Evolution Exam 3

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3. to the right in the N Hemisphere In what direction is air deflected due to differential linear speed ? b . to the north in the N d . to the . to the west in both the N and S Hemispheres east in both the N and S Hemispheres C. to the left in the N Hemisphere and to the right in the S Hemisphere Hemisphere and to the south in the S Hemisphere and to the left in the S Hemisphere


A good disperser would be : a . dessication resistant and a generalist ( b . ) dessication resistant and a specialist C. dessication susceptible and a specialist d dessication susceptible and a generalist e . dessication susceptible and small in size


What is the major hurdle for success in sympatric speciation ? ( a ) Any newly - isolated individual will have difficulty finding a mate b . Invading a new niche will create physiological stress c C. . The reinforcement period will take much longer d . Competition will be very strong e . There will be insufficient pre - adaptations


What is true about substitution rates ? a . A lower substitution rate indicates greater selection b . A higher substitution rate indicates greater selection C. A lower substitution rate indicates neutral evolution i d . A high substitution rate indicates a functional constraint e . An intermediate substitution rate is equivalent to the mutation rate


Horizontal transfer of genetic information between species : a . Will always affect phylogenetic inference b . Will not affect phylogenetic inference Will not affect phylogenetic inference except during large transfers that occurred during symbiosis d . Will affect phylogenetic inference except during large transfers that occurred during symbiosis . Only occurred during symbiosis , resulting in large transfers of genes .


What is the significance of single nucleotide polymorphisms ( snp's ) ? a. They are rare and are the "alleles" that evolution acts upon b. They are common and are the " alleles " that evolution acts upon c. They only include advantageous mutations d. They only include deleterious mutations e. They only include neutral mutations

b. They are common and are the " alleles " that evolution acts upon

If one genus occurs in South America and a closely related genus occurs in Africa , how could you determine whether they originated from vicariance dispersal ? a. by comparing the number of species in each genus on the two continents b. by comparing time estimates from geologic dates and molecular clocks c.. by calculating the amount of time that would be needed to travel between continents and testing whether modern species of these genera could survive the journey d. by comparing morphological differences in each genus on the two continents e. it is not possible .

b. by comparing time estimates from geologic dates and molecular clocks

The movement of individuals across a barrier ,ultimately leading to speciation, is called: a. vicariance b. dispersal c. sympatry d. parapatry e. reinforcement

b. dispersal

An eye mask adaptation is: a. biotic , to hide pupils b. abiotic, to conceal the head. c. biotic , to obliterate shadows d. abiotic, for crypsis e. biotic, to improve vision

a. biotic, to hide pupils

Compared to LINES , SINES are : a. shorter and are derived from transfer RNAs b. longer and are derived from ribosomal RNAs c. shorter and are derived from messenger RNAS d. longer and are derived from messenger RNAs e. shorter and are derived from ribosomal RNAs

a. shorter and are derived from transfer RNAs

Deserts are centered at latitudes of approximately _______ where prevailing air pressures are ______ a. 0 degrees ; high b. 0 degrees ; low c. 30 degrees ; high d. 30 degrees ; low e. 45 degrees ; high

c. 30 degrees ; high

When would you expect the rate of non - synonymous substitution to be higher than the rate of synonymous substitution ? a . During inbreeding b . When a gene is highly expressed c. When a gene is under strong selection to change d . When a gene is non - coding e . During speciation

c. When a gene is under strong selection to change

Small eyes in snakes that live underground is an example of : a . crypsis b . a biotic adaptation c. an abiotic adaptation d . camouflage e . countershading

c. an abiotic adaptation

Sea anemones protect clownfish from predators and the clownfish protect sea anemones from butterflyfish . The latter eat sea anemones . The terms that best describe the interaction between the two fishes and the sea anemone are : a mutualism for the clownfish , predator for the butterflyfish b mutualism for the clownfish , commensalism for the butterflyfish C. commensalism for the clownfish , parasitism for the butterflyfish . mutualism for both the clownfish and the butterflyfish e . commensalism for both the clownfish and butterflyfish


The process by which a continuous population is divided by the imposition of a barrier, leading to speciation, is called: ( a ) vicariance b . dispersal C. sympatry d . parapatry e . reinforcement


The separation of Africa and South America : a . Happened about 100 million years ago and led to the origin of Afrotheria Happened about 10 million years ago and led to the origin of Afrotheria C. Happened about 10 million years ago and led to the origin of primates in South America d . Happened about 200 million years ago and led to the origin of primates in South America e . Happened about 500 million years ago


( b ) Beetles are the toxic models and roaches are the harmless mimics a . Roaches are the toxic models and beetles are the harmless mimics What is true about mimicry in the beetles and roaches , two major orders of insects ? d . Both beetles and roaches are toxic models for mimics among other insects C. Some species of beetles and some species of roaches are toxic models e . Both beetles and roaches are harmless mimics of toxic models among other insects


A species of carnivore lives among the raised roots of a large species of tree , where it gains protection . This example best described as a case of a . parasitism 5 ) commensalism C. mutualism d . carnivory e . herbivory


