EXAM 1 | Renaissance through Modern Art NOTES

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Botticelli, Birth of Venus

1484-1486. Tempera on canvas. Region of Florence. Inspired by Angelo Poliziano's poem and Greek Aphrodite statues, Botticelli revived the theme of the female nude in this elegant and romantic representation of Venus born of sea foam.

Forum of Trajan, Rome

113 CE Rome (late hellenistic) - Brick and concrete architecture - Marble columns

Sacrifice of Isaac, Ghiberti

1401-1402. Shows a gracefully posed figures that recall classical statuary. Even Isaac's altar has a Roman acanthus frieze. HE WON.

El Greco

Spanish painter (born in Greece) remembered for his religious works characterized by elongated human forms and dramatic use of color (1541-1614)

Giorgione's paintings are known for their ______.

poetic themes

This image is called a : retable creglingen triptych fresco



scenes of everyday life.


"pardons" for the time in Purgatory.

Andrea Mantegna, Camera degli Sposi

(Room for the Newlyweds), Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, 1474, fresco

Which of the following were condottierri?

- Gattamelata - Ludovico Gonzaga - Federico da Montefeltro

Gates of Paradise, Ghiberti

-East doors of the baptistery, the paved sidewalk between the baptistery and church was called the "path of paradise" - everyone walked through these large golden doors to their baptism. - The number of panels from 28 to 10. Each panel contains a relief set in a plain molding and depicts an episode from the Old Testament. The complete gilding of the reliefs creates an effect of great splendor and elegance.

Madonna of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci

-Mystery, takes place in a more perfect world. -Uses sfumato: smoky darkness, lines of features are intentionally blurred. -High Renaissance in Italy 1500-1525

Which artists who we have studied created work in the "International Gothic Style"?

-The Limbourg Brothers -Gentile da Fabriano

What is the very simple (two words) title of this painting? Who painted it? Where was it painted, and approximatey when?

1. Netherlandish Proverbs 2. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (mid-16th century). 3.At the time this was painted, the Netherlands was 17 Provinces that were ruled by Charles V of Spain, and included most of present-day Belgium, Luxembourg, and some parts of France and Germany. Twenty-years later (after the Eighty Years' War with Spain), the northern half of of the provinces formed the union of utrecht, the foundation of todays "Netherlands" (Holland).

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci

1495-1498. Oil and tempera on plaster Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan. Jesus has just announced that one of his disciples will betray him, and each one reacts. He is both the psychological focus of Leonardo's fresco and the focal point of all the converging perspective lines.

Madonna of the Meadow, Raphael

1505-1506. Oil on wood, 3 Emulating Leonardo's pyramidal composition but rejecting his dusky modeling and mystery, Raphael set his Madonna in a well-lit landscape and imbued her with grace, dignity, and beauty.

Assumption of the Virgin, Titian

1515-1518. Oil on wood Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice. Titian won renown for his skill in conveying light through color. In this dramatic depiction of the Virgin Mary's ascent to Heaven, the golden clouds seem to glow and radiate light into the church.

New Saint Peter's Basilica FLOOR PLAN


Venus of Urbino, Titian

1536-1538. Oil on canvas Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. Titian established oil-based pigment on canvas as the preferred painting medium in Western art. He also set the standard for representations of the reclining female nude, whether divine or mortal.

Giacomo da Vignola, II Gesu, 1584 CE, Rome, Italy, Brick, marble, fresco, and stucco

1568. In this Jesuit church's innovative facade, the march of pilasters and columns builds to a climax at the central bay. The wide nave with side chapels instead of aisles won wide acceptance in the Catholic world.

Old Saint Peter's Basilica

330 CE Rome BASILICA Narthex - entrance hall that provides a transition from the outside to inner sanctuary Nave - central area where congregation sat flanked by side aisles Transept- a transverse aisle perpendicular to nave creating a cruciform Altar at East end Timber roof and clerestory windows

Pastoral Symphony, Titian

508-1511. Oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris. Venetian art conjures poetry. In this painting, Titian so eloquently evoked the pastoral mood that the inability to decipher the picture's meaning is not distressing. The mood and rich color are enough.

Central Plan Church

= Greek Cross. a church focused around a central on a central point, usually utilizing a square or octagonal plan.

The Delivery of the Keys

A fresco by the Italian Renaissance painter Pietro Perugino, executed in 1481-1482 and located in the Sistine Chapel, Rome.

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci. 1495-96 Oil painting. Milan, Italy.

