Exam Review English: The Odyssey

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What do these verbs (Wheezing, Fumbled, Squatted, Thrown) suggest about the Cyclops' condition?

He is tired, hurt, and clumsy

After twenty years, how does Odysseus finally get home?

Odysseus finally comes home because great seafarers, the phaeacians, take him on their boat and take him home.

What does the repetition of these words emphasize when Telemachus sees his father being punched? (Blow, Hit)

That Odysseus' son feels like he is being beaten with his father when he sees it happening.


mermaids that sing and seduce men to kill them


A monster that terrorizes men sailing by it

How does this contribute to a sense of the sirens music? (Bows, allows, note, twinning, throat, a-pinning, joy troy, boy, see, be)

It's rhythmic and catchy to make the soldiers want to listen.

What are Antinous and the others doing in Odysseus' house?

Antinous and the others are trying to marry Odysseus' wife and they are taking control over the household and the people living in it.

How do these words intensify the description of the action? (Vibrating, Hummed, Sang, Hushed, Loud, Cracked)

It shows how quiet the room was and what people were hearing and feeling during this moment.

How to they confirm her loyalty to Odysseus? (Seasons, Fourth year, Long months, Long days)

It shows she has been waiting for Odysseus to come home and she will do anything to stay married to him.

How does Eurylochus convince Odysseus' men to kill Helios' cattle?

Eurylochus convinces Odysseus men to eat the cattle because he says that they should rather die from the gods and go out in a fight then rot away on an island and not dying with a purpose. "All deaths are hateful to us, mortal wrenches, but famine is the most pitiful, worst end that a man can come to"(lines 865-867).

What value do you think Eurylochus is appealing to in his argument?

Eurylochus is valuing his pride and the other man's pride. He doesn't think it is amazing to die starving to death than it would be to die from the gods so he would rather die and go down in history than die a worthless death. "..but famine is the most pitiful, worst end that a man can come to"(lines 866,867).

How do these phrases express Odysseus' sense of his sons love for him? ("..Hold down your anger... let your ribs cage up your springing heart...")

It shows that Odysseus knows his son loves him very much and would do anything to protect him.

What do these phrases suggest about Telemachus' emotions? ("..Hold down your anger... let your ribs cage up your springing heart...")

It shows that Telemachus cares for his father and doesn't want anything bad happening to him.

What do these contrasting words express about his home and his future? ("...the honey lights of home.... but anguish lies ahead)

It shows that his home is wonderful, but his furture is not.

Why does Homer liken fishing to Scylla's actions?

He does this because Scylla sticks it head down like a fishing rod to catch its bait (people).

What does this reveal about Cyclops' pain, anger, and remaining strength? (Wheezing, Fumbled, Squatted, Thrown)

He is in a lot of pain and he is becoming very weak. He is very angry too.

How do these words emphasize Odysseus' message to his son (Odysseus, bitter fortune, his wanderings are mine)

He is telling his son how he acts and his personality to prove he is his father.

Why do you think Homer places such emphasis on the idea of identity?

He is trying to say all of these things to show that he is the real Odysseus.

Why does Homer choose to provide Athena's direct words in this passage rather than summarize her speech to Odysseus?

Homer chooses this because she is a god and anything she says is very important and should be known.

What can we learn from a journey? What have you learned about the power of journeys by reading Part 1 of the Odyssey?

I have learned that the journey is more important because it shows your moral character and it tests to see how far you will go to get what you want. It also shows what kind of person you after you get or don't get what you wanted to badly.

What does this comparison suggest about Scylla's power?

It shows that it is very powerful and strong and can grab men with very little effort.

What does this speech suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals, especially Odysseus.

It shows that the gods know who all of the people are and they know what they have done in their lifetime.

How does the description heighten the effect of Odysseus' action? (Beautiful, embossed, two-handled, golden)

It shows how Antinous thinks he is better and how he thinks no one could beat him and Odysseus is going to prove that wrong.

What comparison does it suggest between Cyclops and Odysseus and his men? (Scattered )

It shows how much larger the Cyclops is than the men and it shows how the men were very scared that the Cyclops would scoop them up and eat them.

What kind of creature does the verb Scattered evoke?

Mice or small animals

Why does Odysseus go to Hades, the land of the dead?

Odysseus goes to Hades, the land of the dead, to speak to the blind prophet Tiresias so he can find a way to go back home

Why does Odysseus go to the land of the dead?

Odysseus goes to the land of the dead to seek advice from the Prophet Tiresias on how to get home.

Why does Odysseus leave home?