Concentration of urea in the blood of sharks is an example of a non - adaptive trait b . an abiotic adaptation C. a biotic adaptation d . convergence mimicry


In geographic terms parapatric refers to sets of organisms or populations that : a . occupy the same geographic area b . are located on islands close to a mainland C. occupy distantly - connected geographic areas d . occupy adjoining but non - overlapping distributions e . have become reproductively isolated for no apparent reason


In Australia , there are marsupial species that resemble placental mammal species . What is the explanation for this ? a . They underwent an adaptive radiation , occupied different niches from placentals , and converged b . They underwent an adaptive radiation , occupied the same niches as placentals , and converged c . They underwent an adaptive radiation and differentiated because of competition , just like placentals They underwent an adaptive radiation , mimicking the placental species , which are the models . They underwent an adaptive radiation and came to resemble the placental mammals by chance contingency )


The neutral theory says that sequence change is largely the result of : NEUTRAL alleles fixed by selection , whereas DELETERIOUS mutations abundant ) are removed by chance and ADVANTAGEOUS ones ( rare ) are fixed by chance NEUTRAL alleles fixed by chance , whereas DELETERIOUS mutations ( abundant ) are removed by selection and ADVANTAGEOUS ones ( rare ) are fixed by selection C. NEUTRAL alleles fixed by chance , whereas DELETERIOUS mutations ( abundant ) are fixed by selection and ADVANTAGEOUS ones ( rare ) are removed by selection DELETERIOUS alleles fixed by chance , whereas NEUTRAL mutations ( abundant ) are removed by selection and ADVANTAGEOUS ones ( rare ) are fixed by selection ADVANTAGEOUS alleles fixed by chance , whereas DELETERIOUS mutations ( abundant ) are removed by selection and NEUTRAL ones (rare) are fixed by selection


The origin of alpha and beta subunits of hemoglobin most likely was the result of : a . A speciation event b . A gene duplication event C. A horizontal transfer event d . A mutation e . A substitution


The range of a North American species and a South American species overlap in Central America . What would be the most appropriate term to describe these species ? a . allopatric species ( b ) sympatric species C. parapatric species d . incipient species e . members of the same species


To avoid predation , a leaf - nosed viper has developed coloration that blends in with the sand in its habitat . This is an example of : a . countershading b a biotic adaptation C. an abiotic adaptation d . convergence e . shadow obliteration


What usually causes post - mating isolation ? a . The buildup of many hybrid incompatibilities over a few generations The buildup of many hybrid incompatibilities over a long time C. A single hybrid incompatibility d . Natural selection in many genes to prevent mating e . Natural selection in a single gene to prevent mating


effect on protein function ? Which of the following mutations would generally have the most deleterious A single nucleotide transversion at the third position in a codon b . A single nucleotide deletion C. A 3 - nucleotide deletion d . A single nucleotide transition at the second position in a codon e A 3 - nucleotide inversion


An example of a chemical adaptation in plants , to defend against herbivory , is a . beltian bodies b . foliar nectar alkaloids d . spines e . bark


An ocean gyre is where : a . the Coriolis effect causes water currents to flow in a large circle , always clockwise b . the Coriolis effect causes water currents to flow in a large circle , always counterclockwise . the Coriolis effect causes water currents to flow in a large circle , the direction depending whether N or Sof the equator . d . the Coriolis effect causes air currents to rotate counterclockwise in a large circle above the ocean , a cyclone ( hurricane ) e . the Coriolis effect causes air currents to rotate clockwise in a large circle above the ocean , a cyclone ( hurricane )


Over thousands of years , the color pattern of a non - toxic butterfly changes to match the pattern of a toxic butterfly What is this an example of ? a . speciation , Müllerian mimicry b . speciation , Batesian mimicry adaptation , Batesian mimicry d . coevolution , Müllerian mimicry e . parasitism , Batesian mimicry


Rain shadows are best characterized by : a . a dark area ( " shadow " ) on the Earth's surface due to water - laden clouds . b . a curtain of rain which moves in front of the sun creating a shadow . a higher ending temperature and decreased rainfall on the side of the mountain where wind goes down . d . increased rainfall on the side of the mountain where wind goes down . e . a higher starting temperature on the side of the mountain where wind goes up


Seeds and small insects that are dispersed by winds in the air are called a . flotsam b clouds C. jetsam d . debris e . dust


The appearance of vertical black and white stripes on a zebra are a . a biotic adaptation , allowing it to maintain optimal temperature b . an abiotic adaptation , hiding its body shape from predators ( 2 . a biotic adaptation , hiding its body shape from predators d . an abiotic adaptation , allowing it to maintain optimal temperature e . clearly maladaptive , and is why zebras are facing extinction from high predation rates


The major genetic mechanism for speciation involves : a . one gene with epistatic effects on many others b . one gene with pleiotropic effects on many others ( c ) multiple genes with epistatic effects among them d . multiple genes with pleiotropic effects among them e . multiple genes without any interaction among them


