ had blocked several of CyberBunker's clients, some of whom volunteered to launch the DDoS attack.


The ______, joystick, and graphics tablet are other human input devices ,and these can transmit motion and location infromation.

hype cycle

The ___________ researchers also estimate the time period for each prediction, because some people adopt certain technologies with breathtaking speed, like smartphones and tablets.

European Commission

The ______________________ is considering adding this to its data protection laws as a basic human right. Europeans could demand that any company delete any and all personal data about them.

project management plan

The _______________________ will also include strategies for managing time, quality, human resources, communications, cost, risk, and overall integration.

The Smithsonian Institution,

The _________________________, for example, launched a $1.2 million project to implement ArtCIS, a state-of-the-art collection management system to track more than 600,000 objects that the museum holds in trust for the nation.

Web Accessibility Initiative

The _____________________________________ develops guidelines for web accessibility that are widely regarded as international standards.

authentication strategies

Multifactor authentication combines two or more ___________________________, creating much stronger security against unauthorized access.

human resources management system

The ___________________________________________ is typically the heart of the HCM system, tracking each employee's demographic information, salary, tax data, benefits, titles, employment history, dependents, and dates of hire and termination.

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

The ________________________________________________________ exists to develop and promote a single worldwide set of understandable and enforceable financial reporting standards.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)

The _________________________________________________________________ created an immense knowledge base of its information about hurricanes and other extreme weather events at answer.noaa.gov.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

With the rise of information systems storage, the ______ updated the rules in 1997 by stating tht such records can be kept electronically, provided that the storage devices are write once, read many times (WORM) devices.


______ is no longer closely tied to Facebook, which was taking cut of _____'s profits.


______ is notoriously secretive about its designs, and the company also defends its patents with lawsuits.

random access memory (RAM)

______ is volatile storage that is erased when power is turned off or lost; however, computers also have other chips that permanently store information.


_______-based hosting makes sense for most organizations.

Rick Zeni

_________, the JetBlue VP who led the proejct, said the extra agents were "one of the wisest investments we made."

service oriented architecture (SA)

_______________________________________ is a way of designing computer programs so they can be flexibly combined, like Lego blocks, for cloud processing.

sequential website architecture

a ________________________________ is useful in some settings, particularly when designers want he visotr to proceed step by step through a transaction, survey, or learning module.

virtual private network

a ___________________________________ uses the Internet to create the appearance of private, secure connections.


a attempt to steal passwords or other sensitive information by persuading the victim, often in an email, to enter the information into a fraudulent website that masquerades as the authentic version.


a system's ability to handle rapidly increasing demand

tag cloud

a visual depiction of keywords related to the search, with font size and position indicating relevance.


an agile process for software development that relies on tightly knit, cohesive teams that do "sprints" of 2 to 4 weeks each.

master data management

an approach that addressed the underlying inconsisties in the way employees use data by attempting to achieve consistent and uniform definitions for entities and their attribute across all business units


an approach to aggregating content from multiple internal and external sources on customizable web pages that relies on Web 2.0 technologies


as an internal wiki, ____________ is only accessible to authorized employees.


availability _______ ca naffect how people develop disaster recovery plans, and especially what disasters they judge most likely.

content management systems

_________________________ encompass a large group of software products that help manage digital content in collaborative environments.

business process management

______________________________________ is the field that focuesses on designing, optimizing, and streamlining processes, taking into account the human element.

project-and-issuetracking software

______________________________________ offers useful features to help developers stay abreast of all aspects of their projects.

acceptable-use policies

personally owned devices are also coming under ____________________.

foreign keys

primary keys that appear as an attribute in a different table are a foreign key in that table. They can be used to link in the records in two tables together.


process that assigns incremental numbers to records as they are created to ensure that each records has a unique primary key.


since the botnets mask the actual source of the milions of incoming messages, they are often used ofr _________ attacks.

.legacy systems

older systems built an again or obsolete architectures that continue in use because they still function reasonably well ad replacing them is costly.

photo sharing

though _____________ sites offer assurances and many choices about privacy, the potential for arm is not trivial, especially because you can't control what others are doing.


three factors have made _____-based hosting advantageous today.

program management office (PMO)

to better manage the portfolio, oranizations establish a __________________________________ that oversees all the projects underway, and also provides project management training, software, and support.


to create a private _____, the organization creates a private internet and designs applications using Web services standards.

Rail Europe

stickiness, a term that refers to how long visitors linger at the site, jumped from 6 to 8 minutes idn less than a year. U.S. visitors were especially intrigued by the interactive maps showing railway lines, so _______________ continued to expand these actions and sections.

document management systems

systems that manage electronic documents, often converted from paper sources, making the searchable and easily trasmitted

data dictionary

the ________________ should contain the details of each field, including descriptions written in language users can easily understand in the context of the business.

batch processing

the process of sequentially executing operations on each record in a large batch.

hindsight bias

the _________________ refers to the human tendency to think an unusual event was or should have been predictable, once they know it actually happened.

operating system

the _________________ wars are very intense in the mobile world.

power of suppliers

the __________________ is high when they are just about the only game in town and thus can charge more for their products and services.

transportation industry

the _______________________ takes advantage of information systems to coordinate cargo transfers.

key performance indicators (KPIs)

the quantifiable metrics most important to the individual's role and the organization's success.


the record is a row in the _____, and it represents an instance of the entity--a single person, for instance.


the record is mae up of attributes of that thing , and each of the attributes is called a ______.

foreign keys

the relational model's elegance really shines when the entities are connected to one another in meaningful ways, relying on _____________.

virtual private networks (VPN)

the remote user is the _______ client. One way to create a ______ to connect a remote computer, perhaps an employee working at a hotel in Miami, to a LAN at a Chicago site.

strategic enabler

the role information systems play as tools to grow or transform the business, or facilitate a whole new business model.

operations management

the area of management concerned with the design, operation, and improvement of the systems and processes the organization uses to deliver its goods and services

central processing unit (CPU)

the brain of a computer, which handles information process, calculations, and control tasks.

page views, bounce rate, top landing pages, top exit pages

the four web content-related metrics

information technology

the hardware, software, and telecommunications that compress the technology component of information systems; the term is often used more broadly to refer to information systems.


the hindsight _____ refers to the human tendency to think an unusual event ws (or should have been) predictable, oce they know it actually happened.

confirmation bias

the human tendency to choose information to examine that supports the person's view, but ignore data that might refute that view.

hypertext transfer protocol (http://)

the most common is ____________________________________, which shows that the resource is a web page containing code the browser can interpret and display.


the most important defense is the _________, a technical control that inspects incoming and outgoing traffic and either blocsk or permits it according to rules the organization chooses.

master data management

the mot successful efforts at ______________________ focus mainly on a key area, suchas customers, or on a limited number of entities that are most important.


the mouse, ________, and graphics tablet are other human input devices, and these can transmit motion and location information.

creative destruction

the music industry may be the poster child of ____________________.

escalation of commitment

the tendency to continue investing in a project, despite mounting evidence that it is not succeeding; ofte comes about beause people mistakenly let sunk costs affect decision making rather than weighin the value of further investment.

local area network (LAN)

a network that connects devices such as computers, printers, and scanners in a single building or home.

radio frequency identification (RFID)

a technology placed on tags with small chips equipped with a microprocessor, a tiny antenna to receive and transmit data, and sometimes a battery that stores information on the tagged object's history.


a technology that uses radio waves for connectivity, commonly sued for wireless connections over very short distances.

packet switching

a technology used by networks in which data is broken into segments, called packets, for transmission. The packets contain information about their destination and position in the whole message, and they are reassembled at the receiving end.

client-server network

a type of network in which the workload for running applications is shared between the server and the client devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, or smartphones.

peer-to-peer network

a type of network in which there is no central server and computers can share files, printers and an Internet connection with one another.

open source software

a type of software whose licensing terms comply with criteria such as free distribution, so other people can access the source code to improve it, build upon it, or use it in new programs.

primary activities

activities directly related to the value chain process by which products and services are created, marketed, sold, and delivered.


an attribute of an entity. A ______ can contain numeric data or text, or a combination of the two.


an economic community that includes the related industries making complementary products and services, the competitors themselves, the suppliers, and also the consumers


an integrated collection of information that is logically related and stored in such as way as to minimize duplication and facilitate rapid retrieval.

competitive advantage

anything that gives a firm a lead over its rivals; it can be gained through the development and application of innovative information systems.

data-driven decision making

decision making that draws on the biollions of pieces of data that can be aggregated to reveal important trends and patterns

structured information

facts and data that are reasonably ordered, or that can be broken down into component parts and organized into hierarchical.

business process management (BPM)

focuses on designing, optimizing, and streamlining business processes throughout the organization

web services

Because the ____________ are encapsulated, the inventory system can be altered without affecting otehr applications.


Most tasks on the WBS have ___________, which are the other tasks that must be completed before the particular task can begin.

virtual private networks

That connection, called a tunnel, is a virtual, private pathway over a public or shared network from the _____ client to the _______ server.


That suit was unseccessful, partly because _______ originally took much of the design from Xerox, which had done the early research.


A ______ is a small text file that the website's server leaves on your computer when you visit and then retrieves when you visit again, usually to personalize the site for you.

content delivery network

A ______ provides a specialized type of PaaS but is usually considered in its own category, as it is here.


A ____________ library called JQuery contains a growing collection of open souce code to help developers create interactive pages that work in many different browsers.

drawback of cloud computing

A ____________________________ is that extremely reliable Internet connection is a must.

virtual private cloud (VPC)

A _____________________________ is a subset of a public cloud that has highly restricted, secure access.

virtual private cloud

A ______________________________ is a subset of a public cloud that has highly restricted, secure access.

random access memory (RAM)

A computer's primary storage, typically on integrated circuits located close to the ______, includes _____________________________.

Central processing unit (CPU)

A computer's primary storage, typically on integrated circuits located close to the ______, includes random access memory (RAM).


The _____ vendor Rackspace will lease you one medium server for less than a penny per hour.


Search engines such as _______ and Bing continually send out "spiders"--software programs that crawl the web, visiting sites to analyze the keywords, headers, content, and links to other sites.

rapid access development

A common approach used in iterative methods that helps software developers bring an application to life more quickly is called _____________________________________.

extract, transform, and load (ETL)

A common strategy for drawing information from multiple sources is ________________________________.


The ______ are the columns in the table.

Securities Exchange commission

The ______ assumes such tampering would be illegal and so rare as to not be a concern.

learning management system

As _____ vendors strove to raise switching costs by adding proprietary features that made it difficult for clients to move their content to a rival ______, the need for interoperability and industry standards for e-learning content became clear.

Tim O'Reilly

As _______________, the person credited with coining the term Web2.0, says, "The Web is growing up and we are all its collective parents."


A customer's email address might be stored in bot hthe finance and CRM modules, and ___________ can synchronize the data and propagate an update from the originating system to all the others.

chief information officer

As a senior executive, the ______'s job is not just to oversee the department, but also to help shape the organization's strategic goals and ensure that hte information systems support them.


As of 2013, Apple provides 10 free applications in the _______.


As of 2013, ______ provides 10 free applications in iCloud.

software as a service (SaaS)

A fast-growing variety of commercially produced software is called ____________________________, which is an infromation systme that is owned, hosted , and managed remotely by a vendor.

software as a service (SaaS)

A fast-growing variety of commercially produced software is called ______________________________, which is an information system that is owned, hosted, and managed remotely by a vendor.


As of June 2013, Amazon.com offers the following DBMS products with _____: simple database service, amazon relational store: MySQL, Amazon Relational Store: Oracle, Cassandra, MongoDB


As stated, IaaS provides basic hardware in the ____.


As stated, however, this is not a cloud. In this example, AllRoad has a fixed number of servers; no attempt is made to make them elastic.

uniform resource locator (URL)

A great advantage of DNS is that the ______ stays the same even if the organization moves the website to a new server with a different IP address.

Google Glass

A group launched the website called StopTheCyborgs.org to draw attention to the many privacy issues surrounding _______________, comparing the devices to "human spy drones."


As stated, the ____ vendor may be provisioning, nearly instantaneously, servers all over the world.


As technology develops that can discriminate between the mouse movements and keystrokes of bots and humans, ______________s may no longer be so widespread.

Gartner Inc.

As the world's leading research and advisory company on all matters relating to information technology, _____________, attempts to see far into what is often a hazy future.

network effects

A large customer base can be significant because _________________, which refer to the increased value of a product or service that results simply because there are more people using it.

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Composed of 186 separate National Societies, the _____________________________________________________________________________________ is the largest humanitarian organization in the world.


A major goal of SCM information systems is to use technology-supported collaboration to improve __________ for both suppliers and customers.


For individuals, personal cloud service like Google Drive , Dropbox, or _________ can offer file storage that you can acess from any device--your smartphne, tablet, laptop, or from a computer in the library or hotel.


A patient's single high-temperature reading ata 24-hour walk-in clinic in Maryland is one piece of ____.

Securities Exchange Commission

Consequently, NASQ OMX customers can use FinQloud; as long as the customers demonstrate that they have properly configured FinQloud, auditors will find it to be in compliance with the ______ rulings.


Consequently, ____________ OMX customers can use FinQloud; as long as the customers deomonstrate that they hav eproperly confingured FinQloud, auditors will find it to be in compliance wit the SEC rulings.

content delivery network

Consider ______ applications. A news organization could use a ______ to store copies of its new articles.


The ______ can also store information you yourself provide, such as the zip code for a city you intend to visit on a weather site.

data warehouse

Sears, for instance, saves considerable time by loading terabytes of data into Hadoop, without doing the extract, transform, and load process used for a ______________.

virtual private network

The ______ client and ______ client sever then have a secure connection.


For individuals, personal cloud services like Google Drive, _______, or Skydrive can offer file storage that you can access from any device--your smartphone, tablet, laptop. or from a computer in the library or hotel.

Google Drive

For individuals, personal cloud services like ______________, Dropbox, or Skydrive can offer file storage that you can access from any device-- your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or from a computer in the library or hotel


For instance, _______'s cameraequipped cars were identifying wifi hot spots as they maneuvered around taking street view images.

virtual private networks

The ______ client and ______ erver then have a secure connection.


For instance, _________ introduced "Sponsored Stories" as a way for advertisers to let your friends know whenever you click the "Like" button on their brand or check in at one of their stores.

object-oriented programming

For instance, ____________________________ focuses on "objects"rather than lists of instructions and routines to manipulate data.

top-level domain

For instance, the net's naiming system originally accepted only domain names written with the Roman alphabet, but ICANN opened the door for other scripts. Egypt was one of the first to apply to use Arabic script for domain names under its ".eg" ________________.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

For instance, the net's naming system originally accepted only domain names written with the Roman alphabet, but __________ opened the door for other scripts.

Business to business (B2B)

E-marketplaces also support ___________________________ relationships.

relational database

E.F. Codd, a British mathematician working at IBM, invented the ___________________, which organizes information into tables of records that are related to one another by linking a field in one table to a field in another table with matching data.

data warehouses

Some tools are standalone BI platforms that the organization can add to its environment to support decision making and link to its _______________.

Commodities Futures Trading Commission

According to The Wall Street Journal, both organizations concluded that when properly configured, FinQloud meets the requirements of the SEC's rule as well as a similar rule set out by the __________________________________________.

Securities Exchange commission

According to The Wall Street Journal, both organizations concluded that when properly configured, FinQloud meets the requirements of the ______'s rule as well as a simlar rule set out by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.


According to ________________, that building employs an operations staff of 50 people, which, spread over three shifts, 24/7, means that not many more than eight people will be running that center at any one time.


According to the new policy, _________ claimed a perpetual right to license all public Instagram photos, allowing them to sell the photos to companies for advertising purposes.

The Wall Street Journal

According tot he _______________, both organizations concluded that when properly configured, FinQloud meets the requirement sof the SEC's rule as well as a similar rule set out by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.


Adding a second ________ can improve your productivity and also reduce the need to print documents.

email marketing software

Email marketing is a major focus for CRM applications. JangoMail, for example, offers ________________________ that connects to the company's database to perosnalize each message, and tailor it to the customer's interests.

Web 3.0

While the "people" component and UGC play key roles in Web 2.0 developments, technology is a major driver of what some call "_________"


After going public, _________'s stock price plummeted over 80%, and growth is slowing.

Veterans Administration

After investing more tahn $300 million in modernizing its financial information systems, the _______________________________ has little to show for it.


After the first days of trading, _________'s share price dropped about 18%, and those who purchased the new stock suffered huge losses.

platform as a service (PaaS)

Again, for ______, organizations add their own applications to the host.


All of this is possible because the _____ vendor is gaining economies of scale by selling to an entire industry, not just to you.

packet analyzers

All your professor, or you, has to do is to install a program called a ________________, also called a packet sniffer.

packet sniffer

All your proffesor, or you, has to do is to install a program called packet analyzer, also called a _____________.


AllRoad Parts has contracted with the ____ vendor for a maximum response time; the _____ vendor adds servers as needed to meet that requirement.


AllRoad might, however, obtain data storage in the ____.


AllRoad might, however, obtain data storage serviceds in the cloud. ______________, for example, offers data storage with its S3 product. Using it, organizations can place data in the cloud and even have that data be made elastically available.

Simple Storage server

AllRoad might, however, obtain data storage services in th cloud. Amazon.com, for example, offers data storage with its ___ product.

web services

AllRoad writes the applications for processing inventory using ____________ standards; application users access the inventory _____________ using JavaScript that is sent down to the users' browsers.


Also, ________'s suppliers have invested in information systems that link their inventories to the company's legendary supply chain system.


Althoug hmost users initailly enjoyed _______'s services while sitting at their computers at home or work, they can now add the streaming, customzed radio service to their smartphones.


Although glitches occured and not all ikiosks immediately functioned properly, observers gave _________ high marks.

Vivek Kundra

An OMB initiative similar to the PortfolioStat sessions, called TechStat, was launched by the former federal CIO, _______________, 2010.

expert system

An _____________ mimics the reasoning of a human expert, drawing from a base of knowledge about a particular subject area to come to a decision or recommendation.


Email marketing is a major focus for CRM applications. ____________, for example, offers email marketing software that connects to the company's database to personalize each message, and tailor it to the customer's interests.


An amusing neural net that encourages Web visitors to contribute cases s ____, based ont he game called 20 Qestions.

Web 3.0

Another important trend for Web 2.0 and beyond, to what some call "________-", is the expoonential growth of data and innovations in the way organizations collect, use, and value it.

Web 2.0

Another important trend for ________ and beyond, to what some call "Web 3.0," is the exponential growth of data nad innovations in the way organizations collect, use, and value it.

mobile commerce

Another type of __________ gainign speed is the use of mobile devices as digital "wallets" that actually pay bills on the spot, eliminating the need to carry cash.

Web 2.0

While the "people" component and UGC play key roles in ________ developments, technology is a major driver of what some call "Web 3.0"


For larger geographic areas, mobile broadband technologies use licensed spectrum in different ways. _______, for example, relies on microwave transmissions to blanket large metropolition areas from microwave towers, usually on buildings.


Windows Servers with SQL Server already installed from the Microsoft _______ cloud offerings.

hierarchical website architecture

For larger sites, a common design is the _________________________________, in which the top-level home page contains links to second-level pages, which then link to further relevant pages.


For semi-structured and unstructured information, ________ are used to describe properties of a document or other resource, and are especially useful because they layer some structure on infroatmion thait is les easily categorized and classified.

return on investment (ROI)

For some projects the ______ is relatively easy to calculate.


For structured information, _________ describes the definitions of each of the fields, tables, and their relationship.

rivalry among existing competitors

An industry's profitability and its competitive strucuter are affected by the intensity of _______________________________, particularly with respect to how they are competing and what they compete on.


