EXAM_Honors Biology (Finished)

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which statement regarding the function of mitosis is false

mitosis promotes genetic diversity

In this drawing of the lac operon, which molecule is an inactive repressor?

molecule D

Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by

recessive alleles

the tortoise shell pattern on a cat

results from X chromosome inactivation

the enzyme that converts information stored in RNA to information stored in DNA is

reverse transcriptase

The production of multiple identical copies of a target sequence of DNA defines

DNA cloning

is the percentage of A bases is 40 percent, what is the percentage of C bases


"Sticky ends" are

DNA fragments with single-stranded ends

Transcription factors attach to


Which is a transgenic organism?

a rat that has had rabbit hemoglobin genes added to its genome

RNA interference (RNAi) can be used by

cells to prevent infections from double-stranded RNA viruses.

At a chiasma, two ________ are attached to each other.

homologous or nonsister chromatids

the monomers of DNA and RNA are


All the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed mendelian and an orange-eyed Mendelian have black eyes. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of a cross between two orange-eyed Mendelians

0 black eyed; 1 orange eyed

Justin has type A blood and his wife Brittany has type B blood. Justin's parents both have type AB blood, and Brittany's parents also both have type AB blood. What are the chances that Justin and Brittany's son Theodore has type A blood?


After DNA fragments with matching sticky ends are temporarily joined by complementary base pairing, the union can be made permanent by the "pasting" enzyme

DNA ligase

Using a six-sided die, what is the probability of rolling either a 5 or a 6?

1/6 +1/6= 1/3

After DNA fragments with matching sticky ends are temporarily joined by complementary base-pairing, the union can be made permanent by the "pasting" enzyme

DNA ligase

the production of multiple copies of a target sequence of DNA defines

DNA cloning

if the percentage of G bases is 30 percent, what os the percentage of T bases?


Assuming that the probability of having a female child is 50% and the probability of having a male child is also 50%, what is the probability that a couple's first-born child will be female and that their second-born child will be male?


When one DNA molecule is copied to make two new DNA molecules, the resulting DNA contains

50% of the parents DNA

Approximately what percentage of human DNA is noncoding?


Approximately what percentage of the human genome is identical to that of a chimpanzee?


If A dominant to a and B is dominant to b, what is the expect phenotypic ratio of the cross AaBb x AaBb


the phenotypic ratio resulting from a dihybrid cross of two heterozygous individuals showing independent assortment is expected to be


During an experiment assessing the development of a fly embryo, a scientist artificially turns on a homeotic gene that controls eye development in somatic cells that normally develop into the wings. Which outcome is the most likely?

A mutant adult fly will develop that has eyes on its wings.

Which statement about nucleic acid probes is false?

A nucleic acid probe is a double-stranded DNA molecule.

which statement regarding DNA is false

DNA contains the nitrogenous base uracil

A single cell, the zygote, can develop into an entirely new organism with many different specialized cells. Which of the following statements about this process is false?

Additional genetic information for the formation of specialized cells is passed on to the developing embryo via the mother.

Which of the following statements regarding cells is false?

Adult, but not embryonic, stem cells can be grown in laboratory culture

which option best depicts the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component

DNA- RNA- Protein

________ are a major source of restriction enzymes


in some cats, black coat color (B) is dominant over brown (b) and a striped fur pattern (S) is dominant over a marbled fur pattern (s). You rescued a black striped cat from an animal shelter but could not determine its exact genotype. To do so, you mated the cat with a brown marbled cat. The mating produced 3 brown marbled, 2 brown striped, 2 black marbled, and 3 black striped. Immediately, you concluded the genotype of your rescued cat was


Which of the following processes occurs when a salamander regenerates a lost limb?

Certain cells in the limb dedifferentiate, divide, and then redifferentiate to form a new limb.

The production of multiple copies of a target sequence of DNA defines

DNA cloning

Which statement regarding DNA packing is false?

DNA packing tends to promote gene expression

The polymerase Chain Reaction relies upon unusual heat-resistant ______ that were isolated from bacteria living in Hot Springs

DNA polymerase

which enzyme catalyzes the elongation of a new DNA strand

DNA polymerase

which enzyme catalyzes the production of a strand of RNA to DNA

DNA polymerase

All of these mechanisms are used to regulate protein production except

DNA replication

enhancers are

DNA sequences to which activator proteins bind.