A painting that could be described as 13 different ways of looking at the human head Leonardo's Last Supper is the quintessential Italian High Renaissance work of art

ESSAY QUESTION: Why are they each "Last Supper" rendered so differently?

ANSWER INCLUDES: Date, When, Where, by Who, What is depicted. the date (or historical time) when they were each rendered, the specific place where the artist lived and audience for the painting, as well as the individual temperament of each individual artist.

Isaac and his Sons - Ghiberti

All the orthogonal of the floor tiles in this early example of linear perspective converge on a vanishing point on the central axis of the composition, but the orthogonal of the architecture do not.


An asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure. The line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.


Atmospheric haziness that softens outlines in painting Artists: Leonardo and Correggio.

The Tribute Money Masaccio 1427Holy TrinityMasaccio

Brancacci chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy, ca. 1424-1427. Fresco, 8' 4 1 8" × 19' 7 1 8". The fresco depicts an episode from the Gospel of Matthew (17:24-27).

Which one of these is a stylish, learned allegory that was a gift for a king?

Bronzino "Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time"

Isenheim Altarpiece (closed)

By Matthias Grünewald Chapel of the Hospital of Saint Anthony, Germany. 1510-1515. Oil on wood, center panel Befitting its setting in a monastic hospital, Matthias Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece includes painted panels depicting suffering and disease but also miraculous healing, hope, and salvation.

Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559

By Pieter Bruegel Oil on panel Location: Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

Which of these images does NOT present a genre scene?

C. Portrait


Calvinist uprising

Mérode Altarpiece (open)

Campin (Master of Flémalle), Mérode Altarpiece (open), ca. 1425-1428.

Entombment of Christ, Pontormo

Capponi chapel, Santa Felicità, Florence, Italy, 1525-1528.

Castagno "Last Supper" 1447. Sant'Apollonia, Florence. FRESCO

Castagno's Last Supper fresco for the refectory of the convent of Sant'Apollonia in Florence is Italian Quattrocento Renaissance.

Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Central panel of the Virgin Mary Altarpiece by German sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider in the Herrgottskirche Church near Creglingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Tintoretto, Last Supper, 1594. Oil on canvas Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy.

Characterized by its dramatic gestures, bold use of perspective, color and light. Tintoretto was a Venetian (High) Renaissance painter, although there are Mannerist elements in his painting as well.

Michelangelo's Neo-Platonic arts

David, Tomb of Giuliano and Lorenco de Medici, Pieta, Pope Julius II's Tomb

Creation of Adam, Michelangelo

Detail of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1511-1512. Fresco Life leaps to Adam like a spark from the extended hand of God in this fresco, which recalls the communication between gods and heroes in the classical myths that Renaissance humanists admired.

Linear perspective

Developed by Filippo Brunelleschi. A system of creating an illusion of depth on a flat surface in a painting or drawing.

Gattamelata, Donatello

Donatello based his gigantic portrait of a Venetian general, Venetian condottiere Erasmo da Narni (1370-1443), on equestrian statues of ancient Roman emperors (fig. 3-41). Together, man and horse convey an overwhelming image of irresistible strength.

Tempietto, Bramante

Donato d'Angelo San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, Italy, begun 1502. Contemporaries celebrated Bramante as the first to revive the classical style in architecture. Roman round temples inspired his "little temple," but Bramante combined the classical parts in new ways.

The Delivery of the Keys

EX. Linear perspective. Artist: Pietro Perugino Location: Sistine Chapel Art form: Fresco Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter

All of the following statements about the Moses Well are true, except for one. Mark the statement that is NOT TRUE: [select only one answer] =Each figure is rendered with contrapposto that reflects the direct influence of the Medici and their promotion of classical humanism in Florence. =The figures were part of a fountain that symbolized everlasting life, although it was probably never used because the rushing water would have disrupted the silence that was necessary to the Carthusian monks. =The figures were originally painted by Jean Malouel. =The figures reflect the naturalism of French Gothic sculpture, yet they display a new interest in the specific and tangible characteristics of the visible world that became a hallmark of Flemmish art during the Renaissance.

Each figure is rendered with contrapposto that reflects the direct influence of the Medici and their promotion of classical humanism in Florence.

Pazzi Chapel Brunelleschi Region of Florence

Early Renaissance in Italy 1400-1500

Sant' Andrea Alberti Region of Northern Italy

Early Renaissance in Italy 1400-1500

Holy Trinity, Masaccio

Early-15th century example of the application of mathematics to the depiction of space according to Filippo Brunelleschi's system of perspective.