For the cutover, _________ had to transition 840,000 customer accounts to the new system for passengers who had alerady purchased tickets, migrating the data from _________'s servers in Calgary to Sabre's servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

humanitarian logistics systems (HLS)

For the information system, IFRC deployed the ___________________________________, created especially for disaster recovery by the Fritz Institute.

Thomas Watson

In 1943, former IBM Chairman ______________ said, "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

The Work of Nations

In 1990, when former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich wrote _____________________, hoe could sensibily claim that those who provide routine face-to-face services are exempt from the dangers of offshoring.


Artists strongly objet to the act, though, saying they earn almost nothing from _______ and the law would make things worse.

Jacques Marescaux

In 2001, Dr. _______________________, located in New York City, performed the first trans-Atlantic surgery when he successfully operated on a patient in Strasbourg, France.

near field communication (NFC)

And ______-equipped phones can also communicate with one another, to exchange contact infromation, for instance.

virtual private cloud

Anorganization can build its own ______ on top of public cloud infrastructure like AWS or that provided by toher cloud vendors.

initiating process

Another ____________________ is the kickoff meeting, where the stakeholders meet one another, sometimes for the first and only time.

unified procurement

Another approach is ___________________, in which organiations strongly prefer systems that are offered by a single vendor, especially the one that supplies the ERP.

open source software

Another approach to software development and distribution is called open source. To be considered ______________________, the licensing terms must comply with several criteria, one of which is free redistribtuion.


Another example of a strategy that leads a whole ecosystem into new directions involves _______________.

television industry

Apple alrady has some pieces in place that could become part of a grand strategy to disrupt the ____ industry, including the Apple TV that streams on-demand videos for $1.99 and up.

Apple Maps

Apple had high hopes for ____________, which included new features such as integration with its personal assitant, Siri.

patent infringement

Apple sued Samsung for ____________________ and a Califronia court awared Apple an astounding $1.05 billion in damages.

Clifford Stoll

Astronomer _______________ tells an old detective story of how he was asked to look into a 75-cent accounting error on his lab's server.


At ___________, however, the Office of eDiplomacy might form a panel of experts to settle the dispute.


At ____________________, for instance, the games are free, but the site's ads target the likely demographic of the players.

1-800 Contacts

At _______________________, the world's largest contact lens store, operational business intelligence fine-tunes the decision aking of every call center agent.


At first Wales asked his team to edit out any updates about the event, plyaing a deadly game of "whack the mole." When that failed, he blocked Rohde's _________ entry.


But _____ bypassed those middlemen altogether. At _____ the customer selects the computer online, customizes it, and then tracks the order until it arrives at the front door, shipped directly from the manufacturer.


But ______ focuses like a laser on Chinese Internet users, and claims to know them better than Google.

competitive advantage

But _______________________ can be fleeting, and IBM has plans to develop a supercharged personal assistant for mobile phones based on "Watson," the supercomputer that surprised the world by defeating two Jeopardy champions.


But as one analyst put it, "These spammers aren't just a nuisance. They're a cancer on society. And Linford has taken it upon himself to do womething aout them... That these cops are self-appointed is troubling. But marketers would do well to understand that without _________, people's inboxes would be unusable."


But by the summer of 2013, ______'s share price tumbled almost 40%.


But should you be able to force _________ to delete pictures of you that were reposted by others to their own accounts?

The nine information technology departments

CEO, CIO, Chief Security officer, Systems administration, Data Center Operations, Telecommunications and Network Services, Enterprise Systems, Chief Privacy Officer, end-user support and help desk

Tom Greene

CIO _____________ says, "With SAP, the product masters and the customer groupings are all driven by the same master data."


Can the ________________ sessions and an IT dashboard with better quality data lead to proper oversight of federal IT spending and rein in costs?

learning management system (LMS)

Carlos manages the company's whole e-learning program with a corporate ___________________________________.


Cheap and elastic ______ services enable small startups like the football player evaluation compay Hudl to access CDN and other _____ services for next to nothing a capability that would have taken years and thousands of dollars in the past.


Cheap and elastic cloud services enable small startups like the football player evaluation company ______ to access CDN and other cloud services for next to nothing, a capability that would have taken years and thousands of dollars in the past.

disruptive innovations

Clayton christensen, author of The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution, argues that industry leaders need to be ever alert to these ____________________, and they should build small teams that look for breakthrugh opportunities themselves.


Clearly, the players had an emotional investment in their virtual pets, and also in teh social dimesin of the game that ______'s software specifically encourages.

Mandarin Oriental hotel Group

Collegues is ther term that the ____________________________________ uses to refer to employees, and a major goal for this luxry chain is to crecruit, train, and retain the most productive people in the hospitality industry.


Customers of Windows _______ then add their own applications on top of the hosted platform.

tacit knowledge

Employees like Sally and the detectives in "Criminal Investigations Division: possess another kind of knowledge that is more elusive, called _______________.


Enforcing IP laws is extremely challenging, however, when the IP is digitized. Media giant _______, for example, unsuccessfully tried to sue YouTube for $1 billion for allowing its copyrighted movies to play on the video site.

intellectual property

Enforcing ____ laws is extremely challenging, however, when the ____ is digitized.


Especially since 2001 when ______ released the first iPod, the company has enjoyed a long string of triumphs.


Excel also offers an add-in tool called Solver that helps with ___________ problems.

online analytical processing

Excel is a powerful ________ tool itself, thanks to tis pivot tables and charting capabilities.


For example, you can already delete your whole account from _________, photos and all.

commercial-off-the-shelf software

Familiar products such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Premiere, or Quicken oare all considered _________________________________ software, which means they are eady to buy, install, and use.


Finally, _____ knowledge might also help you save your organization considerable money, and who knows, you too might be sitting on the private island


a system of moral principles that human beings use to judge right and wrong and to develop rules of conduct.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

For China's urban residents, _______ geography analysts add map details relevant to pedestrians or bicycliss who want the quickest routes through crowded streets.


For Internet transmission, a popular strategy is public key __________, which uses asymmetric transmission.

enterprise architecture

For a new company like Devil's Cannon, the ____ is a guide on what to purchase and install, how long it will take, how everything will work together, why certain decisions were made, and what it will cost.

Google Goggles

For consumers, Google draws on its unrivaledaccess to data to offer an image-matching service called ________________."


For consumers, ________ draws on its unrivaled access to data to offer an image-mathing service called "________ Goggles."

Deloitte Consulting

For example, California's Marin County sued ________________________ for $30 million, accusing _________ of fraud when its consultants claimed extensive knowledge of the ERP system the county was implementing.


For example, G2C encompasses services such as online payment for car registration renewals, and _____ might include electronic filling of tax forms.

Digital Equipment Association

For example, Ken Olson, founded the _________________________________________, and his company's entire business model rested on large mainframe and minicomputers with proprietary operating systems.

James Wales

For example, Wikipedia founder ______________ is committed to the principle of free speech on the site.


For example, ________ began rolling out all fiber networks for customers in Kansas City in 2012.


For example, ________'s set-top boxes do not easily capture who is in the family is actually watching--even if the set is just turned on and no one at all is watching.


For example, a Chicago email marketing firm called "e360" sued _________ for more than $11 million in damages.

Clarence Carter

Former DC Human Services Director ___________________ suggest that many people just want ot keep doing what they do, because that's how they've always done it.

Moore's Law

Fortunately, _____________ seems to apply to storage technology, so it is cheaper to satisfy the hungry appetite for more space.


Founded by Mark Pincus in 2009, _____'s popularity exploded in 2012, when revenue topped $1.2 bilion.

Mark Pincus

Founded by _____________, in 2009, Zynga's populary exploded in 2012, when revenue topped $1.2 billion.

William Colgate

Founded by ___________________ in 1806, the Manhatten-based copany specialized in soap, candles, and starch.

business process reengineering

It soon became clear that the human element is key to managing and improving buiness processes, and by 1995, ______ was criticized as a fad that "forgot people."

enterprise architecture

Hardware, software, and telecommunications work together to create the ______________________________.

World Wide Web

Headed by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the ________________, the _____ strives to make sure the web continues to support communication and commerce for all people, regardless of their hardware, software, native languages, or geographci location.

Tim Berners-Lee

Headed by __________________, the inventor of the World Wide Web, the inventor of the World Wide Web, the W3C strives to make sure the web continues to support communication and commerce for all people, regardless of their hardware, software, native languages, or geographic location.

Securities and Exchange commission (SEC)

In May 2003, the ______ interpreted the rule to enable the storage of such records on readwrite medium, provided that hte storage mechanism included software that would prohibit dat alternation: A broker-dealer would not violate the requirement in paragraph f2iiA of the rlule if it suled an electronic storage system that prevents the overwriting, erasing or otherwise altering of a record during its required retention period thourgh the use of integreated hardware and software control codes. R

circuit-switched network

In a ________________________, nodes communicate by first establishing a channel, as though there were a single pipe leading between them.

NTT Docomo

In a country where cash is king and alomst everyone owns a cell phone, Japan's ______________ led a major drive into mobile payments and -commerce.

virtual private network

In either case, once the Internet connection is made, ______ software on the remote user's computer establishes a connection with the ______ server in Chicago.

hypertext transfer protocol (http://)

In fact, the _______ is so common that most browsers add it automatically if you enter a web address without the protocol.


In half the homes, ________ installs "cross-platform" people meters to detect TV viewing on computers or mobiles, and also track web traffic.

business process reengineering

In his article with he provacative subtitle "Don't Automate, Obliterate," Michael Hammer proposed _____ as a means to make sweeping changes that eliminated all processes that did not add value.


Its own website, ______.com, is open to anyone who oves gaming, whether a Facebook user or not.

functionally dependent

In the Employees table for example, one goal of normalization is to make each attribute ________________________ on the employee ID number, which uniquely identifies each employee.

Securities Exchange Commission

In the United States the _________________________________________________ mandates many aspects of compliance and electronic reporting is rqured, relying on eXtensible Business Reporting language (XBRL).

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandates many aspects of compliance, and electronic reporting is required, relying on ____________________________________________________.

U.S. Strategic Command

In the __________________________'s pilot, the team member's perceptions about the project wree positive, despite the snags. They believed that the XP approach led to very good qulaity software, even better than the team might have produced using the old approach.


In the early 2000s, NYSE and ________ OMX shared 90% of the market, but competition pushed that figure down to 45%.

ethical decision making

Jast as organizations can develop innovative information systems that streamline operations and build competitive advantage, they can build in requirements for new systems that promote _______________________ and social responsibility.

primary activities

In the model, the company performs __________________ directly related ot the process by which products and services are created, marketed, sold, and delivered.


In the next phase, the VP demanded a more disciplined approach, blocking the developers out of the production system and drawing on ________ principles.


In the old days, for such interorganizational porocessing to occur, developers from AllRoad Parts had to meet with developers from the ____ vendor and design an interface.

virtual private cloud

In this way, organizations that are required to have physical control ove rsome of their data can place that data on their own servers and locate the rest of their data on the ______.

Taj Mahal Hotel

India's ________________ website features special deals, event planning, virtual tours, reward programs, and food preference surveys, along with online reservations.


More than 25% of those were sold to people who had never purchased an ______ product before.

web services

Internal applications can use the inventory ____________ like building blocks.


Internet radio service ________ uses Hadoop to anlyze some 20 billion thumbs up and down ratings that 150 million users click when each song plays.


It is unimaginable that any non_____ company, even large ones like 3M, could build and operate a _____ service facility that competes.


It is unimaginable that any noncloud company, even large ones like ___, could buld and operate a cloud service facilty that copmetes.


Large _____________ that several people can swipe at the same time are gaining popularity as a way to collaborate.


Larry, _________'s chief technical officer, who prefers not to reveal his last name, says, :"We get threats every day. In the U.S., it is people bringing lawsuits against. And then there ar organized criminals in Russia and Ukraine, who use different methods."


Laws also vary by country, adding more hurdles. Google, ________'s owner, decided to block viewers in Germany from seeing videos of a meteorite shower taken by a passing motorist in Russia, because the car's radio was playing in the background.


Laws also vary by country, adding more hurdles. ______, YouTube's owner, decided to block viewers in Germany from seeing videos of a meteorite shower taken by a passing motorist in Russia, because the car's radio was playing in the background.

project manager

Learning that a client's advertising sign had slipped off the rickshaw that was supposed to carry it through the streets of Neew York, the ____ refunded the client's payment, even though team memberrs objected.


Like a plane or car ________ with its dials, guages, and other displays of real-time data, the IT _________ is a graphical user interface that helps people visualize information vital to the user's role and the decisions that user makes.


Mail that meets this definition may not be illegal in many places, including the United Statess , so _________ is the target of lawsuits claiming damages for lost business.


Mail, pictures, applications, and other resources are also synched via _______.


Managers can use __________ like these to see how they compare to competitors, and also to examine how much every dollar they spend is helping to create value.

massive open online course (MOOC)

Most ________s do not carry any acdademic credit, although some universites are considering it by adding proctored tests or other requiements.


Managing privacy becomes more complicated for _________ as the site's capabilities expand.

product differentiation strategy

Many companies adopt the __________________________________ adding special features or unique add-ons for which customers are willing to pay more.

united modeling language (UML)

Many designers rely on standardized graphics symbols and notations to improve communications and clarity, often using the _________________________________.


Many interactive maps and charts that show updated data as you move the mouse over different regions also use _________, drawing the data from a database.


Many oranizations choose commercially produced information systems to handle their back-office information eeds, relying on sotware packages such as SAP, Oracle, NetSuite, or QuickBooks. Some organizations are moving these functions to service providers or even ___________ them entirely.


Many organizations choose commercially produced information systems to handle their back-office information needs, relyig on software packages suchas ______, Oracle, NetSuite, or _____________.


Many organizations choose commercially produced information systems to handle their back-office information needs, relying on software packages suchas SAP, Oracle, __________, or QuickBooks.


Microsoft SQL ______ provides a host with Windows Server and SQL Server.

Windows Server

Microsoft Windows Azure, for example, provides servers installed ________________.


Microsoft, Amazon.com, Oracle, IB, and other major _____ service vendors employ thousands of highly trained, very highly skilled personnel to create, manage, administer, and improve their _____ services.

extreme programming

Midway through, they foudn they needed someone with expertise in interface design, but that person was skeptical about joining the ____ project and communication suffered.

extreme programming (XP)

Midway through, they found they needed someone with expertise in interface design, but that person was skeptical about joining the ____ project and communication suffered.

massive open online course (MOOC)

Million have enrolled in __________,although most never actually finish a course.

extreme programming (XP)

Mindful of how important agility is for military software, the U.S. Strategic Command launched a pilot ____ project.

interactive voice response

Mobile phones also offer interfaces to databases, through ______, text messages, special apps, or the smartphone's web browser.


More ______ features were adopted, such as the full-time assignment of a product owner and at least two developers on every team.Scrum

Securities Exchange Commission

Notice the ______ specifically excludes extrinsi controls such as authentication, passwords and manual proceedures because it beliees it would be possible for such systems to be readily misused to overwrite orecords.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

Now a smartphone with ______ can help you navigate to the store, find Italian restaurants near your location, and measure the distanc from your golf club to the putting green.

Moore's Law

Now known as ______________, his prediction about density also captures advances in processing speed, storage capabilities, cost, and other computer features.


Now, however, with advanced technologies that collect, store, and analyze big data, __________ is far more difficult to achieve than people assume.

music industry

Now, the _______________'s business model is under assault once again. Song download sales are shrinking, and analysts predict that streaming Interent radio services such as Pandora will take a chunk out of the market.

multidimensional cubes

OLAP systems achieve their speed and their slice-and-dice capabilities by building ______________________. These are data structures that contain detailed data, and also aggregated values for the dimensions, metrics, and hierarchies the users need.

Cohasset Associates

Of course, NASDAQ OMX's knew that this statement would be perceived as self-serving, so it hired two independent companies to verify it: Jordan & Jordan, a securities industry consulting company, and ______________________, a document-processing consulting company.

Jordan & Jordan

Of course, NASDAQ OMX's knew that this statement would be perceived as self-serving, so it hired two independent companies to verify it: _________________, a securities industry consultig company, and Cohasset Associates, a document-processing consulting company.


Of course, _____________ OMX's knew that this statement would be perceived as self-serving, so it hired two indeendent companies to verify it: Jordan & Jordan, a securiteis industry consulting company, and Cohasset Associates, a document-processing consulting company.


Older languages like ___________ are poor choices for new projects because better languages are available, and also because the baby boomers who learned ___________ decades ago are retiring.


On __________________, visitors can enter the product they want and pull up a list of all the merchants who sell it, along with their prices.


On a larger scale, peer-to-peer networks support file sharing and other services on the Internet. _____________ is one example that is used to move large files rapidly from one computer to another by breaking them into smaller pieces called torrents.

S3 Web Services

On the back end, it uses Amazon's ___ product to provide scalable, elastic storage.

Simple Storage server

On the back end, it uses Amazon's ___ product to provide scalable, elastic storage.

near field communication (NFC)

One advantage _______ systems have over credit and debit cards is that the smartphone can carry many other kinds of information, suchas loyalty points, coupons, and customer preferences.


Rackspace provides hardware for customersto load whatever operating system they want and _______.com licenses S3 (Simple Storage Server), which provides unlimited, reliable data storage in the cloud.

S3 Web Services

Racspace provides hardware for customers to load whatever operating system they want and Amazon.com licnese ___ (_________________________), which provides unlimited, reliable data storage in the cloud.

power of buyers

the ________________ rises when they have leverage over suppliers and can demand deep discounts and special services.

Oracle Database

Oracle On Demand provides a hosted server with __________________.

On Demand

Oracle ____________ provides a hosted server with oracle Database.

tacit knowledge

Organizations are eager to use technology to prevent so much ________________ from "walking out the door" at retirement or whenever a competitor lures away a talented professional.

virtual private cloud

Organizations are required to have physical control over some of their data but organizations are allowed to place that data on their own servers and locate the rest of their data on the ______.


Organizations settled on _________ as the local area networking standard and adopted strategis for using the Internet for communications rather than leasing private lines from the telecommunications carriers.


Rather than assume plyaer would happily switch to anotehr game and foget abiut their pets, ______ might have held online ceremonies to bid farewell, or planned a clever happy ending in which the pets founded their own world together.


Organizations use software, suchas teIBM ______ Center, which make it easier for developers to build secure and robust modules that draw on enterprise resources as swell as external content.

QR codes

Originally invented by Toyota to track vehicles in the factory, __________ are now widely used in consumer advertising.


Other improvements emerge when software development envirnoments add helpful features that make programmers more productive, much like spell chckers help writers. Microsoft's ______ framework, for example, offers numerous shortcuts and a large library of canned code that solves common problems, such as displaying a caldendar so the user can pick a date.


Overstock.com, _______, and Amazon include many features to help visitors find what htey are looking for, read product information or reviews, compile wish lists, and buy online.

Sarah Winchester

Owner _________________ had no master architectural plan for the house and she just improvised its construction, day afte day, year after year.

voice over IP (VoIP)

Packet switching ca nbe configured to handle voice calls, too. __________________________ refers to the technologies that make voice communications across networks using packets feasible, including over the Internet.

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

Part of the XML family of standardized languages specialized for accounting and business reports; tags identify data elements to make them transparent and also computer-readable.


People often rely too heavily on one piece of information to adjust their estimates, even if it is irrelevant. The phenomenon is called __________.


Pinterest also objects to ________'s request to own a new top-level domain called .pin.


Police have advised Steve Linford, head of _________, to be suspicious of an unexpected packages delivered to his home.


Pop-up alert boxes, lively images that appear when your mouse rolls over the pge, and validation for your input on forms are all examples of what ____________ can do.

value chain model

Porter's _______________ describes the activities a company performs to create value, as it brings in raw resources from suppliers, transforms them in some way, and then markets the product or service to buyers.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Pronounced either as letters, or as "sequel," _____________________________________ is a standard query laungage, iedely used to manipulate information in relational databases.

