Exam 1: Module L
Each time a State/Tribe conducts a triennial review of its water quality standards, what water bodies must States/Tribes examine? -Water bodies (or segments) with less than the CWA 101(a) goal uses designated. -Water bodies (or segments)with better than the CWA 101(a) goal uses designated. -All water bodies
-Water bodies (or segments) with less than the CWA 101(a) goal uses designated.
Which of the following does state/tribe need to establish as cornerstone of an effective water quality program? -antidegradation policy -designated uses -water quality criteria -all of the above
Designated uses. Water quality criteria. Antidegradation policy. (All of the above)
Which of the following types of waters are covered by the clean water act? -Estuaries -Streams -Wetlands -Rivers -Lakes -All of the above
Estuaries Streams Wetlands Rivers Lakes (All of the above)
Once a state/tribe has established an antidegradation program and the program has been reviewed and approved by EPA, appropriate state or tribal officials can decide degradation issues is closed-door sessions. (T/F)
Statement: A designated use must apply to an entire water body at all times. (T/F)
Statement: A state or tribe's antidegradation policy must be identical to what EPA has outlined in the regulation (40 CFR 131.12). (T/F)
Statement: A state/tribe cannot allow an activity that will degrade current water quality once its water quality standards are established (T/F)
Statement: A use must be attained before the state or tribe can designate it for a particular water body. (T/F)
Statement: All water quality standards are suspended when a variance is issued. (T/F)
Statement: EPA's water quality criteria carry the weight of law and are enforceable (T/F)
Statement: Upon a completion, a state/tribe should submit its water quality standards to EPA headquarters in Washington, DC for review. (T/F)
Statement: Where any of the "priority pollutants" identified by EPA are a concern for a particular water body, the state/tribe must adopt EPA's criteria for that pollutant (T/F)
congress charged the "services" - the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service - with implementation of the Clean water Act. (T/F)
Before deciding antidegradation questions, a state/tribe must have an antidegradation program as part of its water quality standards. Such a program should include all but which one of the following? -A policy on antidegradation. -Identification of its outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs). -Identification of decision criteria. -Identification of when the policy will be applied.
Identification of its outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs)
The principle regulatory test of whether a criterion's value can be approved in a state or tribe's water quality standards is: -Dischargers can easily meet it. -It protects the designated uses. -It has undergone scientific peer review. -EPA recommended it.
It protects the designated uses
Along with existing uses and high quality uses, what other category of water must a state or tribe's antidegradation program address? -All in this list -Underground aquifers -Outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs). -Designated uses -Coastal waters
Outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs)
What waterbody uses must state/tribal water quality standards protect wherever attainable? -propagation of fish -protection of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, and recreation in and on the water -agriculture -navigation -drinking water -all in list
Protection of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water
Which of the following must be included in a State/Tribe's notification about a formal public hearing on water quality standards? -Time and location of the hearing. -Agenda. -Listing of major issues to be addressed. -Location of the EPA submission package for public review. -All of the above
Time and location of the hearing. Agenda. Listing of major issues to be addressed. Location of the EPA submission package for public review. (All of the above)
Statement: A use attainability analysis (UAA) is required when removing a designated use that addresses the CWA 101 (a)(2) goal. (T/F)
Statement: State/tribal water quality regulations and an NPDES permit may allow a discharger additional time to comply with permit limits based on new or revised criteria. (T/F)
Which of the following must be included in a state/tribes submission of its water quality standards to EPA for review?
Waterbody use designations that are consistent with the Clean Water Act. Methods and analyses used to support the standards. Water quality criteria sufficient to protect designated uses. An antidegradation policy and accompanying implementation procedures. Certification by the Attorney General or appropriate Tribal legal authority. Information to support uses not specified in CWA Section 101(a)(2). General State/Tribal policies affecting application and implementation of the standards. (All of the above)
How are states and tribes expected to implement water quality standards once they are approved by EPA? -Write NPDES Permits as necessary to meet WQS. -Identify waters that are not attaining WQS. -All in this list -Regularly monitor and assess ambient water quality.
Write NPDES permits as necessary to meet WQS. Regularly monitor and assess ambient water quality. Identify waters that are not attaining WQS. (All of the above)
Site specific criteria can be used to address which of the following situations? -The physical or chemical characteristics of a site alter the bioavailability/toxicity of a pollutant. -The sensitivities of species at a site differ from those used to develop national water quality criteria. -Any in this list -It is desirable to establish criteria equal to "natural background" levels.
any one of the above
How often is state/tribe expected to revise its criteria? -monthly -as necessary -annually
as necessary
which of the following does NOT need to be included in a use attainability analysis that focuses on the economic factor "substantial and widespread economic and social impact")? -Cost of treatment approach. -What the effect of higher costs would be on the community. -Whether the discharger can afford more stringent controls. -Cost-benefit analysis
cost benefit analysis
If EPA disapproves a state/tribe's water quality standards, the Agency automatically begins promulgating Federal standards to replace the disapproved standards (T/F)
Characterize the following clean water act goal/objective: "water quality which provides for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish and wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the water." -overall objective -interim goal
interim goal
Which of the six criteria types always takes precedence over the others? -Aquatic life -Biological -Sediment -Nutrient -Bacteriological -Human health -None in this list
none of the above
Recreation is often divided into two subcategories? -Primary contact/secondary contact -Fishing/swimming -Boating/wading -Summer/winter
primary contact/secondary contact
Statment: A state/tribe can establish one set of water quality criteria for all of its water bodies (T/F)
Which one of the following cannot be a state/tribe designated use? -navigation -propagation of fish -waste transport -drinking water -swimming -boating
waste transport