Exam POSC 2

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Informed Consent Laws

A law that ensures patients receive accurate and unbiased information from medical profressionals before receiving treatment to make the best decision for their health. In regards to abortion, this law is not properly followed as many doctors spread biased, false information regarding the subject to discourage women from receiving them. For example, in South Dakota, doctors spread the narrative that the woman seeking an abortion is "ending a human."

Chinese Exclusion Act

A law that was introduced on February 28th, 1882, by senator John Miller to treat Chinese immigrants with inferiority. The law banned Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States and barred all Chinese people from obtaining naturalized citizenship. Before this act, Chinese people, mostly men, immigrated to the US to work, typically doing cheap labor. White peoples viewed this as the Chinese stealing their jobs, leading to the creation of this legislation.


A mind-bug that people exhibit where their minds search for information that is readily available as a reference point and then adjust their opinion. For example, seeing two different prices for an object; one is $1000 and the other cost is $200 and assuming that the $200 object is cheap. In retrospect, paying $200 for something is not cheap but compared to the $1000 dollar object it looks cheap.

Implicit Association Test

A test that evaluates if a person has a racial bias. It tests how people respond, quickly or slowly, to questions that have racial connotations to them. For example, a series of questions in this test asks what a persons race is and how long it takes for someone to respond, which is a contributing factor to the final result of if you have a racial bias.

Indigenous Social Justice

An approach to justice that seeks to repair harm by providing an opportunity for perpetrators and victims to communicate about their needs in the aftermath of a crime. An example of this type of social justice is the United States federal government creating resolutions with Native Americans about resolving their differences throughout history.

Reproductive Justice

An individuals right to have complete control over their bodies. Rights that are included in this are being able to decides ones pregnancy, abortion rights, and the utilization of birth control.


An individuals sexual attraction to the Opposite sex. For example, I identify as a heterosexual since, I am a women who is only attracted to men.

Forced Assimilation

An integral component of colonization. It is the process by which the culture and spirituality of indigenous communities are stripped away by christian colonizers. Typically indigenous people are forced into christian education programs, and children are taken from their biological parents to live in christian households.

Social Institution

An interrelated system of social norms and social roles that individuals are organized into. These institutions are supposed to support people's lives. These fundamental institutions include education, family, the state, the economy, popular culture, and media.

Color Symbolism

Color Symbolism is when color is used to convey a deeper meaning. An example of this is when the Good Guys are on white horses wearing white hats, and the bad guys are on black horses wearing black hat. Black is bad and white is good.

Explain how the term "illegal alien" became normalized in the debate about immigration?

Conservative leaders have dehumanized immigrants by referring to them as illegal aliens. They want to dehumanize immigrants because they claim that they are stealing jobs. Jobs thats most Americans wouldn't even want low paying jobs like working in fields picking fruit. Leaders like Trump also accuse them of bringing crime and drugs into the United States, and the republican parties main message is regarding war and crime so they push the narrative that immigrants are dangerous and are bringing crim. They believe that they should not be able to become citizens of the United States and so they dehumanize them.

Explain one way in which media can play an important role in social justice

Different media platforms, liberal or conservative, have different viewpoint on different social justice issues and push their agenda onto viewers. The way media companies reflect on social justice issues and movements can shape how they are identified. For example on the topic of police brutality, liberal media stations highlight the victims of police brutality, show the peaceful BLM protests, and discuss defunding the police. Whereas the conservative news stations highlight-the importance of the police, highlight the reactions towards police brutality, and associates black lives matter with Anita , (a dome terroist organization)

Explain how the myths of rampant looting during Katrina shaped government policy during the hurricane.

Disaster myths is the idea that people act irrational in the case of emergency. In regards to hurricane Katrina, the disaster myths was rampant looting. They wanted to increase military presence in the disaster areas. The myth of rampant looting allowed for the Republicans to enforce their ideologies about law and order. THe media was spreading the narrative, that peolpe targeted minorities, were panicking because of the disaster that was causing them to partake in crime. The criminal acts being spread included looting, drugs, and violence. In response the National Guard was sent to Louisianna in order to form a presence that would diminish the risk of "looting".

Felon Disenfranchisement

Felon disenfranchisement is the removal of convicted felons from the political institution. Felons in most states can not vote on policies or representative, and this leaves, and this leaves the with no say in our supposed democracy. This is especially important when we look at who is being incarcerated at the highest rate. African American men are incarcerated at the highest rate, depriving African Americans of a right to participate in our democracy at the highest rate in society.

Explain how implicit bias may result in racial discrimination in the job market?

Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgements, decisions, and behaviors. A job recruiter may unintentionally discriminate potential applicants due to the color of their skin, or other factors, without even realizing they may be doing so. A common example of implicit bias is favoring or being more receptive to familiar sounding names than those from other cultural group. Implicit bias doesn't mean that inclusivity is not one of our values. It means that we are not aware of how our own implicit bias can impact our actions and decisions.

Explain how one example of implicit bias shapes the criminal justice system

Implicit bias is a form-of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgements, decisions, and behaviors. This affects the criminal justice system, because who we arrest or who we pullover is a result of an internal decision made by law enforcement. Their implicit bias helps determine wether an individual is suspicious enough to stop.

Explain how implicit bias in sports broadcasting has broader effects for black athletes and or non athletes

Implicit bias is the thoughts or feeling that are unintentionally formed as a result of mind-bugs to fill information gaps with misinformation. They make false assumptions based on a bias towards a specific group. When referring to moves that white players make the broadcasters say thin things along the lines of "craft" while black players are referred to as sneak. Sneaky correlates to animal behavior not human. Craft emphasizes how a white player is strategic and smart. This is an effort to make white players appear more intellectual than black players.


Ingrained habits of thought that lead to errors in how we perceive, remember, reason, and make decisions. The three types of mind-bugs are visual, memory, and social. For instance a memory mind-bug : error when recalling things, ex. would be unable to recall a relatives age when asked.

Title X gag rule

It is illegal for healthcare providers part of the Title X program recommend that their patients receive abortion services. This regulation resists informed consent laws as patients do no receive information about all resources that can be provided to their medical situation, especially regarding rape. Planned Parenthood refuses to follow this rule as they support 40% of title X patients, and they are known to provide safe spaces for women to receive reproductive services such as abortion care.

Legalize Discrimination

Legalized discrimination, is the new form of Jim Crow Laws that has manifested into the mass incarceration problem today. The propaganda the "War on Drugs", directly target Black Americans, and it has legalized discrimination. This mass incarceration that directly target Black Americans discriminates them from public housing, access to education, and job opportunities .

Explain one way in how media consolidation is bad for democracy

Media Consolidation is the concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hand of fewer and fewer corporations. For example Sinclair, a conservative media companies owns and operates 294 television stations across the United States. This is a problem, because this leaves power of a large population of Americans , receiving all their information from one company, with one view. The message in all of their 294 television stations seems to be vastly the same to another and reciting each-other word for word on a number of occasions .

Explain one way the US government created a "winner take all" economy

Our economy is a capitalist economy, which in itself creates inequality. Race and gender then further divide the US capitalist economy resulting in labor consumer markets that routinely advantage some and disadvantage others. A good example of a winner takes all market can be seen in the rise of large multinational firms, such as Walmart . The largest problem of a winner-takes-all economy is that it explicitly favors the majority, and discriminates against the minorities. Job hiring practices are sexist and racist, favoring white males over other applicants

Offer on Comparison of how todays Mass Incarceration is like Jim Crow Laws of the 1960s

Political disenfranchisement during the Jim Crow era, white people used several tactics to ensure that although it was legalized by the 15th amendment, black people were still unable to vote. These tactics included the grandfather clause and poll taxes. After the collapse of Jim Crow, all of the ways to exclude Black people from voting were eliminated, except for felon disenfranchisement. Today felon disenfranchisement laws have been more effective in eliminating black voters in the age of mass incarceration than they were during Jim Crow.

Qualifying Adjectives

Qualifying adjectives describe the characteristics, qualities or faults of a person place or thing. These adjectives also have a connotation to them, such as fat is bad and skinny is good. The connotations these words can have can have negative implications, when they are used to describe things. For example in the office when a women is bossy, and the man is described as a leader.

Explain one way racist language can actually produce racist thought

Racist language inevitably can produce racist thought. An example of this is the way politicians refer to immigrants as illegal aliens. This language dehumanizes them. Anchoring is a mind-bug that people exhibit where their minds search for information that is readily available as a reference point and then adjust their opinion. When people hear the word illegal alien, which has a negative connotation, an individual will form a negative attitude towards immigrants, due to anchoring.

Refusal Clauses

Refusal laws (sometimes called "conscience" laws) permit a broad range of individuals and institutions- including hospitals, health-care providers, pharmacists, employers, and insurers--- to refuse to provide, pay, counsel, or even refer for medical treatment. AN example of this is that, doctors can refuse to give patients certain medications, because it can cause an abortion.

Explain one of Valentine's arguments about why the U.S is rolling back on women's reproductive rights and how they are doing it.