Howard Stringer

Sony's CEO, ________________, whose company lost millions to Apple by fighting this disruptive innovation, lamented, "I'm a guy who doesn't see anything good having come from the Internet..."

Shirley Ann Jackson

RPI's presient, ________________________, knew the institute needed better data for strategic planning, and her executive team was frustrated by conflicting reports.

Simple Storage server

Rackspace provides hardware for customers to load whatever operating system they want and Amazon.com licenses ______________________________ which provides unlimited, reliable data storage in the cloud.

Simple Storage Server

Rackspace provides hardware for customers to load whatever operating system they want and Amazon.com licenses ________________________________, which provides unlimited, reliable data storage in the cloud.


Satellite TV provider ______________, for instance, implemented software to capture the transaction logs and post them to the warehouse in near real-time.

web services

SOA designed programs that comply with Web service standards are called ____________.

software as a service (SaaS)

Salesforce.com, with its online CRM applications, was an early ______ vendor, and NetSuite offers access to its online ERP.

types of intellectual capital

Sally possesses all three of the main _______________________________.

subject matter expert

Sally will fill the role of _____________________, the person who possesses the content expertise and knows what should be covered.

tacit knowledge

Sally's ________________, which is so critical to the human capital she contributed to the company, includes her insights about how to interview prospective recruits for different clients, drawing on years of experience in which some of her recruits did well ofr one client, but bombed at another work site.

human capital

Sally's tacit knowledge, which is so critical to the _____________ she contributed to the company, includes her insights about how to interview prospective recruits for differrent clients, drawing on years of experience in which some of her recruits did well for one client, but bombed at another work site.


Search engine marketing accounts for the vast majority of ________'s revenue.

Bruce Heavin

She had her husband _______________ moved to California and began offering face-to-face classes on web design, and many of their eager students were trying to start high tech businesses of their own- the so-called "dot-coms."


Similarly, Google provides Google Grid and Microsoft provides __________ as a service.

peer-to-peer network

Skype also uses __________________ing for VoIP, borrowing a bit of each user's computer power and Internet connection as calls are routed around the globe, hopping from node to node.

Voice over IP (VoIP)

Skype also uses peer-to-peer networking for _______, borrowing a bit of each user's computer power and Interent connection as calls are routed around the globe, hopping from node to node.

data-driven decision making

Smart managers, however, know that information systems support ___________________________, which draws on the billions of pieces of data to reveal important trends and patterns.

QR codes

Smartphone users can install __________ readers so they can scan the square image and hop directly to the website or other image.


Socail games rise and fall in popularity, and ______ pulls the plug on games that falter.


Social content sharing service __________, for example, is fighting the owners of _________.info.


Social game developer _______ is a leading player in the industry, with 240 milion active users in more than 175 countries.

Web 2.0

Social networkign and virtual meetings are all features of _________.

tacit knowledge

Some ________________ is so ingrained that the person may not even be consciously aware he or she possesses it, or that other people don't share it.

platform as a service (PaaS)

Some cloud vendros include DBS prodcuts in their ______ services.

College Board

Some incumbents began offering low cost online programs, even competing with the nonprofit _________________ that both administers the test and sells online practice programs to students.


Some large online retailers that lack actual retail locations, such as ________.com and Overstock.com, struggled to build trust over time but now enjoy solid reputations and loyal customers.

sentiment analysis

Some systems can also do __________________, with software that scans the text comment boxes, blogs, social media, or other user-generated content and employs algorithsm to classify the opinions as pro, con or neutral.


Storage capacities are measured using the ____, which typically holds eight zeros and ones-- the equivalent of one key press for text.


Strictly speaking, this is not using the _____ because it does not provide elasticity nor the advantages of pooled resources.


Subscribers choose videos online and ________ sends them by mail.


That connection, called a ______, is a virtual, private pathway over a public or shared network from the VPN client to the VPN server.

virtual private network

That connection, called a tunnel, is a virtual private pathway over a public or shared network from the _______ client to the ______ server.


System ________ includes two categories 1 operating system ________ and 2 utilities.

Sprint Nextel

T attract customers, _______________ must provide distinctive services. ______________, AT&T, and Verizon play leapfrog as they upgrade their networks with new technologies that offer faster speeeds, more bandwidth, and better coverage for obile sartphones.


Tags attached to pallets trasmit informatino wirelessly, so _________ execs know exactly where merchandise is in the supply chain and can spot trouble immediately.

National Federation of the Blind

Target settled a lawsuit filed by the ____________________________________, creating a $6 million fund to compensate visually impaired people who were unable to take advantage of teh company's website using their screen readers.


Te _________ Places service, launched in2010, raises additional concerns about privacy.

extreme programming (XP)

Te daily meetings were very succesful, but problems in work assignments and communications arose.

private branch exchange (PBX)

Technology that manages all the office phone lines, voice mail, internal billing, call transfers, forwarding, conferencing, and other voice services.

web farm

That 500,000 square foot Apple _________ has a tiny parking lot. That tiny lot acommodates the entire operations staff. According to the Computerworld, that building employs an operations staff of 50 people, which, spread overthree shifts, 24/7, means that not many more than eight people will be running that center at any one time.


The 250 million people who store their music on iCloud, for example, have easy asccess to it from their ______ devices.


The AI underpinnings for _______, IBM's supercomuter that beat human champions in the game show Jeopardy!, show extraordinary promise.

request for proposal (RFP)

The ______ details the requirements that were developed in the analysis phase and also information about the organization's architecture, staffing, and other relevant details.

accounting standards

The International _______________________ Board (IASB) exists to develop and promote a single worldwide et of understandable and enforceable financial reporting standards.

cloud technology

The Internet is a jungle of threats to data and computing infrastructure. How can organizations realize the benefits of ________________ without succumbing to those threats?

disruptive innovations

The Internet itself is the kingpin of ______________________ in the last century, and all the innovations it supports are transforming one industry after another.

Internet Radio Fairness Act

The Internet radio service Pandora, for instance, lobbied Congress to pass the __________________________________ that would drastically reduce the 11 cents it pays in royalties for every song played.


The Internet radio service _______, for instacne, lobbied Congress to pass the "Internet Radio Fairness Act" that would drastically reduce the 11 cents it pays in royalties for every song played.


The Internet service provider ___________ claims savings of $3 to $5 per customer contact, partly because agents can multitask with several customers in different chat windows, rather than just one on the phone.

human capital management (HCM)

The ______ information system includes a growing suite of applications with the employee record as the entral element.


The S____ sprints provided another way to add discipline to Babycenter's software development environment.


The Securities and Exchange Commission is studying how these rapidly advancing technologies are affecting the markets, but unlike the ________ OMX trades, their work is not at the speed of light.

On The Beach

The U.K.-based holiday travel site called _________________ uses CRM to track customer behavior when they visit the site, noting the travel deas each visitor lingers over.


The U.S. Bill of Rights codifies many ethical principles into the _____________, such as freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to trial by jury.


The U.S. State Department's __________ wiki started in 2006 with just a handful of articles

web accessibility

The Web Accessibility Initiative develops guidelines for ____________________ that are widely regarded as international standards


The _____ development environmnet is popular with platform, including set-top cable boxes, mobile phones, or car navigation systems.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

The nonprofit organization charged with overseeing the Internet's naming system, establishing policies, and resolving disputes.

explicit knowledge

The notes Sally entered into the CRM, and the handbook she updated, are examples of __________________, or knowledge that can be documented.


The big players in the SAT preparation business--________ and the Princeton Review-- know well that small start-ups can enter relatively easily.


The bridges that attempt to connct different components that might be running on different servers and operating systesm are created with software called ___________.


The cloud provider was not able to tune the servers for ______'s needs, though, so ______ moved the games back to its own servers and used the coud to relieve pressure.


The company quickly reversed that policy when sentiment analysis caught the growing tide of negative posts about ________ on sports blogs.


The company's future is unclear and time willtell whether ______ can use its big data to better understand its own customers and develop a profitable business.

Central processing unit (CPU)

The computer's brain is the ______________________________ which handles information processing, calculations, and control tasks.

key performance indicators

The dashboard should summarize ___________________________________, which are the quantifiable metrics most important to the individual's role and the organization's success.

office of management and budget

an ______ initiative similar to the PortfoioStat sesions, called TechStat, was launched by the former federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, in 2010.

Bill Gates

The disruptive innovations are black swans that reshape entire industries, and ____________ is not the only savvy technology leader who missed some.

software as a service (SaaS)

The drive to lower implementation costs is pushing vendors toward offering ERPs as _____________________________ products, in which companies pay subscription fees to access the vendor's software in the cloud, via the web.

extreme programming

The factors that make ____ work are really the collective ownership of the project by the whole team, the involvement of the client, and a strong focus on code standards and testing.


The game was only delayed, however, and _________ initially denied fans' requests.


The iPhone's major competitor is ________, the South Korean manufacturer that makes smartphones that use Google's Android operation system

James Wales

The idea for the State Department's wiki as a knowledge repository came from ____________, founder of Wikipedia.


With PaaS, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the cloud from the cloud vendor. For example, it can lease _____ (__________________, a PaaS product offered by Amazon.com), and Amazon.


The imits of human memory and patience make the ________ a serious vulnerability. On their own, people tend to create wek ________ that are easy to remember adn easier to creack.


With Steve Jobs' death in 2011, Tim Cook became CEO, and some wonder whether ______'s magic is fading.


The next ste is to apply _______'s capabilities to the real world beyond Jeopardy!.


The myriad privacy settings confuse users, although _________ has made headway by revising its interface, trying to make each setting more comprehensible.


The neural-net called "____" plays the game 20 Questions with visitors, very often guessing correctly. The training data includes the millions of games user play at the site.

Tim Cook

With Steve Jobs' death in 2011, ___________ became CEO, and some wonder whether Apple's magic is fading.

digital subscriber lines

The phone companies installed _________________________________ to support fast Internet traffic, and the cable TV companies also changed their networks to carry signals in two directions.


The process is called _________________ and it helps agencies develop better strategies for managing a portfolio that could include hundreds of ongoing projects.

platform as a service (PaaS)

With ______, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the cloud from the cloud vendor.

National Postal Museum

The project was so successful that it was expanded to manage the collections held by NASA and the __________________________. The Smithsonian Institution, for example, launched a $1.2 million project to implement ArtCIS, astate-of-the-art collections management system to track more than 600,000 objects that the museum holds in trust for the nation. (Read second sentence and then the first sentence.)

work breakdown structure(WBS)

The project's scope includes a _________________________________, which is an orderly listing of actual tasks that the project team must complete to produce the project's deliverables.

enterprise architect

The task of creating and guiding the architecture is often led by the ____________________.


With more than $17 billion in annual sales, _____________________s global operations span dozens of countries.

National Security Agency

The revelations about how the __________________________________ collects immense quantities of data from phone records and Internet activity focused attention on the ethical issues surrounding surveillance.


The technologies vary, though many companies establish their ________ as the gateway to their knowledge management efforts. Contrasted with the open Internet, an ________ is an organization's private web space.

cascading style sheets

The templates include _________________________________ that control the fonts and colors to appear when an editor identifies some text as a page heading, a paragraph title, or some other style.


any electronic device that can accept, manipulate, store, and output data, and whose instructions can be programmed.

Robert Gates

The same year, the Department of Defense finally canceled a decade-long project to replace more than 90 legacy human resource mangement systems with an integrated application called DIMHRS. ______________, the Defense Secretary at the time, commented, "I would say that what we've gotten for a half-billion dollars is an unpronouncable acronym."

the Department of Defense

The same year, the _______________________ finally canceled a decade-long project to replace more than 90 legacy human resource management systems with an integrated application called DIMHRS.

web services

The third way that organizations can use cloud technology is to build internal information systems using _____________.

twisted pair wire

The three major wired media are _________________, coaxial cable, and optical fiber.

optical fiber

The three major wired media are twisted pair wire, coaxial cable, and _______________.


With more than 6600 stores throughout the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe, __________'s management team wants to e the premier destination for gamers.

resource definition framework (RDF)

The semantic web relies on the ______________________________________ to describe resources and their properties.

Web 3.0

The semantic web, sometimes called "_________" will make that relationship clear for software agents as well, as they can be far more effective at more complex tasks.

referential integrity

The software can enforce many different rules, such as the ______________________ constraint, which ensures that every foreign key entry actually exists as a primary key entry in its main table.


The software that powers the playlist emerged fromt he Music Genome Project, launched by _______ founder Tim Westergren.

social TV

The software tracks over 30,000 programs, so it can generate comprehensive comparison ratings for ___________ viewers, their demographics, and their preferences.


The suite of protocols used for Interent communications that connect Ethernet and other networks together includes the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or ___________ for short.


The suite of protocols used for Internet communications that connect Ethernet and other networks together includes the Transmission Control Protocol and Interent Protocol, or ___________ for short.


The term _____ is used because most early diagrams of three-tier and other Internet-based systems used a _____ symbol to represent the Inernet, and organizations came to view their in frastructure as being "somewhere in the _____."

humanitarian logistics systems (HLS)

The web-based ______ software supports several essential functions that helped transform the IFRC supply chain.

Ken Olson

Their predictions may also have been blinded by wishful thinking. ___________, for example, founded Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), and his company's entire business model rested on large mainframe and minicomputers with proprietary operating systems.

virtual private networks

Then ______ client appends the Internet address of the ______ server to the message and sends that package over the Internet to the ______ server.

virtual private network

Then the ______ client appends the Internet address of the ______ server to the mssage and sends that package over the Internet oto the +______ server.


There are few products made by a single supplier for which ________ couldn't find an alternative close enough to please consumers.

domain name system

These IP addresses are not human-friendly, though, so the Internet's designers added the _____________________________ the hierarchical naming system that maps a more memorable URL, such as HeritageDogs.org, to the actual IP address.

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

These agents would then ship the goods to ________'s emergency units near the disaster area, handling customs clearances, inventory, warehousing, and the logistics duties.

third-party cookies

These are called ___________________, because they are not tied just to the site you are visiting. They let the ad network track you as you visit any client sit eand then serve targeted ads at other sites.


These invisible profiles combine data that users willingly upload to the site with other data _________ obtains about them.

legacy systems

These older languages still in ______________-- appliations that are still in use because they work reasonably well and are costly to replace.

write once, read many times

This rule was readily accepted by the financial services industry because the first CDs and DVDs were ________ devices.


Thus, you can expect that _____ security will evolve beyound that described here throughout your career.


To address this, companies implement _____________ using software that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical PC server.

incidence response plan

To avoid chaos and missteps when something happens, the organization should also have a clear _________________________ that staff use to categorize the threat, determine the cause, preserve any evidence, and also get the systems back online so the organization can resume business.

expert system

To build an _____________, developers work with experienced and specialized professionals as they provide answers to questions and explain their reasoning processes.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

To link tables together, ______ relies on their primary and foreign keys.

Change control process

To manage all the bug fixes and change requests, organizations put into place a ______________________.


To promote its Huggies diapers, ________________ created a program to help with olet training.

virtual private networks

To provide such access, organizations set up a ______ and users employ it to securely access the private cloud.

Steve Jobs

To quote the late ______________, "It just works."


To understand the audience for TV shows, TV ratings giant ________ relies on electronic "People Meters" placed into a representative sample of homes throughout the United States to track viewing patterns.


Wavelength refers to the distance between one peak of the wave to the next, and frequency, measured in ___________, is he number of cycles per second.

black swans

We may not be able to predict them, but given how suddenly ____________ appear and how fast they spread, organizations will need strategic plans that are agile and responsive, not carved in stone.

Web 2.0

UGC is an important ingredient in ________, the second generation of web development tat facilitates far more interactivity, end-user contributions, collaboration, and information sharing compared to earlier models.


Unfortunately, _______ Maps launched with many errors and out-of-date information and users mocked the application with slideshows of humorous mistakes.


Unfortunately, _______ Maps launched with many errors and out-of-date information, and users mocked the application with slideshows of humorous mistakes.

Apple Maps

Unfortunately, ____________ launched with many errors and out-of-date information, and users mocked the application with slideshows of humorous mistakes.

Best Buy

Unlike GameStop's store credit, the __________ cards can be used to purchase TVs, computers, music, and any other __________ merchandise.


Unlike most online game comanies, ______ earns over 90% of its revenue from in-game purchases of virtual goods rather than advertising.


Users objected to this lack of control, and ________ soon dropped the practice.


Using _____ technology, the _____ vendor will programmatically increase its serves to keep response time below the 0.5 second threshold.

service oriented architecture (SOA)

Using _____, programs formally define the services they perform, the data they expect, and te results they produce.

service oriented architecture (SOA)

Using ______, programs formally define the sevices they perform, the data they expect, and the results they produce.

content delivery network

Various pieces of the Web page could be obtained from different servers on the ______; all such decisions are made in real time to provide the fastest content delivery possible.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)

Visitors who can't find their answers can also email a question to ________ scientists from the site and receive a reply within a few days.


VoicePrism, a Chicago-based company that creates information systems to analyze vocal patterns, focuses on the streams of data contained in phone conversations between call center agents and customers.

Bob Cummings

WestJet _____________ commented, "We didn't want to telegraph dates so a competitor would put on a big fare sale."


Westergren says, "If you're a car or beverage company, you can come to _______ and say I'd like to put this advertisement in front of men in their 30s listening to rock music in Kansas."

chief information officer

What characteristics does a ______ need? Strong leadership abilities, excellent communcation skills, and knowledge of information and communication technologies are all important, though the ____ does not need to be an expert in all technology areas.

Northwest Airlines

When Delta acquired ____________________, for example, Delta's CIO said she needed to merge 1199 computer systems down to about 600.


When ______ aquired Northwest Airlines, for example, _______'s CIO said she need to merge 1199 computer systems down to about 600.


When _______ launched iTunes., by 2012, iTunes claimed an estimated 64% of the digital music market, and 29% of all retail music sales.


When a customer returns a DVD, _________ processes the return and promptly mails out the next one in the customer's queue.

Otis Elevators

When a massive earthquake truck Japan in 2011, _________________ was prepared. In regions with high earthquake risk, each elevaor carries a seismic detector.

virtual private networks

When the ______ server receives the message, it strips its address off the front of the message, decrypts the coded mesage, and sends the plain text message to the original address inside the LAN.

virtual private network

When the ______ server receives the message, it strips its address off the front of the message, decrypts the coded message, and sends the plain text message to the original address inside the LAN.

virtual private networks

When the _______ server receives the message, it strips its address off the front of the message,d decrypts the coded message, ad sends the plain text message to the original address inside the LAN.

program management office (PMO)

With the organization's goals in mind, the ______ can make the tough decisions about how scarce resources are assigned.


When development wsa complte, NASDAQ OMS claimed that ____________ processing and encryption were done in such a way that the system eets the SEC requirement.

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

When financial institutions subit records to FinQloud for storage, FinQloud processes the data in such a way that it cannot be updated, encrypts the data, and transmits the processed, encrypted data to ______, where it is encrypted yet again and stored on S3 devices.


When financial institutions submit records to ___________ for storage, __________ processes the data in such a way that it cannot be updated, encrypts the data, and transmits the processed, encrypted data to AWS, where it is encrypted yet again and stored on S3 devices.

enterprise resource planning (ERP),

When the software vendors added capabilities for sales transactions, accounting, human resources, and other common business fuctions, the software's name was elevated to __________________________________, to underscore its growing breadth.


Whether ______ can presever its integreated approach that tends to lock its customers into the company's product line is an open question.


Whether _______ can preserve its integrated approach that tends to lock its customers into the company's prouct line is an open question.


Whether ______________ meets the same fate as TechStat remains to be seen.


Whien rumors circulated that Apple was launching oan Interent Rradio service, _______'s stock shares plummeted.

social TV

While Nielsen will not drop its careful sampling techniques and set-top boxes, the company is leading the way toward new ways to learn about ___________.


While _______ pays out almost half of its revenue in royalties, other radio services, such as Sirius XM, average just 7.5%.