The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve, Durer)

Engraving, 9 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (centennial gift of Landon T. Clay). Dürer was the first Northern Renaissance artist to achieve international celebrity. Fall of Man, with two figures based on ancient statues, reflects his studies of the Vitruvian theory of human proportions.

Masaccio's Holy Trinity

Example of linear perspective. Early Renaissance in Italy 1400-1500

This building looks odd today because the architect accidentally miscalculated the dimensions of the facade that was designed for a pre-existing church. True OR False


Sacrifice of Isaac (Brunelleschi)

Filippo Brunelleschi, competition panel of east doors of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. Shows a frantic angel about to halt an emotional, lunging Abraham clothed in swirling Gothic robes.

Agnolo Bronzino

Florentine painter

Donatello, David, 1440

From the Palazzo Medici, Florence, Italy, ca. 1440-1460. Bronze, 5' 2 1 4" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.

Hans Holbein

German painter and printmaker who worked in a Northern Renaissance style, and is considered one of the greatest portraitists of the 16th century.

Gesù Rome

Giacomo della Porta. In this Jesuit church's innovative facade, the march of pilasters and columns builds to a climax at the central bay. The wide nave with side chapels instead of aisles won wide acceptance in the Catholic world.

Which one was originally intended as a study of figures in motion, without any specific subject matter?

Giambologna, Abduction of the Sabine Women


Giorgione Italian painter of the Venetian school during the High Renaissance from Venice.

The Tempest

Giorgione's paintings

Which one blends Mannerist and Byzantine characteristics?

Greco, Burial of Count Orgaz, 1586


Hans Holbein Drawings and paintings which appear distorted and almost unrecognizable to the unaided eye until viewed from a special angle.

Pietà Michelangelo

Has contradictions; Mary's size in comparison to Jesus; Mary's age; Triangle composition

Tempietto, Bramante, 1502

High Renaissance IN Rome, Italy

Ceiling fresco's from the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo Rome, Italy

High Renaissance in Italy 1500-1525

Madonna of the Medow Raphael Florence, Italy

High Renaissance in Italy 1500-1525

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

High Renaissance in Italy 1500-1525

Philosophy (The School of Athens) Raphael Rome, Italy

High Renaissance in Italy 1500-1525

Which of the following is considered "International Gothic"?

Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (closed),


Illusionistic technique. An object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight.

Donatello, Saint Mark, 1411-1413

In this statue carved for the guild of linen makers and tailors, Donatello introduced classical contrapposto into Renaissance sculpture. The drapery falls naturally and moves with the body.


Intaglio process using a burin

Neo-Platonic Thought

It drew its ideas from Plato, but its purposes were more religious. The main purpose of the neo-Platonists was to provide an intellectual basis for life: in God the distinction between Thought and Reality was to be overcome.

The subject matter of this triptych is still debated. Theories to explain it include all of the following EXCEPT one (mark the one that is not true): It was a secular commission, possibly to commemorate a wedding It relates in some way to the artist's interest in the medieval practice of alchemy. It was a surreal fantasty conjured by the artist, who was interested in exploring the human psyche and the human unconscious It was an admonition to the people of the Netherlands to repent and stop living their sinful and decadent lives

It was a surreal fantasty conjured by the artist, who was interested in exploring the human psyche and the human unconscious


Italian for "smoky", technique used to blend details to look more realistic

What is this place, where is it located, and to what Art Historical Period or Style does it belong?

King Francis I of France's "Château de Chambord". LOCATION: Chambord, France, and begun 1519. Upper stories resemble "Gothic" design, it belongs to the French High Renaissance, and the underlying geometric clarity of its plan was based on Italian Renaissance Palazzo design.

Last Judgement Michelangelo Rome, Italy (Sistine Chapel)

Late Renaissance in Italy 1525-1600

New Saint Peter's Michelangelo Rome, Italy

Late Renaissance in Italy 1525-1600

Venetian red


Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo also preferred oil paint because its gradual drying process and consistency enabled him to blend the pigments, thereby creating the impressive sfumato

Limbourg Brothers, October

Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry 1413-1416. Colors and ink on vellum Musée Condé, Chantilly. The Limbourg brothers expanded the illusionistic capabilities of manuscript painting with their care in accurately rendering architectural details and their convincing depiction of cast shadows.

Old Saint Peter's

Like Roman basilicas, Old Saint Peter's had a wide central nave with flanking aisles and an apse at the end (fig. 4-4). Worshipers entered the 300-foot-long nave through a narthex, or vestibule, whereupon they had an uninterrupted view of the altar and the officiating priest in the apse. In front of the building proper was an open colonnaded courtyard, very much like the forum proper in the Forum of Trajan.

