Exam 2 Comm 201

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what are personal idioms?

"inside jokes" create a sense of belonging and have a unique meaning for those in the relationship but may not make sense to outsiders.

Situational resistance:

*most common* violence provoked by a particular situation that does not involve a quest for control in the relationship

What are the five components of the listening process?

1. Receiving (stimuli) 2. Interpreting/Understanding 3. Remembering 4. Evaluating 5. Respond/Back-channeling (feedback cues)

TopHat: In a class discussion about race, Mark, a white man, makes the following statement: "I know that racism still exists, but my parents taught me to be a good person and see everyone as equal. What stage of dominant identity develop is this statement characteristic of?


Top Hat: The listening style that seeks to understand from multiple perspectives is:

Content-Oriented Listeners

Top Hat: Sending yourself messages containing advice about better listening is called:

Covert coaching

What are the listening types?

Critical, Informational, Discriminative and Empathetic

TopHat: Tony identifies as an Italian - American, which is an example of what kind of identity?


TopHat: Your significant other says, "We need to talk about the relationship" This is an attempt in

DTR talk

Top Hat: Response preparation is part of which barrier to listening?

Difference between speech and thought rate

TopHat: Mirroring is an important part of this type of listening:

Empathetic listening

True or False: Japan has a low-context culture and the USA has a high-context one.

False. Japan is high context and USA is low context.

TopHat:Which of the following is a primary emotion?


TopHat: When you first meet someone that you want to get to know, you typically move information from one pane in the Joahri window to another. What panes do you move from and to?

Hidden, open

Top Hat: This type of listening has the goal of comprehending, without evaluation

Informational Listening

TopHat: Sanjev and Maya are following typical social scripts and exchanging information trying to paint themselves in the most favorable light as they can to one another. What stage of coming together are they engaged in?


Johari's Window: Arena

KNOWN to SELF and to OTHERS. qualities that you think you have and so do others. "open"

Johari's Window: Facade

KNOWN to self and UNKNOWN to OTHERS insecurities. your "hidden" window.

TopHat: A style in which much of the meaning within an interaction is derived from the verbal communication rather than nonverbal and contextual cues is called:


TopHat: Intentionally separating our intrusive or irrelevant thoughts is called:

Mental bracketing

TopHat:The Johnson family consists of Jack (father/husband), JIll (mother/wife) and two children, Tommy and Tina. What type of family is this?


TopHat: Which term below best describes couples who love together and take additional steps to verbally, cermonaily or legally calim their intentions to be together in a long term relationship

Partnered couples

TopHat: Feminism largely works to expose which ideology?


How many listening styles are there? And what are they?

People - oriented Action - oriented Content - oriented Time - oriented

TopHat: A "code word" that two sisters use to describe people they dislike is a:

Personal Idiom

TopHat: Which of the following statement is accurate regarding the difference between primary and secondary emotions?

Primary emotions are more culturally universal than secondary emotions

TopHat: When giving constructive criticism, it is good to be:


Top Hat: Back channel cues are an aspect of which step of the listening process


TopHat: Sarah and Briana have conflict several times a week about dirty dishes being in their sink. Their conflict is an example of?

Serial Arguing

TopHat: Which of the following statements about the relationship between social networks and romantic relationships is true?

Shared social networks are one of the strongest predictors of whether a relationship will succeed or fail

TopHat: Which of the following statements is most true of associative friendships?

They are likely maintained out of convenience

True or False: research shows that close friendships at the work place are more likely to develop among coworkers who perceive their supervisors as unfair/unsupportive etc.


Johari's Window: Blind Spot

UNKNOWN to SELF and KNOWN to OTHERS. what people think about you but you don't know. i.e. negative attributes like bad breath.

Johari's Window: Unknown

UNKNOWN to SELF and to OTHERS. how you are as a parent, or in battle.

TopHat: A native American teenager doesn't understand why her friends care so much about protesting at the city's national columbus day parade. What stage of nondominant identity development is she in?

Unexamined Identity.

What is the difference between our speech and thought rate?

We speak at a rate of 125-175 words per minute but we can process thoughts at 400-800 per minute

TopHat: Which of the following is true regarding lying and relationships?

We tend to lie more during the initiating stage of a relationship

contact management styles: avoiding

a LOW concern for SELF and OTHER. there is no direct communication about the conflict and may result in a lose lose situation.

contact management styles: accommodating

a LOW concern for SELF and a HIGH concern for other. is often viewed as passive. may result in a win lose situation. *opposite of competing*

secondary emotions

are not as innate as primary and they don't have a corresponding facial expression that makes them universally recognizable. they're processed by a different part of the brain that require higher order thinking. they develop over time. take longer to fade away. are interpersonal. i.e. love, guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, envy, jealousy.

theories of self-disclosure: social penetration theory

as we get to know someone, we engage in a reciprocal process of self-disclosure that changes in breadth and depth and affects how a relationship develops

what stages of interaction are apart of "coming apart"?

differentiating circumscribing stagnating avoiding termination

theory of triangles.

examines the relationships between three domains of activity. corner one (tip of triangle): primary partnership corner two (bottom left): innerself corner three (bottom right): other important interests

individualistic cultures

get a job that makes you happy. marry whomever you'd like.

collective cultures

get a job that will make this family look good. marriage is arranged.


high conversational orientation high conformity orientation


high conversational orientation low conformity orientation

what stages of interaction are apart of "coming together"?

initiating experimenting intensifying integrating bonding

what are the stages of interaction?

initiating > experimenting > intensifying > integrating > bonding > differentiating > circumscribing > stagnating > avoiding > termination

primary emotions

innate emotions that are experienced for short periods of time and appear rapidly as a reaction to an outside stimulus. joy, distress, anger, fear, surprise, disgust

what stages of interaction are apart of "relational maintenance"?

integrating bonding differentiating circumscribing

Discriminative Listening

is a focused and usually instrumental type of listening that is primarily physiological and occurs during the receiving stage. choosing what we want to listen to in order to fix it. problem solving listening.

altruistic lies

lies told to build the self esteem of another person, communicate loyalty or bend the truth to spare someone from hurtful information


low conversational orientation high conformity orientation

Laissez - Faire

low conversational orientation low conformity orientation

High context listening

meaning is derived from non-verbal and contextual cues. figuring it out, looking into a situation, reading into it.

Low context listening

meaning is derived from verbal cues. spelling it out.

what are the four main categories of self-disclosure ?

observations, thoughts, sharing feelings, needs.

Intimate partner violence (IPV):

physical, verbal, or emotional abuse between two people in or were recently in a relationship together.

what are the steps to negotiation?

pre-negotiation opening, exploration bargaining settlement

"save face"

preventing embarrassment or preserving our reputation/image

serial arguing:

repeated pattern of disagreement over an issue. there are three patterns that occur with serial arguing: repeating, mutual hostility and arguing with assurances.

contact management styles: compromising

shows MODERATE concern for SELF and OTHER. may indiciate a low investment in the context and or relationship. results in a PARTIAL WIN or PARTIAL LOSS for BOTH parties.

contact management styles: collaborating

shows a high concern for SELF and OTHER. indicates investment in the conflict and or relationship. results in a win/win situation.

contact management styles: competing

style of conflict management that indicates a HIGH concern for SELF and a LOW concern for OTHER. one party attempts to win because they have to win.

Violent resistance (VR):

violence that is often a reaction/response to Intimate terrorism (IT).

Intimate terrorism (IT):

violence used by one partner to have a general control over the other

theories of self-disclosure: social comparison theory

we evaluate ourselves based on how we compare with others

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