While ________ OMX and other exchanges compete for the growing number of algo-traders, analysts worry that the sheer technological speed introduces serious risks.


While _________ will not drop its careful sampling techniques and set-top boxes, the company is leading the way toward new ways to learn about social TV.


While apps for Androids quickly caught up with the vloume of iPhone apps, ______ gained an early head start.

Web 2.0

While new technologies continually emerge that support these activities, ________ is less about the technologies, than about the ways in which people and organizations are using the web.


a language used to add interactivity to web pages.

disruptive innovation

a new product or service, often springing from technological advances, that has the potential to reshape an industry.

disruptive innovation

another area that seems rie for Apple's stype of ____________________ is the TV business.


describes how easily managers can track timely and accurate supply chain metrics


some _____ vendors include DBMS products in their PaaS services.


the _____ is the future of computing.

support activities

activities performed as part of the value chain model that are not primary; support activities include administration and management, human resources, procurement, and technology support.

source cod

all the statements that programmers write in a particular programming language to create a functioning software program.

programming language

an artificial language used to write software that provides the instructions for the computer about how to accept information, process it, and provide output.

commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)

commercially available computer software that is ready to buy, install, and use.


individual facts or pieces of information

semi-structured information

information category that falls between structured and unstructured information. IT includes facts and data that show at least some structure, such as web pages and documents, which bear creation dates, titles, and authors.

unstructured information

information that has no inherent structure or order, and the parts can't be easily linked together.


measurement unit for computer storage capacity; a ____ holds eight zeros and ones and represents a single character.

social networking sites

online communities of people who create profiles for themselves, form ties with others with whom they share interests, and make new connections based on those ties.

in-memory computing

refers to the use of primary storage as the main place information is stored, rather than in secondary storage devices such as hard drives, to vastly increase speed.


short for wireless fidelity; it refers to a computer network in which connections rely on radio waves at frequencies of 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz for transmission.

data definition

specifies the characteristics of a field, such as the type of data it will hold or the maximum number of characters it can contain.

sustaining technologies

technologies that offer improvements to streamline existing processes and give companies marginal advantages.


technology that relies on microwave transmissions to blanket large metropolitan areas from microwave towers, usually on buildings.

power of suppliers

the advantage sellers have when there is a lack of competition and they can charge more for their products and services. This is one of Porter's five competitive forces.


the application of ICT to government activities, especially by posting information online and offering interactive services to citizens

optical character recognition (OCR)

the capability of specialized software to interpret the actual letters and numbers on a page to create a digital document that can be edited, rather than a flat picture.

utility software

the category of system software that includes programs to perform specific tasks that help manage, tune, and protect the computer hardware and software.

operating system (OS)

the category of system software that performs a variety of critical basic tasks, such as handling device input and output, maintaining file structures, and allocating memory.

user-generated content (UGC)

the content contributed to a system by its users


the distance between one peak of an electromagnetic wave to the next

network effects

the increased value of a product or service that results simply because there are more people using it.

business intelligence

the information managers use to make decisions, drawn from the company's own information systems or external sources.

rivalry among existing competitors

the intensity of competition within an industry. Intense rivalry can reduce profitability in the industry due to price cutting or other competitive pressures. This is one of Porter's five competitive forces.

bits per second (bps)

the measurement of transmission speed, defined as the number of bits transmitted each second; each bit is a single zero or one, and a string of 8 bits makes up a byte.

twisted pair wires

the most common form of wired media, these wires consist of thin, flexible copper wires used in ordinary phones.

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

the next generation protocol for the Internet, which will support far more IP addresses compared to the current scheme.

hertz (Hz)

the number of cycles per second of a wave


the processes by which electronic data that might be used as legal evidence are requested, secured, and searched.

Web 2.0

the second generation of web development that facilitates far more interactivity, end-user contributions, collaboration, and information sharing compared to earlier models.

management information systems (MIS)

the study of information systems- how people, technology, processes, and data work together. Also used to describe a special type of information system that supports tactical decision making at the managerial level.

information and communications technology (ICT)

the term encompasses the broad collection of information processing and communications technologies, emphasizing that telecommunication technology is a significant feature of information systems.

threat of substitutes

the threat posed to a company when buyers can choose alternatives that provide the same item or service, often at attractive savings. This is one of Porter's five competitive forces.

system software

the type of software that controls basic computer operations such as file management, disk storage, hardware interfaces, an integration with the application software.

application software

the type of software used to support a wide range of individual and business activities, such as transaction processing, payroll, word processing and video editing.


_______ typically contain numeric data or text, or a combination of the two.

Eric Schmidt

"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you souldn't be doing it in the first place." ______________, former CEO, Google

Ray Johnson

"That was not a good day," said _____________. "But it is not a unique event for us. We've got our disaster plan nailed."

Clarence Carter

"We are hired and held accountable for the administration of programs, not for the well-being of individuals. That has got to change," said _______.

Scott McNealy

"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it." _________________, cofounder, Sun Microsystems


"______ brings back Woolworths" whoed a store that had been closed for years.


"_______ brings back Woolworths" showed a store that had been closed for years. The application even misplaced ______'s own stores on the maps.


"________.org is afanatical, vigilante organization that operates in the United States with blatant disregard for U.S. law," he said.


___________ uses the same open source software and also follows many of its guidelines.

Continental Airlines

For example, the merger between United and ______________________ created a long list of systems maintenance issues.


___________'s contributors must keep in mind that their contributions are not confidential.


Despite challenges, however, ________ has an enormous lead with its attractive and easy-to-use website, and its gigantic hoard of data to match musical DNA ith each user's taste.


At one time, _______ just invented and manufactured computers and consumer electonics, and companies that distributed music and videos on CDs and DVDs didn't think of _______ as a rival.


Despite the drawbacks, research confirms a relationship between Twitter activity and TV ratings measured by ________'s other tools.


_____, short for wireless fidelity, refers to a computer network in which connections rely on radio waves at frequencies of 2.4 GHz or 5GHz.

speech recognition software

Although the sounds can be represented digitall just as sounds, ___________________________ can also dissect the words, atchingthem to konwn vocabulaires or alphabets.

Wildlife Victoria

Among the early adopters was ____________________, an Australian nonrprofit that rescues injured wildlife.

batch processing

At the end of the month when it was time to generate payroll checks, the payroll syste's computer programs would read each record in the file and print out checks and payroll stubs for each person, using the information contained in thef iles for that department. That kind of activity is called _________________.

bullwhip effect

If inventory storage costs are high, a _________ effect may be operating and managers will look into better demand forecasting to synchronize the chain's links.


Although some products, like Excel, are designed for the mass market, others are more specialized for particular business processes. SAS, for example, offers software for statistical analysis, and ________ produces software that scans handwriting on paper forms.

On The Beach

Average retention rate for most travel sites is 18% to 20%, but ___________________ boasts retention approaching 27%.

interactive voice response

Avis installed an ______ system that "learns"; this helps reduce customer frustration.

interactive voice response

Avis's CIO insists that ______ is not just a cost-cutting measure.


Because of this, they might be reluctant to purchase non-______ tablets or smartphones to avoid the heavy switching costs, or at least they woulud think twice.


Because so many people already knew the ___________ layout, though, attempts to introduce a better design failed. As sometimes happens, a superior technology solution lost out, in this case because human behavior can be so diffcult to change.

software as a service (SaaS)

______ ERP solutions also may take longer to implement than managers expect.


But competitive advantage can be fleeting, and ______ has plans to develop a supercharged personal assistant for mobile phones based on "Watson," the supercoputer that surrised the world by defeating two Jeopardy champions.

legacy systems

But many organizations used the imminent event to replace their ______________, older systems built on aging or obsolete architectures that continue in use because they still function reasonably well and replacing them is costly.

request for proposal (RFP)

But the ______ provides the platform for vendors to compete fiarly and present their best cases for meeting the organizations' needs.

Red Cross

But the ___________ also helps reduce the psychological stress by offering an online people-finding and reporting service, called the Safe and Well Website.


But the equipment also picked up data traffic going through unsecured wireless networks from people working in their homes.

David Rohde

But when New York Times reporter _____________ was kidnapped by the Taliban, the newspaper begged Wales to suppress mention of it.


CNN, for example, deployed _______________ to help its sales teams deal with more than 2000 clients who advertise on the television network.

customer service

CRM can help organizations make major improvement in ______________ and support, and reduce costs as well.

disruptive innovations

Economist Joseph Schumpeter used the term creative destruction to describe what happens in an industry when _____________________ threaten the stablished players.


Companies like Expedia and _____ use text mining and other measures to spot suspicious reviews and delete them, sucha s those that just repeat ad copy.


Companies like _______ and Yelp use text mining and other measures to spot suspicious reviews and delete them, sucha s those that just repeat ad copy.

shadow systems

Companies should try to reduce _____________ and inegrate systems as much as possible, so important reports needed for planning or compliance don't mix apples and oranges.


Companies such as Electronic Arts and Blizzard can deliver major upgrades and sequels to their high-end games digitally, instead of packaging them into boxes for __________ to sell.

supply chain management (SCM)

Companies that buy, sell, and ship goods around the world watch inventory levels, weather reports, political news, and customer trends in tehir quest for excellence in _______________________________.


Despite all the tweaks to improve privacy controls and the reassurances about data protection, people may decide that liberal information sharing is just too risky, whether on ________ or any other social network.

platform as a service )Paas

For example, it can lease EC2 (Elastic Cloud 2, a ______ product offered by Amazon.com), and Amazon.


DBMS are also included in other vendors' cloud offerings. As of June 2013, _____________ offers the following DBMS products with EC2: Simple Database Service, Amazon Relational Store:MySQL, Amazon Relational Store: Oracle, Cassandra, MongoDB

Human Rights Campaign

Dane R Gram, the online strategy director at the nonprofit __________________________________, recognizes the need for immediacy when a legislative proposal is up for a vote and phone calls from voters can make a difference.

Simple Storage Server

Data is indexed on ___ and canbe readily read by authorized users.


___________'s success surprised many observers because the department was not known for any pioneering IT initiatives.


Drawing on an enormous volume of already-translated texts and documents on the web, _______ created a software program to translate texts from Arabic to English and back and then pushed it to learn on its own.


Drawing on an enormous volume of of already-translated texts and documents on the web, ________ developed a text translator that acquires its skills directly from the data.


During he first few hours of the first trading day, however, technical glitches at _______ caused many delays and chaos, and the exchange had to switch to a secondary system.


Each _____ should have a data definition that specifies the _____'s properties, such as the type of data it will hold (e.g., alphabetic, alphanumeric, or numeric), and the maximum number of characters it can contain.

data stewards

______________ may then be assigned as watchdogs and bridge builders to remind everyone about how data should be defined.


European regulators, for example, insist that _________ should safeguard user data according to the EU's privacy rules.


Even thoug hte terms of service agreement gave the company vast leeway to terminate services or close down games, and ______'s metric-driven business strategy justified the shut-down, its approached generated a lot of oill will.

structured information

Every organization relies on _____________________, the kind that is usually considered to be facts and data.

content delivery network

Finally, many (but not all) ________________________ services are offered on a flexible, pay-as-you-go basis.

content delivery network

For example, the company banner or an organization's Web page might be stored on many ______ servers.

market basket analysis

For example, a technique called _________________________ looks for such relationships to reveal customer behavior patterns as they purchase multiple items.

Global positioning systems

For example, innovative companies leaped at new ways to use _______ data when the U.S. government decided to unscramble some of the data from military satellites.

Amazon EC2

______________ provides servers wit Windows Server or Linux installed.

extreme programming (XP)

For the military project's pilot, the ____ team's job was to add new search functionality to SKIWeb, the Command's strategic knowledge and information website used to share information about military operations and world events across the whole command and intelligence communities.


Government websites also support online interactions, so terms such as G2C, G2G, and _____ have appeared.


Government websites also support online interactions, so terms such as G2C, _____, and C2G have appeared.

virtual private network

Here a ______ uses the public Internet to create the appearance of a private connection on a secure network.

virtual private networks

Here a ______ uses the public Internet to create the appearance of a private connection on a secure network.

massive open online course (MOOC)

How ________s will affect traditional education is a hot topic; given their potential to reah nyone with a desire to learn.

near field communication

How does a mobile phone pay a bill? Te most common approach relies on ________________________________ which is a set of standards for technology that supports communication between mobile devices when the two are very near one another.


However, ________ lost out to other exchanges for Yelp, LinkedIn, and Pandora.


However, _________ also protects terrorists, criminals, spammers, and even vengeful posters.

Securities and Exchange commission (SEC)

However, as technology developed, broker-dealers and other financial institutions wanted to store records using reulgar disk storage and petitioned the ______ for guidance on how they might do that.

Radio frequency identification (RFID)

However, companies are workingto add _______ tracking to reduce such errors and ensure patients receive the right blood type.

voice over IP (VoIP)

However, making free phone calls to anyone in the world who has a computer and Internet connection is a compelling draw. Skype, acquired by Microsoft in 2011, has a big lead inthe ________ market, and the service continues to improve, adding videoconferencing capabilities, voice mail, low cost calls to alandlines and mobile phones, and better security and voice quality.


However, some application were collecting information about users in a way that violated _________'s own privacy rules, all without the user's permission.

massive onpen online course (MOOC)

However, the results are variable, and as we discussed, e-learning comes in many forms, from Sally's intimate online class to the gigantic ________s.

Red Cross

Humanitarian organizations such as the ___________ face logistical haallenges that would stump a Walmart or Dell.

uniform resource locator (URL)

ICANN works out contracts with te organizations that manage ______ assignments within each of the top-level domains, accredits the registrars who sell domain anmes, resolves disputes, and establishes policies.

request for proposal (RFP)

If the responses to the RFI and the committee's own research show some possible prepackaged options, the committee will develop a _____________________________, which is an invitation to software companies to submit a formal proposal, including a detailed descripton of their products, services, and costs.

request for information (RFI)

If the the responses to the ______ and the committee's own research show some possible prepackaged options, the committee will develop a request for porposal (RFP), which is an invitation to software companies to submit a formal proposal, including a detailed the requirements that were developed in theri products, services, an dcosts.


Imagine for a moment how __________ might sell your vacation photos to the hotel where you stayed to use in its ads, without paying you or even notifying you.

Henry Gantt

In 1920, _____________, a U.S. engineer, developed the scheduling and monitoring diagram that bears his name.

Securities and Exchange commission (SEC)

In 1937, the _______________________________________________ set out rules that stipulated recors retention requirements for securities brokers and dealers.


In 2012, for example _______ launched its own mapping application to compete with Google Maps and other navigation aids.


In 2013 ________ offered to settle with ________ users whose name or image appeared in Sponsored Stories without their permission.

NTT Docomo

In Japan, ______________ had to take over a bank to build its osaifu keitai services, so it would have the financial backbone to actually handle electronic payments.

distributed denial of service

In March 2013, a massive __________________________________________ attack, one of the largest in Internet history, hit the Spamhaus website.


In March 2013, a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, one of the largest in Internet history, hit the _________ webstie.

code of ethics

The ______________ establishes a very high standard of ethical behavior for project managers that will serve them and their employers well.


It matters so much athsome heavy traders-- Goldman Sachs, for example, pay _______ OMX for the privilege of locating their own server in ________'s data center, just to avoid the tiny communication delay from Goldman offices.


It should also identify the ____________, which are the products, documents, or services that will be delivered tot he sponsor during the course of the project.


Just after Facebook purchased __________ in 2012, the company promptly announced a chnage in ___________'s privacy and ownership policies to take effect in 2013.


Just after _________ purchased Instagram in 2012, the company promptly announced a change in Instagram's privacy and ownership policies to take effect in 2013.


Knowing what the _____ is how organization can benefit from it, and understanding the important security issues when using the _____ will be key knowledge for all business professionals in the early years of your career.


Many organizations choose commercially produced information systesm to handle their back-office information needs relying on software packages such as ______, Oracle, NetSuite, or QuickBooks.


Many systems instead simply use _____________ to assign primary keys, in which the DBMS assigns incremental numbers to records as they are created.

web feed

Mashups can easily incorporate a _______, for example, which is standardized and egularly updated output from a publisher, such as CNN or Weather.com.

use case diagram

The ________________ will show how different types of users will interact with the system.

social games

______________ rise and fall in popularity, and Zynga pulls the plug on games that falter.


May organizations choose commercially produced information systems to handle their back-office informatino needs, relying on software packages suchas SAP, ________, NetSuite, or QuickBooks.


Mazda, for instance, once had 200 physical servers in its data center, but the company used _____________ to knock that number down to just 28 servers hosting 490 virtual machines.

expert systems

Medical diagnostics reap hug benefits from ______________, particularly with increases i computer power and available data.

extract, transform, and load (ETL)

Most organizations build separate data warehouses by extracting part or all of the data from those databases, cleansing it, and then loading it to the warehouse, using the ________________________________ process.


Most people play the games with their friends on Facebook or on ______'s own site (______.com).

intellectual property

Most societies have developed a maze of copyright laws, patents, and legal statutes to protect ______________________ rights.


Much ________ software is also produced for particular industries with features they need.

commercial-off-the-shelf software

Much ________________ is also produced for particular industries with features thye need.


Much software is developed commercially by IT companies and licensed to idviduals and comanies that use it. Familiar products such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Premiere, or Quicken are all considered __________________________________ software, which means they are ready to buy, install, and use.


Nasdaq's focus on technology and lightning fast trading speed were reasons __________________ chose to use that exchange to take __________ public in 2012, so people could invest in the company directly.

feasibility study

The _________________ is an important part of the planning process that examines whether the initiative is viable from technical, financial, and legal standpoints.

RedFlex Group

The _________________, headquartered in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, earns 87 percent of its revenue from traffic violations in the United States.

threat of substitutes

The _____________________ is high when alternative products are available, especially if they offer attractive savings.

U.S. Census Bureau

The _____________________, for instance, maintains many databases with information about demographics, educational levels, income, ethnicity, housing, employment, and moe.


One change that users called "creepy" happened in 2007, when _________ launcehd a service that could track people's actions on third-party websites and broadcast that information to their _________ friends.


One major rival is Best Buy, which offers customers a chance to trade in their old games for gift cards that can be used at any Best Buy store. Unlike __________'s credit, the Best Buy cards can be used to purchase TVs, computers, music, and any other Best Buy merchandise.

Best Buy

One major rival is __________, which offers customers a chance to trade in their old games for gift cards that can be used at any _________ store.

workforce management module

The ____________________________, for example, draws on the data in the core human resource records and adds features to keep track of time and attendance, sick leave, vacation leave, and project assignments.

organizational culture

The ______________________ is also an important element. Moving to an agile development approach means much more than programming in pairs or adopting the colorful Scrum vocabulary. It is a cultural shift that many development teams may find uncomfortable.

Library of Congress

The ______________________ stores every tweet to keep a record of how we communicate with 140 character snippets.

U.S. Bill of Rights

The _______________________ codifies many ethical principles into the Constitution, such as freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to trial by jury.

near field communication

People with smartphones equipped with ______ chips can tap a special terminal ata cafe, bus station, sporting area, aor any other participating vendor.


Peter Norvig, who worked on the project at ______, remarked, "We don't have better algorithms. We just have more data."

instructional designer

Peyton from Carlo's office will join the team as ______________________, the person who brings the knowledge and skills about what strategies work best for e-learning.

threat of new entrants

The _______________________ in an industry is very high when start-ups like Leveling UP! can open shop with little capital, few employees, and enxt to no experience.

content management system

The __________________________ and its CSS can enforce a consistent look and feel throughout the site, preventing contributors from straying too far from the designer's templates.


The __________________________ is an important metric for such ads, computed as the number of visitors who click on the ad divided by the number of impressions.