Which does not include a donor portrait?

Limbourg brothers


Lines in the painting that direct the eye to the vanishing point

Palazzo Medici-Riccardi

MICHELOZZO, Florence 1444, rusticated ground floor, roman arches at bottom, strong cornice placed at top, interior courtyard allows light, built to express civic pride and political power, symmetrical plan

Money Changer and His Wife

Quenten Massys 1514

The Tribute Money, Masaccio. 1424-27 (you can round it to 1425)

Medium: FRESCO STYLE: Early Renaissance in Italy (or Quattrocento") Significant: Mention the use of linear perspective in the depiction of the building, the atmospheric perspective, the use of contrapposto and chiaroscuro to make the figures appear three-dimensional and human, and to transform the flat surface of the wall into an illusionistic "window;" and you might even note that this is the "ancestor" of "sequential art"!

The term terribilità is often used to refer to the work of Raphael Michelangelo Titian Leonardo


St. Peter's Basilica

Michelangelo Buonarroti Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1546-1564. Dome completed by Giacomo della Porta, 1590. The west end of Saint Peter's offers the best view of Michelangelo's intentions. The giant pilasters of his colossal order march around the undulating wall surfaces of the domed central-plan church.

Which of the following uses BOTH rusticated masonry and dressed masonry on the exterior?

Michelozzo's Medici-Riccardi Palace


Military leaders employed by Italian city-states and seignories from the late Middle Ages until the mid-17th century. They notably served European monarchs and Popes.

Was Leonardo a Neo-Platonist?

NO. Math was the cause of human beauty based on Alberti's writing. Neo-Platonism did not rely on science.

Four Apostles, Albrecht Durer

Nuremberg, Germany, 1526. Oil on wood Alte Pinakothek, Munich. Dürer's support for Lutheranism surfaces in these portraitlike depictions of four saints on two painted panels. Peter, representative of the pope in Rome, plays a secondary role behind John the Evangelist.

Only one part of what you can see today shows Michelangelo's original design for St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Identify which part?

ONLY THE DRUM was Michelangelo's original design. Michelangelo's and Bramante's original Renaissance designs were expanded and completed in the 17th century. Michelangelo's dome was finished by Giacomo da Vignola, and Michelangelo's original conception of a hemispherical dome was stretched to an oval-shaped dome (that visitors can see, today).

Greco, Burial of Count Orgaz, 1586

Oil on canvas Santo Tomé, Toledo. El Greco's art is a blend of Byzantine and Italian Mannerist elements. His intense emotional content captured the fervor of Spanish Catholicism, and his dramatic use of light foreshadowed the Baroque style.

Garden of Earthly Delights, Bosch

Oil on wood Museo del Prado, Madrid. In the fantastic sunlit landscape that is Bosch's Paradise, scores of nude people in the prime of life blithely cavort. The horrors of Hell include sinners enduring tortures tailored to their conduct while alive.

Hunters in the Snow (1565) Pieter Brueghel the Younger

Oil on wood, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. In Hunters in the Snow, one of a series of paintings illustrating different seasons, Bruegel draws the viewer diagonally deep into the landscape by his mastery of line, shape, and composition.

Which one is a type that was based on a Roman Basilica?

Old St. peters balsilica

Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel

On the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel , Vatican City, Rome, Italy 1534-1541. Fresco The final component of Michelangelo's fresco cycle in the Sistine Chapel is this terrifying vision of judgment day. The artist placed his own portrait on the flayed skin that Saint Bartholomew holds.

Giacomo da Vignola

One of the Architects of St. Peter's Basilica; Added the side cupolas

"The greatest Netherlandish painter" of the mid-16th century

PIETER BRUEGEL THE ELDER Bruegel traveled to Italy, he went as far south as Sicily. Bruegel chose not to incorporate classical elements into his paintings. Landscapes were among his favorite subjects, but human activities remain the dominant theme.

Annunciation painting

Painted for the Dominican monks of San Marco, Fra Angelico's fresco is simple and direct. Its figures and architecture have a pristine clarity befitting the fresco's function as a devotional image. Scene of the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriel with simplicity and serenity.

Andrea Mantegna

Painter and engraver, the first fully Renaissance artist of northern Italy

Primavera Botticelli 1482

Painting for for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici (1463-1503), one of Lorenzo the Magnificent's cousins. Celebrating love in springtime, the blue, ice-cold Zephyrus, the west wind, carries off and marries the nymph Chloris, whom he transforms into Flora, goddess of spring.