Which statement about DNA technology is false?

DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.

Which statement about genomics is false?

DNA technology limits genomic studies to prokaryotes.d)Genes from different species that have analogous sequences suggest similar function.

Considering only the steps that take place during translation, which item is unnecessary for translation to occur?

DNA templete

What is the proper order of events in the expression of a eukaryotic protein?

DNA unpacking, mRNA splicing, translation, protein folding

Dr. Smith's parents have normal hearing. However, Dr. Smith has an inherited form of deafness. Deafness is a recessive trait that is associated with the abnormal allele d. The normal allele at this locus, associated with normal hearing, is D. Dr. Smith's parents could have which of the following genotypes?

Dd and Dd

DNA is located in the nucleus in


Four decades after the end of the Vietnam War, the remains of an Air Force pilot were discovered and returned to the United States. A search of Air Force records identified three families to which the remains might possibly belong. Each family had a surviving twin of a missing service member. The following STR profiles were obtained from the remains of the pilot and the surviving twins from the three families. Based on analysis of the STR sites shown, which family is the missing pilot least likely to belong to?

Family 1 and family 2 are equally unlikely.

If one strand of DNA is CGGTAC, then the complementary strand would be


which people conducted the experiments that demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of bacteriophages

Hershey and Chase

Below are three statements. Which of the following choices properly matches the statements with the correct biological processes? I. This occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells with DNA polymerase II. Transfer RNAs bind amino acids in the cytoplasm. III. An RNA polymerase enzyme is required

I. replication II. translation. III transcription

Below are three statements. Classify them as examples of independent orientation, crossing over, or random fertilization. I: The formation of a zygote from an egg and a sperm is an unpredictable event. II: Random combinations of paternal and maternal chromosomes end up in gametes. III: An allele on the paternal chromosome 18 ends up on the maternal chromosome 18.

I: random fertilization II: independent orientation; III crossing over

Both mitosis and meiosis are preceded by


using the genetic code shown, what protein sequence does the RNA sequence CUAGCUCGAUAUCUC code for

Leu- Ala- Arg- Tyr- Leu

Which statement about microarrays is false?

Microarrays use tiny portions of double-stranded RNA fragments from a large number of genes.

Which statement regarding cancer risk factors is false?

Mutagens are usually not carcinogens.

in giraffes, long necks (N), long legs (L), dark spots (D), and the ability to digest maize (M) are all dominant traits. What possible genotype could a long necked, short legged, light spotted, maize digesting giraffe have?


If a person who commits a crime leaves even the smallest speck of their blood, hair, or other organic matter, the DNA in this material can be amplified by ________, subjected to genetic analysis, and used to identify the person as the perpetrator of the crime.


Blood samples are taken from the heel of newborn babies to test for a mutation in the PKU gene, why is this important?

PKU can be completely treated with dietary management of the amino acid phenylalanine, preventing any negative outcomes in the child, but the diet needs to be started immediately

Why can some plants be cloned from a single cell?

Plant cells can dedifferentiate and give rise to all of the specialized cells required to produce an entire plant.

Which statement regarding proteomics is true?

Proteomics is the systematic study of the full set of proteins encoded by a genome.

which statement regarding RNA is false

RNA contains the sugar dextrose

Which molecules are not required to express a gene in eukaryotic cells?

repressor protein

which statement regarding repetitive DNA is false

Repetitive DNA is identical in all humans

During a summer study abroad program, you traveled to Austria to study genetics at the University of Vienna. While you were there, a momentous discovery was made: some of Gregor Mendel's original lab books and notes were found to be buried outside of the abbey where he lived. It just so happened that the professor you were working with obtained copies of these notes and enlisted your help to decipher them. You hired a translator to translate Mendel's notes from Czech to English, and using your knowledge of modern genetics (which Mendel did not have!) you were able to construct a partial Punnett square (shown below). Because the notebook was damaged from being buried for so long, this is the only information that you have regarding a cross that Mendel must have performed. Your professor has tasked you with figuring out more about this experiment. In pea plants, round peas are dominant (R) and shriveled peas are recessive (r), and yellow peas (shown as light gray in Punnett square) are dominant (Y) and green peas (dark gray) are recessive (y). Using this information and the partial Punnett square above, what genotype should be listed in the square labeled A?