_________often infects a computer when an innocent user downloads a screen saver or other freebie.

distributed denial of service

Spammers and copyright violators flock to hosts like this, and Spamhaus had blocked several of CyberBunker's clients, some of whom volunteered to launch the _______ attack.

request for information (RFI)

The ______ describes the new system in broad, high-level terms, and interested vendors send responses describing their products and services.

learning management system

The ______ is an information system used to deliver the e-learning courses, track student progress, and manage educational records.

Securities Exchange Commission

The ______ is striking a fine line in this ruling, if, for example, someone were to tamper with the storage systems' software, it would be ossible to overwrite data.

requirements definition document (RDD)

The ______ is used as a feature guide to help compare the systems to see how well each one aligns to the organization's requirements.

uniform resource locator(URL)

The ______ itself is a string of characters, and each component as a specific meaning.

database administrator (DBA)

The ______ manages the rules that elp ensure the integrity of the data.

database administrator

The ______ must be very familiar with the DBMS software the organization uses.

request for proposal (RFP)

The ______ process is also typically used to procure the services of a software development company to custom build the system, if the organization decides to outsource the project rather than build it in-house.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

The ______ receiver computes its own 3-dimensional location based on distances from the three or four closest satellites.

software as a service (SaaS)

The ______ vendor administers and manages the cloud servers and makes the software available, usually as a thin-client.

content delivery network

The ______ vendor replicates articles on servers, possibly worldwide, so as to minimize latency.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

The ______'s concern was (and is ) that records of financial transactions not be alerted after the fact, that they be retained for a stipulated period of time, and that indexe be created so that the records can be readily searched.


The _______ might prohibit any Internet traffic from reching its database servers, for instance, but allow incoming request to its public web server.

chief information officer

The _______ might report directly to the CEO or to another vice president-- often the one responsible for finance and administration.


The _______ team held daily standup meetings, suually 15 minutes or less.

database management software

The ________ serves as a kind of gateway to the database itself, and as a manager for handling creation, performance tuning, transaction processing, general maintenance, access rights, deletion, and backups.


The _________ platform is open-source software that organizations use to aggregate, map, and visualize information about disasters or other emergencies.


The __________ keyboard also helps explain why some countries adopted computing much earlier than others.

source code

The ___________ includes all the statements that the programmers write to communicate with the computer and provide instructions.


The ____________ OMX Group, a multinatioal corporation that owns and operates the ____________ stock market as well as eight European exchanges, developed FinQloud, a cloud-based storage system that is compliant withthe SEC's (and other regulating organizations') rulings.

semantic web

The ____________ relies on the resource description framework (RDF) to describe resources and their properties.

Gantt chart

The _____________ is a handy visual guide that lists the tasks on the WBS along with each task's projected start and finish dates in graphical format.

content delivery networks

______s are often used to store and deliver content that seldom changes.

low cost leadership strategy

The ________________________________, which means offering a similar product at a lower price compared to competitors, is oe that Walmart, Kia Motors, Southwest Airlines, Lenovo, and many others pursue.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

The _____________________________________________________________________________________ is the noprofit organization charged with overseing the net's naming system.

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)

The litigation strategy was so unpoular that ________ finally gave it up.

Southwest Airlines

The low cost leadership strategy, which means offering a simliar product at a lower price compared to competitors, is one that Walmart, Kia Motors, ___________________, Lenovo, and many others pursue.


The migration suffered from glitches, and ________'s website crashed.


The monitor, shipped in a separate box, may come from a different manufacturer, but _____ synchronizes the delivery so all the hardware arrives at the same time.

infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

The most basic cloud offering is _____________________________________, which is the cloud hosting of a bare server computer or data storage.


______ already has some pieces in place that could become part of a grand strategy to disrupt the TV industry, including the ______ TV that streams on-demand videos for $1.99 and up.


______ also integrates its product line tightly, making it more much easier to stick with the whole product line.

hypertext markup language (HTML)

These systems enable multiple people, often with limited web development and _______ skills, to contribute to the website from any place in the world.

software as a service (SaaS)

They also include free, open source software. The rapidly evolving ______________________________ products described in previous chapters expand options still further.


They are going up against some big names in this industry, like _______ and Princeton Review, and they need a very sound strategy.


They deliver banners and othe rads to their clients' websites and also deposit their own ________ whenever someone visits one of the client sites. These are called third-party _______, because they are not tied just to the site you are visiting.

expert system

They send the results via text message to the _____________, which in just a few seconds returns an automated reponse about the proper course of treatment based on the analysis.


They use satellite communications and _______ in the tank cars, watching for any temperature changes or security breaches.

The Princeton Review

Thinking too narrowly about who those new entrants might be can be dangerous. The big players in the SAT preparation business--Kaplan and ________________________- know well that small start-ups can enter relatively easily.

source code

You can see the ____________ for a web page b right-clicking the page in your browser and selecting "view source."


You probably have hard of or have used ______'s iCloud, the cloud service that ______ uses to sync all of its customers' iOS devices.


You probably have heard of or have used Apple's _______, the cloud service that Apple uses to sync all of its customers' iOS devices.


You probably have heard of or have used Apple's iCloud, the ____ service that Apple uses to sync all of its customers' iOS devices.


YouTube's databse, for example, contains ________ about each of its videos tah can be searched and sorted. A library's card catalog provides ________ about the books, such as where they are physically shelved.

IP address

Your browser's cookies, for instance, might reveal information about you even if your ____ address doesn't.


Your search terms reveal your current interest, and ________ developed the Adwords program to serve small, text-only ads related to your search in a list of sponsored links.

extreme programming

___'s strong emphasis on testing is also an important feature, and one reason for its development was to imprve software qualtiy.


_______ pioneered a simple marketing approach that relies on your search terms rather than on cookies.

hypertext markup language

Website editors can create new pages using a software environment similar to word processing, and their content is converted to ________ so it will appear nicely formatted on the website, inside the appropriate template.

hypertext markup language (HTML)

Website editors can create new pages using a software environment similar to word processing, and their content is converted to ________ so it will appear nicely formatted on the website, inside the appropriate template.


___, for example, might balance processing for its different product groups and on different continents, but it is difficult to imagine that, in doing so, it would save money or time.


____ are the grist for every information system, and these raw facts can present themselves in an enormous variety of shapes and forms.


____ from spoken language are becoming especially important for smartphones and other technologies that accept and analyze voice commands.

extreme programming

____ shares many principels in common with Scrum and other agile methods, including the early and continuous delivery of functionality, close collaboration between developers and end users, and responsiveness to changing requirements.

extreme programming (XP)

____ shares many principles in common with Scru and other agile methods, including the early and continuous delivery of functionality, close collaboration between developers and end users, and responsiveness to changing requirements.

extreme programming

____ team members are supposed to be fully assigned to the project to avoid distractions, but this project's team members were often pulled off for other assignemtns or emergencies.

extreme programming (XP)

____ team members are supposed to be fully assigned to the project to avoid distractions, but this project's team members were often pulled off for other assignments or emergencies.


_____ dominated the PC market with its low cost strategy until rivals mastered their own supply chains.


_____ reflecting time intervals might appear as seconds on a stopwatch.


While other factors may have contributed to the bungled opening, _______ took responsibility for the technial problems, and is attempting to make amends.


With Office 365, Exchange, _____, and SharePoint applications are provided as services "in the cloud."


With PaaS, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the ____ from the _____ vendor.

cloud vendor

With PaaS, AllRoad leases hardware and operating systems in the cloud from the ____________.

Write once, read many times (WORM)

With the rise of information systems storage, the SEC updated the rules in 1997 by stating that such records can be kept electronically, povided that the storage devices are ____________________________________ devices.

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)

Yet efforts to fight piracy can lead to unfortunate results. The ______________________________________________________ initially battled the music piracy problem by using a few end users for up to $150,000 per downloaded song, targeting music lovers like Brianna, a 12-year-old child in ew York.


_____ vendors are understandably reluctant to reveal the locations of data, and they want (and need) the flexibility to move data where they can provide the best performance to their customers.


______ claims its shortcuts and intelligent interfaces make life a bit easier for Chinese speakers struggling with a keyboard whose grandparent was the typewriter, designed in the United States by english speakers.


______ computer is a clear example that cleverly takes this path over and over again, with its Macintosh computers, iPod, iPhone, and iTunes music store.


______ creates competitive advantage through network effects and high switching costs.

service oriented architecture (SOA)

______ designed programs that comply with Web service standards are called Web services.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

______ devices help drivers navigate to their destinations and keep managers apprised of their fleets.


______ drivers, for instance, know to avoid left turns on their delivery routes when possible, because they take a few seconds longer, wasting time and gas.


______ earns revenue from online marketers, much as Google does, by showing paid links relevant to the user's search terms.


______ had high hopes for ____________, which included new features such as integration with its personal assistant, Siri.

humanitarian logistics systems (HLS)

______ includes tables for tracking shipping information, and it can generate shipping documents, receipts for goods, and reports on where items in the pipeline are currently located and when they can be expected.


______ is a free service operated by volunteers that anonymizes web surfing.

management information systems

______ is a young discipline--barely 25 years old--and is changing rapidly.


______ is well known for brilliant product design, but the company has made an occasional blunder.

resource definition framework (RDF)

______ is written in XML and was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.


______ managers launched wikis for employees as an experiment, just to see how they would be used.


______ offered credits for its other games, but Petville players were quite dismayed by teh company's lack of sensitivity.

digital rights management

______ often interferes with screen readers as well, frustrating the visually impaired who use them to turn on-screen text into speech.

learning management system

______ once considered niche software, the ______ has grown in importance as organizations focus on knowledge management and talent development, striving to nurture their employees and build intellectual capital.


______ refers to a system of moral principles that human beings use to judge right and wrong and to develop rules of conduct.


______ resources are pooled because many different organizations use the same physical hardware; they share that hardware through virtualization.

random access memory (RAM)

______ serves as a temporary storage areas as the CPU executes instructions.


______ started sending auditors to look into some of the factories that make iPhone parts.

supply chain management

______ starts with planning, with the goal of building a nimble supply chain that aligns with actual business goals.

customer relationship management

______ strategies to grow revenue ofen include finding new customers and markets, s well as earning more revenue from existing customers through cross-selling and upselling.


______ tracks and analyzes player behavior closely, and uses the "big data" to add features that ensure players log in frequently to develop that strong attachment.


______ turns over 70% of the revenue to the music industry, so copyright holders are compensated.


______ vendors dynamically allocate virtual machines to physical hardware as customer needs increase or decrease.


______ wisely chose not to let somone's virtual pet die from hunger if the player did not feed it dialy.


______'s decision not to support Flash is a major driver behind the rush to implement mobile applications using HTML5 (#2)


______'s huge successes have hinged on the company's ability to come up with innovations and strategies that create new markets for products, the so-called "blue ocean" approach.

business process reengineering

______'s objectives are sound, though, if the techniques are used in a more focused way on smaller projects in the context of new system development and overall business process management.

distributed denial of service

_______ attacks cost organizations many millions of dollars in downtime, lost business, and lost client goodwill.


_______ has also had good scuccess with a homegrown wiki, one that caught on very quickly with employees around the world who used it to collaborate on mobile phone designs.


_______ is known for the impenetrable security surrounding its supersecret product development, but that single iPhone slipped through.


_______ is lobbying to reduce royalty payments. While it pays out almost half of its revenue in royalties, other radio services, suchas Sirius XM, average just 7.5%/


_______ offers a framework for software development that relies on tightly knit, cohesive teams tha do "sprints: of 2 to 4 weeks each.


_______ pays 0.11 cents per song, a rate set to rise to .14 cents in 2015.


________ claimed it didn't even use native speakers to double-check any translations, a fact that astonished the CEO of Systran, a rival company that develops translation software relying on language rules and syntax.


________ developers, for instance, built a service to "get the customer service record."


________ dominates on desktops, and also on mobile devices.


________ eventually tackled the crisis head on and earned high marks for limiting the damage, but their response during the first 24 hours was sluggish.

Web 2.0

________ features an emphasis on interaction, conversation, participation, collaboration, and endless sources and streams of data.


________ gained an early lead to become the world's largest online video service with "Instant Play."


________ had high hopes for ________ Maps, which included new features such as integration with its personal assistant, Siri.


________ had kindly invited JetBlue staffers to observe the transition, and the visitors eagerly absorbed the lessons.


________ harnesses collective intelligence by inviting your product reviews, summarizing the ratings, and then encouraging people to rate the value of each review as well.


________ is a mix of technologies that builds on JavaScript and enlivnes the web even more, adding instant intelligence dawn from live data to create interactive displays.


________ is appealing the case, and analysts worry that the court's decision could hinder innovation and consumer choice.


________ is doing especially well, and was voted Canada's favorite employer in 2013.


________ is only available ina small number of countries outside othe U.S., and other companies, suchas Spotify, may bget a heastart over _______ in places such as Europe.

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

________ is part of the XML family of standardized languages and is specialized for accounting and business reports.

online analytical processing

________ systems achieve their speed and their slice-and-dice capabilities by building multidimensional cubes.

Radio frequency identification (RFID)

________ tags can store information on the object's history and where about, and can be embedded in anything including pets, livestock, and human beings.


________ teamed up with SocialGuide, a social media metrics company that measures the engagement of the TV audience by tracking tweets and posting results on real-time dashboards for the company's clients.

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

________ was embarrassingly slow to organize relief efforts.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency

________'s Answer website is a massive, easily searchable knowledge base containing information about coeans and weather.


________'s Mechanical Turk site goes one more step, bringing organizations that need human wisdom together with all the people who have a few moments to spare and want to earn a bit of money.


________'s focus on technology and lightning fast trading speed were resons Mark Zuckerberg chose to use that exchange to take Facebook public in 2012, so people could invest in the company directly.


________'s thousands of suppliers have far less power than Microsoft.


________, for example, offers "SAT Flashcubes" for the iPhone and iPod --flash cards to practice SAT vocabulary words.


________, with some $446 billion in net sales in 2012, pioneered the globe's most efficient information system to track shipments as they move from supplier factoreis to warehouses to retail stores.


_________ added a "report/Remove tag" feature, so a user who objects to a photo posted by someone else can at least remove the tag that indentifies him or her, and also ask the poster to take the photo down.


_________ alone accounts for about one-third of the web streaming traffic during prime time among consumers age 18 to 24..


_________ also introduced a "hide" setting so you can identify certain friends in your network who should not be allowed to view photos or other categories.


_________ are one of a kind, and they involve uncertanity


_________ are unique, but processes are recurring.


_________ crashed, and the enormous attack left many wondering if the whole Internet might be in danger.

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

_________ cumbersome supply chain was centrally managed in its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.


_________ defaulted the setting to "friends only," having learned from experience that a default to "everyone" would trigger objections.


_________ disabled the applications involved in the scandal, and the company continues to block apps that violate its policies


_________ has two major functions in an information system. Application _______ supports all the work or play you wnto to do, from word processing and spreadsheets, to video editing, email, web browsing and game playing.


_________ is data about data, and it clarifies the nature of the information.

online analytical processing

_________ systems help spot suspicious activity as well.Medicare anti-fraud strike forces, for example, use such systems to detect unusual billing that might point to illegal scams.


_________ takes a unique approach to music piracy with its iTunes Match service.


_________ tests are critical to help designers improve the site for the people who actually use it, not the ones who design it.


_________'s policies prohibit the third-arty apps from transferring personal information to marketers but the technical challenges of complying are daunting.


_________, the protocol widely used for local area networks, as been dominating the market since the 1980s.


_________, the protocol widely used for local area networks, has been dominating the market since the 1980s.


__________ also objects to Amaozon's request to own a new top-level domain called .pin.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

__________ also ruled to accept applications from organizations that want to use brand names, city names, or keywords as top-level domains.


__________ and predictive analytics will be mature technologies that contribute to productivity in less than 2 years.


__________ capabilities come with most business intelligence software, but susers will quickly ignore them if the _________ isn't relevant, timely, and useful.


__________ counters these threats by revamping its business strategy and aggressively promoting its online store as a complement to the physical stores.

Google Glass

__________ is a work in progress, but developers envision it as an "always on" device that people can use to take spontaneous pictures and videos, send and receive phone calls and text messages, and post messages on social networks.


__________ is another well-known site that amasses collective intelligence and volunteer labor, in this case to create a vast online encyclopedia with more than 3 million entries.


__________ is used for both storage and for data transmission.


__________ refers to the ease with which a person can accomplish a goal using some tool, suchas a website, a mobile phone, or a kiosk.


__________ relies partly on clear information architecture, and also on the user interface design.


__________ resells the used games for more than twice what it pays for them.


__________ started as a way to organize and distribute employee forms and announcements, but they have grown considerably with knowledge-management initiatives.


__________ systems also include features to detect suspicious events and alert managers immediately.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

__________ works out contracts with the organizations that manage URL assignments within each of the top-level domains, accredits the registrars who sell domain names, resolves disputes, and establishes policies.


__________, a technology that also uses radio waves in the same range as wifi, is commonly used for wireless connections over very short distances.


__________.com helps users browse by department, keyword, and sales promotions.


___________ approaches can be quite different, and the jargon used to describe them can be confusing.

Black swan

___________ became a symbol for those extremely rare events that are difficult or nearly impossible to predict.


___________ began before the explosion of free online videos, and the company will need to find new ways to compete if it maintains the cosubscritpon mode.

text mining

___________ can also help identify fake product reviews.


___________ describes how easily managers can track timely and accurate supply chain metrics.

mobile commerce

___________ has been going on for quite some time, as customers use their wireless device to connect to the Interent for banking, shooppin, and bill paying.


___________ is not open to the public, though its contents are unclassified.


___________ provides hardware for customers to load whatever operating system they want and Amazon.com license S3 (SSimple Storage Server), which provides unlimited, reliable data storage in the cloud.


___________ refers to the buying and selling of goods a nd services over the Internet or other networks, encompassing financial transactions between businesses, consumers, governments, or nonprofits.


___________ refers to the distance between one peak of the wave to the next, and frequency, easured in hertz (Hz) is the number of cycles per second.


___________ scandals have tarnished some prominent authors, but technologies are also available to track this kind of activity


___________ systems typically include shopping cart software that tracks purchases as customers navigate the site and click "add to cart" as they go.


___________ tools usually analyze historical and seasonal trends and then take into account existing and predicted business conditions to estimate some variable of interest, such as customer demand or projected revenue.

E.F. Codd

___________, a British mathematician working at IBM, invented the relational database, which organizes information into tables of records that are related to one another by linking a field in one table to a field in another table with matching data.

call center software

____________ ________ can queue calls, let callers know the approximate waiting time, offer menu options for call routing, and retrieve customer ata based on the caller's information so agents can quickly find answers.

intelligent agents

____________ agents are useful for many tasks and are growing smarter and more capable each year.

Bill Gates

____________ did just that early in his career , when he imagined moving computing away from mainframes and onto the desktop.

data mining

____________ is a type of intelligence gathering that uses statistical techniques to explore large data sets, hunting for hidden patterns and relationships taht are undetectable in routine reports.

source code

____________ is not usually included, so buyers can't make changes on their own.

Social TV

____________ may also be drawing people back to viewing shows live, rather than recording them.


____________ provides a platform for even higher payouts for innovative solutions to real problems.


____________ refers to a varied set of instructional approaches that all depend on information and communications technologies, especially the Internet, to cnnect trainees with learning material, and also with their instructors and other trainees.

text mining

____________ software tools rely on keywords, semantic structures, linguistic relationships, parts of speech, common phrases, emotion-laden words, and even misspellings to extract meaningful information.


____________ tomorrow's demand, next month's sales, or net year's stock price relies especially on statistical decision support tools.


____________ uses telecommunications to link surgeons to robotic equipment at distant locations.


____________, a term that refers to how long visitors linger at the site, jumped from 6 to 8 minutes in less than a year.

text mining

____________, a variation of data mining, is a discovery process in which unstructured text information is the source of business intelligence, rather than structured data.


