Excel Final

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In the function =AVERAGEIF(Employee[PayType],"H",Employee[Annual Salary]) what does [Annual Salary] define?

name of the field or column

Which relational relationship is in which one record from the first table can be matched to only one record from the second table?

one to one

Excel uses the _______ to represent individual digits such as 0 (zero) and ?.


The SEARCH text function...

returns the number of the characters at which the find_text is first found reading left to right

Another word or explanation of what delimits means for Excel would be


BI stands for Business Intelligence which includes a suite of Excel tools used to discover relationships that may be hidden within a data set. True or False


You can summarize the data for ranges of time intervals from years down to minutes and seconds by using...

Timeline slicer

Which of the following is a line fitted to a scatter chart showing the relationship between two numerical variables?


Power View is an example of a dashboard, which is a data visualization tool containing interactive tables, charts, key performance indicators, and live maps. True or False


To display the number of females working from home, you could use the COUNTIF function.


When saving an Excel 2016 file in an earlier version (such as Excel 97-2003), the Compatibility Checker will alert you with a message that some features may not be supported by earlier versions of Excel. True or False


When you create a custom hierarchy, you must be viewing the data model in the diagram view of the Power Pivot window. True or False


In the following function =IF(LEN([Zip])=10,LEFT([Zip]),5),[Zip]) What does the [ ] square brackets mean?

field name in a table

What would be the formula that would display the label "Outstanding" if the amount owed in cell X5 is equal to 0 and the amount in cell R5 is equal to 200 , but otherwise leaves the cell blank?

=IF(AND(X5=0,R5=200),"Outstanding"," ")

Using the function =PROPER("AMANN") the end result would be


Whenever you enter a formula in an empty column of an Excel table, Excel automatically fills the column with the same formula. What is this called?

Calculated Column

To create a forecast sheet, you must be in which menu tab item in Excel?


The ________ is a database attached to an Excel workbook that provides many of the tools found in database programs such as Microsoft Access.

Data Model

The custom date format of ddd means?

Days as Sun through Sat

Applying the duplicate value conditional formatting rule deletes the duplicate records.


The AND function is a logical function that returns a TRUE value if any of the logical conditions are true and a FALSE value if all the logical conditions are false.


When typing in a function such as VLOOKUP, you must use all upper case letters. Functions are case sensitive.


If the formula=IF(OR(B25="NY",B25="CA",B25="TX"),"Select","Ignore")is entered in cell B26 and "PA" is entered in cell B25, what is displayed in cell B26?


Which text function returns the number of characters in a string?


Which of the following is the language that all steps in Power Query are written (hint-mashup query language...


What does the function =COUNTIF(Employee[Gender],"F") calculate?

Number of female employees

What is a BI tool for combining multiple data sources within a single data structure, including the ability to define relationships between data tables, and construct formulas to summarize and filter data values?

Power Pivot

The right text function...

Returns the specific number of characters at the right of the string.

The difference between an exact match and an approximate match table lookup is ...

exact match lookup occurs when the value entered must match one of the values in the first column of the lookup table

When you use the paste special command, you can...

all of the above

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