During a summer study abroad program, you traveled to Austria to study genetics at the University of Vienna. While you were there, a momentous discovery was made: some of Gregor Mendel's original lab books and notes were found to be buried outside of the abbey where he lived. It just so happened that the professor you were working with obtained copies of these notes and enlisted your help to decipher them. You hired a translator to translate Mendel's notes from Czech to English, and using your knowledge of modern genetics (which Mendel did not have!) you were able to construct a partial Punnett square (shown below). Because the notebook was damaged from being buried for so long, this is the only information that you have regarding a cross that Mendel must have performed. Your professor has tasked you with figuring out more about this experiment. In pea plants, round peas are dominant (R) and shriveled peas are recessive (r) and yellow peas (shown as light gray in Punnett square) are dominant (Y) and green peas (dark gray) are recessive (y). Using this information and the partial Punnett square above, what were the phenotypes of the parental plants that were used in this cross by Mendel?

Rryy and RrYy

What is the current standard tool used for DNA profiling by forensic scientists?

STR analysis

Which statement regarding skin cells and muscle cells in your body is true?

Skin cells and muscle cells each contain information about both muscle proteins and skin color.

what nucleotide sequence would be found on the complementary DNA strand of the strand shown here?


A stomach cell is producing pepsin, an enzyme that hydrolyzes proteins. Which event suggests that gene expression of pepsin has been turned off in the cell?

The chromosome area with the pepsin gene is tightly coiled.

Researchers are trying to make a genetically modified (GM) pig that expresses bovine (cow) growth hormone to make it grow bigger. They isolated the bovine growth hormone gene, cut it and a plasmid with the same restriction enzyme, and mixed them together. They inserted the mixture into pig zygotes, but only normal pigs, not GM pigs, grew. What did they likely do wrong?

They forgot to add DNA ligase after mixing the plasmid and gene together.

There is a mutation in the operator of the trp operon in a cell such that the trp repressor is unable to bind to the operator. If tryptophan is added to the cell, what will happen?

Tryptophan will bind to the repressor, and trp enzymes will be produced.

Four decades after the end of the Vietnam War, the remains of an Air Force pilot were discovered and returned to the United States. A search of Air Force records identified three families to which the remains might possibly belong. Each family had a surviving twin of a missing service member. The following STR profiles were obtained from the remains of the pilot and the surviving twins from the three families Based on analysis of the STR sites shown, does the missing pilot belong to any of these three families?

Yes, family 3 matches.

a pair of sex chromosomes found in a human male is most like

a bride and groom

most differentiated cells retain

a complete set of their genes and retain the ability to express those genes under certain circumstances.

the way that the genetic material of a bacteriophage enters a bacterium is most like the way that

a drug is injected with a hypodermic needle

a testcross is

a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual

which if the following statements about proto- oncogenes is false

a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene can stop cell division immediately

A nucleic acid probe is a(n)

a piece of radioactively labeled DNA that is used to locate a specific gene.

________ marks the end of a gene and causes transcription to stop

a terminator

the shape of a DNA molecule is most like

a twisted rope ladder

C. A Huether et al., Maternal age-specific risk rate estimates for Down syndrome among live births in whites and other races from Ohio and metropolitan Atlanta, 1970- 1989, Journal of Medical Genetics 35L 482- 90 (1998). Figure 8.20B Maternal age and incidence of down syndrome According to the graph, at what maternal age is the incidence of Down Syndrome equal to five times the incidence at age 40

about 44 or 45

Proteins that bind to DNA and turn on operons by making it easier for RNA polymerase to bind to a promoter are


The lac operon of E. coli is ________ when the repressor is bound to ________.

active; lactose

The expression of the tryptophan operon is controlled by

repressor that is active when it binds to tryptophan.

it is possible to synthesize proteins in vitro (in a test tube) without the use of living cells. If starting from a mature mRNA transcript, which of these items would be unnecessary for in vitro protein synthesis

adenine molecules

During the process of electrophoresis, the ________ functions like a molecular sieve, separating the samples according to their size.

agarose gel

Which action permits a single gene to code for more than one polypeptide?