____________, for example, unveiled its own version of a digital wallet in 2013, called PaPass.

Bill Gates

____________, for instance, was soundly criticized for not predicting the Internet's potential.


_____________ are multiplying because so much information is becoming available in machine-eadable forms, tyically XML.


_____________ capture human speech and transmit it in digital format.


_____________ from iParadigms, for example, offers an "originality checking" service that color codes docuemtns submittd to it, showing the sourcees of passages that match existing written work.

Mobile AI

_____________ is also offering much promise. In Kenyan villags, for example, health workers carrying a small test kit visit rural households looking for sigsn of malaria.


_____________ is an emerging technology in which game-like features are used to engage people in business scenarios, such as customer interactions and employee training.


_____________ refers to a system's ability to handle rapidly increasing emand; this sanother performance issue.


_____________, for example, is an independent financial information company that obtains machine-readable data on over 45,000 different retirement plans, and then rates each one.

Beth Kanter

_____________, who helps nonprofits adopt IT, says, "Typically, your nonprofit volunteer was a 'do-er' who simply delivered their experience face-to-face."


_____________, with its "Search, compare, conquer" slogan, compares sellers on thousands of items, showing buyers which retailer has the best price.


______________ OMX operates in 70 different markets, in 50 countrites worldwide, and claims that it processes one out of 10 stock transactions worldwide.

Banita Jacks

______________ and her daughters fell through man cracks in the maze of government-funded human services in the District of Columbia.

cloud vendors

______________ are understandably reluctant to reveal the locations of data, and they want (and need) the flexibility to move data where they can provide the best performance to their customers.

optical fiber

______________ cables use light pulses rather than electrical signals, and they carry the most channels at the fastest speeds.


______________ can cut costs dramatically, not just by lowering electricity bills and hardware expenses, but also through reduced maintenance.

utility software

______________ includes a large variety of programs that perform specific tasks to help manage, tune, and prtect the computer hardware and software.

business intelligence software

______________ includes innovative tools to visualize data in ew ways that go beyond the usual bar graphs, pie charts, and tables.

goal seeking

______________ is similar to what-if analysis, but in reverse.

Rail Europe

______________ learned, for example, that most U.S. visitors stumbled onto the site from a general keyword wsearch, using vague phrases such as "Paris travel."

Dane R. Grams

________________, the online strategy director at the nonprofit Human Rights Campaign (HRC), recognizes the need for immediacy when a legislative proposal is up for a vote and phone calls from voters can make a difference.

system software

________________, the second type of software, handles the more basic operations, sucha s file management, disk storage, hardware interfaces, and integration with the application software.

Michael Porter

_________________ also developed a model that helps strategist think about how the organizatio actually creates value and where improvements can be made to advance the firms' competitive position.

Coaxial cables

_________________ are also common in homes because the cable TV companies installed them to carry television signals.

Hurricane Sandy

_________________ arrived just before the November 2012 elections in the United States, and many voters could not make it to the polls.

utility software

_________________ includes a large variety of programs that perform specific tasks to help manage, tune, and protect the computer hardware and software.

Funding models

_________________ like thse have effects on behavior, and they sometimes lead to unintended consequences.

Riswan Khalfan

_________________ of TD Securities says his system can handle a breathtaking 5 million pieces of data per second, far more than most other banks.

Google Goggles

_________________ uses image recognition software to analyze an uploaded snapshot of the Washington Monument and then returns relevant web pages from the National Park Service about the familiar landmark.

web accessibility

__________________ refers to how easily people with disabilities can access and use web resources.

Huffington Post

__________________, the online newspaper that features blogs by unpaid celebrities such Ron Howard, also relies on ad revenue.

robotic technology

___________________ also depends on advances in artificial intelligence.

loyalty programs

___________________ also raise switching costs and discourage new entrants.

twisted pair wires

___________________ are common in homes because the phone companies already installed them long before they were used to transmit digital data.

Hybrid e-learning

___________________ blends online activities with in-class sessions to create a rich learning experience.

information security

___________________ broadly encompasses the protection of an organization's information assets against misuse, disclosure, unauthorized access, or destruction.

packet switching

___________________ can be configured to handle voice calls, too.

support activities

___________________ encompass all the other processes and offices the company needs, including administration and management, human resources, procurement, and technology support.

ownership issues

___________________ have to be negotiated among many stakeholders.

Wildlife Victoria

___________________ implemented Salesforce.com to help manage and extend its network of volunteer wildlife rescuers, coordinate rescue events, and keep track of potential donors.


___________________ is a kind of matchmaking service that ffers search tools so people can find projects underway near their homes that match their interests.

project management

___________________ is a systematic approach to project planning, organizing, and managing resources, resulting in a project that successfully meets its objectives.

packet switching

___________________ is quite flexible and it makes netowkrs far more survivable against natural or manmade disasters.

enterprise portals

___________________ were inspired by the consumer portals offered by web companies that help people combine content to their liking.


___________________'s strategy has made it one of the most trusted sources of travel advice on the web, with more than 75 million reviews and opinions.

Fourth Amendment

___________________, about protection from unreasonable search and seizure, helps shape expectations about privacy.

Robotic technology

____________________ also depends on advances in artificial intelligence.

third-party cookies

____________________ are controversial from a privacy standpoint, as well. Yahoo! Canada, for instance, has agreements with more than 30 different ad networks, creating a web of interconnection that can follow people's tracks ads they browse different sites.

executing processes

____________________ include all the coordinating efforts that ensure the tasks on the WBS are carried out properly.

structural capital

____________________ includes the knowledge stored as documentation about business processes, procedures, policies, contracts, transactions, patents, research, trade secrets, and other aspects of the organization's operations, often stored electronically.

predictive analytics

____________________ refers to data mining approaches and statistical techniques used to predict future behavior, especially to unlock the value of business intelligence for strategy.

application software

____________________ supports all the work or play you want to do, from word processing and spreadsheets, to video editing, email, web browsing, and game playing.

information privacy

____________________, which refers to the protection of data about individuals, is a special concern.

direct implementation

_____________________ switches off the old system and launches all the modules of the new one on a single, very hectic go-live date, sometimes called the "big bang" (after the way astronomers describe the universe's explosive origin).

Clayton Christensen

_____________________, author of The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution, argues that industry leaders need to be ever alert to these disruptive innovations, and they should build small teams that look for breakthrough opportunities themselves.

Southwest Airlines

_____________________, for instance, reduced inflight service and implemented ticketless reservation systems.

expert location systems

______________________ can crawl through databases, websites, email, project summaries, and other electronic documents to refine their expertise ratings.

intellectual capital

______________________ includes all the intangible assets and resources of anenterprise that are not captured by conventional accounting reports, but that still contribute to its value and help it achieve competitive advantage.

targeted advertising

______________________ is growing very sophisticated to improve click-through rates.

knowledge management

______________________ is not just for organizations.

application software

______________________ supports all the work or play you want to do, from word processing and spreadsheets, to video editing, email, web browsing, and game playing.

targeted advertising

_______________________ is extremely important to reduce marketing costs in very competitive industries, so big data will only get bigger and more valuable.

expert location systems

_______________________ offer one way to apply technology to finding people in an organization with specific types of expertise, based on their education, experience, and activities.

competitive advantage

_______________________, which is anything that gives a firm a lead over its rivals, can be gained through the development and application of innovative information systems.

acceptable-use policy

________________________ are expanding to cover how employees use technology outside work as well.

Dancing with the Stars

________________________ became a smash reality TV hit by engaging millions of viewers in judging the contestants. Hopeful celebrity couples compete each week with a novel dance routine, and audience members cast a vote for their favorite by phoning, sending text messages, or logging into the show's website.

master data management

________________________ has less to do with technology tha with people, processes, and governance.

social networking sites

________________________ support online communities of people who create profiles for themselves, form ties with others with whom they share interest, and make new connection based on those ties.

instructor-led e-learning

_________________________ also incorporates asynchronous activities, in which students can log in at any time to work through online course materials, submit assignments, take assessments, or send messages.

instructor-led e-learning

_________________________ also incorporates aynchronous activities, in which students can log in at any time to work through online course materials, submit assignments, take assessments, or send messages.

Continental Airlines

_________________________ was hit with a harassment suit when its first female pilot complained that male employees were posting harassing and insulting comments to an online discussion group called "Crew Members' Forum."

authentication strategies

__________________________ rely on: something he user knows, such as a user ID, password, PIN, or answer to a security question; Something the user has in his or her possession, suchas an ID badge, credit card, or RFID chip; or something the user is--a biometric characteristic that uniquely identifies the user, suchas a voice pattern, fingerprint, or face.

acceptable-use policy

__________________________ should contain clear language describing the organization's security and confidentiality requirements.

surveillance technologies

__________________________ to monitor email, web surfing, and other online communications are readily available to governemnt agencies for law enforcement.

surveillance technologies

__________________________ to monitor email, web surfing, and other online communications are readily available to government agencies for law enforcement.

instructor-led e-learning

__________________________, as its name suggests, involves a teacher who guides students through the course, often using virtual classrooms, email, phone, discussion forums, and other collaborative technologies.

multifactor authentication

___________________________ combines two or more authentication strategies, creating much stronger security against unauthorized access.

Assistive technologies

___________________________ designed to help people with disabilities range from the low-tech magnifying glass for the visually impaired to motorized wheelchairs.

return on investment (ROI)

___________________________ is another important criterion, although it is not always easy to estiate.

document management systems

___________________________ may also include tools to manage the content and convert paper-based records into well-organized electronic libraries.


a good way to assess a site's _________ is to ask visotrs to perform a sequence of tasks and observe the problems they encounter.

instructor-led e-learning

___________________________, as its name suggests, involves a teacher who guides students through the course, often using virtual classrooms, email, phone, discussion forums, and other collaborative technologies.

user-generated content

___________________________, for example, makes up most of the information in systems such as Wikipedia, eBay, Craigslist, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

content management systems

____________________________ have many other features to support collaborative website development.

knowledge management

____________________________ refers to a set of strategies and practicies organizations use to become more systematic about managing intellectual capital.

document management systems

_____________________________ include forms-processing software that reads the text in specified zones on a scanned form so they can be indexed properly.

intellectual property

_____________________________ includes intangible assets such as music, written works, software, art, designs, movie, creative ideas, discoveries, inventions, and other expressions of the human mind.

project portfolio management

_____________________________ is a continuous process that oversees all the projects for an organization, selecting which projects to pursue, and then managing the whole portfolio.

sales force automation systems

______________________________ boost sales rep performance by helping them track and manage their accounts, contacts, leads, and to-do lists.

consumer to consumer (C2C)

______________________________ e-marketplaces include eBay and Craigslist.

information technology

______________________________ includes hardware, software, and telecommunications.

image recognition technology

______________________________ is advancing rapidly as well.

agile software development methods

______________________________ methods use a less structured approach in which tasks are not sequenced according to the SDLC.

mobile commerce

______________________________ refers to the use of wireless, mobile devices to conduct e-commerce.

consumer to business

_______________________________ relationships, in which consumers sell products or services online to business, are also facilitated by e-marketplaces.

administrative security controls

________________________________ include all the processes, policies, and plans the organization creates to enhance information security and ensure it can recover when danger strikes.

intellectual property

________________________________ includes intangible assets such as music, written works, software, art, designs, movies, creative ideas, discoveries, inventions, and other expressions of the human mind.

human capital management

___________________________________ encompasses all the activities and informatio systesm that support effective management of an organization's human capital.

digital rights management

___________________________________ refers to technologies that software developers, publishers, media companies, and other intellectual property owners use to control access to their digital content.

search engine optimization

___________________________________ uses strategies to increase the quantiy and quality of traffic from search engines, often by improving the site's position in esult litsts

virtual private networks (VPN)

____________________________________ uses the Internet to create the appearance of private, secure connections.

service oriented architecture (SOA)

______________________________________ is a way of designing computer programs so they can be flexibly combineed, like Lego blocks, for cloud processing.

Health Care Service Corp.

______________________________________, for example, implemented a fraud detection system, and it paid off almost immediately.

Global positioning systems (GPS)

_______________________________________ are a critical feature of navigation and transportation systems.

database management software

_______________________________________ is used to create and manage the database.

project-and-issue-tracking software

_______________________________________ offers useful features to help developers stay abrest of all aspects of their projects.

online analytical processing (OLAP)

_______________________________________ systems allow users to interactively retrieve meaningful infromation from data, examing it from many different perspectivies and drilling down into specific groupings.

monitoring and controlling processes

_______________________________________ track progress from start to finish, pinpointing any deviations from the plan.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)


Radio frequency identification (RFID)

____________________________________________ tags, used in supply chains to track shipments, are small chips equipped with a microprocessor, a tiny antenna to receive and transmit data, and sometimes a battery.

customer relationship management systems

_______________________________________________ build and maintain relationships and support all the processes that underlie them.

Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council

___________________________________________________ for companies that operate e-commerce sites and accept credit cards.

massive open online course

__________s rely on computer-based testing and feeback, rather than fedback from instructors., and some also ask participants to evaluate one another's work.

enterprise resource plannings

______s have grown well beyond their manufacturing roots and now support back-office business processes for retailers, universities, hospitals, government agencies, and many other organizations.

private cloud

a _______________ is a cloud that is owned and operated by an organization for its own benefit.

cognitive bias

a _______________ is a common human tendency to make systematic mistakes when processing information or making judgments.

business process

a _________________ is a set of activities designed to achieve a task.

learning object

a _________________ might be as simple as a text document converted to a web page or a PowerPoint presentation, or as complicated as a custom-built multiplayer interactive game.

client-server network

a _____________________ has one or more high-performance hosts running programs and storing data that clients--such as desktop comuters, laptops, or smartphons can access.

disruptive innovation

a _____________________ is a new product or service, often springing from technological advances, that has the potential to reshape an industry.

disruptive innovation

a ______________________ is a new product or service, often springing from technological advances, that has the potential to reshape an industry.

client-server network

a _______________________ has one or more high-performance hosts running programs and storing data that clients-such as desktop computrs, laptops, or smartphones--can access.

phased implementation

a _________________________ launches modules in phases rather than all at once.

parallel implementation

a _________________________ launches the new system while the old one is still running.

virtual private networks

a _______________________________ uses the Internet to create the appearance of private, secure connections

virtual private cloud

a ________________________________ is a subset of a public cloud that has highly restricted, secure access.

data steward

a combination of watchdog and bridge builder, a person who ensures that people adhere to the definitions for the master data in their organizational units.

extract, transform, and load (ETL)

a common strategy for drawing information from multiple sources by extracting data from its home database, transforming and cleansing it to adhere to common data definitions, and then loading it into the data warehouse.

extreme programming (XP)

a distinguishing feature of ____ is that developers work in pairs, reviewing one another's work, providing each other with feedback, and testing the code as it is written.

project charter

a document that authorizes a project that includes a clear statement of objectives, estimated start and end dates, the names of the relevant people and their roles, a tenetaitve budget, criteria for success, and other pertinenet information.

requirements definition document (RDD)

a document that specifies the features a new information system should have, prioritized by stakeholders. It also includes asumptions and constraints that affect the system, such as the need to migrate and possibly reformat data from an existing system


a drawback to using the _____ server to ensure anonymity is the need to rely on the company that operates the _____ and its promise to protect its customer's identities.


a drawback to using the proxy server to ensure ________ is the need to rely on the company that operates the proxy and its promise to protect its customers' identities.

primary key

a field, or a group of fields, that makes each record unique in a table


a founding principle of __________ is to assume people's good intentions.

single sign-on

a gateway service that permits users to log in once with a single user ID and password to gain access to multiple software applications.


a gateway that provides access to a variety of relevant information from many different sources on one screen; for an enterprise, the portal provides a secure gateway to resources needed by employees, customers, and suppliers.

service-oriented architecture (SOA)

a growing trend in software design is ___________________________________, in which systems are assembled from relatively independent software components, each of whcih handles a specific business service.

data scientist

a job of ______________ is popping up at companies everywhere , and people who can fill that job are in very high demand.

project charter

a key document that authrizes the project is the _______________.

risk matrix

a matrix that lists an organization's vulnerabilities, with ratings that assess each on in terms of likelihood and impact on business operations, reputation, and other areas

click-through rate (CTR)

a metric used to assess the impact of an online ad; computed as the number of visitors who click on the ad divided by the number of impressions.


a mix of technologies that builds on JavaScript and draws on live data to create interactive online displays.

data model

a model used for planning the organization's database that identifies what kind of information is needed, what entities will be created, and how they are related to one another.


a more flexible approach to aggregating content from multiple interanl and external sources on customizable web pages is the ______.

code review

a peer review process in which programmers check over one another's work to ensure its quality

incidence response plan

a plan that an organization uses to categorize a security threat, determine the cause, preserve any evidence, and also get the systems back online so the organization can resume business.


a powerful technical control that protects sensitive data is __________.


a private _____ is a _____ that is owned and operated by an organization for its own benefit.

change control process

a process organizations use to manage and prioritize requests ot make changes or add new features to an information system


a process that refines entities and their relationships to help minimize duplication of information in tables


a related offense is _____________ in which someone registers a domain name that is a company's trademark, hoping to resell it to the company at an exorbitant profit.

request for information (RFI)

a request sent to software vendors containing a high level description of the information system an organization needs so that vendors can describe their products that may fit.

referential integrity

a rule enforced by the database management system that ensures that every foreign key entry actually exists as a primary key entry in its main table.


a second framework, called ____________, considered the consequences of an action, weighing its good effects against its harmful ones.

public key encryption

a security measure that uses a pair of keys, one to encrypt the data and the other to decrypt it. One key is public, widely shared with everyone, but the other is private, known only to the recipient.

learning object

a self-contained digital resource embedded in an e-learning course that can be edited and reused for other purposes.

service-oriented architecture (SOA)

a set of design principles in which systems are assembled from relatively independent software components, each of which handles a specific business service.

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)

a set of standards that govern how e-learning objects communicate with the LMS on a technical level, so a user can import a SCORM-compliant object to any LMS that supports in the standard.

near field communication

a set of standards that supports communication between mobile devices when the two are very near one another.

knowledge management (KM)

a set of strategies and practices organizations use to become more systematic about managing intellectual capital. It is also a field of study in which researchers investigate all the roles these intangible assets play, how they contribute to competitive advantage and productivity, and how human behavior interacts with efforts to capture and share knowledge.

what-if analysis

a simulation model, often constructed using Excel, that calculates the relationships between many variables; users can change some variables to see how others are affected.


a small text file left on a website visitor's hard drive that is used to personalize the site for the visitor, or track web activities.

systems integrator

a special kind of consultant called a _________________ has expertise in making the different hardware and software components of an information system work together.

rapid application development (RAD)

a strategy in which developers uickly bring up prototypes to share with end users, get feedback, and make corrections before building the fully functional version.

data scientist

a successful ______________ is a combination of hacker, analyst, communicator, trusted advisor, and, most of all, a curious person.

project management

a systematic approach to project planning, organizing, and managing resources, organizing, and managing resources, resulting in a project that successfully meets its objectives.

extreme programming (XP)

a team-based agile method that features frequent releases of workable software, short time boxes, prgrammers who work in pairs, and a focus on testing.

social network analysis (SNA)

a technique that maps and measures the strength of relationships between individuals and groups, represented as nodes in the network. The measures provide insights into network clusters and the roles different people play as leaders or connecting bridges to other networks.

text mining

a technique used to analyze unstructured text that examines keywords, semantic structures, linguistic relationships, emotion-laden words, and other characteristics to extract meaningful business intelligence.

interactive voice response (IVR)

a technology that facilitates access to the database from signals transmitted by telephone to retrieve information and enter data.

information security

a term that encompass the protection of an organization's information assets against misuse, disclosure, unauthorized access, or destruction.

scope creep

a term that refers to the way in which features are added in an uncontrollled way to a project, often without considering the impact on the budget or timeline.


a test created by software developers that the visitor must pass before continuing to register or enter the site; designed to thwart software bots.

web beacon (or web bug)

a tiny, invisible image, typically a single pixel with a unique identifier, used on websites to track visitors.

parallel implementation

a type of implementation in whcih the new system is launched while the old one it is replacing continues to run so output can be compared.

phased implementation

a type of implementation in which the modules of a new information system are launched in phases rather than all at once.

direct implementation

a type of implementation in whihc all the modules of a new information system are launched at the same time, and the old system is turned off; also called the "big bang" approach.

relational database

although the application software can be developed in any number of programming languages, the main way that they interact with a __________________ is through a query language, and SQL is the most popular.


although the details vary considerably, _________ have four components.


an __________ transaction must be secure from end to end, despite including several steps on different servers that can be geographically quite distant.


an ___________ focuses on informing visitors and empowering them with aggregated information about products from different suppliers.

information systems

an __________________, whether it is that speed camera network, a company's payroll system, or a social networking service, brings together four critical compoenents to collect, process, manage, analyze, and distribute information: (1) people, (2) technology, (3) processes, (4) and data.

unified procurement

an approach used by organizations in whcih they prefer systems from a single vendor, especially to avoid the need to build interfaces.

best of breed

an approach used by organizations in whcih they procure the best system for each application, regardless of the vendor, and then build interfaces among them.

distributed denial of service (DDoS)

an attack in which computers in a botnet are directed to flood a single website server with rapid-fire page request, causing it to slow down or crash.

payment gateway

an e-commerce application that facilitates online shopping by mediating the interconnections to the merchant's bank, the bank or other entity that issued the card, and then back to the original website to approve or decline the purchase.

