Exam 2: Lesson 4

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The stratosphere begins at what altitude?

10 miles

How many tons of carbon (as carbon dioxide) are released into the air each year?

7 billion tons

Which pollutants come from mobile sources?

All of the above hydrocarbons (paraffins, olefins, napthalenes, aromatics), nitrogen oxide (NO, NOx, NO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulates (any material collected on a filtering medium after exhaust dilution)

Which one of the following chemicals leads to the destruction of ozone?


Which one of the following are all greenhouse gases?

CH4, HCFCs, H2O, CO2

Primary pollutants

CO, SO2, NOx, VOCs (unburnt hydrocarbons)

When carbon in a fossil burns, it combines with oxygen to form _____.


Which one of the following gases interferes with the function of hemoglobin in the blood?

Carbon Monoxide

Without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the Earth would be ______.


Carbon dioxide is the only product when burning coal.


Carbon when completely oxidized forms carbon monoxide.


Coal accounts for the highest amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the US.


Combustion processes cause depletion of the ozone layer.


Currently natural gas usage accounts for the highest amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the US.


From the ice core data, the concentration of CO2 during previous fluctuations (over the past 400,000 years) was higher than today's concentration.


Greenhouse gases have the ability to absorb the UV radiation.


High clouds do not trap the infrared radiation that enters into the Earth's atmosphere.


If the air did not contain carbon dioxide, the planet would be hotter.


Most of the NOx that is emitted is in the form of NO2.


Once destroyed, stratospheric ozone cannot be re-formed.


Primary particles are formed in the atmosphere from primary gaseous emissions.


Sulfates formed from SO2 emissions from power plants and industrial facilities are "Primary" particles


Sun spots can decrease the radiation from the Sun.


The greenhouse effect is a man-made phenomenon.


Without the greenhouse effect Earth would be a better place to live for humans.


Aerosols (formed from sulfate particles) can cause the the planet to warm up. Aerosols (formed from sulfate particles) can cause the planet to cool down.


Approximately 90% of the NOx emissions from combustion devices are in the form of NO2. Approximately 90% NOx of the emissions from combustion devices are in the form of NO.


PM10 is a term used for particles that are larger than or equal to 10 µm (micro meter) in diameter. PM10 is a term used for particles that are SMALLER OR EQUAL to 10 µm (micro meter) in diameter.


Currently China emits the largest amount of CO2 into the atmosphere due to increasing fossil fuel consumption. The US emits the largest amount of CO2 in the world due to the combustion of fossil fuels.


Ground level ozone is produced directly by combustion. Most of the ground level ozone is produced _____.

FALSE indirectly by combustion of fossil fuels

In the last century the global temperature has ______.

Gone up 1 degrees F

Carbon Dioxide emissions may be reduced by which one of the following strategies?

Improving power plant efficiency

As a result of global warming, global precipitation would _____.


Which one of the following causes global climate change?

Increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activity

Atmospheric concentrations of methane in the last 150 years have _____.


Volatile organic compounds are emitted primarily from which source?

Industrial and commercial processes

Which one of the following is true about the ozone hole?

It has a variable area throughout the year.

Nitric acid is formed when _____.

NO is oxidized in the atmosphere to form NO2 and then dissolved in clouds

Nitrogen in the fuel when burned can form _____.


Which gases contribute to ozone formation at the ground level? Which of the following is not needed to produce ground level ozone?

Nitrogen Oxides SO2

Which gases cause respiratory illness when exposed to over the long run?

Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfer Dioxide

Secondary pollutants

Ozone and Smog

Sulfur when burned forms _____.


Sulfuric acid is formed when _____.

SO2 is oxidized in the atmosphere to form SO3 and then dissolved in clouds

Analysis of ice cores provides the composition of the past air, which can be used to determine the past temperatures for approximately hundreds of thousands of years.


Burning of a fossil fuel is a reaction of elements in the fuel with oxygen.


CFCs are created only by humans.


Earth is a natural greenhouse.


Earth's axis of rotation can cause some natural fluctuations in the energy received from the sun.


Excessive greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic emissions retains more heat than normal.


Formation of ozone at the ground level involves VOCs and NOx in the presence of sunlight.


Global climate change critics argue that due to increased concentration of CO2 we are seeing more forestation and that climate change is not a serious problem.


Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are steadily increasing.


Low level clouds shield the Earth's surface from the Sun's radiation. This reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth thereby cooling the Earth.


Minerals in fossil fuels turn into ash when oxidized (burnt).


NOx react in the air with VOCs to form ground-level ozone which is associated with adverse health effects.


Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) together are represented by NOx.


One of the ways to reduce greenhouse gases is to use energy efficent appliances.


Potential Global Warming can lead to melting polar ice caps.


Short-term exposures to low levels of NO2 may lead to changes in airway responsiveness and lung function in individuals with preexisting respiratory illnesses.


Some groups of scientists argue that an atmopshere rich in CO2 is good for plants.


Some of the fuel that does not burn is emitted as unburnt hydrocarbon compounds.


The atmospheric temperature and CO2 concentration changed prior to the pre-industrial periods.


The increase in the greenhouse gases since industrialization began is believed to be causing an increase in the global temperature over the past 150 years.


The primary source for nitrogen oxide emissions in the US is MOTOR VEHICLES


The use of petroleum products accounts for the highest amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the US.


Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be uninhabitable.


Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons comprised of primarily carbon and hydrogen and some sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and mineral matter. Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons comprised of primarily sulfur and hydrogen and some carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and mineral matter.


Methane and nitrous oxide have what impact on the atmosphere?

Trap Heat

Stratospheric ozone layer is good for us because it prevents harmful ________ radiation from reaching the earth


Which one of the following countries has the highest carbon dioxide emissions?

United States

Ozone forms by the reaction of nitrogen oxides and _____.


Hydrogen when burned forms _____.


Particulate matter (PM) is the general term used to describe _____.

a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air

You are at the most risk of lung damage due to smog if you are _____.

a young child

The difference in average temperature between today and the last Ice Age (10,000 to 12,000 thousand years ago) is _____.

about 9 degrees F

CO emissions are higher for vehicles when the engine is

at low speeds

Most SO2 emissions come from which source?

fuel combustion in power plants

Ozone is _____ when breathed by humans.


Ozone is good for the environment at _____.

high altitude (about 10 km)

The Greenhouse Effect occurs because carbon dioxide absorbs _____.

infrared radiation

The largest ozone hole _____.

is over Antarctica

Which one of the following will reduce vehicular NOx emissions?

keeping the car well tuned

In large cities, ozone is at the highest concentration at which time of day?

late afternoon

The ozone hole has _____.

lower than 220 Dobson units of ozone concentration

Which of these is not responsible for increasing atmospheric CO2?


Which of the following actions can reduce VOC emissions?

pumping gasoline after sunset

Where is the bulk of Earth's ozone located?


Results of recent climate models suggest that projected greenhouse gas emission patterns may lead to a global warming of 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius during _____.

the next century

The energy that causes our atmosphere to heat up comes from _____.

the sun

Global warming occurs when _____.

the total energy arriving at the earth is more than the energy leaving

How many tons of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are released globally into the air each year?

twenty seven billion tons

Sulfates and nitrates that form in the atmosphere from sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions contribute to _____.

visibility reduction

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