Odysseus leaves home to go fight in the Trojan War

To whom does Odysseus speak to in the land of the dead?

Odysseus speaks to the blind prophet Tiresias in the land of the dead.

What does Odysseus want more than anything else?

Odysseus wants to get home and see his family more than anything else. "Ithaca... I shall not see on earth a place more dear"(line 24, 28)


Odysseus' best friend


Odysseus' son


Odysseus' wife

What test does Penelope use to choose a husband from among the suitors?

Penelope decides to tell the suitors that if they can string and shoot Odysseus's bow and hit the targets they can marry her. But she knows no one can do any of that other than Odysseus himself.

What do these words emphasize in Penelope's story? (Seasons, Fourth year, Long months, Long days)

She has been waiting for so long for Odysseus to come home.

Why does Cyclops live alone in a cave?

The Cyclops lies alone in a cave because they have no meaning or muster; they have no purpose in life

How are the lives of Cyclops different from the lives of Odysseus and his men?

The difference between Odysseus and his men and the Cyclopes are their beliefs. The men believe in the gods and live in homes with their families and have proper lives with rules. The Cyclopes do not live in proper homes, they live in caves and do not believe in the gods. They also do not have set rules or laws, they do what they want and stay out of each other's ways. "Each one dwells in his own mountain cave dealing out rough justice to wife and child.."(line 18) "We Cyclopes care not a whistle for your thundering Zeus or all the gods in bliss; we have more force by far"(lines 220, 221).

How do they emphasize the sadness of the dog now? (Power, speed, young, Swift, strong)

The dog is weak and old now and no one uses him now because of this and he is not used all the time like he use to be.

What brings the spirits of the dead to Odysseus?

The spirits come to Odysseus when he sacrifices the black lamb and pours its blood into a trench.

What do these words have in common? (Power, speed, young, Swift, strong)

They all seem to show strength and power.

How threatening did the enemy appear to Odysseus? (".. like the leaves and baldes of spring.." "So doom appeared to us, dark word of Zeus for us , our evil days")

They appeared threatening and ready to fight

How are these lines different from those that go before them? ("He drew his own sword as he spoke, a broadsword of fine bronze, honed like a razor on either edge. Then crying hoarse and loud..")

They are indented differently from the rest of the text

What is Odysseus expressing when he describes how him and his men felt about the opposing army with these phrases: ".. like the leaves and baldes of spring.." "So doom appeared to us, dark word of Zeus for us , our evil days"

They are worried about the threat of the opposing men being too great

What two aspects of the life of Cyclops make Odysseus think that they are uncivilized before he interacts with one?

They having no meaning to life and they don't have rules or civil ways. They also just sit in their caves doing nothing or they deal out rough justice to the kids or wife Cyclopes. "Cyclops have no muster and no meeting, no consultation or tribal ways, but each one dwells in his own mountain cave dealing out rough justice to wife and child, indifferent to what others do"(lines 116-120).

How does Odysseus' goal to get home give structure to the epic?

This goal gives structure to the epic because it shows his determination to get home through all of his journeys; he will do anything to get home.

What does Tiresias say that Odysseus and his men must not do?

Tiresias tells Odysseus and his men must not eat Helios's cattle or else all of his men will die and he will not return home a awhile.

Why do you think the poet uses these words? (Vibrating, Hummed, Sang, Hushed, Loud, Cracked)

To describe the sounds that are being heard in the silent room

Why do you think the poet made this change when beginning a description of the battle? ("He drew his own sword as he spoke, a broadsword of fine bronze, honed like a razor on either edge. Then crying hoarse and loud..")

To show a big important scene was happening and to show how dramatic it was.

Why do you think the poet describes the cup in such detail and with these words? (Beautiful, embossed, two-handled, golden)

To show how rich these people were and how they took pride in everything they owned.

How does deliberate use of repetition help reveal the feelings of Odysseus' son and wife? (Blow Hit)

You can tell his wife does not like Antinous and his son feels the same way.


a whirlpool that sucks boats down and then spits them back out






daughter of zeus and goddess of wisdom


father of odysseus


god of sun


god of the sea


keeper of the winds


kind of god and men


main character


men who tried to steal Odysseus' wife and kingdom

What do you notice about these words in relation to each other? (Bows, allows, note, twinning, throat, a-pinning, joy troy, boy, see, be)

most of them rhyme with each other


odysseus' dog


sea witch that turns men into animals


the woman who kept odysseus on her island for seven years


the youngest sailor of odysseus' men and the one who died by getting drunk and breaking his neck

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