alternative RNA splicing

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells use ________ to turn certain

transcription factors

which statement regarding genotypes and phenotypes is false

an organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be homozygous for that trait

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three sons in elementary school. Two of their children are progressing normally, but their last son, Charles, has been much slower than his siblings at developing speech and language skills. His parents are concerned that he has a learning disability and decide to investigate further. Since some learning disabilities can be genetically based, their pediatrician recommends a chromosomal analysis. The results show that Charles has a trisomy of the sex chromosomes, diagnosed as XYY, which is caused by nondisjunction in the formation of the father's sperm. The nondisjunction resulted in an extra copy of the Y chromosome. The extra copy was passed on to Charles during fertilization. Most often, this chromosomal change causes no unusual physical features or medical problems, but those with trisomy of the sex chromosomes do have a higher than normal risk of delays in learning development. During which stage of meiosis could this mistake have occurred

anaphase II

Research since Mendel's time has established that the law of the segregation of genes during gamete formation

applies to all sexually reproducing organisms

what type of inheritance fits the data in this pedigree

autosomal recessive

the phage is a virus that infects


Why does a DNA strand grow only in the 5' to 3' direction?

because DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing molecule

Adult stem cells have limited therapeutic

because their developmental potential is limited to certain tissues.

In female mammals, the inactive X chromosome in each cell

becomes a Barr body

which statement regarding the flow of genetic information is false

transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

Golden Rice is golden in color because it is rich in

beta- carotene

golden rice is golden in color because it is rich in

beta- carotene

the individual features of all organisms are the result of

both the interaction between genetics and the environment


can reveal alterations in chromosome number

The figure below shows a normal cell transduction pathway. If the receptor weren't there, the most likely outcome would be

cell division will be increased

the figure below shows a normal cell transduction pathway. If the receptors weren't there, the most likely outcome would be

cell division will be increased

In multicellular organisms, the coordination of cellular activities relies on

cell-to-cell signaling and signal transduction pathways.

which statement regarding prenatal testing is false

chorionic villus sampling is typically performed later in the pregnancy than amniocentesis

the expression of both alleles for a trait in a heterozygous individual illustrates


the presence of AB blood type illustrates the principle of


Which option most accurately lists the sequence of events in translation

codon recognition-- peptide bond formation-- translocation-- termination

A transgenic animal is an animal

containing a gene from another organism, typically of another species

a transgenic animal is an animal

containing a gene from another organism, typically of another species

which statement regarding the differences between mitosis and meiosis is false

crossing over is phenomenon that creates genetic diversity during mitosis

restriction enzymes

cut DNA at specific sites

There is a mutation in a promoter next to a gene such that RNA polymerase can never bind. What steps must occur for the gene to be transcribed?

transcription will never take place in this specific example

The cloning of Dolly the sheep

demonstrated that the nuclei from differentiated mammalian cells can retain their full genetic potential.

Mutations in the proto-oncogene ras and the tumor-suppressor gene p53

disrupt normal regulation of the cell cycle.

according to this figure, heterozygous for this form of hypercholesterolemia suffer from the disease because they

don't produce enough LDL receptors

which statement regarding Down syndrome is false

down syndrome is least likely to be seen in the infants of mothers over 40

Four decades after the end of the Vietnam War, the remains of an Air Force pilot were discovered and returned to the United States. A search of Air Force records identified three families to which the remains might possibly belong. Each family had a surviving twin of a missing service member. The following STR profiles were obtained from the remains of the pilot and the surviving twins from the three families. In order to match the pilot's remains to the correct family using DNA profiling,

each of the 13 STR bands must match.

the coding regions of a gene are called


which statement about eukaryotic RNA is true

exons are spliced together

The restriction enzyme BamHI recognizes the DNA sequence GGATCC and always cuts between the two G nucleotides. How many bases long is the sticky end of the DNA molecule that has been cut with BamHI?


which type of organisms commonly demonstrates polyploidy

flowering plants

the feature of "sticky ends" that makes them especially useful in DNA recombination is their ability to

form hydrogen- bonded base pairs with complementary single- stranded stretches of DNA