Republican legislators and abortion opponents have claimed that physicians are misreading the laws and failing their patients as a result. Conservative legislators and organizations laid the groundwork to falsely characterize some forms of contraception as abortifacient, medicines that could cause abortions. In response to this some hospitals have stopped providing birth control as a treatment for women.

Media Consolidation

The concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations. The telecommunications act of 1996 contributed to this consolidation as it reduced FCC regulation on cross ownership and allowed for large media conglomerates to buy smaller media outlets. For example, Sinclair broadcast group has brought thousands of small local news networks throughout the United States in order to spread their conservative ideologies.


The first stage of mass incarceration. In this stage, law enforcement targets people who typically live in low income areas and are black for drug offenses. Police receive incentives for arresting people for the these types of crimes so they bolster surveillance and their presence in these low income areas.

Japanese Internment

The incarceration of thousands of Japanese Americans during World II. Japanese internment was allowed though executive order 9066, enacted by FDR, in response to the Japanese attack on the United States military base, Pearl Harbor. FDR believed that there were Japanese spies in the United States, and to diminish the risk, he forced Japanese Americans into inhuman detention centers.

Invisible Punishment

The period after someone, specifically a black man, has been released from prison for an offense. It is difficult for former convicts to reintegrate into society as some laws and policies are established that prevent them from doing so. The ability to get a job, receive a mortgage , and get a proper are disrupted because of the laws in place. There is a high rate of repeated incarceration because of the lack of resources that ex-convicts have access to.

Disaster Myth

The term disaster myth has been created to describe the belief that people will behave in an irrational , uncontrolled, and even extreme manner outside of normal and accepted social standards. For example Hurricane Katrina, the media only covered the looting and violence of the aftermath, rather than the widespread community support for one another.

Misinformation effect

The way an interrogator or questioner phrases their questions alters the respondents perspective of what occurred . For example when a police officer asks a witness what they saw, they could recall misinformation.

Explain an indigenous approach to social justice and how it differs with mainstream, Western models.

The western model focuses on the importance of social integration. Injustice is remedied by a combination of legal redress, apologies and financial compensation. While legal redress is also sought by indigenous peoples, it is inherently unfair to expect indigenous people to seek justice from a legal system where the perpetrator is both a party and a judge in the action. Restorative justice is an approach to justice that seeks to repair harm by providing an opportunity for those harmed and those who take responsibility for the harm to communicate about and address their needs in the aftermath of a crime.

When was heterosexuality coined as a term? Name one factor that helped shape its development

The word heterosexuality succeeded because it was useful. At a time when moral authority was shifting from religion to the secular society at a fast pace, heterosexual offered a way to dress old religious priorities in immaculate white coats that looked just like the ones worn among the new power hierarchy of scientist


There is no official medical definition for this term, but according to society it is when an individual has never partakes in partnered sex. Typically the idea of virginity is associated with women because in the past it has been a social normality for a woman to preserve her virginity until marriage to save for their husband.

Implicit Bias

Thoughts or feeling that are unintentionally formed as a result of mind-bugs to fill information gaps with misinformation. They make false assumptions based on a bias towards a specific group. For example, younger employees are given technologically motivated tasks while older employees do not receive them because there is a stereotype that younger people are more technologically savvy.

Explain one way todays rhetoric and policy on immigration reflect past rhetoric and policy on immigration

Today and in the past immigrants have been repeatedly blamed for stealing jobs and face constant racism . In 1817, white priests and politicians created the American Colonization Society which recruited freed slaves and sent them to West Africa to be apart of a slave trade. When politicians tell African Americans to go back from where they came from, its hypocritical because they sent them to West Africa.

Media Literacy

Understanding who creates media content, why they created it, what is missing from it and who the intended audience is. Media literacy is how something is shaped for the viewer. Components that are followed by media sources include authorship, techniques to draw attention, audinece, content, and purpose of the message. For example to spread different messages regarding the January 6th insurrection, conservative, conservative news channels labeled the rioters as protesters while liberal news stations referred to them as domestic terroists in order to spread different messages about the issue.

Explain one major injustice indigenous communities face and a solution for it

Voting in Oklahoma , many states create voting barriers, because indigenous people who live on reservations do not have permanent addresses. Since indigenous people are displace they don't have access to indigenous resources such as food and have to utilize supplements that the government provides, unhealthy heavily processed foods. A solution to this is restorative justice, which is an approach to justice that seeks to repair harm by providing an opportunity for those harmed and those who take responsibility for the harm to communicate about and address their needs in the aftermath of a crime.


When the state or man interferes with a women's right to make her own decisions against their will. Paternalism is justified by the enforcer saying that it's for the victims benefit. An example of paternalism is medical professionals refusing to provide women with abortion services because of their personal interests and not the womens

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