The typical method for detecting the presence of two species in a collection of individuals from one location is to : a . examine the invariable characters and search a concordant pattern b . examine the invariable characters and search a disconcordant pattern C. examine the variable characters and search a concordant pattern d . examine the variable characters and search a disconcordant pattern e . examine the variable characters and search for the most different ones


the bird for pollination . This example is best described as a case of : A hummingbird with a curved bill drinks nectar from a flower with a similar curved shape , and the flower depends on a . parasitism b . commensalism C. ) mutualism d . carnivory e . herbivory


Cacti in the western hemisphere and euphorbs in the eastern hemisphere are both adapted to dry environments in similar ways . This is an example of : a . sympatric speciation b . allopatric speciation C. parapatric speciation ( d . convergence e . competition


The most widely used concept of speciation today is the : 3 . ecological species concept , created by Darwin b . typological species concept , created by Darwin C. biological species concept , created by Linnaeus d . biological species concept , created by Darwin e . typological species concept , created by Linnaeus


Which is true of polyploid , unisexual species ? à They are an all - female species and their offspring cannot reproduce They are an all - male species and their offspring are clones They are an all - male species and their offspring cannot reproduce d . They are an all - female species and their offspring are clones . e . They are an all - male species that tend to dominate the landscape , challenged only by predators


Which of the following is true about a . it is a rare abiotic adaptation b . it is a common abiotic adaptation predation avoidance ? C. it is a rare biotic adaptation it is a common biotic adaptation e . it is not involved in adaptation


Why is the observed ratio of transitions to transversions the opposite of what we would expect to see ? Transversions go from a purine to purine , or pyrimidine to pyrimidine , which is stereochemically easier than a change from a purine to a pyrimidine ( or vice versa ) Transversions go from a purine to a pyrimidine ( or vice versa ) which is stereochemically easier than a change from a purine to purine , or pyrimidine to pyrimidine . Transitions go from a purine to a pyrimidine ( or vice versa ) which is stereochemically easier than a change from a purine to purine ( or pyrimidine to pyrimidine ) d Transitions go from a purine to purine , or pyrimidine to pyrimidine , which is stereochemically easier than a change from a purine to a pyrimidine ( or vice versa ) e . Transversions go from a purine to a pyrimidine ( or vice versa ) which is easier because fewer chemical bonds are involved .


Widespread examples of convergence in nature suggest that a . evolution is best described as a random process b . evolution will continue in one direction no matter if traits are maladaptive C. the repeated patterns we see were coded in the genome at the origin of life @evolution often follows repeated , predictable patterns e . developmental genes limit the possible phenotypes we see


Coevolution is defined as a genetic change in the trait of a species due to interactions with other species genetic change in the trait of a species due to interactions with the environment genetic change in two traits of a species due to interactions of those traits d . genetic change in two traits of a species due to interaction with the environment e e . genetic change in the traits of two or more species due to interactions of those species


Synonymous mutations a . always occur at the first position b . always occur at the second position . always occur at the third positions d . never occur at the first position never occur at the second position


The connection between North and South America during the last 20 million years can be described as three phases oldest to most recent ) . Describe the dispersal mechanisms expected for organisms getting between the continents during those phases : a . corridor , filter , flotsam b flotsam , corridor , filter : C. filter , flotsam , corridor ( d ) filter , corridor , flotsam e flotsam , filter , corridor


The great variability in rate of molecular evolution in proteins is largely the result of : Genetic drift b . neutral evolution c . mutation d . inbreeding e . natural selection


The mechanism of reinforcement takes place over time and involves , in the correct order , leading to two co - occurring species : premating to postmating isolating mechanisms ; and allopatry to parapatry to sympatry 12 . premating to postmating isolating mechanisms ; and sympatry to parapatry to allopatry c . postmating to premating isolating mechanisms ; and parapatry to allopatry to sympatry postmating to premating isolating mechanisms ; and sympatry to parapatry to allopatry . postmating to premating isolating mechanisms ; and allopatry to parapatry to sympatry


Which of the following is an adaptation in response to a biotic selection pressure ? Large eyes for enhanced vision in a dark environment b . Glands to excrete excess salt in a marine environment Spore capsules to protect against dessication in a dry environment d . Extra - long fur to insulate in a cold environment e Coloration to match the background in a rocky environment


What was shown in the study of reinforcement through analysis of courtship and genetic distance of Drosophila species pairs ? a . They showed that allopatric species develop premating isolating mechanisms the fastest . b . They showed that the average time it takes to form a new species is about ten million years . C. They showed that new species can be formed within thousands of years . d. They showed that sympatric species develop premating isolating mechanisms the fastest . e . They showed that character displacement occurs for species to avoid hybridization , not as a result of competition .

d. They showed that sympatric species develop premating isolating mechanisms the fastest.

A species of beetle feeds on leaves of a rainforest tree . This example is best described as a case of a. speciation b . commensalism C. mutualism d . carnivory e. herbivory

e. herbivory

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