The feature of "sticky ends" that makes them especially useful in DNA recombination is their ability to

form hydrogen-bonded base pairs with complementary single-stranded stretches of DNA

the Restriction enzyme SacI Hazard recognition sequence GAGCT^C, where the caret (^) indicates the cut site. examine the DNA molecule below. how many separate molecules of DNA would you end up with if you treated the above DNA molecule with SacI?


we would expect that a 15- nucleotide sequence that includes a stop codon at the end (as part of the 15 nucleotide sequence) will direct the production of a polypeptide that consists of

four amino acids

the development of colon cancer occurs slowly and is more prominent in the elderly than the young. This is most likely because

four or more somatic mutations must occur to give rise to the cancer, which takes time

Genetically modifying _______ cells may directly affect future generations

gamete- forming

Genetically modifying ________ cells may directly affect


Biotechnology companies sell kits that allow you to do PCR to amplify STR regions from human blood samples that you have collected. What components would you expect to find in the kit in order to be able to do successful PCR reactions?)

heat-stable DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions, free nucleotides

which statement is true of the determination of height in humans

height is determined by variations in more than a hundred genes as well as environmental conditions

a carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely to be_________ to transmit it to offspring

heterozygous for the trait and able

Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry genes controlling the same inherited characteristics are

homologous chromosomes

at a chiasma, two ________ are attached to each other

homologous or nosister chromatids

Which mammal has not yet been cloned and brought through the complete gestation cycle?


The advantage of being able to clone the gene for human insulin is that

human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin.

which trait is an example of incomplete dominance in humans


Where do transcription and translation occur in prokaryotic cells?

in the cytoplasm

All the offspring of a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant have pink flowers. This means that the allele for red flowers is ________ to the allele for white flowers.

incompletely dominant

Imagine that beak color in a finch species is controlled by a single gene. You mate a finch homozygous for orange (pigmented) beak with a finch homozygous for ivory (unpigmented) beak and get numerous offspring, all of which have a pale, ivory-orange beak. This pattern of color expression is most likely to be an example of

incompletely dominant

which step occurs when RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter DNA

initiation of a new RNA molecule

Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling allow for ________ and ________ of the fetus so that it can be tested for abnormalities.

karyotyping; biochemical testing

the number of proteins in humans

is much greater than the number of genes

Why is the whole-genome shotgun method currently the tool of choice for analyzing genomes?

it is fast and inexpensive.

which statement correctly describes the behavior of a tetrad during anaphase I of meiosis

it splits into two pairs of sister chromatids and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell

which statement correctly describes the behavior of a tetrad during anaphase 1 of meiosis

it splits into two pairs of sister chromatids, and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell

which statement correctly describes the behavior of a tetrad during anaphase I of meiosis

it splits into two pairs of sister chromatids, and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell

what is the function of a tRNA molecule

joining to only one specific type of amino acid

The only cells that can correctly attach sugars to proteins to form glycoprotein products are

mammalian cells.

What can you conclude form this figure

mammals tend to have the largest genomes

in the genetic code

many amino acids are specified by more than one codon

which statement regarding the diploid life cycle if false

meiosis of the zygote generates somatic cells

which statement regarding the diploid life cycle is false

meiosis of the zygote generates somatic cells

which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false

meiosis provides for asexual reproduction

which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false

meiosis provides for sexual reproduction

Nondisjuntion occurs when

members of a chromosome pair fail to seperate

Small pieces of RNA that can regulate translation of mRNA are called


which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false

mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false

mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes at the parent cell

which statement regarding the function if mitosis is false

mitosis promotes genetic diversity

which statement best explains why dominant alleles that cause lethal disorders are less common that recessive alleles that cause lethal disorders

most individuals carrying a lethal dominant allele that cause lethal disorder and die before they reproduce, whereas individuals carrying a lethal recessive allele are more likely to be healthy and reproduce

A normal muscle cell produces the myosin protein, which allows muscles to contract. You discover a single muscle cell that has tRNAs that do not bind to amino acid. Will the myosin gene be expressed in this muscle cell? Why or why not?

no, because if the tRNAs that do not bind to amino acids, then translation can occur

if the four cells shown resulted from cell division of a single cell with diploid chromosomes number 2n= 4, what best describes what just occurred


Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three sons in elementary school. Two of their children are progressing normally, but their last son, Charles, has been much slower than his siblings at developing speech and language skills. His parents are concerned that he has a learning disability and decide to investigate further. Since some learning disabilities can be genetically based, their pediatrician recommends a chromosomal analysis. The results show that Charles has a trisomy of the sex chromosomes, diagnosed as XYY, which is caused by nondisjunction in the formation of the father's sperm. The nondisjunction resulted in an extra copy of the Y chromosome. The extra copy was passed on to Charles during fertilization. Most often, this chromosomal change causes no unusual physical features or medical problems, but those with trisomy of the sex chromosomes do have a higher than normal risk of delays in learning development. the problem that occurred during meiosis in sperm formation was

nondisjunction involving a Y chromosome

Most people afflicted with recessive disorders are born to parents who were

not affected at all by the disease

What is the correct order of structures in a chromosome from smallest to largest?

nucleotide, histone, nucleosome, tight helical fiber, chromosome

DNA ligase binds

nucleotides in the DNA backbone together

A gene that can cause cancer when present in a single copy in a cell is called a(n)


Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to normal cells becoming cancerous?

one or more of the cells genes being removed by a virus

Jacobsen syndrome, which can cause heart defects, intellectual deficiencies, and bleeding disorders, is caused by a deletion of the terminal end of chromosome 11. What method could you use to determine whether an individual has Jacobsen syndrome?

perform a karyotype using a persons white blood cells

When a T2 bacteriophage infects an Escherichia coli cell, which part of the phage enters the bacterial cytoplasm?

only the DNA

Mendel conducted his most memorable experiments on


a karyotype is most like

photographs of every couple at a high school prom.

To initiate a signal transduction pathway, a signal binds to a receptor protein usually located in the

plasma membrane

blood sample are taken fro the heel of newborn babies to test for a mutation in the PKU gene, which, if left untreated and in severe cases, can lead to mental retardation, reduced skin pigmentation, and seizures. which concept is being illustrated by this example?


sickle cell disease is an example of


which term refers to a situation where a single phenotypic character is determined by the additive effects of 2 or more genes

polygenetic inheritance

Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I results in an increase in the number of

possible combinations of characteristics

independent orientations of chromosomes at metaphase I results in an increase in the number of

possible combinations of characteristics

the lac operon in Escherichia coliv

prevents lactose-utilizing enzymes from being expressed when lactose is absent from the environment.

The term "gene expression" refers to the

process by which genetic information flows from genes to proteins.

examine the following two DNA sequences Sequence 1: ATGCGATGCTAGCAT sequence 2: ATGCGATGATAGCAT if both of these sequences code for proteins, how might the function of protein 2 differ from the function of protein 1? use the genetic shown for assistance

protein 1 and protein 2 will function exactly the same

Which plants in this figure must all be heterozygous?

purple flowered plants in the F1 generation

which plants in this figure must be all be heterozygous

purple- flowered plants in the F1 generation

When DNA from two sources is combined into one single piece of DNA, it is known as

recombinant DNA

RNA splicing involves the

removal of introns from the molecule

Restriction enzymes specifically recognize and cut short sequences of DNA called

restriction sites

restriction enzymes specifically recognize and cut short sequences of DNA called

restriction sites

A homeotic gene

serves as a master control gene that functions during embryonic development by controlling the developmental fate of groups of cells.

cancer of the colon is caused by

several somatic cell mutations

Multiple origins of replication on the DNA molecules of eukaryotic cells serve to

shorten the time necessary for DNA replication

the _______ Approach to gene cloning employs a mixture of fragments from the entire Genome of an organism in results in the production of thousands of different recombinant plasmid


which statement regarding sickle cell disease is false

sickle- cell disease causes white blood cells to be sickle shaped

A signal outside a cell triggers changes in the transcription and translation inside the cell through

signal transduction pathways.

which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is true

sister chromatids separate during anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis

Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA molecules on the basis of their


Which step in the creation of cDNA involves the use of reverse transcriptase?

step 2

Which step in this process requires use of restriction enzymes?

step B

a vaccine works by

stimulating the immune system

A vaccine works by

stimulating the immune system.