Business process reengineering

an early form of BPM introduced inthe 1990s was called ______________________________________.

electronic data interchange (EDI)

an electronic bridge between partner companies in a supply chain that is used to transmit real-time information about orders, inventories, invoices, and other data.

natural laws and rights

an ethical system that judges the morality of an action based on how well it adheres to broadly accepted rules, regardless of the actions' actual consequences.


an ethical system that judges whether an act is right or wrong by considering the consequences of the action, weighing its positive effects against its harmful ones.

structured information

an example of ________________________ is a sales transaction with clearly defined fields for date, customer number, item number, and amount.

unstructured information

an example of ________________________ is manila folder containing assorted items about a lawsuit, such as photos, handwritten notes, newspaper articles, or affidavits.

semi-structured information

an example of ___________________________ is a web page with a title, subtitle, content, and a few images.


an extension of goal seeking in which the user can change many variables to reach some maximum or minimum target, as long as the changes stay within the constraints the user identifies.

object-oriented programming

an important benefit of ___________________________ is modularity, so that an object can be independently maintained, reused, or replaced if it breaks down or causes problems.

rivalry among existing competitors

an industry's profitability and its competitive structure are affected by the intensity of __________________________________, particularly with respect to how they are competing and what they compete on.

neural network

an information system that attempts to mimic the way the human brain works; often used to spot suspicious activity in financial transactions.

request for proposal (RFP)

an invitation to software companies to submit a foral proposal, including a detailed description of their products, services, and costs. The RFP details the requirements developed in the analysis phase and also includes information about the organization's architecture, staffing, and other elevant details.


an organization can build its own VPC on top of public _____ infrastructure like AWS or that provided by other _____ vendors.

virtual private cloud

an organization can build its own ______ on top of public cloud infrastrcutre like AWS or that provided by other cloud vendors.

software as a service (SaaS)

an organization that provides _______________________________ provides not only hardware infrastructure, but also an operating system and application programs as well.

software as a service (SaaS)

an organization that provides _______________________________ provides ont only hardware infrastructure, but also an operating system and application programs as well.


an organization's private we space. It relies on TCP/IP and web browsers, but it is password-protected and accessible only to authorized individuals through the organization's portal.

acceptable-use policy

an organizational policy that describes what employees are allowed to do with IT resources and what activities are disallowed; employees agree to the policy before gaining access to IT resources.

open source software

another approach to software development and distribution is called ____________________. To be considered ____________________, the licensing terms must comply with several criteria, one of which is free redistribution.

exponential growth of data

another important trend for Web 2.0 and beyond-- to what some call "Web 3.0," is the __________________________ and innovations in the way organizations collect, use, and value it.

file transfer protocol

another is ________________________________ whcih indicates that the resource is a file to be transferred.

extreme programming ___

another study of 40 ____ teams suggest that paired programming itself may not be a key ingredient for ____'s success.

extreme programming

another team-based agile method, ________________________, focuses on frequent releases of workable software and time boxes for development.

extreme programming (XP)

another team-based agile method, _________________________, focuses on frequent releases of workable software and time boxes for development.

technology for big data

another useful _______________________ is Hadoop, which is open source software that supports distributed processing of big data sets across many computers.

instructional designer

as _____________________, you will join the Human Capital Dvelopment Office to help create engaging e-learning courses for corporate training.

extreme programming

as more and more organizations switch to agile methods such as ____, we will better understand just what it is about these methods that make them successful.

talent management

as part of the HCM system, the talent management module focuses on the employee life cycle, including recruitment, performance evaluations, career development, compensation planning, e-learning, and succession planning after retirement or departure.

workforce management module

as part of the HCM system, the workforce management module helps track time ad attendance,sick leave, vacation leave, and project assignments.

in-memory computing

as prices for primary storage drop and processor speeds increase, developers are beginningto explore ___________________ for certain applications that benefit from very high speed, real-time access.

request for information (RFI)

as the list of user requirements develops, they will send out a _______________________________ to a large number of potential vendors to serve as their initial market scan of the options.

change management

astrctured approach to the transition employees must make as they swithc from their existing work proceses to new ones, especially with the introduction of a new information system

Software as a service (SaaS)

because IT support is not as much needed to manage servers or maintain software, some ______ sales representatives bypass the CIO and make appointments with senior managers in finance, marketing, or other units.


because symmetric transmission is faster and simpler to use, the first exchange using public key __________, between your computer and a secure website, for e intance, is one designed to share the same private key.

intelligent agents

besides retrieving downloadable files from online sources, companies can also use __________________ to extract useful business intelligence from publicyl accessible websites.


commercia lshippers, for instance, deploy handheld wireless ________ to read the barcodes on packages and upload the tracking number, date, time, and place to servers.


companies want to choose an OS that already has a wide sleection of business-oriented ________ available, which is one reason Windows maintains such a lead in the corporate desktop world.

shopping car software

computer software that tracks purchases as customers navigate an e-commerce site and click "add to cart" as they go. The software tallies the purchase, calculates taxes based on the customer's location, computes shipping costs, and also posts a discount if the customer enters a valid promotional code.

NoSQL databases

databse managemnet systems suited for storing and analyzing big data. It stands for not only SQL.

net neutrality

debates over how government should regulate the Internet's evolution heat up whenever anyone mentions "_______________."


delegating tasks to large diffuse groups or communities who often volunteer their contributions

bullwhip effect

describes the distortions in a supply chain caused by changes in customer demand, resulting in large swings in inventory levels as the orders ripple upstream from the retailer to the distributor and manufacturer.


despite concerns about ____________ survellance itself can sometimes cause a drop in productivity, as it suggest a lack of trust between management and staff.

agile software development

development strategies involving cohesive teams that include end users, and in which many activities occur simultaneously rather than sequentially to accelearte delivery of usable software.

assistive technologies

devices and software that help people with disabilities, such as screen readers for the visually impaired.

use case diagram

diagrams tht show how differeent types of users will interact with the system.

operations management

every successful organization must excel at ______________________, which involves the design, operation, and improvement of the systems and orcesses the organization uses to deliver its goods and services.

black swan

examples of ___________ include events such as World War 1; the attack on September 11, 2001; or inventions such as the personal computer or the rise of the Internet.

Privacy Act of 1974, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, CAN-SPAM ACt, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994, State Security Breach Notification Laws, European Union's Data Protection Directive

examples of laws touching on information security and privacy.

financial crisis of 2009

extensive regulations put into place after the global_______________________________, fore example, set tighter tstandards for accounting ractices, particuarly in banking, and demanded more transparent reporting.


f____________ focuses on exellence in teaching, high production values, and advanced training in software development; so far, that strategy is succeeding.

disruptive technology and innovations, government policies and actions, complementary services and products in the ecosystem, environmental events and wildcards.

factors that affect how the five forces operate

exception reports

financial systems generate ________________ that automatically tap unusual events-- ones that human beings must review.

customer relationship management

finding ways to reduce the costs of serving each customer--without also diminishing customer satisfaction- is another important ______ goal.


first launched in 2000, _______ OMX is, above all, a technology company, and it successfully competes against the venerable New York Stock Exchange (YYSE) on its breathtaking trading speed.


focuses on informing visitors and empowering them with aggregated information about products from different suppliers


for an annual fee, the service scanas your hard drive for music files--pirated or not--- and stores them in iCloud so users can access their music from any ______ device.

functionally dependent

for each value of the table's primary key, there should be just one value for each of the attributes in the record, and the primary key should determine that value; the attribute should be _____________________ on the value of the primary key.

interactive voice response (IVR)

for example, ____________________________________ takes advantage of signals transmitted via the phone to access the database, retrieve account information, and enter data.

project managers

for example, ____s are expected to make decisions and take actions baed on the best interest of society, public safety, and the environment.

data warehouse

for example, a New Jersey medical center built a ______________ based on its surgery patients' electronic health records from 2004 on, including demographic data, lab test results, medications, and survey data from the patients themselves.

enterprise architecture

for existing organizations, the ____ also describes the current situation and how the ____ should be changed or upgraded to support the mission, focusing especially on business strategy and the technolgoy required to achieve it.

object-oriented programming

for instance, ____________________________ focuses on "objects" rather than lists of instructions and routines to manipulate data.

confirmation bias

for instance, people show ___________________ by choosing information to examine that supports the view they already hold and ignoring data that might refute their hypothesis.

extreme programming

for the military project's pilot, the ____ team's job was to add new search functionality to SKIWeb, the Command's strategic knowledge and information website used to share information about military operations and world events acros sthe whole command and intelligence communities.


from within the portal, users can personalize the display, choosing, for example, email accounts, transactional __________, 401(k) retirement accounts, benefit summaries, W-2 tax forms, and other applications.

process diagrams

graphical representations that trace how each process that a new information system will support operates from beginning to end.

communities of practice

groups of individuals who come together to learn from one another and share knowledge about their professions; they typically rely on online discussion forums, shared work spaces, wikis, blogs, and other social media.

communities of practice

groups of individuasl who come together to learn from one another and share knowledge about their professions, typically rely on online discussion forums, shared workspaces, wikis, blogs, and other social media.


hiding the informationusually requires handing off the transmission to a _____, an intermediary server that receives and analyzes requests from clients and then directs them to their destinations.


human-made threats pound servers and computers every day with automated attempts to install all types of ________-malicious software-designed to attack computer systems.


if organiztions had to do that todya, _____ provisioning would be unaffordable and infeasible.

return on investment (ROI)

if the project will either save or earn more money than it wil cost, the ____________________________ is positive.

circuit switched network

in a ________________________, nodes communicate by first establishing a channel, as though there were a single pipe leading between them.

data warehouses

in addition to the ______________ that rely on relational databases, many organizations are adding newer platforms that handle less structured big data, such as Hadoop and NoSQL.


in addition, you need not worry that you're investing in technology that will soon be obsolete; the _____ vendor is taking that risk.

unstructured information

in contrast, ________________________ has no inherent structure or order, and the parts can't be easily linked together, except perhaps by stuffing them in a manila folder or box.

virtual private networks

in either case, once the Internet connection is made, ______ software on the remote user's computer establishes a connection with the ______ server in Chicago.

requirements definition document (RDD)

in either case, the ______ is the road map. design, development, testing, and implementation might proceed with in-house IT staff or the project might be outsourced to a software development company.

independent software vendors

in every city, you will still see the trucks of local _____________________________________ driving to their clients to set up and maintain local area networks, servers, and software.

independent software vendors

in every city, you will still see the trucks of local ________________________________________ driving to their clients to set up and maintain local area networks, servers, and software.


in fact, _____-based hosting (or a version of it under a different name) has been around since the 1960s.


in many cases, managers need to use ___________ tools to find the best solutions that requrie some juggling of trade-offs.

content delivery networks

in some cases, _____s reduce access costs for mobile users (those who do have a limited data account).

virtual private cloud

in some cases, organizations have obtained permission from regulating bodies to store even their very sensitive data on a ______.


in the employees table, for example, one goal of ____________ is to make each attribute functionally dependent on the employee ID number, which uniquely identifies each employee.

document management system

in the financial industry, for instance, ___________________________ are essential, not just because they save so much in printing and storage costs, but because they help institutions more easily meet and comply with regulations.


in the united states, the _________ for gambling consists of casinos, Indian reservations, government regulators, lobbyists, consumer groups, racetracks, financial institutions, hotels, live entertainment, and others.

electric power generation

in the very earliest days of _________________________, organizations operated their own generators to create power for their company's needs.

virtual private cloud

in this way, organizations that are required to have physical control over some of their data can place that data on their own servers and locate the rest of their data on the ______.

switching costs

incumbents devise strategies to raise _______________, which are the costs customers incur whenthey change suppliers.

self-paced e-learning

instruction might be desigen as _____________________, in which students use online materials independently, with little or no instructor involvement.

self-paced e-learning

instruction might be designed as _____________________, in which students use online materials independently, with little or no instructor involvement.


instruction might be designed as self-paced __________, in which students use online materials independently, with little or no instuctor involvement.

intellectual property (IP

intangible assets such as music, written works, software, art, designs, movies, creative ideas, discoveries, inventions, and other expressions of the human mind that may be legally protected by means of copyrights or patents.

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

integrated application suite to support the whole enterprise that includes modules to manage financials, human resources, supply chain, customer relationships, and other business processes.


ironically, another highly effective bit of social engineering relies on the human desire to avoid _______.

disruptive innovation

it was a ______________________ that upended the music business, which had relied heavily on album sales based on CDs.

explicit knowledge

knowledge that can be documented and codified, which is often stored in information systems, son websites, in spreadsheets, or in handbooks and manuals.

tacit knowledge

knowledge that encompasses the insights, judgment, creative processes, and wisdom that come from learning and long experience in the field, as well as from many trials and errors.

license plate database,

law enforcement agencies see the __________________________, the cameras that feed it, and its integration with police data as a revolutionary advance, even though there ae still gaps in coverage and the technology itself is not perfect.

learning management system

learning objects created with content authroing tools in the ______ work nicely in that environment, but they may nt be usable in another ______.

competitive advantage

leveraging information systems for _____________________ is a powerful driver for systems development, and Lily thinks this aspect should be stressed int he proposal.

client-server architectures

local area networks, more powerful PCs, and the development of PC operating systems that could support multiple users opened the path for the ____________________________.

learning management system

many ______ vendors are doing this by adding support for wikis, blogs, personal profiles, discussion forums, and virtual classrooms.


many _____________ are also e-marketplaces that bring together buyers and sellers, often from all over the world.


many attacks are launched by criminal gangs that build and manage enormous _______.


many infomediaries are also ______________ that bring together buyers and sellers, often from all over the world.

management information systems (MIS)

many refer to the field as _________________________________________, and academic departments in colleges and universities often bear that name. That term also is used to describe a type of information system that supports decision making at the managerial level.

document management systems

many so-called knowledge management systems are actually powerful ______________________________, which manage electronic documents, often converted from paper sources, making them searchable and easily transmitted.

tag cloud

many websites arrange these terms into a __________, whici s a visual depection of keywords related to the search, with font size and position indicating relevance.

waterfall method

method in which the systems development life cycle tasks occur sequentially, with one activity starting only after the previous one has been completed.


most _____ users have no visibility into where their data is located and how it is managed.

input devices

most ____________ rely on human input, so they are designed with human capabilities in mind.

packet switching

most networks now use _________________, in which stirngs of digital data are broken into segments called packets before tey are transmitted.

web breakdown structure (WBS)

most tasks on the ______ have predecessors , which are the other tasks that must be completed before the paticular task can begin.

peer-to-peer network

on a larger scale, ___________________ support file sharing and other services on the Internet.


online, the extended value cahin can include contributions from buyers who add value to the company's products or services. For example, __________ own customers enrich the retailer's site by contributing their frank and often blunt product reviews.

instructor-led e-learning

or they might enroll in an __________________________ course that includes a weekend at the plant for hands-on activities and class sessions.


organizations can use the ____ in several different ways.

business processes

organizations implement information systems to support, streamline, and sometimes eliminate __________________.

telelaw enforcement

other uses for remote systems include ___________________, suchas the RedFlex system that uses cameras and motion-sensing equipment to issue tickets for red-light and speeding violations.

Mandarin Oriental hotel Group

over the years, the _____________________________________ grew to over 40 properties in more than 25 countries, with 15 more in development in locations such as Doha, Qatar, and Shanghai, China.

learning management systems

over time, however, the requirements are converging, especially as corporations seek to build social software into their e-learning programs and a growing number of ______ vendors respond with competitive products.

feasibility study

part of the information system planning process that examines whether the initiative is vaible from technical, financial, and legal standpoints.


passengers were annoyed by the frequent snags, and during the transition ______ ranked worst for customer complaints about lost bags, late arrivals, poor flight service, and other frustrations.


process that assigns incremental numbers to records as they are created to ensure that each record has a unique primary key.

closing processes

processes that formally end the project in an orderly way; they include a signof by the sponsor confirming that all deliverables have been received and accepted.

initiating processes

processes that lay the groundwork for the project by clarifying its business value; setting its objectives; estimating the projects's length scope, and cost; identifying team members; and obtaining paproval.

monitoring and controlling processes

processes that track a project's progress from start to finish, pinpointing any deviations from the plan that must be addressed.


processing the zeroes and ones that the hardware stores is the job of ________--the instructions that direct hardware to carry out tasks.


sales figures show that corporations are buying at least two ________ for more than a third of their employees, and reearch confirms that most people work more efficiently with more screen real estate.


scareware persuades people that a computer is infected when it is not. The solution the victim pays for my nobe harmless or it may install its own _______.


second, ______________ technology enables the near instantaneous creation of a new virtual machine.

authentication strategies, encryption, intrusion prevention and detection systems, firewalls, blocking spam

security tools used for the Internet


selling is the primary goal of oranizations whose websites live and die by e-commerce transactions. Overstock.com, iTunes, and ________ include many features to help visotrs find what they are looking for, read prouct information or reiviews, compile wish lists, and buy online.

learning management system

several standards for learning objects emerged, and the ______ vendors added tools so clients could export and import learning objects.

learning management systems

she registered online and then received her login name and password to the college's ______.

electronic data interchange (EDI)

since the 1970s, companies have been using __________________________________ to improve visibility about orders, inventories, and data that partners in a chain need to share.


since the _______ mask the actual source of the millions of incoming messages, they are often used for phishing attacks.

rivalry among existing competitors

slow growth can also lead to intense ___________________________________.

third-party cookies

small test files that a website leaves on a visitor's computer that are not deposited by the site being visited; used by ad networks to track customer behavior across all their client websites.

shadow system

smaller databases developed by individuals outside of the IT department that focus on their creator's specific information requirements.

black swan

smart managers in every business unit will need to balance all the risks and rewards, and at least consider how to handle a highly unlikely __________.


smart strategy helps explain why the search engine called _______ dominates the Chinese market despite Google's aggressive attempts to take hold in that market, and its rich assortment of tools and features.

data-driven decision making

smarter managers, however, know that information systems support ____________________________, which draws on the billions of pieces of data to reveal important trends and patterns.

packet sniffer

so anyone in your classroom (and anyone near your classroom) can go to www.wireshark.com or a simlar site and download and install a ______________.

top level domain

social content sharing service Pinterest (ww.pinterest.com), for example, is fighting the owners of Pinterest.info. Pinterest also objects to Amazon's request to own a new ______________ called .pin.

