Exam 2 COM121

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What are ways to express emotions effectively?

Identify your emotions; Choose whether and how to express emotions; Own your feelings; Monitor your self-talk; Adopt a rational-emotive approach to feelings; Respond sensitively when others communicate emotions

What are the most basic forms of interpersonal confirmation?

Recognition- the MOST basic form of confirmation - recognizing that another person exists. - Acknowledgment - 2nd level - acknowledgement of what another feels, thinks or says. - Endorsement - the strongest level - accepting another's feelings or thoughts.

What are the three dimensions of relational-level meanings that may be expressed nonverbally?

Responsiveness Liking Power

What does trust in interpersonal relationships involve?

Trust involves believing in another's reliability (that he or she will do as promised) and another's effort to look out for our welfare and our relationship.

What can we do to help ourselves remember more of the messages that we hear (in particular screening of messages)?

We can engage in Selective Listening to screen out messages and to remember the important, more engaging information.

Do we expect our real friends to give us honest feedback (according to research)?

We do expect honest feedback from our real friends

Research shows that we forget a certain amount of information after we hear it. How much?

We forget 2/3 of the information we hear.

How much time do we spend listening to others?

We spend 45% of our time listening to others.

What is emotional intelligence? Qualities?

EQ - is the ability to recognize feelings, to judge which feelings are appropriate in which situations, and to communicate those feelings effectively.Involves awareness of our own emotions, including multiple emotions experience simultaneously, the ability to recognize and empathize with others' emotions, awareness of the impact of our expression of emotions on others, and sensitivity to cultural rules for expressing emotions.

Nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning of interpersonal communication?

65-93% of the total meaning of communication

What are artifacts and what are some examples of them?

Artifacts are personal objects we use to announce our identities and heritage and to personalize our environments. F2F - hairstyles, makeup, dress, and personal objects

How can we become more effective listeners? What are minimal encouragers?

Be mindful - Adapt Listening Appropriately -Listen Actively - Minimal encouragers - gently invite others to elaborate by expressing interest in hearing more.

What is commitment? Specifically, what is the hallmark of commitment?

Commitment is the decision to remain in a relationship. The hallmark of commitment is the intention to share the future.

What are emotions?

Emotions are our experience and interpretation of internal sensations as they are shaped by physiology, perceptions, language, and social experiences.

Defensive and supportive climates (in particular, what are examples of evaluative vs. descriptive language?

Evaluative language is YOU centric whereas Descriptive language is I centric

What are the obstacles to effective listening and be able to identify them (prejudgment; loaded language, noise)

External Obstacles - message overload, message complexity, noise. Internal Obstacles - preoccupation, prejudgement, reacting to emotionally loaded language, lack of effort, and failure to adapt listening styles.

What is the difference between the fast track and slow-track circuits of emotions?

Fast track emotions - sense data is sent directly to the feeling brain and bypasses the thinking brain.

What is the difference between hearing and listening? Which is a more active process?

Hearing is the physiological activity that occurs when sound waves hit our eardrums. Listening is an active, complex process that consists of being mindful, physically receiving messages, selecting and organizing messages, interpreting messages, responding, and remembering.

When is the most important time in relationships to have reciprocal self-disclosure?

In the beginning of the relationship

When is self-disclosure especially important in relationships?

In the beginning of the relationship it is most pertinent to self-disclose.

Why is it important to study nonverbal communication?

It's important for us to study nonverbal communication because 93% of emotional meaning is communicated through NV communication. 55% of emotional meaning is communicated through the face. 38% of emotional meaning is communicated through vocal cues.

Is mindfulness a talent or is it something that we can all acquire with practice?

Mindfulness can be acquired with practice.

What are the four similarities between verbal and nonverbal communication?

NV & V communication is symbiotic, rule guided, intentional/unintentional, cultural-bound.

What does it mean when we say that nonverbal cues are arbitrary, abstract and ambiguous?

Nonverbal cues are left up to interpretation.

What is paralanguage and what does it include (rate, volume, etc)

Paralanguage is communication that is vocal but does not use words. It includes sounds such as murmurs and gasps, vocal qualities such as volumes, pitch and inflection. Also includes accents, pronunciation and the complexity of sentences.

Who is more likely to initiate touch: people with higher status or lower status?

People with higher status touch others & invade other's space more than people with less status.

What are the forms of nonlistening and be able to identify them (monopolizing, pseudolistening, literal listening, ambushing)

Pseudolistening - pretending to listen; Monopolizing - continuously focusing communication on ourselves instead of listening to the person who is talking; Selective listening - involves focusing only on particular parts of communication; Defensive listening - perceiving personal attacks, criticism, or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean-spirited; Ambushing - listening carefully for the purpose of attacking a speaker; Literal listening - involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning.

What are the measurements that represent intimate, personal, social and public space?

Public & social are 4-12 feet. Intimate & personal are 18inches or less.

What are dialectical tensions? What are the 3 dialectical tensions? Which one creates the MOST tension in the majority of close relationships? What are the responses to relational dialectics (particularly what is neutralization?)

Relational dialects are opposing forces, or tensions, that are continuous and normal in personal relationships. Autonomy/Connection - creates the MOST friction - Novelty/Predictability - Openness/Closedness - Responses to Dialectical Tensions include - neutralization - negotiate a balance between two dialectical needs. - Selection - give priority to one dialectical need and neglect the other - Separation - one dialectical need to certain spheres of interaction and the opposing dialectical need to other aspects of interaction. - Reframing - complex and transformative strategy in which partners redefine contradictory needs as not in opposition

What are the differences between men and women's listening styles?

Research indicates that women tend to use both lobes of their brain to listen, while men tend to engage only their more-developed left lobes.

Is silence considered a form of verbal or nonverbal communication?

Silence is a type of nonverbal communication.

What types of nonverbal behaviors are used to convey responsiveness?

Smiling, making eye contact, head nodding, and attentive posture

What is the least effective and least satisfying response to relational dialects?

The least effective and least satisfying response to dialects is selection.

Do men and women self-disclose equally in terms of frequency and depth?

Women typically self-disclose more frequently and in greater depth than men

In interpersonal relationships, is it just as important to affirm and accept ourselves, as it is to affirm and accept others?


Are taking risks necessary for relationships to grow?


Do nonverbal behaviors vary from culture to culture?


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