which structure in this figure shows one complete nucleosome

structure D

Use the accompanying figure to answer the following question. The bands and Ladder are in 10 base increments, starting with 10 bases at the bottom and going to 70 basis at the top. CS, Crime scene; suspect 1 S1 S2 suspect to S3 suspect 3. Which suspect is likely to have committed the crime

suspect 3

a eukaryotic cell has a nuclear envelope that prevents mRNA molecules from leaving the nucleus. What results should observed in this cell?

tRNAs will not bind to codons

This enzyme adds short, repeated DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes.


a telomere is

the tip of a chromosome

Mendel's law of independent assortment states that

the allele that a gamete receives for one gene does not influence the allele the gamete receives for another gene

Imagine that we mate two black Labrador dogs with normal vision and find that three of the puppies are like the parents, but one puppy is chocolate with normal vision and another is black with PRA (progressive retinal atrophy, a serious disease of vision). We can conclude that

the alleles for color and vision segregate independently during gamete formation

which statement regarding a ADN double helix is true

the amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine

what is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of an X- linked genetic disorder in the boy at the bottom of the pedigree shown

the boy has a new mutation for the disorder

Cancer is not usually inherited because

the chromosomal changes in cancer are usually confined to somatic cells

which process takes place during translation

the conversion of genetic information from the language of nucleic acids to the language of proteins

When plasmids are used to produce a desired protein,

the desired gene is inserted into the plasmid, and the plasmid is returned to the bacterium by transformation.

the "one gene- one enzyme" hypothesis states that

the function of an individual gene is to dictate the production of a specific polypeptide

which statement regarding cross- breeding and hybridization is false

the hybrid offspring of a cross are the P1 generation

In order for gene therapy to be permanent in the patient being treated,

the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply.

In order for gene therapy to be permanent in the patient being treated,A) the normal gene must be added to the germ-line cells.B) the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply.

the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply.

Which of the following possible uses of reproductive cloning is still considered by most to be an unresolved ethical issue?

the production of genetically identical humans for therapeutic purposes

An advantage of using reverse transcriptase to prepare a gene for cloning is that

the resulting DNA strand will lack introns

what statement about ribosomes is false

the ribosomes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are the exactly the same in structure and function

the alleles of a gene are found at ________ chromosomes

the same locus on homologous

which statement regarding translation is false

the start codon can be different depending on what kind of protein is to be translated

cloning to produce special embryonic stem cells is called

therapeutic cloning.

the directions for each amino acid in a polypeptide are indicated by a codon that consist of ______ nucleotides in an RNA molecule


The carcinogen known to cause the most cases and types of cancer is


A gene operon consists of

transcribed gene, an operator, and a promoter

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called


which mechanism of controlling gene expression occurs outside of the nucleus


The type of repetitive DNA composed of sequences of large repeated units is often associated with

transposable elements

Segments of eukaryotic DNA that can move or be copied from one site to another in the genome are called

transposable elements.

Varieties of plants in which self-fertilization produces offspring that are identical to the parents are referred to as

true breeding

You are a medical student and are reviewing a case study about a past patient. The patient was 4 feet 8 inches tall at age 38, was unable to have children, and had an above-average intelligence. The patient also had an irregular number of chromosomes. What diagnosis would you give the patient?

turner syndrome

Mutations in the p53 gene can lead to cancer by

turning off a gene for a protein that inhibits cell division

In the process of human gene cloning using plasmids, the bacterial plasmid is

used as the vector.

DNA replication

uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a template for the creation of a new strand

which variation of the sentence "what is the cat" is most like chromosomal inversion

where the is cat

which conclusion can best be drawn from this study

women in this study who were 45 years old had three times the incidence of babies with Down Syndrome as did 40- year- old women

You were trying to produce cDNA starting from mRNA in skeletal muscle cells. you add the following components to a two and let the reaction proceed: skeletal muscle in RNA, free nucleotides, in DNA polymerase. you find that there are no see DNA molecules in the products of the reaction. what is the most likely explanation for this result

you used DNA polymerase instead of reverse transcriptase

You are trying to reduce cDNA starting from mRNA is skeletal muscle cells. You add the following components to a tube and let the reaction proceed: skeletal muscle mRNA, free nucleotides, and DNA polymerase. You find that there are no cDNA molecules and the products of the reaction. what is the most likely explanation for this result?

you used mRNA instead of genomic DNA as a source material

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