Difference between buon fresco & fresco secco or "dry" fresco.

Painting on wet plaster VS dry plaster.

Which one shows the artist's deliberate break with conventions of representation, because the artist knew that the audience would be able to fill in the information that was missing and still appreciate the scene?

Pontormo, "Entombment of Christ"

EX. Terribilità + Buon Fresco

Raphael's School of Athens Location: Stanza delle Segnatura

El Greco

Reflecting the increasingly international character of European art as well as the mobility of artists, the greatest Spanish painter of the era was not a Spaniard. Born on Crete, Domenikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (ca. 1547-1614), emigrated to Italy as a young man. In his youth, he absorbed the traditions of Late Byzantine frescoes and mosaics.

The Tempest (sfumato)

Renaissance painting by the Italian master Giorgione of landscape art. 1507- 1508 Oil on canvas. Originally commissioned by the Venetian noble Gabriele Vendramin

Pietà Michelangelo 1500

Renaissance sculpture, housed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. The statue was commissioned for the French Cardinal Jean de Bilhères, who was a representative in Rome. SHOWS the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. The theme is of Northern origin. Pietà is unprecedented in Italian sculpture. It is an important work as it balances the Renaissance ideals of classical beauty with naturalism.

Neo-Platonism (Philosophy)

Revived of Plato philosophies. Focused on bring Greek Philosophy and Christian doctrine.



Last Supper subject matter?

The Biblical story of Jesus Christ and his disciples having a Last Supper, at the moment when Christ tells them that "One of you will betray me..."

Tribute Money

The FRESCO painting is part of a cycle on the life of Saint Peter, and describes a scene from the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus directs Peter to find a coin in the mouth of a fish in order to pay the temple tax. Its importance relates to its revolutionary use of perspective and chiaroscuro.

What Art Historical Period does this sculpture belong to?

The High Renaissance (Italian High Renaissance is also fine!)

Art of Fra Angelico, PAINTING Annunciation

The art of Fra Angelico (ca. 1400-1455) focused on serving the Roman Catholic Church.

Andrea Mantegna, Dead Christ

The artist used foreshortening to more intimately connect the viewer with this work

Moses Well, Sluter, 1405

The figures reflect the naturalism of French Gothic sculpture, yet they display a new interest in the specific and tangible characteristics of the visible world that became a hallmark of Flemmish art during the Renaissance.


The notion of the Sublime (a concept, thing, or state of exceptional awe-inspiring beauty and moral or intellectual expression) shadowed by the awesome and the fearful, often associated with Michelangelo and his works. An energetic quality of Michelangelo work

Castagno, Last Supper SHOWS:

The painting depicts Jesus and the Apostles during the Last Supper, with Judas, unlike all the other apostles, sitting separately on the near side of the table, as is common in depictions of the Last Supper in Christian art. Although the Last Supper is described in all four Gospels, Castagno's fresco seems most closely aligned with the account in the Gospel of John, in which eleven of the apostles are confused and the devil "enters" Judas when Jesus announces one of his followers will betray him.[3] Saint John's posture of innocent slumber neatly contrasts with Judas's tense, upright pose and exaggeratedly pointed facial features. Except for Judas, Christ and his apostles, including the recumbent St John, all have a translucent disc of a halo above their heads.

The Last Supper (Leonardo) SHOWS:

The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles, as it is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21. It portrays the reaction given by each apostle when Jesus said one of them would betray him. All twelve apostles have different reactions to the news, with various degrees of anger and shock. DESCRIPTION: From left to right, according to the apostles' heads: Bartholomew, James, son of Alphaeus, and Andrew form a group of three; all are surprised. Judas Iscariot, Peter, and John form another group of three. Judas is wearing red, blue, and green and is in shadow, looking withdrawn and taken aback by the sudden revelation of his plan. He is clutching a small bag, perhaps signifying the silver given to him as payment to betray Jesus, or perhaps a reference to his role as a treasurer. He is also tipping over the salt cellar, which may be related to the near-Eastern expression to "betray the salt" meaning to betray one's master. He is the only person to have his elbow on the table and his head is also vertically the lowest of anyone in the painting. Peter wears an expression of anger and appears to be holding a knife, foreshadowing his violent reaction in Gethsemane during the arrest of Jesus. Peter is leaning towards John and touching him on the shoulder, in reference to John's Gospel where he signals the "beloved disciple" to ask Jesus who is to betray him.[a] The youngest apostle, John, appears to swoon and lean towards Peter.

atmospheric perspective (aerial perspective)

The principle that the farther back the object is in space, the blurrier and less detailed it appears.