programming languages

software is written in one of many ______________________, which are artificial languages that provide the instructions for the compute rabout hw to accept information, process, it and provide ouput.

intelligent character recognition (ICR)

software that can interpret handprinted text written on paper forms.

code review

software tools are available to facilitate ____________, a peer review process in whcih programmers familiar with the project and the development environment check over one another's work to ensure it is well documented and properly written.


software used as a bridge to integrate separate information systems and synchronize data across multiple systems.


system ______, the second type of ________, handles the more basic operations, such as file management, disk storage, hardware iterfaces, and integration with the application ________.


technique that scrambles data using mathematical formulas, so that it cannot be read without applying the key to decrypt it.

digital rights management (DRM)

technologies that software developers, publishers, media companies, and other intellectual property owners use to control access to their digital content.

information technology

telecommunications and networks are also parts of ____, and the term information and communications technology (ICT) is often used to refer to the broader collection.

distributed denial of service

that company was tasked with stopping the _______, so its staff quickly shut down the zombies with a counterattack, without taking time to learn who theywere or what impact that decision might have.

virtual private network

that connection, called a tunnel, is a virtual, private pathway over a public or shared network from the ______ client to the ______ server.


that definition covers equipment you might not ordinarily think of as a _______, such as the smartphone, a game console,or a robotic rat with cameras for eyes and highly sensitive wire whiskers.


the "removal" software might be harmless, or it might actually be ________.


the SaaS vendor administers and manages the _____ servers and makes the software available, usually as a thin-client.

enterprise architecture

the ____ helps mangers navigate through all the choices as they add new information systems and retire older ones.

project manager

the ____ needs leadership skills, excellent communcation abilities, and strong team-building skills.


the _____ names might include employee ID, last name, first na,e, birth date, gender, email, and phone, and the data type appears next to each field name.

learning management systems

the ______ for business emphasized integration with human resources, compliance training, and professional development tracking.

learning management system

the ______ hosts the e-learning content and assessments and provides a range of tools to create learning objects, quizzes and tests.


the ________ is an integrated collection of information that is logically related and stored in such a way as to minimize duplication and faciliated rapid retrieval.

music industry

the ______________ may be the poster child of creative destruction. The record labels once dominated this industry, controlling pricing, distribution, and marketing.

semantic web

the ______________ will also make it possible for agents to integrate information from many different databasess and collections with different sstructures, terms, and tentity names.

bullwhip effect

the ______________, for example, can be tamped down if suppliers have real-time access to up-to-date retail sales data, instead of an occasional faxed purchase order from the retailer.

tacit knowledge

the _______________ that employees may not even know they possess is more challenging to locate.

enterprise portal

the _________________ is a gateway to the organization's resources, usually built and maintained by the IT department using portal software.

threat of new entrants

the ________________________ in anindustry is very high when start-ups like Leveling UP! can open shop with little capita, fe employees, and next to no experience.

local area network

the _____________________________ typically connects computers, printers, scanners, and other devices in a single building or home.

quick response code (QR code)

the __________________________________ that appears on magazines, newspapers, and even restaurant menus is another type of barcode.

World Wide Web Consortium

the ___________________________________, of which the Web Accessibility Initiative is one part, is an international body that establishes and publishes standards for programming languages used to create software for the web.

multidimensional website architecture

the _____________________________________ recognizes that information can be categorized in many ways, and that visitors need multiple paths through the site.

human capital, social capital, structural capital

the three types of intellectual capital

extreme programming

the agile softare development method called __________________________ has its enthusiasts and etractors, and the jury is still out on whether it is a better choice compared to approaches such as Scrum.

extreme programming (XP)

the agile software development method called _________________________ has its enthusiasts and detractors, and the jury is still out on whether it is a better choice compared to approaches such as Scrum.

process diagrams

the analysis will develop a clear understanding of the processes the system will support, usually using _________________.

database management software

the application software can be created in many different development environments and programming languages, and ________ software vendors include their own tools for creating applications.

enterprise architect

the architect's role is lead the effort, promote the value of ____ concepts, and coordinate decision making so the organization stays on track.

cloud computing

the architecture called _______________ draws on IT resources outside of the corporation's own data centers and local desktops.

social engineering

the art of manipulating people into breaking normal information security procedures or divulging confidential information


the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet or other networks, encompassing financial transactions between businesses, consumers, governments, or nonprofits.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

the capability of some machines to mimic aspects of human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, judging, and drawing conclusions from incomplete information.

artificial intelligence (AI)

the capability of some machines to mimic aspects of human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, judging, and drawing conclusions from incomplete information.

social TV

the chatter may be creating TV buzz that draws more viewers into the ___________ experience.

client-server network

the client in a _____________ network can do more or less work, depending on how the software is designed, but the trend is to reduce its workload.

client-server network

the client in a _____________________ can do more or less work, depending on how the software is designed, but the trend is to reduce its workload.


the cloud vendor ___________ will lease you one medium server for less than a penny per hour.

human capital

the competencies and knowledge possessed by the organization's employees.


the computer component that contains the instructions that directs computer hardware to carry out takss.

payment gateway

the credit or debit card information is transmitted tot he _________________, which facilitates online shoppig by mediating the interconnections to the merchant's bank, the bank or other entity that issued the card, and then back to the original website.


the customer provides (or creates in the _____) a disk image of the data and programs of the machine it wants to provision.

information quality

the data collected by online surveys illustrate many of the problems surrounding ___________________.

business process rengineering (BPR)

the design and analysis of workflows in an organization with the goal of eliminating processes that do not add value.

demand forecast accuracy (DFA)

the difference between forecasted and actual demand

black swans

the disruptive innovations are ____________ that reshape entire industries, and Bill Gates is not the only savvy technology leader who missed some.

tacit knowledge

the distinction between explicit and ______________ can be blurry, partly because strategies to make _____________ more explicit are improving dramatically.

tacit knowledge

the distinction between explicit and _______________ can be blurry, partly because strategies to make _______________ more explicit are imroving dramatically.

integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk

the eight planning areas with project management

visitors, unique visitors, average time on site, new visitors, depth of visit, languages, traffic-sources, service providers

the eight web visitor-related metrics

learning object

the goal is to take each topic and create a _______________, a digital resource that can be embedded in Sally's course in its proper place, and that can be edited and reused for other purposes if needed.

Domain Name System (DNS)

the hierarchical naming system that maps a more memorable URL to the actual IP address.

peer-to-peer network

the highly decentralized approach is called the ____________________, in which there is no central erver and computers can share files, printers, and an Internet connection with one another.

peer-to-peer network

the highly decentralized approach is called the _____________________, in whch there is no central server ad computes can share files, printers, and an Internet connection with one another.

enterprise architecture

the information and communications technolgoy component of the ________________________ changes over time as new technologies emerge and businesses build more effective and efficient processes to acheive their missions.


the internet and _____ servies based on Internet infrastructure provide powerful processing and storage services at a fraction of the cost of private data centers.

top-level domain

the last string of letters in a URL that indicates the type of organization or country code.

hypertext markup language

the latest version of ________ is ________ 5, which will reduce problems for web developers struggling to support different browsers running on so many different devices, from desktop computers and laptops, to smartphones, tablets, and TVs.

hypertext markup language (HTML)

the latest version of ________ is ________ 5, which will reduce problems for web developers struggling to support different browsers running on so many different devices, from desktop computers and laptops, to smartphones, tablets, and TVs.

critical path

the longest path through the project, which identifies those tasks that can't be delayed wihtou affecting the finish date. Monitoring taskks that fall along the ______________ is especially important.

business continuity

the maintenance of the organization's operations in the event of disaster or disruption

project management software

the market for _____________________________ is very strong, and project managers enjoy a broad range of tools thta can help manage and track a project.


the maximum amount of information in bits per second that a particular channel can trasmit


the measurement of how long visitors linger at a website

demand forecast accuracy (DFA)

the metric that matters most is _________________________________- the difference between the forecasted and actual demand.


the most basic _____ offering is infrastructure as a service (IaaS), which is the _____ hosting of a bare serer computer or data storage.

infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

the most basic cloud offering is ____________________________________, which is the cloud hosting of a bare server computer or data storage.

input devices

the mouse, joystick, and graphics tablet are other human _____ devices, and these can transmit motion and location information.


the negatives of ____ computing involve loss of control.


the network ________ had more flexibility to link entities that didn't fall along a neat hierarchy, and could handle many-to-many relationships.

social capital

the number and quality of all the relationships an organization's employees maintain, not just with one another, but with clients, customers, suppliers, and prospective employees.

distributed denial of service

the officer complains that no one can identify who created the botnet, or who paid ot use it to launch this _______.

acceptable-use policy

the organization's principles also guide the ____________________, which explains what employees are allowed, and not allowed to do with company IT resources.

hypertext markup language

the original language used to create web pages is called ____________________________________, which specifies the web page's format and helps put it into reader-friendly output.


the popular photo-sharing website Flickr relies on ________ to search its enormous photo collection.

big data

the potential to reduce government waste and fraud in general is enormous; combined with ________, these tools can arm investigators with ways to track fraudulent billing patterns buried in millions of legitimate claims, picking out unusual trends that no human being working alone could ever see.

disaster recovery

the procedures and documentation the organization puts into place to prepare for a disaster and recover the technical infrastrtucture

requirement analysis

the process by which stakeholders identify the features a new information system will need and then prioritize them as mandatory, preferred, or nonessential.

systems development life cycle (SDLC)

the process that describes the seven steps in the life of an information system: planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation ad maintenance.

planning processes

the processes in project management that focus on planning how the project will be executed.


the products, documents, or services that will be delivered to the sponsor during the course of a project.


the project manager gets the colorful name of ______ Master.


the projectwas so successful that is was expanded to manage the collections held by ________ and the Nationa Postal Museum.

information privacy

the protection of data about individuals

project management plan

the road map and guide for executing a project that includes information such as an organizational chart, a detailed description of the work to be performed, information about the schedule, details about mettings and reviews, success metrics, and notations about any information systems or project monitoring tools that will be used.


the second category of _____ hosting is platform as a service (PaaS), whereby vendors provide hosted computers, an operating system, and possibly a DBMS.

platform as a service (PaaS)

the second category of cloud hosting is ______________________________, whereby vendors provide hosted computers, an operating ystem, and possibly a DBMS.


the second key in the definition of _____ is pooled.

client-server network

the server in a ____________________ can be around the corner, deep in your organization's data center, or perhaps across the planet.

client-server network

the server in a _____________________ can be around the corner, deep in your organization's data center, or perhaps across the planet.


the site can also deliver targeted ads and recommendations, without asking you to log in, b retrieving your ______ and checking to see what that ID has viewed in the past.

data warehouses

the software allows users to "slice and dice" massive amounts of data stored in ______________ to reveal significant patterns and trends.

web browser

the software applicatrion that retrieves, interprets, and displays web resources.


the staks that must be completed in a project before a particular task can begin.


the success of __________ depends heavily on its security and the pereptions people have about its trustworthiness.


the tendency for people to rely too heavily on one pice of information to adjust their estimates, even if itis irrelevant


the term ______ is actually a move in the sport of rugyby, in which the team members pack together, acting in unison to get the ball down the field.


the term _______, which was first used this way by Aazon.com, means that hte computing resources leased can be increased or decreased dynamically, programmatically, in a short span of time and that organizations pay for just the resources that they use.


the term ______________ describes how tasks can be delegated to large diffuse groups or communities who often volunteer their contributions.


the third way that organizations can use _____ technology is to build internal information systems using Web services.

time, cost, and scope

the three constraints of projects

wired media

the three major ___________ are twisted pair wire, coaxial cable, and optical fiber.

coaxial cables

the three major wired media are twisted pair wire, _______________, and optical fiber.

private branch exchange

the twisted copper pair wiring for voice typically lead to _________________________________ equipment in the data center or off site, which manages all the office phone lines, voce mail, call transfers and forwarding, conference calling, and other voice services.

hierarchical and network

the two early database architectures

exception reporting, compliance reporting, XBRL, improving transparency

the types of financial reporting

uniform resource locator

the unique global address for a web page or other resource on the Internet.

social TV

the use of Twitter feeds to analyze ___________ patterns adds a greatdeal to Nielsen's capabilities.


the use of Twitter feeds to analyze social TV patterns adds a great deal to ________'s capabilities.

mobile commerce (m-commerce)

the use of wireless, mobile device st oconduct e-commerce

relational database

the widely used database model that organizes information into tables of records that are related to one another by linking a field in one table to a field in another table with matching data.

Chinese language

the written ___________________, with its tens of thousands of complex characters, is not easy to enter for human beings typing on keyboards with a standard QWERTY layout.

virtual private networks

then the _______ client appends the Internet address of the ______ server to the message and sends that package over the Internet to the _______ server.

relational databases

these __________________ now also support XML data types, as well as spatial information and mapping coordinates.

learning management system

these guidelines govern how e-learning objects communicate wit hthe ______ on atechnical level, so a user can import a SCORM-compliant object to any ______ that supports the standard.

Sharable content object reference model (SCORM)

these guidelines govern how e-learning objects communicate with the LMS on a technical level, so a user can import a __________-compliant object to any LMS that supports the standards.


these software programs, often called "____," are sent out to conduct a mission and collect data from web pages on behalf of a user.

user-generated content

these systems would not exist without generous contrbiutions from the community. ______ is an important ingredient in Web2.0, the second generation of web development that facilitates far more interactivity, end-user contrbiutions, collaboration, and information sharing compared to earlier modles.


they also don't want their IT departments struggling with compatibility issues, so they might reject request from employees who ant an Apple laptop that could require a lot of tweaking to run cororate ________

software as a service (SaaS)

they also include free, open source software. The rapidly evolving _________________________________ products described in previous chapters expand options still further.


they are content aggregators, making it easier for users to view and drill down into company ________, weather announcements, news, traffic, reports, stock reports, to-do lists, email, and discussion groups.

extreme programming

they believed that the ____ approach led to very good quality software, even better than the team ight bave produced using the old approach.

data mining

they need to know the difference between ___________, which leads to important findings, and "data drudging," which siffs out relationships that might just occur by accident and that have little value.

data warehouse

they will be CPU hogs that slow everyone else down, so it makes sense to run them on a separate _____________ not the operational database.


third-party _______ are controversial from a privacy standpoint, as well. Yahoo! Canada, for instance, has agreements with more than 30 different ad networks, creating a web of interconnections that can follow people's tracks as they browse different sites.


this ______ was not just stealing victims' confidential data. It also created fraudulent clicks for online advertisers which thye have to pay for, so it was disrupting the whole online advertising business.


this kind of architecture is called _______, with a client and one or more servers involved.

office of management and budget

to improve accountability and educe duplication, the _______________________________________ requires agencies to do IT protfolio reviews, looking for redundant projects that should be terminated.

net neutrality

to no one's surprise, the carriers objected to the FCC's rules. erizon filed a lawsuit in 2012, arguing that the FCC went way beyond its authority when it made rules about _______________, as the court determined in the Comcast case.

ethical decision making

to promote _________________________ in procurement, the software can automatically compare current prices offered by qualified suppliers.

single sign-on

to reduce the complexity and cognitive load associated with multiple passwords, many organizations implement the _____________, which is a gateway service that permits users to log in once with a single user ID and password to gain access to multiple software applications.

virtual private networks

to secure ______ communications over the public Internet, the _____ client software encrypts, or codes, messages so their contents are protected from snooping.

virtual private network

to secure ______ communications over the public Internet, the ______ client software encrypts, or codes, essage sso their contents are protected from snooping.

virtual private networks

to secure ______ communicatiosn over the public Internet, the ______ client software encrypts, or codes, messages so their contents are protected from snooping.

program management office (PMO)

to track progress on all the projects, the ______ collects data from each one to bild a larger picture of the overall health of the whole portfolio.


to understand how ________ operate, we begin with the media and protocols they use to move those zeros and ones.

bits per second (bps)

transmission speed is measured in ____________________, and bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of information in bits per second that a particular channel can transmit.


transmission speed is measured in bits per second (bps), and _________ refers to the maximum amount of information in bits per second that a particular channel can transmit.


using it, organizations can place data in the _____ and even have that data be made elastically available.

private branch exchange (PBX)

videoconferencing and screen sharing can easily be added as well, as the old _____ is replaced with IP-based solutions.


we define the ____ as the elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the Internet.

hierarchical website architecture

website structure in which the top-level home page contains links to second-level pages, which ten link to further relevant pages.

sequential website architecture

website structure that guides visitors step by step through a transaction, survey, or learning module

multidimensional website architecture

website structure with multiple links to pages at all levels, allowing visitors multiple paths through the site.


websites whose main goal is selling or soliciting donations need __________ capabilities.

creative destruction

what happens in an industry when disruptive innovation threaten the established players


when ______________ entered businesses in toe h1980s, they swiftly replaced typewriters, even though the word processing software was very clunky.

Rail Europe

when _______________ began analyzing the site's clickstream data, the results were discouraging.

customer relationship management

when customers answer one of your surveys, ______ software can easily capture and analyze what they say.

ethical decision making

when managers develop the requirements for new information systems, they should consider what features might facilitate _________________________.


when two disgruntled ________ Pizza employees uploaded a stomach-turning video shot in the restaurant kitchen showing how they defiled the sandwiches, ________ corporate office failed to respond for 2 days.

big data

with access to ________ from multiple sources, fraud detection systems can spot a large variety of suspicious activities that need investigation, particularly if data can be drawn from state and federal databases.


with more companies establishing a _________ presence, more _________ users are going through those pages to make purchases, often based on the "likes" of their network friends.


without ____________, though, managers lack information about how their departments are using IT, and they have less incentive to watch costs.


without the user's knowledge, the infected computer becomes a "zombie," added to the gang's growing ______.

coaxial cables

wired medium, initially used for cable TV, consisting of a single inner conductor wire (typically copper) surrounded by insulation, which is then surrounded by a mesh-like conductor.


a small electrical circuit made form a semiconductor material such as silicon.


Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol; used for Internet communications

business process

a set of activities designed to achieve a task; organizations implement information systems to support, streamline, and sometimes eliminate business processes.

information system

a system that brings together four critical components to collect, process, manage, analyze, and distribute information; the four components are people, technology, processes, and data.

software as a service (SaaS)

a type of commercially available software that is owned, hosted, and managed by a vendor, and accessed by customers remotely, usually via the Internet.

cloud computing

ICT architecture in which users access software applications and information systems remotely over the Internet, rather than locally on an individual PC or from servers in the organizations' data center.

circuit-switched network

a type of network in which the nodes communicate by first establishing a dedicated channel between them.


a group of records for the same entity, such as employees. Each row is one record, and the fields of each record are arranged in the table's columns.


a means to represent an entity, which might be a person, a product , a purchase order, an event, a building, a vendor, a book, a video, or some other "thing " that has meaning to people. The record is made up of attributes of that thing.

value chain model

a model developed by Michael Porter that describes the activities a company performs to create, value, as it brings in raw resources from suppliers, transforms them in some way, and then markets the product or service to buyers.

Moore's law

a principle named for computer executive Gordon Moore, which states that advances in computer technology, such as processing speed or storage capabilities, doubles about every 2 years.

enterprise architecture

a road map created by an organization to describe its current situation and where it should head to achieve its mission, focusing on business strategy and the technology infrastructure required to achieve it.

threat of new entrants

_________________________ into an industry whose to existing businesses; the threat is high when start-up costs are very low and newcomers can enter easily. This is one of Porter's five competitive forces.

ASCII code

a code that defines how keyboard characters are encoded into digital strings of ones and zeros.

focused niche strategy

a company strategy that involves differentiating a product or service fora particular market niche.

random access memory (RAM)

a computer's primary temporary storage area accessed by the CPU to execute instructions.

wireless router

a device connected to a computer network that emits signals form its antennas and enables wireless connectivity to the network.

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