Titian, Venus of Urbino, 1538, oil on canvas

The recumbent nude, Captured contemporaries imagination, and for centuries afterwards. Duke of Urbino commissioned this work, was referred to as the nude in it's contemporary time. Was probably a well kept courtesan of the duke. Face is looking out at the viewer. Wooden carved chests were kept by well to do familys to keep linens. Setting refers to the fact that she is a very well kept courtesan.softness of legs and arms, detail of bed clothes to the carving of the casonnne.

Tintoretto, Last Supper SHOWS:

Tintoretto's Last Supper makes use of Mannerist devices, notably its complex and radically asymmetrical composition. In its dynamism and emphasis on the quotidian—the setting is similar to a Venetian inn—the painting points the way to the Baroque. The table at which the apostles sit recedes into space on a steep diagonal. The centre of the scene is occupied not by the apostles but instead by secondary characters, such as a woman carrying a dish and the servants taking the dishes from the table. Furthermore, Tintoretto's painting features a more personal use of light, which appears to come into obscurity from both the light on the ceiling and from Jesus' aureola. A host of angels hover above the scene.

Which artist used red underpainting? Titian Leonardo Michelangelo Bramante


Young nude woman reclining on bed looking at viewer in foreground with curled up little dog at her feet; older wman and younger woman in background looking in trunk. Who was the artist who painted this, and where was it painted?

Titian, Venus of Urbino 1536-1538. Oil on canvas LOCATED IN: Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, PAINTED IN: VENICE!

Medici-Riccardi Palace, Palazzo Medici

Used rusticated masonry and dressed masonry on the exterior. Designed by Michelozzo di Bartolomeo for Cosimo de' Medici, head of the Medici banking family.

Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, 1423

Uses foreshortening. Altarpiece from the Strozzi chapel, Santa Trinità, Florence, Italy, 1423. Tempera on wood.

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo

Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1508-1512. Fresco Michelangelo labored almost four years for Pope Julius II on the frescoes for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He painted more than 300 figures illustrating the creation and fall of humankind.

Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci

Venetian Red


Venetian Renaissance paintings that function as poetry and stress sensuality and lyricism.

Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda

Vicenza, Italy, ca. 1550-1570. Four identical facades, each one resembling a Roman temple with a columnar porch. In the center is a great dome-covered rotunda modeled on the Pantheon


Views based on the ideas of Plato that one should search beyond appearances for true knowledge

Brunelleschi vs. Ghiberti

Whereas Brunelleschi imbued his image with violent movement and high emotion, Ghiberti emphasized grace and smoothness.

El Greco

a Greek painter who was a master of the Spanish style


a form of Christianity that was in opposition to the Catholic Church


a group of lines that form a unit of poetry. EX. Papal apartments, Vatican

Lamentation of Christ Mantegna

a painting of about 1480 by the Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna. Foreshortened Region of Northern Italy

Trompe l'oeil (fool the eye)

a painting so real you want to touch the objects, French for "fool the eye." A two-dimensional representation that is so naturalistic that it looks actual or real (or three-dimensional).

What did Leonardo stress in his Treatise on Painting, that helps to make painting a greater art than sculpture? (And that can be seen in this painting)? atmospheric perspective three-dimensionality linear perspective chiaroscuro

atmospheric perspective

Which of these have hidden moralizing messages (in the tradition of symbolism in Northern European art)?

food and man/women: A and B


gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish in mood "flashes of inspiration and melancholy(sad)"


is a quality of provoking terror, awe, or a sense of the sublime, in the viewer, that is ascribed to his art.

Sotto in Sù or Illusionistic Ceiling Painting

is the tradition in Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo art in which is a perspective tools used to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on an otherwise two-dimensional or mostly flat ceiling surface above the viewer. EX. Oculus in the Camera degli Sposi. Fresco on the ceiling of the Camera degli Sposi, by Andrea Mantegna, completed 1474. It demonstrates the technique of sotto in su.


manner or style

The central panel of this work of art

shows lilies on the table to symbolize the purity of the Virgin




the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting

The Netherlandish Proverbs. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. 1559.

this oil on wood painting is a detailed masterpiece that visually represents over 100 Dutch proverbs

buon fresco/fresco secco

true or wet fresco; pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the freshly laid lime plaster

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